Plum pie new york times. New York Times plum pie recipe with photo

Plum cake from the New York Times - the legendary cake, the recipe of which is very interesting story... American plum cake became a symbol of the outgoing summer for many Americans at the end of the last century. Marian Berroz, the author of the recipe, dedicated it to the season that had begun, plums that were sold everywhere at attractive prices. From 1983 to 1989, the New York Times published Marian Burroz's recipe every September. Readers inundated the editors with letters of gratitude and requests to print the recipe next season. After six years of publishing and a steady stream of reviews, the New York Times printed a large-format plum cake recipe and even dashed it around it so that housewives would finally cut it out and stop bothering the editorial board. After that, a statement was made about the last release of the recipe to print. What started here! Angry letters poured in, and one reader explained the importance of the annual publication of the pie: “The appearance of this recipe is bittersweet, like the pie itself. Summer is leaving, it is being replaced by autumn. Your yearly recipe epitomizes this. Don't be angry with us. "

Since the first publication, the recipe for American pie has evolved slightly. So, in the first version, 1 glass of sugar is indicated, and in the 1989 recipe - three quarters of a glass. There are variants with apple and cranberry - other symbols of autumn. Then came the summer version of the recipe with blueberries and pears. What explains the popularity of plum pie? Its dough is very tender, with a creamy flavor from the butter and a crispy crust. The pie is prepared quickly, if not instantly. Products are always at hand. I adhere to the classic recipe and invite you to prepare a fragrant symbol of the outgoing summer with me step by step. In the process, you can fantasize and add something to the recipe. I hope that for my readers, publishing this pie will grow into something more than just a recipe.

  • 3/4 Art. sugar + 2 tbsp. for powder;
  • 113 g butter;
  • 1 tbsp. flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 tsp baking powder for dough;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 12 plums of the prune variety, Hungarian, etc .;
  • 1 tsp cinnamon.

1. We select plums from which you can easily separate the bone from the pulp. Plum varieties "Hungarian" and "prunes" are also very fragrant, dense and juicy. Cut the washed plums lengthwise into halves and take out the seeds. IN classic recipe 12 small drains are used.

2. In a separate bowl, combine the cinnamon and sugar for dusting. If you cook a pie in a small form, about 20 cm in diameter, there is even a lot of this powder.

3. Combine sugar with eggs. IN original recipe 1983, exactly 1 glass of sugar is indicated, however, even with 2/3 of a glass, the pie seems very sweet.

4. Beat everything in homogeneous mass until bubbles appear.

5. Add flour to the beaten eggs. It is advisable to sift it. So we will saturate it with oxygen, and the cake will turn out to be truly airy. And with the help of a sieve, we will separate solid and foreign particles from the flour, which can spoil the taste of the cake. Now fill in baking powder, a pinch of salt and put a soft butter(you can margarine). For convenience, a couple of hours before making the cake, leave the butter to lie down at room temperature, and we do not have to resort to additional softening procedures. By the way, the original recipe says that salt is optional, but it's a natural flavor enhancer that won't hurt the cake.

6. Whisk thoroughly dough whisk ohm. You can use a spoon, but it is longer and more difficult. The photo in the recipe shows that the consistency of the dough is thick, and the color depends on the eggs.

7. The bottom is not b ol shoy r but detachable form cover parchment paper... Lubricate the walls with oil so that the cake separates well.

cover the bottom of the split form ament ohm, we lubricate the walls


8. Put the thick dough into the mold.

9. We spread the mass with a spoon.

10. On top, lay out the plums with an incision upwards so that they bake well. From the halves of the plums, such "boats" are obtained, in which the fragrant plum juice... Do not press down the half; during the baking process, they themselves will drown a little due to the fact that the dough will rise. If the fruit is large, you will need less than what is listed in the ingredients list. It is necessary that they all fit evenly into the mold.

I love recipes with history. You immediately understand that there must be something in this dish or baked goods that the recipe has become a kind of legend. If you do not know the history of this cake, then I will tell you now. According to the World Wide Web, for a long time the New York Times (one of the oldest and most authoritative publications in the United States of America) published a recipe for a plum cake on its pages in the culinary section. But in 1995 it was announced that the recipe was coming out for the last time and a recommendation was made to keep it for yourself.

I don't know if the newspaper kept its word ... But below I offer you, firstly, a text in English with a list of ingredients and a brief description of the cooking process, which I copied from the official website of the newspaper. Maybe, of course, the pie was no longer published in the paper version, but in the electronic version it is alive and well.

I quote it absolutely unchanged, and then we will move on not just to translation, but to a detailed one. step by step cooking cake with a photo.

But first, my little tip. Actually, not only mine, but the whole family. Despite its absolute simplicity (even a person who first decided to cook something himself can handle it), this American plum pie is very tasty. The dough is soft, loose and slightly moist. From above, due to the juice and sugar sprinkling released from the plums, a crispy caramel crust is formed. So the conclusion is - bake a New York pie, do not hesitate.

In American cooking, the measure of ingredients is somewhat unusual for us. It's not even a metric or other system of measures, but habits. For example, they measure out bulk ingredients in cups. So, a cup is a container with a volume of 200 ml. Butter is usually measured with a stick (stick), which is exactly 4 ounces or 113.5 grams. "Stick" is a standard package of butter, as we once had a pack weighing 200 grams. In our recipe, butter is measured in a cup because it is soft, at room temperature. For your convenience, I will make both a translation and indicate in brackets our traditional measures - grams, etc.

Ingredients for the cake

  • sugar - 3/4 cup (170 gr.);
  • flour - 1 cup (140 gr.);
  • butter - 1 cup (100 gr.);
  • baking powder (baking powder) - 1 tsp;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • plums - 24 halves;
  • sugar and cinnamon for sprinkling.

Attention! In Runet, there are many recipes for this pie and the amount of ingredients for all is approximately the same, but it differs from the one I indicated above. The very first time I baked according to the instructions of a Russian-language website that I respect, however, being a rather experienced hostess (at least, I want to think so), I did not pour out all the flour at once. Typically, its amount varies on sites from 220 to 250 grams. 200 grams was more than enough for me. After that, I stormed Google already in English and quite easily found the original recipe on the website of the New York Times.

And one more note, one last. The pie is small, but given the flavor, consider adding more ingredients. I had a mold with a diameter of 22 centimeters, and the height of the cake turned out to be about 4 centimeters.

How to make a plum pie based on the New York Times

  1. We get the oil out of the refrigerator in advance, we need it soft, but in no case do we drown it!
  2. Put butter in a bowl, add sugar and grind with a fork.
  3. We break the eggs into a mass. We mix. You can use the same fork, you can use a mixer.
  4. Sift flour mixed with baking powder and salt into a bowl.
  5. Mix and get the dough. Look at its consistency. It should not be liquid, but not thick either. Like thick sour cream. If it is liquid, add flour, it cannot get too thick.
  6. I took a ceramic baking dish. It is enough to grease this with a piece of butter and lightly dust it with flour. If you have this form with non-stick coating, it is better to line the bottom with baking paper, and then also grease both sides and paper with oil, then sprinkle with flour.
  7. We transfer the dough to the mold. We level with a spatula.
  8. We need ripe plums, but not overripe, to keep their shape well. We cut them in half, take out the bone. Although, the list of products contains 24 halves, i.e. 12 whole plums, their exact amount depends on the variety and, accordingly, the size. Too tight, I would not recommend. It took me 6 plums (12 halves).
  9. We lay them out with a cut up, pressing them a little into the dough. Do not deepen too much, the dough will rise in the oven and may completely hide them.
  10. Mix together 2 tbsp. sugar and 1 tsp. without a slide of ground cinnamon. Sprinkle this mixture over the top of the cake.
  11. We put to bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C (360 degrees Fahrenheit equals 176.67 degrees Celsius). The baking time is quite long - 40-50 minutes. You may need to cover the top with foil while baking. Watch the crust.
  12. Cool the finished cake in the form. From ceramic, I did not get it at all, there is no need for this. From the other you will have to get it. But first, it is better to let it cool slightly, not completely, so that the caramelized plum juice mixed with sugar and caramelized, which drips under the bottom of the cake, does not freeze at all.

Very tasty, both warm and cold. Warm can be served with a ball of ice cream, in general, there will be a "bomb"!

It will seem to someone that the pie is similar to charlotte - not that real bread, but apple, pear, with apricots, any seasonal fruits, drenched in viscous dough. In general, yes. Only there the fruits / stone fruits are mixed, due to which the crumb is saturated with juice and moistened. For the New York Times plum pie, lay the plums on top of the dough.

If you want to fix the halves, avoid drowning them in the flour mass and create a beautiful plum pie from the New York Times, choose a large diameter pan and do not add to the baking powder. The best fruits are firm, fleshy and freshly sour.

Cooking time: 70 minutes / Servings: 8-10 / Mold with a diameter of 28 cm


  • wheat flour 230-250 g
  • sugar 200 g
  • butter 120 g
  • eggs 2 pcs. large size
  • baking powder 1 tsp
  • a pinch of salt
  • cinnamon 1-2 tsp
  • plums 10-12 pcs.


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    Before kneading, the butter should be melted, soft, it is better to transfer it from the refrigerator to the table in a couple of hours. The original recipe specifies the oil, it is clear that replacing it with margarine will reduce the quality of the baked goods.

    We measure out 180 g of granulated sugar (the remaining 20 g are needed for sprinkling and caramelization on top), rub with malleable butter. Work with convenient tools at hand: a fork, spatula or mixer. If it is the latter, it is important not to interrupt, otherwise the oil will curl up and the serum will stand out. Bring to a creamy, homogeneous consistency.

    Next, we drive in the eggs, it is better - one at a time, each time stirring into the mass until it is completely united. Note, more small eggs will be required - not two, but three. Or reduce the amount wheat flour(in the third step add flour gradually). The simplicity of the process is evident. There is no need to separate and beat whites and yolks alternately. An elementary sequence of bookmarking and mixing in three minutes.

    Toss in a pinch of salt for the sweetness. Sift the first 200 g of flour mixed with baking powder. Then we change the fork to a whisk and run intensively in a circle. Add the remaining 30-50 g along the way. Adjust more or less yourself, the texture of the dough should come out sticky, but not runny, as for charlotte.

    Lubricate the refractory mold with a thin layer of oil, fill it with smooth dough - align with a spatula along the entire bottom so that the thickness of the cake is the same everywhere. With a smaller diameter container, the crumb will rise higher. Also, in addition to the round configuration, the cake is rectangular, square - use a proven form, from which the products are easily separated.

    Sour-sweet, dense plums, wash and dry.

    We tear the plums with our hands or cut them in neat halves, remove the seeds. We lay the halves in a circle with a small equal distance or closely to each other. Mandatory position - cut up. This way, the juice that stands out will not completely spread over the dough and the crumb will not be wet as a result.

    The sourness of stone fruits will increase during baking, so add the remaining 20 g of granulated sugar, flavor ground cinnamon... Warm spice with plums, apricots, peaches is no worse than with traditional apples. The fruits are enriched with cinnamon aroma, slightly caramelized due to sugar, juiced, softened, while remaining in place and are successfully combined with a delicate creamy crumb, both in appearance and in taste.

    We bake the New York Times plum pie in a preheated oven for about 50 minutes, until the "dry match", we maintain the temperature at around 170-180 degrees. Cool down in shape.

Serving a New York Times pie with tea, fruit drinks or compotes. Bon Appetit!

The New York Times plum pie is a legendary pie with a very interesting recipe history. American plum cake became a symbol of the outgoing summer for many Americans at the end of the last century. Marian Berroz, the author of the recipe, dedicated it to the incipient season of plums, which were sold everywhere at attractive prices. From 1983 to 1989, the New York Times published Marian Burroz's recipe every September. Readers inundated the editors with letters of gratitude and requests to print the recipe next season. After six years of publishing and a steady stream of reviews, the New York Times printed a large-format plum cake recipe and even dashed it around it so that housewives would finally cut it out and stop bothering the editorial board. After that, a statement was made about the last release of the recipe to print. What started here! Angry letters poured in, and one reader explained the importance of the annual publication of the pie: “The appearance of this recipe is bittersweet, like the pie itself. Summer is leaving, it is being replaced by autumn. Your yearly recipe epitomizes this. Don't be angry with us. "
Since the first publication, the recipe for American pie has evolved slightly. So, in the first version, 1 glass of sugar is indicated, and in the 1989 recipe - three quarters of a glass. There are variants with apple and cranberry - other symbols of autumn. Then came the summer version of the recipe with blueberries and pears. What explains the popularity of plum pie? Its dough is very tender, with a creamy flavor from the butter and a crispy crust. The pie is prepared quickly, if not instantly. Products are always at hand. I adhere to the classic recipe and suggest that you prepare a fragrant symbol of the outgoing summer with me step by step. In the process, you can fantasize and add something to the recipe. I hope that for my readers, publishing this pie will grow into something more than just a recipe.


  • 3/4 Art. sugar + 2 tablespoons for powder;
  • 113 g butter;
  • 1 tbsp. flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 tsp baking powder for dough;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 12 plums of the prune variety, Hungarian, etc .;
  • 1 tsp cinnamon.

New York Times American Plum Pie Recipe

1. We select plums from which you can easily separate the bone from the pulp. Plum varieties "Hungarian" and "prunes" are also very fragrant, dense and juicy. Cut the washed plums lengthwise into halves and take out the seeds. The classic recipe uses 12 small plums. If the plums are large, 6-8 pieces will be enough.

2. In a separate bowl, combine the cinnamon and sugar for dusting. If you are preparing a pie in a small form, about 20 cm in diameter, there is even a lot of this powder.

3. Combine sugar with eggs. The original 1983 recipe specifies exactly 1 cup of sugar, however, even with 2/3 cup the pie seems very sweet.

4. Beat everything into a homogeneous mass until bubbles appear.

5. Add flour to the beaten eggs. It is advisable to sift it. So we will saturate it with oxygen, and the cake will turn out to be truly airy. And with the help of a sieve, we will separate solid and foreign particles from the flour, which can spoil the taste of the cake. Now fill in the baking powder, a pinch of salt and put in soft butter (you can margarine). For convenience, a couple of hours before making the cake, let us leave the oil to lie down at room temperature, and we will not have to resort to additional softening procedures. By the way, the original recipe says that salt is optional, but it's a natural flavor enhancer that won't hurt the cake.

6. Beat the dough thoroughly with a whisk. You can use a spoon, but it is longer and more difficult. The photo in the recipe shows that the consistency of the dough is thick, and the color depends on the eggs.

7. At the bottom of a small split form, cover the parchment paper. Lubricate the walls with oil so that the cake separates well.

8. Put the thick dough into the mold.

9. We spread the mass with a spoon.

10. On top, lay out the plums with an incision upwards so that they bake well. From the halves of the plums, such "boats" are obtained, in which the aromatic plum juice will be retained. Do not press down the half; during the baking process, they themselves will drown a little due to the fact that the dough will rise. If the fruit is large, you will need less than what is listed in the ingredients list. It is necessary that they all fit evenly into the mold.

11. Finally, sprinkle the plums with sugar and cinnamon. This is our future crunchy and aromatic crust.

12. Put in a preheated oven and bake. The original recipe claims a time of 1 hour at 160 degrees. It is empirically verified, at 180 degrees it is baked in 40 minutes, at 200 degrees - 20-25 minutes. The readiness of the cake is determined by golden brown and the scent that fills the house. To be sure, we will pierce the biscuit with a match or a toothpick: ready dough does not stick.

13. Let the cake cool down quite a bit (literally 10 minutes) and remove the split form. The plum juice that stands out during the baking of the cake is set in a sugar-cinnamon crust - it's just delicious!

The author of the recipe claims that the cake can be frozen in foil. Then they defrost it, reheat it in the oven at a temperature of 150 degrees and eat it with pleasure. The shape and taste of the pie do not suffer from short-term freezing.

Delicate plum cake from the New York Times is ready. Bon Appetit!