Aki or bligia is delicious. See what "Aki" is in other dictionaries Poisonous Fruit in Jamaica

Aki: Aki Japanese battleship (1907 1924). Aki is a city in Kochi prefecture, Japan. Aki residential complex (village until 2001) as part of the city of Kazan. Aki is a historical region of Japan. Aki (lat. Blighia sapida) ... ... Wikipedia

It grows in the tropical zone and is used in many exotic dishes, mainly of Caribbean origin, where it is extremely popular. When the fruit ripens, its bright red rind bursts and reveals three large black ones inside ... ... Culinary vocabulary

AKI- Congolese Information Agency fr .: ACI, Agence Congolaise d Information NRK Congo, fr. AKI corporate information agency AKI autocode "Engineer" programming language ... Dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms

Union, church. and · old. as, as, like, as it were; Like, like, like, like. Ako, when, how (by time). Also like. Amo, well, where. Ati, so that, so, yes (desired). Ache, ache, if, if, if, if, if. Explanatory dictionary … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Autumn or bright Japanese names... Dictionary of meanings ... Dictionary of personal names

Suggest, number of synonyms: 3 as (37) as (9) as (1) ASIS Synonym Dictionary ... Synonym dictionary

like- like, union ... Russian spelling dictionary

like- (aky) yak, nemov ... Zvedeniy vocabulary of old and small living words

Union. Outdated. Like, like. * Before, sir, it used to be that the governor rode like the lord of the earth (Pisemsky) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

like- unchanged. (book, iron.). As if, just like how. This apostate bought a ram and the next day ordered his lawless girl Gapka to be slaughtered, making a reservation that he would need fat for kagans and candles at that hour. // Gogol. ... ... Dictionary of Forgotten and Difficult Words from the Works of Russian Literature of the 18th-19th Centuries

Province in Japan, southwest of Nipona Island; to the west it is adjacent to the Japanese Sea, to the southeast to the Seto Utsi inland sea. A mountainous, well-watered and cultivated country; produces rice, wheat, tobacco, tea, indigo, silk and sugarcane... Main city… … Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron


  • Aki lightning on a rainy day. In 2 books. Book 2
  • "Aki Lightning on a Rainy Day". In 2 books, Zhuravel Alexander Vasilievich. The author, setting as his goal to determine the place of the Battle of Kulikovo among other events in Russian medieval history, gives a detailed reconstruction of this event itself. During the research ...

It grows in the tropical zone and is used in many exotic dishes, mainly of Caribbean origin, where it is extremely popular. When the fruit ripens, its bright red rind bursts and reveals three large black ones inside ... ... Culinary vocabulary

AKI- Congolese Information Agency fr .: ACI, Agence Congolaise d Information NRK Congo, fr. AKI corporate information agency AKI autocode "Engineer" programming language ... Dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms

like- union, church. and · old. as, as, like, as it were; Like, like, like, like. Ako, when, how (by time). Also like. Amo, well, where. Ati, so that, so, yes (desired). Ache, if, if, if, if, if. Explanatory dictionary … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Aki- Autumn or bright Japanese names. Dictionary of meanings ... Dictionary of personal names

like- sentence, number of synonyms: 3 as (37) as (9) as as (1) ASIS Synonym Dictionary ... Synonym dictionary

like- like, union ... Russian spelling dictionary

like- (aky) yak, nemov ... Zvedeniy vocabulary of old and small living words

like- union. Outdated. Like, like. * Before, sir, it happened that the governor rode like the lord of the earth (Pisemsky) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

like- unchanged. (book, iron.). As if, just like how. This apostate bought a ram and the next day ordered his lawless girl Gapka to be slaughtered, making a reservation that he would need fat for kagans and candles at that hour. // Gogol. ... ... Dictionary of Forgotten and Difficult Words from the Works of Russian Literature of the 18th-19th Centuries

Aki- a province in Japan, to the southwest of Nipona Island; to the west it is adjacent to the Japanese Sea, to the southeast to the Seto Utsi inland sea. A mountainous, well-watered and cultivated country; produces rice, wheat, tobacco, tea, indigo, silk and sugar cane. Main city… … Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron


  • Aki lightning on a rainy day. In 2 books. Book 2 Buy for 769 UAH (only Ukraine)
  • "Aki Lightning on a Rainy Day". In 2 books, Zhuravel Alexander Vasilievich. The author, setting as his goal to determine the place of the Battle of Kulikovo among other events in Russian medieval history, gives a detailed reconstruction of this event itself. During the research ...

Exotic fruits attract attention and alertness at the same time. Aki is considered the main fruit of Jamaica. The fruit is used for preparing interesting dishes, for treatment, and even for domestic purposes. Unripe and raw fruits are like poisonous and can cause significant harm to the body, but correct preparation will protect you from these problems.

What it is?

Aki is an evergreen tree of the Sapindaceae family. Pear-shaped fruits are distinguished by a bright orange or red color. The fruit is often called delicious bligiya. Under the skin are bones and white or cream-colored flesh. The black seeds are rather large and have a characteristic shine. They eat exclusively pulp, which is somewhat reminiscent of a shell. walnuts in appearance.

Officially, aki is considered a Jamaican tree, but its homeland is West Africa. The fruit contains a high concentration of toxins and is therefore considered unfit for human consumption in many countries. In fact, it is dangerous to consume only unripe and raw fruits. Such experiments can not only harm, but also lead to death.

In many countries, aki is grown as an ornamental plant. The tree grows up to 1-2 m in height. Most of the length is occupied by the crown, while the trunk itself is small. The elliptical leaves are up to 30 cm long.

Bligia sweet has a unique effect on the taste buds. After a person eats just one berry, sour begins to seem sweet. After consuming aki, you can eat hot sauces without burning sensation. This effect can last up to 2 hours. The pulp itself tastes like a nut with cheese.


Aki fruit contains a lot of oil with nutrients, fatty acids. The composition is rich in vitamins, especially in fruits, vitamins A, E and group B. Dried aki seeds are ground into powder and used to treat fever. The high content of zinc, potassium and calcium can replenish the body's reserves.

It is important to consider that unripe fruits contain a toxin (hypoglycine A) that does not disappear after ripening. In order for the toxin to completely go away, competent heat treatment is necessary.


The seeds, roots and leaves of the aki plant are used to prepare medicines for many diseases. Its oil contains a lot nutrients, which are also used for the prevention and treatment of diseases. With the help of such a component, the risk of developing diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart, and gastrointestinal tract is reduced. The fruit prevents premature aging of the body, therefore it is especially popular among women.

Useful properties of aki.

  • Fruits improve the functioning of the immune system. After eating the fruit, the risk of developing colds... The product normalizes hemoglobin levels and increases the number of red blood cells. After eating aki fruits, migraines, disorientation and weakness disappear.
  • Fruits are able to remove toxins from the body. Thanks to this property, well-being improves and the risk of cancer is reduced.
  • The pulp of the aki fruit helps the body fight off viruses and aggressive microorganisms. The fruits are useful for various ENT diseases.
  • Aki improves the condition of teeth and joints. The fruit contains a large amount of biologically active substances, in particular, phosphorus and calcium, which are necessary for the strength of bone tissue. The product can replace meat, fish and dairy products.

  • The fruits have a beneficial effect on vision. The use of aki will help prevent retinal detachment and degeneration, hyperopia and other diseases. The fruit is especially useful for those who spend a lot of time at the computer.
  • Stabilizes the work of the cardiovascular system by lowering the amount of cholesterol and cleansing the blood. Eating the fruit allows you to relieve the load from the veins with constant work on the legs and relieve thrombophlebitis. The fruits are especially useful for the elderly and for those who suffer from obesity.
  • Helps to quickly satisfy hunger. The fruit will benefit those who are struggling with thinness. The presence of fast carbohydrates in the composition of the fetus will help to quickly saturate the body. it perfect option for a quick bite.
  • You can eat the fruits with diabetes mellitus, since they have practically no sugar. It is much easier to cope with this disease along with aki in the diet. The fruit improves the functioning of the pancreas and stabilizes blood glucose levels. Aki enriches the body with simple carbohydrates that do not harm health, but provide energy.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines. The fruit helps to relieve bloating, colitis, and flatulence. Aki eliminates inflammatory processes on the intestinal walls and cleans them of feces. The fruit helps to fight constipation and diarrhea, normalizes bowel function. regular use normalizes the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Improves the functioning of the kidneys and the urinary system in general. Aki gently cleanses these organs of toxins and salts. The fruit helps to alleviate the patient's condition with nephritis and the formation of sand, kidney stones.


Unopened fruits of the fruit can cause irreparable harm due to the presence of a toxic toxin. Only ripe fruit that has been boiled for 10 minutes can be considered safe for health.

The toxic poison in the fruit leads to a serious poisoning called Jamaican vomiting disease. It is impossible to predict the course of such a disease. Some people tolerate it easily and experience only mild malaise, nausea, for others, the disease can end in coma and death. The poison is very harmful to the liver and can cause liver degeneration.

When the first symptoms of fruit poisoning appear, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and consult a specialist. Because of this property, it is forbidden to grow and bring aki to the United States. It is worthwhile to be wary of medicines that are prepared on the basis of dry aki powder. It is impossible to foresee the result of using such a drug.

Aki contains palmitic acid, which should also cause concern. Scientists believe that such a component can lead to the destruction of cells in the body. The substance is practically not excreted from the body, and when accumulated, it can lead to a deterioration in the functioning of internal organs. The liver and pancreas are the most affected.

Aki's rich composition includes ceramides. The attitude to this component among specialists is ambiguous. In moderation, it is not harmful. Such lipid molecules are found in the human body, most of them in the stratum corneum. Ceramides in large quantities contribute to the development of pathological diseases. They can cause Alzheimer's disease.

Exotic fruit must be used with caution due to its composition. There are cases when it is worth giving up aki altogether.

  • Do not give fruit to children. The growing organism is not able to fight the poison of aki and digest the pulp of the fruit as a whole. Potential health and life implications.
  • During pregnancy it is worth giving up the fruit, even if it is properly cooked. In the early stages, fetuses are capable of provoking premature termination of pregnancy.
  • In case of peptic ulcer diseases, the fruit is contraindicated. After use, internal bleeding may open and a sharp pain in the abdomen may occur. Aki pulp contains a large amount of fiber, which irritates the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.
  • During lactation the poison of the fruit can pass into milk and poison the nursing baby.
  • Aki's individual intolerance is quite rare. This is possible in people who suffer from many allergies.

Precautionary measures

The negative consequences of eating the fruit can only be avoided if the aki is selected and prepared correctly. Purchase only ripe, uncovered fruits. Only the pulp of the fruit can be eaten. There are small lobes of light color under the dark pits. This part of the fruit has a delicate texture and a nutty flavor.

After purchase, be sure to wash the fruit and remove the red fibers. Boil water, add salt and boil it for 10-15 minutes. After that, you can lightly fry the pulp in oil. Only such heat treatment helps to rid the fruit of the toxic substance.

It is important to understand that exotic fruit can only be consumed in small quantities. You should not get carried away with Jamaican dishes, it is better to use them as delicacies.

Cooking use

Delicious bligion is a staple of many Jamaican dishes. Primary processing includes boiling and frying its pulp. You can combine the fruits of aki with cod, onions, tomatoes. Often the pulp is added to beef and pork when stewing. Aki pairs well with curry, thyme, green onions and many other condiments to experiment with.

Jamaicans often consume this fruit for breakfast. The morning dish reminds us of the omelet we are used to, you can still combine the pulp of the fruit with rice. Canned aki are exported from Jamaica to many countries. In cooking, two derivatives of the fruit are distinguished: butter and cheese. The first type has a yellow and soft arillus (pulp), and the second is hard, creamy.

Aki with salted pork and fish is considered a specialty in Jamaica. You can fry the cod with boiled pulp of bligi, tomatoes, pepper and your favorite spices (black pepper and pimiento are more often used). Quite an interesting dish combines aki, tomatoes and bacon. Aki dishes are eaten with bread, fried or boiled bananas. Jamaicans tacitly believe that aki should be consumed on Sunday.

Areas of use

Aki is used in many countries, but far from everywhere it is perceived as a food product. An unripe fruit can be used as a base for soap. To do this, you need to grind the fruit on a grater and use the foam for washing. Bligi wood is used for the manufacture of furniture due to its resistance to changes in ambient temperature. The plant itself is often grown as a decoration with fragrant flowers. The seeds can be infused and used to control various insects. The juice from the foliage is used to make eye drops, with their help conjunctivitis is treated.

Cubans mix sugar ground cinnamon and ripe pulp and use this combination of ingredients to combat high body temperature and intestinal diseases. In the same area, an extract from the flowers of the tree is made and used to make luxurious perfumes.

In Côte d'Ivoire, the bark of the aki tree is ground and mixed with hot spices. This mixture is used as an ointment to relieve pain. During the flowering period with aki, the leaves are cut and crushed. They are laid to the head to relieve pain and migraines. believe that on the basis of dried leaves, bark and seeds of aki, which are crushed into powder, it is possible to prepare a cure for all known diseases.

In Colombia, bark and leaves are used to prepare medicines for yellow fever and epilepsy. In many countries, even the poisonous pulp of the fruit is used. Toxic fish bait is made from it.


Many people hesitate to eat the fruit, but admire the external properties of the plant. Aki is distinguished by its thermophilicity, which is important to consider when growing. Important rules.

  • The plant propagates with the help of seeds. This breeding method is considered the simplest, even those who are far from gardening can handle it. Try to choose fresh seeds, this will have a better chance of germinating. Be sure to ensure that the seeds are not pre-soaked in water. Excess moisture will be harmful.
  • Use humus soil for growing and loosen it well. The plant needs a greenhouse and an air temperature of about + 30 ° C. Under these conditions, the first shoots will appear in 14-15 days. The tree develops well, but the first fruits appear only after 4 years. The plant does not need to be grafted, it is not afraid of pests.
    • The soil in which the aki tree grows must be constantly moistened. It is important that when the earth dries up, the plant will dry out, and when waterlogged, it will begin to rot. Use warm water for irrigation. You should first filter or defend it.
    • Provide fresh air for the plant every few weeks. Along the way, it is worth carefully loosening the soil in which the seedling is located.
    • The tree is not afraid of drought. It is important that the soil moisture is within 65-70% at a temperature of 25-27 ° C.
    • Bligiya is tasty and unpretentious, it does not need to be fed with special substances.

    Use ordinary black soil with rotted mullein, mix them in equal amount... You can add loam if desired.

    See the next video for an overview of other exotic and potentially dangerous fruits.

In the countries of the former USSR, some fruits, familiar to the eyes and diet of a modern man in the street, were considered a symbol of exoticism. Only lemons, oranges, tangerines and apples were familiar to the rumor, while bananas, pineapples or, for example, mangoes, were unusual. Nobody really knew what they looked like and how they tasted. When they first started to appear on store shelves, there was certainly a line behind them.

Today, the once outlandish fruit all year round can be found in every supermarket in any form, from fresh to canned and dried. These fruits have long ceased to be considered exotic, and you won't surprise anyone with them. But the exotic presented on the shelves is only a small part of the fruit abundance that nature gives. Many other exotic fruits are cultivated on the planet, the existence of which many of us have never even heard of. Today I will talk about 10 more of them.


Aki is considered the Jamaican national fruit. This truly exotic fruit requires a special attitude towards itself, because it is not eaten unripe and raw; such experiments can have a detrimental effect on human health and even life. But at the same time, a properly prepared fruit is very tasty product with an original nutty taste.

Delicious bligiya (as aki is often called) is the fruit of an evergreen tree that belongs to the Sapindov family. Although the aki tree is the national Jamaican tree, its homeland is West Africa. It was from there that the plant was brought to the Caribbean Islands in the 18th century. The tree saplings were delivered on a ship that transported African slaves.

Bligia Delicious owes its second name to the famous English navigator William Bligh, who had a useful hobby - collecting seedlings of new and unusual plants. To the shores of Jamaica, which at that time was an English colony, he delivered the mysterious fruits of aki in 1793.

When the aki tree took root in Jamaica, it began to slowly spread to nearby islands and other territories. And today the area of ​​its growth is quite wide. Aki can be found in West Africa and Barbados, in the Antilles and Bahamas, in Central America, in Colombia, and even in Ecuador. Unfortunately, most of these countries do not recognize the edible fruit in this plant due to the high content of life-threatening toxins. But these are only unripe fruits that did not have time to open in a natural way, as well as fruits that did not pass heat treatment... When cooked for 10-15 minutes, all toxic substances evaporate, and the aki becomes more than suitable for food.

In many countries, delicious bligia is grown for decorative purposes, and this is quite justified. After all, the aki tree is very interesting in its appearance. It grows up to 1-2 m in length, while its trunk is low, but the crown is very lush. The leaves are elliptical and grow up to 30 cm in length. The fruit of the tree is also very unusual. Aki are pear-shaped, their color is yellowish-red, and their size is about 10 cm. When the fruit ripens, it cracks, and a juicy flesh of a beige hue begins to peep out from under the skin. Large glossy black seeds are attached to the pulp. It is allowed to eat only the beige pulp of the fruit, which has a mild nutty taste. This exotic fruit is popularly dubbed the "vegetable brain" for appearance edible core, it really resembles the appearance of the human brain, as well as the kernels of a walnut.

In West Africa, not only aki is eaten, there is also a use for its inedible part. Soap is made from the peel and unripe fruits, and the pulp of green fruits is used to prepare the poison, with which the locals catch fish. In Jamaica, amazing side dishes are prepared from delicious bligi by frying ripe fruits in oil. This dish tastes like an omelet, which may be why Jamaicans often cook it for breakfast. Boiled aki eaten with dried fish or bacon, vegetables, and spices. Bligia is often served with toasted breadfruit or pancakes.

Unripe fruits contain the poison hypoglycine. Its presence in the human body can cause Jamaican vomiting or severe poisoning. The consequences can be simply catastrophic: from the appearance of fine-droplet degeneration of the liver, to coma or even death. That is why, when deciding to taste this unusual fruit, strictly observe two rules: do not eat unripe fruits and be sure to familiarize yourself with the methods of their preparation.


Pepino is one of the oldest fruit crops cultivated in South America. Images of the plant can be found on pottery in pre-Columbian Peru. Cieza de Leon, the Spanish chronicler of the Incas, argued that "you need to eat a lot of pepino before it gets boring." But, despite the fact that this fruit is very popular among the inhabitants of South America, the plant is little known outside the region.

The birthplace of pepino (Solanum muricatum Aiton from the Solanaceae family; other names are Aymara, Quechua, Peruvian cucumber, mango cucumber, pear melon, melon pear, melon bush, melon tree, sweet cucumber) - areas of the high Andes, where plants are now known only in culture or in a feral state. There is speculation that a possible wild ancestor of pepino is Solanum caripense (tzimbalo), which easily crosses with pepino and whose fruits are also edible.

Pepino was brought to Russia only in the 19th century. For some time it was grown only in greenhouses, however, over time, interest in the plant disappeared, despite the fact that the fruits have a pleasant fresh taste and a variety of culinary uses. So, the inhabitants of South America, and surprisingly, Japan consume fruits exclusively in fresh for dessert. But New Zealanders use pepino in soups, sauces, in dishes with seafood, meat, fish, in fruit salads and, of course, in a variety of desserts. In addition, the fruits can be stored for future use: frozen, dried, preserved.

Before eating pepino, the skin must be peeled, as some varieties have an unpleasant taste. The skin color can be creamy, yellowish or yellow-orange with purple, brown, gray or green streaks, giving the rounded fruit its characteristic appearance. The pulp with a pleasant smell, juicy, because consists of 92% water, sweet and sour honey-yellow, salmon color, and sometimes almost colorless. The sour taste of the fruits is due to vitamin C, the content of which in the pulp is not less than in citrus fruits - about 35 mg per 100 g. In addition to vitamin C, the pulp also contains a fairly large amount of vitamin A and only about 7% of carbohydrates. There is a small amount of seeds in the center of the fruit, which can be easily removed, and if desired, the seeds can be eaten.

Perennial bush pepino reaches about 1 m in height. Pepino grows quickly and begins to bloom and set fruits 4-6 months after planting. The stems of the bush are ligneous. Shoots bear both simple and compound leaves, and flowers ranging from white or pale purple to bright blue in clusters. Pepino propagates easily both by cuttings and seeds, but usually seedlings have worst quality fetuses compared to the parental individuals.

When the fruits reach the size of a goose egg and are pale yellow or cream in color, they are carefully removed from the branches. Overripe fruits left on the bush lose taste qualities... It is interesting that the fruits on the same bush ripen at different times, and therefore they must be removed several times during the season. Usually, from 40 to 60 tons of fruits are harvested from one hectare, and this is not the limit. Well, we sincerely hope that modern gardeners will not ignore this relative of tomatoes and potatoes, and will be able to find a place for him at least on their balcony.

Is a very popular plant in Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand. They began to grow him on the lands of Malaysia, because this country is considered his homeland. At the moment, this plant is grown all over the world, including countries such as Australia, Taiwan, Mexico, USA and others. Also, a very large amount of it is exported from Thailand to different countries worldwide. By the way, langsat is a symbol of one of the Thai provinces called Narathiwat.

Langsat is a fruitful tree with a height of 10 to 15 meters. With a spreading crown and feathery leaves. Rough red-brown or yellow-brown bark. The flowers are dense, white or with a yellowish tint, collected in bunches and placed on the trunk and skeletal (main) branches. The tree begins to bear fruit only after 15 years, but then the harvest can be removed twice a year! I would like to note that the wood of this plant has found application in the furniture industry. But since such furniture products are quite expensive, they are not in great demand.

The fruits are oval and round, slightly resembling young potatoes and have a pale brown or grayish yellow rind. Most often, langsat fruits are boiled or canned, but they can also be eaten raw. It serves as an indispensable ingredient in many Asian dishes, as it has a very specific taste and will be an excellent addition to any dish. You can also make delicious drinks from them.

The fruits are easy to peel (you can even open them with your hands), despite the fact that their skin is quite dense. If you want langsat, you can buy it in Thai markets, where it is sold all year round, but the main sales season is from May to November. You can also find out the season of sale of langsat without opening the calendar. It is enough just to look at the sidewalks, which are all filled with them. Fruits are most often harvested by hand, but when it is difficult to get them, they are cut off.

It is sold in bunches, like grapes. The cost for 1kg is approximately 60 THB, which is equal to 60 rubles. To choose a ripe, good and tasty fruit, you need to taste it to the touch. If the langsat is hard and has a yellowish skin, then this indicates the ripeness of the fruit. Also, taste it too, because langsat can be both sour and sweet. You cannot store it for a long time, because it contains a lot of sugar. The maximum storage time in the room is 3-4 for, and 7-8 days, respectively, in the refrigerator.

Langsats also have medicinal properties. They contain a lot of vitamin C, B1, B2, as well as a large amount of bioacids, which will be beneficial for your skin. In addition, they also contain carbohydrates, phosphorus, calcium and iron. The fruits of the plant contain a lot of sugar, which will give you strength in case of illness.

In Thai and Chinese folk medicine the product is used to raise the tone and add strength during an illness. A decoction of langsat bark is used in the treatment of dysentery and malaria. And the dried langsat peel, when burned, emits fragrant smoke, which scares away all kinds of insects.

In addition, the pulp of the fruit helps to improve sleep, reduce fever and temperature, improve memory and brain activity. It is contraindicated to use it for people who suffer from diabetes mellitus. And, as with any other medicinal substance, the main thing is not to overdo it, because the use of this product in large quantities leads to an increase in temperature, and maybe to more serious consequences. So be careful!


Cherimoya is a tree 5-9 m high with two-row leaves up to 7-15 cm long and 4-9 wide. The flowers are arranged along the branches on short pedicels and consist of three fleshy outer petals and three much smaller inner ones.

Cherimoya begins to bear fruit at the age of 4-5 years. And at the age of 6 years, the tree will delight you with 2 dozen or even more fragrant and tasty fruits.

The complex, segmented fruit has a heart-shaped or conical shape, 10-20 cm long and up to 10 cm wide, and contains a fragrant white fibrous-creamy pulp and about twenty black shiny seeds inside. Fruit weight varies from 0.5 to 3 kilograms.

Cherimoya is also known by the name "ice cream tree", which it received due to its consistency, reminiscent of frozen consistency of ice cream, as well as for its delicate sweet taste, serving as an addition to this type of dessert. In general, if we describe the taste of cherimoya, then we can say that it resembles pineapple, papaya, strawberry, mango, banana and cream at the same time.

Cherimoya is a plant of subtropical or mild temperate climates. The tree prefers a fairly dry environment, so spraying is not recommended even in the summer heat. In the winter months, the tubs are brought into a room with a temperature of 10 ° to 14 ° C, where they rest until spring. The crown of the tree can be formed by pruning.
The homeland of this fruit is considered to be Ecuador, Colombia and Bolivia, as well as Peru. Currently, the exporters of cherimoya are Thailand, Malaysia, China, Australia, Spain, Chile, Venezuela, Colombia.

Cherimoya has been introduced into the culture since ancient times. Its seeds were found in excavations in Peru, thousands of kilometers from its place of origin, and its fruits were depicted on pre-Incan pottery. Wild trees are common in the Loja region of southwestern Ecuador, where it has extensive groves in sparsely populated areas.

Cutting this large, green, heart-shaped fruit into pieces reveals the white flesh with black seeds. The flesh has a soft, creamy texture; when refrigerated, it resembles a tropical sherbet. In Chile, it is a favorite filling in waffle cups for ice cream and cakes, and it is also added to yogurt.

Cherimoya pulp is eaten with a spoon, after cutting the fruit in half lengthwise. Cherimoya is added to salads, drinks, desserts. To prevent browning, sprinkle cherimoya slices with lemon or orange juice... Be careful - cherimoya seeds are inedible, they are spit out.


To get to the pulp, the fruit must be peeled from the rind, which consists of red scales. The fruit is a storehouse of vitamins A and C, and some argue that it contains a large amount of hormones that allow the beautiful half of humanity to acquire lush volumes in the right places. It is consumed fresh and wine is made on its basis. Aguadj grows in the Amazonian jungle.

Peruvian ladies have discovered the secret of a good figure without exhausting exercise, special diets or the intervention of plastic surgeons. Actively absorbing an exotic fruit growing in the jungle called agouaj, aboriginal women are prettier right before our eyes. The yellow-brown fruit contains a large amount of hormones, thanks to which it has an amazing property to give seductive curves and lush volumes to female figures. In addition, the aguadja, the size of an egg, has another equally remarkable quality - it excites sexual desire, that is, it is an aphrodisiac. According to fans of the fruit, in order to achieve the desired results, you need to consume it for several months. According to local model Paola Ritz, she swallows up to 25 pieces a day with gusto, and thanks to this, she forgot the way to the gym.


Cupuasu is an evergreen tree from the forests of the Amazon, the height of which in natural conditions can reach 15 m. The leaves of the plant are large, leathery, rich green, up to 35 cm long and up to 10 cm wide. Throughout the year, the tree is abundantly covered with inflorescences of 3-5 flowers. The tree is characterized by caulifloria - the arrangement of inflorescences on the trunk, as well as on the main branches. Cupuasu have very large inflorescences, for which the species was named "grandiflorum" ("large flowers").

The size of the plant's fruits can be compared to a melon, they reach up to 25 cm in length, and their thickness can be 15 cm. The weight of the fruit can be 2 kg. The rind is very dense, slightly lignified, reddish brown; the pulp is juicy, with several dozen seeds. In nature, cupuacu seeds are spread by monkeys and birds who love to feast on it. delicious fruit The flowers of plants are pollinated by bees and other insects. In order for the tree to bear fruit, artificial pollination is carried out, since most flowers fall off. A four or five year old tree can produce 25-30 fruits each year.

Fruits can be eaten fresh or made into juices, ice cream and liqueurs.

One fifth of the total fruit volume is occupied by seeds rich in white butter (similar in properties to cocoa butter, but with a higher melting point). Due to its special composition, chocolate made from cupuasu (cupulat) does not melt in the hands or mouth. In addition, the fruit extract is used in cosmetology: due to its softening and moisturizing effect, it is included in skin and hair care products. The increase in skin elasticity, elimination of irritation, eczema and dermatitis is facilitated by the high content of phytosteroids and fatty acids in the cupuas.

The main value of the fruit (unlike cocoa) is its wonderful pulp, which takes up one third of the fruit. The exotic fruit has an incomparable taste and a very strong aroma.

These fruits, as well as mombina fruits, are used for fresh food, as well as in yoghurts, jams, ice cream, juices and other drinks.

Kupuasu was known in pre-Columbian times, it was grown by local tribes. Nowadays, the fruit is cultivated in Brazil, and it is gaining popularity: this is proved by the fact that it is the most expensive fruit in local markets. In addition, trees are actively cultivated in many countries with tropical climates.

Cupuacu bears fruit throughout the year, however, the largest crop can be harvested from February to April. Fruits are not harvested unripe as they do not ripen afterwards and do not have that excellent taste and delicious aroma. Distinctive feature fruits is that they cannot be stored, as they quickly lose their taste, so the pulp is frozen and sent for further processing.


Lamut, Sapodilla (lam ut) is a small fruit of an evergreen tree, a very popular and beloved fruit in Thailand. This exotic representative is interesting in that it is born sticky, as if without a peel. The earth settles on its sticky sides, becoming a thin crust on it, giving it its own shade.

By the stickiness of sapodilla, one can judge the degree of its maturity, if the fruit is sticky - the sapodilla is not yet ripe enough and its pulp will be white with sticky white juice. In ripe fruit, this sticky juice disappears, the pulp becomes Brown color, grainy, like a pear. Delightful, exotic, lamute tastes like caramel, honey and cotton candy.

The fruits of the fruit in Thailand reach 10 cm in diameter, but on average they are 4 to 8 cm in size. In the pulp of sapodilla there are several large, smooth, bean-like seeds with a hook at the end.

Pleasant, sweet fruit Thailand is rich in vitamins, minerals and tannins, is a good antioxidant. The pulp contains sucrose and fructose - simple sugar that energize our body and vigor.

Lamut pulp is rich in anti-oxidant compounds - a tannin complex, which has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial and antihelmintic effects. Anti-inflammatory tannins strengthen the stomach and intestines. According to these properties, lamut can be compared with pomegranate and persimmon.

100g of fresh sapodilla pulp contains 24.5% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. The high content of vitamin A makes lamut beneficial for vision, for our skin and mucous membranes. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and blood vessels.

Fresh lamute fruits are a great source of mineral substances essential for our body - potassium, copper, iron and B vitamins, namely folic acid, pantothenic acid and niacin, their compounds play an important role in metabolic processes.

Sapodilla stays great for a week and longer with room temperature, in the refrigerator for up to several weeks and is able to ripen after harvest. Fresh, ripe lamut fruit is soft and, by cutting it in half and taking out the seeds, you can eat it with a spoon.

These wonderful fruits of Thailand have unique taste and, in order to experience it, it is better to eat sapodilla without any additives. Milkshake with lamut is a favorite in Asia.
Here's a set. Who will add what is not here and the link at the beginning of the post also does not describe the wild fruit!

Let me remind you of something else: for example, here is a unique dish -. Look more at and how it looks The original article is on the site InfoGlaz.rf The link to the article this copy was made from is

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir


union of churches. and old. as, as, like, as it were; Like, like, like, like. Ako, when, how (by time). Also like. Amo, well, where. Ati, so that, so, yes (desired). Ache, ache, if, if, if, if, if.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


union is deprecated. Control. compare smb. with smb. or smth. with smth.; matches according to the meaning of the word: how, similar.


Aki Province

historical regions of Japan - the Aki region is highlighted or - the historical region of Japan in the western part of the island of Honshu; corresponds to the western part of modern Hiroshima prefecture.

Originally, the name of the region was written in other hieroglyphs -. The spelling was changed to in the 7th century.

Since the end of the Heian era, Aki has been known to house the Itsukushima Shrine. Taira no Kiyomori donated a new complex of buildings and sutra scrolls to the temple. Itsukushima had a good port and strategic importance.

During Sengoku's time, Aki was originally home to the Mori clan. In 1555, Mori Motonari defeated Sue Harutaka in the battle of Itsukushima and established his rule over the western part of Honshu.

Mori Terumoto, one of the five regents whom Toyotomi Hideyoshi appointed for his son, sided with Ishida Mitsunari before the battle of Sekigahara (1600) and lost Aki, as well as many of his other dominions.

Fukushima Masanori ruled over the Aki area for a while. In 1619, Asano Nagaakira was appointed to the post of Hiroshima daimyo with 420,000 koku. Prior to the Meiji Restoration, Aki was almost entirely ruled by the Asano clan.

In 1871, the Aki area was abolished and renamed Hiroshima Prefecture. After some changes, Hiroshima Prefecture acquired its current borders.


  • Aki - Japanese battleship (1907-1924).
  • Aki is a city in Kochi Prefecture, Japan.
  • Aki is a residential complex (until 2001 - an urban-type settlement) as part of the Sovetsky district of the city of Kazan.

Main streets: Shosseinaya, Morning, Transportnaya. Bus Route 9

  • Aki is a historical region of Japan.
  • Aki is a fruit tree of the Sapindaceae family.
  • Aki - a county in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan
  • Aki Yerushalayim is an Israeli monthly magazine in Sephardic language.
  • Aki Ross is the protagonist of the sci-fi movie Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
  • Aki is a district of Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture in Japan.
  • Aki, Angela (born 1977) is a Japanese pop singer, songwriter, guitarist and pianist.

Aki (Hiroshima)

Aki district- an area of ​​the city of Hiroshima, Hiroshima Prefecture in Japan. As of October 1, 2007, the area of ​​the district was 94.01 km ². As of June 1, 2011, the population of the district was 79,092 people.

Aki (battleship)

"Aki"- Japanese battleship. In many English-language sources it is classified as semi-dreadnought("Half dreadnought") to emphasize that the ship is in a sense an intermediate stage between battleships and real dreadnoughts (battleships). The ship was built at the Kure shipyard, launched in 1907, commissioned in 1911. Named after the province of Aki (part of the territory of modern Hiroshima prefecture).

"Aki" was conceived as the same type of ship of the battleship "Satsuma". According to the original plans, just like on the Satsuma, twelve 305-mm guns were to be installed on the Aki. Then "Aki" would be a ship built according to the concept of "only big guns" - that is, a battleship. Due to the cost of the Russo-Japanese War, these plans could not be realized. The construction of the ship has slowed down. However, the delay allowed the shipyard to make significant changes to the ship's design and remove some of the inherent flaws of the Satsuma.

The final version of the main caliber artillery of the "Aki" was the same as that of the "Satsuma": four 305-mm guns and twelve 254-mm guns in six side turrets. However, the medium caliber (eight 152 mm instead of twelve 120 mm guns) and the booking scheme underwent major changes. The main change was in the power plant. Instead of the planned triple expansion steam engine, it was decided to install a steam turbine at Aki. This led to further delays (Curtis turbines had to be ordered in the USA) and changed appearance ship, but as a result, "Aki" became 3 knots faster than "Satsuma".

In the First World War, "Aki" did not participate in active hostilities.

Under the terms of the Washington Naval Agreement of 1922, the Aki was converted into a target ship. In September 1924, the ship was sunk during tests of a new type (No.5) of armor-piercing shells.

Aki (sea)

Open sea in the western part of the Inland Sea of ​​Japan. Located between the southwest of Hiroshima Prefecture and the northwest of Ehime Prefecture. Named after the historic province of Aki.

In the north, it is bounded by the islands of Osaki-Shimo, Kami-Kamagari, Shimo-Kamagari and Kurahashi, in the east by the Kurushima Strait, in the south by the Takanawa Peninsula of Ehime Prefecture, and in the west by Iyo-Naka Island. The length from north to south is 30 km, from west to east - 45 km. The eastern part of the sea is called the Itsuki Sea. It connects the western and eastern parts of the Inland Sea, as well as the major cities of the region - Hiroshima, Kure and Matsuyama.

The Aki Sea is rich in fish, especially mackerel and mackerel. The sea is a zone of increased seismological activity.

Examples of the use of the word aki in literature.

And we, brothers and sisters, like to heaven, following the sinless soul, let us ascend to that suffering land along the steps of this sacred tower.

As an erudite person, my father knew a lot of flowery idioms, graceful turns of speech, for any reason and without it he could recite the poetry of Bialik for hours, quote other titans of Jewish thought - from Yeshua to Marx - but in the world of spells and spells he was helpless, like small and foolish child.

It’s as if it’s a matter of play, ”interrupted the objector,“ your place before the Lord has stinked, like Sodom!

A rich gentleman who lives not far from here, being stubborn, like Valaam's donkey, did not want to believe these words and continued to persuade, in any case, Anfisa, the daughter of our abbess, also not a wretched noblewoman, that he loved her, without saying a word about marriage.

Before the autocrat, the executioners smoked a dungeon incense, and Anna Ioannovna breathed this stench, like perfume of Paris.

God, in this chicken coop, where the evil ones are, like beasts, The Sabbath rule, together 120 Slander against the innocent!

If under Biren the Leib Liebman factor was involved in bribery, then his wife was engaged in staff work in Minich's house - she took all the bribes, and Minich remained clean, like baby.

And we her - with a lash, a silk lash, a three-piece, but like a stray dog, disobedient, gully, who does not know at home, but on the backside along a luxurious, on the fly, which, on the fly, and on the back along the flexible, on the cat, sable, yes on the handles on white, tender, like the wings of a swan, and on the fluffy, ruddy cheeks, like a barrel of a Persian apple, and all over that it got, over the butter, over the elastic calves, but with a pull, with a pull, and with sweet pleasure.

Aki fierce boars and roaring lions are entwined, hungering for food and blood, and whose hand will throw the peace-making olive branch between them?

Out of nowhere, a whirlwind groaned, turned, and a blizzard rose, like an equestrian army gallops and chases one another, or the threads of the nimble winder on a sparrow, do not know if snow is falling from the sky, or if it rises from the ground, you cannot see God.

And so it went, like a glorious hero on the embrasure, even he was not afraid to leave the cross with amulets and nauzes in the dressing room.

He prayed for silence in holy Russia, prayed that God would give him to overcome treason and rebelliousness, that he would bless him to finish the work of the great with sweat, equalize the strong with the weak, so that there would be no one above the other in Russia, so that everyone would be equal, and he would stand alone above everyone, like oak in an open field!

Russia, yes to your hierarchy and to your great dignity, like to the father, the merciful Christian sovereign, like the image of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ.

And there they do not like the sacraments, so heresy blooms, like krin selny, or better to say, like thistle!

He once again, no longer aiming, kicked the former painter on the lying body and spoke quickly: like four-legged lizard.