Buckwheat stewed with chicken and mushrooms. Recipe for cooking buckwheat with mushrooms and chicken

Buckwheat grain has become a popular diet food in many countries due to its high amount of minerals and various antioxidants. Extraordinarily beneficial to health, including in controlling blood sugar levels, it has a low glycemic index.

Recipe Information

  • Cuisine: Russian
  • Type of dish: Main dish
  • Cooking method: In a slow cooker, in a pan
  • Servings: 4
  • 1 h

The calorie content of buckwheat in a merchant's way with chicken and mushrooms for 1 portion:

In total, 5-6 servings are made from the ingredients below.

Buckwheat is a fairly common food, in order to diversify the menu, you should try to cook porridge in a new way. Buckwheat in a merchant's way includes oriental spices, such as: hop-suneli, paprika. The cloves of garlic also add a unique flavor. Putting together all the components, it turns out very tasty dish perfect for lunch. In the PP diet, porridge with meat and mushrooms is excellent. It will fill the body with the right carbohydrates and proteins.

How to cook buckwheat like a merchant

We choose dietary meat for the recipe - chicken or turkey breast (fillet). We try to keep the ratio of cereals, mushrooms, carrots and meat as follows: 1: 1: 1: 2. That is, the breasts are twice the size of the rest of the products. Moreover, the amount of buckwheat, carrots and mushrooms should be approximately the same. In this way, the ideal proportions of the food in the dish are achieved.


  • 250 g buckwheat
  • 450-500 chicken fillet (about 2 pieces)
  • mushrooms (champignons or all kinds of forest);
  • 2 medium carrots (300 g);
  • 2 onions (about 200 g);
  • Salt, pepper, paprika, hops-suneli - to taste;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • 15 ml vegetable oil;
  • 300 ml of boiling water.

Step by step method:

Then mix well. The porridge is ready. When serving, the dish can be sprinkled with finely chopped herbs. Bon Appetit!

This is a balanced aromatic dish that perfectly fits in its taste and method of preparation in the culinary section "traditional Russian cuisine". Buckwheat porridge with meat and mushrooms is easy and quick to cook, and even faster to eat - because it is very tasty.

  • 180-200 g buckwheat,
  • 300 g chicken fillet,
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion head
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 100 g champignons,
  • Salt and black pepper.

Buckwheat, coupled with low-fat chicken meat and mushrooms are great foods for those who want to stay slim and healthy. Both together and separately, they will not pose a threat to your waistline and digestion. Moreover, they will help to improve the work of the intestines, provide a complete set of nutritional and nutrients... Indeed, buckwheat contains a lot of iron - about the same as in meat and fish, as well as B vitamins, including rare folic acid. But due to the fact that there are few carbohydrates in buckwheat, and they are absorbed by the body for a long time, after eating buckwheat, you will not feel hunger for a long time. No wonder there is such a Russian proverb: "she praises herself!" And already "reinforced" delicious chicken and fragrant mushrooms ...

How to deliciously cook buckwheat with chicken and mushrooms - a step by step recipe

Pre-soak buckwheat in cold water for 1 hour or more. Drain off excess water later.

Cut poultry fillets into small cubes and fry for 2 minutes in a pan with a little oil.

Add chopped mushrooms and garlic, continue frying for another 2 minutes.

Grease a saucepan with oil, put carrots, chopped into strips and onions.

Fry vegetables for 5 minutes. Then add chicken with mushrooms, buckwheat and pour 50 ml of boiled water.

Season with salt and pepper. Cover with a lid, bring to a boil, turn off the heat and leave the dish to stand for 10 minutes. You can serve!

There are a lot of options for cooking buckwheat with chicken and mushrooms. This includes and stuffed chicken, - rather laborious to prepare, and "quick-boiled" is a simple dish that every woman can cook in 15 minutes, returning from work in the evening ... Well, we want to bring to your attention a very convenient and tasty option... It does not require much effort and will give an authentic taste of Russian cuisine.

A simple recipe for buckwheat with chicken and mushroom powder

This recipe is two in one. Buckwheat is cooked in chicken broth and mushrooms are replaced with mushroom powder: a seasoning that tastes great. The number of products is designed for four persons.

You will need: Chicken wings - 0.5 kg, Mushroom powder - 2 tablespoons, Buckwheat - 2 cups, Water - 4 cups, Onions - 1 pc., Carrots - 1 pc., Garlic - 1-2 cloves, Vegetable oil for frying, salt taste.

Cut the wings at the joints into two parts each, rinse the cereals, cut the onion and garlic into cubes, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. In a saucepan or cast iron skillet, fry the wings until golden brown - this will take about 10 minutes. Add chopped vegetables, mushroom powder, stir. Fry for another 5 minutes, then add buckwheat and cover with hot water. Salt, and when it boils, reduce heat, cover the dishes and leave over low heat. Buckwheat with stewed chicken and mushroom flavor will be ready in 25 minutes.

Buckwheat loves "arithmetic": it is always boiled on the basis of "one volume of cereal - two volumes of water." Prepare it respecting this rule, and the result will always be excellent. To cook a viscous porridge, water must be poured, based on a ratio of 1: 2.5, and the cooking time should be increased by 10 minutes.


Chicken with buckwheat and mushrooms is well served on a large platter. If buckwheat was cooked separately, then it is placed in the center, spreading pieces of chicken and mushrooms around the circumference. A nice addition to this simple and healthy dish will become pickled apples and Cranberry Sauce. Stuffed with buckwheat and mushrooms, chicken is also brought to the table in a dish and cut in portions. Parsley is suitable for such food.


- One faceted glass (200 ml) holds 165 grams of buckwheat. If you have doubts about the volume of the dishes, but you need to know the exact weight of the measured cereal, use other measurements: about 20 grams of buckwheat fits in one tablespoon.

- Pouring buckwheat with boiling water in the morning, in the evening you get a semi-finished product, which you just need to warm up - and the buckwheat is ready!

Chicken fillet- tough and dry meat with not the most expressive taste... For a richer taste, cook the fillets in cream or add sour cream while stewing.

- If your diet contains enough valuable nutrients, avoid cooking chicken breast with skin. By removing it, you protect the body from excess cholesterol.

- Make it a rule to take out the chicken fillet from the freezer in the morning, so that by your arrival from work it is well thawed and ready for further cooking.

- Champignons do not require long-term culinary processing and are dangerous only if they are not fresh. This is easy to see from appearance- mushrooms darken and cease to induce appetite.

- Mushroom powder is easy to make by yourself, resin dried mushrooms on the grinder. By the way, this is an excellent way of processing - safer than rolling mushrooms collected in the forest into jars.

- Be careful with the mushrooms that you have collected in the forest. They are very similar to the poisonous pale toadstool! You can distinguish these mushrooms by a specific white "bag" at the toadstool's leg and white her argument.

- Shiitake have a rather specific taste, meanwhile, manufacturers often pass them off as Forest mushrooms... When buying jars with "forest beauties", do not believe your eyes and read carefully on the label what the "pickled milk mushrooms" are actually made of.

Interesting Facts

So, buckwheat began to be called hearty cereals, which were brought from Byzantium by Greek merchants. Subsequently, buckwheat has become so accustomed to the endless expanses of Eurasia that already in Germany they began to call it nothing other than "pagan grain", because this culture came to Russia long before the arrival of Christianity. In the homeland of buckwheat, in North India, it is called "black rice".

A number of products are obtained from buckwheat groats during processing. Whole grain groats are called ungrounds, crushed grain is called through, and heavily crushed buckwheat is called Smolensk groats. There is also buckwheat flour with a low percentage of gluten. It is impossible to bake whole bread from it, but it is good to use it when baking pancakes and pancakes. They turn out to be very tender and with a pleasant "warm" taste.

In France, buckwheat pancakes are called "Breton". In Japan, this flour is used to make soba, a special noodle. Buckwheat flour is also used in cooking among Italians living in the Alps. And the Jews in some countries of Eastern Europe have traditional dish buckwheat mixed with pasta.

Buckwheat and its derivatives have a significant shelf life. Its properties as an agricultural crop are also unique. The only one of all cereals "tamed" by man, buckwheat displaces all weeds from the field.

And now a little about chickens ...

Napoleon, whose half-impoverished childhood was spent in Corsica, could not stand chicken, as he was very tired of it in his father's house. The cooks were in awe: it was forbidden to cook and serve chicken meat to the emperor on pain of death. The new chef by the name of Lagupierre was ambitious: having prepared an excellent chicken dish, he did not even think of somehow disguising the "illegal bird". When the emperor nevertheless tasted the served, he was surprised: there was no smell of chicken. It turns out that the specific chicken spirit takes away the addition of cardamom.

In Chinese medicine, daily consumption of chicken meat is recommended for men to restore physical strength.

Buckwheat story

On the Internet, one girl named Grechka said that at the beginning of the grocery-difficult 90s, when her mother had to leave the maternity hospital with her newborn daughter, her colleagues threw off the gift for the newborn, collecting money by department and explaining - "For Grechka" ... One woman, not understanding the essence of what was happening, handed over the money and ... began to wait for cereals. Having finally found out what was the matter, I was very upset.

Yes, now it is very difficult to imagine that in the old days buckwheat was a subject of shortage, and for blue skinny chickens one had to defend hourly queues. There were no mushrooms on sale at all ... Now, when you can buy anything you want, and people start chasing not just chicken, but chicken from Bress, and buckwheat is replaced with newfangled spelled, - we still undertake to assert - a well-cooked dish, even from the most ordinary products, it will give health and joy.

And remember: the most vivid feelings of food nostalgia in a foreign land, people experience, remembering her, dear - buckwheat! Shops for Russians thrive abroad thanks in large part to the trade in this cereal. Indeed, in the same America, if buckwheat is found in some supermarket, it is just not fried, a strange green color for us.

If you want to feed your family deliciously and satisfyingly, prepare a simply amazing dish according to our recipe - buckwheat with mushrooms and chicken, baked in cream. Already during the preparation, such an incredible aroma spreads through the kitchen that all households are impatiently beginning to quickly demand that dinner be served. Of course, a special role in this is played by cream... This recipe also uses a successful combination of products, although rarely any housewives bake buckwheat, but in this case it turns out to be crumbly, soaked in chicken juice and cream, so that the success of your culinary masterpiece provided for you. In this recipe, we used chicken legs, you can also take chicken fillet. Some housewives even fry not only mushrooms, but also chicken meat before baking, but this is a matter of preference, experience and taste.

Ingredients for cooking buckwheat with mushrooms and chicken

Cooking step by step with a photo of buckwheat with mushrooms and chicken

Serve hot. An excellent addition to buckwheat with meat will be a salad of fresh vegetables... Bon Appetit!


1. Buckwheat - 180 g dry
2. Onions - 140 g (1 piece)
3. Carrots - 90 g (1 pc)
4. Champignons - 150 g in a peeled form
5. Chicken fillet - 370 g raw
6. Garlic - 1-2 cloves
7. Salt, pepper
8. Tomato paste - 50 g
9. Water - 400 ml
10. Vegetable oil


1. Rinse buckwheat thoroughly under cold water. Place the cereal on a fine sieve to drain the liquid.
2. Peel the onion, chop finely and fry in vegetable oil, stirring for 3-5 minutes.
3. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and add them to the onion. Pour in some vegetable oil and fry the vegetables for 5 minutes.
4. Next, add the peeled and chopped champignons. Fry the ingredients while stirring until the moisture evaporates.
5. Wash the chicken fillet and cut into small pieces.
6. Choose a suitable saucepan in which you will cook the dish. It should have a thick bottom.
7. Pour a few tablespoons of vegetable oil into a saucepan and add the chicken. Fry the meat until the pieces are evenly whitened on all sides.
8. Next add vegetable mix, squeeze the garlic through a press. Season with salt and pepper and stir.
9. Dissolve the tomato paste in 400 ml of hot water from the kettle. Add salt, pepper, stir.
10. Pour buckwheat into the mixture of chicken and vegetables. Smooth out the grits with a spoon.
11. Pour water from the tomato paste, bring the liquid to a boil.
12. Next, close the pan tightly with a lid, reduce heat to low and simmer the dish for about 20-30 minutes, until tender.
To check the readiness, remove the lid and use a spoon to spread the swollen groats. If the water has completely boiled away, including at the very bottom, buckwheat is ready in a merchant way.
14. Remove the pot from the stove and stir the contents. Ready! When serving, you can add herbs and a piece of butter if desired.
Bon Appetit

Buckwheat with chicken and mushrooms- very simple, tasty and hearty dish... This dish will take approximately 50 minutes to prepare, of which 15 minutes to prepare. The calorie content of the dish is 95 kcal / 100 grams.

Explanation of the recipe:

For of this dish you can choose both fillets and wings or drumsticks. My choice fell on a boneless thigh fillet. With it, the dish turns out to be juicier.
If you cook at one time, you can safely cut the amount of ingredients by 2-3 times. To prepare this dish, it is advisable to have a frying pan with high sides or a stewpan.


  • Buckwheat groats - 500g;
  • Boneless chicken thigh fillet - 500g;
  • Champignons - 500g;
  • Bulb onion - 1pc;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper;
  • Oregano;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Water - 1l;

Cooking buckwheat with chicken and mushrooms:

Wash and dry the meat and mushrooms. Peel the onion. Rinse the buckwheat.
Cut the mushrooms as you like - thin slices or more in large pieces... Send them to fry in a dry skillet until browned.

While the mushrooms are fried, chop the onion finely.
Transfer the mushrooms to a plate. Pour oil into a skillet and fry the onion until golden brown.

Cut the meat into small pieces 1-1.5 centimeters in size and fry with the onion for about 10 minutes. If you have chosen a fillet, then it should be fried quickly over high heat until a crust forms.

Transfer the mushrooms to a skillet with meat and onions, add buckwheat, salt and pepper, add oregano. Pour boiling water in the proportion indicated on the buckwheat package. This is usually 2: 1.
Bring to a boil, cover and simmer for 20-30 minutes, following the recommendations of the cereal manufacturer.
After all the liquid has evaporated, turn off the heat and let the dish stand and steam. Bon Appetit!
