What replaces the cream. Is it possible to replace cream with ordinary sour cream

Cream is a very common ingredient in various hot dishes, is often used in baked goods and is base ingredient in most sauces and creams. It doesn't matter for what reasons you decide to replace them. Whether you want to make the dish less greasy, or you simply did not have cream at the right time - we will try to tell you in as much detail as possible how to replace cream in the recipe. Of course, there is no one universal substitute - it all depends on what kind of dish you want to cook.

You can replace cream with milk
Cream is milk product, or rather the top fat layer of the infused milk. Of course, they can replace cream, but milk itself is not so fatty. In order for it to become as similar as possible to cream, you need to add butter... The proportion depends on the percentage of fat in the milk.
3.2% milk: 3/4 cup milk, fill the rest with butter.
2.5% milk: 3/5 cup milk, the rest is butter.
1% and skim milk: half a glass of milk for half a glass of butter.
If you want a 33% heavy cream in consistency, you can slightly increase the amount of butter.
How to replace cream in baked goods
In baking, cream can be replaced with both regular milk and condensed milk. You can also add oils to it, but in smaller proportions than in the usual one. It should be noted that if the recipe contains sugar, its amount must be significantly reduced. And if condensed milk is already present in the recipe, just add more oil to it. If you need to replace cream in cream or baked goods, condensed milk with butter is the best solution.
Cream can be replaced with sour cream
How to replace cream with sour cream? Sour cream is just made from cream, so it will serve as an excellent substitute for cream in any recipe. But unlike milk, sour cream does not need to be made more fatty, but rather diluted with skim milk or even water. The proportions depend on the fat content of the sour cream.
Sour cream with a fat percentage above 50% can be safely diluted in half with water.
20-40% can also be diluted in half, but it is better to do this with milk.
10-20% sour cream can be diluted with milk in proportions of 3/4 of sour cream to 1/4 of milk, or 4/5 of sour cream to 1/5 of boiled water.
In order to replace the cream in the sauce, and its consistency should remain as thick as possible, sour cream in general can not be diluted with anything, but only to reduce its amount.
How to substitute cream for a vegetarian
For vegetarians, people on strict diets or people suffering from lactose intolerance, we recommend buying a vegetable cream. Vegetable creams are made on the basis of vegetable fats, in most cases from coconut and palm oil... They are very common in industrial food production... They are distinguished from milk cream by their long shelf life. Vegetable cream is also sold dry. They taste almost indistinguishable from dairy. The scope of their application as a substitute is not limited by anything. Their proportions in any recipes do not need to be changed.
Cream is best replaced with dairy products as close as possible to them: sour cream or milk. In the case of vegetarianism or personal intolerance to dairy products, the common ingredient is replaced with vegetable cream. Use the following list of recommendations to understand in which case which method is best:
How to replace the cream in the soup - with pure or slightly diluted sour cream.
How to replace whipped cream with whipped diluted sour cream with sugar.
How to replace cream in pasta - milk mixed with butter.
How to replace cream in mashed potatoes - sour cream slightly diluted with milk.
How to replace cream in baked goods - condensed milk with butter.
How to replace the cream in the cream - condensed milk.
How to replace the cream in the sauce - milk and butter.

Many housewives are wondering what other product can replace cream in various situations. Gourmets are interested in how to make a substitute on their own, existing recipes, reviews of cooks.

What it is?

Cream is the fattest part of the liquid that has accumulated on top of the already standing milk. The pasteurized product is not as thick as it is originally. Cream has a high nutritional value.

The product contains great amount vitamins, lecithin, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, organic acids. The fat content of the cream varies from 8 to 35%. Accordingly, there are from 119 to 337 calories, proteins - from 2.2 to 2.8, carbohydrates - from 3.2 to 4.5. The human body easily assimilates the product.

Often heavy cream used for the preparation of confectionery, various sweet creams. For these purposes, use products of 20% fat and higher. The fatter the cream, the better it will whisk. Whipping the liquid turns into a stable air mass. Whipped cream is added to dessert, mousse. They are needed for baking and decorating cakes, pastries, sweet rolls and pies. Dishes acquire refined taste and an attractive look.

Unsweetened dishes are also sometimes diluted with cream. The product is often used for cooking casseroles, pasta, pizza and other dishes. Sauces for salads, fish and meat dishes are also not complete without cream. In soups, gravy, various sauces add liquid cream 10-15% fat.


Instead of cream, you can use milk and sour cream. Fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt, which are at hand, are also well suited for this purpose. The product can be replaced with condensed milk. It is an excellent substitute for whipped cream, great for adding to sweet dishes and desserts. You need to beat with a mixer 1.5 cups of condensed milk with a teaspoon lemon juice.

Sour cream with yogurt in equal proportions are mixed to obtain a thick cream on the cake. Custard is also sometimes substituted for a whipped product. For making sweet creams, sauces and biscuit cake instead of cream, it is best to choose sour cream. It is similar to cream in terms of protein and fat content. Sour cream is saturated with milk proteins and amino acids. The finished dish acquires a slightly sour taste.

Sweet caramel cream with cream is used to decorate cakes. If instead of cream you take 300 ml of sour cream, add 150 grams of butter, a glass of sugar and a little vanillin, you get an incredibly tasty and thick caramel cream. Beautiful curls, patterns, flowers will not spread over the surface of the cake.

Regular milk can serve as a cream substitute for sauces and batter... There will be no sour aftertaste after heat treatment. Unlike sour cream, it will not curl up. If cream is needed to thicken the dish, then the milk must be thickened with flour or cornstarch.

Overweight people are advised to replace heavy cream with coconut product. Coconut flakes it is necessary to pour boiling water in a ratio of 1: 2, beat in a mixer. Then you need to strain the milk mixture. The product tastes like ordinary cream, but contains much less kilocalories. For vegetarian pasta, the product is replaced with avocado cream.

The best ghee comes from cream. The melted fat has the most delicate soft consistency. The product is transparent and without sediment. It is stored for a long time. Instead of cream, butter comes in handy. Pieces of butter are placed in a container filled with hot water a quarter. The dish is placed in a large pot of water and brought to a boil. Salt is added to the ghee at the rate of 2 teaspoons per 1 kg of product. The product is infused, then a transparent layer of fat is poured into a clean dish.


Cream can be made at home - it doesn't take long.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • on the water bath place a mixture of grated frozen butter (350 grams) and milk (2 glasses);
  • when heating, constant stirring is required;
  • after heating, the liquid is whipped in a mixer until a homogeneous consistency is obtained;
  • then the product is covered with a film and left in the refrigerator for 12 hours;
  • the milk mixture is whipped again until a thick foam is formed, gradually adding powdered sugar into it.

For a light cream, butter can be replaced with margarine.

Sour cream, well filtered through multilayer cheesecloth, whipped with a mixer, is an excellent substitute for cream. Sour cream of medium fat, tied in a gauze cloth, is hung over a container into which the liquid flows overnight. In the morning, put the weighed sour cream in a clean dish. It's slightly denser than whipped cream, making it great for decorating cold coffees, cocktails, strawberries, cakes and more.

Often, cream for decorating sweets is made from butter (1 pack), powdered sugar (1 glass) and sour cream (200 ml). After thoroughly beating the mixture, cover the dessert. Butter cream can be made by whipping a banana with egg white. Then add a little sugar and vanilla.

Condensed milk is mixed with butter in a 1: 1 ratio. When using a cream substitute from condensed milk, sugar is poured less than needed for sweet baked goods. This product gives the dough a delicate friability, crumbly.

A standard pack of cottage cheese mixed with milk powder (4 tablespoons) and whipped until the consistency of heavy cream is added to soups, casseroles, gravies. To prepare soufflé, recipes use a substitute made by mixing milk (0.5 cups) with powdered sugar (200 grams) and grated fat cottage cheese. You can make a thick mixture using gelatin: 20 grams per glass of liquid.

Recipes with substitutes

For cooking delicious sauce"Béchamel" takes milk instead of cream and acts as follows:

  • you need to melt 50 grams of butter, add the same amount of flour and fry a little;
  • then you need to gradually add a liter of milk;
  • after 5 minutes, the mixture must be salted, pour a little sugar, crushed nutmeg and black pepper into it;
  • the product should be brought to a boil, after which more butter (50 grams) is dipped into it.

This sauce goes well with pasta, meat and vegetable dishes.

The fondant is also made using milk instead of cream:

  • 0.5 kg of sugar is poured with milk, heated, not allowing the liquid to boil, periodically stirring the contents of the pan;
  • add 1 tablespoon of honey, without stopping stirring the mass;
  • a particle of the finished hot mixture is dipped into cooled boiled water;
  • roll balls with palms;
  • as soon as the ball stops sticking to the palms, the product is ready.

The cheesecake that has gained popularity in recent years is obtained by replacing cream with fatty non-acidic sour cream:

  • gelatin (20 grams) is poured with cooled boiled water (100 ml), infused for an hour;
  • crushed sugar cookies (300 grams) are mixed with melted butter (100 grams);
  • received homogeneous mass placed in prepared molds and sent to the refrigerator for 20-25 minutes;
  • the gelatin is heated, but not allowed to boil;
  • whipped weighed sour cream is mixed with low-fat cottage cheese and gelatin;
  • cover the base of the biscuits with the mixture;
  • kept in the refrigerator for another 3 hours.

In almost every professional recipe sauce, dough or cream can be seen in the ingredients list of the cream. They can be of different fat content and can also be fresh (thicker cream) or pasteurized (liquid). But sometimes the hostess wants to cook something special, but there is no cream in the house. And they cost much more than all other dairy products. Then you have to replace the cream with something ... But with what?

If you are preparing a cream?

If you are looking for a substitute for cream when making cream, then condensed milk or sour cream is perfect instead of cream. In addition, there is dry custard, which costs very little, but tastes almost the same as a hand-made cream.

Cooking the dough

If you need to find something to replace the cream in the dough, then you need to look at the recipe. If the dough should end up being liquid, then the cream can be replaced with milk or kefir - anything dairy, similar in consistency to cream. If the dough, on the contrary, needs steep, then instead of cream, you can add very fatty yogurt or fermented baked milk.

What can you substitute for cream?

If you need cream for garnish confectionery, then this can be done with a custard. Things are a little more complicated with cream in sauces. The fact is that most sauces lend themselves heat treatment, and some dairy products curdle quickly at high temperatures. Therefore, you need to carefully choose the product with which you want to replace the cream. Sour cream can curdle at high temperatures and give a very sour taste. Milk works better because it curdles only when boiling for a long time. It is enough just not to let it boil, and the consistency of milk is no different from cream - it is just less fatty. You can also put kefir in the sauce instead of cream. It, unlike the rest of the dairy products mentioned above, almost does not fold, but gives a slightly sour taste.

Cream is a product that is made by separating milk, and has a fat content of up to 20%, and in some cases, the cream is additionally enriched with fats, and then the prepared creams are very fatty and tasty, and the soups-purees and sauces are simply unsurpassed. culinary creations... But if there is no cream in the refrigerator, they can be replaced with other dairy products, especially since many manufacturers make them based on vegetable fats, and such cream has nothing to do with dairy.

How can you replace cream

Cream can be replaced with milk or sour cream, since this product is, in principle, used to give soups, sauces and drinks a white hue and a pleasant taste, but in terms of its properties, cream is more similar to fat milk. If you drink coffee with milk in the morning, feel free to replace the milk, which for convenience is often sold in portioned packages, for one cup.

If you need to make a cream-based cream, you can replace them with low-fat sour cream. If the cream is to be brewed in a water bath, you need to be careful so that the sour cream does not curl, and if, according to the recipe, whipped cream is the basis of the cream, ordinary store sour cream from a bag, whipped with powdered sugar, will ideally replace cream in recipes for cakes and pastries.

You can also replace the whipped cream in cakes with special pastry creams available from the spice section. They are milk-based whipped and often do not require brewing, just whisk the contents of a bag with a glass of cold milk and the resulting airy cream will be the same as the whipped cream that you replaced with this culinary trick.

If the recipe cannot replace cream with anything, you can make it from handy products. To do this, you need to take milk and butter, in a 1 to 1 ratio, that is, you need to take 250 grams of butter for a 250 ml glass of milk.

The oil needs to freeze a little so that it is hard and grate on a fine grater. Pour the milk into a thick-walled stewpan, add butter and over the slowest heat, stirring constantly, heat well, but under no circumstances boil so that the milk does not curdle. When the cream is ready, it should be checked for fat content, for this you need to take the fat content of butter and milk and divide by two. For example, to replace cream, you took milk with a fat content of 3% and butter with a fat content of 82%, which means that the fat content of the resulting cream will be 85: 2 and will be 42.5%. If this is a lot, you can dilute the cream with milk to create a very high-fat, low-fat cream for your soups, sauces, creams, and other dishes.

It should be remembered that if you replaced cream with butter and milk, it is better not to use them for adding to coffee or tea, as cream can spoil the taste of the drink. This product is ideal for cream soups and creams based on butter and milk, as well as for preparing sauces, including sauces and spaghetti.

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Cream is the upper part of the milk obtained by settling or separating. The product is available in various fat contents, but it is always liquid. Whipping adds thickness to the cream, however, in many recipes, tops that have not passed through the mixer are also used. But what if you are already involved in the cooking process and suddenly notice that the required ingredient is not in the house? in different recipes?

Where is cream used?

Most often they are used to prepare various kinds of desserts. Cakes, pastries, rolls, mousses, pies using this product are especially tender. In this case, whip the cream. They are also used to prepare savory dishes, especially sauces. Sauces are added to salads, fish and meat dishes... Heavy cream is also added to some soups. But what can replace them?

Changing cream for savory dishes

Instead of cream, you can take regular milk! Prepare the sauce, but you are not at home the desired product? You can prepare an excellent Bechamel sauce using milk of any fat content. Melt 50 grams, mix with 50 grams of flour and brown lightly. Then carefully pour one liter of milk into the mixture. Cook the sauce for five minutes. Then add salt, nutmeg, black pepper and some sugar to it. Bring the mixture to a boil and add another 50 grams of butter. Béchamel sauce is ideal for meat and vegetable dishes.

In the sauce, if there is no milk at home? Yogurt without fillers, fermented baked milk, kefir or sour cream are perfect for this role. When cooking, you can substitute the cream of the avocado. This fruit is loaded with fats.

Changing cream for desserts

Have you almost made an appetizing cake and suddenly remembered that there is no cream in the house? You don't always want to run to the store, and cream is more expensive than ordinary dairy products. Cream, the price of which fluctuates around 60 rubles per half liter, is not available to everyone. What can replace them without compromising the taste of the dessert cream? There are many options here.

  1. Mix one and a half cups of condensed milk with a teaspoon of lemon juice and beat with a mixer. This cream perfectly replaces the creamy decoration.
  2. Mash 200 g of butter with a glass of powdered sugar. Add 200 grams of fatty sour cream to the mixture. Whip the cream with a mixer and boldly decorate your dessert.
  3. Beat one banana, sugar and vanillin with a mixer. You will have a great replacement
  4. Regular sour cream can replace cream if it is thoroughly drained with gauze folded in several layers, and then whipped with a mixer or blender.
  5. Not sure what you can substitute for the cream in your recipe? Use coconut milk... This product is high in fat and high in calories. He will give the dish a delicate creamy taste.

How to make your own cream at home?

Didn't you like any of the suggested options? Then try to cook the product at home with your own hands, the result will delight you. The cream, the recipe for which you will find below, is very tender, tasty, and suitable for any dish!

Cook high-fat cream, then dilute with milk if necessary. Take your butter and milk in equal proportions... Cut the butter into squares or grate on a coarse grater. Place the ingredients in a saucepan. Melt the butter over low heat, but make sure that the mixture never boils. When the butter is completely dissolved in the milk, take a blender and whisk the mixture well.

You can use such cream to prepare savory dishes, that is, soups and mashed soups, sauces.

If you want to make your own whipping cream, then work for you Cover the saucepan with the mixture with a lid or cling film and leave to cool. When the cream has completely cooled down (be sure to room temperature), put them in the refrigerator overnight. The oil in the liquid should not float. Take a mixer and whip your homemade cream. They are a great substitute for a store product when preparing desserts and creams. Such cream will help you save money.

Now you know how you can replace the cream in the recipe if it is not available at home. Good luck with your culinary achievements!