A real crumbly pilaf recipe. How to make real pilaf: crumbly rice as a secret! Gypsy pork pilaf

Reading 6 min. Posted on 05.01.2019

Pilaf - popular dish Uzbek cuisine, it entered the "golden fund" of world culinary. It's hard to spoil it if you follow the recipe. There are many variations of pilaf, among which everyone can choose something for themselves.

Secrets of Cooking Loose Rice

  1. When buying rice, they choose transparent packaging so that the quality can be assessed. The grains should be free of additional impurities, white / beige or slightly translucent. At home, the quality of rice is checked by smell: the grain should not smell like mold.
  2. Rice is thoroughly washed before cooking warm water, which is drained several times (5-7) until the liquid becomes transparent, thus getting rid of the starch contained on the surface of the rice. While washing the grain, rub it thoroughly with your hands.
  3. Take your time to use the washed rice right away. After draining the last water, let it brew for about forty minutes. Stir the beans periodically to absorb any remaining moisture evenly.

It is known that round grain rice contains more starch than long grain, so when choosing rice, give preference to varieties with elongated grains.

Why pilaf turns out like porridge or mistakes when cooking

  1. It is important to observe the proportions of products: rice, meat, carrots and onions are taken in the same weight quantities. This is the only way to achieve a balanced taste. Uzbek dishes and not end up with rice porridge with meat.
  2. You cannot take a pan with a thin bottom and walls. Choose thick-walled pans to distribute and retain heat evenly. If there is no cauldron, then a cast-iron saucepan or a rooster will do.
  3. A common mistake when cooking pilaf is a violation of the recipe when cooking zirvak (meat and vegetable component of the dish). Each of the three ingredients must be fried alternately in a well-heated fat so that the food is instantly coated. golden crust and did not have time to give juice.
  4. The order in which the products are booked is not followed. It is supposed to first cook zirvak, bring it to a boil, then put rice on top and pour water over it.
  5. Rice placed in a container on top of meat, onions and carrots should not be mixed, it is better not to open the lid during cooking and after the end for another ten minutes.
  6. The surface of the cereal is leveled, the water should cover it by a centimeter and a half. Holes are made on the surface with a wooden stick so that the steam rises up. Everything is cooked over very low heat, as if steamed.
  7. Lack of flavor is a common cooking mistake. Piquant taste spices give the pilaf: cumin, hot pepper, cumin, barberry. They emphasize the taste of meat, add spicy notes. Saffron, garlic, suneli hops will complement the composition.

The head of garlic is placed unpeeled, after cutting off the top.

Top 3 step-by-step recipes for crumbly pilaf

Uzbek pilaf

Culinary experts have over fifty recipes for Uzbek pilaf. And every housewife in Uzbekistan has her own cooking secret, which makes it unique. But still there is classic recipe, which is taken as a basis.

The dish is prepared on an open fire, certainly in a cauldron.

Ingredients :

  • rice variety "Devzira" - 1.5 kilograms;
  • lamb (preferably the scapula, brisket) - 1.5 kilograms;
  • carrots - 1.5 kilograms;
  • onions - 6-7 pieces;
  • garlic - 2-3 heads;
  • zira - half a glass;
  • barberry - half a glass;
  • fat, cut from meat or fat tail - 200 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 1 glass;
  • salt to taste.


Chicken pilaf recipe

Pilaf from chicken meat cook will be faster. It is suitable for the daily menu, since available products are used and the preparation process is simple. The recipe can be supplemented and used for festive feast by adding prunes, raisins or mushrooms to the dish.

Ingredients :

  • chicken - 1 kilogram;
  • long grain rice - 1 kilogram;
  • medium-sized onions - 5-6 pieces;
  • garlic - 4 heads;
  • a mixture of cumin and turmeric - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt, ground black pepper, paprika - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - ¾ glass.


Pilaf recipe in a slow cooker

Cooking pilaf in a multicooker requires a minimum of participation, this is a recipe for lovers oriental dishes who have little free time. A slow cooker will allow you to whip up pilaf.


Every housewife, about to cook delicious pilaf, worries about its friability. Indeed, for sure, all of us have at least once encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon as rice porrige with meat instead of the expected and beloved dish in many countries of the world. And then the experiments begin: we try to cook from different varieties rice, several types of meat, we try to cook as advised by mothers, and so on. And often we just give up, because the result is not happy.

What do the professionals say? Someone, and even real chefs, know exactly how to cook delicious pilaf, they will certainly tell you how to properly prepare such a dish. This article will reveal to you some secrets that will allow you to never worry about the unpredictability of this oriental food again. In addition, by choosing the recipe described in it from several suggested, you can avoid most of the most common mistakes.

Firstly, any rice can be made crumbly, no matter how long or round. But it is the steamed one that absorbs better than the rest meat broth, therefore, its preparation is easier for many housewives. Secondly, in no case should you neglect the rinsing of the cereal. This must be done at least 8-10 times until the drained water becomes clear. Be sure to pour cold water over the rice and let it get thoroughly wet. In the zirvak, the groats should be laid out with a slotted spoon so that excess liquid does not get there.

And most importantly, learn how to cook rice the right way. It needs to be steamed, but it has nothing to do with a double boiler. It is just that the fire under the cauldron should be kept to a minimum, a layer of cereal should be pierced in several places to the very bottom and the lid should be tightly closed. Check rice cooked once every 10-15 minutes, adding a little boiling water if necessary. At the last stage, when the cauldron has already been removed from the stove, it must be wrapped in a blanket and left there for a while. This secret of cooking any crumbly porridge Our great-grandmothers also knew, and now you know him too. Below is a description of several options for how to do crumbly pilaf, fragrant and truly delicious. Choose any recipe and improve your culinary skills!

Loose lamb and pork pilaf

There is a lot of controversy over which meat is better to use for making delicious pilaf correctly. Almost as much as around the question: "Which rice is more suitable?" Every Eastern or Asian country has its own opinion on this matter. It is clear that Muslims, due to religious beliefs, cannot cook pork, so it is customary for them to cook rice with lamb or chicken. But if there are no such restrictions in your family, then be sure to try the recipe described below and you will definitely be able to make delicious pilaf.


  • pork (pulp) - 500 g
  • lamb (pulp) - 500 g
  • long grain rice - 1 kg
  • sunflower oil for frying
  • onions (large) - 4 pieces
  • carrots (large) - 4 pieces
  • garlic - 2 heads
  • bay leaf - 5 pieces
  • salt, black pepper - to taste
  • turmeric - 1 tablespoon

This recipe, judging by the amount of its ingredients, is designed for a large company. But such pilaf can be cooked in a smaller volume. Just keep to the indicated proportions, trimming down the grams. Remember that rice, meat and vegetables should be taken in the same ratio - 1: 1: 1. Then you will be able to make crumbly pilaf, delicious, rich and having an extremely appetizing appearance. The dishes in which you cook are equally important. It is better to take a cauldron made of cast iron; a large deep frying pan will do.

So, first, rinse the rice thoroughly, cover it with water and leave for about an hour. Peel the onions and carrots, rinse and cut into half rings and thin strips, respectively. Wash, dry and cut the meat into equal medium-sized pieces. Pour vegetable oil into a skillet and heat until white smoke appears. Lay out the meat, quickly fry on all sides until Brown and pour it into the cauldron. Send to the pan onion slices, and when it turns golden, place with the meat. You can not fry the carrots, but send them to the cauldron immediately. Salt your zirvak well, season with spices and stir.

Strain the rice and place in an even layer over the meat and vegetables. Now carefully, along the side of the cauldron, pour in water, it should cover everything by about 1 centimeter. Make the fire maximum, wait until the pilaf boils, then reduce the heating temperature of the burner to medium values, pierce the rice to the very bottom in several places and cover with a lid. You need to cook for 20-30 minutes, then turn off the heat, stick more cloves of garlic into the top layer, cover the cauldron with a blanket or blanket and let the pilaf "reach", as they used to say in the old days.

Loose pilaf with chicken

In summer, you want to eat something light, tasty and nutritious at the same time. And if we women can be content vegetable salad and a sandwich with cheese, then men will not be delighted with such a menu. Children also need good nutrition. The recipe below will satisfy all of these requirements and will not take much of your time.


  • chicken fillet - 400 g
  • parboiled rice - 1.5 cups
  • carrots (medium) - 2 pieces
  • onions - 2 pieces
  • sunflower oil for frying
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • seasoning for pilaf - to taste
  • salt to taste
  • greens - 1 small bunch

Cooking method:

As always, any recipe starts with preparing the ingredients. Rinse the rice under running water until it turns white and soak. Cut clean dried meat into small pieces. Peel, wash and cut vegetables in any shape. It is preferable, of course, onions - in half rings, and carrots - in strips. But if there is no time, then you can do it in any other way, even grind it with a grater. Pour vegetable oil into the cauldron, warm it up properly and put the meat along with the onion. Saute until the onions are translucent and add the carrots. Cook until golden brown.

That's it, now pour a little water and simmer the zirvak until tender, remembering how to salt and season it properly. You can add greens both immediately and immediately before serving. Rice, previously strained, also transfer to a cauldron and level. Do not forget to use a spatula to make holes to the very bottom, as required by any recipe, so that the water boils away faster. You need to cook over medium heat until the liquid goes inside the cauldron from the surface. Now stick a few cloves of garlic into the rice, cover the cauldron with a lid and wrap something warm. After 10-15 minutes, the rice will absorb excess moisture and become crumbly and very appetizing. You can stir and serve.

Loose Uzbek pilaf at home

Oh, how beautiful pilaf looks like if you cook it according to all the rules of the Uzbek national cuisine! And how wonderful it smells! There is not even a hint of the notorious lumps, the rice is incredibly crumbly, almost amber. Yes, competing with professionals is a losing business. But even at home, you can make an excellent delicious pilaf if you adopt this simple recipe.


  • lamb (veal) - 500 g
  • onions - 500 g
  • carrots - 500 g
  • long grain rice - 500 g
  • vegetable oil - 150 g
  • garlic - 1 head
  • salt, spices - to taste

Cooking method:

Rinse the rice and soak in cold water... Cut clean and dry meat into small equal pieces. Peel and wash vegetables, with the exception of the head of garlic. Cut the onion into large cubes, and simply grate the carrots on a coarse grater if you don't want to mess around with slicing. Pour into the pan required amount vegetable oil, heat it properly and fry the meat until golden brown for 20 minutes, remembering to stir in time so as not to burn.

Then add the onion and continue to fry for another 5 minutes. After the indicated time, you can pour out the carrots, season the vegetables and meat with spices and cook the zirvak for 5-7 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat and carefully transfer its contents to a cauldron with a thick bottom. Lay rice on top of the zirvak in an even layer, from which do not forget to drain the water. Add 2-3 teaspoons of salt, someone likes it to be more, and someone - to less, so be guided by your own preferences.

Now, carefully, in a thin stream, fill everything with water, it should cover the rice by about 1 centimeter. If you pour less, then the pilaf will come out too dry, and if you overdo it, then instead of crumbling, you will get those notorious sticky lumps. Put the cauldron on fire, wait until its contents boil, and cover with a lid. The heating temperature of the burner must be minimized, because in order to cook crumbly pilaf, you need steam, not boiling liquid. After 20 minutes, the fire can be turned off, the rice will reach the desired state under the lid in a quarter of an hour. Mix everything and serve. Pilaf is delicious while hot.

Loose pilaf with beef

"Well, this is generally unrealistic to do!" - many housewives will exclaim and will be wrong. The recipe below will completely refute your beliefs if you dare try it. Indeed, this type of meat is not favored by cooks, because it takes patience and time to cook it properly. But pilaf with beef is always very tasty, it turns out to be crumbly and moderately fat. And its aroma will make the whole family run into the kitchen and impatiently wait for an invitation to the table. The recipe does not contain any special secrets, so you can safely cook, conquering culinary peaks!


  • boneless beef - 300 g
  • round grain rice - 2/3 cup
  • carrots (medium) - 1 piece
  • onion (large) - 1 piece
  • refined sunflower oil
  • salt, black pepper, bay leaf - to taste

Cooking method:

If the amount of ingredients seems too small to you, you can increase it, but only in compliance with the indicated proportions. Otherwise, the recipe will be violated, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to cook truly crumbly and tasty pilaf. So, cut the washed and dried meat into small identical cubes, put in a small saucepan and pour 1 liter of water. It should be cooked over medium heat. As soon as the foam appears, carefully remove it, salt the broth, season with pepper and bay leaf. You need to cook for half an hour. Then remove the meat on a plate and pour the remaining liquid into a cup, you will need it later.

Peel, wash and cut the vegetables: onions - in half rings, and carrots - into strips. Take deep thick-walled skillet, heat the vegetable oil in it, lay out the meat, add the carrots and sauté over medium heat for 5 minutes. Then add the onion there and cook for another 3 minutes. At the same time, boil water on another burner. Rinse the rice quickly under running water, drain it well and send it to meat and vegetables for frying. This will take 3-4 minutes.

After the indicated time, fill everything with boiling water and the broth in which the meat was cooked. In total, you should use 250 ml of liquid, no more. Cover the skillet with a lid and simmer over low heat until the water evaporates. Never stir rice and zirvak. For the first 15 minutes, you can't even look under the lid, but then watch the liquid level by making holes to the bottom of the pan. As soon as you see that the gravy is gone, turn off the burner, and leave the pilaf on a warm stove for another 10 minutes. Serve better with a salad of cabbage and fresh vegetables.

Each recipe described in this article has its own characteristics that allow you to cook delicious pilaf correctly and make the rice crumbly. If you carefully follow all the recommendations, then the dish will delight you with its appetizing view and rich, intense taste. As you can see, you shouldn't blame the wrong kind of rice for failures, as many housewives usually do. Adherence to the pilaf cooking algorithm and the selection of the correct ratio of meat, cereals and vegetables are of much greater importance.

But you can and even need to experiment with spices. For a beautiful golden color of rice, add a little saffron, as is common in Asia. The local chefs also put in cumin and barberry. The seasoning traditionally used in Europe includes paprika, black pepper, caraway seeds, onions and garlic. The dish with her will differ in taste from the Asian one. Try it, look for your own combinations of spices, do not be afraid to experiment, and then delicious pilaf will become your culinary "hobbyhorse"!

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This is the main stumbling block of all cooks who have ever cooked pilaf. Nevertheless, almost all of them agree that the best rice is devzira, as well as other Uzbek and Tajik varieties.

You can try to cook pilaf with other types of rice, but preferably not too starchy. And in any case, the rice must be rinsed well before laying it (until the water is clear). This will wash away the starch dust and prevent the pilaf from sticking together. Cooks also advise soaking it in cold water for an hour or more.

By the way, instead of pilaf, you can use wheat, chickpeas, corn and mung bean. But that's a slightly different story.


Lamb is traditionally used for pilaf, but beef is also suitable. You can also use pork, although Muslim chefs are unlikely to forgive you. The chicken option is also possible, but it already has little in common with the classic Uzbek pilaf.

It is better to choose meat from adult animals: it gives the desired rich taste.

The meat should be cut into fairly large pieces, about 5 x 5 cm or slightly larger. You can also fry meat in large, non-portioned pieces and chop it just before serving. It is believed that the larger the piece, the juicier the finished meat will be.


There are two main vegetables in pilaf: onions and carrots. Onions can be used onions. It is more difficult with carrots: in Central Asia, pilaf is often cooked with yellow carrots, but in its absence, ordinary orange carrots are also suitable.

The main rule is not to be too small. The onion is cut into rings or half rings, the carrots are cut into large cubes about 5 mm thick. If you finely chop vegetables and meat, then you get not pilaf, but rice porridge.


For the preparation of pilaf, either odorless vegetable oil is used, or animal lard (fat tail fat), or both types together. At home, the easiest way is to use refined sunflower oil.

You don't need to skimp: pilaf is a fatty dish. On average, 1 kg of rice takes about 200-250 ml of oil.


The space for experimentation here is impressive. And yet, more or less traditional seasonings can be distinguished:

  • garlic (slightly peeled and covered with whole heads);
  • hot red pepper (laid in a whole pod);
  • zira;
  • barberry;
  • ground black or red pepper.

You can also add thyme, coriander, suneli hops, saffron or other spices to your taste in pilaf. The easiest way is to use a ready-made seasoning mixture.

Other ingredients

In addition to the components listed above, pre-soaked chickpeas and dried fruits are often added to pilaf.

What kind of dishes to choose

Kazan, cauldron and cauldron again. With thick walls. In it, the meat does not stick, and the rice is cooked evenly and remains crumbly. It is best to use a cast-iron cauldron (especially if you are cooking pilaf over a fire), but an aluminum one will do.

A duckling can be a good substitute for a cauldron. And here is a saucepan, deep frying pan, wok and so on kitchenware will not give the desired effect, no matter how much you want it.

The basic principle of pilaf is as follows: first, zirvak is prepared (these are meat and vegetables fried in oil with spices and broth), and then rice is poured on top.

The standard proportion for pilaf is equal parts of rice, meat and carrots. The amount of onion can vary, but be at least 1–2 heads. It's the same with garlic.

Preheat the cauldron and pour the oil into it. It should warm up well so that the ingredients can brown quickly in the future.

Next, onions or meat are fried. If you are cooking pilaf with a lot of onions, you can fry the meat first. Put it in the cauldron gradually so as not to bring down the temperature, and do not turn it over right away - otherwise it may start to release juice.

The onions need to be fried until golden brown so that the finished broth gives color to the rice.


When the meat and onions are fried, the carrots are laid. It is broiled for a few minutes until tender.


Then all the ingredients are poured over with hot water. It should cover the meat by 1–2 cm. Then add garlic, red pepper pod, spices and other ingredients. Everything is salted to taste (or a little more salt is added than you like: the rice will absorb it) and cook over moderate heat for at least 40 minutes until the meat is tender.


After the zirvak is cooked, rice is laid. It is better to do this with a slotted spoon to distribute the rice evenly. On top of it, you can spice it up with a couple of pinches of cumin - for flavor.

  1. Rice is immersed in the broth (if necessary, more hot water is added through a slotted spoon so that it slightly covers the dish) and stewed open until the water is completely absorbed (about 20 minutes). Then the fire is turned off (if the pilaf is cooked over the fire, then by this moment the wood should just smolder), the cauldron is covered with a lid and the rice is left to steam for about 15–20 minutes.
  2. After laying the rice, the cauldron is immediately closed with a lid and the contents are stewed for about half an hour on minimal heat, and then it comes without fire for about 10 minutes.

When the heat is off, wrap the lid with a towel: it will absorb the condensation and prevent it from getting into the dish.

Garlic and pepper are removed from the finished pilaf. If large pieces of meat were used for cooking, then they are taken out, cut and spread on top of the mixed pilaf. If you used small pieces, you can mix the pilaf with them.

Pilaf is traditionally served on a large plate and decorated with a head of garlic on top. This dish is best combined with fresh vegetables.


Do you know other secrets of pilaf cooking? Share them in the comments.

There are many secrets in the world of how to cook pork pilaf so that the rice is crumbly.

  1. The first secret: If you want to cook crumbly pilaf from pork and not only from it, but also from other meat, never grate carrots! Better cut into thin strips. The thicker the straws, the more likely the pilaf will be crumbly. Observe the ratio of proportions in the recipe. There should not be a lot of carrots.
  2. Secret number two: Choose your rice grits carefully! Long grain rice is suitable for this. Round-grain rice is also fine, but you need to pay attention to the content of starchy pollen in the cereal. The less starch the better.
  3. Secret three: Before cooking, soak the cereal in hot salted water (not boiling water)! This will keep the rice from boiling over and turning your meal into porridge.

And now I will present to you directly the recipe for crumbly pilaf with pork.


  1. Pork fillet - half a kilo.
  2. Large onion - 1 pc.
  3. Carrots - 2 pcs.
  4. Vegetable oil - half a cup.
  5. Rice groats - 2 cups.
  6. Salt to taste.
  7. Seasoning for pilaf - 1 tsp.
  8. Garlic - 3 cloves.
  9. Barberry - 50 gr.


Cut pork into arbitrary not in large pieces and fry in highly heated oil. Choose the dishes at your discretion. This can be a cauldron, a kettle, or a deep frying pan. Fry for 10 minutes with stirring over high heat.

Cut the onion into half rings or less - it doesn't matter. It will still not be visible after cooking. But chop the carrots only into strips. Add to the meat and fry for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then add the carrots and continue frying for 5 minutes.

After that, pour boiling water so that the water covers the zirvak (pilaf base) just a little. Season with salt and spices. If you wish, you can add barberry and simmer, covered with a lid for 15-20 minutes on medium flame.
At this time, rinse the rice grits and soak in salt water for 15 minutes. Then rinse in cold running water in a sieve, drain the water. Place the rice on top of the zirvak, pour boiling water 0.5-1 cm above the surface of the cereal and, adding heat, cook until the moisture evaporates. Be careful, when cooking pilaf should boil evenly.

As the water boils away, make holes with the handle of a slotted spoon to the bottom and wait until the remaining moisture has evaporated almost completely. Separate from the walls of the cauldron with a slotted spoon up the hill. Squeeze the garlic into the rice. Then reduce the flame to low and, covering with a lid, simmer for 15 minutes. After turning off the boiler, do not open the boiler immediately, but wait 10 minutes for the dish to fill with the aroma of spices. Stir the finished dish and place on a large flat plate. Delicious crumbly pilaf ready to eat

The calorie content of pilaf with pork is 318 Kcal.

Bon Appetit!

The next recipe is also no less interesting. For him you need:

  1. Pork tenderloin - half a kilo.
  2. Rice groats - half a kilo.
  3. Carrots - 0.5 kg.
  4. Onions - 2 large onions.
  5. Vegetable oil - 2 ladles.
  6. Garlic - 5-6 cloves.
  7. Salt to taste.
  8. Barberry - half a glass.
  9. Spices for pilaf - 1 h / l.

How to cook crumbly pork pilaf:

Cut the carrots into strips and the onions into rings.

Cut the meat into large pieces of arbitrary shape and fry it in highly heated oil in a cauldron or kettle for 10 minutes. You can use a rooster or other cast-iron dishes for this purpose. Fry over a high flame.

Add the onion and fry for another 10 minutes, stirring constantly at the same temperature.

After a while, attach the carrots and continue frying for another 10 minutes. Do not diminish the fire yet.

Pour boiling water over zirvak (the basis of future pilaf), reduce heat to medium. Season with salt and spices and simmer for 20 minutes.

Before bookmark rice groats Throw in the barberry and peeled garlic and immediately load the thoroughly washed rice in advance, evenly distributing it over the entire surface of the pot.
Top up with boiling water so that it covers the cereal by 0.5-1 cm. Increase the flame to high and make sure that the contents boil evenly over the entire surface of the rice.

When the water boils away, pierce the rump in several places with the back of a slotted spoon to the bottom and let the bottom moisture also evaporate, but not completely. Then reduce the gas to small, collect a slide in the middle of the cauldron. Close the kettle and simmer for another 15 minutes.

After turning off the stove, do not remove the lid, but wait some more time to get a delicious meal. Then mix the pilaf and arrange on plates. Put on the table hot. Serve salads with the dish. Such as cucumbers with tomatoes or onion sliced ​​into rings and seasoned with vinegar. It is better to drink hot green tea.

Bon Appetit!

Now you know how to make delicious pilaf. If you follow the recipes step by step, you can cook a wonderful dish. Do not forget about the little secrets of making crumbly pilaf and everything will turn out the way you want! Good luck in the kitchen! Try the real one too.

Today we will learn how to make pilaf crumbly, or simply - how to make Uzbek pilaf at home.

Surely many housewives know how to make pilaf, but sometimes it turns out sticky and lumpy. Moreover, novice housewives, young girls - they still do not know how to cook pilaf correctly, according to a real recipe, so that it turns out to be tasty and aromatic. How to make pilaf crumbly? There are certain tricks here.

Let's make real Uzbek pilaf in our kitchen.

Attention: VIDEO is at the end of the article.

So, what ingredients do we need for the most real Uzbek, or classic pilaf? Here step by step recipe cooking of this delicious dish oriental cuisine:

1) We take 500 grams of meat, onions, rice and carrots. Vegetable (ordinary sunflower oil can be used) - 150 grams (2/3 cup).

You can choose the meat to taste - whatever you like. You can make pilaf from chicken, but someone likes it from pork, and someone loves traditional lamb. I like to make from beef, especially if from young veal - then the meat is soft. In any case, we cut all 500 grams of meat into small cubes, throw into a frying pan, pour vegetable oil and fry for 20 minutes until lightly browned. It is not necessary to the crust, since then we still have to fry it.

2) While our meat is fried, we also cut the onions into cubes, after 20 minutes, throw them into the pan, mix and fry with the meat in the pan for about 5 minutes (see photo).

3) We take carrots and rub on a coarse grater, as shown in the photo.

4) Add carrots to the pan to meat and onions, throw in 2-3 teaspoons of "For pilaf" spices, stir and fry it all for 5 minutes (see photo).

5) Then we remove the pan from the heat, and transfer all the contents into a cast-iron cauldron, or into a saucepan with a thick bottom. If you take Chinese pots with a thin bottom, the pilaf will burn at the bottom. Therefore, in order to prepare the pilaf that we need, a real cauldron, a Soviet iron pot, or expensive German pots, for example, from the Rendel company (see photo), which have high-quality stainless steel and a thick bottom, are best suited.

6) Rinse 500 grams of rice well with water, remove debris, if any, and also put in a cauldron on top of the meat. By the way, if the rice remains, it can be used to make a fish and rice pie.

7) Sprinkle on top with 2 teaspoons of salt without a slide (you can three, who like saltier). Fill everything with water, the level of which should not exceed 1 cm above the level of the rice (about a finger thick). If you add less water, the rice may not cook completely and the pilaf is too dry. And if you pour more, then the pilaf will turn out to be stuck together and lumpy, like in the dining room.

8) We put the pan on fire and bring to a boil, and only then close the lid. We reduce the fire to low so that only the water evaporates and so we steam our Uzbek pilaf for 15-20 minutes until the water completely evaporates.

9) Then turn off the stove, let the pilaf settle for 10-15 minutes and stir it while it is still hot.

And more for gourmets:

10 minutes before the end of cooking, 5-7 cloves of peeled garlic can be added to pilaf by simply sticking them into the depth of the rice.

To make the pilaf yellow or even golden, you need to pour a little saffron on the tip of a knife at the time of adding water to the rice. but do not overdo it with saffron, otherwise you will cook pilaf not yellow, but orange-red, and it will not have a very pleasant taste. After all, this is a spice, and you need to add spices a little at a time. And then, the yellow color also comes from carrots, so don't neglect adding carrots.

Here is our crumbly delicious pilaf ready.

I heard this recipe for pilaf from one Uzbek cook, slightly altered it for our Russian cuisine, and prepared it for all readers of this site. As you can see, the dish is actually quite simple, but it has its own tricks, which I told you. So cook it yourself Bon Appetit to you and your family.

And now a few video recipes on how to cook pilaf:

1) Uzbek:

2) Tajik, in a cauldron on fire.