Braided puff pastry with sausage. Dish of the day: quick Pletinka pie

Make a quick snack? Choose sausages in puff pastry! You can take ready-made or do it yourself - it turns out beautifully and tasty!

Want to please your family on Sunday morning? Wake them up with the scent of fresh baked goods. I am sure no one will refuse a crispy French pastry pie, which contains a favorite sausage with mushrooms and spicy sauce... Another plus of such a breakfast as sausages with mushrooms in puff pastry, it is quickly and easily prepared, if you do not forget to buy ready-made puff pastry in a store or bakery yeast-free dough and make the sauce and mushroom filling in advance.

  • ready-made puff pastry;
  • thin sausages;
  • fresh mushrooms;
  • onion;
  • mayonnaise;
  • ketchup;
  • dry granular garlic;
  • chicken eggs;
  • sesame;
  • vegetable oil;
  • pepper and salt to taste.

First of all, boil thin sausages, they must cool before we wrap them in the dough. Since the Berliners are quite long, I cut them in half. But you can use your favorite sausage variety for this dish.

While the sausages are cooling, let's start with the mushroom filling for our pies. First you need to cut onions into cubes and fry them in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Peel and cut fresh mushrooms or oyster mushrooms into small pieces, add to the onion and fry until mushrooms are tender. Season the mushroom filling with salt and pepper to your liking and cool until room temperature.

For the sauce, take in equal proportions mayonnaise and ketchup, season with salt and pepper. Add some dry granulated garlic for pungency and flavor. Mix everything well and let the sauce steep so that the garlic swells and begins to share its properties.

Expand the finished puff pastry, cut into small squares. Make notches on one side with a sharp knife.

Grease the other part of the workpiece generously with sauce.

Spread the onion-mushroom filling in an even layer on the part of the square greased with sauce.

Put boiled sausage on top of the mushrooms.

Form a rectangular patty and pinch the edges.

Line a baking sheet with baking paper and place the prepared items at some distance from each other. Whip a raw egg and grease the puffs.

To make your pies attractive appetizing view, sprinkle with sesame seeds before baking.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and send the baked sausages to the oven. After 10 minutes, when the dough begins to exfoliate and rise intensively, reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bake the products until tender. It usually takes me about 30 minutes to bake the sausages in the dough. Serve ready-made sausages in puff pastry in a warm form.

Recipe 2: oven baked sausages in puff pastry

Sausages in puff pastry is a recipe that even the most novice cook can handle. It is simple to execute, and the result is always great. Today we refuse yeast dough, thereby freeing ourselves from a long kneading. We apply a ready-made purchased or pre-prepared semi-finished product, cut it into strips and quickly wrap the sausages. This elementary dish is a great alternative to sandwiches, perfect for a picnic in nature or for a simple family tea party.

  • sausages - 10 pcs.;
  • puff pastry (yeast-free) - 400-500 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.

Defrost the finished puff pastry in advance. It is better to do this in the evening by transferring the semi-finished product from the freezer to the refrigerator shelf. With this method of defrosting, the dough will become as pliable and "obedient" in work as possible. We roll out a rectangular layer 2-3 mm thick and cut it into strips 2-2.5 cm wide.

Extracting from the shell raw sausages and wrap each with puff pastry. If the length of the strip does not allow you to completely wrap the sausage product, take another strip and simply "glue" them together.

We spread our blanks on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. We keep the distance between the sausages, as the dough will grow a little during the baking process.

Beat the raw egg with a fork, combining the yolk and white. Using a silicone brush, we lubricate the top of each workpiece so that the finished products acquire an appetizing golden brown crust.

We send sausages in puff pastry to a preheated oven. We bake for only 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees. As soon as the dough is browned, you can take out the baking sheet.

Cool the sausages in puff pastry until warm. We serve as an addition to first courses without meat, or simply organize a hearty snack with a cup of tea. It would be appropriate to supplement baked goods with herbs or fresh vegetables.

Sausages in puff pastry in the oven are completely ready! Bon Appetit!

Recipe 3, step by step: sausages in puff pastry with cheese

  • 500 grams of yeast-free dough;
  • 200 grams of cheese;
  • 10 grams of dairy sausages;
  • 60 grams of butter;
  • optional cucumber.

Sprinkle a little flour on the countertop. Take a sheet of dough and roll it out, then cut it into strips about four centimeters thick.

Now prepare the sausages. Remove captivity or skin from them, you do not need to boil. If they are thick, you can cut them in half lengthways. This can still be done in order to save money. But you can leave it intact.

You should also cut the cheese into strips such that you can wrap them up.

Now take a sausage, combine it with cheese, you can add a cucumber if you wish.

Take a strip of dough and start wrapping the sausage with cheese and cucumber in it. Do this with all available products.

Now you should take a baking sheet and grease it. butter... You can also cover it with parchment paper. Lay out the sausages. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Place a baking sheet in it and bake the sausages in the batter for about 20 minutes.

That's all, the sausages are ready. Serve them warm or hot with tea. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 4: how to beautifully cook sausages in puff pastry

  • 0.5 kg of purchased yeast-free puff pastry;
  • 6 sausages;
  • 1 egg;
  • salt, pepper to taste (about 0.5 tsp each).

The finished puff pastry from the store should be completely defrosted. In this case, it is not advisable to use a microwave oven or other defrosting options, but simply leave the unpacked dough in a warm place for 30-40 minutes. If the dough does not reach room temperature, then the flowers from it may crack and the dish will not turn out so beautiful. When the dough is thawed, set the oven to preheat to 200 degrees, after removing a large baking sheet from it. Now you can start cooking sausages in dough.

So, just in case, so that the dough does not stick, lightly dust our work surface with flour. We spread the dough and roll it out a little, without breaking its rectangular shape. Cut with a knife into 6 pieces. We clean the sausages from the film and put them on the pieces of dough assigned to them.

Roll up the dough and pinch the edges with your fingers. Purchased dough usually very obedient, and do not be afraid that you will not be able to work with him.

We take each sausage in our hand and make neat cuts every 1.5 cm. The cuts should be deep, but you should try not to cut the sausage completely. We fold the sausages in the dough into a ring with cuts outward and carefully pinch the edges so that the sausages do not unfold in the oven.

Cover the baking sheet with parchment or lightly sprinkle with flour. We spread the sausages in the dough on it. Break the egg into a bowl, beat a little with a fork, like an omelet. We coat our beautiful sausage flowers in the dough with an egg.

We send it to the preheated oven for 20 minutes.

That's all! Beautiful sausages in the dough are ready! Unfortunately, I did not have time to lay out and decorate them beautifully, because my household was very hungry. But it is quite possible to form beautiful flowers from such sausages in the dough. As a decoration, you can use green onion feathers for the stalks, boiled quail eggs for the heart of the flower, spinach or parsley for the leaves. If Wa has any ideas, share them in the comments. And Bon Appetit!

Recipe 5: sausages in puff yeast dough (step by step)

An excellent snack option for a schoolchild or student - puff sausages yeast dough in the oven. The recipe with a photo will tell you step by step about all the stages of cooking this at first glance. difficult test... Sausages are very tasty - dough with many layers, crumbly, aromatic. And at the same time, thanks to baking in the oven, rather than frying in oil in a pan, these sausages are not so harmful.

  • Kefir - 150 ml
  • Wheat flour - 350 g
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Fresh yeast - 15 g (or dry 1 tsp with a slide)
  • Salt - ½ teaspoon
  • Sugar - 1 tsp.
  • Margarine - 150 g
  • Creamy sausages - 12 pcs.

Mix salt, sugar in warm kefir and dissolve fresh or dry yeast. If your yeast is dry, replace 15 g wet 1 tsp. with a slide of dry (about 5 g). Add the egg and 50 g of warm margarine there.

Gradually adding the sifted flour, slowly stir it into the dough with a kitchen whisk. Then dump it on a floured table and knead soft dough until the moment it starts to come off your hands. Cover it with a tea towel and let sit for about 60 minutes. During this time, the dough should come up at least twice.

Press down on the dough, releasing the air, and roll it into a rectangle or oval 1 cm thick.Place thin slices of sliced ​​margarine (not melted) in half.

Cover with the other half of the dough.

Cut the margarine back into half the dough.

Cover with the other half of the dough. Repeat the same procedure again, rolling out the dough a little with a rolling pin, if it has already become small.

Cut the dough with yeast into longitudinal strips according to the number of sausages. Wrap a strip of sausage, pinch the edges.

Do this with each sausage and leave them to come up a little for 15 minutes. You do not need to lubricate with anything.

Place a baking sheet with sausages in an oven preheated to 190-200 degrees and bake for 25-30 minutes until browning.

The crispy puff pastry and the juicy warm sausage inside are the place to start a wonderful day.

Recipe 6, simple: sausages with potatoes in ready-made dough

  • ready-made puff pastry 1 pack
  • sausages 500 g
  • mashed potatoes 500 g
  • hard cheese 100 g
  • feta cheese (optional) 50-100 g
  • vegetable oil 2 tablespoons

Defrost the puff pastry at room temperature. Prepare mashed potatoes, season vegetable oil and stir in the grated cheese.

Cut the sausages in half lengthwise, grate the cheese on a fine grater. Powder the table with flour, roll out the dough and cut into rectangles, make small cuts on one side.

Put potatoes on each rectangle, sausage on top, sprinkle with cheese. Press the edges well.

Cover baking sheet baking paper, place in a preheated oven and bake at 200-220 degrees for 20-30 minutes (be guided by your oven).

Recipe 7: how to make puff pastry sausages (with photo)

Many people love puff pastry with sausages. It's delicious and hearty option both for tea drinking and for a snack. It is convenient to take them with you to a picnic or just on the road. In the case of guests on the doorstep, baked sausages in puff pastry- also a great option. For cooking, you can also use homemade puff pastry or buy in the store, which will significantly save time! And if you wrap them in an unusual way, then ordinary sausages baked in dough will look much more appetizing and tasty!

  • 400 g of puff yeast dough;
  • 350 g sausages;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. white sesame;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. flour (for working with dough, optional).

"Sausage in dough" is a rather boring pastry. It is everywhere and everywhere! But I found one recipe for how you can arrange this pie in a rather unusual way. What else I liked about the braid is that it can be eaten in parts - by breaking off the ringlet - and at the same time it will not look "bitten". So, the process itself ...

The braids with sausages include:

  • Sausages
  • Yeast pie dough(homemade or purchased)
  • Optionally - mayonnaise or ketchup for decoration.

Method of making braids with sausages

Boil the sausages beforehand - then they will be tastier. Cool to about room temperature. Cut the dough into small pieces and roll out into flat cakes, large enough to wrap the sausage completely. We make cuts about 1-1.5 cm thick - so that the sausage is cut completely, and the dough is not completely cut. And we unfold it in turn in different directions to make a braid.

Gently transfer it to a leaf greased with vegetable oil, let it stand and bake like ordinary buns.

As an option:

When the braids are almost ready - you can decorate them - draw a strip of mayonnaise or ketchup from an envelope along the contour of the dough, and hold in the oven until cooked.


We will not cook today, but we will braid. After all step by step recipe with the photo below, it is rather an instruction for a creative approach in cooking a simple and hearty pie rather than a full-fledged recipe for some pretentious dish.

To create such a culinary miracle, we need only seven juicy and hearty Viennese sausages, a couple egg yolks and a sheet of ready-made puff pastry.

This sausage pie recipe is perfect for making it at home, when there is not so much time, but homemade baked goods literally requires a shower.

At first glance, it may seem that forming this cake is not easy, but in the process you will realize that this is a common basket weaving.

As a sauce for such a dish, you can serve finely chopped tomatoes in own juice, to which you can also add a wide variety of spices to taste.

Let's start preparing this delicious pie with sausages in the oven.


  • (1 sheet)

  • (7 pcs.)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (taste)

  • (for filing)

Cooking steps

    To make such a simple and uncomplicated cake, we need finished sheet puff pastry. Today it can be purchased packaged in absolutely any store. If the dough is frozen, then defrost it, put it on a clean baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and then cut it into even strips using a special pizza knife. The width of each strip should not exceed 1 centimeter.

    We alternate the stripes and fold each even one to the right in half as shown in the photo.

    We clean the sausages and begin to weave them into strips of dough. To do this, put the first sausage in the center of the entire dough on the fold of the first strips. We cover the sausage with test strips parallel to each other so that we get a neat basket weaving.

    Now we wrap the odd strips of dough in the same way as we did the first time and as shown in the photo. Place the second sausage and cover it with bent strips. Then we turn off the even ribbons to the right again and put the next sausage. Thus, on the left side of the pie from the central part, we must braid three more sausages and carefully blind the edges of the dough on this side. We repeat these manipulations with the remaining sausages and weave them into dough ribbons on the right side.

    Beat two yolks with a whisk in a deep bowl, salt them a little to taste. Cover the surface of the braided pie with whipped yolk.

    We heat the oven to 180 degrees and send a baking sheet with a pie into it. We bake the dish for 20-30 minutes until the dough is ready, then remove it from the oven and let it cool slightly.

    Cut the dish and serve it still hot with tomato sauce and fresh herbs. Oven baked puff pastry pie with sausages is ready.

    Bon Appetit!

  • Puff pastry - 500 g
  • Vienna sausages - 7 pcs.
  • Egg yolk - 2 pcs.
  • Salt to taste
  • Tomato sauce - for serving

Cooking method

1. Put the dough on a clean baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and then cut it into even strips using a special pizza knife. The width of each strip should not exceed 1 centimeter.

2. We alternate stripes and fold each even one in half to the right.

3. We clean the sausages and begin to "weave" them into the strips of dough. To do this, put the first sausage in the center of the entire dough on the fold of the first strips. We cover the sausage with test strips parallel to each other so that we get a neat basket weaving.

4. Now we wrap the odd strips of dough in the same way. Place the second sausage and cover it with bent strips. Then we turn off the even ribbons to the right again and put the next sausage. Thus, on the left side of the cake from the central part, we must braid three more sausages and the edges of the dough on this side must be carefully blind. We repeat these manipulations with the remaining sausages and weave them into dough ribbons on the right side.

5. Beat two yolks with a whisk in a deep bowl, salt them a little to taste. Cover the surface of the braided pie with whipped yolk.

6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and send a baking sheet with a pie into it. We bake the dish for 15-20 minutes until the dough is ready, then remove it from the oven and let it cool slightly.

How and with what to serve

Cut the finished pie and serve hot with tomato sauce and fresh herbs.
Bon Appetit!