How to cook jam in the microwave. Assorted jam in the microwave

"Jam in the microwave" sounds somehow a little fantastic and unusual, because we are accustomed to the fact that the process of cooking this delicious dessert takes more than one day. However, jam in the microwave makes us forget about pots and reduces the time spent at the stove several times. The quality of this type of cooking is absolutely not inferior classic cooking jam.

Now let's move on to the very essence of making jam in such an interesting way.

Microwave raspberry jam


  • 500 g of raspberries, it is better to take fresh berries, but you can also use frozen ones;
  • 500 g granulated sugar with gelatin;
  • lemon juice (half a lemon).


If you decide to cook jam in the summer at the height of the raspberry harvest, then it is better to take a fresh berry, rinse well and clean it of leaves and roots. If it is late autumn or winter outside, you should not be upset, you can use frozen raspberries. The frozen berry must be defrosted. It is necessary to do this in a simple way using a microwave oven. To do this, take a microwave container, put the berries, cover and heat for about 5 minutes at full power. The berries are now ready. Any microwave will do, even simple models.

Before cooking, you should grind the berries until homogeneous mass, and then transfer to a sterilized jar. The next step is to take sugar with gelatin and add to the raspberries, mix thoroughly. Most importantly, don't forget about lemon juice.

Then put the jar or bowl in the microwave, turn on full power for 6-7 minutes. The jam is ready! The main rule is not to close the container with a lid when cooking in the microwave.

In the same way, you can make jam from any berries (black currant, strawberry, blueberry) or from several types of berries at the same time.

Apple jam in the microwave


  • 2 pcs. large apples;
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • half a lemon.


Apples must be rinsed and peeled, cored and cut into medium cubes. Put them out in the deep glass jar... After that, it is worth taking sugar and sprinkling the apples on top, without stirring, immediately pour the juice of half a lemon. After that, knead the sugar with the apples with a large spoon, so that it is distributed over the apples as best as possible, and there are no sugar lumps anywhere.

Now put the resulting semi-finished product in the microwave at full power for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, you need to take out the mass, mix and put on for another 2 minutes. This procedure must be done 5-6 times until the jam is ready.

Of course, this is not the limit to the capabilities of the microwave, in it you can also make wonderful jam from apricots, plums, gooseberries and other fruits and berries.

Jan 12, 2015 Marina

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Hello, friends! It is in the midst of berries and fruits now, therefore I will make a contribution to the topic of blanks, as well as to a flash mob "Apple tree from cherry ..." conducted by Tanya marahovska_ya ... It is unlikely that my jams will survive until winter, there are not so many of them, but what are they rich in :) After all, the main jam supplier in our family is mom!
I want to show you quick jam from the microwave. If you wish, you can bring it in a few minutes to the state of confiture, which is very much loved in my family. Probably, for those housewives who have nowhere to put their harvest, my method will not work, because the confiture is cooked in small portions, not in basins. This is the case when you picked up a small bucket of berries or removed the rest of the fruit from the tree and, it seems, neither here nor there. This is where my method comes in handy. Rather, not mine, what really ... My friend Natasha introduced me to this method, and she read it in the instructions for her microwave. Sometimes it is useful, you know, to read applications with recipes ... even in the instructions for the microwave :)

Confiture from black currant or microwave gooseberries

black currant - 500 g
sugar - 350-400 g (depending on the variety of currants)
pink pepper - 1 tablespoon

Rinse the currants, dry, mix with sugar in a large container, let stand for about an hour.
A large capacity is an important condition, because when the jam starts to boil, you do not need to touch it, so you need to immediately calculate the place for the foam. For this amount of ingredients, I took a capacity of 2.5 liters.

When the sugar is sufficiently moistened, mix again and put the berries with sugar in the microwave on the most powerful mode until boiling. Then we take out the contents, mix, put in micro for 2 minutes. Mix again, add pepper and leave for 5-7 minutes.

I do not cover the dishes with anything, but I watched vigilantly for the first time how much the foam rose so that the contents did not escape.
The density of the confiture depends on the berry itself. There is a variety of currants that gel well, it is enough for it, for example, 5 minutes (after boiling) for thick confiture to freeze. There is a berry that is more acidic and watery, it will take 7-8 minutes. When you cook one serving, you yourself will understand how much time is enough for the desired thickness. The longer the berry is cooked, the thicker the jam (confiture), respectively. I got it like this, I didn't fall off the spoon.

How can you check if the jam has boiled down enough? Pour a tablespoon into a glass, place in cold water... The jam will cool down pretty quickly, and you will see if it has thickened or not. If not, boil for a few more minutes.

The finished jam will not be too thick while hot. We pour it into cans, leave it until it cools completely and solidifies.
I store the ready-made jam in the refrigerator, I haven’t tried it in another way.

I really liked the mixed berry confiture: gooseberry currant.
Currants - 300 g, gooseberries - 200 g, sugar - 400 g
Cooked from one gooseberry: for 600 g of berries - 400 g of sugar, cooked after boiling for 8 minutes.

Using frozen strawberries as an example, I want to show you how to quickly and easily make jam in the microwave. In general, in the microwave you can make jam or jam from almost any berries and fruits. The ratio with sugar is usually close to 1: 1. Berries and sugar should be placed no higher than half of the microwave dish. These can be bowls, buckets, or suitable containers with a lid on top. The time and number of cooking cycles varies depending on how thick the jam you want to end up with.

I like to use frozen berries because I don't cook large stocks of jam for the winter, but cook it periodically throughout the year as needed and in small amounts. In addition, frozen berries are usually sorted out and fully prepared for use.

Prepare berries and sugar to make jam in the microwave.

Rinse frozen berries, this is especially important if they are purchased. Place the berries in a microwave-safe or other suitable plastic or glass dish.

Sprinkle the berries with sugar and let them thaw a little when room temperature or lightly defrost in the microwave.

For some models, the "defrost" mode is designed for this, or you can use just a low power 180-300 for about three minutes.

The berries should release juice, which will completely moisten the sugar.

Mix berries, juice and sugar gently. Cover the dishes with a lid, leaving small slots for steam to escape or with a special dome for cooking in the microwave. In this case, condensation will drip from the edges of the lid, but the inner surface of the microwave will be protected from possible splashes.

Cooking modes options.

Option 1. Set the power mode to 900 and the time 8-10 minutes. During cooking, you need to stop the process 2-3 times and mix the jam.

Option 2. Set the power to 600-750 and the time 12-15 minutes. During cooking, you need to stop the process 2-3 times and mix the jam.

If you want to get the jam thicker and with a more viscous syrup, then after about half an hour you can repeat the selected cooking cycle in whole or in part.

The jam in the microwave is ready!

Enjoy your tea!

You probably could not even think that you can cook in the microwave ... you will not believe it, jam! Yes Yes. Pots fall off, and long cooking while standing at the stove. Today we will talk about how to cook jam in the microwave... It's pretty simple and fast.

To begin with, before making the jam, you need to sterilize the jars, the sterilization process is described in detail in the article “” on our website. Sterilized? Then let's get started.

First, let's try to do berry jam.

We need: a pound of berries (strawberries, currants (black), blueberries, raspberries), preferably fresh, but if there are no such at hand, you can use frozen ones. You will also need sugar with gelatin, also a pound, and of course we will not forget the lemon juice squeezed out of the half.

Carefully wash fresh berries, clean them from any roots, etc. We defrost the frozen berries, respectively, in a simple way - take a plate, cover it with a lid and heat for about five minutes at 100% power. The berries are now ready to be used to make jam. We mix all varieties of berries in a bunch, and grind them until a homogeneous mass is obtained, after which we put them either in a jar (if you are going to make supplies for the winter) or in a bowl (if you want jam here and now). We take gelatin with sugar, and mix in a ratio of 1 to 1 with the resulting berry mass, add lemon juice. We put it in the microwave, at 100% power, without closing the lid, wait about six to seven minutes, and we get the jam! Then you can do whatever you want with it.

Now let's do apple jam in the microwave.

Needed: 2 large apples, 2 tablespoons of sugar, and 1/2 part lemon.

We wash and clean our apples, cut in half, cut out the core. Next, we cut them into medium cubes, at the same time putting them in a glass, deep container. Did you cut it, put it down? Take the sugar and sprinkle all the apple cubes evenly from the top. Squeeze lemon juice out of half a lemon. We take a tablespoon and mix everything thoroughly so that the sugar evenly covers all the apples and does not form large lumps somewhere in one place.

Stir, take our plate and go to the microwave, set 100% power (800 watts), put our jam there, almost jam, for 5 minutes, and press the “start” button. The jam has begun to cook, but this is not the last step ... After five minutes, you need to remove the bowl, mix everything thoroughly again and put the jam back in the microwave for a period of 2 minutes, then after 2 minutes we repeat the same operation for the last time.

Very soon, we will tell you how to cook raspberry, cherry and apricot jam in the microwave. Visit our site looking for new posts more often.

Most often I cook strawberries and cherries, I also tried blackberries, and it was frozen. Such berries have already been sorted out, and even the seeds have been removed from the cherry. Here you will need those berries that you yourself froze for the winter or purchased.

When buying frozen, give preference to berries that are frozen by the shock method - they then retain their shape better in the finished product, and sold in bulk or in transparent packaging - in this case, the quality of the product and the amount of ice and snow are visible.

Sort fresh berries, wash and drain off excess water.
Frozen berries, if necessary, if they are purchased, and not your own, without defrosting, rinse in cold water.

Choose tall plastic or glass utensils for cooking, because when boiling, the foam from the berries rises high. The amount of berries and granulated sugar should be no more than half / middle of the container.

Place the berries in a cooking container and cover with granulated sugar. If the jam will be served in the coming days, then take the sugar to a minimum, it is quite possible that the ratio of berries to sugar is even 2: 1.
If you intend to store the jam for a long time, then sugar - at a maximum of 1: 1.

In addition to the berries, spices, herbs and even aromatic herbs... It is recommended to add a little to sweet berries or to taste lemon juice or lemon peel, i.e. a strip of zest. The lemon ingredient will not only provide a pleasant flavor, but will also contribute to better thickening of the finished jam when it cools.

Many berries and fruits go well with cinnamon and / or orange peel. Improvise for a change and in search of that very signature flavor. Cooking small portions of jam in the microwave does just that, and is convenient for this.

Before cooking fresh berries must stand for some time to give the necessary juice and saturate them with sugar.
First defrost the frozen berries on medium power (300) for 3-5 minutes, depending on their amount.
To boil berries, you need a MAX-mode, i.e. this is 900-1100 for different models of microwave ovens.

If the size of the chamber allows, then in parallel with the jam, you can prepare sterile jars for it. To do this, they need to be washed, poured into ¼ part of the water and placed next to the jam for 1 cycle.

The time of the first cooking cycle is 7-10 minutes, in the middle of cooking or after it ends, you need to stir the berries and continue cooking at the same power for another 1-2 times for 5-10 minutes. The time depends on the amount of jam, for example, for a pound it is 5 minutes, for 1 kg - closer to 10 minutes. After the third cycle, it turns out especially thick jam with a more viscous syrup, and soft berries will lose their shape.