Potatoes with beef heart in a slow cooker. How to cook chicken hearts in a slow cooker

Beef heart considered one of the most useful offal, actively used in cooking. It is served baked, fried or stewed. After reading today's publication, you will understand how in a multicooker.

Option with vegetables

A dish prepared using this technology turns out to be not only tasty and aromatic, but also very useful. It can be served to family dinner or dinner. An important role is played by the fact that the bulk of the products used in the process are almost always found in every kitchen. To make hearty in a multicooker will be discussed below) you will need:

  • A pound of ripe tomatoes.
  • Six hundred grams of beef heart.
  • Parsley root.
  • Three potatoes and three carrots.
  • A pair of onion heads.
  • Two pickles.

Before the recipes for which are presented in today's article, check if you have a bunch of fresh parsley on hand. Plus, you must have in stock a little table salt, of high quality vegetable oil and black pepper.

Process description

First of all, attention should be paid to the preparation of the main ingredient. It is thoroughly washed, freed from excess fat and soaked in cold water. Three hours later, the beef heart (the recipe in a slow cooker will probably be in your home collection) is laid out in the bowl of the appliance, poured with boiling water and cooked in the “Stew” mode. After two and a half hours, it is slightly salted and boiled for another thirty minutes. After that, the broth is poured into a separate container, and the finished offal is removed from the device and placed in cold water. After about a quarter of an hour, it is cut across the fibers and set aside.

Put previously washed, peeled and chopped vegetables (potatoes, carrots and onions) into a multicooker bowl greased with any vegetable oil and fry them for ten minutes. Then add chopped pickled cucumbers, pieces of blanched tomatoes and a boiled heart to them, activate the Multi-Cook mode and set the timer for half an hour. A couple of minutes before the end of the process, chopped parsley is added to the bowl of the device. Ready beef heart (the recipe in a slow cooker can be seen just above) is served hot.

Sour cream option

The by-product, cooked using the technology described below, turns out to be incredibly juicy and soft. Its delicate taste goes well with pasta, porridge and boiled potatoes. Due to the fact that the composition of this dish no harmful additives, it can even be given to children. Before which is most likely to be on the pages of your personal cookbook, be sure to go to the nearest grocery store. In this case, you will need:

  • A pair of medium-sized onions.
  • Six hundred grams of fresh beef heart.
  • A glass of not too fatty sour cream and drinking water.
  • Tablespoon wheat flour.

To get a fragrant and tasty beef heart, the recipe in a multicooker involves the use of vegetable oil, salt, spices and fresh herbs.

Algorithm of actions

The offal, previously washed, dried and cut into small pieces, is placed in a slow cooker, greased with any vegetable oil, lightly salted, pepper and fried until half cooked. After that, a tablespoon of wheat flour and chopped onions are added to the bowl of the device. Drinking water and sour cream dissolved in it are poured there. Everything is mixed well and cooked in the "Quenching" mode for one and a half hours. The finished dish is decorated with chopped herbs and served.

In addition to onions in this recipe you can additionally introduce mushrooms, eggplants, green pea, corn, zucchini, bell pepper or any other vegetables. You can also experiment with gravy. When we cook beef heart in a slow cooker, instead of sour cream, you can use tomato paste, Korean, Thai, sweet and sour or hot store-bought sauce. As a result, you will have a completely new, but no less delicious dish.

Find recognized amazing recipes chicken hearts in a slow cooker in a workshop culinary masterpieces site. Explore the many variations of making miniature meat product in sour cream, with mushrooms, vegetables, with tomatoes and eggplants, Bulgarian style and much more. It is indecently simple to prepare a masterpiece!

When choosing hearts when buying, you should look closely at the color and structure of the offal. So the rich dark red tone and elastic density will confirm the quality of the product. Chilled, fresh, rather than frozen hearts are most desirable. You can cook anything from this ingredient in a slow cooker: soups, stews. Put out and fry. You can supplement them with vegetables, mushrooms, cereals and pasta. This offal is great friends with any fragrant seasonings, sauces, herbs without restriction.

The five most commonly used ingredients in multicooker chicken heart recipes are:

Interesting recipe:
1. Fry the randomly chopped onion in the "Baking" mode in a small amount of oil until transparent.
2. Place the washed and carefully processed hearts in the bowl of the Airfryer and fry in the same “Baking” mode until the moisture evaporates with the lid open.
3. Switch the multicooker to the "Stew" program, close the lid and let the offal stew for half an hour.
4. After the right time, add flour there, add salt. Mix.
5. Add sour cream or cream without stint. Sprinkle with your favorite spices.
6. Darken on "Stew" for 6-7 minutes.
7. Serve as a separate dish or as a gravy, sprinkle with cheese and herbs.

The five fastest recipes for chicken hearts in a slow cooker:

Helpful hints:
... If you just boil the hearts in a cartoon, then they are successfully used as a filler in all kinds of salads or fillings.
... The softness of the offal indicates the readiness of the hearts.

By-products (heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, etc.) - perfect option for cooking the first or second people: they are inexpensive and add meaty flavor and richness to dishes just like the meat itself. The only drawback in their preparation is that the offal must be cooked or stewed for a long time in order for them to become soft. But this is not a problem if you have such an assistant in your kitchen as! Thanks to her, you will save a lot of time and cook amazingly tender dish with offal.

The most delicious and ideal duet will be stewed pork heart in a slow cooker. To make it soft and tender, please be patient!

To stew a pork heart in a slow cooker, you will need the following products:

  • 1 fresh pork heart
  • 0.5-0.7 kg potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • 40-50 ml of vegetable oil
  • salt to taste

Pork heart in a slow cooker - step by step cooking

Cut a fresh pork heart into 5-7 pieces - you will need to wash out the remaining blood from it.

If this is not done, the broth will turn out to be very dirty and foam will form.

After washing the insides of the offal, cut off the yellow porous tubes from it, which will remain tough during prolonged cooking, and cut its middle pieces into pieces - not small and not large, as in the photo.

Pour oil into the multicooker bowl, heat it well and put the chopped pieces of pork heart.

Fry the heart in the "Baking" or "Fry" mode for 20-30 minutes under a closed lid. Stir the pork offal periodically to ensure the heart is evenly browned.

Then add some water, salt and spices to taste. Water you will need about 600-700 ml... Now simmer the pork heart in a slow cooker for about 1 hour in the "Stew" mode.

30-25 minutes before the end of stewing, prepare the rest of the ingredients for the dish: peel the carrots, onions and potatoes, rinse them in water.

Cut the potatoes into large cubes and place them in a multicooker container. The broth remaining in it is just enough for stewing vegetables. But if the broth is not enough, pour in some water.

Cut the onion into half rings, and cut the carrots into medium cubes. Add vegetables to the multicooker to the pork heart with potatoes, stir, close the lid and simmer for about 30 minutes.

Put the finished stewed pork heart in a slow cooker in portioned plates and garnish with sprigs of greens or finely chopped herbs - according to your taste.

Enjoy your meal!

Step by step recipe stewed pork heart in a slow cooker was prepared by Ulena.

If you have a beef heart and do not know how to cook it, a multicooker will come to the rescue - due to the tightness, the cooking time of this offal is reduced. Cooking a beef heart in a multicooker is not difficult, read on for all the intricacies of cooking.

Many housewives do not recognize this offal, because the heart has to be cooked longer than usual, most often it still remains harsh and tasteless. But this will not happen in a multicooker: accents are correctly placed - and you can invite guests to the table for a tasting.

What products you need:

  • cold water - 3 l;
  • onions - a head (preferably large) or 2 medium-sized onions;
  • beef heart - 0.5 kg;
  • spices: black peppercorns, parsley, bay leaf, salt - to taste;
  • sour cream - 3 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons

Cooking beef heart in a slow cooker:

  1. You need to buy a fresh heart, always chilled. If you bought a frozen semi-finished product, be prepared for the fact that most nutrients you will lose when defrosting. Therefore, if you want to prepare a delicious dish and get the most out of it, choose a fresh product.
  2. The heart can be pre-soaked in cold water, then rinsed and cut. How to cut the heart correctly: first you need to cut the by-product lengthwise with a sharp knife, remove fat, blood vessels, and then divide it into 4 approximately equal parts. For this dish you need 1 part, this is about 500 g.
  3. What to do next: you need to pour cold water (3 liters) into the multicooker bowl or a little less - it all depends on the volume of the working bowl.
  4. The heart, in order to cook faster, must be cut into 3-5 medium pieces, put in water. Cook for 1 hour using the Soup program.
  5. Be sure to wait for the broth to boil, the rising foam must be collected with a slotted spoon. During the cooking process, it is advisable to replace water at least 2 times with fresh water.
  6. In the last, final broth, you need to add spices, as well as salt to taste. For this amount of offal, 1 bay leaf is enough to improve the aroma of the finished dish.
  7. The heart should be soft, it will taste the same as the tongue. This is exactly how you need to cut the boiled beef heart into strips resembling a thin tongue.
  8. So far, do not rush to pour the broth, prepare the cheesecloth, fold it in several layers, strain the slightly cooled broth. To prepare the main course, you will need about half a glass of broth.
  9. The bowl of the appliance must be washed, wiped dry, turn on the "Fry" mode, pour a little vegetable oil. While the oil is warming up, there is just time to prepare the onion: peel, cut into half rings.
  10. The onions must be fried in oil until they begin to brown - then you need to attach the chopped beef heart, fry in the same mode, for about 7-1 minutes.
  11. After the specified time, add sour cream, mix. If you see that there is not enough liquid, add quite a bit of broth, mix again. You need to cook for 5 minutes, "Fry" mode, the lid is open.
  12. Try a ready-made dish - is everything okay? Is there a lack of salt or spice? All this can be added right now.
  13. You can turn off the multicooker, put the beef heart cooked in the multicooker on a plate, sprinkle generously with chopped fresh parsley and boldly serve. Before serving, you can enrich the taste of this dish with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Just a few drops are enough. Bon Appetit!

Beef heart in a slow cooker with spices

A properly cooked beef heart is a real delicacy, even better than regular beef. You just need to learn how to cook it correctly and then each piece will simply melt in your mouth. We will quickly prepare everything you need to try and treat your family with this delicious dish!

Prepare these ingredients:

  • fresh chilled beef heart - 800 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt to taste;
  • celery and thyme - 1 tsp;
  • cloves - 2-3 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.;
  • chopped pepper - half a teaspoon;
  • tomato paste - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - 1 glass.

More on how to cook beef heart in a slow cooker:

  1. Preparation of the main product: the heart must be thoroughly rinsed, remove the film, fat and blood vessels. Cut into 2 pieces, so that later it is easier to cut into strips of the same size.
  2. The offal is prepared, now let's proceed to the next step: pour oil for frying into the bowl of the device, set the “Fry” mode, the time should be set automatically or set the cooking time yourself - 20 minutes.
  3. Throw a pinch of chopped pepper directly into the cold oil (we recommend taking a mixture of peppers), while the oil warms up, quickly peel the onion, cut into rings or half rings, depending on the size of the onion.
  4. Let's put the kettle on, because we need 1 glass of boiling water.
  5. Put the onion in hot oil, stir with a spatula - leave to fry.
  6. We clean the carrots, cut into cubes. But for now, we do not send to fry. As soon as the onion begins to brown, put the chopped heart, stir, continue to fry for a few minutes.
  7. We add carrot cubes to the main ingredient, add tomato paste and if the water has already boiled, then very carefully pour out a glass of freshly boiled water.
  8. Next, put all the spices: cloves, peppercorns, you can have a bay leaf (optional), and do not forget to add salt to taste. Now you can mix everything and taste the broth. Add more salt and spices to taste.
  9. That's all the preparations, now - the multicooker starts to work. We set the desired mode - "Stewing", the cooking time for this dish is 1 hour and another 20 minutes.
  10. After 60 minutes, you are allowed to open the lid to taste the readiness of the heart, it is worth putting out a little more, or you can stop there. Everything here will depend on the power of the multicooker, as well as the amount of ingredients.
  11. It's too early to set the table after the signal, because you need to add a special touch to this dish - flip the lid to add crushed celery powder and some thyme to this dish. Close the lid, switch the device to the "Heating" mode, leave for 10 minutes.
  12. During this time, you will have the opportunity to think over what to serve this delicious and very aromatic dish with. Beef heart, cooked in a slow cooker, is combined with any side dish. The fastest and easiest way is to make a salad from fresh vegetables, refuel olive oil... You can serve the dish immediately, just be careful, do not burn yourself, the heart is still very hot. This offal will turn out to be soft, with a special delicate aftertaste. Bon Appetit!

Beef heart in a slow cooker - how to make goulash

Beef heart is a healthy product that contains more iron, minerals and vitamins than meat. To get the most out of the finished product nutritional values, it is necessary to learn not only to choose the right heart, but also to prepare it.

Cooking beef heart:

  • beef heart - 500 g;
  • large onion - 1 pc .;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • tomato paste - 1 tablespoon;
  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • flour - 2 tablespoons

Step-by-step cooking of beef heart in a slow cooker:

  1. To make goulash from offal, you need to buy a chilled heart. To get a delicate product, it is advisable to pre-wash the heart, soak it in cold milk for 1-2 hours.
  2. If there is no time, then the heart must be rinsed very thoroughly to get rid of blood clots, films and blood vessels. Cut the heart into cubes so that each piece weighs approximately 40 g.
  3. It is also advisable to rinse the chopped heart under the stream cold water, squeeze out excess liquid, salt and pepper.
  4. Pour oil for frying into the working container, turn on the "Fry" program.
  5. While the oil is heating, prepare the onion: it needs to be peeled and chopped. You can cut the onion into cubes or strips.
  6. First you need to fry in a beef heart, add onions, cook until beep or 10 minutes, then add flour, stir and continue the program for 5 minutes.
  7. Then you need to add a glass of boiling water or hot water, put tomato paste, spices (bay leaf, black pepper and sweet peas), mix.
  8. It is necessary to cook beef heart in a multicooker using the Stew program, set the timer to 60 minutes.
  9. This time may not be enough, so try the offal, controlling the softness.

You can serve the finished product with any side dish: porridge, potatoes or stewed vegetables. Bon Appetit!

If you have a beef heart and do not know how to cook it, a multicooker will come to the rescue - due to the tightness, the cooking time of this offal is reduced. Cooking a beef heart in a multicooker is not difficult, read on for all the intricacies of cooking.

Beef heart in a slow cooker with sour cream

Many housewives do not recognize this offal, because the heart has to be cooked longer than usual, most often it still remains harsh and tasteless. But this will not happen in a multicooker: accents are correctly placed - and you can invite guests to the table for a tasting.

What products you need:

  • cold water - 3 l;
  • onions - a head (preferably large) or 2 medium-sized onions;
  • beef heart - 0.5 kg;
  • spices: black peppercorns, parsley, bay leaf, salt - to taste;
  • sour cream - 3 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons

Cooking beef heart in a slow cooker:

  1. You need to buy a fresh heart, always chilled. If you bought a frozen semi-finished product, be prepared for the fact that you will lose most of the nutrients during defrosting. Therefore, if you want to prepare a delicious dish and get the most out of it, choose a fresh product.
  2. The heart can be pre-soaked in cold water, then rinsed and cut. How to cut the heart correctly: first you need to cut the by-product lengthwise with a sharp knife, remove fat, blood vessels, and then divide it into 4 approximately equal parts. For this dish you need 1 part, this is about 500 g.
  3. What to do next: you need to pour cold water (3 liters) into the multicooker bowl or a little less - it all depends on the volume of the working bowl.
  4. The heart, in order to cook faster, must be cut into 3-5 medium pieces, put in water. Cook for 1 hour using the Soup program.
  5. Be sure to wait for the broth to boil, the rising foam must be collected with a slotted spoon. During the cooking process, it is advisable to replace water at least 2 times with fresh water.
  6. In the last, final broth, you need to add spices, as well as salt to taste. For this amount of offal, 1 bay leaf is enough to improve the aroma of the finished dish.
  7. The heart should be soft, it will taste the same as the tongue. This is exactly how you need to cut the boiled beef heart into strips resembling a thin tongue.
  8. So far, do not rush to pour the broth, prepare the cheesecloth, fold it in several layers, strain the slightly cooled broth. To prepare the main course, you will need about half a glass of broth.
  9. The bowl of the appliance must be washed, wiped dry, turn on the "Fry" mode, pour a little vegetable oil. While the oil is warming up, there is just time to prepare the onion: peel, cut into half rings.
  10. The onions must be fried in oil until they begin to brown - then you need to attach the chopped beef heart, fry in the same mode, for about 7-1 minutes.
  11. After the specified time, add sour cream, mix. If you see that there is not enough liquid, add quite a bit of broth, mix again. You need to cook for 5 minutes, "Fry" mode, the lid is open.
  12. Try a ready-made dish - is everything okay? Is there a lack of salt or spice? All this can be added right now.
  13. You can turn off the multicooker, put the beef heart cooked in the multicooker on a plate, sprinkle generously with chopped fresh parsley and boldly serve. Before serving, you can enrich the taste of this dish with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Just a few drops are enough. Bon Appetit!

Beef heart in a slow cooker with spices

A properly cooked beef heart is a real delicacy, even better than regular beef. You just need to learn how to cook it correctly and then each piece will simply melt in your mouth. We will quickly prepare everything you need to try and treat your family to this delicious dish!

Prepare these ingredients:

  • fresh chilled beef heart - 800 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt to taste;
  • celery and thyme - 1 tsp;
  • cloves - 2-3 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.;
  • chopped pepper - half a teaspoon;
  • tomato paste - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - 1 glass.

More on how to cook beef heart in a slow cooker:

  1. Preparation of the main product: the heart must be thoroughly rinsed, remove the film, fat and blood vessels. Cut into 2 pieces, so that later it is easier to cut into strips of the same size.
  2. The offal is prepared, now let's proceed to the next step: pour oil for frying into the bowl of the device, set the “Fry” mode, the time should be set automatically or set the cooking time yourself - 20 minutes.
  3. Throw a pinch of chopped pepper directly into the cold oil (we recommend taking a mixture of peppers), while the oil warms up, quickly peel the onion, cut into rings or half rings, depending on the size of the onion.
  4. Let's put the kettle on, because we need 1 glass of boiling water.
  5. Put the onion in hot oil, stir with a spatula - leave to fry.
  6. We clean the carrots, cut into cubes. But for now, we do not send to fry. As soon as the onion begins to brown, put the chopped heart, stir, continue to fry for a few minutes.
  7. We add carrot cubes to the main ingredient, add tomato paste and if the water has already boiled, then very carefully pour out a glass of freshly boiled water.
  8. Next, put all the spices: cloves, peppercorns, you can have a bay leaf (optional), and do not forget to add salt to taste. Now you can mix everything and taste the broth. Add more salt and spices to taste.
  9. That's all the preparations, now - the multicooker starts to work. We set the desired mode - "Stewing", the cooking time for this dish is 1 hour and another 20 minutes.
  10. After 60 minutes, you are allowed to open the lid to taste the readiness of the heart, it is worth putting out a little more, or you can stop there. Everything here will depend on the power of the multicooker, as well as the amount of ingredients.
  11. It's too early to set the table after the signal, because you need to add a special touch to this dish - flip the lid to add crushed celery powder and some thyme to this dish. Close the lid, switch the device to the "Heating" mode, leave for 10 minutes.
  12. During this time, you will have the opportunity to think over what to serve this delicious and very aromatic dish with. Beef heart, cooked in a slow cooker, is combined with any side dish. The fastest and easiest: to make a salad of fresh vegetables, season with olive oil. You can serve the dish immediately, just be careful, do not burn yourself, the heart is still very hot. This offal will turn out to be soft, with a special delicate aftertaste. Bon Appetit!

Beef heart in a slow cooker - how to make goulash

Beef heart is a healthy product that contains more iron, minerals and vitamins than meat. To get the maximum nutritional value from the finished product, you need to learn not only to choose the right heart, but also to cook it.

Cooking beef heart:

  • beef heart - 500 g;
  • large onion - 1 pc .;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • tomato paste - 1 tablespoon;
  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • flour - 2 tablespoons

Step-by-step cooking of beef heart in a slow cooker:

  1. To make goulash from offal, you need to buy a chilled heart. To get a delicate product, it is advisable to pre-wash the heart, soak it in cold milk for 1-2 hours.
  2. If there is no time, then the heart must be rinsed very thoroughly to get rid of blood clots, films and blood vessels. Cut the heart into cubes so that each piece weighs approximately 40 g.
  3. It is also advisable to rinse the chopped heart under running cold water, squeeze out excess liquid, salt and pepper.
  4. Pour oil for frying into the working container, turn on the "Fry" program.
  5. While the oil is heating, prepare the onion: it needs to be peeled and chopped. You can cut the onion into cubes or strips.
  6. First you need to fry in a beef heart, add onions, cook until beep or 10 minutes, then add flour, stir and continue the program for 5 minutes.
  7. Then you need to add a glass of boiling water or hot water, put tomato paste, spices (bay leaf, black pepper and sweet peas), mix.
  8. It is necessary to cook beef heart in a multicooker using the Stew program, set the timer to 60 minutes.
  9. This time may not be enough, so try the offal, controlling the softness.

You can serve the finished product with any side dish: porridge, potatoes or stewed vegetables. Bon Appetit!


Beef heart in a slow cooker

If you bought a beef heart and are now wondering what to do with it, then here is a simple and extremely delicious recipe for a heart in a slow cooker. We will prepare a very tasty and uncomplicated dish from it. And at the same time we will tell you all the subtleties of preparing the heart. Indeed, unlike ordinary meat, the heart must first be boiled. That is, it turns out one step more. But in the end, the dish will come out softer and more tender than what you cooked from meat. Beef heart is a by-product of the first category (liver and tongue belong to it) and for me it was always tastier than ordinary meat. If we compare meat goulash and roast made from the heart in sour cream sauce, which I will talk about today in my step-by-step recipe, then all the advantages will be in favor of the offal. Delicate taste soft pieces cannot be described, of course - you need to try. But if you pay attention to the benefits, then, for example, vitamins and iron in this dish are much more than in beef, and there are fewer fats and calories. The heart will first have to boil well, and the slow cooker is just the way. With its help, everything will cook much faster due to its tightness.

I need:

  • 3 liters of cold water;
  • 400-500 g of chilled beef heart;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 2-3 st. spoons of sour cream;
  • Salt and parsley and lemon.

Method of cooking hearts in a multicooker

1. Beef heart I usually buy fresh, prepared and chilled. The frozen option is a loss of a large amount of nutrients, so it does not suit me. I wash and cut first along and remove the remaining vessels and fat. I divide into four parts - for a roast I only need one. I cut it into medium pieces and send it to a multicooker bowl filled up to the 3-liter mark with cold water. I cook in the "soup" mode for at least an hour. In the process of cooking, I change the water twice and remove the Shumka (foam). Salt the final broth and flavor it with bay leaves.

2. A well-cooked heart becomes very soft and tastes like beef tongue, that's just in the form of tongues, I form further pieces. I filter the broth in which the offal was cooked through cheesecloth - half a glass will be enough, and the rest can be drained as unnecessary.

3. Shinky half rings peeled onion.

4. I pass it in a slow cooker in the "frying" mode until golden brown with the addition of vegetable oil.

5. I attach the heart and fry it well, mixed with onions for 10 minutes.

6. Fill with sour cream and fry again (no more than five minutes). If necessary, add a little liquid, but not water, but the remaining fragrant broth. I taste and add salt to the dish.

7. Finishing the cooking process. I turn off the multicooker and sprinkle the fried beef heart with chopped parsley.

8. Here is such a simple dish turned out, but unusually tasty. Before serving, sprinkle the roast with a few drops of lemon.

The heart is prepared in a multicooker REDMOND RMC-45031.

Do you like the recipe? Click on the heart:


Pork heart in a slow cooker

By-products (heart, liver, kidneys, stomachs, lungs, etc.) are ideal for preparing the first or second meal: they are inexpensive and add meaty flavor and richness to dishes just like the meat itself. The only drawback in their preparation is that the offal must be cooked or stewed for a long time in order for them to become soft. But this is not a problem if you have such an assistant in your kitchen as a multicooker! Thanks to her, you will save a lot of time and prepare an amazingly tender dish with offal.

The most delicious and ideal duet will be stewed pork heart in a slow cooker. To make it soft and tender, please be patient!

To stew a pork heart in a slow cooker, you will need the following products:

  • 1 fresh pork heart
  • 0.5-0.7 kg potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • 40-50 ml of vegetable oil
  • salt to taste

Pork heart in a slow cooker - step-by-step cooking

Cut a fresh pork heart into 5-7 pieces - you will need to wash out the remaining blood from it.

If this is not done, the broth will turn out to be very dirty and foam will form.

After washing the insides of the offal, cut off the yellow porous tubes from it, which will remain tough during prolonged cooking, and cut its middle pieces into pieces - not small and not large, as in the photo.

Pour oil into the multicooker bowl, heat it well and put the chopped pieces of pork heart.

Fry the heart in the "Baking" or "Fry" mode for 20-30 minutes under a closed lid. Stir the pork offal periodically to ensure the heart is evenly browned.

Then add some water, salt and spices to taste. You will need about 600-700 ml of water. Now simmer the pork heart in a slow cooker for about 1 hour in the "Stew" mode.

30-25 minutes before the end of stewing, prepare the rest of the ingredients for the dish: peel the carrots, onions and potatoes, rinse them in water.

Cut the potatoes into large cubes and place them in a multicooker container. The broth remaining in it is just enough for stewing vegetables. But if the broth is not enough, pour in some water.

Cut the onion into half rings, and cut the carrots into medium cubes. Add vegetables to the multicooker to the pork heart with potatoes, stir, close the lid and simmer for about 30 minutes.

Put the finished stewed pork heart in a slow cooker in portioned plates and garnish with sprigs of greens or finely chopped herbs - according to your taste.

Enjoy your meal!

A step-by-step recipe for a stewed pork heart in a slow cooker was prepared by Ulena.


Beef heart in a slow cooker

Step 1

We will prepare everything you need: heart, vegetables, spices, tomato paste, vegetable oil.

Step 2

Rinse the heart from blood residues, remove fat, connective tissue films from blood vessels. Cut into strips.

Step 3

Set the "fry" mode in the multicooker. In the PHILIPS HD 2178 multicooker in which I cook, this mode corresponds to the "stew" mode, set the time to 18 minutes.

Step 4

Pour oil into a bowl, heat it up and add a mixture of peppers.

Step 5

Add chopped onion.

Step 6


Step 7

Put the heart in a bowl and continue to fry.

Step 8

Add the diced carrots while continuing to fry.

Step 9

Add tomato paste, stir and fry.

Step 10

Pour in 1.5 cups of boiling water. Be careful not to burn yourself with the steam! Add salt, cloves and black peppercorns. Close the lid.

Step 11

Since my multicooker has a "pressure cooker" mode, I will set the "meat" mode in the pressure cooker function and the standard program will turn on for 30 minutes. Under pressure, the heart will be completely ready during this time and will become soft. In the case of a conventional multicooker, you need to set the "extinguishing" mode for 1.30-2 hours.

Step 12

When the sound signal sounds the dish is ready, it remains to add only dry thyme and celery, close the lid in the "heating" mode for 10 minutes.

Step 13

Beef heart in a slow cooker is ready. Serve with any side dish.