Salting honey mushrooms at home recipes. Salting honey agarics for the winter: cold and hot cooking method

Many housewives are well aware of the recipes for salting honey mushrooms. It is a common type of mushroom and is an excellent source of protein and amino acids. They contain a lot of phosphorus, so in vegetarian diets successfully replace fish dishes. They have antiseptic properties, which are enhanced by combining honey agarics with garlic during salting. Before eating and preserving, mushrooms must undergo heat treatment.

How to pickle honey mushrooms

Housewives begin to salt in the fall, after harvesting a fresh harvest of mushrooms. Regardless of which recipe is used for salting, the general rules must be taken into account:

  • To determine how much salt is required for salting honey mushrooms, it is necessary to accurately weigh the original product. As a rule, for each kilogram of honey agarics, they take 40 g of salt.
  • The exact proportions need to be known when cooking. For 1 kg, there should be 2 glasses of water.
  • When preparing brine for honey agarics, take 8 g of salt per 1 liter of water.
  • For the cold salting method, careful processing of raw materials is required before cooking. To do this, they can be soaked in salted water for several hours.
  • It is recommended to use coarse salt for salting. Such a product contains a minimum of chemical additives, which means that the finished dish does not spoil the extra flavor.
  • Legs should be cut off large mushrooms so that a small stump remains at the base of the cap. Small mushrooms can be whole salted.
  • When calculating the yield of the finished product, you can focus on the following data: for a three-liter can, you need to take about a bucket fresh mushrooms.
  • In order to salt mushrooms and keep them fresh for a long time, protecting them from mold, you can put a piece of gauze soaked in vinegar on top of the mushrooms.
  • Another way to preserve the product is to store it in a cool room, the temperature in which does not rise above 10 0 C.
  • In order to check the quality of the collected mushrooms, mushroom pickers resort to the following method: they boil them by adding an onion head to the salted mushrooms. If its color remains unchanged, then the mushrooms are suitable for consumption, and if it has become gray or bluish, that is, such mushrooms are not worth it.
  • Often, housewives doubt whether frozen mushrooms can be salted. Such a product is quite suitable for blanks for the winter in a hot way. The advantage of this recipe is the ability to use it all year round.

Before starting to salt mushrooms, it is necessary to perform primary processing - to clean and soak the mushrooms. To do this, you need to cut off the lower parts of the legs, put the raw materials in a suitable container, fill with salted water and leave to soak for an hour. Then rinse the mushrooms with running water, place in a colander so that the liquid is glass. After that, you can salt the mushrooms according to your favorite recipe.

Salted mushrooms for the winter in banks

Common methods of harvesting mushrooms are pickling or salting. This recipe will tell housewives how to pickle boiled mushrooms quickly and easily. The resulting snack in winter becomes a decoration of any table as independent dish and can be used in salads, soups and gravies. Required Ingredients:

  • 2 kg honey agarics;
  • allspice to taste;
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt, at the rate of 60 g per 1 liter of water.

It is better to salt young mushrooms. After preliminary preparation- cleaning and soaking, put the raw materials in a saucepan, pour 4–5 liters of water, put on the stove, bring to a boil. Then cook over low heat, periodically skimming off the foam for 40 minutes. Drain the contents of the pot in a colander. Then again pour the honey mushrooms with water, add salt and seasonings. Cook for 10 minutes after boiling. Remove from heat. Transfer the workpiece to a sterilized container. Make sure that the mushrooms are not too tightly attached to each other, otherwise the cans may explode. Salt water, which was used for cooking, is also poured into the jars to the top.

Advice! While the mushrooms are boiling, be sure to stir them, otherwise the contents of the pan will start to "run away".

Cover the entire container with lids and put it to sterilize in a container with hot water so that the liquid reaches the shoulders of the cans. Bring to a boil and leave for another 15 minutes. Seal with metal caps. Cool the container with the bottoms up, covered with a rug or blanket. In winter, you can store salted mushrooms prepared according to this recipe when room temperature.

Cold salting recipe for honey agarics

This recipe for cold salting of honey agarics for the winter is standard. It can be used for harvesting saffron milk caps, whites, milk mushrooms. Taking it as a basis, the housewives choose the composition and amount of spices to their taste in order to prepare the most delicious salted mushrooms. For 3-4 liters of snacks you will need to take:

  • 5 kg of main product;
  • 10-15 allspice peas;
  • bay leaf to taste;
  • fresh or dried dill;
  • optional horseradish leaves;
  • 250 g of coarsely ground table salt.

Pour salt on the bottom of the pan so that the bottom is completely covered. Add dill and bay leaves. Wash fruiting bodies. Put a part in a thin layer in a bowl, sprinkle with salt, put herbs. Make a few more layers in the same way.

When the container is full, cover it with a piece of gauze, cover with a lid or plate. Put oppression on top, for example, a jar filled with water. As the juice appears and the mushrooms settle, the dishes can be filled with fresh mushrooms, not forgetting to add salt and seasonings. You can put horseradish leaves on top.

Salt mushrooms in this way for several days at room temperature. As a result of fermentation, the mushroom mixture begins to emit a sour smell. As soon as it arises, the container must be covered with foil and moved to a cool room.

During salting, it is important to ensure that the contents are completely hidden by the brine. If mold appears, the oppression and piece of gauze are replaced with clean ones. Full maturation takes 5-6 weeks. A cold cooked dish can be seasoned with oil and served with chopped onions, or used as a side dish with meat or fish.

Hot salting recipe

Salting honey agarics for the winter can be done not only cold, but also hot. The recipe is quite simple, and preparation does not require a lot of time and special tools. You will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 kg of honey agarics;
  • 58 g salt (8 g for brine);
  • dill umbrellas, laurel and horseradish leaves;
  • 10 allspice peas.

Put a pot of water on the fire, boil, add salt and wait until boiling again. Cover the washed fruit bodies and leave them to cook for 25-30 minutes. Throw the contents of the pan into a colander, wait for the liquid to drain, cool.

Prepare the container, put spices on the dona. Add honey mushrooms, sprinkling each layer with salt. For flavor, you can add currant leaves. Place the jars in a cool place. The snack is ready to eat after 40 days. If you salt honey mushrooms according to this recipe, you get an appetizing and aromatic dish that retains its taste for a long time.

Recipe for salted honey agarics for the winter without vinegar

Using this recipe, you can salt honey mushrooms using the classical method and get crispy canned food with delicate taste... The workpiece takes its rightful place in cookbook any hostess. Ingredient set:

  • 1 kg of cooked honey agarics;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • a few horseradish leaves, laurel and dill umbrellas;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • optional - oak, cherry, currant leaves.

Before salt, it is necessary to prepare the herbs - rinse well and dry. Take a ceramic container, line the bottom with horseradish leaves so that there are no exposed areas. Then lay out a layer of honey agarics with caps down, on top - bay leaf, dill, black pepper, a little chopped garlic. Lay out the top layer of oak leaves and cherries or currants. Make several of these layers, alternating between fruit bodies and spices.

Cover the contents of the dishes with a plate; its diameter should be less than the diameter of the container. Press down with a load. A jar filled with water is usually used as oppression. According to this recipe, salted mushrooms in an open way for salting takes 2-3 weeks. The workpiece is stored in a cool place.

How to pickle honey mushrooms quickly

If the hostess has a small amount of free time to spend in the kitchen, she can use following recipe... It helps to salt quickly and at the same time receive delicious appetizer... In order to cook salted mushrooms in a quick way, you will need:

  • 1 kg of fresh mushrooms;
  • 40 g salt;
  • 1 head onions;
  • 1 tbsp. l. dried cumin;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • a few bay leaves, dill umbrellas, black peppercorns.

Clean the fruit bodies, pour water into containers, leave to soak. Add the onion and caraway, wrapped in cheesecloth, to add astringency to the finished dish. Season with salt and herbs. Bring water to a boil and leave on fire for half an hour. At this time, constantly remove the resulting foam. Throw the contents of the container into a colander and wait until all the liquid has drained.

Advice! If you have free time, experienced housewives advise you to divide the mushrooms by size and cover them separately.

Take a container for salting. Put dill umbrellas, garlic cloves, bay leaves, cloves and peppers on the bottoms of the cans. You can add currant leaves to give the dish a sweet taste. Fill the jars with honey mushrooms, pour hot brine. Roll up. Salting the mushrooms according to this recipe takes a week. This time is required for the workpiece to mature.

The easiest way to salt mushrooms for the winter

You can salt honey mushrooms for the winter using the minimum amount of the most affordable ingredients:

  • 1 kg of honey agarics;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 10 grains of black pepper;
  • 5 bay leaves;
  • a pinch of ground coriander.

Transfer the peeled and soaked main product to a saucepan, add 3 glasses of water, cook for 20 minutes. Do not forget about the need to remove the foam. Add all seasonings except garlic. Leave on the fire for another 5 minutes, then distribute the contents of the pan into a sterilized container. Lay out the garlic cloves. Strain the mushroom broth and pour it into jars. Seal with nylon caps and store in a cool, dark place.

Recipe for salting honey agarics for the winter under oppression

To salt honey mushrooms under oppression, you must prepare them in advance and use the following recipe:

  • 1 kg of mushrooms;
  • 40 g salt;
  • 5 grains of black pepper;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • dill umbrella.

After boiling honey mushrooms for 20 minutes, transfer them to an enamel bowl, shifting with dill and garlic and sprinkling with salt and pepper. Cover with gauze or a piece of fabric, press down with oppression, cover with a lid. Salt for 40 days, remembering to change the gauze several times a week. When the workpiece is ready, distribute it over glass jars, pour brine for honey agarics for the winter. Cork the container with plastic lids. Suitable storage conditions for this recipe snack are cool and dark. For the winter, you can put it in the refrigerator or in the basement.

Salted mushrooms for the winter without sterilization

The classic recipe for salting without sterilization allows you to prepare a fragrant crispy appetizer, which you can decorate with in winter festive table... The following ingredients are required:

  • 3 kg honey agarics;
  • 150 g coarse salt;
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic;
  • 20 peas of black pepper;
  • several umbrellas of dill, horseradish leaves, currants, oak;
  • 5 bay leaves.

Rinse and dry the herbs, chop the cloves of garlic. Spread the boiled fruit bodies and seasonings in layers over the jars. Cover the bottom of each of them with currant and horseradish leaves. Then salt each layer of honey agarics, sprinkle with pepper and garlic. Put dill umbrellas and bay leaves on top. The last layer should consist of salt and herbal leaves.

Advice! Experienced housewives advise to put the mushrooms in containers with their caps down and tamp them slightly.

Cork the container with plastic lids. Leave to salt for 2-3 weeks. Then store the workpiece in the refrigerator or in the basement.


Each housewife can choose how to salt mushrooms - cold or hot, using sterilization or without it. It should be borne in mind that a dish prepared by the cold salting method can only be stored in a cool room, while hot mushrooms can be safely left at room temperature. Putrefactive processes or mold are not afraid of them. For the winter at home, they use the minimum amount of ingredients; even novice housewives can master the recipes.

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The name of the lamellar mushroom comes from its characteristic habitat - living and dead wood. It is classified as edible, but eating undercooked can cause allergies. Prepared by stewing, salting or pickling. The garnish goes well with meat, fish and vegetable dishes... Experienced mushroom pickers know many ways to salt honey mushrooms. But only the housewife chooses her own - the ideal one.

Experienced mushroom pickers know many ways how to salt mushrooms

Autumn mushrooms are ideal for salting.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • Mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • Salt - 50 g;
  • Dill umbrellas, black peppercorns, cloves, currant and cherry leaves;
  • Onions in half rings (for hot salting) - 150g.

How to cook:

  1. Use only freshly picked mushrooms. Go through, remove wormy, overgrown. Separate carefully from debris.
  2. Trim the edges of the stalks, cover with cold water. To prevent the mushroom from darkening, we change the water.
  3. Cut large mushrooms in half.
  4. Place ingredients, spices and salt in a wide container alternately. Put the mushroom caps down.
  5. Cover with a clean towel, press down with oppression. Leave at room temperature until brine appears. Constantly monitor the level of liquid in the container, it must cover the mushrooms.
  6. When a sour odor appears, wash it off, remove the mold.
  7. The salting should be kept at a temperature of 18 to 20 degrees Celsius for several days. The end of the exposure is determined by the fermented milk smell.
  8. Cover with foil, put in the cold. The salting period is 28 days.
  9. With a hot method, cook the product for at least 20 minutes before salting. Drain water, add onions. Put in layers in a container with spices and salt. Then proceed according to the points of the recipe.

Salted mushrooms without vinegar (video)

How to deliciously pickle honey mushrooms in jars

Canning honey agarics for the winter at home will not take much time... The uniqueness of the original product is that pickling involves the use of minimum set constituent ingredients. Designed for one liter jar blockages.


  • Mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • Boiling water - 1 st;
  • Rock salt - 1.5 tbsp;
  • Granulated sugar - 0.5 tbsp;
  • Vinegar 9% - 40 ml;
  • Black peppercorns, cloves, bay leaves.

Canning honey mushrooms for the winter at home will not take much time

What to do:

  1. Before cooking, soak the mushrooms for an hour in cold, slightly salted water to remove dirt and insects.
  2. Pour boiling water over the prepared product, cook until the mushrooms settle to the bottom of the pan. During the cooking process, it is imperative to remove the formed foam.
  3. Throw in a colander, let the water drain.
  4. Gently put the cooked mushrooms in a sterilized dish, cover with lids.
  5. Prepare the marinade - put spices and salt in the mushroom broth. As soon as it boils, add vinegar, sugar. For lovers of a light spicy aroma, put two sticks of cinnamon in the broth - the mushrooms will acquire an exquisite spicy softness.
  6. Pour hot into the jars. Roll up. Turn upside down, leave to cool.

Store canned mushrooms in jars in the cold.

Cold way of salting honey agarics

Cold pickling preserves the original aroma and crunchy taste of the mushrooms.

Required Ingredients:

  • Honey mushrooms are small - 10 kg;
  • Salt -300 g;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves per kg;
  • Onions - 250 gr.;
  • Bay leaves, sweet peas, currant leaves, oak bark - according to taste.

Cold pickling preserves the original aroma and crunchy taste of the mushrooms

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the prepared mushrooms with cold water. Soak in water for three hours, constantly changing it.
  2. Cut the onions into rings.
  3. Put a little salt in a wooden container, put mushrooms, onions, spices on top. And so in several layers.
  4. Cover with a towel, put oppression.
  5. It is necessary to salt the mushrooms in a container for at least 25 days at room temperature. Constantly check the level of coverage of the product with juice in the container. If not enough, you can add some distilled water.
  6. Be sure to monitor the formation of mold, remove plaque in time.
  7. As soon as the sour smell of fermentation appears, hold the salting for another day.
  8. Transfer the contents from the container to sterilized jars. Close with capron lids.
  9. Leave in a cool place.

Rinse with boiled water before use.

Hot way of salting honey agarics

Option quick way salting... Honey mushrooms are thermally processed, which ensures the richness of the aftertaste, as well as the softness and pliability of the product.


  • Mushrooms - 10kg;
  • Salt - 300g;
  • Spices (bay leaf, allspice peas, cloves, black peppercorns, currant leaves, cherry leaf, cherry twigs, horseradish root, herbs, garlic cloves) - to taste;
  • Bulb onions - 400g.

Honey mushrooms are thermally processed, which ensures the richness of the aftertaste, as well as the softness and pliability of the product.


  1. Sort out the mushrooms, remove the wormy, damaged and dried ones. After rinsing several times, soak for a couple of hours in running water. We change the water frequently. Stop soaking until clear replaceable water appears.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan, salt, lay out neat mushrooms.
  3. Cook slowly for 10 minutes after the latter has settled to the bottom. Throw in a colander.
  4. Cut the onion into half rings, pour over boiling water, drain.
  5. Salt the mushrooms in layers in a container. Place spices between the layers. Press down with pressure through cheesecloth or cloth.
  6. Leave the container with the contents warm. Watch the salting process. If signs of mold appear, rinse the oppression, gauze and remove the foci of plaque.
  7. After 3 weeks, transfer the contents of the container to a sterilized dish, close with nylon lids, and place in the cold.

To keep the mushroom salting longer, keep the container in the refrigerator. Consume after rinsing thoroughly with water.

  1. Before being used for conservation, the product must be soaked in a changeable cold water with addition citric acid... The process removes adhering dirt in hard-to-reach areas, which retains the shape of the fungus, providing a pleasant-looking occlusion. Soak until the water is clear.
  2. Observe the time interval for the initial cooking of the product for at least half an hour. To preserve the taste, it is recommended to change the water after the first 10 minutes from boiling.
  3. The stalk of the mushroom is hard, difficult to cook even for half an hour. For a better degree of cooking, cut the stem of each mushroom in half and separate the cap.
  4. We use hard legs of the product as the main ingredient mushroom caviar... Chop finely into pieces, fry in sunflower oil with spices. Dried, it is suitable as a dressing for winter mushroom soup... Store in a well-ventilated area without light.
  5. With hot clogging, the degree of readiness of the product is determined by the time it settles to the bottom. After settling, keep the mushrooms in the broth for another 5 minutes over very low heat.
  6. From the rest mushroom broth aromatic cubes are obtained for dressing soups and borscht. Freeze broth in an ice cube tray. 2-3 cubes at the end of cooking, and a rich mushroom flavor is provided for your dish.
  7. In order to avoid the development of the causative agent of botulism in canned mushrooms when interacting with metal lids, it is recommended to make nylon caps.

Before using for conservation, the product must be soaked

It is better to salt honey mushrooms in wooden containers. After the completion of the salting process, for further preservation, place the finished product in a glass dish, close with capron. Keep in a cold place.

The nuances of cooking honey mushrooms

  1. Before cold cooking, pour the mushrooms with salted water, drain after a couple of hours. This will provide additional sterilization of the product.
  2. Weigh the mushrooms when using. When preparing the product, consider the ratio of the main ingredient and salt to 1: 4. Use coarse salt.
  3. Check the quality of the mushroom with an onion. During the first boil, place the cleaned head in a saucepan. Onions have changed color - give up mushrooms without hesitation. It is hazardous to health.
  4. From three buckets of fresh mushrooms, one comes out three-liter can... The shelf life of an open blockage is up to 2 weeks.
  5. Honey mushrooms with hard legs must be salted hot.

Pickled mushrooms at home (video)

So autumn has come, and with it - mushroom time! Autumn mushroom is a very common mushroom, and there are many known ways to harvest it. There are two ways of salting mushrooms - cold and hot. I'll introduce you to the latter today.

The main advantage of hot salting is quick cooking... At the same time, the mushrooms retain their shape, the taste is tender and appetizing. For canning, small specimens are especially appreciated, but large ones are no less tasty. The main thing is that the mushrooms must be young, strong and free of wormholes.

The disadvantage of traditional salting of mushrooms for the winter in a hot way is that they need to be quickly consumed; it is not suitable for long winter storage. It is not recommended to seal such a blank. Such mushrooms are stored in the refrigerator for several months, if, of course, they can be preserved. But you can eat such mushrooms literally in a few days, even in a day they are tasty, you just feel a little unsteady salting.

So let's get started. We take products from the list.

First, the most laborious process, especially when there are a lot of honey agarics. They all need to be cleaned of debris, rinsed well in several waters.

Cut off the extra length of the legs (I usually boil them separately and freeze them), boil the mushrooms for 20 minutes in salted water (about 1 tablespoon of salt - for 2.5 liters of water).

Throw the mushrooms in a colander and place under running cold water. Let the water drain.

Place cooled mushrooms in a bowl, add dill seed (or chopped umbrellas), parsley sprigs (optional), garlic chopped with petals.

Sprinkle the mushrooms with salt, mix well.

Cover the mushrooms with a suitable lid and set the oppression. We leave in the room until the next day.

The next day, we try the mushrooms for salt - add if necessary (if the mushrooms are salted, you can rinse them, but it is better to taste the mushrooms the day before, because they are boiled, ready to eat). We put them in clean dry jars, it is better to take small ones so that you can eat in 1-2 doses.

We cover with nylon or screw lids and put in the basement or refrigerator. Salting honey agarics for the winter in a hot way in banks is completed.

Salted honey mushrooms can be used as a separate snack by adding sunflower oil or sour cream, thinly sliced ​​onions or green onions... And you can add mushrooms to a variety of dishes, cook soups, pies, pancakes, salads with honey agarics.

Bon Appetit!

Salted honey mushrooms are a traditional winter dish that goes well with other dishes and is often used as an independent snack.

Honey mushrooms, like other types of mushrooms, are an excellent source of protein and amino acids. The low calorie content in them is compensated by the heavier digestibility, so it is advisable to boil them thoroughly before using them in food. They also keep to themselves great amount phosphorus, therefore, they can ideally replace fish in the diet of vegetarians, fully fulfilling the amount of minerals required to strengthen bones.

Hot salted mushrooms in 1 or 2 liter jars

Your attention is provided with the most delicious and simple recipe for salting honey mushrooms. In addition, mushroom appetizers prepared using this method are the safest and can be stored for a long time.

Servings - 2 liters.

45 minutes Seal

Recipe for cooking salted honey agarics for the winter with horseradish

IN this recipe it is suggested that you use horseradish root when salting honey mushrooms, which will give your pickle a spicy, pleasantly piquant taste and a bright and rich smell. In addition, it applies here cold way salting, without boiling mushrooms.


  • Freshly picked mushrooms - 3 kg.
  • Garlic - 1 pc.
  • Black peppercorns - 15 pcs.
  • Dill greens - 50 g.
  • Medium horseradish root - 1 pc.
  • Salt to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. We carefully sort out fresh mushrooms from leaves, twigs and other debris. It is necessary to sort out carefully so as not to break the mushrooms.
  2. Boil water with the addition of salt (1 tablespoon of salt per liter of water) and fill the mushrooms with it. We stand for several minutes. We drain the water and thoroughly rinse the mushrooms with running water, removing the film under the cap.
  3. Cook the mushrooms in a saucepan for 20 minutes, removing the resulting foam with a slotted spoon.
  4. Wash the horseradish thoroughly and peel it. We rub horseradish on a coarse grater. Horseradish, given its pungent and irritating smell, can be twisted into a meat grinder.
  5. Peel the garlic and chop it in a garlic bowl.
  6. Wash the dill and chop it finely. If you don't have green dill, you can use its umbrellas.
  7. We remove the soaked mushrooms from the water and squeeze out the excess liquid.
  8. Salt honey mushrooms to taste and mix. We put the mushrooms in a container for salting in layers, shifting each layer with chopped garlic and horseradish, peppercorns and chopped dill.
  9. To your taste, you can put currant leaves, bay leaves, parsley in jars.
  10. Cover the container with mushrooms with a thick cloth. Place a flat plate with a weight on top. We leave the mushrooms for ten days for salting. We periodically drain the excess leaking liquid.
  11. Salted mushrooms will be ready in 2-3 weeks. You can take a sample.
  12. We send mushrooms for storage in a cold place.

Bon Appetit!

Recipe for salted honey agarics for the winter

In this recipe, it is proposed to pre-cook mushrooms for salting. This increases the storage time of the mushrooms and increases their safety.


  • Fresh mushrooms - 4kg.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Bay leaves - 6-8 pcs.
  • Dill seeds to taste.
  • Garlic - 1pc.
  • Allspice and cloves - 10 pcs.

For brine for 1 liter of water:

  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Allspice - 2-3 pcs.
  • Cloves - 2 pcs.
  • Dill seeds - 1 tsp

Cooking process:

  1. First, prepare mushrooms for salting. Sort the mushrooms thoroughly and rinse with running water. Cut large mushrooms into medium pieces.
  2. Boil water in a large saucepan and place the washed mushrooms in it.
  3. Add one tablespoon of salt to the mushrooms.
  4. Wash the onion head, it is not necessary to peel it, and put it next to the mushrooms.
  5. Place the dill seeds in a piece of thick cloth and tie tightly. Dip the dill into the pot, can be fixed to the pot handle.
  6. Boil the mushrooms for 30 minutes after boiling. Do not forget to remove the resulting foam.
  7. Prepare a sterile pickling jar. This recipe uses a 2 liter. At the bottom of the jar, put a few cloves of garlic, currant and cherry leaves, and an umbrella of dill.
  8. Also add two bay leaves and three allspice and cloves to the jar.
  9. Place the boiled mushrooms tightly in a prepared jar.
  10. Prepare the mushroom pickle now. To do this, pour one liter of clean water into a saucepan and add the amount of salt and spices indicated in the recipe to it.
  11. Boil the brine for 5 minutes, strain on a thick cloth or cheesecloth and pour the mushrooms in a jar with it.
  12. Close the jar of mushrooms with a napkin, refrigerate at room temperature and can be placed in a cold storage place.
  13. To prevent mold on the surface of the mushrooms, periodically place a piece of bandage soaked in vinegar under the napkin.

After 1-2 weeks, your mushrooms are ready. You can take a sample. Bon Appetit!

Cold salted mushrooms in jars

In this recipe, you are invited to cook the most crunchy and aromatic salty mushrooms. It takes time to prepare them. Be patient and the result will exceed your expectations. In this recipe, honey mushrooms are salted using the cold salting method. Try it!


  • Fresh mushrooms - 1 bucket.
  • Garlic - 3-4 heads.
  • Dill umbrellas.
  • Horseradish leaves.
  • Black peppercorns.
  • Table salt - 200 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Clean the freshly picked mushrooms from forest debris. Cut off the legs of the mushrooms because they are tough and tasteless. For pickling, use only mushroom caps. Fold the prepared hats into a large container and fill with salt water for three days. During this time, the bitter taste will disappear from the mushrooms.
  2. Change the water in the mushrooms every day, otherwise they may go bad. If possible, use a wooden barrel to pickle the mushrooms. If not, season in a large enamel saucepan or plastic container.
  3. Place the washed horseradish leaves and root at the bottom of the container. The horseradish root must be washed, peeled and chopped in any way. Place the cherry and currant leaves there. Put honey mushrooms in a container tightly in layers. Sprinkle each layer of mushrooms with coarse salt. Do not use fine or iodized salt. Peel and chop the garlic. Shift each layer of mushrooms with chopped garlic, dill umbrellas and black peppercorns.
  4. Lay out all the layers of mushrooms in this way. Cover the mushrooms with a large flat plate. Place a good load on the mushrooms. Place the container with mushrooms in a dark and cool place for two months. During this time, periodically check the condition of the mushrooms.
  5. Honey mushrooms in two months will be saturated with the aroma of seasonings and salted well. Put the ready mushrooms in sterile jars and seal tightly with plastic lids.
  6. Place jars of mushrooms for storage in a cellar or refrigerator.

Before serving, add chopped onions to the salted mushrooms and pour vegetable oil... Bon Appetit!

Salted autumn mushrooms

This recipe offers you an easy way to cook salted honey mushrooms. You will prepare an appetizer with a delicious taste that will be a noble treat on any table. You can, seasoning them with vegetable oil, serve with potatoes, and meat and fish dishes, and just fry.


  • Autumn mushrooms - 10 kg.
  • Salt - 500 g.
  • Onions - 180 g.
  • Fresh dill - 180 g.
  • Bay leaf - 20 g.
  • Allspice peas - 120 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Go through the mushrooms well, removing all the debris from them. Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly under running water.
  2. Pour clean water into a large saucepan, add the specified amount of salt and boil. Place the washed mushrooms in a boiling brine and cook for 15 minutes. Throw the boiled mushrooms in a colander to remove all the liquid.
  3. Prepare a deep container for pickling mushrooms. Put some of the dill, bay leaf, allspice and onion chopped into half rings at the bottom of the container. Place a layer of mushrooms on the spice. In this way, lay out all the mushrooms in layers, shifting each layer with spices and onions.
  4. Cover the mushrooms in the container with a piece of thick cloth or gauze and place any oppression on top.
  5. The salting process should continue for 10 days. Pack the finished mushrooms in sterile jars, seal tightly with plastic lids and store in a cold place.

You have got incredibly tasty salty mushrooms. Can be served on the table. Eat to your health!

Mycologists have counted about 40 species of honey agarics in nature, among which the most famous are summer, autumn and winter. Most often they grow on trees, but in Europe, meadow mushrooms are loved, hiding in the grass on the ground and resembling meat in taste.

At the same time, the calorie content of all types of these mushrooms is low, only 22 kcal per 100 g of product.

Among the many species, there are false mushrooms, or inedible mushrooms, which can cause poisoning. However, deaths from poisoning with them have not been recorded to date.

The most dangerous species is sulfur-yellow honey fungus, it is given not only by the yellow color, but also by the bitterness present in it, as well as an unpleasant smell. Another mushroom, brick-red, although considered inedible, is not poisonous, provided that it is well boiled.

There are poisonous mushrooms, similar to honey mushrooms, but not belonging to this group, for example, the bordered gallery. Unlike the edible mushroom, the gallerina does not have a characteristic ring on the stem and usually grows singly.

But in order to be guaranteed to avoid fatal confusion, it is better to go to the forest accompanied by an experienced mushroom picker.

How to pickle honey mushrooms at home in a cold way - a step by step photo recipe

Your mark:

Cooking time: 45 minutes

Quantity: 1 serving


  • Honey mushrooms: 1 kg
  • Bay leaf: 2 pcs.
  • Fresh dill: bunch
  • Dry seeds: a handful
  • Garlic: 2-3 cloves
  • Salt: 4-5 tbsp l.
  • Horseradish leaves: how much will it take

Cooking instructions

Hot salting recipe

  • 1 kg of honey agarics;
  • 4-5 st. l. salt;
  • spices to taste (pepper, bay leaves, currant and cherry leaves, garlic, etc.)
  1. The first step is to sort out the mushrooms, clearing them of forest debris. Usually honey mushrooms are small in size, so it is much easier to wash them if they are soaked in cold water for an hour and rub them a little in the water with your hands every 15-20 minutes.
  2. After about an hour, it will become noticeable how the mushrooms have brightened, with the help of a spoon put them in a colander, trying not to shake up the layer of dirt that has settled to the bottom.
  3. Rinse the mushrooms directly in a colander under running water, transfer to enamel pot and cover with cold salted water.
  4. Cook after boiling for about 20 minutes, until they sink to the bottom. In this case, it is imperative to remove the emerging foam.
  5. Throw the boiled mushrooms back in a colander and stir gently with a spoon to drain all the liquid.
  6. Put leaves and spices on the bottom of a glass or ceramic bowl, and on top - a layer of hot boiled mushrooms, spices again on them, and so on.
  7. Cover the bowl with an inverted plate, put some kind of weight on top, for example, put a jar filled with water.
  8. You can leave the bowl on the table or refrigerate.
  9. After a while, the mushrooms will release juice, and the surface will turn into a thin layer resembling mold - this will be a sign that the mushrooms are ready for use.

In a bowl on the table, the appetizer is prepared for about a week, in the cold for about a month.

How to pickle honey mushrooms for the winter in banks

Mushrooms salted in a bowl, after they are salted and give juice, can be laid out in glass jars, closed with plastic lids and refrigerated.

It should be remembered that a substance that causes botulism can form in salted mushrooms during storage. The symptoms of botulism are similar to those of poisoning, so it is not recommended to roll up the jars with metal lids.

If the lid is swollen and the contents become cloudy, it is prohibited to eat such a blank.

In those places where there are a lot of mushrooms, there is a very simple way of salting.

  1. After washing, the mushrooms should be boiled in cool salted water for at least 20 minutes.
  2. Hot mushrooms, together with brine, are poured into clean glass jars, which are immediately closed. The saltier the water, the better they will be stored.
  3. Be sure to soak before use to remove excess salt.

The best for salting are autumn mushrooms, they are the most "fleshy" and dense of all. Before cooking, they must be thoroughly rinsed so that not a grain of dirt and soil remains, since it is in it that the causative agents of botulism are contained.

To some extent, salt and vinegar neutralize botulinum bacillus, but vinegar is not added to salted mushrooms, so the rinsing condition should be performed especially carefully.

It is not so scary if the brine in which honey mushrooms are boiled is salted, so the dosage of salt in the recipe can be increased, but in no case reduced.

The smell of honey agarics is not very pronounced, therefore, spices are often used in their preparation. Usually they take allspice and black peppercorns, cloves and bay leaves.

Quite often, ripe dill umbrellas, peeled and cut garlic cloves, pieces of horseradish root and its leaves, as well as black currant, cherry or oak leaves are added.

It is not at all necessary to use all the flavoring additives at once, their combinations can be varied according to your own taste.

Salted mushrooms are sprinkled with chopped onions and seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil or sour cream - it turns out to be a wonderful snack. They can also be added to vinaigrette and served with fried or boiled potatoes.

If you soak the salted mushrooms a little in water, and then fry them together with the onions, you get a hearty hot dish that is almost as good as the fried one made from fresh mushrooms.

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