Duck liver. Duck Liver Dishes

Duck liver is not often present on our table. The recipes that we use are more focused on pork, beef, maximum - chicken liver... However, on the eve of the holidays, you can pamper yourself with something new and unknown. At least in order to compare how an unfamiliar product differs from a long-tried one.

Duck liver in sour cream

In most cases, it doesn't really matter what is in your fridge - chicken or duck liver - recipes can be applied to both. In sour cream, both work equally well. This dish should be prepared as follows. A kilogram of duck liver is cleared of unnecessary layers - films, fat, etc., washed, drained and pierced with a toothpick (to prevent "shooting"). Cutting is not worth it: the meat juice flows out, and the dimensions of the product are not so large. The liver is rolled in flour and fried in hot oil until blush, after which it is laid out in a cauldron. In the juice left over from it, a fry is made from two onions; transferred to the liver. In a cup, sour cream (3 tablespoons) is slightly diluted with water, combined with salt and a spoonful of flour and whipped until smooth. The resulting mixture is poured into a cauldron, poured with water to the level of the liver, and after boiling, the contents are simmering for half an hour over low heat. At the end, the selected spices, herbs and salt are poured (if it is not enough).

Gourmet duck liver with tomatoes

It cooks very quickly, it turns out extremely fragrant, but for successful experiments you need a wok or at least a thick-walled and thick-bottomed vessel - in it the duck liver will be cooked. Most recipes mean it is not cut, but for this it is worth chopping the liver coarsely (at least in half). The offal is fried quickly and almost over maximum heat. If there is a lot of it, it will take several passes. Each batch is given no more than 3 minutes. In the fat remaining from the liver, frying is made from quarters of onion rings (three minutes, again, is enough). Chopped garlic, cumin and coriander are added to it - for half a minute. Then small cubes of tomatoes and 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar are introduced (for 800 g of liver; the rest of the seasonings are optional). After 3 minutes, the liver is again put into a container for five minutes, peppery and salted. Don't forget to stir!

Duck liver pate

One of the best and most unique dishes! Requires quite a few additional components, but worth the hassle. If you want to truly get it, don't neglect any ingredient.

The onion and a clove of garlic are finely chopped. They are stewed in butter for no more than four minutes. Prepared liver - about three hundred grams - is fried for three minutes along with fresh herbs - rosemary, parsley and thyme. When it cools down, everything that makes up the duck liver pate is poured through a blender to a paste along with 100 grams of butter. The mass is kneaded with two tablespoons of brandy, laid out in a bowl or container and poured over with melted butter. This concludes the preparation. You can eat duck liver pate as soon as it cools down. A sandwich with it can be decorated with herbs, olives or olives, capers and pickled small cucumbers.

"Foie gras"

All of the above is not a complete list of what a duck liver can make happy. Recipes offer herb tarts, casseroles, toasting and stewing options. However, nothing beats the illustrious French dish! To prepare it, you will have to spend a lot, because duck liver "foie gras" is made only from poultry fed on a special diet. The first liver that comes across, albeit a duck liver, will not work. And such a "blank" is two to three times more expensive than usual.

To cook it home recipe advises first to marinate the liver for half an hour in a glass of good port wine mixed with white pepper and salt (the marinade is enough for half a kilogram). Then the offal is wrapped in foil, punctured several times, and placed in the oven. The baking time is usually indicated on the package with the liver; on average - about half an hour. The main thing in this business is not to overexpose!

Duck liver. Duck Liver Dishes

Among the people, we are used to saying that we have cooked duck liver, but it is also known no less as foie gras. These are specially fed ducks with high fat content.

The benefits of duck liver: from a medical point of view, it is recommended for people who have physical or nervous exhaustion of the body, since it contains protein. It is good to eat duck liver for those who have weakened immunity. Prevents the appearance colds... Duck liver helps to improve memory and is good for mental overload. Duck meat is very useful because of its content of folic acid, carotene and vitamin B. When losing weight, it is recommended to eat only meat wild duck, it has less fat

Duck liver damage: not advisable for obesity and diabetes.

Canned Beans and Duck Liver Salad

Open the jar canned beans in white sauce. Drain the liquid by discarding the beans in a colander. Cut 200 g cherry tomatoes in half. Wash, dry and finely chop 100 g fresh parsley and 50 g basil greens. Also finely chop 4 peeled garlic cloves. Cut into rings 1 large head onions... Combine beans, tomatoes, herbs, and onions. Add 1 tbsp. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. olive oil, salt to taste. Place in a salad bowl. Now you need to prepare a salad decoration - duck liver. Rinse 300 g of liver, pat dry and fry in olive oil. Oil will need 2 tbsp. spoons. Fry until tender, put in a hot salad bowl. The salad turns out to be very effective!

Green beans salad with duck liver

Wash with 400 g of duck liver. Prepare the marinade: mix 100 ml of dry red wine, 2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar, a pinch of dried thyme and a pinch of dried celery. Soak the liver in the marinade for an hour (refrigerate). Wash 500 g of green beans - if frozen, then no need to wash - cover with water and boil until tender. Drain the water by placing the beans in a colander. Cut it into pieces. Peel and cut 1 large blue onion into small half rings. Peel 4-5 cloves of garlic, finely chop. Heat 3 tablespoons in a deep skillet. olive oil, add garlic and liver, fry the liver until tender. Put it in a salad bowl, add green beans and onions. Prepare the dressing: mix 2 tablespoons. olive oil and 2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar, 2 pinches of ground black pepper and salt to taste. Add dressing to salad, stir and serve, garnish with fresh herbs.

Duck liver with sweet and sour sauce

Peel 2 onions, cut into thin rings, fry in vegetable oil until golden brown and add 1 heaped tablespoon of sugar. Stir, add 500 g of pre-washed duck liver. Fry the liver quickly (within a minute) and remove it on a plate with a slotted spoon. Add 50 ml to the pan soy sauce, 50 ml of dry red wine, 2 tsp. wine vinegar... Bring the sauce to a boil, add salt and ground black pepper to taste. Place the duck liver in the sauce and stew a little. A little is about 5-7 minutes over medium heat. Then you need to serve the dish beautifully: using a slotted spoon, remove the onion and put it on a large flat plate. Put the liver on top, sprinkle with chopped fresh herbs and pour over the sauce in which the duck liver was stewed.

Duck liver pate with porcini mushrooms

Great news - you can use dried mushrooms. And the dish is prepared like this. Soak 1 kg of duck liver overnight in 3 glasses of milk. Then drain the milk, put the liver in a saucepan, add 5 tbsp. melted butter, 1 large onion, peeled and cut into rings, 2 carrots, peeled and grated on a coarse grater, and 200 g of dried porcini mushrooms. Simmer over low heat until the liver is tender. Season with salt and pepper mix to taste. Soften 200 g of butter in advance at room temperature. Mix stewed liver with vegetables and mushrooms and butter... Use a blender to turn it all into a delicate pate. And then use it as you see fit. This pate can be a hit on your holiday table!

Duck Liver Muffins

You will need 1 kg of duck liver. Wash the liver and soak for 2 hours in milk, then drain the milk, and pass the liver twice through a meat grinder, add 4 beaten egg yolk, 100 g of butter, grated on a coarse grater, salt and pepper to taste. Whisk 4 egg whites until firm peaks, mix with yolk-liver mixture. Add 2 tablespoons. semolina. Mix thoroughly, pour into muffin tins, put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake until tender. Check readiness with a dry wooden stick. Gently remove the duck liver muffins from the molds (they are very tender) and serve hot.


A quick, simple and tasty meal. Of course, you can cook not only from duck, but also from the more common in our retail chains chicken liver... I don’t know what played - tomatoes or balsamic vinegar, or maybe both together - but some non-lovers of the liver ate and admitted that it was delicious.

Serve best with mashed potatoes.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

800 g duck or chicken liver
1 medium onion
4 cloves of garlic
1/2 tsp ground coriander
1/2 tsp ground cumin (cumin)
1 large tomato
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
salt and ground black pepper to taste

Cut the liver into large pieces. Cut the onion into 4 pieces, then cut into slices. Finely chop the garlic, cut the tomato into cubes.
Heat 2 tablespoons in a saucepan or wok over high heat. vegetable oil... In 2-3 runs, fry the liver, stirring, until golden brown, about 3 minutes per run. We transfer to a plate.
Reduce heat to medium. Put onion and fry, stirring occasionally, for 3 minutes.
Add spices and garlic, fry for another 30 seconds. Add tomatoes and vinegar and fry, stirring occasionally, for another 3 minutes.
We return the liver to the saucepan, salt and pepper to taste and fry, stirring, until tender, for another 5 minutes.
Serve with mashed potatoes.

Duck liver pate recipe

To make duck liver pate you will need:
duck liver - 250 g;
onion - 1 pc. (small);
duck fat (skin) - 40 g;
fat cream - 90 ml;
salt, ground black pepper - to taste;
butter - 50 g.

Wash and dry the duck liver well.

Cut the duck fat into small pieces and place in a frying pan.
Put the pan on fire and melt the fat over low heat. The skins (greaves) can be removed, or you can leave them, then they will be interrupted with a blender. Cut the duck liver into medium pieces and place in a frying pan. Fry over medium heat for 5 minutes.
Add finely chopped onions to the liver, fry it with the liver over high heat for 3 minutes. Then reduce the heat and fry for another 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
After that, pour in the cream, let the cream boil over high heat. Then reduce the heat and simmer the liver for about 15 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and let the duck liver in the sauce cool slightly.
Transfer the liver with the sauce to a deep bowl and purée with an immersion blender until homogeneous mass.
Divide the pate into small tins.
Melt the butter, cool a little and pour the pate over it.
Further, molds with an unusually tasty, tender pate from the duck liver, place in the refrigerator until it solidifies. Butter allows the paste to be stored longer and prevents it from drying out. Bon appetit!

Duck liver pate

Duck liver pate is a delicious and mouth-watering delicacy made from fresh duck liver. The French prefer to cook it for Christmas.

Required ingredients for 1 kg of pate:

1) 500 g of duck liver;
2) 400 g of bacon;
3) a handful of seedless raisins;
4) 60 ml of dry white wine;
5) 60 ml brandy;
6) 5 yolks;
7) 1 tbsp. cream (22%);
8) 2 tsp. white pepper;
9) salt.

Cooking method.
The liver, peeled from the films, is salted, pepper, brandy is poured, and marinated overnight. The raisins are poured over with wine, a couple of tablespoons of water are added, and they are also left overnight. The liver with marinade and finely chopped bacon is pounded in a mortar (or mashed with a blender), pour in a mixture of yolks and cream, mix, rub through a sieve. Lubricate the form for pate (7-8 cm high) with oil, pour in the prepared puree, sprinkle with squeezed raisins, cover with a lid or foil, cook in the oven in a water bath (for example, in a frying pan with water 2/3 of the height of the mold) at a temperature of 180 ° From within 30 minutes. Take it out, let it cool, fill it with melted butter, store it in the refrigerator. Served with toast.

Duck liver mousse with pear

250g duck liver
1 large firm pear
50ml heavy cream
3 yolks
2 tsp Cointreau (cognac, brandy)
1/4 tsp ground ginger
salt (1/2 tsp), pepper

Grind the liver, cream, yolks in a blender until smooth. Add alcohol, ginger, salt, pepper. Peel and cut the pear into small cubes. Stir in the mousse.
Grease the mold with butter, put the mousse and bake for 40 minutes at 180C.
Cool the mousse to room temperature, wrap in foil and refrigerate for a day.
(I additionally added a tablespoon of cranberries.)

The mousse turned out to be very tender and tasty, slightly sweetish from the pear.

Duck liver terrine with persimmon

duck liver - 1.5 kg
pink peppercorns
brandy - 100 ml
gelatin granules - 20 g
duck fat - 100 g
balsamic sauce
salt, freshly ground white pepper
Spanish persimmon - 300 g +1 fruit for decoration
Cut the persimmon into small pieces, rub through a sieve and mix with half the brandy. Soak gelatin in 3 tbsp. l. cold water for 10 minutes, then heat in a water bath, adding the remaining brandy, until dissolved, stirring. Mix gelatin with persimmon, beat with a whisk, cool, 30 minutes, whisk regularly and do not allow to freeze completely. Rub the liver with salt and white pepper. Cut the fat very finely, put in a deep frying pan with a thick bottom and melt over low heat until crispy cracklings. Remove greaves with a slotted spoon (they are not needed). Increase heat to medium. Put the liver in small portions in the heated fat, fry on both sides, often turning, until golden crust, 5-6 min. serving. Put the finished liver in a bowl. When the whole liver is fried, sprinkle it with balsamic sauce, season with salt and pepper, and cool. Line a rectangular cake pan with foil, sprinkle with pepper on the bottom. Lay out 1/3 of the liver. Then put half of the persimmon jelly, again 1/3 of the liver, the remaining persimmon and, finally, the remaining liver. Drizzle with juice and some fat from a frying pan, sprinkle with pink pepper. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 3 hours. When serving, garnish with persimmon slices sprinkled with balsamic sauce.

Duck Liver Terrine

marjoram - 1 sprig
black peppercorns - 1/2 tsp
juice of 1 large orange
duck or goose foie gras (trimmings are possible) - 150-200 g
thyme - 1 sprig
butter for lubrication
anise liqueur - 50 ml
leeks - 1 stalk
Madeira wine - 50 ml
For filing:

Seasonal berries
baguette - 1 piece
fresh herbs

Remove the stems from the thyme and marjoram, chop the leaves. Put black pepper in a dry frying pan, put on medium heat and heat, shaking, for 1-2 minutes. Transfer to a mortar and crush quite finely.

Remove the ducts from the liver, cut the liver into slices, put in a bowl, add liquor, madeira, Orange juice, thyme and marjoram. Season with salt and pepper from a mortar, cover, refrigerate for 1 hour.

Cut off the white part of the leek (you won't need it). Cut the green leaves one at a time so that the leaf unfolds into a rectangle, rinse from the sand. Place in a deep frying pan, cover with boiling water and keep on low heat, 2-3 minutes. Take out and dry.

Grease a rectangular heat-resistant form with butter, overlap the leek leaves so that the ends hang down on both sides. Sprinkle the leaves with melted butter on top. Remove the liver from the marinade with a slotted spoon, place in a mold on top of the leek leaves (save the marinade). Cover the liver with the dangling ends of the leek. Cover the mold with foil, place in an oven heated to 110 ° C for 40 minutes.

Remove from the oven, cool, cover with foil and refrigerate for 8-10 hours. When serving, if desired, remove excess fat from the top, cut across portions. Bring the marinade to a boil, pour over the terrine and serve with a baguette, fresh herbs and seasonal berries.

Poultry liver shashlik

Cut the processed goose or turkey liver into pieces and scald with boiling water. Skewered or skewered with slices of pork smoked brisket and pre-fried caps fresh champignons... Sprinkle the kebabs with salt, ground pepper and fry over ash-covered coals until tender.

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Poultry kebab

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Liver shashlik Ingredients 250 g of beef liver, 350 g of fat tail fat, 25 g of dill, parsley and cilantro, 25 g of salt, spices (any). Method of preparation Rinse the liver and cut into rectangular cubes with fat tail fat. String pieces of liver on a skewer, alternating with