The recipe for cheesecakes with sugar in the oven. Classic filling for curd cheesecake: recipe for yeast dough

Cheesecakes are the pride of Russian cuisine. We know and love these open cakes since childhood. And the most delicious cheesecakes are fresh from the oven, still warm. Preparing, by the way, cheesecakes is not at all difficult. The main thing is to do good dough and buy a decent cottage cheese. He shared the secrets of making cheesecakes with us Yuri Kulakovsky, brand chef of Yolki-Palki restaurants:

In Russia, the word "vatr" was used to describe the hearth. And "curd" is curd. These two words came together to form a cheesecake.


2 cups of flour,

1 glass of milk

10 g yeast

2 tbsp. l. Sahara,

- ½ tsp. salt,

50 g of vegetable oil.

500 g of cottage cheese,

50 g butter

5 tbsp. l. Sahara,

2 tbsp. l. sour cream.

Step 1. Making the filling: beat eggs with sugar until firm foam. Add cottage cheese and grind until homogeneous mass... Add sour cream and refrigerate.

Step 2. Making the dough: grind the egg with sugar. Salt. Add warm milk, yeast and whisk everything.

Step 3. Pour in vegetable oil, add flour, knead elastic dough... Knead it so that it sticks off the hands and the walls of the dishes.

Step 4. Close the lid and put in a warm place.

Step 5. Cut the matched dough into small pieces, form a ball out of each piece. Allow the balls to distance.

Step 6. Make a flat cake from a ball, place on a baking sheet and make a notch for the filling.

Step 7. Put the filling in the center, brush the edges of the cheesecake with egg yolk, whipped with sugar.

Step 8. Bake for 10-12 minutes in a hot oven.

Shvg 9. Serve warm with strawberry jam and ice cream.

Photo: AiF / Alexey Vissarionov

Chef's Tips:

You can make the filling whenever you want, you still need to cool it in the refrigerator. You can do it first, or you can do it right after the dough is kneaded. While the dough is coming up, you've made the filling and removed it to cool.

For the filling, it is important to beat the eggs well so that there is a fluffy foam. You can add vanilla, candied fruits, nuts, raisins ... In general, anything, but based on cottage cheese.

I make yeast dough in vegetable oil. On creamy, it seems to me that the dough turns out to be heavy and not fluffy enough. But if you like with creamy, then you need to take 30 g of vegetable and 30 g of cream.

There are two ways to knead unpaired dough: mix milk with yeast and add liquid to flour. Alternatively, first mix flour and yeast and salt. And pour in milk, beaten with eggs. I usually do it in the second way.

Why do you need a dough?

Actually, classic recipe requires a sponge dough, that is, you need to dilute the yeast in liquid and add some of the flour there. And wait until it all starts to fit. This has been done before. Nowadays, I think that this method is too time consuming and it is no longer necessary to put a dough. The fact is that before there were completely different products. There was no certainty that the yeast would raise the dough well, so they put a liquid dough first - this way it was easier for the yeast to work. The flour was always different, it was not known how it would behave in baking. And now the products are standard. We use French yeast and it always works. The flour is also more or less the same. And we can calculate the exact proportions that will produce the perfect dough.

Another nuance: the classic recipe insists that the whites and yolks be added to the dough separately (after the dough has come up), the yolks are ground with sugar, and then the whites whipped into a strong foam are added to the dough. It seems to me that this is also not necessary. If you have observed all the proportions, then the dough will turn out to be fluffy and elastic without it. And you will stain the dishes much less.

Do I need to sift flour?

All talk about oxygenation of flour is lyrics. Sifting flour is necessary in order to get rid of lumps and debris in it. And you will saturate the dough with oxygen when you knead it.

Do I need to knead with my hands?

Yes. You can feel the elasticity of the dough with your hands. The warmth of the hands is also transferred to the dough. The more we stir the dough, the more we oxygenate it. Therefore, it is better to knead with your hands. And one more piece of advice: it's better not to add flour than to shift it. You always add flour to the dust, but it is impossible to remove it from the dough. The correct amount of flour affects the elasticity of the dough, and this quality is very important for baking.

How to sculpt cheesecakes?

Be sure to cut the dough, not tear it into pieces. It is important.

First, we form a ball from each piece. We just bend the edges of the dough under it, make a kind of ball on the leg. Then the balls will turn out without creases, even and smooth. The balls must also be left at a distance.

You can make a recess for the filling using a regular glass. Just remember to sprinkle it with flour or grease it with butter so that the dough doesn't stick to the bottom of the glass.


I grease with yolk, whipped with sugar. It gives a rich caramel color due to the fact that the sugar is caramelized during the baking process. Also keep in mind that the sweet yolk can drain off and the parchment will stick to it.

Advice: cheesecakes can be made from puff pastry... Homemade is even more time consuming than yeast. But you can puff pastry buy in the store. I do this: I cut the puff pastry into squares, put the filling in the middle and pinch the edges.

How to sculpt cheesecakes

Cheesecakes - delicious buns round shape with an open top. A delicate curd mass is most often used as a filling, but there are options with jam, condensed milk, jam, apples.

Cheesecake is one of the favorite delicacies of both adults and children. With tea, with hot milk - this delicacy has gained popularity for a long time and the housewives' interest in it does not pass. Cheesecakes are very ancient pastries. Our ancestors baked and ate cheesecakes since time immemorial.

With their shape, the cheesecakes resemble the sun (round and ruddy), which our ancestors worshiped in ancient times. And the name of the cheesecakes came from the word "vatra", which in many Slavic languages, including Ukrainian, has survived to this day and has the meaning of "fire", "hearth".

Most often, cheesecakes are baked from a non-steep yeast dough, less often from puff or unleavened. In order for the cheesecakes to have beautiful shape, were rosy, and the filling did not flow out, the cheesecakes should be properly shaped and sculpted. Use our advice on how easy it is to make a beautiful cheesecake.

Remember the children's cartoon about Carlson, where he was picking cheesecakes at the housewife's? Strange, but he called them buns, but the buns are completely different, I will teach you how to cook them later. But I propose to cook these famous favorite cheesecakes with cottage cheese now with me. Of course, it's easier to buy ready-made ones in the store, but homemade ones are always much tastier. After all, they prepare with love. These round sweet pies with open curd filling have been cooked since the days of the ancient Slavs. The recipe has changed many times, there are a lot of them: and with curd dough, and with flaky, but still classic curd cheesecakes from yeast butter dough in a dough way... You can also put different fillings: with jam, custard, with berries and fruits, mushrooms and potatoes. Whatever fillings you come up with, all the same, cheesecakes are always associated precisely as rich lush cheesecakes with cottage cheese.

Homemade cottage cheese recipe:


  • Milk - 1 glass 250 ml
  • Yeast - 40g fresh pressed or 10g dry
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Butter - 100g
  • Flour - 3.5-4 cups

Curd filling:

  • Cottage cheese - 400-500g
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp
  • You can add raisins or other dried fruits to cottage cheese, candied fruits - 100g


  • Yolk of one egg
  • Milk - 1st tbsp. l.

How to cook cheesecakes with cottage cheese?

Cheesecake dough

To make the cheesecakes with cottage cheese lush, the main thing is to properly cook butter yeast dough from the specified components. I told you in detail on my blog. Therefore, I will not repeat myself. Or, as an option, you can buy ready-made, I saw in our Amstor it is sold in packages.

Curd filling for cheesecakes

The dough does not cook in one minute, it needs time to come up, distance, and this is two hours, at least. During this time, we will prepare the cottage cheese filling.

To make the filling tender, the cottage cheese must be soft, medium fat. But it is important that it is not dry and always fresh. Cottage cheese must be grated through a sieve. This procedure can be done with a blender, then it will be like a cream. But it seems to me that if you rub through a sieve, the filling will be more airy.

Next, put sugar, vanilla sugar, an egg into the cottage cheese, and mix gently.

Some housewives add sour cream to the mass, butter and a tablespoon of starch. I would add sour cream and butter if the cottage cheese is low-fat, and an additional spoonful of starch or flour, if curd filling turns out to be too liquid. I believe that if the cottage cheese is well grated, it will be quite tender.

The taste of the filling can be enriched with raisins or candied fruits. The raisins must be rinsed, sorted out of debris and must first be filled with hot water, but not boiling water. Set aside for 30 minutes. Then drain the water and dry the raisins on a kitchen napkin, or leave the sieve to dry. Here is such dried raisins to mix in curd mass... The filling for cheesecakes with cottage cheese is ready!

The finished dough that has come up must be kneaded, put on the table and divided into parts. You can roll it up with a long baguette-tourniquet and cut it, but it is easier to blow the balls. This recipe usually makes 21 medium sized cheesecakes from this amount of ingredients.
I save time, immediately lay out and form the pies on the surface of the baking sheet on which I will bake. I spread the balls at a distance of about 4-5 cm from each other, each ball of dough must be flattened, forming a cake. Then I make recesses with the bottom of the glass, where I will then put the filling. Make sure that the bottom of the groove is not very thick, the thinner the better. To prevent the bottom of the glass from sticking to the dough, it is better to dip the glass in flour or grease vegetable oil.

Tip: form the cheesecakes in small batches, two or three pieces each, otherwise while you fill the cheesecakes with cottage cheese, the rest will return to their original form, this is such a property of yeast dough.

Lay out the filling, about one tablespoon per bun. Let stand for 15-20 minutes for the pieces to rise. Smear with yolk on top to form golden brown... During this time, I turn on the oven to heat up to 180 ° C. Everything, now you can bake.

After 25 minutes, browned fragrant homemade cheesecakes with yeast dough curd are ready. Do not eat baked goods hot, it is bad for the stomach, let it cool slightly under a towel and enjoy the fragrant homemade cakes.

Now you know how to cook cheesecakes with cottage cheese home recipe... As an option, cheesecakes can be formed not round, but with roses. But I will tell you this recipe a little later.

Thanks for the recipe to Lena Martynova from

how to cook cheesecakes

Required products:


  • 250 ml of milk;

  • 4 eggs;

  • a glass (200 ml) of sugar;

  • 100 g butter;

  • 6-7 cups (200 ml) flour

  • 2 teaspoons dry yeast

  • 500 g of cottage cheese;
  • 150 g of raisins (just that much was in a bag) or two good handfuls;

  • 2 sachets vanilla sugar;

  • incomplete teaspoon of salt

Wonderful homemade cottage cheese I bought in the market from a colorful granny. Highly delicious cottage cheese I would just gobble it up, yeah yeast dough cheesecakes do not allow.

I start the dough: I warmed up some milk and poured it into a large deep bowl.

I poured in two teaspoons of Saf-Levure dry yeast,

they look like small light brown granules. Added a tablespoon of sugar

and kneaded the dough, it turned out to be a mass like thick sour cream.

The dishes must be tightened with cling film.

or cover with a kitchen towel and put in a warm place - to the heating radiator, or in a frying pan with warm water, or under someone's hot side by a warm stove. There should be no draft in the kitchen, let it be hot.

While the dough is ripening, I went over
raisins (chose the trash, ripped off the tails - this stuff is enough in it) and
I poured boiling water over it to make it swell and soften.

Prepared a separate butter component
dough: melted the butter on a low heat (it melted and everything took longer
no need to heat), poured into a bowl.

half a glass of sugar

a packet of vanilla sugar

and an incomplete teaspoon of salt.

Stir everything well.

Let's see what's wrong with the dough. Time
about an hour passed, the dough "grew" three times, there are a lot of bubbles in it,
then you can knead further.

I add baking to the dough,

sifting three glasses of flour

and knead the dough.

I dump the dough out of the bowl on the table
having previously sifted another glass and a half of flour on the table. Continue
knead the dough with your hands, rubbing flour into it until it becomes soft,
elastic, fluffy and will stop sticking to hands and table.

I knead, and imagine how beautiful they will be yeast dough cheesecakes- so time goes faster, and things are more fun. The main thing is to think about the good, otherwise you will not see success.

I grease the bowl a little with vegetable oil

and put the dough in it.

I tighten it again with foil (cover
towel) and in a warm place for about an hour. And during this time
I will prepare the filling for the cheesecakes. I add vanilla sugar to the curd,

half a glass of regular sugar

one egg,

and I rub the whole mass well with a pestle or with such a crush like mine.

In conclusion, I add the raisins, from which I previously filtered water through a sieve,

and stir well with a spoon. The cottage cheese filling is ready.

After about an hour, my dough increased
more than twice, I grease my hands with vegetable oil and knead it,
pressing down to release carbon dioxide.

Cover it again and put it in a warm place. After about an hour, you get the following picture:

I spread the dough on the ground with flour
table and knead it a little. Now you need to cut it by 22-24
identical pieces and roll balls out of them.

The balls are large egg(well, you know, there are eggs of the first category, the second and almost like quail).

I put two teaspoons in the center of the cake
cottage cheese with raisins and make three cuts, dividing the cake into segments, when
I make the first segment the smallest, the second larger, and the third

And now, in order, I cover the filling
pieces of dough, I pinch the edges securely, especially the edges of the outer
"Petal" so that they do not burst when the cheesecake "gets fat".

Ready "roses" are sent to
baking sheet covered parchment paper slightly greased
vegetable oil. I give them 20 minutes apart, whisk in a cup with a fork

and grease them with cheesecakes.

You can sprinkle a little sugar on top. AND
- forward into a hot (180-190 degrees) oven until it crawls over
the kitchen has a breathtaking smell of fresh muffin, and yeast dough cheesecakes will not become rosy and elegant.

I baked for 25 minutes, but this is not an indicator, everyone has different ovens. Cover the finished cheesecakes with a towel until they cool completely.

Cottage cheese is definitely one of the important foods for the normal growth and development of our children. But not all children are ready to voluntarily eat cottage cheese; arguments about the benefits of products rarely work on them. If you are facing a problem of how to feed your child with cottage cheese, then it's time to bake cheesecakes with cottage cheese... Little gourmets will surely like these ruddy lush suns, and adults will be happy to feel like children again and return to school or Kindergarten, where for an afternoon snack they gave the cherished cheesecake with a mug of milk.

Cheesecakes are prepared simply and do not require any super-complicated manipulations, so that even an ignorant one can cope with their preparation. culinary intricacies hostess. Only now, they prepare for a relatively long time: 2 hours 50 minutes. This is because the dough must lie down and rise. But you can watch a couple of episodes of your favorite TV series during this time.


for the test
  • milk 200 ml
  • flour 400 g
  • butter 60 g
  • sugar 50 g
  • fresh pressed yeast 30 g
  • egg yolk 2 pcs
  • salt 1/2 tsp
For filling
  • cottage cheese 230 g
  • egg 1 PC.
  • flour 1 tbsp. spoon
  • raisin 30 g
for greasing cheesecakes
  • egg yolk 1 PC.
  • water 1 tbsp. spoon

You can use cottage cheese for the filling of any fat content.

I always use exclusively fresh pressed yeast for the preparation of yeast dough. The dough with them turns out to be completely different - it is softer, lighter and more tasty. You have to try it once and then you will definitely understand what I am talking about. But if fresh yeast you could not find, then they can be easily replaced with dry ones. Dry yeast in this case will need 1.5 tsp or 10 grams. But it's important to remember one thing before you start making yeast dough: yeast is always worth checking! Dissolve a small amount of yeast with warm water, add a pinch of sugar and wait a little. Did a "hat" appear on the surface of the water? This means that the yeast is working and you can start making the dough.

Raisins can be replaced with any other dried fruit or candied fruit.

From this amount of ingredients, 8-10 cheesecakes are obtained.


We prepare the ingredients for making cheesecakes with cottage cheese: we carefully weigh all the products. We take out the butter from the refrigerator in advance, about half an hour before kneading the dough - it should be room temperature... We separate the yolks from the whites in the eggs, we will not need the latter in this recipe... I advise you to store proteins in the refrigerator in a tightly closed jar or container, you can put them in the freezer, where they can be stored for up to six months. Well, you can make of them. Rinse the raisins thoroughly and dry them with a paper towel. If the raisins are too dry, then soak them in hot water for 10 minutes.

We prepare the dough, for this we slightly heat the milk. It is important not to overheat it - the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. Otherwise, the yeast will simply die. In a large container, mix crumbled yeast, milk, sugar and 100 g wheat flour... Mix everything thoroughly with a whisk or fork, cover with a towel and put away in a warm, but by no means hot place, for 15-20 minutes.

During this time, the dough doubles in size.

Add to the matched brew egg yolks, butter and salt. Stir with hands or a spoon.

Gradually adding flour, knead the dough. You may not need all the flour, so add it a little at a time, kneading the dough well. The dough should gather into a ball and stop sticking to your hands. The process of kneading the dough can be entrusted to a bread maker or food processor using a special nozzle for this. We transfer the dough to a clean bowl, cover with a damp towel or tighten with cling film and put it in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours.

The dough should at least double in size. When working with yeast dough, it is worth remembering a few rules: firstly, the dough should not be placed in a too hot place, otherwise the yeast will die; secondly, you should not take more yeast than indicated in the recipe; thirdly, you should not greatly increase the proofing time. Failure to follow these simple rules will lead to the fact that you get baked goods with a pronounced taste and smell of yeast.

While the dough is coming up, prepare the filling for the cheesecakes. To do this, we punch the cottage cheese with an immersion blender until smooth or rub it through a sieve. Add the egg, flour and raisins to the curd and mix everything well with a fork.

I never add sugar to cottage cheese when making cheesecakes or cheesecakes. For me, sugar interrupts the taste of the curd, besides the addition of sugar makes the curd thinner and requires the addition of more flour. But if such a filling seems unsweetened to you, then you can add 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar or prepare a filling from curd mass.

On a lightly floured work surface, lay out the dough that has come up and slightly knead it. Divide the dough into 8 pieces of equal size. You can divide it into 10-12 pieces, then there will be more cheesecakes, but they themselves will be smaller.

We make a ball from each part and put it under a towel so that the dough does not wind out. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper. We take one ball of dough, make a cake out of it and, using our fingers or the bottom of a glass, make a depression in the center, which we fill with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of filling. We spread the cheesecake on a baking sheet and do the same with the remaining dough and filling.

Leave the cheesecakes to come up a little while the oven heats up to 180 ° C. Lubricate the cottage cheese cakes with a mixture of yolk and water and put them in the oven for 20-25 minutes. The cheesecakes should be browned and not only tasty, but also very attractive.

Ready. We serve them with milk or cocoa for an afternoon snack or give the child with us to school. And while he is at school, you can indulge in cheesecakes with tea yourself. Bon Appetit!