How to cook fruit drink with cranberries. How to make cranberry juice? Frozen and fresh cranberry fruit drink recipe

Due to its main component, cranberry juice has a positive effect on human health. This is primarily due to the high content of various vitamins. Next, consider all of it beneficial features and, in fact, how you can prepare cranberry juice from frozen cranberries in the usual conditions of your kitchen.

The benefits of cranberry juice

Vitamin C in cranberries is on par with citrus fruits such as lemon or orange. Also, cranberries include all the B vitamins and other beneficial compounds.

For this reason, special attention should be paid to the preparation of cranberry juice. Indeed, as a result, the drink should not lose, but retain its health-promoting properties.

In addition, cranberries contain elements that significantly manifest their benefits after boiling. These include sodium, potassium, iron, and calcium.

The beneficial substances included in cranberries perfectly balance in the body, and are also easily sown. However, the benefits of cranberries are not only in providing the body with vitamins. These berries effectively help fight high fever, fever, thirst, and thus are an excellent remedy for colds.

In addition to the above, cranberries and drinks from it help to cope with pyelonephritis, edema and slow digestion.

Tips for making cranberry juice from frozen berries

Before you start preparing cranberry juice, it is advisable to study a few rules and tips. This will help preserve a large number of beneficial properties in the drink:

  1. It is imperative to observe the proportions when cooking fruit drinks. The amount of juice in the drink must be at least 30%;
  2. Many cranberry juice recipes include honey. It is recommended to put honey only in the drink room temperature, since honey loses its beneficial properties when heated from 50 degrees;
  3. When using frozen berries for the preparation of fruit drink, it is necessary to let them thaw prematurely;
  4. In order to diversify the taste and benefits of fruit drink, you can add cinnamon, lemon, mint to it, as well as use other berries when cooking;
  5. It is not recommended to use stale fruits for cooking.

Making fruit drink from frozen cranberries: a classic recipe

After preparing the ingredients, the following steps should be followed:

Provided that the cranberries are frozen, there is no need to wash them. But you need to let her thaw. This requires thoroughly rinsing the berries. cold water, and then leave to defrost at room temperature for a few minutes;

Next, you need to properly knead the berries. To do this, you can use several convenient methods: manually (using a pusher or spoon); using a blender; using a juicer. One of the above methods is to turn cranberries into gruel. Thanks to the blender, this can be done most simply, but after such processing of cranberries, the resulting porridge should be poured into a separate bowl (plastic or enameled);

After receiving the gruel, squeeze the cranberry juice out of it. This may require a fine sieve or large piece gauze. It is important to squeeze the berries properly so as not to leave any liquid in them;

In a saucepan, bring the water to a hot state. Then add cranberry juice and sugar to the water. Now all that remains is to bring the liquid to a boil at low heat, and leave the fruit drink to infuse for up to 15 minutes;

Strain the resulting liquid into a jug or large jar. It is better to do this through a fine sieve.

In case of a cold, it is better to drink a fruit drink of a warm temperature, and also add a small amount of honey to it. Cranberry juice is especially popular in the winter season. However, in the summer heat, this drink is no less valuable: it perfectly quenches the feeling of thirst.

Cooking cranberry juice for children

Before you cook cranberry fruit juice for a child, you should know that children are allowed to consume cranberries only from a certain age. Also, the age of the child affects the form in which the consumption of these berries is allowed.

As a hint, moms can be guided by the following data:

  1. 0-1 years old. At this stage of life, children are forbidden to eat any berries with a bright color earlier than other products, and also earlier than six months. Thus, children who are artificially fed can eat cranberries for up to six months. But if the child is only breastfeeding, then it is not recommended for him to give cranberries up to a year. Also, children in this age range should only eat cranberries after heat treatment no more than 2 times a week;
  2. 1-3 years. A child of this age can eat up to 20 g of cranberries per day. However, they are not advised to give raw berries... Just for children under 3 years old, it will be more optimal to cook fruit drink or compote. During colds, a stable dose can be increased up to 3 times;
  3. From 3 years old. If the child's health is positive, then he can eat cranberries in any form: raw, in the form of smoothies, fruit drinks, compote, jelly, or with the addition of berries to tea. It will be better if the cranberries do not undergo heat treatment before use, so that they retain more useful properties. The consumption of cranberries from the age of 3 years has absolutely no restrictions.

However, it is also worth considering that many acids are included in cranberries, including citric and malic acids. That is why it is advisable for children to dilute cranberry juice with water. It is also better to use the minimum amount of sugar in cooking, replacing it with honey. Thus, you can compose a simple recipe for cranberry juice for children using the following ingredients:

  • Granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Clean drinking water - 2 liters;
  • Honey - ½ tablespoon for 1 glass of fruit drink.

Cooking fruit drink for children is not much different from classic recipe, although it has its own characteristics in the choice of ingredients. So, the recipe contains the following steps:

  1. Preparation of berries. At this stage, as in the classic recipe, you need to defrost the berries;
  2. Push-up. Squeeze the juice from the berries using a blender, juicer or pusher manually;
  3. Squeezing out the juice. This stage is carried out using a fine strainer or gauze, the juice must be squeezed out very carefully;
  4. Cooking. It remains to pour the juice and sugar into hot water, boil the water until it boils. We must not forget to let the fruit drink brew. After that, it remains to pour the fruit drink into the decanter through a sieve, stirring with hot water in proportions 1: 2.

The child should be given cranberry juice at room temperature with half a tablespoon of honey added to the glass.

Recipe for cranberry juice with rose hips

As already noted, for a variety of taste and increase in useful properties, this drink is prepared with the addition of other components. Cranberry juice with rose hips is one of the most useful and popular types of fruit drink. To prepare it you will need:

  • Granulated sugar - up to 5 tablespoons (a little more to taste);
  • Frozen cranberries - ½ kg;
  • Rosehip berries - 100 g;
  • Clean drinking water - 2 liters.

The cooking method is carried out in the following way:

  1. Frozen berries must be allowed to thaw;
  2. Cranberries need to be crushed with a pusher, blender, or juicer;
  3. You can squeeze cranberry juice through a fine sieve or a piece of gauze;
  4. Then you need to pour water into the multicooker bowl and turn on the cooking mode. When the water is hot, you can add cranberry juice and sugar and bring to a boil. The finished liquid must be left in a multicooker for several hours to infuse;
  5. While the fruit drink is still being cooked in a slow cooker, you can make a rosehip broth. To do this, you need to sort out the berries, wash them, and then pour boiling water in a thermos. It will be better if you go to the preparation of the broth in advance, for example, a day before cooking the fruit drink;
  6. After preparing the fruit drink and broth, you can mix them, and then strain through a sieve into a decanter.

Cranberry juice for pregnant women

For expectant mothers, fruit drink from frozen berries is also useful. Gynecologists advise using it in an amount of up to 2 liters per day. Although in the very first periods of pregnancy, you should not drink so much fruit drink, because vitamin C, which is part of it, is able to tone the uterus.

Another beneficial property of cranberries is its diuretic effect. Therefore, during pregnancy, cranberry juice fights edema perfectly. It also helps relieve the nausea that often worries pregnant women.

In order to keep as many vitamins as possible for the mother and the unborn baby in the cranberry juice, you can prepare it in a different way. This cooking method will differ slightly from the classic recipe. Thus, you will need:

  • Granulated sugar - up to 5 tablespoons (a little more to taste);
  • Frozen cranberries - 200 g;
  • Clean drinking water - 2 liters.

Cooking method:

  1. It is necessary, as usual, to sort out and defrost the fruits;
  2. Next, knead them in one of the previously given ways;
  3. Then, unlike the classic recipe, the resulting porridge does not need to be squeezed. It should be transferred to a decanter and filled with boiled water (not boiling water) and covered with sugar. The liquid must be left for an hour.

After it is infused, you can pour the cranberry juice into glasses using a small mug strainer.

Thus, one can be convinced of the following:

  • This drink is very healthy. It contains vitamins and minerals, the effect of which is enhanced by cooking;
  • It can be drunk not only as a prophylaxis, but also as a fight against many diseases;
  • You better stick with useful tips regarding the preparation of cranberry fruit drink;
  • There are many of his recipes, which differ from each other in additional components;
  • For children, cranberry juice is allowed only when they reach a certain age;
  • It is also useful for expectant mothers.

Bon appetit and be healthy!

Cranberry juice is a real health elixir! Delicious and healthy drink, which is recommended for the prevention and treatment of colds.

It is very important to preserve vitamin C in it when preparing fruit drink from frozen cranberries. As you know, it is easily destroyed during heat treatment. Having prepared fruit drinks according to this recipe, you will receive not only delicious drink but also save all vitamins!

Cranberries can be used both fresh and frozen. Vary the amount of sugar to your liking or even sweeten it.

We need:

  • 600 gr. frozen cranberries
  • 200 gr. Sahara
  • 2 liters of water

Frozen cranberry juice - recipe with photo:

Pour the cranberries into a deep plastic or glass bowl.

We wash warm water and let it melt completely. Using a wooden pusher, gently crush all the berries.

We spread the resulting berry mixture on cheesecloth folded in half.

Thoroughly squeeze the juice into a glass.

Put the remaining berry cake in a saucepan, fill it with hot water, add sugar and put on fire. Bring to a boil (never boil) and remove from heat.

Leave it to brew for 20-25 minutes.
Then, filter the fruit drink through cheesecloth. Let it cool to room temperature and pour squeezed cranberry juice into it.

Everything! Frozen cranberry juice, ready!

Drink to your health!

The best drink recipes for every taste

1 l

15 minutes

40 kcal

5/5 (1)

Morse is a healing drink of the Slavs, which is still relevant to this day. In ancient times, it was prepared from cherries, raspberries, thorns, currants and, of course, cranberries. The main difference between fruit drinks and compote is that compotes are prepared in most cases from whole berries, and fruit drinks - from grated ones. And also fruit drinks can be prepared without heat treatment of berries. Cranberry juice is diluted with water (fruit or berry juice), honey or sugar is added.

Fruit drink is not just a tonic drink, it has a very beneficial effect on the human body. Nowadays, even such a term as morso therapy has appeared, that is, treatment with fruit drink. Let's find out what the benefits are and if there are any contraindications to the use of cranberry juice.

Cranberry juice: benefits and harms

How is cranberry juice useful? Small, unpretentious cranberries contain vitamins of group B, C, E, K1, a large amount of trace elements (iron, magnesium, lead, titanium, iodine, potassium and calcium), as well as organic acids, glucose and fructose.

Cranberry juice is known as a remedy for strengthening the immune system, an elixir against colds, an effective remedy for the prevention of cystitis in women and an adjunct in the treatment of this disease. Ursolic and oleanic acids, which are found in cranberries, promote wound healing and have anti-inflammatory effects.

Regular consumption of this miraculous drink cleanses and restores normal liver function. Due to the high content of flavonoids, cranberry juice helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, therefore v folk medicine fruit drink is actively used as a remedy for the treatment of varicose veins.

Cranberry is a natural antibiotic, and cranberry juice actively fights various pathogenic microbes. Doctors often recommend it to people with heart disease.

And another important point: cranberry drink prevents the development of cancer cells and is important as a prophylactic agent in the fight against cancer.

Also, cranberry juice helps the body to establish metabolism, lowers blood cholesterol levels and increases appetite. It is not recommended to drink cranberry juice people with individual intolerance to cranberries, as well as those who suffer from urolithiasis, gastritis or ulcers.

How to make frozen cranberry juice - recipe

Of course, cranberry juice can be bought at the store. But something tells me that only a few percent and the name itself remain of the healing properties of real fruit drink in the purchased drink. But making a healing vitamin cranberry juice at home is as easy as shelling pears.

To do this, you will need: frozen or fresh cranberries, honey or sugar, water, no more than 15 minutes of time and a desire to make a miraculous drink with your own hands. The fruit drink recipe is simple, like everything ingenious.

Kitchen utensils:

  • blender;
  • colander;
  • 2 liter saucepan;
  • deep bowl;
  • a jug or bottle for the finished drink.


A step-by-step recipe for cranberry juice from frozen berries

  1. Wash the berries and grind them with a pestle (wooden spoon) or chop in a blender. Add water if necessary (about 100 grams).

  2. Place the colander in a deep bowl, fold the berries onto it and let the juice drain. The juice will come in handy in preparation a little later.

  3. And put the cranberry pulp into a saucepan, cover with water.

  4. Put on medium heat, add sugar, cloves and stir.

  5. When the broth boils, boil it for another 3-5 minutes.

  6. Chill a little and put the colander back in the bowl, strain the cranberry broth through a sieve. Add the previously obtained cranberry juice.

  7. That's all the wisdom. Before using the drink, it is advisable to insist several hours in the refrigerator.

Any berry fruit drink is prepared according to the same principle. Another refreshing drink that has a very beneficial effect on the entire body is this. It has a rather pleasant sweet and sour taste and is easy to make at home.

Video recipe for making cranberry juice

This video shows a good, very detailed video recipe for fruit drinks. Take a look and make sure that it is not difficult to make a table of a healthy drink at home, but it will allow you to enjoy the delicious taste and vitamins, knowing that they are really preserved in the fruit drink.

What is this fruit drink served with?

Cranberry juice is good on its own... It is drunk chilled. In the summer heat, it is served with pieces of ice; in the winter cold, you can drink fruit drink in a warm form.

This unique drink "works" both in the heat (retains moisture in the body and prevents dehydration) and in the cold (has a warming effect, is an antipyretic agent for colds). They drink it to quench their thirst or keep warm in cold weather.

It is advisable to drink a glass of cranberry juice half an hour before meals.

  • If you prefer honey to sugar when making fruit drinks, do not add it to boiling water or hot fruit drinks. Cool the drink first, and then dilute with honey.
  • Frozen cranberries should be thawed before cooking.
  • In order for fresh berries to give more of their juice, it is advisable to pour over them with boiling water.
  • To make the fruit drink an interesting citrus shade, add lemon zest and orange slices to the drink. You can also decorate the taste of cranberry juice by adding a little mint to it.

Other cooking options

This drink will become even healthier if you use honey instead of sugar.... Proceed as follows: add only cloves to the berry pulp broth during cooking (you do not need to add sugar). Cool the broth and then dilute with honey. Then mix with cranberry juice. Let the drink sit and cool for a few hours in the refrigerator.

Another way to make fruit drink is to dilute berry juice with water (cold boiled) and honey or sugar... In order to completely preserve the vitamin composition of the berries, fruit drink is also prepared like this: they grind the berries with sugar so that there are no whole berries left. Then pour boiled cold water and let it brew. Filter and cool. Instead of water, you can add various freshly squeezed juices (carrot, apple, cherry, currant). From spices to cranberry juice, in addition to cloves, star anise, cinnamon or vanilla extract are added.

In the article we discuss cranberry juice - a recipe for cooking. You will find out why cranberry juice is useful. We'll consider various recipes making drinks based on berries and tell you how much to cook cranberries for fruit drink.

Cranberry juice is a healthy and tasty drink Cranberry juice is a vitamin drink that is useful for adults and children... You can buy it at the grocery store, but we will show you how to make cranberry juice from frozen cranberries, or fresh berries at home.

Before making cranberry juice, fresh berries should be rinsed well under running water. For convenience, you can use a colander.

To brew the most healthy drink, you must observe the proportions of water and berries. In a properly cooked fruit drink, the pulp content is at least 40%.

It should be borne in mind that frozen berries release a large amount of liquid when thawing. Therefore, before boiling cranberry juice from frozen cranberries, the berries must be defrosted and dried.

Prepared berries are ground through a sieve before cooking until gruel is formed. To speed up the process, you can grind the berries for cranberry juice in a blender.

Boil cranberry juice for no more than 10 minutes... So the drink will preserve vitamins. We will tell you how to make cranberry juice according to the classic recipe.


  1. Fresh cranberries - 200 gr.
  2. Water - 2 liters.
  3. Sugar - 120 gr.

How to cook: Sort out and rinse the berries, grind them into gruel. Squeeze the cranberry juice out of the resulting berry puree. Boil water, add sugar and juice. Simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, add berry cake and simmer for another 5 minutes. Remove from the stove, cover and leave for 15-20 minutes. Strain the cooled drink through a double layer of gauze. The ready-made fruit drink is stored in the refrigerator. It retains its beneficial properties for 3 days.

How to use: Drink 1-3 glasses a day.

Result: Cranberry juice strengthens the immune system, has antiviral and antipyretic effects.

Cranberry juice recipes

The beneficial properties of cranberry juice are widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of colds and diseases of the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract.

Cranberry juice has no contraindications for use, with the exception of stomach ulcer. Since the drink does not contain preservatives and harmful chemicals, it is given to pregnant women, lactating mothers and infants. Therefore, to the question of whether it is possible for a nursing mother to drink from cranberries, we answer unequivocally - it is possible.

Cranberry juice for babies is introduced into the diet at 7-8 months, 1 teaspoon each. The drink normalizes the baby's digestion and increases the body's defenses.

When preparing fruit drink, cranberries are combined with other berries, fruits and herbs. Let's take a look at the most common berry-based drink recipes.

Frozen cranberry juice

If it is not possible to make a drink from fresh berries, you can make a fruit drink from frozen cranberries. It has the same beneficial and flavoring properties as a fresh cranberry drink.


  1. Frozen cranberries - 250 gr.
  2. Water - 1.2 liters.
  3. Granulated sugar - 30 gr.

How to cook: Defrost the berries, rinse them with water and let dry. Grind the cranberries to a puree consistency and squeeze the juice out of it. Boil the water, dissolve the sugar in it and add the cake from the berries. Boil the fruit drink for 7 minutes, pour in the juice and stir. You can add honey to frozen cranberry juice for a child if there is no allergy to it.

How to use: Drink 1-3 glasses a day.

Result: This recipe fruit drink from frozen cranberries is used to treat urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, cystitis.

Cranberry juice with honey

Cranberry juice increases immunity and saturates the body with a whole complex of vitamins. The drink is especially useful during periods of increased incidence of colds. We will tell you how to make cranberry juice for colds. Read more in the article - Cranberries for colds.


  1. Cranberries - 400 gr.
  2. Water - 1.8 liters.
  3. Honey - 100 gr.

How to cook: Sort out and rinse the berries, let the excess liquid drain and rub the cranberries through a sieve. Transfer the berries to cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. Boil water, add sugar and cranberry cake. Boil the drink for 7 minutes, then add the juice and remove from heat. Insist fruit drink for 10 minutes, add honey and stir.

How to use: Drink ½ glass of warm drink every hour.

Result: Fruit drink with cranberry with honey combats the symptoms of colds, has immunomodulatory, antiviral and antipyretic effects.

Cranberry and lingonberry juice

You can also add other berries to cranberry juice, for example, lingonberries, blueberries, raspberries and others. Cranberry juice contains a large amount of polyphenol - a plant antioxidant. This substance neutralizes the action of free radicals and restores normal cell nutrition.


  1. Cranberries - 200 gr.
  2. Lingonberry - 500 gr.
  3. Water - 3 liters.
  4. Granulated sugar - 200 gr.

How to cook: Rinse the berries, rub through a sieve or chop with a blender, squeeze the juice and put it in the refrigerator. Cover the cake with sugar, cover with water and place on the stove. When the liquid boils, reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for 7 minutes. Remove from heat, pour in chilled juice and stir.

How to use: Drink 1 glass up to 4 times a day.

Result: Fruit drink from cranberry and lingonberry effectively copes with vitamin deficiency, normalizes metabolism and has an antioxidant effect.

Cranberry fruit drink with rosehip

Cranberry juice with rose hips not only strengthens the body, but also removes toxins and toxins from it. Cranberry juice is useful for kidneys, liver and gall bladder.


  1. Cranberries - 550 gr.
  2. Rosehip - 120 gr.
  3. Water - 2 liters.
  4. Granulated sugar - 140 gr.

How to cook: Prepare cranberry gruel and squeeze out the juice. Boil water, add sugar, add cake and rosehip, stir. Boil the fruit drink for 10 minutes over low heat, add the juice and remove from the stove. Infuse the drink for 4 hours under the lid.

How to use

Result: The drink has a diuretic effect, normalizes kidney function, enhances the outflow of bile.

Cranberry juice with lemon

Cranberry juice can be prepared without high temperatures. So the drink will keep more nutrients... Consider a recipe for cranberry juice without cooking.


  1. Cranberries - 800 gr.
  2. Water - 1.5 liters.
  3. Lemon - 2 pcs.
  4. Granulated sugar - 150 gr.

How to cook: Wash and peel the lemon, grate the zest on a fine grater, squeeze the juice. Rinse cranberries, combine with lemon zest and grind with a blender to a gruel consistency. Add juice and sugar to it, stir. Pour the resulting mixture with boiling water, cover and let it brew for an hour.

How to use: Drink 1 glass 2-3 times a day.

Result: Vitamin drink strengthens immunity, fights viruses and lowers blood pressure.

Cranberry and raspberry juice

Cranberry and raspberry fruit drink is traditionally used during periods of infectious diseases. The drink strengthens the immune system and eliminates the first symptoms of a cold.


  1. Cranberries - 200 gr.
  2. Raspberry - 100 gr.
  3. Granulated sugar - 100 gr.
  4. Water - 1 liter.

How to cook: Rinse and dry the berries, grind them with a blender, cover with sugar and cover with water. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.

How to use: Drink 2-3 glasses of fruit drink per day.

Result: The drink has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. In combination with medicines, it enhances their effect.

Cranberry and black currant juice

Fruit drink from cranberry and black currant is good for the cardiovascular system Fruit drink from cranberry and black currant has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. The drink lowers blood pressure, cleanses blood vessels and strengthens them.


  1. Cranberries - 200 gr.
  2. Black currant - 150 gr.
  3. Water - 2 liters.
  4. Granulated sugar - 200 gr.

How to cook: Rinse the berries, grind them with a blender to a gruel consistency, cover with sugar. Pour the berry mixture with water, place the container on the stove and bring to a boil. Simmer the fruit drink for 10 minutes under the lid. Remove from heat and leave for at least half an hour.

How to use: Drink 1 glass 3 times a day.

Result: Cranberry juice normalizes the cardiovascular system, improves vascular permeability and makes them more elastic.

Cranberry and blueberry juice

Cranberries contain quercetin, a substance with anti-cancer activity. Drinks based on these berries are used to treat and prevent cancer.


  1. Cranberries - 350 gr.
  2. Blueberries - 350 gr.
  3. Water - 1.5 liters.
  4. Granulated sugar - 200 gr.

How to cook: Rinse the cranberries and blueberries under running water, dry them in a colander, chop them with a blender or grind through a sieve. Pour the resulting gruel with sugar, pour in water and place on the stove. When the liquid boils, reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for 7 minutes.

How to use: Take 1 glass up to 5 times a day.

Result: Fruit drink from cranberry and blueberry enhances the effect of medications, helps to recover faster after chemotherapy courses, saturates the body with energy and strength.

Cranberry and sea buckthorn fruit drink

You can make cranberry juice in a slow cooker. The drink is useful for the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary and cardiovascular systems.


  1. Cranberries - 300 gr.
  2. Sea buckthorn - 100 gr.
  3. Water - 2 liters.
  4. Granulated sugar - 100 gr.

How to cook: Rinse the berries, transfer to a colander and let the remaining liquid drain. Grind cranberries and sea buckthorn with a blender, cover with sugar. Transfer the berries to a multicooker bowl, cover with water and set the stewing mode. Cooking time is 20 minutes.

How to use: Drink 1 glass up to 3 times a day.

Result: Fruit drink from cranberry and sea buckthorn normalizes metabolism, improves blood quality, increasing the number of red blood cells in it.

Cranberry juice with mint

Cranberry juice with mint soothes the nervous system Cranberry juice during pregnancy enhances metabolism, eliminates puffiness and prevents the development of anemia. It is useful for nursing mothers to drink a drink with increased fatigue, to strengthen the immune system and increase milk production. Morse recovers strength after childbirth and promotes weight loss. Consider a recipe for cranberry juice for pregnant women.


  1. Cranberries - 500 gr.
  2. Mint - 10 gr.
  3. Water - 2 liters.
  4. Granulated sugar - 140 gr.

How to cook: Prepare cranberry gruel, squeeze out the juice. Add sugar to the cake, cover with water and place on the stove. Bring liquid to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Pour in cranberry juice, add mint leaves, cover and simmer for another 5 minutes. Remove from heat and leave for at least an hour.

How to use: Drink ½ glass of the drink 2 times a day.

Result: The drink saturates the body with vitamins, enhances immunity and restores strength. In combination with mint, fruit drink gently soothes the nervous system.

Cranberry juice with ginger


  1. Cranberries - 300 gr.
  2. Water - 2.5 liters.
  3. Granulated sugar - 250 gr.
  4. Ginger - 7 gr.

How to cook: Boil water, dissolve sugar in it, remove from heat and cool syrup. Rinse the berries, mash them. Peel and grate the ginger root, add it to the syrup along with the berries and put on low heat. As soon as the fruit drink boils, turn off the stove and leave the drink for 2 hours.

How to use: Take 1 glass every 3 hours.

Result: Morse has a powerful anthelmintic effect, cleanses the body and restores defenses.

Fruit drink from cranberries and viburnum

Cranberry drink normalizes metabolism, the work of the digestive and genitourinary systems. Cranberry juice is useful for cystitis, pyelonephritis and urethritis.


  1. Cranberries - 500 gr.
  2. Kalina - 180 gr.
  3. Water - 1.5 liters.
  4. Granulated sugar - 350 gr.
  5. Vanilla sugar - 25 gr.

How to cook: Grind the washed cranberries with a blender, squeeze the juice, add sugar to the cake and cover with water. Bring to a boil, add the washed viburnum berries and vanilla sugar, cook over low heat for 10 minutes, pour in the berry juice, stir and remove from the stove. Infuse the drink for half an hour.

How to use: Drink 1 glass 4 times a day.

Result: The drink eliminates inflammation of the genitourinary system, reduces pain and promotes quick recovery from illness.

For more information on making cranberry juice, see the video:

Useful tips for making cranberry juice:

  • Cranberry juice irritates the skin and stains it, so wear gloves before grinding the berries.
  • For cooking fruit drinks, use enamel, ceramic or glassware. Metal containers are oxidized during the preparation process.
  • To reduce the calorie content of the drink, use the minimum amount of sugar or replace it with stevia.
  • If the fruit drink turns out to be too thick, dilute it with water to the desired consistency during the cooking process.
  • Insist the finished drink for at least an hour. So the fruit drink will become more intense and aromatic.
  • To preserve more nutrients, pour cranberry juice into the cooled fruit drink, and not during the cooking process.

What to remember

  1. Before boiling cranberry juice, the berries are washed under running water and the excess liquid is allowed to drain.
  2. The drink is used in folk medicine to treat colds and diseases of the genitourinary system.
  3. Cranberry juice has antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and immunomodulatory effects.

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Morse was and remains the best berry drink - we adhere to this opinion even among the variety of newfangled smoothies, fresh juices, tonics and other healthy and "clean" food products. And among the raw materials for fruit drinks, the pedestal of the leader is occupied by cranberries: the most useful, valuable and surrounded by legends berry. The assortment of fresh bars and sports cafes is amazing, but as soon as you prepare cranberry juice, all gourmet delights recede into the background. The taste, aroma and special property of fruit drink is manifested, which can be characterized as an aftertaste of comfort and goodness.

Perhaps it is for these reasons that fruit drinks are traditionally included in the diet. baby food, as well as in therapeutic diets, menus for pregnant women, young mothers and everyone who needs strength, energy and health. It is difficult to find a more effective yet tasty natural medicine. And why look if you can cook cranberry juice yourself, at home, from natural and high-quality ingredients. The berry juice recipe is surprisingly simple and affordable even at home.

What is fruit drink? Composition, benefits and types of fruit drink
Questions about morse can be asked either by a foreigner or by a very young compatriot. Everyone else probably knows and loves the taste of this drink, traditional for Russian cuisine, made from berries from childhood. At first and even at second glance, there is nothing special in the fruit drink: well, just think, a drink without pulp and even non-carbonated. But the bright taste of berries, rare and therefore especially tasty, makes fruit drink an unforgettable and very desirable delicacy even for children who eat with whims. Parents of such fastidious simply do not get enough of the opportunity to give the child a healthy drink from cranberries to drink.

Just imagine that all the valuable qualities of fresh cranberries are preserved in the fruit drink. And this is neither more nor less a record high content of ascorbic acid in a unique combination with vitamins K, PP and group B. Cranberry juice, like cranberry, contains a significant amount of iron, iodine, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. Organic acids are immediately represented by citric, malic, ursolic and benzoic acids, and pectins and fruit sugars complement this composition. Such a mass of nutrients makes cranberry juice an extremely effective tool for the prevention and rapid elimination of vitamin deficiency, inflammatory processes and infectious diseases. Cranberry juice is useful in the treatment of respiratory diseases, tonsillitis, urolithiasis.

Cranberry juice has proven efficacy against staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli and even Vibrio cholerae. In addition, it is a potent diuretic, antipyretic, vasoconstrictor, and powerful antioxidant. As for other berries, fruit drink is also prepared from lingonberries, cloudberries, currants - but cranberries surpass them in healing and nutritional qualities. Therefore, try to cook fruit drinks more often, even from frozen cranberries, if fresh cranberries are in short supply.

How to make frozen cranberry juice?
Cranberry juice is especially needed in winter and early spring, when the amount of vitamins in the body drops dramatically. But it is at this time that fresh cranberries are simply not available. There is a way out: make a deep-frozen cranberry juice. This modern method of preserving food preserves the valuable qualities of the berries. But only if the cranberries were frozen in the factory, once and not defrosting until the very beginning of cooking. Such berries can be used according to this recipe:
Add honey before use, but only in the cooled fruit drink. Increase or decrease the amount of sugar in the broth to your taste. Add cinnamon, cloves, orange peel, and other natural flavors to the fruit drink if desired.

How to make cranberry juice for a child
Baby food should be as natural and fresh as possible, so it is advisable to cook fresh cranberry juice. But there are more benefits from such a drink:

  1. Carefully manually sort the berries and rinse them twice with clean (preferably non-chlorinated) water.
  2. Instead of a blender, place the berries in a ceramic bowl or mortar and mash with a pestle, wood or stone. Avoid metal contact with cranberries.
  3. Strain the cranberry puree through a fine sieve or two to three layers of cheesecloth. Pour the liquid into a cup, and transfer the pulp to a ladle.
  4. Pour the cranberries in a small bowl with drinking purified water at the rate of 4 cups of water to 1 cup of fresh berries.
  5. Bring the contents of a ladle to a boil on the stove and simmer over low heat for no longer than 5 minutes.
  6. Strain the resulting broth, discard the boiled cake this time, and add the juice left after pressing the fresh berries to the fruit drink.
When the fruit drink cools down to room temperature, add honey (not sugar!) To it and offer it to the baby. For toddlers under 3 years old, it is advisable to dilute cranberry juice with water in a 1: 1 ratio, and older children can be taken as assistants so that they learn to cook cranberry juice with you.

How to make cranberry juice for a pregnant woman
The specific diet of pregnant women requires a lot of nutrients, but at the same time it is not less restrictive. Cranberry juice, fortunately, is not included in the list of forbidden products (if there are no individual contraindications) and helps to strengthen the immune system, relieves swelling and even replaces synthetic drugs. It is simple to prepare it, but it is important to consider the features:

  1. Rinse about a pound of fresh or frozen cranberries with warm water, put in a saucepan and pour two liters of water.
  2. Bring the cranberries to a boil, reduce heat to a medium-low level and cook, skimming, for 10 minutes (by this point, the berries will begin to burst in the broth).
  3. Remove the cranberries with a slotted spoon or strain to separate the berries and leave the broth in the saucepan.
  4. Place a fine sieve of a suitable diameter on the pan, put the boiled berries in it and wipe them so that the juice flows down into the pan.
  5. Remove the sieve along with the cake, and mix the fruit drink and pour into a non-metallic container (jar, jug, etc.).
Add honey just before drinking fruit drink, in a portioned glass. But do not overdo it (honey is a strong allergen), and drink a little fruit drink, especially in the early stages of pregnancy (in the first trimester). A high concentration of vitamins, especially ascorbic acid, can cause hypervitaminosis, increase the tone of the uterus and acidity of urine.

How to prepare cranberry juice for cystitis?
Cranberry juice has a strong diuretic effect. It is often prescribed as part of a diet during the treatment of urolithiasis, as well as for the prevention of the development of cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis and other diseases of the urinary tract. In all these and similar cases, cranberry juice prepared according to any of the above recipes will be effective. But there is another, accelerated method of preparing cranberry juice:

  1. For each 1 glass of berries, take 2 full tablespoons of natural honey (sugar is possible).
  2. Sort out fresh cranberries and rinse frozen ones - defrost and rinse too.
  3. Place the berries and honey in a blender bowl and blend at maximum speed into a homogeneous puree.
  4. Transfer the cranberry puree to a glass or ceramic container and refrigerate.
  5. To prepare fruit drink, dilute with water. Also add to tea, herbal teas and ready-made meals (cereals, casseroles, pancakes).
The benefits of cranberry juice are undeniable and widely known. However, even the most best product can be harmful if used unwisely. Observe the endurance, even if you are very fond of cranberries, and do not drink more than 1 liter of fruit drink per day. Remember to talk to your doctor if you have food allergies, urinary tract problems and / or stomach acid. In all other cases, it is possible and necessary to prepare cranberry juice, and it is at home, where the drink will turn out to be more natural and of higher quality than the packaged one that is massively sold in supermarkets. Be healthy with taste!