Dishes and side dishes of stewed vegetables presentation. Technology of preparation of simple and basic hot dishes and side dishes from vegetables and mushrooms

The value of vegetable dishes in nutrition

trace elements
manganese, zinc,
coloring and
the elements
(potassium, sodium,
calcium, etc.

By type of heat treatment


Frequently used inventory, dishes, equipment

Vegetable side dishes can be simple or complex.

Lean meat dishes -
delicate to taste
Mashed potatoes, vegetables in milk
Boiled potatoes, steamed vegetables
To dishes from fatty meat -
spicy to taste
Braised cabbage
Vegetables in tomato sauce

We select vegetable side dishes for dishes

TO boiled meat
Boiled vegetables, mashed potatoes
TO fried meat
Fried potatoes
Complex side dishes
To boiled and steamed fish
Boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes

Vegetable independent dishes and the selection of sauces for them

MILK SAUCE (for cabbage or carrot cutlets and other dishes)
SWEET SAUCE (for potato, cabbage, carrot and casserole cutlets)
MUSHROOM SAUCE (for potato cutlets and casseroles)
TOMATO SAUCE (for potato pies, stuffed vegetables and other
SAUCE WITH EGG (for roll of potato and cabbage cutlets)
EGG-OIL Dutch sauce (for cauliflower, asparagus,
(for cauliflower, asparagus, artichokes)
Grind the egg yolks with icing sugar, add the zest cut from the lemon, and,
adding wine, beat the mixture with a broom. Put the saucepan with the mixture on low heat
or water bath and continue to beat until thick; it should not be allowed
boiling. At the end of cooking, remove the lemon zest, and add to the finished sauce to taste
lemon juice.
At 3 egg yolk- 3 tbsp. tablespoons of powdered sugar, 3/4 cup of white table wine,
1/4 lemon.
DRY SAUCE (for cauliflower and asparagus)

Cooking technology for simple and main dishes from boiled and steamed vegetables

Rules for cooking vegetables

Put vegetables in salted
boiling water that covers
vegetables. After boiling, reduce
heat. Except for beets, carrots and
green peas.
Potatoes are boiled peeled and
unrefined depending on
use in the future. Vegetables
boil with the lid closed for
reduce the oxidation of vitamin C.
Asparagus, green bean, spinach,
artichokes. Boiled in boiling water
without lid - to preserve color.
Carrots and beets are boiled in a peel
to reduce losses
soluble substances

Rules for cooking vegetables

Dried vegetables are poured with water and
leave to swell for 1-3 hours, cook in the same
Quick-frozen vegetables are placed in
boiling water without defrosting
Canned vegetables are warmed up
together with the broth, the broth is drained
When steaming, significantly
reduced losses than during cooking
the main way

Boiled vegetable dishes

Mashed potatoes
- For cooking
mashed potatoes, it is better to use varieties of potatoes with a high
starch content. Boiled and dried
hot potatoes (temperature not lower than 80 ° С)
rubbed on a pulper or pounded. V
butter or margarine, heated continuously
stirring, pour in hot boiled milk or
low-fat cream and beat until fluffy
On vacation mashed potatoes put on a plate, on
surfaces are patterned with a spoon, watered with creamy
butter, sprinkle with chopped herbs. Puree you can
release with browned onions or
boiled chopped eggs mixed with
melted butter.
head waiter). Raw peeled potatoes are cut
large cubes, then boiled in a small
the amount of water until half cooked (about 10 minutes).
The broth is drained, the potatoes are poured with hot milk,
salt and boil until tender. After that, put the part
(50%) butter and bring to a boil. Let go
with the remaining oil, you can sprinkle with herbs.

Rubbing hot (80 degrees) boiled and dried potatoes.

Carrot or beetroot puree.

Whole carrots are boiled
or cut into slices and
let in a small
adding oil. Beetroot
boiled, peeled.
Then carrots or beets
medium milk sauce
density or sour cream and
warm up. Dispense mashed potatoes
with butter or
sour cream.

Broccoli with cheese.

For cooking broccoli
would need:
broccoli, hard cheese, eggs,
cream, salt and spices to taste
We prepare
cut the cabbage into inflorescences. To
the dish cooked faster,
broccoli can be boiled in
within a couple of minutes
Cooking cheese filling:
add grated cheese, cream and
We place
baking sheet
broccoli and pour cheese
We put in the preheated oven
up to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
The dish should turn out with a little
ruddy cheese crust

Steamed vegetables

Vegetables for popping are placed in
crockery with a layer of no more than 50 mm, wedges
cabbage - in one row.
Beets, carrots, white cabbage
allowed with the addition of a small
the amount of water, broth or milk (for
1 kg of vegetables about 0.2 - 0.3 liters of liquid).
Zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes and others
allowed without adding liquid -
v own juice.
In either case, when lowering
add fat (for 1 kg of vegetables 20 - 30 g).
When using carrots, add
sugar (3 g per serving).
Add vegetables in a closed container
cover. At first they are intensely heated,
and when the liquid boils, heating
reduce. Vegetables are brought to a culinary
readiness, not allowing the whole
20-30 minutes
30 minutes
15-20 minutes

Vegetables in dairy or
sour cream sauce
Brussels sprouts with
Prepared from a set of vegetables carrots, turnips or rutabagas, pumpkin or
zucchini, white cabbage or
Each type of vegetables (except
peas) are allowed separately,
then combine, add heated
green peas, seasoned with sauce,
sugar, salt and boil for 1 - 2 minutes.
Have brussels sprouts- heads of cabbage
cut from the stem, cleaned from
spoiled leaves and washed.
put in boiling salted
water and boil in a sealed container with
simmer until tender, after
which the broth is drained.
They are released with butter.
Salt consumption per dish - 0.5 g.

Quality requirements for boiled and stewed vegetable dishes. Storage periods.

Boiled vegetables should keep the farm alive, potato tubers may be slightly
boiled. Potato color is from white to yellowish, redness is not allowed
or darkening of tubers. Root color, typical of their natural color.
Potatoes and root vegetables, well cleaned of eyes, black spots and rot
parts, the consistency is loose. Boiled cabbage should not have a steamed flavor
cabbage. The consistency is soft, delicate. Color from white to cream, for early
varieties of cabbage and savoy - from light green to cream, for Brussels sprouts
bright green or brown. On the surface of cauliflower dark
spots and redness.
Mashed potatoes - the consistency is thick, fluffy, homogeneous, no pieces
mashed potatoes. Color from cream to white, without dark inclusions.
Steamed vegetables taste slightly salty with vegetable and milk aromas, not
the smell of burnt milk and vegetables is allowed. Vegetable color from
which the dish is prepared. The consistency is soft. The form of cutting vegetables should
be saved.

Steamed vegetables and side dishes
Stewed cabbage. Fresh cabbage, chopped
straws, put into the cauldron with a layer of no more than 30 cm, add
a small amount of broth or water, fat and stew
at first over high heat, and when it warms up and a little
settles, the heating is reduced. Stew, stirring occasionally,
until half cooked, then put sautéed carrots,
onions, parsley, tomato puree, add bay leaves,
pepper and continue to stew. At the end of the stewing, vinegar is introduced,
flour sautéed, diluted with water or broth, salt,
sugar and bring to readiness. Using
sauerkraut vinegar is excluded from the recipe, and the norm
sugar is increased to 10 g per serving.
If you cook stewed cabbage with bacon or
smoked brisket, then they are cut, fried and put in
cabbage at the beginning of stewing, and on melted fat
saute vegetables. Braised cabbage is used as
independent dish, as a side dish and include in
composition of other dishes (hodgepodge, bigus).
On vacation, cabbage is put in a ram, portioned
frying pan or plate, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Vegetable stew. Raw potatoes are cut
cubes or wedges and fried. Carrot,
turnips are cut into cubes or wedges, sautéed
or let it go. Cut onions into slices,
pass. White cabbage is cut
checkers and let go, color - divided into
small inflorescences and boiled. Zucchini or pumpkin
diced, fried or used
raw. Green pea boil.
combined with potatoes, pour over with sauce
red, tomato or sour cream, stew 10-15
min, put pumpkin or zucchini, cabbage and
continue to simmer for 15–20 minutes. 5-10 minutes before
peas, bay leaf and bring to readiness.
If the stew is cooked with red sauce or
tomato, then put the pounded garlic.
On vacation, the stew is put in a ram or
portioned pan, sprinkle with oil,
sprinkled with herbs.

Beets stewed in sour cream or
sauce. Beets are boiled or baked in skins, then
chilled, peeled, cut into strips, or
medium-sized cubes, heated with
butter or margarine. Prepared beets
combine with sautéed onions,
add sour cream or sour cream sauce and stew
10-15 minutes Sour cream sauce can be substituted
On vacation, beets are placed in a ram or
portioned pan, drizzle with oil
creamy, sprinkled with herbs.

Cooking technology for simple and main dishes from fried vegetables

Homework p. 235-239 (Textbook Kovalev)

Frying vegetables

The main
deep fried

The main method of frying

Surface method. Fat is placed in the dishes (5 - 8%
masses of semi-finished products), heat it up to 150 - 160 º С,
then put the prepared vegetables or mushrooms.
If at the time of crust formation the vegetables are
not soft enough, they are fried in a fry
closet. When using electric pans, vegetables and
mushrooms can be brought to readiness when closed
Vegetables are fried raw (potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin,
eggplant, tomatoes)
Pre-boiled (white cabbage
or colored, potatoes).
In addition, products from a vegetable cutlet are fried
masses - cutlets, zrazy, croquettes.
Mushrooms are fried raw (fresh porcini mushrooms and
champignons) or pre-boiled
(morels, dried mushrooms).

Frying with a little fat.

raw potatoes, cut into slices or cubes;
potatoes, pre-boiled and chopped
slices of zucchini, pumpkin, eggplant, breaded in flour;
pre-boiled cauliflower and white cabbage
(chopped in large pieces or in the form of a schnitzel);
potato, cabbage, carrot and beet cutlets;
potato zrazy, as well as mushrooms.
Duration of frying with a little fat of potatoes
and other vegetables is 15 - 20 minutes.

Fried cabbage

cabbage fried cabbage
white cabbage, chopped
heads of cabbage, or colored,
disassembled into small
boiling salted water
for 5 - 10 minutes, after which
the water is drained, and the cabbage
fried in a pan
or nasty, pour
breadcrumbs and brought to
cooked in a fry
3 - 5 minutes

Fried potatoes from raw. Sliced
raw potatoes are washed in cold water,
dried, then sprinkled with salt, put in a layer not
more than 5 cm in a pan or baking sheet with a preheated
fat and fry for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally,
until a crispy crust forms.
If the potatoes are not completely fried,
should be placed in a roast for a few minutes
cabinet, When frying in an electric pan before
close the lid and potatoes by the end of roasting
bring to readiness.
When you leave, potatoes are watered with melted
margarine or sour cream and sprinkle with herbs.
Fried potatoes from boiled. The same is fried
pre-cooked potatoes in their skins;
before frying it is peeled and cut into slices.
On vacation, the fried potatoes are watered
melted margarine or sour cream or
mix with sautéed onions, chopped
half rings or slices, or onions and
fried mushrooms, cut into wedges (white
fresh mushrooms) or slices (champignons).

Cabbage schnitzel

whole cabbage schnitzel
heads of cabbage
white cabbage without
boiled stumps in
salted water 10 - 12
min, then disassemble
Thickened parts of the leaves
cut or beat off.
Then the leaves are folded over
two, give them an oval
shape, breaded in flour,
breaded in breadcrumbs and
fried on both sides.
melted margarine
sour cream
sour cream).

Carrot cutlets. Carrots are cut
thin straws or passed through
vegetable cutter, then it is simmered with fat in
milk, or in milk with the addition of broth, or
in water. Before the end of the seasoning, pour in
thin trickle semolina, OK
stirring, and cook until tender.
The resulting mass is cooled to 40-500C,
add salt, eggs, mix, shape
cutlets for 2 pcs. per serving, breaded in breadcrumbs
or flour and fried on both sides
When on vacation, watered with fat or sideways
add sour cream, or milk sauce, or
sour cream.
Potato cutlets. Preliminary
washed and peeled potatoes are boiled,
dried and rubbed hot, then
cooled to 40-50 C, add prepared
eggs, mix the mass. It is molded from it
cutlets, breaded in breadcrumbs or flour.
Prepared cutlets are fried on 2 sides
and brought to readiness in a baking cabinet.
On vacation, pour over melted butter or
sour cream sauce.

Potato zrazy. From potato
mass cooked as for cutlets,
form cakes in 2 pieces. per serving. On
put minced meat in the middle of the cake and connect it
edges so that the minced meat is inside the product.
Then the product is breaded in breadcrumbs or flour,
shaping brick with oval
edges, and fried on both sides.
For minced meat: chop the onion
straws and sauté, boiled mushrooms finely
cut and fried, carrots, chopped
straws, simmered with fat. Onions are mixed
with fried mushrooms, or boiled finely
chopped eggs, or poached
carrots, salt and add ground pepper.
On vacation, zrazy are poured with fat, sour cream
or tomato, sour cream, mushroom sauce.

Pumpkin pancakes. Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds, wipe. Sifted flour, milk are added to the resulting mass,

sugar, eggs
and salt and stir until formed
On a hot cast iron pan or
baking sheet,
lay out the dough and fry the pancakes on both
Serves 2-4 pcs. per serving. On vacation
sour cream.
from potatoes. Belarusian
rub the potatoes, add wheat
flour, salt, soda, mix thoroughly and
potato pancakes are immediately baked. Served with
sour cream.

Fried tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini and other vegetables.

fried on both sides. Eggplant
washed, peeled, cut
circles, salt and leave for 10-15 minutes for
removal of bitterness, then washed, dried,

Zucchini with firm flesh, small
seeds and pumpkin are peeled, pumpkin and
large zucchini, remove seeds, cut
circles or slices, sprinkle with salt,
breaded in flour and fried on both sides.
Eggplant and pumpkin until cooked through
When serving, fried vegetables are watered
sour cream or milk sauce, or sour cream,
or sour cream with tomato and sprinkle
chopped parsley and dill.


For deep-fried vegetables, use
special devices - deep fat fryers with
Fill deep fat fryers with fat so that
its level was slightly below the edge of the dish,
because when frying vegetables, the fat can
foam and overflow.
It is better to use as deep fat
a mixture of refined vegetable oil with
cooking oil in a 1: 2 ratio or
cooking oil (deep-frying). Temperature
fat when frying vegetables in a deep fryer
should be 175 - 180 ° С; ratio of fat and
vegetables 4: 1.
Duration of frying vegetables in
deep fried 5 - 10 min. Crackers are fried in 20 times the amount of fat (190 ° C) for
5 - 6 p.
Fried vegetables and mushrooms are used for
cooking independent meals and
side dishes.

Potato sticks. For deep-frying potatoes are cut into cubes, then washed, dried and fried for 8 - 10 minutes

use blanched garnish potatoes
which the,
defrosting, immersed in fat and fry for 5 minutes.
Fried potatoes are thrown in a colander, given
drain the fat and sprinkle with fine salt. On vacation
pour over with margarine or butter.
Watered potato wedges vegetable oil and
mix well. Separately
breadcrumbs with spices and salt and sugar.
Spices can be used such - ground paprika,
dried dill, potato spices. At
cooking crispy potatoes
sugar in potatoes is not felt. Sugar does
the crust of the potato is crisper. Potato
slices are breaded in a mixture with spices. Lobules
potatoes are spread on a dry baking sheet and fried in
oven at 180-200 degrees 20
- 25 minutes. Ready potatoes can be served with
salted cabbage or pickled onions.

Breaded onion rings. Chop the onion
thin rings and separate them.
Mix flour, baking powder and salt.
Combine with beaten egg and milk. Rusks
crushed, sieved.
Onion rings are breaded first in flour,
shake off the excess, then in milk and egg mixture and
then in breadcrumbs. Deep-fried in portions
for about 3 minutes, until golden brown. Ready
the rings are dried with a paper towel.
Mushrooms in sour cream sauce. Prepared mushrooms
cut into slices or wedges, fried in
butter until tender. Pour in sour cream sauce and
boil for 5-10 minutes. You can put browned
onion(10–20 g per serving). Use as
an independent dish or included in the composition
complex garnish for meat dishes.
On vacation, put in a ram or portion
frying pan, sprinkle with chopped herbs. Mushrooms
can be released with boiled potatoes.

Fried vegetables over an open fire

On a live, open fire, you can cook not only
meat or fish, as many are used to. And bake in coals
or ash you can not only potatoes. For this, and
other foods, including most vegetables.
Of course, this does not apply to those of them that contain
plenty of water - cucumbers, broccoli, celery, leafy
salads. But almost everyone else, having gone through this
"Natural" processing, acquire a delightful
taste impregnated with the smell of smoke.
Vegetables baked in
marinade. Yes, you can marinate not only pork
or lamb, vegetables also perfectly absorb
aromatic spices, acquire a new taste and faster
are prepared if they are pre-filled with a mixture of
good oil, lemon juice and spicy herbs. If you
want them to retain their juiciness, wrap them in
foil. But remember that in this case they are much
will smell less smoke, which is especially appreciated in
dishes cooked on fire.
So that the vegetables baked in the marinade are baked
evenly and not burnt, they need to be constantly
turn over and pour with marinade.

Baked Vegetable Dishes

baked in sauce
To bake vegetables, they are pre-boiled, stewed, stewed or fried, and
sometimes used raw. Vegetables are baked on baking trays or portioned pans in
oven at a temperature of 250–280 ° С. Baking is continued until formed on
the surface of the crispy crust and the temperature inside the product is 80 ° C. Bottom and walls
the dishes are greased and sprinkled with ground breadcrumbs. Portion pans
greased with oil.
Before baking, the surface of casseroles, rolls is greased with sour cream, and vegetables,
baked in sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese or ground breadcrumbs and drizzle

Stuffed tomatoes. Dense, medium-sized tomatoes, prepared for stuffing, stuffed with minced meat, placed on

Stuffed tomatoes. Dense, medium
stuffing, stuffed with minced meat, stacked on
a baking sheet, greased with butter, sprinkle with grated on top
cheese mixed with breadcrumbs, sprinkled with butter and
For minced meat: prepared porcini mushrooms or
mushrooms are finely chopped and fried with finely
cored tomatoes. Onion
cut into strips or small cubes and sauté.
Rice groats are boiled. Then everything is connected
add salt, ground pepper, parsley,
On vacation, put on a plate or portioned dish,
poured with milk, sour cream, sour cream sauce with
Sour cream

Stuffed pepper. The first way. Carrots and
onions, cut into strips, sauté,
add fresh tomatoes or tomato puree and
pass together. Then combine with boiled rice,
put salt, pepper, parsley and mix.
Prepared pepper is filled with minced meat, stacked
on a baking sheet, pour milk sauce, or
sour cream, or sour cream with tomato and baked in
oven until cooked. On vacation watered
sauce with which it was baked.
Second way. Carrots, parsley and onions
cut into strips, sauté, at the end of sautéing
put tomato puree, sauté together, pour in vinegar,
put sugar, salt, bring to a boil. Prepared
for stuffing, pepper is filled with minced meat,
put in a saucepan or baking sheet, pour
a little broth and simmer or bake.
When on holiday, put pepper on a plate or in portions
the dish, poured over the juice remaining after the simmering.
vegetable oil, served hot or cold.

semi-finished products
minced meat
put on a baking sheet, oiled, pour in
half with sour cream sauce, sour cream with tomato,
sprinkle with grated cheese, sprinkle with butter and
On vacation, put on a portioned dish, in
ram or on a plate, pour over the sauce, with which
baked, or sour cream is served separately.
For minced meat: sautéed onions
combined with boiled rice and finely chopped
eggs, add pepper, salt, parsley or
dill and mix. You can put carrots.
In addition, use vegetable mince... White-headed
cabbage is cut into strips, fried or stewed with
tomato puree, fat. Connect with browned
vegetables (carrots, onions, parsley), add salt,
chopped and lightly fried green onions and that's it

Cabbage rolls
semi-finished stuffed cabbage rolls are placed on a heated with
baking sheet with fat, fried, pour over the sauce
sour cream or sour cream with tomato and baked in
For minced meat: chop carrots and onions into strips,
sautéed, combined with boiled rice, boiled
finely chopped mushrooms, add salt, pepper,
parsley and stir, you can put
On vacation, stuffed cabbage rolls are placed on a plate or
portioned dish 2 pcs., poured with sauce, in
where they were baked.
For stuffed cabbage rolls with minced meat: raw meat
passed through a meat grinder, add finely
chopped sautéed onions, loose rice, salt,
pepper and mix. Sauces - sour cream, sour cream
with tomato.
Minced cabbage rolls with spinach: prepared
spinach is blanched, chopped. Cook rice separately until
readiness aldente. Grind hard-boiled
eggs. All combine, bring to taste with salt and pepper
lemon juice.

Potato casserole. Potato mass
prepare in the same way as for cutlets. On a baking sheet,
oiled and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, spread
half the potato mass with a layer of 2 cm, put on it
minced meat, distribute it in an even layer. Close up on top
the other half of the potato mass, the surface
align, smear with sour cream, make a drawing and
For minced meat: boiled dried mushrooms, finely chopped,
combined with browned onions, boiled
chopped eggs, put salt, pepper, parsley
or dill and mix. Casserole can
cook without minced meat, from one potato mass.
On vacation, the casserole is cut into portions, put on
plate or platter, pour over creamy
butter or add tomato, sour cream or sauces
mushroom, sour cream is served separately.
Vegetables baked with sauce. Processed
boiled vegetables are cut into neat pieces
spread in a portioned pan, greased
butter, poured with milk sauce of medium thickness,
sprinkle with grated cheese or ground breadcrumbs,
drizzle with oil and bake.
Cauliflower can be divided into inflorescences,
white or Savoyard - cut into checkers and
On vacation, poured over with oil, served in the same
the pan in which it was baked.

Solyanka vegetable. Fresh or sauerkraut
braised, pickled cucumbers peeled, sliced ​​or
diamonds, allowed. Salted or pickled
the mushrooms are washed, cut into slices, scalded and
lightly fried. Prepared mushrooms and cucumbers
combined with sautéed onions and capers.
In a greased portion pan, put
layer stewed cabbage, on it - prepared vegetables with
mushrooms, cover with another layer of cabbage. Surface
level, sprinkle with grated cheese with breadcrumbs and
When preparing hodgepodge in mass quantities
stewed cabbage is mixed with prepared vegetables,
stirred and heated. Then stacked on
greased baking sheet or skillet, surface
level, sprinkle with breadcrumbs or breadcrumbs on top with
cheese and baked, the prepared hodgepodge is cut into portions.
On vacation, put on a plate or release in
portioned pan, decorate with herbs, mushrooms,
lemon, olives.

Baked potatoes with cheese

washed, boiled in
peel, cut in half lengthwise,
take out
leaving the wall thickness at least
0.5 cm Potato pulp
knead with a fork or grate on
grated with hard cheese.
Chop the green onion finely.
Add sour cream and pepper
mixture, or other spices. A little
you can leave the cheese, so that later
sprinkle potatoes on them
Stuffed prepared
halves of potatoes.
You can bake potatoes
in two ways: by function
Grill for 10 minutes
sprinkling with more cheese or
preheat the oven to 200ºC and
bake potatoes for 20 minutes,
take out,
to sprinkle
the remaining cheese and leave in
oven for another 5-7 minutes until the cheese
will melt.
Baked potatoes with cheese

Pumpkin casserole
Peeled pumpkin and seeds
crushed. Salt is put in boiling milk,
part of the oil, prepared pumpkin. Then
pour millet washed in hot water and
boil until thick.
The mass cooled down to 40-50 ° C is combined with
eggs, spread on oiled
baking sheet, the surface is greased with sour cream and
baked in an oven.
Let it go with milk sauce or
sour cream.

The fried vegetables should be the same shape, fried evenly with
both sides, the consistency is soft. Colour fried potatoes yellow,
individual pieces can be fried until Brown color... The color of the rest
vegetables light brown at the break, characteristic of natural color
Cutlets, zrazy, schnitzel must be of the correct shape without cracks, on
the surface has a golden brown crust. The color of potato products on
cut white or creamy, lush consistency, not stringy, no lumps
mashed potatoes. The color of carrot cutlets in the cut is light orange.
The taste is slightly sweet. The consistency is loose, homogeneous, without large
pieces of carrots and lumps of semolina. The color of cabbage products is light cream.
Vegetable stew must have pieces of the same shape and size.
The consistency is soft, juicy, elastic is allowed in cabbage. Taste - vegetables, from
which the dish is prepared, for stewed cabbage - sweet and sour. Color from
light to dark brown, dark cherry for beetroot stew. The form
cutting vegetables saved, part of boiled potatoes is allowed.

Requirements for the quality of vegetable dishes. Storage periods

Baked vegetables - rolls and casseroles have a flat surface without
cracks, with golden brown... In the section, the thickness of the upper and lower layers
the same, the minced meat is evenly distributed. Color and taste - of vegetables, of which
baked dishes prepared. Vegetables baked with sauce should be
completely covered with an even layer of sauce, golden brown on the surface.
The consistency is soft.
Dishes and side dishes from vegetables cannot be stored hot for a long time, since
their appearance and the taste is declining the nutritional value(collapses
vitamin C). Dried boiled potatoes and mashed potatoes are stored on
marmite no more than 2 hours. Cauliflower, asparagus, boiled corn are stored in
hot broth no more than 30 minutes. For longer storage, they are cooled and
put in the refrigerator without broth, and as use is warmed up in broth.
Store vegetables in sauce or oil in a container under a lid for no more than 2 hours. If
longer storage is necessary, then the vegetables are removed from the broth,
cooled and stored in the refrigerator. Then combine with sauce or broth,
bring to a boil. Deep-fried vegetables can be stored refrigerated
condition during the day. Stews and baked vegetables and dishes from
mushrooms are kept hot for no more than 2 hours.

The technology of cooking main dishes from mushrooms.

Homework pp. 244-245 (Textbook Kovalev)

Breaded chanterelles. prepared chanterelles or oyster mushrooms are boiled for 5 minutes, discarded in a colander. Dried mushrooms are salted,

peppers breaded in flour, then in
lezone, then in bread crumbs... Fried
in the main way until cooked. Served with
side dish.
Baked mushrooms with cheese.
prepared mushrooms
with a knife
cut out
The pulp and legs are cut into small
pieces and mix with chopped
dill. Onions are also finely chopped and
fried until transparent on vegetable
oil. Mushrooms are added to the grated onions and
Mushrooms and onions are cooled, mixed with
sour cream
Empty mushroom caps are filled with sour cream mushroom
Bake for 10-15 minutes at 180 degrees.
Mushrooms baked in sour cream with cheese are served,

Stewed mushrooms in sour cream sauce. Prepared mushrooms are cut into slices. Fry for 10-12 minutes. Dried porcini mushrooms and morels

pre-boil, and
let go.
processed mushrooms are combined with sour cream
sauce. The resulting mixture is brought to a boil,
then laid out on oiled
portioned pans, sprinkle on the surface
grated cheese and bake until formed on
Mushroom julienne. Rinse the mushrooms,
cut into strips. Cut in the same way
and onions. Heat in a frying pan
vegetable oil, put mushrooms and onions and
fry until transparent. When mushrooms with onions
will be ready, mix them with sour cream,
put in cocotte makers, sprinkle with grated cheese

Slide 2

When cooking, vegetables are placed in boiling water, salt is added (10 g of salt per 1 liter of water) and boiled with the lid closed. The water should cover the vegetables by 1 to 2 cm, as when cooking in large quantities of water, there is a large loss of soluble nutrients. Beets, carrots, and dried green peas are boiled without salt so as not to deteriorate taste qualities and the cooking process did not slow down.

Slide 3

Green beans, peas, spinach leaves, asparagus and artichokes are boiled in a large amount of boiling water (3-4 liters per 1 kg of vegetables) and with the lid open to preserve the color. Fresh frozen vegetables, without defrosting, are placed in boiling water. Canned vegetables are heated together with the broth. Potatoes and carrots are most often steamed.

Slide 4

Boiled potatoes

Raw peeled potato tubers of small size (large potatoes are cut into pieces) are placed in a dish with a layer of no more than 50 cm so that the shape is preserved during cooking, pour hot water so that it covers the potatoes by 1-1.5 cm, put salt, close the dishes lid, bring to a boil and simmer until tender. Then the broth is drained, the dishes are covered with a lid, put on fire for 2-3 minutes, dried. Some varieties of potatoes are very boiled, soaked in water, as a result of which its taste deteriorates. Therefore, when cooking such potatoes, the water is drained 15 minutes after boiling, covered with a lid and brought to readiness without water - with steam. Potatoes, turned in barrels, are boiled in the same way.

Slide 5

Mashed potatoes

For mashed potatoes, it is best to use potato varieties with a high starch content. Peeled potatoes, uniform in size, are boiled until tender, the broth is drained, the potatoes are dried and rubbed hot through a pulverizer or sieve. In hot potatoes at a temperature of 80 ° C, cells containing starch paste are preserved when wiped. In a cooled potato, the cells become fragile, when rubbed, they break, a paste is released from them, so the puree turns out to be sticky, viscous, which worsens its taste and appearance. Melted butter is added to the mashed potatoes, heated, stirring continuously, hot boiled milk is poured in and beat until a fluffy mass is obtained. When leaving, mashed potatoes are placed on a plate, a pattern is applied with a spoon on the surface, poured with butter, sprinkled with herbs. You can make mashed potatoes with sautéed onions. Most often, mashed potatoes are used as a side dish for meat and fish dishes.

Slide 6

Potatoes in milk

Potatoes do not boil well in milk, so they are first boiled in water. Cut raw peeled potatoes into medium-sized cubes, pour hot water, boil for 7-10 minutes, drain the water, pour hot milk over the potatoes, add salt and cook until tender. Then add butter mixed with flour (cold pass), and, stirring gently, bring to a boil. Used as an independent dish and as a side dish for entrecote. On vacation, put it in a ram or a portioned frying pan, sprinkle with butter, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Slide 7

Boiled cabbage

The early white cabbage is peeled, washed, the head of cabbage is cut into 4 parts and the stump is cut out. Processed cauliflower use whole inflorescences of the same size. The coots of Brussels sprouts are pre-cut from the stem. Prepared cabbage is placed in boiling salted water, quickly brought to a boil and cooked over low heat for 15-20 minutes until cooked with the lid open so that the color does not change. Before the release, cabbage is stored in a hot broth for no more than 30 minutes, since with prolonged storage it acquires a dark color and the taste deteriorates. Take out the finished cabbage with a slotted spoon and let the water drain. When you leave, the cabbage is put in a ram or a portioned pan, poured with butter or rusks or milk sauce. The sauce can be served separately in a gravy boat. White cabbage can be diced and seasoned with butter or sauce. If cauliflower is used as a side dish, then it is divided into small inflorescences before cooking.

Slide 8

Boiled green peas

For the preparation of this dish, fresh, dried, frozen and canned green peas are used. Fresh green peas are freed from the pods, placed in boiling salted water and boiled in boiling water until tender. Fresh-frozen green peas, without defrosting, are placed in boiling salted water, quickly brought to a boil and cooked for 3-5 minutes. After washing, dried green peas are soaked in cold water for 1-1.5 hours and boiled without salt in the same water in which they were soaked. Canned green peas are heated in their own broth. The cooked green peas are thrown back on a sieve or colander, allowed to drain the broth, then put into a bowl, seasoned with butter or liquid milk sauce, salt and sugar are added and heated. Used as an independent dish and as a side dish for meat dishes, poultry, fish. When on vacation, green peas are placed in a slide in a portioned pan or ram, on top - a piece butter or serve it separately at the outlet. Sprinkle the peas with boiled chopped eggs.

Slide 9


What type of heat treatment would you recommend to choose to preserve the nutrients, taste and shape of vegetables: basic cooking, steaming, steaming? What conditions must be observed when cooking vegetables that are green in order to avoid discoloration? What are the reasons for the browning of sorrel, spinach, green peas when cooking? Why is it advisable to cook potatoes peeled in spring? Some varieties of potatoes are very boiled, soaked in water, as a result of which the taste of the finished dish deteriorates. How can these defects be prevented? Why do vegetables lose up to 7% of their mass during cooking, and meat lose up to 40%? What sauces are recommended for boiled vegetable dishes? Justify. Make a plan for cooking potatoes in milk.

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ADVERSEAS AND SPEECHES ABOUT HEALTH Performed by a student of grade 8 A Vladislav Kadukhin Head Olga Petrovna Agapkina, Teacher of ecology at MBOU "Secondary School No. 30", Engels Municipal District, Saratov Region 2015/2016 academic year

The purpose of the presentation: promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Objectives: 1. To form students' ideas about the positive and negative factors affecting the human body, to explain the concept of "health". 2. To form respect for folk wisdom. 3. Develop mental activity, memory, imagination, coherent oral speech; broaden the horizons of students 4. Formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle, spiritual and moral improvement. What is health? In accordance with the Charter of the World Health Organization (WHO), health is understood as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects." What is the difference? Text in here A proverb is a short wise saying that has a complete thought. A proverb rather expresses a person's attitude to something, his feelings. For example: "Healthy as a bull." You live what is, and health is. Proper nutrition, there will be prosperity. Cleanliness is the guarantee of health. Do not stick to bad habits. In proverbs and sayings, people note the causes of diseases. Most often, people forget the following rules: Healthy food is always with us. Disease seeks fatty food. They die more in wine than drown in the sea. It is sweet to eat and drink - go to the doctors. Soon - not to be healthy. If you eat everything. food is poison. This is what the Russian people noticed: Freshness and purity are just beauty! 4. 5. 1. 2.3. Where it is stuffy, there is also ailment Musty air and dirty water are a disaster for health; living in mud means consumption; in a house where fresh air and sunshine, a doctor is not needed. Clean water is a problem for ailments. These proverbs speak of the importance of hygiene: Bad habits. "No! Tobacco smoke is harmful to both old and young. If you smoke, sit back and drink, you will not get away from ailments. Tobacco and stone dries. The apt word of the Russian people did not pass by bad habits either." What character is, so is health. A heart filled with joy and love is the most powerful weapon against many diseases. Where there is anger, there is harm. A kind person is healthier than an evil one. To be kind is to live a long time. Observant people have concluded that there is a connection between character and disease. Bath is the best doctor. Onions and baths rule everything. If not for the bath, we would all be lost. Bath is a second mother. The bathhouse is our mother: you steam your bones, you fix your whole body. The bath is healthy, the conversation is fun. The bathhouse soars, the bathhouse rules. From childhood, parents taught their children to be clean. Moderation in food is healthier than a hundred doctors. The better the food you chew, the longer you live. Onions and garlic are brothers. Onion cures seven ailments, garlic cures seven ailments. Eat radish - both chomtikha and tricho. Eat horseradish edible and you will be tenacious. Eat, but not fat - you will be healthier. The saying is not for nothing that it says. About food Evening walks are useful, they remove from illness. Move more - you will live longer. Hot day - go into the shade. Meet the morning exercises, spend the evening with a walk. You will do physical culture - about illness. you will forget. Walk more, you will live longer About movement Every advice is a pearl. The proverb is rude, but it’s true love. Lie with chickens, get up with roosters. Do not hold on to bad habits Whoever got up before the day is healthy. These tips are still relevant now. Take care of your dress again, and health from a young age Health is more valuable than wealth. You cannot buy health - the mind gives it. Health and happiness do not live without each otherHealth for illness does not change. Sick - heal, but healthy - beware. Remember: Tell the word The pharmacy will not add a century. Disease does not paint a piglet. Bitter honey for the sick; where health is, there is beauty.

Connect. Where it is simple, Where feasts and teas, Where the hand hurts, where there are many healers, they live there for about a hundred years. Where it is nice, there are eyes, there are sickness, and there are many diseases.

OGAOU SPO "Borisov Agromechanical College"

  • Topic "Dishes and side dishes of boiled and stewed vegetables"
  • MDK 01.01. "Technology of processing raw materials and cooking dishes from vegetables and mushrooms" by profession 01/19/17. Chef, pastry chef
  • teacher of disciplines of the professional cycle
Cooking vegetables
  • To prepare hot meals and side dishes, vegetables are boiled in water or steamed. Potatoes and carrots are boiled peeled, beets - in their skins, corn - on cobs without removing the leaves, beans - chopped, pea spatulas - whole, dried vegetables are pre-soaked.
  • When cooking, vegetables are placed in boiling water or poured with water (depending on the type of vegetables), salt is added (10 g of salt per 1 liter of water) and boiled with the lid closed. The water should cover the vegetables by 1–2 cm, as when cooking in a large amount of water, there is a large loss of soluble nutrients. Beets, carrots and green peas are cooked without salt so that the taste does not deteriorate and the cooking process does not slow down.
  • For steam cooking, special steam cooking cabinets or conventional boilers with a metal grate or wire basket are used.
Boiled potatoes
  • Put the peeled potato tubers in a bowl with a layer of no more than 50 cm, pour hot water so that it covers the potatoes by 1–1.5 cm, add salt, cover the dishes, bring to a boil and cook at low boil until tender. The broth is drained, and the potatoes are dried.
  • When leaving, boiled potatoes are placed in a ram, a plate or a portioned pan, poured with butter, sour cream or served separately, sprinkled with chopped herbs.
Boiled potatoes (step by step cooking)
  • 1. Potato tubers are poured with hot water and cooked at low boil until tender.
  • 2. The broth is drained, and the potatoes are dried.
  • Boiled potatoes are used as an independent dish and side dish.
Mashed potatoes
  • Peeled potatoes, homogeneous in size, are boiled until tender, the broth is drained, the potatoes are dried and rubbed in a hot state on a pulping machine. Melted butter or margarine is added to the mashed potatoes, heated, stirring continuously, pour in hot boiled milk and beat until a fluffy mass is obtained.
  • When leaving, mashed potatoes are put on a plate, a pattern is applied with a spoon on the surface, poured with butter, sprinkled with chopped herbs.
  • Mashed potatoes (step by step)
  • 1. Peeled potatoes, uniform in size, cook until tender, drain the broth, dry the potatoes.
  • 2. Wipe when hot. Melted butter is added, hot boiled milk is poured in.
  • 3. Beat until fluffy.
Potatoes in milk
  • Potatoes do not boil well in milk, so they are first boiled in water. Cut raw peeled potatoes into medium-sized cubes, pour hot water, boil for 10 minutes, drain the water, pour hot boiled milk over the potatoes, add salt and cook until tender. Cold sautéing (butter mixed with flour) can be added to the potatoes and, stirring gently, bring to a boil.
  • When you leave, put it in a ram or a portioned pan, pour it with butter, sprinkle with chopped herbs.
  • 1. Potatoes are cut into medium-sized cubes, covered with hot water, boiled for 10 minutes.
  • 2. Water is drained, potatoes are poured with hot boiled milk, salt is added.
  • 3. Cook until tender.
  • Potatoes in milk
  • (step by step cooking)
Boiled asparagus
  • The processed asparagus is tied in bunches, placed in boiling salted water, quickly brought to a boil and cooked at a low boil until tender.
  • On vacation, the asparagus is untied, placed on a special wire rack with a napkin, or a portioned dish or plate, decorated with sprigs of parsley, and rusk sauce is served separately.
  • They are used as an independent dish and as a side dish for poultry cutlets.
Adding vegetables
  • Carrots, turnips, pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, tomatoes, spinach, and sorrel are used for priming. Allow certain types of vegetables or their mixtures. Vegetables are added in their own juice or with a small amount of liquid (water or broth) with the addition of butter.
Vegetable steaming technology
  • Peeled vegetables are cut into cubes, wedges, strips or sticks. For letting go, vegetables are laid in a layer of no more than 20 cm or in one row (cabbage). Vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, tomatoes, spinach) are allowed without liquid, which easily release moisture. Spinach should not be simmered with sorrel as it becomes tough and discolored. The steamed vegetables are seasoned with butter or milk sauce.
  • Used as an independent dish and as a side dish.
Poached carrots
  • Cut the carrots into medium cubes, slices or sticks, put in a bowl, pour a little broth or water (0.2-0.3 liters per 1 kg of vegetables), add butter or margarine, bring to a boil, put salt, cover with a lid and simmer until ready.
  • When leaving, stewed carrots are placed in a ram or a portioned pan, on top - a piece of butter.
Steamed vegetables in milk sauce
  • Carrots, turnips, pumpkin or zucchini are cut into cubes or slices, cauliflower is divided into small inflorescences, and white cabbage is cut into checkers. Each type of vegetables is allowed separately. Canned green peas are heated in their own juice. Combine prepared vegetables, season with medium-thick milk sauce, add sugar, salt and boil for 1-2 minutes. Instead of milk sauce you can use sour cream sauce.
  • When on vacation, put in a ram or a portioned pan, sprinkle with herbs. You can put a piece of butter and let it go with croutons.
Quality requirements boiled vegetables
  • Boiled vegetables must save the farm, potato tubers may be slightly boiled. The color of the potatoes is from white to yellowish, reddening or darkening of the tubers is not allowed. Root color, typical of their natural color. Boiled cabbage should not taste like steamed cabbage. The consistency is soft, delicate. Color from white to cream. Dark spots and redness are not allowed on the surface of cauliflower.
Quality requirements
  • Mashed potatoes - the consistency is thick, fluffy, homogeneous, without pieces of non-grated potatoes. Color from cream to white, without dark inclusions.
Requirements for the quality of steamed vegetables
  • The vegetables taste slightly salty with the aroma of vegetables and milk, the smell of burnt milk and vegetables is not allowed. The color typical of the vegetables from which the dish is prepared. The consistency is soft. The cut shape of the vegetables must be preserved.
Storage conditions and periods
  • Boiled potatoes drained and mashed potatoes store on a bain-marie for no more than 2 hours.
  • Cauliflower, asparagus, corn boiled ones are stored in hot broth for no more than 30 minutes. For longer storage, they are cooled and placed in the refrigerator without a decoction, and as they are used, they are warmed up in a decoction.
Securing the material
  • Answer the questions of the test items.
  • 1. Why does mashed potatoes have a sticky consistency?
  • a) the potatoes are rubbed hot;
  • b) wiped cold potatoes;
  • c) added cold milk;
  • d) hot milk was added.
  • 2. How do you rub potatoes for making mashed potatoes?
  • a) hot;
  • b) warm
  • c) cooled down;
  • d) chilled.
a) boiling;
  • 3. In what kind of water do you put frozen vegetables without defrosting them? a) boiling;
  • b) cold;
  • c) warm;
  • d) hot.
  • 4. How to keep vegetables green when cooking?
  • a) cook at low temperature;
  • b) cook in boiling water with the lid open;
  • c) cook with the addition of vegetable oil;
  • d) cook with the addition of acid.
  • 5. How are potatoes cut for cooking "potatoes in milk"?
  • a) in blocks;
  • b) slices;
  • c) cubes;
  • d) straws.
Used literature, Internet resources
  • 1. Anfimova N.A. Cooking. - Moscow: Academy, 2011.
  • Internet resources:

Lesson topic:“Cooking dishes from fresh and boiled vegetables. Salads ".

Practical work "Making vinaigrette".

The purpose of the lesson:

To acquaint students with the types of heat treatment of vegetables;

Develop skills in cooking fresh and boiled vegetables;

  • methods of thermal culinary processing;
  • technologies for making vinaigrette from boiled vegetables;

Planned results:

Students must:

  • types of thermal culinary processing: cooking, simmering, blanching, frying, stewing, sautéing, baking;
  • methods of thermal cooking;
  • make a vinaigrette from boiled vegetables;
  • evaluate the quality and design of the finished dish.

Lesson type: combined

Forms of work: Group work, individual work

Technical equipment: Textbook, notebook, computer, technological maps,

For practical work: vegetables for making vinaigrette, cutting board, knife, kitchen utensils.



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Preparation of dishes from fresh and boiled vegetables. Salads. Technology teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 1, Sharypovo, Krasnoyarsk Territory Travkina Natalia Viktorovna

Salad is a cold dish consisting of one or several vegetables, as well as in combination with meat, fish, eggs.

The ingredients of the salad can be raw (radishes, green salad, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions), boiled (beets, potatoes, carrots), pickled, pickled (cucumber, cabbage), and products that have undergone complex and lengthy processing (sausages, smoked fish, canned food).

The technological sequence for the preparation of salads from fresh vegetables Primary processing of vegetables Cutting vegetables. The vegetables for the salad should be cut equally. Flavoring. Stir the products carefully so that they do not crease. Laying out in a salad bowl and decorating.

Cutting vegetables to decorate dishes.

Rules for the preparation of vegetable salads. Fresh vegetable salad should be prepared just before serving. All products must undergo primary processing, and some of them - primary and thermal. You can not combine warm and cold vegetables, the salad will quickly deteriorate. Vegetables for salads can be prepared in advance (1-2 hours before serving). Salads should be seasoned and decorated just before serving. Do not cook and store salads in metal dishes. Observe the shelf life of salads in the refrigerator; for non-seasoned salads - no more than 12 hours, for seasoned salads - 6 hours.

Safety rules when performing culinary work of safety when using an electric stove. 1. Before plugging in, check that the power cord is intact. 2. When switching on the tile, insert the plug into the sockets of the power socket until it stops. Do not disconnect the plug by pulling the cord. 3. For cooking on the electric stove, use only enameled utensils. TB when working with hot liquids. 1. Make sure that the contents of the cookware do not overflow when boiling. Reduce heat or turn off the stove when boiling vigorously. 2. Take the lids of hot dishes with a towel and open them away from you. 3. Place the frying pan and remove with a frying pan with a wooden handle.

Types of heat treatment of vegetables Cooking is the heating of a product in water, broth, milk or steam. Frying is heating food in a hot skillet with fat. Roasting - roasting a product in the oven. Stewing - the product is first fried, and then poured with sauce and brought to readiness. Adding - boiled in a small amount of juice or liquid. Sauteed - the product is lightly fried with and without fat. Blasting - quick scalding or scalding.

Rules for heat treatment of vegetables Never overcook or overcook food. Fry or cook vegetables first over high heat, and then over low. Vegetables should be dipped in boiling salted water and cooked at a low boil, covered with a lid, so that the nutrients are better preserved. When cooking, the water should only cover the vegetables, as a large amount will lead to a loss of nutrients. Beets and carrots are cooked without salt, if the vegetables are salted, they acquire an unpleasant taste and take longer to cook. Vegetables for salads are boiled in a peel.

Technological sequence for preparing the vinaigrette Cut the beets into 5 by 5 mm cubes, transfer them to a salad bowl, add a spoonful of sunflower oil and mix so that other vegetables do not acquire the color of beets. Potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, cut into 5 by 5 mm cubes, transfer to a salad bowl. Cut the onion into small cubes. Add sauerkraut, beans. Salt to taste, add sunflower oil, mix all the ingredients. Decorate the finished dish, put it in a salad bowl.