Easter buns recipe is simple and delicious. Easy step-by-step recipes for delicious Easter buns

To prepare Easter buns "Skylarks" you need milk, salt, dry yeast, flour, butter, sugar, egg yolk, cloves, vanilla sugar.

You can dilute yeast in warm milk or water, in the end there will be no difference. Add a teaspoon of granulated sugar and yeast to warm milk. Stir and rest slightly. At this step, the quality of the yeast is checked. If they are good, a foam cap will come up. Otherwise, it is better not to use yeast.

It is better to use only sifted flour in baking. Pour flour, salt, remaining sugar, vanilla sugar, or a pinch of vanillin into a bowl. Mix all ingredients for even distribution.

Melt the butter in advance and cool so that it is not hot. Add the risen yeast and butter to the flour.

Knead the dough. First with a spoon - it's more convenient. When the dough has thickened well, place it on the board. If necessary, add a little flour, and continue to knead until the desired result. The result should be a soft dough that does not stick to your hands.

Transfer the dough to a deep bowl, cover it and send it to a warm place for about 60 minutes. If the room is warm, the dough will grow faster.

Literally 40-50 minutes passed, and my ball of dough doubled. I send the dough to always come up on a baking sheet in the oven, and put a container of hot water down. The lifting process is faster.

Knead the dough lightly and divide into 6 parts. Form a flagellum about 30 cm long from each piece.

Take one flagellum and wrap one side over the other - as in the photo.

Thread one edge through the hole. Make a beak on the head. Cut the other side with a knife into thin strips, forming a tail.

Place the buns on a baking sheet with parchment. Make eyes out of carnations. Let it rest for 30-40 minutes.

Happy Easter!

Easter is approaching, everything has already been cleaned and washed, there is little left to do - to cook Easter dishes... Traditionally in our house it is colored eggs, Curd Easter and Easter baked goods - cakes, rolls, pies.

Easter cakes and rolls.

The main decoration of the table is Easter cakes. I bake not only cakes. I also make rolls with poppy seeds, cinnamon or cottage cheese. We call all Easter baked goods in one word - rolls.

Here is the recipe for my Easter buns and I will share with you.

Many people bake cakes and rolls on Thursday or Friday before Easter. But I only get to do Easter baking on Saturday morning. On Thursday or Friday I do what you see in the photo.

So, so that the cakes are successful, early in the morning we read the prayer Our Father, we baptize the container for kneading dough three times (for me it is a large 10-liter saucepan) and proceed to kneading the dough.

For Easter cakes and other Easter baked goods, we need:

  • Flour - 2 kg
  • Yeast -50 g.
  • Eggs - 4 eggs + 2 yolks (whites will go for the glaze)
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg
  • Milk - 1 l,
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Margarine - 100 g.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt -0.5 tsp.
  • Rum or cognac - 2 tbsp l.
  • Vanillin, raisins, dried apricots, poppy seeds, cinnamon - that's at your discretion. Someone doesn't like cinnamon or raisins - add fillers to your liking

The proportions can be reduced or increased at your discretion. From this amount, I got so many Easter cakes and other Easter buns and buns (5-6 pieces).

Easter baking

Cooking butter dough.

The dough is called butter, because there is a lot of baking in it - butter, sugar, milk, sour cream.

We slightly warm the milk so that it is warm and dilute the yeast in it, I always use fresh. Add a few tablespoons of sugar, salt and some flour to make the dough like thick sour cream. It will be a dough.

We turn on the oven for a very short time to warm up the air in it. Just in case, so as not to overheat the oven, set the regulator to the lowest temperature. The temperature in the oven should be 35 degrees. Turn off the oven and put our saucepan in it with the lid closed. In a warm oven, the dough rises quickly.

Then pour the remaining sugar into the risen dough, into which 3-4 drops were previously dripped essential oil lemon and added vanillin. The combination of lemon aroma and vanillin gives a unique taste. Pour eggs, sour cream, beaten into foam, add sifted flour, knead well, add washed and dried raisins, dried apricots pieces. Determine the quantity yourself.

I don't put a lot of raisins, because there will be either poppy or cinnamon in the rolls, and not everyone in my house likes raisins. Better to add it in a separate bun in the middle as an interlayer.

Gradually add melted butter and margarine. A little oil (2 tbsp. L. Leave for the layer of cakes). At the end, pour in vegetable oil. And we knead the dough all the time. It must be kneaded well until it begins to come off your hands.

Cover the pot with a lid again, put it in a slightly warm oven and let the dough rise. This takes about an hour and a half, depending on the quality of the yeast. After the first rise, knead the dough, and again let it come up a little.

During this time, we prepare baking dishes. Lubricate them abundantly vegetable oil, on the bottom of the forms we put oiled mugs cut out of paper, so that it would be easier to remove the cakes from the form. Recently, I additionally sprinkle the walls of the form with sesame seeds. And it turns out tasty, and the cake is easier to take out of the mold.

Forming and baking Easter cakes.

I put the dough into the molds for a reason, but with a little secret. I roll out the dough for cake (about 1 / 3-1 / 2 of the volume of the mold) in a strip (the width is equal to the size of the mold, and the length is three times longer), lightly grease with butter, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon or poppy seeds.

Forming an Easter cake

Then I fold the strip of dough in three, like a roll. The width should be approximately the width of the form. I give it a round shape - and into a baking dish.

Easter cake dough

When baked, you get a cake with a layer of poppy or cinnamon.

I also like Easter buns in the form of a roll. But this is not just a roll. I make a poppy seed roll and place it in a muffin pan with a hole in the middle. When baked, it will make a wonderful cupcake roll. It is very nice to cut such a roll.

Easter baking - roll with poppy seeds

Another idea for Easter baking is to cut the same roll into pieces of the same width and put it vertically in a mold. After baking, you will get a beautiful and interesting pastry. We have such buns sold first. And when cut, the poppy layer looks so that you can't even understand how it is put there.

After the cakes are laid in molds, they can be decorated with pieces of dough. But if you water with glaze and sprinkle with colored sprinkles, you do not need to decorate. On top, I grease with a beaten egg or yolk with a little water.

Then you need to let the rolls come up in forms (20-30 minutes) - and into the oven. Bake in the oven at 200-220 degrees. Make sure that the top of the baking is not burnt. To avoid this, you can put paper moistened with water or cover it with foil on top of the Easter cakes.

Each hostess herself knows the features of her oven. Recently, I have been using an electric one, it is very convenient to regulate the temperature in it, and to make heating from above and below and blowing. Earlier, when there was a gas stove, for a more even heating of the oven, I had small stones at the bottom.

And now we take out the pastries from the oven, carefully remove them from the molds. Top, while the cakes are hot, pour the glaze.

How to make icing for Easter cake.

It is simple to make the icing - beat the egg white with half a glass of powdered sugar, add 1-2 tsp. lemon juice. Glaze the top of the cakes and sprinkle with chopped nuts, coconut flakes or candied fruits. After the cake has cooled down, the glaze will harden.

It remains to choose a prettier cake, put it in a basket, add colored eggs - and go to church to dedicate, and on a bright Easter Sunday to congratulate your neighbors - Christ is risen!

Easter baked goods - Easter cakes and rolls.

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Easter hot cross buns are traditionally baked for Easter in England and others. European countries... Like Russian Easter cake, they are made from yeast dough with the addition of candied fruits, dried fruits and sometimes nuts. From above, they are decorated with a cross, which symbolizes the resurrection. Traditionally, they are baked on Good Friday. The first mention of them in books dates back to 1733! Tradition to do delicious bread on Easter exists in all Christian countries. English Easter buns will be a festive table decoration. Buns stay fresh for a long time, combined with butter, jam and hot tea or milk, they will be good for any breakfast!

Taste Info Buns

Ingredients for 5-6 buns:

  • Main dough:
  • dry yeast 4 g;
  • sugar 50 g;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • chicken yolks 1 pc. (large egg);
  • milk 70 ml;
  • wheat flour 170-190 g;
  • butter 25 g;
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l .;
  • nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon - a pinch;
  • zest of orange and lemon.
  • Filling with dried fruits:
  • a handful of raisins;
  • a handful of dried candied pineapples;
  • dried apricots 4-6 pcs.;
  • mix of nuts optional.
  • Other filling:
  • processed cheese 0.5 pack.
  • For white dough:
  • flour 30 g;

For lubrication:

  • milk 1 tbsp. l .;
  • butter 1 tsp;
  • yolk 0.5 pcs.;
  • a pinch of sugar.

How to make English cross buns for Easter

Preparatory stage for butter dough always starts with yeast activation. To do this, add a teaspoon of sugar and dry yeast to warm milk. Stir the milk mixture thoroughly with a spoon and cover the container with a plate. Leave the mixture on for 5-10 minutes to make sure the yeast is fresh and starts bubbling.

Sift into a deep bowl required amount wheat flour to make the dough fluffy and airy in structure.

Add sugar, a pinch of nutmeg, cinnamon, and ground ginger to the flour (optional). Then grate the zest of half an orange and lemon and send them to a bowl of flour as well. Also add a dash of salt to balance and enhance the flavor of the buns.

Add the prepared dough to the mixed flour, which should begin to bubble.

Then add to the dough egg yolk room temperature and melted butter.

Knead the dough first by hand in a bowl. Then put the dough on the countertop, well, knead it slowly, for this you will need about 10 minutes. Help yourself with a scraper, if necessary, by picking it up from the table. Try not to add a lot of excess flour so as not to clog it. Send the dough into a container greased with vegetable oil and cover with foil.

V closed cabinet or in a switched off microwave oven with a glass of hot water, put a bowl of dough for 1-1.5 hours for proofing. The dough should double in size, become fluffier and softer.

Divide the dough into 5-7 lumps, roll them into balls and lay them on a greased board, cover with foil. Leave the buns for another 10 minutes.

Pre-soak dried fruits in cognac or in orange juice for 20 minutes. After soaking, drain the liquid large pieces chop dried fruits with a knife, leave the filling for a while so that it dries a little.

In addition to dried fruits, buns can be stuffed processed cheese... I use this cheese because my child doesn't like dried fruit. You can use any ingredient you like for the filling (not liquid). Easter buns with dried cherries.

For the cross-stitch bun patterns, you need to make a white dough. To do this, mix flour, water and sugar in a small bowl. You will have a viscous dough (like a paste). Transfer the dough to a cooking bag or bag.

Teaser network

To form a bun, take a bun of dough and knead it into a flat cake. Add a spoonful of dried fruit or a piece of cheese to the center of the cake.

Roll the stuffed blank into a roll. Then gently roll up the roll and roll into a round bun.

There is another common way to make cross bun dough. At the stage of kneading the dough, i.e. before proving it, add the prepared dried fruits in the dough and mix them evenly there.

Place buns on a baking sheet with parchment, cover with foil. Let the buns rest for 40 minutes, during which time they will slightly increase in volume. In the meantime, turn on the oven 180-190 degrees, let it warm up.

The buns must be greased with a mixture of yolk and milk. On each bun, make a cross-notch with the back of a knife. Then squeeze the white dough out of the bag along the resulting cross grooves.

These Easter buns are baked for about 20-30 minutes until golden brown. Grease hot buns with syrup (milk and sugar), leave to cool on a wire rack.

If desired, strips of protein glaze can be applied to the buns.

These are the English cross buns we got - soft and fluffy, with a fragrant filling.

Happy Easter to everyone and bon appetit!

What Easter Sunday can do without fresh and flavorful buns? Although there are no hares or rabbits in our Easter traditions, you can safely borrow the idea from the West. These cute edible animals will appeal to both adults and children. Easter buns are very simple to make, attractive-looking and amazing-tasting buns in the form of hares or rabbits will decorate your festive table for Easter.

By the way, such buns can be cooked in water or kefir. There will be differences in taste, but the baked goods will still be delicious.
For site readers Good recipes we will tell and show you step by step on the photorecipe

how easy it is to make bunnies from yeast dough


  • wheat flour - 400 g;
  • cow's milk - 500 ml;
  • dry yeast - 7 g;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • salt - 1 tsp

Cooking process:

First you need to warm up to a slightly warm state cow's milk, pour it into a deep bowl. Add dry yeast there. It is important not to overheat the liquid. Otherwise, the yeast will die and the dough will not rise. Pour granulated sugar into a bowl with milk and yeast. For those who love sweet buns, the amount can be increased if desired.

Leave the dough for 15 minutes. During this time, the yeast will begin to activate and cover the surface of the milk in the form of a cap. Vegetable oil should be added to the liquid at this stage.

Pour flour sifted through a sieve into the future dough.

Knead with your hands yeast dough for buns. It should stick slightly to your hands.

Cover the container with a towel and remove to a warm place until the dough has increased 2-2.5 times.

Divide the base into small balls. For ease of use, hands can be slightly moistened with vegetable oil.

Give each ball an oval shape. Using ordinary scissors, two cuts should be made on one side of the workpiece. These detached from the stem will be the ears of the rabbits. Each ear should be rounded slightly with your fingers.

Bake Easter buns in the oven (preheated to 180 degrees) for 12-15 minutes. These bunny buns will become a festive table decoration!

They can be served with any drink of your choice.

Bunny dough recipe with step by step photos from Marina specially for the site Good recipes.

If you are sorely short of time, but without homemade baked goods you can't imagine a holiday, carve out a couple of hours and make English Easter buns.

For English Easter buns, you don't even need to put the dough - the dough is kneaded right away, but while it fits, you can go about your business.

V traditional recipe Easter buns raisins and dried apricots are mixed into the dough. But then the buns when molded will turn out to be not entirely even and uniform. golden brown is also difficult to achieve. Considering this, the filling can be hidden inside the buns, then we will immediately solve two problems - and add dried fruits, and the buns will look neat and beautiful.

Yield: 15-17 buns.


  • milk - 150 ml;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • butter - 50 gr;
  • fresh yeast - 20 g;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • anise seeds - a third of a teaspoon;
  • cardamom - a pinch;
  • ground nutmeg - 0.5 tsp;
  • raisins - 100 gr;
  • dried apricots - a handful;
  • wheat flour - 3 glasses;
  • egg yolk for lubricating buns;
  • water - 2 tbsp. l.


    Combine sifted flour with anise seeds, nutmeg and cardamom.

    In another bowl, mash the yeast with a spoonful of sugar and salt.

    Melt the butter, cool. Pour warm milk and butter into the yeast, add an egg, the rest of the sugar. Beat everything with a whisk until a light foam appears.

    Pour the liquid mixture into the spice flour.
    Stir until the flour has absorbed all the liquid.

    Place the lump of dough on a floured table and continue kneading the dough with your hands. After 10 minutes, the dough will become homogeneous, smooth, when pressed under the palm of your hand, you will feel air bubbles bursting.

    The dough must be collected in a ball, greased with oil and put in a spacious bowl (grease the sides and bottom with oil too). Cover the dough, leave to rise for 1.5 hours.

    If the dough is well kneaded and the kitchen is warm, then in 1-1.5 hours it will grow 3-4 times. For the filling, steam the raisins in a water bath, dry them and mix with finely chopped dried apricots. Do not knead the dough. Divide it into 15-17 small pieces.

    Mash a piece of dough into a tortilla. Place a teaspoon of the filling in the middle.

    Lift the edges of the dough, connect over the filling and pinch tightly. Roll a flat round bun, flip the seam down.

    When all the buns are formed, make a white dough to decorate the baked goods.

    To do this, mix a tablespoon of flour with two tablespoons warm water... Stir until the dough is smooth, without small lumps. In terms of density - like dough for pancakes or a little thicker.

    Let the rolls rise warm. Brush with yolk mixed with a spoonful of water. Transfer the white dough to a piping bag or syringe with a fine nozzle and draw crosses on the buns.
    Place immediately in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Buns are baked for 20 minutes until golden brown.