Frozen raspberry mousse cakes recipe. Raspberry mousse cake

And so, I thought for a long time how to compose this recipe in more detail and understandable, and that's what came of it.

And while my husband walks with the child, we take with us good mood and let's go!

We need:


1 tsp without a slide of baking powder

200 g dark chocolate from 70%

165 g butter

270 g sugar

1/2 tsp vanilla extract


100 g dark chocolate from 50%

100 ml milk

7 g gelatin

300 ml cream 33-35%

1.5 tbsp Sahara


200 g raspberry puree

100 g sugar

16 g gelatin

300 g cream 33-35%


150 g glucose or invert syrup

150 g sugar

100 g of condensed milk

150 g chocolate (white, milk, black)

10 g gelatin

food coloring

Chocolate Brownie:

1. First, let's prepare the brownie. In this cake, it fits anywhere better than a simple one. chocolate biscuit... The brownie should not turn out dry, but just wet, covered with a crust on top. I bake it not in a mold, but "smearing" it on baking paper and on a baking sheet. This will save time, and from the leftovers you can make small desserts in cups or just eat! It's delicious, believe me! You can also bake in the form of your choice. Check readiness with a wooden stick, if it is dry-brownie ready.

And so, melt chocolate in one bowl and butter... You can melt it in a water bath or, like me, lazily in the microwave.

Beat eggs with sugar, a pinch of salt and vanilla extract until fluffy, it should lighten and increase in volume. Beat for 4-5 minutes.
Gently pour in the slightly cooled chocolate mixture in a thin stream. Here you need to be careful and stir quickly so as not to cook a chocolate omelet!
Then we introduce the flour along with the baking powder, sift the flour. Beat the mass at medium speed of the mixer until smooth. You should get approximately the same mass. She is quite liquid, do not worry, it should be so! And these bubbles in the photo are not lumps, but air bubbles, which will then turn our brownie into an airy and porous cake.
Put in a greased dish or spread over a baking sheet like me. The dough layer should be no more than 2cm, 1.5cm is ideal!

We send to bake for 15-20 minutes at 180˚С.
The finished brownie looks like this. Cracks are a crust on top, the crust itself is whole and very tender. It tastes very chocolatey. Leave to cool for 15-20 minutes and then cut out the cakes of the required diameter.
While the brownies are cooling, you can make the chocolate mousse.

Chocolate mousse:

Chop the chocolate, break it, three (whatever you like best) into small pieces and fill it with hot milk. Leave it for a minute or two. Stir until smooth.
We introduce into this mass, previously prepared, swollen gelatin (for 10 g of gelatin, 60 ml of cold boiled water).
Whip the cream. IMPORTANT! Whip the cream until SOFT peaks! This means that they should be like sour cream, you do not need to whip the cream until "thick", otherwise your handsome mousse will crack! I tried to show the approximate consistency of the cream.
When the chocolate mass has cooled to room temperature, combine it with the cream, gently stirring with a spatula until smooth. The mass should be smooth and glossy.

Assembling the first part of the cake:

There is a nuance. Depending on your desire or available means, you can make a cake of a different size. I wrote the recipe for this particular cake, of this size.

We cut out 2 circles from the brownie cake in the shape of 14-15 cm. I will cover the confectionery ring with cling film, preferably twice, and even better three! ALWAYS put a board or any dish with a flat surface under the ring! If the film comes off or there is a tiny hole in it, your mousse will fly all over the kitchen !! Do not ask how I know this :) I wrap the sides of the ring with acetate foil. If you do not have a ring and you will be preparing a cake in a form, then cover the form with cling film around the edges too. The only drawback is that the cake will not turn out as smooth as in the ring. Put one cake on the bottom of the mold and pour the chocolate mousse. Above the second cake. The photo shows that there should have been a little more mousse, but if you still haven't guessed, some of the mousse ended up on the floor :) So only what I managed to save got into the ring between the cakes! My husband said that I hadn’t photographed this work in vain to show that everything is not as easy as it seems! Unfortunately, in a hurry to save the remnants of the mousse, it was not possible to take a picture :) We put it in the freezer for 2-3 hours. The base should solidify and turn to "stone", so be guided by your freezer. 2-3 hours are enough for me.

We are waiting for the first workpiece to turn into a "stone". As soon as the first part is frozen, we begin to prepare the Raspberry Mousse.

Raspberry mousse:
I used pre-cooked raspberry puree. I make the preparations in advance and store them in the freezer, it is very convenient and saves time when preparing the cake. To make the raspberry puree, you need to "strain" the raspberries through a sieve so that all the seeds remain in it. Put raspberry puree on fire and add 1/1 sugar. Boil until sugar dissolves. (If you want to prepare the preparation ahead of time, you do not need to add sugar; add it already when making the mousse puree.

The puree has boiled, add the previously swollen gelatin to it, mix with a spatula.
Whisk the cream until SOFT peaks! The procedure is the same as for chocolate mousse.
When the raspberry puree has cooled, combine with the cream and stir with a spatula for uniformity.
The second part of the cake assembly:

When the first chocolate base is ready, take a larger ring (or a larger baking dish). Cover the bottom of the ring with cling film. We stretch the film so that the bottom is very even, as this will be the "top" of our cake. Yes, we will collect the cake "upside down". Pour some of the mousse into the ring and place our base inward exactly in the middle. I use the board under the mold again to prevent the film from slipping off the weight of the cake. Fill the shape with the base remaining raspberry mousse to the very top. Align with a spatula. Further important! If you want to cover the cake with mirror icing like I did, you need to put it in the freezer for 4-6 hours, preferably overnight and cover it the next day. I repeat, before coating the cake with icing, it must be frozen into a "stone". If you want to leave it "naked", put the cake in the refrigerator overnight.

Mirror glaze:
For mirror glaze, you must have a hand blender in your home, food colorings the color you want and glucose or invert syrup. With the latter, there may be a hitch, since I was looking for it for a long time and could only order it on the Internet. How lucky if you know where to buy, great! If not, you can make it at home, I'll leave a link to the recipe here.

Pour water into a stewpan with a thick bottom, add sugar and add invert syrup. We boil until the sugar is completely dissolved and until the syrup itself boils.
Into a blender bowl (tall bowl), pour White chocolate(if you want to make a dye-free chocolate mirror frosting, use dark chocolate), condensed milk, swollen gelatin, and dye.

Pour hot syrup on top of all the ingredients. Using an immersion blender (NECESSARILY TILTED to prevent bubbles from forming) beat the glaze until smooth. In the first photo, the glaze without dye, in the second with it. Pour the finished azure into another bowl and cover with cling film "in contact". We send it to the refrigerator. The working temperature of the glaze is 35 degrees. The glaze can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks; to use it, you only need to warm it up in a microwaves. I repeat, the working temperature of the glaze is 35 degrees. If the kitchen has a cooking thermometer, great! If not, then the glaze should be slightly warm, but by no means hot.

We take out the frozen cake. I use a glass as a hob and baking sheet to cover the cake with icing. Turn on your imagination, maybe you will find a better way! I distribute the icing over the cake, remove the smudges with a spatula, as soon as the icing stops flowing. How to decorate a cake, here is how your imagination works! Mousse cakes covered with such glaze require minimalism. Great amount fruit or decorations will spoil appearance, but the taste and color, the markers are different :) So let your imagination run wild!

Well, and such a mousse handsome in the context! Chocolate mousse and brownie cakes have a very rich taste, and the raspberry mousse is so delicate!

I hope some of you will find my recipe useful and you can please yourself or your loved ones! Cook with all your heart and you will succeed!

Chocolate bavarian cake April 12th, 2013

I don't make cakes as often as you might think =) For a long time I wanted to make something very, very chocolatey. Initially, the plans were for cheesecake, but since I already prepared it not so long ago, I decided that something else was needed. And then, looking at the recipes all in the same book " The Sono baking company cookbook ", I saw this cake. Everything worked out perfectly, like in a mosaic: chocolate soft cakes, delicate chocolate cream mousse and the final accord of dark chocolate ganache. Oh, yes! That was what you needed!
Without a long introduction, I present to you His Majesty Bavarian Chocolate Cake. Highly recommended for all chocolate lovers! ;)


2 eggs
75 g unsalted butter
1 cup flour * (155g)
60 g cocoa (unsweetened, good quality)
280 g sugar
160 ml buttermilk (or kefir)
160 ml freshly brewed coffee

3/4 tsp baking powder
1 1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt

* 1 cup = 240 ml


In the photographs of the dough preparation process, the volume of products is doubled, so I needed it. But the technology, of course, hasn't changed in any way.
From the specified amount of ingredients, 1 tall biscuit is obtained, with a diameter of 23 cm.

Lay a split baking dish parchment paper, grease the sides with butter.
Preheat the oven to 180 C or 350 F.
In a deep bowl, sift together: cocoa, flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. To stir thoroughly. Add eggs, melted butter, buttermilk, coffee and vanilla extract.

Beat with a whisk or mixer at low speed until smooth, without lumps.

Pour the mixture into a baking dish and place in the oven. Bake for 45-55 minutes (depending on the oven) or until sample with a toothpick: if it comes out of the dough dry, then it's ready.

Leave in the mold for 10 minutes, then remove from it and cool on a wire rack to room temperature. The top of the cake may crack, but it can then be trimmed and the top cut off.

Chocolate mousse


1/3 cup cold water**
1 tbsp + 3/4 tsp powder gelatin
5 large egg yolks
1/2 cup + 2 tbsp sugar
1 2/3 cups milk
1 2/3 cups heavy cream for whipping (35-38% fat)
140 gr dark chocolate (60-70% cocoa)
3 tbsp + 1 tsp cocoa (unsweetened, good quality)
1 tablespoon vanilla extract (or 1 1/2 sachets of vanillin)
1/4 tsp salt

** 1 cup = 240 ml


Dilute gelatin with water and leave to swell.
In a medium saucepan, combine yolks and 1/2 cup sugar. Beat a little. Chop the chocolate finely.

In another saucepan, combine milk, 2 tablespoons of sugar, chocolate, cocoa and salt. Heat over medium heat, stirring constantly with a whisk, until the chocolate is completely dissolved. The mixture needs to be warmed up, but not brought to a boil, it just needs to be hot. When this happens, pour it in a thin stream into the yolks, stirring constantly. Stir until smooth and put on fire again. Heat for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Do not boil! Remove from heat, add vanilla extract and gelatin, wait until it is completely dissolved.

Pour into a deep mold and cool to room temperature, stirring every 15-20 minutes, so that a film does not form on top. ***

*** I had to cool it as soon as possible, so I put it in the refrigerator for 40-50 minutes and stirred occasionally until the mixture cooled down.

Pour the cream into a pre-chilled mold and beat until firm peaks. Store in refrigerator until use.
When the chocolate mixture has cooled, add a small portion of the whipped cream (3-4 tablespoons) to it. stir until smooth with a whisk and then add the remaining cream. The mixture will be quite thin, but it will become slightly thicker after adding cream and finally thicken already directly in the cake and in the refrigerator.

Trim the cooled cake on top (if necessary) and carefully divide into 3 equal parts. To do this, you first need to "outline" each layer, slightly cutting the sides of the biscuit with a toothed knife, and then cut the cakes along these lines with a long knife. Be careful as the dough is very soft and can break easily!
Set the lower part of the dough aside, and the middle and upper must be cut off at the edges by 1-1.5 cm. Thus, the lower cake will be slightly larger than the rest.
Line the bottom of the split baking dish with parchment paper, and the sides with acetate foil (or try the same with parchment). The height of the walls should be 12-15 cm. Put the bottom cake on the bottom. Pour 1/3 part on top chocolate cream... Because the mass will still be quite liquid, it will smoothly spread over the dough itself. Lay out the second cake and pour over the cream again. Repeat the same with the last cake and the remaining cream.Put the cake in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours or overnight.

Chocolate ganache


113 gr dark chocolate (60-70% cocoa)
1/2 cup **** or 120 ml heavy whipping cream (35-38% fat)
1/2 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (or 1/2 bag of vanillin)
1/4 tsp salt

**** 1 cup = 240 ml


Chop the chocolate finely and transfer to a deep bowl.
Pour the cream into a small saucepan, add honey and salt. Heat to low heat and almost bring to a boil. Then remove from heat and pour hot cream into chocolate.

Let stand for 1-2 minutes, then stir gently until the chocolate is completely dissolved and smooth. Cool, stirring every 10-15 minutes, so that a film does not form. When the mixture has cooled, remove the cake from the refrigerator and pour it over it. Let it spread over the entire surface of the cake and then put it back in the refrigerator for a few hours to set.

I still decorated with grated dark chocolate... Serve chilled. Enjoy!

The most accurate and complete description: raspberry mousse cake recipe - from the best chefs in a large but informative article compiled from all corners of the web and books.

The idea for this cake came to my mind at the same moment when I tried the magic raspberry mousse, which I already published separately. Actually, the whole recipe for this cake consists of what we have already prepared in one way or another, and it remains only to put it all together to get absolutely amazing, very tasty, stunningly beautiful, incredibly delicate cake... Raspberry mousse melting in your mouth, combined with chocolate icing- it's just a bomb! Refreshing raspberry jelly with lime sourness, chocolate sponge cake with subtle spicy notes of orange and cognac ... Mmm ... It's just stunned, how delicious - you can swallow your tongue! And it is also very impressive - any holiday with such a cake will be remembered for a long time!

Cooking time: 1 hour

Freezing time: 10 hours

Defrosting time: 4 hours

INGREDIENTS for 1 small cake ⌀16 cm:
Raspberry Mousse:

  • 300 g Raspberry Puree (~ 450 g Raspberries, you can use frozen)
  • 160 g Cream 33-35%
  • 2 Squirrel
  • 100 g Sugar
  • 14 g Gelatin

Chocolate Almond Sponge Cake:

  • 35 g Almond flour- how to make at home
  • 25 g Sugar (10 g for whipping Protein)
  • 7 g Cocoa
  • 1 whole Egg + 1 Protein
  • 2g Glucose or Invert Syrup - How to Make

Raspberry Lime Jelly:

  • 100 g Raspberry Puree (~ 150 g Raspberries)
  • 15-20 g Sugar
  • 1/2 Lime (juice)
  • 4-5 g Gelatin

Chocolate Glaze:

  • 70 g Water
  • 90 g Sugar
  • 30 g Cocoa
  • 65 g Cream (33-35%)
  • 5-6 g Gelatin

For decoration:

  • Mint Leaf Guest
  • 70 g Raspberries
  • 20-30 g Pistachios

Chocolate Raspberry Mousse Cake


Glasses. To decorate the cake, we will use the Chocolate Glassage, already familiar to many, the recipe for which is already on the channel. It is better to cook it strongly in advance so that the glaze settles and hardens, so it will be easier to apply it.

Soak gelatin in cold water. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and put on moderate heat. Bring to a boil, dissolving the sugar completely. Remove from heat, add pre-sifted cocoa powder, warm cream and swollen gelatin, after squeezing it out. We mix everything quickly and thoroughly. Here it is very important to do this without creating a lot of foam and, in general, unnecessary bubbles - they will make the glaze uneven and less beautiful. In this regard, it is better to use a spatula for mixing and only in extreme cases connect a whisk. If, nevertheless, there are a lot of bubbles, you can drive the mixture through a sieve several times, and remove the remaining bubbles from the surface with a spoon.

Cover the finished glaze with a foil until it contacts the surface, let it cool slightly and put it in the refrigerator. Before use, it must settle well, ripen, so to speak, and completely solidify. I usually prepare the glaze in advance, the night before application.

Raspberry Puree. It will be necessary for making mousse and jelly. It can be made from both fresh and frozen berries. We just warm it up in a saucepan to a puree state and carefully grind it through a sieve. V latest recipes we have done this more than once. The resulting puree must be divided into two parts - for mousse and for jelly, respectively. By the way, to make the jelly more transparent, puree for it can be additionally filtered.

Jelly. Remember that it will take time to solidify, so we prepare a little in advance. Soak gelatin in cold water. Warm up mashed potatoes with sugar in a saucepan, not to a boil. While stirring, dissolve the sugar, add lime juice, stir and remove from heat. Add gelatin to a very warm, almost hot puree, squeeze it out and mix thoroughly.

Now we pour the jelly into a small mold covered with cling film, so that its height is about a centimeter. You can make a shape from a plastic or steel ring by covering it with a film. Let it cool when room temperature and send it to the refrigerator to freeze completely - for a couple of hours.

When the jelly hardens, using a ring of slightly smaller diameter, cut out an even disk from it. And then put it back in the refrigerator - wait for the moment.

Biscuit. You can take any biscuit cake as you know. I propose here to use Almond Chocolate Sponge Cake, the recipe for which also recently appeared on the channel.

Calculate the proportions depending on how many cakes you want in your cake. I only need one, from the bottom, so I keep the ingredients to a minimum.

From ready-made biscuit cut out a round cake. We do this with a ring, ideally the same one that was used for the biscuit. It seems to me more beautiful and more spectacular when the layers are of the same diameter.

Crimson mousse cake- this is two kilograms of heavenly pleasure for lovers of raspberries (well, not everyone loves coconuts, but everyone loves heavenly pleasure!). It is more difficult than mousse pots with berries that do not contain so many grains, but, in my opinion, mashed raspberries in mousse desserts are somehow better than natural ones. Otherwise, the mousse is very simple. But this time I took a complex shape to show the way how to easily and quickly cut a biscuit bottom for such a configuration.

The difficulty in using a mold with an internal hole for mousse cakes is that it is not clear how much mousse you will get from the amount of ingredients given in the recipe. Cream can be whipped in different ways, and depending on this, the volume of the finished mass will be different. Raspberries, too, after wiping, may turn out to be more or less than mine. Purely by chance, I got exactly as much as was needed in terms of the volume of the form - 2 liters. It would have turned out more - it doesn't matter. Well, how would it have turned out less? How then to make the bottom? You can't measure it in advance, but there are a couple of useful items to help you take your measurement when the mousse has already filled the form.

Rub the raspberries through a metal sieve to remove the seeds. We throw them away.

We soften the gelatin in a small amount of cold water for 5 minutes (or otherwise, if otherwise is written on your package).

Chop white chocolate.

Squeeze out the gelatin and dissolve it over low heat in 200 ml of cream along with white chocolate, ordinary and vanilla sugar until everything is completely dissolved.

Whisk 400 ml of cream until soft peaks.

Stir raspberry puree into the creamy chocolate mixture until it evenly dissolves.

In three steps, stir in the whipped cream to the rest of the ingredients until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

Pour the mousse into the cake pan.

It is very convenient to measure the diameter of the bottom with a dimensionless cake ring. There is no ring - well, find one among your plates that will be a little smaller. The diameter of the inner hole should be smaller than the diameter of any of your glasses, goblets or mugs. In short, the bottom is quite simple to cut out without any measurements, using the selection method.

Place the biscuit cake on top of the mousse and place the cake in the freezer until it solidifies. Hours at 6.

If you are using a mirror glaze, you must first melt it in the microwave before using it (4 minutes in the "defrost" mode), and then expel the bubbles and cool to a slightly warm temperature.

We take out the cake from the freezer, remove it from the mold. If glaze is used, we put it where and where it will be easy for it to drain.

Pour the icing on the raspberry mousse cake.

Let the cake defrost in the refrigerator. Long, at least 4 hours.

There is no point in removing the cut of the raspberry mousse cake, because the icing may be half a tone different from the color of the mousse. In general, the raspberry color of this cake is off scale in terms of both taste and color parameters.