Cherry charlotte recipe step by step oven. Charlotte with cherries - original ideas for making a delicious cake

What could be better than home warm comfort, namely: a warm blanket, a cup of hot tea, an affectionate cat and, of course, the incomparable smell of fresh baked charlotte. Where did the recipe for this cozy homemade pie?

Initially, it was prepared by the Germans and the recipe consisted of white bread, custard and liquor ... hmm, tempting recipe... Then the British took over the manufacture of charlotte. Their dessert included soaked White bread at the bottom of the mold, sliced โ€‹โ€‹apples and a head of soaked bread. It was served with ice cream and pudding.

This pie came to Russia from London, prepared by a French chef for Alexander I, but this recipe also differed from the current charlotte, as it consisted of biscuit, Bavarian cream and cream. It was only in 1952 that the recipe for the charlotte pie acquired its familiar form.

In the present century of gastronomic abundance, this simple dessert can be found with apples, cherries, pears, strawberries, raspberries and other fruits, berries, flavored chocolate mousses, liqueurs, ice cream.

Consider several options for making homemade pie!

Step by step simple recipe

Cherries add a little sourness to the dessert, the pie is very easy to prepare. But it has its own secrets. Fresh berries cherries are easier to buy in the summer, so this option is more suitable for the summer season.

Cooking method:

Charlotte with frozen cherries - for the winter season

If you really want a cherry charlotte in winter, you can use frozen cherries. So, let's create a "charlotte with frozen cherries" in the winter version.

What do you need:

  • frozen cherries - 400 g;
  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • chicken eggs (proteins) - 5 pcs;
  • margarine - 2 tablespoons;
  • vanillin - a bag;
  • baking powder - a teaspoon.

Cooking time is 50 minutes.

Calorie content of the dessert: 275 kcal per 100 g.

Beat whites with sugar until persistent peaks. Gradually pour in flour and baking powder, stir until the lumps dissolve. Put butter and cherries on the bottom of the baking dish, sprinkle with vanilla, spread sour cream (you can sweeten it). We bake the cake at 180 degrees.

Charlotte with "drunken" cherry

And here is another recipe for the hostesses - charlotte with "drunken" cherries. This dessert appeared in the post-Soviet era, many women made a tincture on cherries. The tincture was drunk, and the berries were perfect for various desserts.


  • a glass of flour;
  • 3 eggs;
  • Apple;
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of cherries;
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of cherry tincture;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • half a bag of cinnamon (adjust to taste);
  • cocoa powder to taste.

Cooking time - an hour.

The calorie content of the dish is 287 kcal per 100 g.

Let's start with the dough - beat the eggs with sugar. Fill in the flour, stir until the lumps dissolve. Pour cocoa powder, baking powder and spices here. Add cherries and tincture. Lubricate the form abundantly with butter (preferably butter).

Pour the resulting dough into a mold. Peel the apple, cut into slices, spread on top of the dough. The recommended baking temperature is 180 - 190 degrees.

Chocolate charlotte with cherries in a slow cooker - for those with a sweet tooth

What kind of sweet tooth would refuse a pie with chocolate and the addition of chocolate icing? There are simply no such ones. Another interesting and delicious recipe charlottes in the piggy bank. We will also cook it in a multicooker.

So, we need:

  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • extra flour - half a glass;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • cherry (in any form) - half a glass;
  • dark chocolate - tile floor;
  • butter - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt (taste) - on the tip of the knife.

For the chocolate sauce:

  • dark chocolate - 70 g;
  • heavy cream (33%) - a tablespoon.

Cooking time - 55 minutes.

The calorie content of the pie per 100 g is 389 kcal.

Let's start with the test. To do this, beat the sugar and eggs with a whisk until fluffy. For better dissolution of sugar, you can grind it in a coffee grinder or blender into fine dust. Remove the butter from the refrigerator and let it sit until softened. Add butter to the dough. Now we gradually introduce the sifted flour into the dough, so that there are no lumps.

We process the cherries, wash them, remove the seeds if necessary. If the cherries were defrosted, then drain the juice. Break or grate chocolate, mix with cherries. Add the cherry-chocolate mixture to the dough.

We prepare a form for a multicooker, grease it with oil, pour the resulting dough into it. We close and select the "Baking" or "Pie" program. After cooking, leave the cake in a slow cooker to cool slightly. We take out the dessert and put it on a dish.

Cooking the chocolate sauce: To do this, take all the remaining chocolate. We break it into pieces. Pour in a spoonful of cream and put on water bath, we are waiting for the complete dissolution of the chocolate.

Fill the charlotte chocolate icing... To make the cake more juicy, it is worth leaving it for a couple of hours to soak.

Charlotte with berry platter - for gourmets

Charlotte pie also goes well with several fruits or berries, for example, pear and apple or currant and cherry, why not try it? So, charlotte with currants and cherries, the berry gives the pie a sourness, and a rather juicy taste. We also do not hesitate to season the cake. various additives, for example, chocolate, coconut flakes or nuts.

What you need:

  • flour - a glass;
  • currants (black, red to choose from) - a glass;
  • cherry - glass;
  • sugar - a glass;
  • eggs - 3 pcs;
  • walnuts - a handful;
  • margarine - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking time - an hour.

The calorie content of the dish is 321 kcal per 100 g.

Pie dough - mix sugar with eggs, and beat well with a mixer, until fluffy. Pour flour carefully in small portions, avoiding lumps. The dough is ready. We prepare a cake pan, it is better to use a round one, grease it with butter.

The berries can be mixed or laid out in layers. For example, put currants on the bottom, sprinkle with sugar (optional), pour part of the dough on top, put the cherries on it and add the rest of the dough. We throw nuts on top.

We put the pie in the oven at 180 degrees, check the readiness with a toothpick.

Many gourmets agree on what is what easier dish, the more accurately it conveys its unique taste. But to make the cake tasty, there are secrets in cooking, even in the most ordinary recipe:

  • to make the charlotte more fragrant, you can add various spices during the cooking process: cinnamon, rosemary, vanillin or lemon zest;
  • there is one more trick, if soda is added according to the recipe, then we extinguish it with fresh lemon juice;
  • egg whites are whipped separately only to make the dough more airy and soft;
  • if you want a tall pie, then you need to cook a custard biscuit dough, that is, beat sugar with eggs in a water bath;
  • so that the dessert crumbles less, replace one quarter of the flour with starch.

And remember, charlotte with cherries is not just a cake for tea, but a whole story of home and such warm coziness!

Charlotte with cherries is a wonderful dessert that you can always prepare for evening tea or to meet guests. The recipes described in our article will help you discover new combinations of flavors and aromas.

Charlotte with cherries. Recipe with photo

You can prepare the dough for this light dessert in just a few minutes. You probably already have all the ingredients at your fingertips, you just need to stock up on fresh or frozen berries. Charlotte with cherries is prepared as follows:

  • Take a deep mixing bowl for mixing and beat four chicken eggs with one glass of sugar and a pinch of salt in it. The best way to do this is to use a mixer.
  • Sift one and a half cups of flour into the resulting mixture, add soda, two tablespoons butter and vanillin to taste. Mix food at low speed until smooth.
  • Take a baking dish, grease it with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs on the bottom.
  • Pour half of the dough into the container, then put the cherries, sprinkle with sugar and cover with the second part of the dough. Do not forget to remove the seeds and sort the berries first.
  • Bake the pie in a preheated oven for about 45 minutes. Then cool it down and serve.

Charlotte with cherries and apples

Juicy and slightly sour cherry berries will help us change the taste of a dish familiar from childhood. The unusual combination of products will be remembered by your guests, and you will surely hear well-deserved compliments from them. Charlotte with cherries and apples is prepared like this:

  • Break three eggs into a deep bowl, add one and a half cups of granulated sugar there and beat the products with a mixer.
  • When the egg mass has doubled in volume, combine it with two glasses of sifted flour, baking powder and vanilla.
  • For the filling, process two apples (remove the skins and cores) and then cut them into small cubes. Thaw 300 grams of cherries and drain off excess liquid. Combine foods and sprinkle with a little sugar.
  • Lay the baking dish baking paper, pour part of the dough on the bottom, then lay out the filling and cover with the second part.
  • Bake the fragrant cake for 30-40 minutes.

Chocolate cherry charlotte

Prepare according to our recipe delicious dessert and make sure the cherry and chocolate complement each other perfectly. Also, you cannot help but note that the airy sweet dough goes well with the taste of sour berries. Read how charlotte with cherries is prepared (you can see the photo above):

  • Sift two cups of flour through a sieve and combine with baking powder.
  • Beat two or three eggs with one glass of sugar separately with a mixer.
  • Combine prepared foods, add 100 grams of cocoa to them and stir.
  • Sort fresh berries, rinse, remove seeds, and then sprinkle them with sugar.
  • Grease a baking dish with butter, pour the dough into it, and spread the cherries evenly on top.
  • Place the charlotte in a preheated oven and cook for about 40 minutes.

Charlotte with cottage cheese and cherries

An unusual cake is perfect for baby food... It will especially appeal to mothers whose children are not too fond of dairy products. How is a curd charlotte with cherries prepared in the oven? You can read the recipe below:

  • Rinse 300 grams of cherries thoroughly, cut each berry in half and remove the pits. After that, sprinkle the future filling with sugar.
  • Separately mix 200 grams of cottage cheese, a glass of semolina, a glass of sugar, a little salt and soda, one chicken egg and 100 grams of butter.
  • Add the berries to the dough, then place in a greased baking dish and bake until tender in a preheated oven. When the cake is covered golden brown, it can be taken out, cooled slightly and served.

Cherry and nut charlotte

Here is another simple recipe. delicious food, which can be prepared for tea in a short time. Charlotte with cherries and nuts will fall in love with you not only for its speed and simplicity, but also for its unusual taste.

  • Combine three eggs with one glass of sugar in a tall bowl, and then beat the food with a mixer.
  • Melt 200 grams of butter in the microwave or in a water bath, cool it and add to a bowl.
  • Sift one glass of white flour and add small portions to the dough while beating it.
  • Defrost one package of pitted cherries, squeeze out excess juice and add the berries to the dough.
  • Grind half a glass of peeled walnuts and mix them with the rest of the ingredients. Pour the dough into silicone or glass form for baking.
  • Charlotte with cherries is cooked in a preheated oven for at least half an hour.

Polish cherry pie

This unusual dessert can be prepared very quickly, so it is perfect for meeting unexpected guests. How is it done simple charlotte with cherries? Read the recipe with a photo below.

  • Sort over and rinse with 250 grams of cherries. Remember to remove all seeds from the berries.
  • Fill in the filling with 100 g of sugar, and squeeze the released juice and pour into a separate container.
  • Take 300 grams wheat bread, cut off the crusts from it, and cut the pulp into slices.
  • Pour 250 ml of milk into a deep bowl, mix it with two chicken eggs, 250 g sugar and vanilla to taste.
  • Stir the food, pour the resulting mass into a deep mold and immerse half of the prepared bread in it. Top with the cherry filling and cover with the rest of the bread.
  • Send the mold to the preheated oven. Charlotte with cherries will be ready when its surface acquires a golden hue.

Cooking time -15 minutes + 35 minutes in the oven

Yield - 8 servings

This is already the 4th charlotte cooked by me. I personally came up with the recipe and tested it - the dough is very tasty and simple. As I already wrote in other articles, here I decided to take as a basis the recipe for the simplest fluffy charlotte without baking powder, starch and soda in the oven, but put a quarter cup of sugar less.

I used to think that charlotte is pure Apple pie, but it turned out I was mistaken, because practically any sponge cake... By the way, . And now I'm interested in finding out what kind of filling, besides apple, is best suited for charlotte. This time I decided to try to make a cherry charlotte in the oven, a recipe with a photo step by step, which you will see below.

I have already tried charlotte with strawberries, nectarines and apricots. Now I also tried charlotte with cherries. And I can say with confidence that among them - cherry charlotte is the most delicious!

It is sour, very tasty.

To tell the truth, I don't eat cherries at all (maybe that's why I was so impressed), since cherries seem to me tastier, otherwise the cherries are somehow sour. But I don't even eat cherries, since childhood memories of worms that I saw in almost every sweet cherry, especially in the children's camp, cause tension, since I cannot eat it calmly without checking every berry. So I thought, it is better to peel the cherries first, so that the cake is baked better and the filling is more evenly distributed, in addition, during the cleaning process, I can notice someone and throw out the berry, and if someone is alive there, then let it burn in hell in the oven. At the same time, I will treat you to a cake according to my signature recipe, which I have already pleased many of my friends.

How to cook charlotte with cherries - a recipe with a photo step by step in the oven without starch and soda

Prepare the ingredients (there are actually more cherries in the photo than needed)

Drive 4 eggs without shell into a deep bowl and cover with sugar.

Beat eggs and sugar for 10 minutes.

Earlier at this point, I recommended playing music and dancing. Now I decided not only to dance, but also to reach with my other hand in parallel. silicone mold, just in case, grease, dry the cherries with a paper towel and remove the seeds. This will increase the speed of cooking! One hand is wielding a blender, the other is preparing for the next stage, but the legs are dancing :)

Beat at first at a slow speed, and towards the end at a fast speed. Take short breaks just in case to avoid overheating the blender.

In the end, this is what happens

Then sift flour there

Stir with a wooden stick, for example. I already tried it with a blender - the flour flew in all directions.

Turn on the oven to preheat to 180 degrees.

In the meantime, in a prepared baking dish (I decided to buy a silicone mold with a hole in the middle, so that it bakes better), pour a part of the dough and lay out half of the pitted cherries.

Pour the dough again and lay out another row of cherries. Then fill in again

Bake for 35 minutes at 180 degrees.

It is pleasant to pamper yourself and your loved ones on a warm summer evening fragrant cake... If you do not want to spend a lot of time and effort not preparing it, then ideal option will become a charlotte with cherries. It has a mild pleasant taste with a slight hint of sourness. It is refreshing and truly enjoyable. The main thing is to choose correct recipe and follow it clearly.

Traditional recipe

The pie, familiar to everyone, is prepared with apple filling, but using the same method you can prepare charlotte with cherries. Its components are extremely simple and accessible to everyone:

  • two glasses of cherries;
  • three ;
  • half a teaspoon of baking soda or baking powder;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a glass of flour.

You will need a mixer to knead the dough. Without it, cooking will take longer and require physical effort. The whole process is divided into several main stages:

Use special tools to remove pits from cherries faster. If they are not there, just squeeze out the bones with a wooden skewer.

The most delicious and airy is charlotte with cherries in the oven, but you can also cook it in a slow cooker. It is also recommended to line the bowl with parchments before cooking. Otherwise, it will be problematic to extract the finished cake from it.

Sour cream dough recipe

Charlotte with cherries, the recipe for which is given below, has a special delicate taste... This is achieved through the use of sour cream. Better to choose bold milk product... It has a rich taste and the required consistency. Prepare the following components:

  • a glass of flour;
  • three eggs;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • three heaped spoons of sour cream;
  • a bag of baking powder;
  • 100 grams of margarine;
  • 200 grams ;
  • some cinnamon.

One of the most summer recipes- it's a charlotte!
I really like this recipe, I love it for its simplicity and speed - its second name is "five-minute pie".

Charlotte can be baked in countless variations: with apples, apricots, peaches, strawberries, currants, cherries!

Now we will bake charlotte with cherries! The recipe is universal and you can use it for other berries and fruits.


  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 glass of sugar (about 200 g, maybe a little less, 180);
  • 1 cup flour (about 130-140g);
  • 0.5 teaspoon of slaked vinegar or 1.5 teaspoon of baking powder;
  • 1-2 cups pitted cherries

How to bake:

You will definitely need a mixer, a split form and pastry parchment. You can, of course, bake in a greased frying pan, but then you will have to eat charlotte from there with spoons. And you can whip it with a whisk, but it will no longer be a five-minute, but a 25-minute best case. ๐Ÿ™‚

I always start with the preparation of the cherries and the mold - I take out the seeds, put them in a colander to drain the juice, and tighten the bottom of the mold with parchment, greasing it and the sides vegetable oil... And only then I start making the dough. Because the whipped foam can settle while we fiddle with the cherries. And when everything is ready, you can do the dough.

Beat eggs with sugar (which I like - no need to separate the yolks from the whites). We start at low speed, gradually move to high speed. 2-3 minutes, and you get a lush light mass. The quality of the whipping depends on how fluffy and fluffy the cake will be! To this state, you need to beat eggs with sugar for biscuit charlotte:

Pour soda into the foam, extinguish and mix. Better yet, mix the flour with baking powder and sift into the dough.

Sift flour, gently stir with spoon movements from bottom to top.

This is the dough it turns out

Scatter the cherries on the bottom of the mold.

Fill them with dough. Spread the dough with a spoon. This is how a properly prepared biscuit dough pours.

We put in the oven, preheated to 180-200C, and at this temperature (or at 220C, look at your oven) we bake for 25-30 minutes, until the cake rises and becomes rosy. Trying it with a wooden stick.

After cooling the cherry charlotte, we extract it from the mold and, removing the paper from the bottom, transfer it to the dish. You can sprinkle it with powdered sugar, or you can eat it with tea!

Charlotte with cherries - the recipe is very easy and simple, and how delicious! Try ๐Ÿ™‚