Cook mushrooms all recipes. How to cook milk mushrooms - ways to prepare mushrooms and the best recipes for delicious dishes

Delicious and fragrant milk mushrooms will always decorate any festive or dinner table... They are often harvested in autumn in many popular ways. Some people prefer to salt mushrooms for the winter, while others use them to cook caviar or salads. Salting is the most effective way to prepare forest fruits. It will allow you to keep them as long as possible in a usable form. It is only important to choose a suitable and tasty recipe.

Features in the preparation of milk mushrooms

Raw milk mushrooms often have a characteristic bitter taste, because, like all mushrooms, they absorb a large amount of toxins. If you do not follow the rules of preparation, then as a result you can get a real poison.

  1. 1. It is strictly forbidden to pick mushrooms that grow near such dangerous areas as large enterprises, large factories, factories or highways.
  2. 2. Before proceeding with salting, the milk mushrooms need to be sorted out well, cut out damage, wormy areas. You also need to get rid of forest litter, sheets and sticks. If the area is particularly dirty, it can be rubbed with a soft brush or soaked in cold water for several hours. In parallel with cleaning, it is worth immediately cutting the mushrooms into two or four parts lengthwise, so that each has a cap and a leg, or cut off the legs from the caps and use only the top. The legs make excellent caviar.
  3. 3. All milk mushrooms need to be soaked. This item should not be skipped, otherwise there will be bitterness. For this, mushrooms are poured cold water so that the liquid covers them completely. When the mushrooms float, they should be submerged by placing a flat-bottomed plate or lid on top. Three days is the best time for soaking. After that, you can pull them out and proceed to the next steps.
  4. 4. For the preparation of milk mushrooms, not all the utensils that are available in the kitchen are suitable. Wooden, glass or enamel - three ideal options... In galvanized dishes or pans, mushrooms can become inedible, and clay containers are considered unsuitable for winter storage.
  5. 5. During the soaking of the mushrooms, the water needs to be changed several times a day so that the bitterness from the fruits comes out much faster and in greater quantities.

There are two main ways of pickling milk mushrooms: cold and hot. It is important to try both methods to determine which one works best.

Cold salting method

Ingredients for making a snack at home:

  • ten kilograms of mushrooms;
  • half a kilogram of salt.

Step by step cooking, step by step recipe:

  1. 1. Mushrooms are washed, cleaned of the remnants of soil, leaves and other dirt, and then soaked in water for three days. Then they can be laid out in a large glass container or in an enamel dish with the caps down. Ideally, you should have ten layers.
  2. 2. During laying, the mushrooms are alternated with salt. It is important to calculate so that all layers are covered with it, that is, about fifty grams for each new one.
  3. 3. A wooden plate is placed on the mushrooms, and oppression wrapped in gauze or a clean towel on top. This weight can be replaced with a jar of water, a stone, or a dumbbell. They will help the fluid flow quickly.
  4. 4. Under such pressure, it is required to keep the mushrooms for two months, after which you can try a snack.

Secret. To make the milk mushrooms more fragrant and tasty, at the very bottom of the container in which they will be pickled, you can put black currant leaves, horseradish, cherries, as well as peppercorns, dill umbrellas or garlic.

A feature of this method is that during the period of salting, new layers can be reported from above, because the previous ones will sink to the bottom. Before serving, excess salt must be removed from the weights by rinsing them under running water.

Black salted milk mushrooms in jars

  • two kilograms of black mushrooms;
  • ten dill umbrellas;
  • one hundred grams of salt;
  • two heads of garlic;
  • one and a half liters of clean water;
  • fifty milliliters of vegetable oil.

The entire volume of water is sent to the fire. After boiling, twenty grams of salt is poured into the liquid. When the water boils, mushrooms that have already been soaked and cut are placed in it. Depending on the size of the fruit, the cooking time can vary from eight to ten minutes on average. Next, oil is poured in, stirred, and the milk mushrooms are thrown into a colander to glass the liquid.

At this time, the stalks are cut off from the dill, the umbrellas are cut into several parts. Peel and chop the garlic. The mushrooms are mixed with the remaining salt, garlic and dill umbrellas, transferred to a large container and covered with oppression. Twelve hours later, the milk mushrooms need to be mixed and put under the load again.

At this time, the jars are sterilized, the lids are boiled. Mushrooms can be laid out in clean containers, pouring with brine. At the end, press down on them, close the lids and put them in a dark, cold place for salting.

Thanks to this method, milk mushrooms will be stored for three months, but they can only be opened after one and a half. So that they do not take up space in the refrigerator, they are removed to the cellar or garage until ready.

White milk mushrooms in jars

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • two kilograms of white milk mushrooms;
  • one and a half liters of water;
  • seventy grams of salt;
  • fifty milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • three heads of garlic;
  • Dill seeds.

The mushrooms are soaked for three days, after which they are washed and cleaned of the remnants of dirt and earth. At this time, water is boiled and all the salt is poured. Lower all the fruits, cut into four pieces, boil for seven minutes. The milk mushrooms are put in a colander to glass the liquid, then mixed in a large container with garlic, dill, salt.

They put a wooden plate, a plate on top and oppression for a day. Mushrooms are laid out in sterilized jars, poured with brine, vegetable oil is poured on top, and covered with lids. After a month and a half of conservation, they can be opened and served, but they cannot be stored for more than three months.

Salted mushrooms in cabbage leaves

Snack products:

  • five kilograms of mushrooms;
  • five liters of cold water;
  • a third of a kilogram of salt;
  • one head of garlic;
  • one hundred grams of fresh dill;
  • twenty peas of pepper;
  • twenty leaves of currant or cherry;
  • ten cabbage leaves.

Soak the mushrooms for two days, changing the water twice every day. Dissolve fifty grams of salt in five liters of water, add mushrooms and leave for ten hours. Then rinse the milk mushrooms, change the water and leave again for five hours.

Dry the fruits. Cut the peeled garlic into thirds. Wash, finely chop the dill. Arrange the mushrooms in layers, each sprinkling with dill, salt and garlic, as well as the leaves of berries and cabbage. Set the oppression on top and remove the container in a cold cellar or marinating shed for two months.

After the specified time, the snack can be taken out and served with oil or vinegar.

Milk mushrooms with onions

Ingredients for easy way salt mushrooms:

  • five kilograms of milk mushrooms;
  • a quarter of a kilogram of salt;
  • five liters of water;
  • kilogram of onions.

Two days before cooking, the mushrooms are soaked in salted water (fifty grams of salt per five liters). After the liquid is drained, and the milk mushrooms are washed from bitterness and dried. Peel the onions and cut them into cubes or half rings. The mushrooms are mixed with a vegetable and salt, and a heavy load is placed on top for the next ten hours.

During salting, the mushrooms must be mixed five times at least. Then put it in sterilized jars, close with lids and store for the next three months.

Hot way of salting mushrooms

Ingredients for making delicious mushrooms:

  • two kilograms of the main product;
  • eighty grams of salt;
  • two liters of water;
  • five heads of garlic;
  • five pieces of allspice peas;
  • cloves and bay leaves to taste.

Water, spices and herbs are mixed in a large container. The liquid is heated over low heat until the salt is completely dissolved, then the soaked mushrooms are put in and brought to a boil. Cook for half an hour, periodically removing the foam from the top. At this time, the garlic is cut into three parts, mixed with milk mushrooms that have already been removed from the fire.

Mushrooms with spices and brine, where they were cooked, are put under oppression or a heavy load for a day, so that more liquid is released. Banks are sterilized in an oven or in a water bath for an hour. After 24 hours to infuse the mushrooms, the mass is boiled together with brine for five minutes, then they are laid out in a container, tamping well, poured with boiling brine and rolled up with lids.

Banks with snacks should be allowed to cool under a blanket, then put away for long-term storage in a dark and cool place. This method will help keep the mushrooms usable for much longer than the cold method of pickling milk mushrooms.

Salted milk mushrooms in hot brine

Products for preparing snacks:

  • a kilogram of mushrooms;
  • fifty grams of salt;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • bay leaf, fresh horseradish;
  • twenty grams of dill seeds;
  • litere of water.

We prepare the mushrooms by soaking well in water. We cut off only the caps from the legs, which will be suitable for the recipe. Clean and chop horseradish and garlic. At this time, we boil water, put salt and dill in it, then dip the milk mushrooms in the brine, cook for half an hour, regularly removing the foam.

We wash the mushrooms under running water after cooking, mix with horseradish and garlic, fill with brine and cover with gauze, press down with oppression for pickling for several days. After the allotted time has expired, we put the mushrooms in sterilized jars, close the lids and put them in the refrigerator for storage for three to four months.

Spicy white mushrooms

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • five kilograms of porcini mushrooms;
  • fifty grams of salt for every liter;
  • twenty-five grams of sugar for each liter;
  • fifteen grams of vinegar for each liter;
  • garlic heads;
  • spices to taste.

Salting mushrooms hot means avoiding particularly careful and lengthy processing. You only need to soak them in water for three days so that they are ready for use. Next, the milk mushrooms are poured into a large saucepan, poured with cold water and sent to medium heat. When the liquid boils, add salt and spices, boil for twenty minutes.

After that, in sterilized jars, lay the milk mushrooms in a dense layer, alternating each of them with garlic, leaves of berries or fruits. Pour the marinade, close the lids and put under a warm blanket to cool. After a couple of days, the mushrooms will cool completely and can be sent to a cool and dark place for further storage.

This cooking method does not take much time. At hot salting, unlike cold milk mushrooms, they are stored much longer and more reliably for several months.

Mushrooms in a sweet and spicy marinade with tomatoes

Many will love the sweet-spicy mushroom flavor of this recipe. The dish can decorate any table.

Products for cooking:

  • two kilograms of mushrooms;
  • one hundred milliliters of odorless vegetable oil;
  • a kilogram of ripe medium-sized tomatoes;
  • a kilogram of onions;
  • sixty grams of salt;
  • twenty milliliters of vinegar.

Peeled and washed mushrooms are cut into pieces along and across. The milk mushrooms are boiled in salted water for an hour, constantly skimming off the foam. After boiling, they are washed of salt and placed in a large saucepan, sprinkling with salt on each layer. Next, peel the onion, cut into half rings, fry until the vegetables are golden brown, add to the mushrooms. The tomatoes are scalded with boiling water to easily remove the skin. They are coarsely chopped and fried until tender.

Next, onions and tomatoes need to be mixed well with mushrooms, pour vinegar and leave for an hour. Then simmer over low heat for about half an hour, stirring regularly. Put the mushrooms in sterilized jars, roll up with tin lids, wrap them in a blanket to cool the snack. After cooling, they can be removed to a cool, dark place.

Pickled black milk mushrooms

This recipe is often referred to as the "Black Prince".

Ingredients for cooking:

  • a kilogram of mushrooms;
  • two liters of water;
  • Bay leaf;
  • ten milliliters of vinegar;
  • lemon acid;
  • twenty grams of salt;
  • half a cinnamon stick;
  • peppercorns.

Boil the milk mushrooms with one spoonful of salt for about twenty minutes. The foam that will form must be removed regularly. After cooking, the mushrooms are thrown into a colander and washed with running cold water. All spices, common table vinegar are intended for making marinade sauce, so they are boiled in water. The second teaspoon of salt is also sent there. Cinnamon is removed from the liquid, and the milk mushrooms are placed in brine for half an hour.

Pickled mushrooms are laid out at the very bottom of sterilized jars, crushing each layer with a spoon, pour a little on top citric acid, pour the resulting marinade and cover with lids. Containers must be removed for storage in a dark and cool place until winter.

Rules for storing milk mushrooms in banks

Often, twenty days after the salting is blocked, you can find that mold fungi begin to form in the cans, the containers can swell, and the tin lids can rot.

To avoid these processes, which lead to the spoilage of mushrooms, it is required to monitor the quality of the product itself, thoroughly wash the milk mushrooms and strictly follow the cooking recipe. Jars and lids should also be in perfect condition. Under the right storage conditions, mushrooms can stay in them from three months to two years. Opened cans cannot be stored for more than seven days after opening.

Salted milk mushrooms are a purely Slavic appetizer."Why?" - you ask. Because this mushroom is considered conditionally edible and is cooked only in our area.

It is completely safe for health, and nutrients but has a bitter taste.

It is for this reason that milk mushrooms are not suitable for frying or soups, but ideal for pickling.

Especially if the end product is slightly crispy.

And in order to get rid of the unpleasant aftertaste and please yourself the whole winter with delicious everyday and festive snack, just soak the mushrooms and start pickling.

This article has collected best recipes how to salt milk mushrooms at home and properly handle mushrooms before cooking.

Cooking mushrooms for pickling

And the most important thing in cooking mushrooms is picking them.

In order not to cause irreparable harm to your health, remember that you need to collect milk mushrooms, as well as any other mushrooms, in and by no means eaten raw.

It is these foods that absorb the most poisons in the first place, so go away from highways and factories during the mushroom season.

Also adhere to the following rules:

  1. Before salting, carefully sort the mushrooms, discard the wormy and damaged ones. Rinse the rest thoroughly.
  2. If dirt cannot be removed under running water, brush it off with a toothbrush.
  3. To remove all harmful substances, immerse in a basin of cold water for two hours.
  4. Next, cut into 3-4 pieces for salting. You can also salt only the caps, and use the legs to cook mushroom caviar.
  5. Soak the mushrooms for three days, while changing the water three times a day and rinsing each mushroom. For soaking, choose a deep dish, put a plate on top and put oppression. The mushrooms should be in liquid and not float to the surface.
  6. In the process of soaking, the milk mushrooms will lose all the bitter juice and noticeably decrease in volume.
  7. Use ceramic, wood, or glass dishes. You should not salt the milk mushrooms in metal and clay. The metal is oxidized, and the clay absorbs all the aroma.

Before cooking, the mushrooms need to be washed and soaked

Method number 1. How to salt milk mushrooms at home in a cold way

This is the simplest recipe for pickling mushrooms, as it eliminates the need to prepare the brine.

You will need:

  1. 1 kg of white milk mushrooms
  2. 40 g salt
  3. Bunch of dill
  4. 2 bay leaves
  5. 5 cloves of garlic
  6. Horseradish root
  7. Ground black pepper to taste

Cold way cooking

Step by step cooking:

  1. At the first stage, we soak the mushrooms for three times, as indicated above, in order to remove all the bitterness from them.
  2. Next, grind dry bay leaf, garlic and horseradish in a deep bowl. We also send finely chopped dill there, pour salt and ground black pepper to taste.
  3. We take a jar for pickling. At the bottom we spread a little mixture, pieces of mushrooms, again the pickling mixture and alternate layers until the end of the ingredients.
  4. We tamp it with a wooden crush, close it with a plastic lid and send the jar to the refrigerator.
  5. Salt the mushrooms for 30-40 days, after which you can taste them.
  6. If the appetizer tastes too salty, the mushrooms can be rinsed with water.

Method number 2. How to salt milk mushrooms at home in a hot way

This way of salting is considered the safest, since during boiling all natural bitterness, an unpleasant odor, and additional heat treatment will protect your health.

You will need:

  1. 1 kg of white milk mushrooms
  2. 60 g salt
  3. 5 cloves of garlic
  4. 10-12 peas of black pepper
  5. 10-12 black currant leaves
  6. 2-3 umbrellas of dill

Milk mushrooms in brine

Step by step cooking:

  1. We wash the mushrooms well, discard the damaged ones, cut them into 3-4 parts and send them to a saucepan with water. Bring to a boil.
  2. Cook over low heat for five minutes, periodically skimming off the foam.
  3. Transfer to a colander, rinse with cold water. Let it drain and dry.
  4. We tamp the mushrooms in layers into a jar, shifting with black peppercorns, currant leaves, chopped garlic cloves in halves and dill umbrellas.
  5. Fill with mushroom broth.
  6. Cool the appetizer, close it with plastic lids and store in a cool place. For complete salting, the milk mushrooms will take about a month and a half.

Advice: metal lids are not suitable for clogging lumps, since they have the property of actively oxidizing.

Method number 3. How to salt milk mushrooms at home - Altai recipe

In Altai, during the mushroom season, milk mushrooms are salted in wooden barrels of several kilograms - and this is the main difference between this method.

This type of mushroom usually grows in whole families - if you managed to find one such family, then several more are hiding nearby.

You will need:

  1. 5 kg of fresh mushrooms
  2. 200 g coarse salt
  3. Large bunch of dill
  4. Half a head of garlic
  5. 10 g grated horseradish root
  6. 5 bay leaves
  7. 20 g allspice

Mushrooms cooked in a barrel

Step by step cooking:

  1. At the first stage, we process mushrooms the traditional way: clean, rinse, soak for three days.
  2. Thoroughly wash the barrel, scald with boiling water and dry.
  3. We put prepared mushrooms in it, shifting each layer with spices: chopped dill and garlic, finely chopped bay leaves, grated horseradish root, allspice peas and generously sprinkle with salt.
  4. We alternate until the end of the ingredients. Cover the top layer with gauze or a clean linen napkin. We put a heavy press on top - if this is not done, the milk mushrooms will not be allowed to juice.
  5. In the process of salting, the milk mushrooms will noticeably decrease in volume. The mushrooms will be ready for food in 25 days.

Tip: it is strictly forbidden to use iodized salt for salting, otherwise the mushrooms will acquire a black tint.

Method number 4. How to salt milk mushrooms at home deliciously - the simplest step-by-step recipe

This method of pickling is suitable for those who simply adore mushrooms, but do not consider themselves a fan of spices. It contains only 2 components.

You will need:

  1. 3 kg of mushrooms
  2. 150-160 g coarse salt

The easiest recipe

Step by step cooking:

  1. We soak the mushrooms for three days in an already known way.
  2. Then we take glass or wooden dishes for salting and lay out the milk mushrooms in layers, sprinkling each with plenty of salt.
  3. We put a press on top and hold the workpiece under pressure for three days.
  4. During this time, stir the milk mushrooms 4 times a day.
  5. After that, we lay out the mushrooms in small, pre-sterilized jars, cork with nylon lids and store in a cool place - a cellar or refrigerator. They will be ready for use in a month and a half.

Method number 5. Salted mushrooms with onions

You will need:

  1. 5 l of water
  2. 5 kg of mushrooms
  3. 1 kg of onions
  4. 250 g coarse salt

With onion

Step by step cooking:

  1. We soak the mushrooms for three days.
  2. Prepare brine from water and 60 g of salt. Pour milk mushrooms with the resulting composition and leave for 12 hours. During this time, you need to rinse them twice with plain water, taking them out of the brine and lowering them back.
  3. We take out the milk mushrooms, while preserving the brine - we still need it.
  4. We peel the onion and chop it finely.
  5. Mix the mushrooms with the remaining salt and onions.
  6. We put all the components under the press, wait 2 days. We mix the composition every 7 hours, after which we put it in sterilized jars and tamp it well.
  7. Fill with brine, seal with nylon caps, send it to the cold or cellar for 2 days, after which you can try the milk mushrooms.

Method number 6. Cooking milk mushrooms in cabbage leaves

For a snack, we have prepared for you the most unusual way of pickling milk mushrooms.

You will need:

  1. 25 cherry and currant leaves
  2. 5 kg of mushrooms
  3. 300 g coarse salt
  4. Head of garlic
  5. 2 bunches of dill
  6. 12 cabbage leaves
  7. 5 l of water

Milk mushrooms, salted with cabbage

Step by step cooking:

  1. We prepare the mushrooms in the way indicated above - after soaking, mix 60 g of salt with five liters of water. We put oppression and wait 12 hours.
  2. Every 4 hours we take them out of the brine and rinse them with running water.
  3. Cut the garlic into plates, chop the dill. We wash cabbage, currant and cherry leaves.
  4. We put the mushrooms in sterilized jars, alternating them with a mixture of the remaining salt, garlic and other ingredients.
  5. We close the finished milk mushrooms with nylon lids and insist for a month and a half, after which we proceed to tasting. Bon Appetit!

Tip: how to quickly and easily sterilize cans for winter preparations, read the article at the link.

One more interesting recipe how to salt milk mushrooms at home for the winter, you will learn from this video:

Good morning everyone!

When the time comes, you can go to the forest or meadow to find a bunch of mushrooms. And then immediately fry them in a pan or send them in jars. Usually I collect a lot and then pickle or. But with milk mushrooms, I'm not very friendly, because I can't find them, they are so cunning, until you find these bumps, it's time to go home. Ahaha, but that's how it happens to me. And my husband is luckier in this matter.

But, I will tell you one thing that I like to salt the milk mushrooms for the winter. In this case, I use two methods at once, this is cold and hot. Which one do you like best? If you do everything right, you will get crispy and rather aromatic (it also depends on what you add, what spices and herbs) and amazing delicious mushrooms... Mmm ... writing an article and choking on my saliva because I know how awesome they are.

And then you get them out of the cellar and, as soon as you make a cup with an onion, and with sour cream, or make a healthy soup. My grandmother fries more pies with salted milk mushrooms, twists them in a meat grinder, fries them with onions and adds them as filling. Delight is incredible.

In any case, I also want to say that all mushrooms must be approached with caution so as not to get poisoned. Therefore, it is very important to do everything according to the correct cooking technology. Usually such recipes are passed down from generation, don't you agree? But, there is nothing difficult, so if you are a beginner, then read my recommendations and follow the step-by-step steps and you will be happy. And then in winter there will be an excellent snack for the New Year's celebration or birthday.

Salted milk mushrooms for the winter in jars (they turn out to be crispy, aromatic and very tasty)

For those who do not know what will be discussed now, I propose to consider this photo. It depicts mushrooms, which we will now salt. Yes, these are white milk mushrooms, there are also black ones, by the way, they have the same cooking method as white ones. There are also wet and dry ones, in this case, wet ones in front of you.

Well, many probably, who at least once made mushrooms, faced the problem of why they turn out to be soft, but I would like them to crunch their teeth. Apparently you are making one major mistake, you digest them if you harvest them for the winter with hot marinade. To prevent this from happening, I suggest you dry milk mushroom ambassador. It is he who gives the desired properties, and the ingredients will contain herbs and spices, which will give them a bright aroma and give a wonderful taste. It turns out amazing!

We need:


1. In order to pickle mushrooms, such as milk mushrooms, it is necessary to soak them well in cool water (for the first time 2-3 hours, then to wash off the dirt).

Since milk mushrooms are referred to in the educational literature as conditionally edible, since they contain milk with a very bitter pronounced taste. Then, if you do not soak them in advance, they will be bitter during tasting.

So, after soaking in a basin, clean them of dirt with a regular sponge or iron brush. There is one more secret, how easy it is to wash them from dirt, I will tell you about this in following recipe(hint, you need to add one secret ingredient, but look for the answer below). Next, cut them with a culinary knife, leaving only the caps, which you chop. Place the mushrooms, caps down, in a bucket or saucepan. You can not grind, but lay them in whole hats.

Soak for two days, periodically draining and pouring in new water (drain the water 3 times a day, pouring back cold water). This stage cannot be skipped in order to remove all the milk that is in them and due to these actions all the bitterness will go away.

So, make a curing mixture first. Crush the lavrushka into a small container, finely chop the garlic, then the dill, horseradish root. And immediately add all the salt and ground pepper. Stir the mass well and put a little on the bottom of the jar.

4. Then put a layer of milk mushrooms, after the salty mass, and so on until you use up all the components. And so that the mushrooms tightly nestle against each other, push them a little against each other with a crush, and on top you can make a spacer from the sticks, crosswise. Or put some kind of oppression. Cover the jar with gauze or a rag.

Thus, you will get the pickling of milk mushrooms in a cold way. There is also a hot one, but we'll talk about it a little later. Well, in a day, look at what has become, a lot of juice should stand out, and it should cover all the mushrooms, if this did not happen, you need to increase the oppression. Then close them with a nylon lid and send them to a cellar or a cool place for 40-45 days, after which they can be eaten.

Important! If the brine is not enough, the milk mushrooms will become moldy.

P.S It is the mushrooms cooked in this way that will always be crunchy and aromatic, since they have not undergone heat treatment, that is, this recipe without boiling. They will turn out delicious, no one argues about it, they are just awesome! But, if you are still going to boil them first, then remember, the golden rule, you should cook them for no more than 5-10 minutes, otherwise they will turn out soft.

How to salt milk mushrooms at home in a cold way? Simple recipe

Well, let's move on to the next cooking method. It differs from the previous topics (in principle, it is the same as the first one), but this one has quite a lot of herbs in its composition. It is the currant leaves that will fill and make the milk mushrooms even more fragrant.

The author of this story will show you how to properly install a support from sticks so that a lot of juice is released during salting and thus, you protect the mushrooms from mold, and they will not turn black during storage. That is, the brine is not prepared separately, the milk mushrooms are obtained in their own juice.

The blogger recommends soaking the mushrooms for 3 days, changing the water 3-4 times a day during this time and pouring them back into the usual cold drinking water. Well, you can view the information in more detail right now by turning on the view button.

Hot salting of white milk mushrooms in brine for the winter

This recipe is by right the most beloved among my friends and relatives, since the mushrooms are lightly salted. There are many recipes on the net, but this one is the coolest and one of the best. And as I promised here I will reveal one secret, when soaking, add a little vinegar, then the milk mushrooms will thoroughly wash off the dirt. But, this is optional, if they lie in the water not for 20 minutes, but as it should be for 3 days, they will easily wash off their camouflage.

We need:


Thus, all the bitterness will go away and the milk mushrooms will remain delicious.

By the way, speaking, it is advisable to put a load on the forest delicacy when soaking so that they are completely covered with water. An ordinary plate is enough.

When you come directly to the process of pickling milk mushrooms, they should be clean by this time.

2. Pour just such water again so that it covers everything and put it on the stove to cook. After boiling, they should boil for 5 minutes so that the crunch does not disappear. Take them out with a slotted spoon in a bowl and put them in layers with salt (about a pinch or two per layer). When finished, place a plate press and something heavy and wait 2 days at any room temperature.

4. As you reach the end of the can, pierce the edge of the can with a knife so that the brine that has formed releases all the air and penetrates to the bottom of the container.

5. Sprinkle the top with dill grains and finely chopped garlic, cover with boiled salted water. And close with a nylon lid, store in the refrigerator or cellar. You can eat such a snack in a month. Bon Appetit!

Recipe for making black milk mushrooms

If you come across unusual milk mushrooms, but black in color, then do not be discouraged, they are also slightly salted before winter. And in principle, the cooking method is no different from the previous ones, any classic recipe and forward. Or see the instructions below.

We need:


1. Soak nigella in water for 3 days, and change cold water every 7-8 hours. Once they are wet, wipe off all the dirt.

2. Then prepare a mixture of herbs, spices such as horseradish root, cherry leaves, currants, dill sprigs with umbrellas and cloves of garlic, bay leaves and peppercorns.

3. Take a sterilized jar and start placing the seasoning and chopped garlic and horseradish root on the bottom, but not all components at once. Then a layer of black milk mushrooms, sprinkle with salt, again nigella and salt, peppercorns and so on, at the end put currant leaves, cherries and the remaining garlic and horseradish. Make oppression from sticks, as shown above in the article, and leave for 3 days.

Check if a sufficient amount of juice has escaped, if not, then add salt water, remove the sticks and close the nylon lid or use a metal one. But do not twist tightly so as not to form bootulism.

4. Store in the cellar for 40 days, and then eat. Happy discoveries!

Pickled milk mushrooms with vinegar and onions - the most delicious recipe

And finally I picked up original recipe... You never know, I remember as a child my dad tore milk mushrooms not with buckets, but with baths. And what to do with them? You can cook different ways, so for a change, you can also pickle them.

We need:


1. First, soak the mushrooms in running cold water for three days, remove the dirt. Then boil them for 5 minutes.

2 And while they are boiling on the stove, cut into rings onion.

3. For the marinade, prepare 2 tbsp. l of salt per 1 liter of water. Boil the liquid and only then put the bay leaf (2 pcs.), 1 tsp of vinegar, 0.5 tsp of granulated sugar + plus chopped onions and boiled mushrooms. Cook for another 10 minutes over medium heat.

4. Then remove them with a slotted spoon and distribute together with the onions in a clean sterilized jar, on the bottom of which place a clove of garlic.

Then fill the jar to the very edges with marinade so that it completely covers the mushrooms. Cover and close. Cover them with a blanket afterwards to cool. Put it in the cellar. Enjoy your experience!

That's all, this is such an appetizing note with a gorgeous appetizer, which is one of the first to be eaten at the table. After all, these mushrooms are not only beautiful, but also so tasty and aromatic. And if you follow all the rules, then they are also crunchy. In general, salt the milk mushrooms and eat with great pleasure!

I wish everyone a good gathering of "forest beauties" and bye-bye. Thanks for the classes!

Best regards, Ekaterina

Milk mushrooms come from the Syroezhkov family and the Milky genus. They have been known since ancient times. In Russia, these mushrooms were considered one of the best. Their taste qualities and beneficial features are still valued today. The word milk mushroom has its origin from the Church Slavonic "breast" or "breast", which means a heap, due to the joint accumulation of mushrooms in one place.

There are different types of mushrooms that must be distinguished and not confused with false mushrooms. These mushrooms can be harvested for the winter, which is what many housewives do. Milk mushrooms are salted, pickled and frozen. In order to get delicious and useful blanks in winter, you need to properly collect and cook them.

Where does the lump grow and what does it look like?

Milk mushrooms grow in mixed, deciduous and coniferous forests of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. In Europe, these mushrooms are little known and are considered conditionally edible. The picking season for mushrooms is from June to November and depends on the region.

The average daily temperature for mushroom growth is 7-10 degrees. You need to go out hunting for mushrooms after heavy but long rains.

In one area, you can collect a whole basket of mushrooms. They hide under the foliage of birches, rowan trees, willows, under pine needles, in mosses, under a fern. To collect them, you need to use a stick and a sharp knife.

There are several types of mushrooms. They are black, white (real, raw), yellow, dry, aspen and oak. Regardless of the species, they are all massive, weighty and differ from other mushrooms.

Useful properties, composition

The properties of these mushrooms make them useful in the treatment of various diseases.

  1. Eating milk mushrooms in food is a good prevention of diseases of the nervous system and atherosclerosis.
  2. Extracts from milk mushrooms are used for urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, and kidney failure.
  3. Lactariovialin is obtained from pepper milk in pharmaceuticals, which helps with pulmonary emphysema and tuberculosis.
  4. This natural antibiotic is often used in various pharmaceutical preparations.
  5. Mushrooms are good for diabetics because they increase glucose levels. They regulate sugar levels and lower bad cholesterol.
  6. Milk mushrooms provide a person with good bacteria, reduce neuroses.
  7. During fermentation salted mushrooms acquire a protein that acts anti-sclerotic and anti-inflammatory.

Eating 200-250 grams of milk mushrooms three times a week, you can strengthen the body, cleanse it of toxins, and saturate it with useful substances.

Milk mushrooms are used in cosmetology. Regular consumption of these mushrooms leads to improved condition of nails, skin and hair. Compresses from salted mushrooms are used to remove warts.

If the milk mushrooms grow in liquid culture, the mycelium produces a mixture of various compounds, fatty acids, extractives such as: enzymes, proteins, essential oils, resins, cyclic dipeptides, anifinic acid, ergosterol and others.

The amino acids that make up the milk mushrooms are easily absorbed by the body.
Milk mushrooms contain vitamins C, D, A, B1, B2, B12, E, PP, as well as phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium. They, like amino acids, are fully assimilated.

100 grams of dry matter of mushrooms contains 33 grams of protein.

Mushrooms easily replace meat and are suitable for vegetarian meals, plant-based diets.

The calorie content of salted mushrooms is 2 times higher than beef and 3 times higher than farm milk. Calorie content boiled mushrooms is 16-26 kilocalories.

Who can not eat milk mushrooms - harm

Milk mushrooms are hard to digest and are considered high-calorie. They need to be consumed in the first half of the day so that they have time to be digested. Frequent consumption of mushrooms can lead to allergic reactions.

Children under 7 years old and pregnant women are contraindicated to use these mushrooms, as they can be harmful.

Improper preparation of mushrooms can lead to poisoning, botulism.

It is impossible to collect milk mushrooms near roads and industrial zones, as they accumulate harmful substances. It is dangerous to eat such mushrooms.

Types of mushrooms


The most fragrant and delicious load is white. This species is considered the best for pickling and pickling.

The cap is tubular, fleshy, prostrate, later depressed in the middle, the edges are fringed, curved. The diameter of the cap reaches 20 centimeters. Skin white, sometimes yellowish with red spots. In wet weather, it becomes slimy. Milky juice at the site of damage to the fungus turns yellow. The leg is up to 6 centimeters high, flat, hollow, creamy white plates descend onto it. The pulp is tight, white.


Popularly, the black lump is called nigella because of the dark color of the cap. The hat is dark green or brownish yellow with an olive tint. The shape is round-flat, later it sinks, the diameter reaches 20 centimeters. The surface of the cap sometimes has concentric circles. The edges are slightly fringed, curved inward. The skin is moist, slimy. The lower part of the mushroom is white-yellow or yellowish-olive, tubular. From the inside, the milk mushrooms are white, fleshy. The leg is thin, up to 8 centimeters high, tight, full, eventually becomes hollow and dents.

Black lump is found in young and birch forests. Black milk mushrooms are suitable for pickling. In pickles, mushrooms acquire a reddish, wine tint.


The main difference between the yellow breast and the white is the absence of hairiness in the cap. Funnel-shaped hat. The edges are curved, moisture collects in the plates. The leg is hollow, consists of dark pits. Milky sap turns yellow quickly on the cut. The mushroom is bitter and requires preliminary soaking. Yellow milk mushrooms are used for pickling.

Yellow milk mushrooms are found near deadwood, in tall grass, in thickets, near water bodies and streams.

Milk mushrooms grow in moss and are difficult to spot. You need to pick mushrooms in September.

Dry milk mushrooms (rusk, russula excellent, white podgruzdok) grows under deadwood, trees and on them.

It is a lamellar mushroom. It is similar to an ordinary lump, but it has a dry, non-sticky cap.

The hat is white. Over time, it turns yellow, becomes covered with yellow-brown and ocher-rusty spots. The shape of the cap of young mushrooms is convex with a depression in the middle, the edges are directed downward. An adult breast has a funnel-shaped cap with wavy or even edges bent inward. The diameter of the cap is 5-15 centimeters. The plates under the cap are white, sometimes bluish-greenish, descend to the stem.

The leg is thickened up to 3 centimeters, 3-5 centimeters long, white, with brown spots, slightly tapering towards the bottom. Inside, the leg is dense, solid at a young age, and later becomes hollow. The pulp is dense, fragile, does not contain milky juice. The smell is characteristic of mushrooms, pleasant. The taste is sweetish.

These mushrooms are pickled, salted. The dry lump grows almost half buried in the ground and half covered with foliage. If you find one, you can immediately fill a whole basket.

Diapers grow from June to November in all types of forests, forms mycorrhiza with alder, beech, birch, aspen, oak, spruce and pine. Often found on soddy sandy soil and near rivers.

False weight

There are no poisonous counterparts in the milkweed. False milk mushrooms have a specific smell or taste, but are not poisonous. They are used in cooking after drying, boiling, or prolonged soaking.


The squeaky mushroom (violin, felt mushroom) is similar to the real one and is edible. It doesn’t taste as good as a real lump.

His hat is white, fleshy. The shape is concave, later funnel-shaped, covered with villi, the edges are bent, the diameter of the fungus reaches 25 centimeters. The plates are infrequent, creamy white, descending on a rounded stem, the height of which reaches 8 centimeters. The tubular layer under the cap is yellow in color. The pulp is fragile, white. Before using in cooking, mushrooms are soaked for a long time, and then used for pickles.

When the mushroom cap is rubbed against the teeth, a characteristic creaking sound appears. The fungus is found in aspen and birch groves.

Milk can also be confused with aromatic lactic acid.

The cap is up to 7 cm in diameter, slightly pubescent, depressed, brownish-gray, with a pinkish, yellowish or purple tint. Concentric circles are poorly visible. The plates are adherent with a tooth to the pedicle, frequent, pale ocher.

The leg is cylindrical, whitish with a yellowish tinge, hollow. The flesh is whitish or reddish-brown, with the smell of fresh hay. Milky sap is white, slightly green in the air, slightly sweet in young mushrooms, slightly pungent in old ones.

Grows in coniferous and mixed forests in August - September. Conditionally edible, used for pickling with other mushrooms, but sometimes also fresh.

The peppermint has a flat or convex, later concave creamy cap, with a diameter of 20 centimeters. The edges of the cap are one tone lighter. Places of cuts on mushrooms darken quickly.

The pulp is pungent in taste, has a smack hot pepper, fragile, dense. They can be consumed salty, after prolonged soaking and frequent water changes.
Dry mushroom powder used as a hot seasoning.

Bitter or large bitter milk. The hat is reddish brown. A small tubercle is visible in the center. Funnel-shaped. The leg is solid, thin. Bitter milky juice appears on the cut. The pulp is dryish, slightly brown, dense.

Bitter grows in mixed and coniferous forests. Used in salting and pickling after soaking and steeping.

The golden yellow mushroom has a sticky, light yellow, fleshy cap. The velvety edges are concave downward. The shape of the cap is prostrate, later it becomes concave. The plates are yellowish, frequent, descending on a yellowish elongated leg. At the point of contact, the surface of the mushroom becomes lilac. The pulp is creamy white. The smell is pleasant. The mushroom is suitable for pickling and pickling after soaking or boiling.


The camphor mushroom has a reddish-brown, shiny, convex, later concave cap with wavy edges. The diameter of the cap is 5–6 centimeters. The plates are pink, then turn brown, descend on an even, not thick leg, about 5 centimeters high. Underneath the leg is tuberous. The flesh is brittle, brick-brown in color.

Miller camphor has a persistent smell of camphor and is not eaten at all.

Collecting milk mushrooms in the forest: video

How to prepare milk mushrooms for the winter

When preparing salted and pickled mushrooms in glass jars it must be remembered that it is not recommended to close them with metal covers. For these purposes, polyethylene covers or parchment are used.

In no case should you clog salted milk mushrooms with a tight lid. This leads to the development of microbes that cause poisoning and botulism.



  • 2 kilograms of mushrooms;
  • 2 liters of water (for brine);
  • 6 tablespoons of salt;
  • cloves of garlic;
  • peppercorns;
  • dill umbrellas.

A jar with a volume of 0.7 liters is taken: 2 cloves of garlic, 3 peppercorns.

First of all, the mushrooms must be washed under running water. The surface of the mushrooms is cleaned, debris and traces of earth are removed. The legs are cut off. Mushrooms are soaked for 1-2 days in enamel pot... Water at this time needs to be changed every 4 hours. The soaked mushrooms are laid out in a large container, covered with water and placed on fire. After boiling, you need to wait 5 minutes, then the milk mushrooms are reclined in a colander.

The brine is brought to a boil. Seasonings are laid out in prepared jars, then mushrooms go. Large milk mushrooms are cut in half. A dill umbrella is laid on top of the mushrooms.

Everything is filled with brine and left overnight. In the morning, the brine needs to be topped up, as its amount will decrease. Banks are closed with plastic lids. You can eat mushrooms in 2.5 months.

The amount of ingredients in this recipe depends on the size of the container.

Cherry leaves are laid out on the bottom of the barrel, black currant and garlic. The mushrooms are laid out and sprinkled with salt in layers. The oppression is laid on top and covered with a lid. The barrel is installed in a ventilated, cold place. The milk mushrooms fall over time. They need to be added to the barrel every 4 days. A full barrel is stored in a basement, cellar, or cold storage room. You can eat mushrooms in 1.5-2 months.


  • 5 kilograms of mushrooms;
  • 2 cups table salt;
  • 5 cherry and currant leaves;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • horseradish leaves;
  • cloves of garlic.

Milk mushrooms are soaked in water for 5 hours. All debris is removed with a brush. Peeled and washed mushrooms are boiled for 15 minutes in salted water. After cooling completely, they can be salted.

Mushrooms are placed in a container in layers. Each layer wakes up with salt. Water is poured in at the level of mushrooms. Oppression keeps within. The container with mushrooms is placed in a warm place. After a few days, when the water stops foaming, the mushrooms need to be washed, put in jars, filled with prepared boiling brine and closed with a lid. Mushrooms are stored in a cold place.

How to quickly, simply and deliciously salt milk mushrooms in a hot way: video

The first way to cook pickled milk mushrooms


The mushrooms are washed and boiled. After boiling, they should boil for 15 minutes. In this case, you need to remove the foam. After cooking, the bitterness will disappear. Mushrooms are reclined in a colander and doused with boiling water.

  1. To prepare the brine, salt and sugar are poured into the boiled water.
  2. Half of the horseradish root, 2 teaspoons of mustard, bay leaf, paprika, dill umbrella and peppercorns are placed at the bottom of the can.
  3. Mushrooms are laid out on top to half.
  4. Then comes dill, horseradish leaves and another layer of milk mushrooms.
  5. Everything is covered with cherry, horseradish and currant leaves, a clove of garlic, 1 teaspoon of mustard are added.
  6. It is poured over with a boiling solution and closed.

Banks are placed in a dark place, and after cooling they are sent to the closet or basement.

The second, easier way


  • 2 kilograms of mushrooms;
  • currant leaves;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 250 grams of vinegar;
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons of salt.

Prepared mushrooms are cut and laid out in a saucepan. After boiling, they are boiled for 10 minutes.

In this case, you must not forget to remove the foam. The milk mushrooms are reclined to drain into a colander. Then sugar, vinegar and salt are poured into the water. The saucepan is put on fire. After boiling, dripped milk mushrooms are laid out there. You need to cook them for 20 minutes. Currant leaves are laid out at the bottom of the jar, mushrooms are on top. Everything is filled with brine and closed with a lid.

Pickled milk mushrooms for the winter: video

Pickled milk mushrooms have a unique taste and aroma. From such mushrooms, excellent snacks, salads, hodgepodge, stew, zrazy, roast, soups, fillings for pies, pizza, and dumplings are obtained.


The easiest way to prepare mushrooms is to freeze them.

The mushrooms are washed and cleaned. Then they are fried or boiled. For frying, the mushrooms are cut into pieces. You can cook them in creamy or vegetable oil... For cooking, mushrooms can be cut in half or left intact. Fry and boil mushrooms for at least 15 minutes. The foam is constantly removed during cooking.

The workpieces must cool completely before freezing. The prepared raw materials are distributed in containers or packages and sent to the freezer.

Cooked mushrooms do not need to be defrosted before cooking. Otherwise, the dish will lose its taste and look unappetizing.

White milk mushrooms occupy a special place among other mushrooms growing in the middle lane. They are distinguished by their fleshy structure and excellent taste. Cooked milk mushrooms in jars are considered almost a delicacy.

They can be prepared in different ways, and salting is considered the most common. However, it is worth knowing how to cook milk mushrooms correctly so that the preparation does not have a bitter aftertaste, because despite its useful properties, given view tends to actively absorb harmful substances.

Hot salting recipe for milk mushrooms

Milk is different from other mushrooms in the presence of milky juice. It is customary to soak it for a long time to avoid bitterness, or use it hot way salting. Soaking does not require white and black pods.


Servings: - + 41

  • coarse salt 80 g
  • milk mushrooms 2 Kg
  • sweet pea 5 pieces.
  • cloves of garlic 5 pieces.
  • laurel 3 sheets
  • spicy cloves 3 buds
  • water 2 l

Per serving

Calories: 10 kcal

Proteins: 1 g

Fats: 0.4 g

Carbohydrates: 0.6 g

50 minutes Video Recipe Print

    Pour purified water into a saucepan (using running water is highly not recommended), wait until it boils, and add all the spices along with salt. When the salt is completely dissolved, add the mushrooms. Cut too large into a couple of pieces. Cook for about 2 hours, skimming off the froth as needed.

    Together with the brine remaining after cooking, send the mushrooms under a press, adding peeled chives. In this form, forget about them for a couple of days.

    Boil the mushroom mass again and place in jars, which are pre-treated over steam. Press gently with a spoon, placing them together as tightly as possible. Pour in the brine, cork. Wrap up with a blanket. Leave to cool completely.

    Advice: do not worry if as a result you oversalt the mushrooms a little - when you open the jar, it will be enough to rinse them in water, season fragrant oil and season with onions.

    Cold pickling recipe

    Cooking mushrooms for the winter should be carried out in a wooden container. In extreme cases, you can use a plastic tank. But aluminum cookware should be discarded - it tends to oxidize.

    Servings: 101

    Cooking time: 1 hour

    Energy value

    • calorie content - 9.1 kcal;
    • proteins - 0.9 g;
    • fats - 0.4 g;
    • carbohydrates - 0.5 g.


    • milk mushrooms - 5 kg;
    • dill umbrellas - 10 pcs.;
    • garlic - 7 cloves;
    • horseradish leaf - 5 pcs.;
    • rock salt - 250 g.

    Step by step cooking

    1. Place some of the peeled garlic and the rinsed and dried herbs in a large enough enamel-lined saucepan. Tamp the mushrooms tightly on top with the caps facing down, sprinkle each layer with a generous portion of salt and add the remaining ingredients. On average, about 5 layers will be obtained from the specified number.
    2. Place a wooden circle or plate of a suitable diameter on top of which to place the weight. Leave in this state for a couple of months in a cool place. If you are going to store milk mushrooms in banks, then sterilize them first. After 7 days, tamp the mushrooms in a container, rolling it up tightly. In any case, the first samples can be done only after 60 days.

    It is important: before proceeding directly to salting mushrooms, they must be cleaned of debris and soaked in a basin for 10 hours. During this time, you need to change the liquid as often as possible so that it does not sour.

    Recipe for pickling milk mushrooms

    In addition to salting, the milk can be pickled. The result is a slightly tangy crispy mushroom that will become a favorite snack. Photos and videos of the recipe will help you in preparing the blank.

    Servings: 100

    Cooking time: 1 hour 20 minutes

    Energy value

    • calorie content - 10.5 kcal;
    • proteins - 0.9 g;
    • fats - 0.4 g;
    • carbohydrates - 0.8 g.


    • white milk mushroom - 5 kg;
    • table vinegar (9%) - 100 ml;
    • granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons;
    • table salt - 1 tablespoon;
    • bay leaf - 5 pcs.;
    • allspice - 5 pcs.;
    • black pepper - 5 pcs.;
    • cloves - 4 pcs;
    • water - 1 l.

    Step by step cooking

    1. Remove forest debris from mushrooms, cut into pieces and soak for 8 hours. Boil for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling, regularly skimming off the foam. Then fold in a colander.
    2. Prepare 1 liter of marinade by adding all ingredients except vinegar. Re-boil the milk mushrooms, reducing the time to 10 minutes already in the marinade.
    3. Then add vinegar. Inject it in a thin stream to avoid active foam formation. Leave on the stove for another 12 minutes.
    4. Arrange in jars, which are pre-rinsed and calcined. Seal tightly.

    It is interesting: many people try to prepare dried mushrooms. They have a richer aroma and look great in a variety of dishes. However, if you are thinking about how to prepare dry milk mushrooms for the winter, then we recommend using it exclusively for pickling or salting. It is impossible to eat it in dry form - this is due to the presence of bitterness.

    Poplar milk pickle recipe

    Poplar, or as it is also called, aspen milk mushroom, is not so common in forests, because it loves rather humid places. However, it can be used to make very delicious appetizer supplementing it with vegetables.

    Servings: 80

    Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes

    Energy value

    • calorie content - 12.1 kcal;
    • proteins - 0.7 g;
    • fats - 0.2 g;
    • carbohydrates - 1.8 g.


    • poplar mushrooms - 2 kg;
    • onions - 1 kg;
    • sunflower oil - 100 ml;
    • vinegar essence (70%) - 20 ml;
    • salt - 60 g;
    • tomatoes - 1 kg.

    Step by step cooking

    1. Leave the peeled mushrooms to soak for 5-7 hours. During this time, prepare the cans, which are calcined in the oven. With this method of sterilization, a number of conditions must be taken into account. Wet containers are placed on the neck, dried - on the contrary. It is necessary to remove the cans only with dry tacks. For a volume of half a liter, 15 minutes is enough.
    2. When the mushrooms are prepared, boil them in lightly salted water until they settle to the bottom of the dish.
    3. Prepare the tomatoes and onions at this time. From the first, it is necessary to remove the skin by scalding it with boiling water, and then cut it. Chop the onion into half rings. Fry everything in different pans.
    4. Combine all ingredients in a saucepan and simmer on the stove for 1/2 hour. Be sure to stir so that the salad does not burn. Place in pasteurized jars and roll up.

    Advice: be sure to try the preparation - depending on the variety of tomato, it may be too sour. In this case, add a little sugar to taste.

    Milk mushrooms for the winter are a good preparation that will become your favorite. And if you want to add something new to the recipe, you can always do it, the main thing is to comply with the conditions that are described above. Good luck!

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