Chicken soup with quenelles. Soup with custard semolina soup Chicken soup with quenelles


1 large onion (100g), 1 small carrot (50~60g), 1 tbsp vegetable oil, 3 small potatoes (350~400g), 1.5 liters of water, 1.5 teaspoons of salt, optional - 50g dried porcini mushrooms


200g chicken fillet, 1/3 teaspoon salt, pepper, 50g milk or cream, 1 slice of loaf

Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
Pour oil into a frying pan and add vegetables.

Fry over low heat for 5 minutes. Vegetables should become softer, but not start to brown.

Peel potatoes, cut into small cubes and rinse in cold water to remove starch.
Pour water into a saucepan and put fried vegetables and potatoes. Dried porcini mushrooms can be added if desired.
Let the soup simmer for 10 minutes.

Chicken dumplings
Skip the chicken fillet through a meat grinder.
Cut off the crusts of a loaf slice. Soak the pulp in milk or cream. When the loaf is soaked, grind it into a pulp.
Mix bread with minced chicken, salt and pepper. Mix well.

Put half a tablespoon of minced meat into boiling soup.

Cook at a gentle boil for 10 minutes.
Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Easy, homemade soup, which can be recommended for children and diet food. The soup is very simple, but in this case, the method of making quenelles or dumplings is interesting. It is akin to eclairs when the dough is brewed. So let's get ready.

We need to take the following products: chicken broth (any meat), potatoes, carrots, onions, eggs, semolina, butter and sunflower oil, water, salt and herbs.

Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into cubes. We put it in a saucepan with broth and start cooking.

carrots and onion clean, wash and finely cut. Put in a pan with vegetable oil and allow 7-10 minutes.

We send vegetables to the pan. Cook until almost done.

We make quenelles. To do this, pour water into the dishes and put butter. Add a couple of pinches of salt. Bring to a boil.

When the oil has dissolved, add semolina and knead to a smooth, smooth dough. Turn off.

Let the dough cool slightly and add the raw egg.

Thoroughly mix the dough with the egg and form walnut-sized quenelles with wet hands.

To make the quenelles more even and smooth, roll them between your palms and send them to the soup. Salt the soup and cook for another 10 minutes. Ready quenelles will float.

At the end, put a little chopped parsley or dill.

Easy diet soup with custard semolina is ready.

Bon Appetit!

This soup recipe is as simple as it is amazingly delicious in the end. Nothing complicated, but this chicken quenelles soup tastes amazing. This recipe is all about the quenelles.

With the help of this preparation, these French "meatballs" are very tender and juicy. What cannot be said about chicken breast, for example. They are ready in no time.

Ingredients for making chicken soup with quenelles:

  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Broth - 2 liters
  • Baguette - 100 grams
  • Chicken fillet - 200 grams
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Yolk - 1 piece
  • Cream 20% - 100 ml.
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • Mushrooms - 50 grams

How to cook chicken soup with quenelles:

Soup you can cook the way you are used to. Throw any vegetables, cook on water or something else. In general, there are no requirements here.

Peel the baguette or loaf (depending on what you have chosen), leaving only the pulp. The bread should fit in your palms, you don't need more. Mix in a blender chicken fillet, slices of bread, cream, egg and yolk, salt and pepper to taste. If you like more spices, you can add any. It will take you no longer than 1 minute.

If you get a sticky and wet mass, then you are doing everything right. You can add cream if the mass turned out to be thick, and if it is liquid - bread and filet. Fire make more than medium. Make quenelles using tablespoons and immediately drop them into the broth.

While the dumplings are cooking, finely chop the mushrooms. Send them to the broth and let them cook for 3 minutes. Serve best with chopped parsley or dill.

step by step recipe with photo

Vegetable soup with chicken dumplings can be prepared for a children's table or for the whole family - it is light, fragrant, and easy to prepare. The vegetable component may be different - add zucchini, green pea, green beans or any other vegetables, mushrooms. The broth can be cooked on a chicken on the bone with the addition of spices, spices, herbs and roots (parsley, parsnip). And you can do vegetable broth- so the soup will turn out less rich, less satisfying, but lighter.


  • 150 g chicken meat
  • 2 tbsp. l. breadcrumbs
  • 50 ml milk
  • 1 bulb
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 3 potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 tbsp. l. chopped leek
  • 1/2 corncob
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • greens before serving


1. Pass the pieces of chicken meat with the peeled onion through the meat grinder. For minced meat, you can take chicken fillet or any other parts of the carcass without bones. If desired, you can buy ready-made stuffing.

2. Add 0.5 tsp to minced meat. salt, breadcrumbs and milk, stir. Optionally, you can add spices (ground black pepper, ground coriander, ground nutmeg).

3. Mix all the ingredients - the stuffing for the quenelles is ready. Now we need to boil it. Bring water to a boil in a saucepan or use simmering soup stock to simmer. Using two teaspoons, make oval small blanks and send them to the pan for 4-5 minutes.

4. Remove the quenelles and leave on a saucer. Since they do not contain eggs, they can lose their shape if cooked for a long time. Therefore, they will need to be added to the soup 5-7 minutes before the end of cooking.

5. If you decide to cook the soup on water, then you can use the water in which the quenelles were cooked. Peel and dice the potatoes and drop them into boiling water.