Chebureks on kefir cooking recipe. Delicious crunchy dough for pasties on kefir

If the dough is made in water, then the pies are tough, as if rubber. This is not on kefir. Chebureks are soft, even the next day they do not stale.

This dish came to us from the Mongol and Turkic peoples. Traditional pasties were prepared from unleavened dough with minced meat and various condiments, spicy and hot. Previously fried in lamb fat. Today, this dish means the same pie with meat filling from unleavened dough, however, the meat is often twisted and brought to readiness by frying in vegetable oil. In our time, they have become very popular, as well as Adjarian and Megrelian khachapuri, in our country and among many peoples of the Caucasus.

How to make dough for pasties on kefir

Recipe Information

  • Cuisine: Caucasian
  • Type of dish: dessert
  • Cooking method: in a pan
  • Servings: 26
  • 1 h 20 min
  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • 1 egg;
  • 400 grams of flour top grade;
  • 10 grams of salt;

For filling:

  • 500 gram minced pork;
  • 300 grams of onions;
  • 50-60 ml of drinking water;
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste;

Cooking method:

The main condition for a good dough is that all products to be kneaded must not be cold.

To kefir room temperature add the egg and add the salt. Mix the mixture well until the salt crystals are completely dissolved.

Add flour to the kefir mixture in small portions. We drive the flour into the liquid so that there are no lumps, add the rest.

We knead soft dough until the entire rate of flour is completely absorbed. It will take about 10 minutes. When all the flour crumbs stick together into a whole lump, put it in a plastic bag or bowl. Cover the basin with a towel so that the dough does not dry out. Let's leave to "rest" for 15 minutes.

While the gluten of the flour swells, prepare the minced meat. For chebureks, take mixed minced pork and beef in equal parts. To make the pies juicy, add a lot of onions to the minced meat, chopped through a meat grinder together with meat or separately with a blender, and also add a little cold water... You can add salt and pepper to your taste. Minced meat is ready, you can start sculpting pasties.

Knead a lump of dough a little with your hands, and then roll it into a long "sausage". We divide it into parts, we roll each part into a ball. One ball is one pie. We press the ball with our hand, giving it the shape of a cake, then roll it out as thin as possible. Put a tablespoon of meat filling on one half of the flatbread, level it and cover with the other half.

To prevent the juice from leaking out of the pie during frying, you need to firmly blind the edges. Press down first with your fingers, then with a table fork.

It is better to fry pasties in a large amount of vegetable oil or fat in a frying pan with high walls so that they float a little.

Remove excess fat from the pies before serving. To do this, they are laid out on paper napkins, then transferred to plates. Chopped fresh herbs and tomatoes can be served with pasties.

Home-cooked food tastes much better than those bought at street food and is not difficult to prepare. Such delicious pastries very fond of both children and adults. And this alluring aroma, which comes from the places where they are prepared, will not leave anyone indifferent. Bon appetit, everyone!

Video of the recipe dough for pasties on kefir delicious crispy

How to make dough for pasties in water with vegetable oil

In today's article, we will consider recipes for a delicious, crunchy dough for pasties in water with vegetable oil. After all, if you cook them according to the rules, then they turn out with a golden crust and a stunning aroma. One has only to stock up on the necessary components, and also follow my recommendations.

The dough for pasties should be without yeast, otherwise you will get regular whites. The zest of pasties is precisely in a thin, unleavened shell. Such dough can be prepared for future use, stored in the freezer, or pasted on pasties in reserve, and then frozen so that they can be fried at the right time.

The secret of the popularity of pasties is not only in the external golden appearance, but also in the juicy aromatic meat filling. In order for it to be juicy, it is diluted with water or meat broth.

Number of products for the test:

  • 1 kg wheat flour;
  • 0.5 tablespoon salt;
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil;
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar
  • 500 ml of boiled cold water;

For filling:

Cooking method:

In a deep bowl, mix sifted flour with water, salt, vegetable oil, vinegar. Stir with a fork or spoon until the flour has absorbed all the liquid.

Then we spread the flour mass on the table, we begin to knead with our hands. Knead until all the pieces and crumbs of the mass are clumped together. It should be smooth without wrinkles, uniform in structure.

After that, the lump should lie down a little. During this time, you can prepare the filling. From time to time, the lump needs to be kneaded a little. This will make the dough more elastic.

Peel the onions, cut into slices, chop with a blender or meat grinder. Received onion puree put in minced meat, add broth, salt, ground pepper / optional /. Mix the whole mass well, leave to stand until the salt crystals dissolve.

Professionals add onions to minced meat for pasties in a ratio of 1 to 1, since the aroma and juiciness of finished products largely depends on the onion.

We divide the entire mass into pieces, roll them into balls, then press the ball with our hands so that it takes the shape of a cake and roll it out with a rolling pin as thin as possible.

Put a spoonful of minced meat on one half of the cake, level it, cover with the other half.

One interesting trick in the proportions is that the ratio of dough and minced meat for a cheburek should be approximately the same, that is, for a "ball" of one and the other.

The edges of the pie must be carefully sculpted. If holes remain, then the juice will flow out into the oil during frying. The pie will not turn out juicy, and the butter will splash and burn a lot.

Fry pies in a large amount of vegetable oil or fat, turning over on both sides. Separately, it should be said about the temperature of the oil where the pasties are fried - too high or too low will spoil the quality of the finished product. In the first case, they will fry quickly, but the filling may not have time to cook, besides, the fat will begin to smoke and acquire a burnt aftertaste.

A more intense color of fried pasties can be obtained by adding a pinch of sugar to the dough when cooking it - this will make them much more golden. Ready pies spread on a wire rack or paper towels to remove excess oil.

It will take you about a little over an hour to prepare this dish, but as a result, you will get very tasty and mouth-watering pies.

Video dough for pasties in water with vegetable oil

Homemade pasties on kefir are very tasty dish, which you can always please guests and pamper yourself. Many of us love pasties, but we do not always risk buying them - the probability is too high that fried pies will be stale. But this is not a reason to deny yourself the pleasure. Pastries are made quickly and quite simply: there is no need to wait until the dough rises, nor to fiddle with the oven.

Now we will tell you how to cook pasties on kefir, and you will see that everyone can make this type of baking. You can often find various variations where milk, water or even vodka is used for the dough, but it is kefir for pasties that is most preferable: on the one hand, being a fermentation product, it makes the dough softer, on the other hand, it is thick and fat enough to make the pies easy fried. You can try to make from, but better with kefir.

Kefir chebureks recipe


  • kefir - 1 glass;
  • wheat flour - 500 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc;
  • table salt.

For filling

  • minced meat (beef, pork or lamb) or meat - 600 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs;
  • meat broth(if necessary; can be replaced with water);
  • salt, spices.


The dough for pasties on kefir is prepared without yeast. It is very simple to make it. First, pour kefir and an egg into one bowl. Little light: It is always best to break the eggs into a separate bowl first, one at a time, to make sure they are fresh. It will be a shame if you have to throw out all the food if one egg turns out to be spoiled. Salt kefir with egg and beat thoroughly - with a fork or whisk - until smooth.

Now gradually add the flour, stirring constantly, so that no lumps form. You may need a little less flour or more than indicated in the recipe: the dough should be medium in thickness so that it does not spread, but it rolls out easily. It is better to knead the dough for a longer time, then it will become as homogeneous as possible, and, therefore, rich and tasty. Then he should be allowed to "rest" for about 20 minutes. That's the whole recipe for the dough for pasties on kefir.

Now let's get down to stuffing. It's even easier here than with the dough: if you took not minced meat, but meat, then it must be very finely chopped or minced. The onion is cut into small cubes and combined with the minced meat. Pour salt and spices there - those that are more to your taste. Black pepper works well for fatty meat, it is not as hot as red, and gives a rich bitterness. You can also add paprika or hops-suneli. Now all that remains is to mix the filling. We will need the broth if the minced meat turned out to be dry, since our pasties with meat on kefir should be juicy. Add broth, or if not, water, until the filling is a little thin, but not so thin that it spreads like a soup. We just have to form pasties and fry them.

We cut the dough into small portions - their size depends on your wishes, and roll out thinly. Put a little filling in the middle of each layer - so that the edges of the future cheburek come together easily, but at the same time there were no voids in the pie. Then we "fold" the layer of dough, making a semicircle, and roll it with a rolling pin - so they stick together firmly. You can fry now, but it is better to cut off the extra uneven edge or roll it up nicely.

When all the pasties are formed, heat in a saucepan vegetable oil, better refined - so that there is no extra smell, and carefully lower the pasties there. Now we are waiting for the dough to be covered with an appetizing golden brown crust, and take it out on a napkin - it will absorb the excess fat. As you can see, it won't take much time and effort on kefir.

Chebureks are served quite often. Unsurprisingly, the ingredients in baked goods sometimes change based on personal preference. For example, the dough is kneaded not only on water - it can be based on milk, broths, and fermented milk products. The dough for pasties on kefir turns out to be much more successful than the classic version

Cheburek recipe - delicious pies with meat filling - in the East. The traditional version of this dish was prepared from lamb pulp, with the addition of fat tail fat and onions. And they usually wrapped the filling in unleavened dough prepared as for noodles. This recipe is still relevant now, but chefs often correct it. The filling is complemented with your favorite spices, vegetables or rice, and the flour base is often kneaded with kefir. As a base, this component allows baked goods to remain soft and tender, while regular dough it often becomes dry when roasted.


  • kefir - 1 tbsp.;
  • flour - 3-4 tbsp.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • egg - 1 pc.


  1. A glass of kefir is poured into a container, salted and an egg is added to it. Mix well.
  2. The flour is sieved and mixed into the fermented milk mixture in small portions. If it turns out to be watery, then add more.
  3. The dough is kneaded well and left for 15-20 minutes. This time is enough to prepare the filling.
  4. Lamb pulp, fat tail fat and onions are passed through a meat grinder and 2-3 tablespoons of ice water are added to the minced meat - this is for juiciness. The filling is salted and pepper.
  5. The rested dough is laid out on a table sprinkled with flour and rolled out thinly. 1-2 mm - this thickness should be the layer.
  6. Mugs are cut out from the dough with a tea saucer, mentally divided into 2 parts, on one of which the minced meat is spread. Cover the filling with the other side and gently pinch the edge.
  7. Pour oil into a deep frying pan or melt fat in it and fry pasties on both sides until golden brown.


  • kefir - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • salt - ½ tsp;
  • sugar - ½ tsp;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 3-4 tbsp.


To get tasty, crunchy dough for pasties, you must first make a dough on kefir.

The dough for pasties on kefir can be diluted with fermented baked milk. This is also a fermented milk product, but unlike kefir, it has the taste of baked milk. This combination makes pasties especially tasty.


  • kefir - ½ tbsp.;
  • fermented baked milk - ½ tbsp.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt - ½ tsp;
  • flour - 3-4 tbsp.;
  • soda - ¼ tsp.


  1. Kefir and fermented baked milk are mixed in a saucer and soda is dipped there.
  2. Add an egg to the mixture, add some salt and whisk lightly.
  3. Pour flour into the total mass in small portions and knead the dough well.
  4. The workpiece is laid out on a table, sprinkled with flour, and divided into several parts, each of which is rolled thinly.
  5. Mugs are cut out with a tea saucer, the filling is wrapped in them and fried in oil until golden brown.

To diversify the dough on kefir for pasties with meat, you can add greens to it. For example, spinach.


  • kefir - 1 tbsp.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 3-4 tbsp.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • spinach or other greens.


  1. Pour kefir into a bowl, add an egg, salt and mix well.
  2. The spinach is finely crumbled and poured into a container with the mixture.
  3. To prevent lumps from forming, the flour is added gradually.
  4. The dough is well kneaded and left under a napkin for 30 minutes. After that, it is thinly rolled out, cut out of the blanks and sculpted chebureks.

The dough for pasties on kefir will turn out bright and tasty if you add carrot juice to it. In addition, it will enrich the flour base with vitamins.


  • kefir - 1 tbsp.;
  • carrot juice - 100 ml;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • flour 3-4 tbsp.


  1. Mix kefir, egg and carrot juice, adding salt. Beat everything with a whisk.
  2. Pour flour in small portions and knead the thick dough.
  3. Cover the mass with a clean towel and leave for an hour, then roll it out thinly, divide it into equal parts with a saucer and sculpt pasties.

Cheburek tricks

  • The dough for pasties with bubbles on kefir will turn out for sure. However, it does not hurt to pour boiling oil on top of the products a couple of times during frying.
  • The filling should be diluted with water or broth to make the end result juicy.
  • Before serving, excess fat from baked goods must be removed by blotting with a paper towel.
  • The dough for pasties should be without yeast, otherwise you will get regular whites. The zest of pasties is precisely in a thin and insipid shell.

Flour dishes are popular not only in the East. Chebureks are a favorite delicacy of many people living thousands of kilometers from the homeland of this pastry. Such hearty dish not ashamed to apply to festive table and not troublesome to do on a weekday.

Dense dough, mixed with kefir, when boiling is suitable for dumplings, and when frying - for thin pasties or puffy pies. Even without vodka or baking soda, the flour casing in a frying pan or deep fat fryer flakes on the inside, bubbles on the outside and does not become tough after cooling. You just need to work hard when kneading, to achieve plasticity and softness of the dough.

If the crust of pasties needs to be left crispy, do not touch ready-made and still hot products, do not stack. Steam (temperature) softens the dough. The best option- fresh pasties taken a couple of minutes ago from the fire with juicy filling and the crunch of a ruddy cake.

The filling is meat, with a lot of onions and an obligatory portion of liquid.

To bake crispy kefir pastry pasties at home, take the products from the list.

Shake the egg with kefir and a pinch of salt until smooth.

Pour into flour and knead a dense but soft dough. The flour goes away, as they say, how much it takes.

We roll up the lump and leave it under the napkin for 20 minutes alone.

Grind pork or other meat for the filling, onion, herbs, season with salt and pepper and pour in a couple of tablespoons of kefir, water or broth for juiciness. Divide the dough into pieces of equal weight / size.

We roll out the thinnest, transparent cakes, spread the minced meat filling on the edge, spread.

Cover the filling with the free side of the dough, roll it lightly.

Cut off excess dough - form a semicircle.

Fry pasties in hot refined vegetable oil with moderate heat until golden brown on both sides. If necessary, transfer to a napkin and remove the fat. But it should be noted that ready-made hot cakes instantly and almost completely absorb all the oil.

In the modern world, there is such a variety of bakeries, pizzerias, burgers that offer us great amount dishes. But you must admit that only what you cook with your own hands can be better and tastier.

So you can be sure of the quality of the selected products and the safety of the dish. I think many of us love to pamper ourselves with some delicious, but not very healthy snack. And if you are a lover of delicious, juicy and homemade pasties, then this article is for you.

I will tell you a recipe for making a dough for pasties, but not simple, but on kefir. This dough turns out to be very soft, and most importantly, does not require much effort in preparation.

Dough recipe for kefir chebureks

Kitchenware: bowl, spoon, sieve.


Product selection

  • It is better to take home eggs. Before use, I advise you to rinse them thoroughly with soapy water.
  • Flour must be of the highest grade. I advise you to take flour by weight, so you can evaluate its quality. Make sure to sift the flour before using.

Dough preparation

Video recipe

This video recipe clearly shows how to knead the dough correctly.

Delicious crispy dough for pasties on kefir

Cooking time: 75 minutes.
Exit finished dough: 8 servings.
Kitchenware: bowl for kneading dough, glass, spoon, rolling pin.


Dough kneading

Preparation of the filling

Video recipe

In this short video recipe you will see how to prepare the dough and chicken filling for chebureks.

And one more very unusual recipe pasties on kefir.

Chebureks on kefir with chicken and sour apple

Cooking time: 85 minutes.
Servings : 11 .
Kitchenware: bowl, meat grinder, spoon, frying pan, rolling pin.


Cooking sequence

Dough kneading

Preparation of the filling

We form pasties

Video recipe

In this video recipe, you will see all the subtleties of cooking these unusual pasties.

Cooking options

Of course, this is not the only option for making dough. If you don't have yogurt at home, then do it. For lovers of a crispy crust and bubbles on the surface of the finished cheburek, I recommend it.

It is very popular with housewives - choux pastry for chebureks—. It is a pleasure to work with it, and pasties will remain soft and juicy even after cooling down.
The filling options are also surprising in their variety. Classic filling for pasties - meat.

But more and more often you can find —chebureki with cheese—, potatoes, cabbage, mushrooms and even fish.