Risotto with breast and mushrooms. Cooking Italian risotto with chicken and mushrooms: recipes for all occasions

The chicken and mushroom risotto is one of the popular versions of the Italian classics. V this option, to the creamy arborio starchy rice base, rich broth and dry white wine, two useful, light and nutritional components, thanks to which the dish acquired a richer taste and unique aroma.

Risotto - classic recipe with chicken and mushrooms

The classic mushroom risotto recipe is prepared like the rest of the options.

  1. Fry onions with rice, pour in wine and, stirring, wait until the liquid is absorbed.
  2. Broth is added, and when only half of it remains - mushrooms and chicken. Add the remaining broth, and after 20 minutes remove from the stove, add butter and cheese.
  3. Cooking risotto with chicken and mushrooms will take no more than 20 minutes if you prepare all the ingredients in advance: boil a fragrant broth, grate cheese, chop mushrooms and onions.
  4. Only dry white wine should be used, rice - only Arbrio, Carnaroli or Vialone varieties.

Risotto with porcini mushrooms and chicken is rightfully considered one of the most fragrant options. This is the merit of porcini mushrooms - incredibly fragrant in fresh, and in dried form, they differ in a concentrated aroma, taste and a denser texture, which contrasts brightly with a delicate chicken fillet and harmoniously combines with the firmness of rice.


  • dry porcini mushrooms - 40 g;
  • chicken fillet - 350 g;
  • broth - 750 ml;
  • arborio rice - 370 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • wine - 100 ml;
  • grated parmesan - 80 g.


  1. Soak mushrooms in warm water for 30 minutes.
  2. Simmer the onion in olive oil for 2 minutes.
  3. Add mushrooms and chicken fillet slices. Add rice.
  4. Pour in the wine, let it soak and gradually pour in the broth.
  5. Season with porcini mushroom risotto with butter and cheese.

Risotto with mushrooms is a win-win option for a delicious and quick dinner... The fact is that even in the absence fresh mushrooms can always be purchased frozen. You don't even need to defrost them, you can put the mushrooms in a preheated pan, wait for the excess liquid to evaporate, add onions and oil, and follow the recipe.


  • frozen mushrooms - 220 g;
  • chicken fillet - 250 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • broth - 1 l;
  • grated parmesan - 120 g;
  • arborio rice - 1.5 tbsp.


  1. Simmer the mushrooms for 8 minutes.
  2. Add onions. Add fillet pieces.
  3. Lightly sweat and add rice.
  4. After a couple of minutes, start topping up the broth.
  5. Sprinkle the chicken and frozen mushroom risotto with the cheese.

Considering that the Italians themselves diversify the dish in their own way, nothing prevents our hostesses from making risotto with minced chicken... This is a simple, quick and very practical dish that allows you not to use broth, since minced meat perfectly secretes juices, which are enough for the risotto to acquire a rich taste.


  • rice - 250 g;
  • minced chicken - 350 g;
  • water - 700 ml;
  • tomato paste - 70 g;
  • clove of garlic - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • champignons - 200 g;
  • cheese - 80 g.


  1. Darken onions, garlic and mushrooms.
  2. Add minced meat and stir
  3. After 5 minutes, add the tomato paste.
  4. Add water gradually while stirring.
  5. After 15 minutes, season with cheese and remove from the stove.

Risotto with mushrooms and meat has a lot of cooking variations. Traditionally, the dish contains fried mushrooms, but the combination with canned ones is no less interesting. Their sweet and sour taste is discordant with stewed rice, but at the same time it is in harmony with smoked chicken, which in this recipe also an experiment.


  • rice - 250 g;
  • pickled mushrooms - 200 g;
  • fillet smoked chicken- 150 g;
  • green pea- 80 g;
  • wine - 120 ml;
  • broth - 550 ml;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • cheese - 90 g.


  1. Fry onions, add rice. After 3 minutes, pour in the wine.
  2. Add broth and simmer, stirring for 10 minutes.
  3. Add peas, mushrooms and smoked chicken pieces.
  4. Season the chicken and pickled mushroom risotto with cheese.

For those who want to turn it into a restaurant-level dish with chicken and mushrooms, it is better to cook it with chanterelles. Professional chefs respect these mushrooms for their safety and high taste qualities and sophisticated gourmets appreciate the attractive appearance and miniature size, adding to the dish the sophistication of haute cuisine.


  • arborio rice - 150 g;
  • chanterelles - 100 g;
  • chicken fillet - 200 g;
  • cheese - 40 g;
  • wine - 50 ml;
  • broth - 550 ml.


  1. Fry the onions with the chanterelles.
  2. Add rice, wine and simmer for 3 minutes.
  3. Pour in 250 ml of broth and simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Add the fillet pieces and pour in the rest of the broth.
  5. Simmer with mushrooms for another 10 minutes. Sprinkle with cheese.

Created especially for those who lack the creaminess of arborio rice. Cream is best poured in during the final cooking phase to maintain the rice's shape and texture while adding tenderness and flavor. Along with the cream, cheese is added to the dish, preferably grated parmesan or peccorino.


  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • chicken fillet - 250 g;
  • champignons - 200 g;
  • rice - 370 g;
  • wine - 120 ml;
  • cream - 100 ml;
  • cheese - 50 g;
  • broth - 1 l.


  1. Fry mushrooms and onions with chicken pieces, add rice.
  2. Pour in the wine, let it evaporate.
  3. Pour chicken broth into the dish in portions. Add cream and cheese at the end.

A gift for every housewife who does not want to suffer, kneading rice on the stove for about half an hour. A slow cooker is a gadget designed just for slow simmering, and therefore helps to gradually release starch from rice, giving the dish a creaminess even without adding dairy products.

The history of risotto

Milanese risotto

Saffron and yellow rice.

It was September 1574. The construction of the Duomo, the main cathedral of the city, has already been going on for almost two centuries. On the huge roof of the cathedral, a real city grew from barracks and galleries, in which marblers, carpenters, sculptors, carpenters from all over Europe lived.

Several Belgians lived in one of the houses of this Italian Babylon. Valerio di Fiandra, a master glassblower, had to finish several stained glass windows, depicting episodes from the life of Saint Helena. For this responsible work, Valerio took his best students with him to Milan. One of them was very distinguished by its amazing ability to dispense paints. He achieved excellent artistic results. What was the secret of a talented student? In a pinch of saffron, skillfully added to the finished paint. Because of this, the student was even nicknamed Saffron. No one remembered his real name: the nickname became so attached to him, and the name was lost in the centuries.

Valerio's teacher knew that his most promising follower was using saffron, but did not attach much importance to this. Valerio only made fun of the student, repeating that if he continued in the same spirit - mixing saffron everywhere, then in the end he would have to add saffron to the risotto!

One and the same joke, heard from year to year, bored Saffron. And he decided to play a prank on the teacher. On the feast of the Virgin Mary, Valerio's daughter was to be married. Saffron thought it was a perfect opportunity to sprinkle some yellow pollen into the dishes of the wedding dinner.
It was not difficult for him to bribe the cook ...

Imagine the surprise of the diners when a very strange pyramid of risotto in the color of ... saffron was placed on the table!

Some of the guests dared to try a dish of amazing color. Then the example of the daredevil was followed by another guest, more and more ... Soon there was not a grain left of the huge saffron-colored rice pyramid!

Saffron failed to spite his teacher. But the recipe for a typical Italian dish was born - Milanese risotto.

This story is a legend. But, surprisingly, they managed to find the true story of the origin of the Milanese risotto. Scientists examined the documents and got to the origins.

The main feature of Milanese risotto is the yellow color that the dish gets from saffron. "Colored" dishes were prepared mainly by Arabs and inhabitants of medieval Europe.

In the 14th century, rice was cultivated in Naples. From here, thanks to the close political and family ties that Aragonesi had with Visconti, and then with Sforza, rice cultivation migrated to northern Italy. The plant took root in places where there was swampy soil.

A century later, Scappi referred to "rice from Salerno or Milan" in the recipe for "The first dish of rice in Damascus", as if to remember where this product comes from (just as sugar has been called "sugar from Cyprus" or "from Madera ").

The first collections of trecento recipes offer dishes in which rice plays a fundamental role. "Biancomangiare", compiled by an unknown Tuscan author, envisioned rice or, alternatively, flour made from it, cooked with milk, sugar, spices, dyed with saffron and yolk.

The Catalan "Biancomangiare", in turn, prescribed almonds add to rice flour, spices, sugar, but did not mention saffron in any way. That is, adding saffron to rice has more Italian roots than Arab-Spanish.

In the middle of the cinquecento, they first started talking about "Lombard-style rice dish": cooked rice, lined with layers of cheese, egg, sugar, cannella, cervelat and pieces of capon. This dish also has a yellow color, which is obtained due to the presence of cervelat in its composition - a typical Milanese sausage with saffron.
Until the 1700s, nothing changed in recipes. Unless they just decided to cook rice by adding broth. But in the 1700s, the Milanese risotto recipe took on a more distinct form.

The first trace is found in Oniatology (Food Science) by an anonymous author. Here it was proposed to add butter, cannella, parmesan and egg yolks to the rice to make the dish turn yellow.

Other recipe books suggest mixing onions, milk and spices to achieve the same effect.

The final recipe took shape in the early 1800s. In 1809, the book Modern Cuisine was published in Milan. Here it was prescribed to cook rice with butter, cervelat, bread crumb and saffron broth.

The name "Risotto in Milanese" is first encountered in "New Economical Milanese Cuisine" (1829) by Felice Lucarci. Grated cheese and musakt were added to the ingredients.

We offer one more delicious recipe chicken, which can be quickly prepared at home, is the chicken risotto. In addition to the classic type of preparation of this dish, this page contains three more recipe options: Risotto with chicken and mushrooms, Risotto with chicken and vegetables, Creamy risotto with chicken and porcini mushrooms.

Risotto with chicken and mushrooms

Step 1

Add 200 g of any mushrooms to the list of ingredients - champignons, oyster mushrooms, chanterelles. Cut the mushrooms into pieces that are slightly smaller than the chicken pieces. Fry separately, but in a mixture of creamy and olive oil, salt and pepper.

Step 2

Add fried mushrooms in risotto along with chicken. If desired, salt the finished dish with salt and dry porcini mushrooms to enhance the aroma, and add a pinch of dried thyme when frying the mushrooms.

Risotto with chicken and vegetables

Step 1

Add 1 small carrot, half a large bell pepper (red or yellow) and 100g frozen green peas to the list of ingredients. Optionally, you can substitute vegetable broth for chicken broth.

Step 2

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and save with the onions and garlic.

Step 3

Cut the bell peppers into small squares and fry until soft in a mixture of butter and olive oil. Add thawed green peas to the pepper 5 minutes before cooking. Add the vegetables to the risotto along with the chicken.

Creamy risotto with chicken and porcini mushrooms

Step 1

Cut 150 g of porcini mushrooms into thick slices, fry in a mixture of butter and olive oil, salt and pepper. Place the mushrooms in the risotto at the same time as the chicken.

Step 2

Along with the grated cheese, add 100 ml to the risotto. cream of maximum fat content.

Step 3

Sprinkle the risotto with a few drops of truffle oil when serving as desired.

On our site you will find many more delicious dishes... We recommend to try

Risotto is italian dish from a special type of rice with a high starch content. The rice turns out to be tender and velvety, but at the same time it does not boil over. The finished dish turns out to be amazingly aromatic, thanks to the addition of fresh parsley and dried thyme. Rice in the finished risotto acquires a creamy taste. Risotto can be cooked with different toppings, but this time I'll show you how to make chicken and mushroom risotto.


  • Chicken fillet - 300-400 g
  • Special rice for risotto - 300 g
  • Mushrooms (fresh or frozen) - 400 g
  • Parmesan cheese - 100 g
  • Bulb onion - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Fresh parsley - 1 small bunch
  • Dried thyme - ½ tsp
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Salt to taste


Rinse and dry the rice. Remember that from regular rice you won't be able to cook risotto, you need to use special varieties, I used this kind of rice.

Heat half the butter in a skillet and add the rice. Stir the rice with the oil; the oil should spread evenly over the rice. Fry the rice for 3 minutes.

Then add 1 cup of hot boiled water to the rice and cook until the water evaporates. When the water has evaporated, add another glass and so add water until the rice is fully cooked. The total cooking time for rice is 30 minutes.

Add the remaining butter and finely grated Parmesan cheese to the cooked rice.

Stir well, add salt, some pepper and dried thyme. Stir again. Salt rice and chicken separately to distribute the salt more evenly.

Simultaneously with the rice, cook the mushroom chicken. To do this, peel the onion, cut it into cubes and fry in a little sunflower or olive oil for 10-15 minutes. So that the onion does not burn, it must be constantly stirred.

Wash the mushrooms, cut into medium pieces and put on the onion. I used champignons, but you can use any Forest mushrooms, it will only be tastier. If you are using frozen mushrooms, then they can be thrown onto the onion without frosting.

Saute the mushrooms over medium heat for 20 minutes. The liquid should completely evaporate.

Fry the chicken in a separate skillet over high heat until it becomes lighter in color. This will seal all the juices inside. Put the fried chicken to the mushrooms and simmer for 15 minutes. Do not overdo the chicken or it will dry out.

Chop the parsley finely and put it on the finished chicken. Add salt and pepper there. Mix everything thoroughly.

Combine rice with chicken. Mix thoroughly.

The chicken and mushroom risotto is ready, serve hot with a glass of white wine. The risotto is just great.

Bon Appetit!

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The famous dish called risotto is heard by every gourmet. True, not everyone knows that culinary creation originally from distant Italy. In this amazing country, it is a national dish; the dishes are prepared mainly from a special kind of rice, enriched with starch (it is healthier and not boiled over), meat and various vegetables. The composition of the dish is similar to oriental pilaf, it differs only in the addition of piquant spices, and the cereal in it turns out to be more crumbly.

There are an unthinkable number of recipes for this dish: with pumpkin, seafood, cheese, tomatoes, cream and other ingredients. If you are expecting guests and do not know about their taste preferences, we recommend preparing a risotto with chicken and mushrooms. This is a win-win option that everyone, without exception, will like. Also imagine interesting recipes with additional ingredients for real gourmets.

Mushroom risotto with chicken (photo): recipe with cheese

A set of groceries can be purchased at any grocery store. For the dish, choose rice groats Arborio varieties - in it you will find a harmonious combination of nutrients for the body (you will need about 1.5-2 glasses). You also need to stock up on chicken fillet (three hundred grams), champignons or porcini mushrooms (two hundred grams).

The risotto with chicken and rice also includes butter (50 g), onions (one head), Parmesan cheese (150 g), five liters chicken broth. Piquant taste add spices: thyme, garlic salt, black pepper (ground) and fresh parsley.


Heat butter in a deep cauldron, put washed and dried rice, fry for a couple of minutes. Then pour in half of the broth - as soon as the liquid has evaporated, add the rest of the chicken soup and cook until tender (about twenty minutes). In the finished cereal, grate the Parmesan with thyme and salt, mix.

Cook the rest of the ingredients separately. Saute the finely chopped onions until golden brown, add the chopped mushrooms and fry. In another skillet, simmer the poultry fillet pieces. Combine both masses, season with salt, pepper and chopped parsley. Transfer the mass to the rump. Serve hot chicken and mushroom risotto with a glass of wine.

Asian recipe with cream and shrimp

The combination of products unusual for our people will pleasantly surprise households and guests.

Required components:

  • a glass of rice,
  • 10 pieces. large shrimp,
  • chicken breast or fillet - 300 g,
  • 50 g cheese
  • cream 30% - a glass.

You will also definitely need a chili pod, a pinch of curry, black pepper and nutmeg, as well as ginger root (a small piece for flavor), basil, onions, butter (a tablespoon) and a little less than a glass of table wine. Instead of water, it is better to take a liter of meat broth.

Cooking technology

Rinse the ginger root, cut into thin strips and sauté butter... Then remove the plant, put the chopped onion over the speed, when it is fried, pour over with wine, cover and wait until the alcohol has completely evaporated. Pour cereals into this onion mixture and mix.

Fry the fillets in a separate container. Rice with shrimps (they can be chopped) and chilli pour broth, add pepper, nutmeg and curry, simmer under the lid for 15 minutes. When there is no liquid left in the dish, pour in the cream, chop the basil, leave for another 10 minutes so that the cereal is well saturated with fat creamy mass... Sprinkle the chicken and cream risotto with grated cheese and garnish with cherry tomatoes. Delicate food with creamy taste will amaze you with the first spoon.

How to cook risotto with chicken, mushrooms and green peas?

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • chicken carcass - 1 kilogram,
  • white wine - 100 g,
  • 150 g arborio rice,
  • oyster mushrooms or champignons - 200 g,
  • large carrots - 1 pc.,
  • a jar of canned peas.

In addition, you must have an onion, celery, lavrushka (two leaves), butter (two large spoons), garlic (a slice) and black pepper available.

Cooking instructions

Immerse the gutted bird (whole) in water, wait for a boil, put peeled carrots, peppers, bay leaves and celery. Cook for half an hour. Strain the broth. Remove the skin from the chicken, cut the sirloin, fry with onions, mushrooms and peas.

Mix boiled cereals with softened oil and wine (must be soaked). If the dish is made for a child, then alcohol should be excluded from the composition. Pour in a little broth, transfer the mushroom filling and spices. Place the risotto with chicken and mushrooms on a beautiful dish and garnish with herbs.

Multicooker recipe

If you have a microprocessor device in your kitchen, then you can easily make an Italian dish without any extra effort. At the same time, all nutrients are preserved in it.

Among the ingredients you will need:

  • 300 g of rice groats,
  • one chicken breast
  • fresh or frozen mushrooms - 200 g,
  • three cloves of garlic,
  • butter - 50 g,
  • spices: thyme, nutmeg, salt, pepper.

Put butter in the bowl of the device and fry the chopped onion with garlic on it, then send the fillet pieces (boneless) to the vegetables and set the "Fry" or "Stew" option for 10 minutes. After the expiration of the time interval, add mushrooms with cereals. Season with the necessary spices (optional), pour in three liters of water and cook in the "Porridge" mode for half an hour.

Italian risotto with chicken and mushrooms will take pride of place in the recipe book. If you wish, you can use any kind of meat or fish instead of chicken - it turns out to be no less tasty and satisfying.