Thesis: technology for the production of concentrated apple juice using the principles of the USSR. Juice production: description of production technology Juice preparation technology in production

Federal Agency for Fisheries
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution
higher professional education
"Astrakhan State Technical University"
Dmitrovsky branch
Department of Commodity Science, Refrigeration Machines and Technology

Course work

by discipline

"Technological processes and equipment
Food Industry"
on the topic: "Production of alcoholized apple juice"

Completed: student (s) gr. TET-2 Dorofeeva A.A.
(student's initials and surname) (signature)

Checked by: Ibragimova I.E.
(position, initials, surname of the teacher) (signature)

Rybnoe 2012


    Introduction ………………………………………………………………………… ... 3
    Fundamentals of juice production technology ……………………………………… ... 7
    Requirements for the quality of raw materials for alcohol processing ……………………… .16
    Organization of storage of raw materials in production conditions …………………… ... 24
    Justification of the choice and description of the technological scheme of production
finished products……………………………………………………… ……....28
5.1. Justification for the choice of the scheme ………………………………………… ..… 28
5.2. Technology system production …………………………………… ..28
5.3. Description of the technological scheme …………………………………… ...… 29
    Product calculation ……………………………………………………… ..… 32
6.1. Raw material receipt schedule ……………………………………………… 32
6.2. Accounting and packaging of finished products ……………………………………… .33
6.3. Calculation of the consumption of raw materials and materials for the production of finished products …………………………………………………… ……………………… ... 33
6. 4. Selection of equipment ………………………………………… .. ................. 36
6. 5. Calculation of auxiliary materials …………………………………… ..37
    Technological and sanitary-microbiological control
production ……………………………………………………………….… ..... 39
    Requirement for the quality of finished products ……………………………… ...… .47
    Types of spoilage and defects in finished products ......................................................................... ... ... ... 50
10. Disposal of production wastes …………………………………………… .53
Conclusion ………………………………………………… …………………… 55
References ………………………………… …………………………… 56

1. Introduction

Of all types of canned fruits and berries, juices are the most useful for humans. They have a high nutritional and biological value: they contain in a dissolved and easily digestible form of sugar, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc. enter the human body with other products. When juices are produced, inedible and non-nutritive parts of the fruit (skin, seeds, seed chambers) are removed, which increases the value of the product.
Some types of fruits have a short fresh shelf life and have poor transportability. Without processing, they practically cannot be used for a long time. Certain crops have nutritionally valuable fruits, but unattractive in appearance. All these raw materials can be processed into juice.
Modern equipment for the production of juices is characterized by high productivity with low manual labor costs. Therefore, during the harvesting period, you can quickly process a significant part of the crop and get ready-made canned food or prepare semi-finished products, and in a less stressful period, bring them to finished products. As a result, the economic efficiency of the economy is significantly increased. In this regard, the processing of fruits for juice has found the most widespread use in agro-industrial and inter-farm associations.
In the process of storage and processing into raw materials, biochemical processes run, which, if the technology is not correct, can cause a deterioration in the food value of food products and even their supplies. That is why it is so important to know the technological characteristics of the raw materials, which react to external influences in the process of working not only by changing the set of chemical components and chemical components.
Apple juice is one of the most popular in our country: it is not only very tasty and healthy, but also always available. After all, apples are fruits that grow almost everywhere on the territory of Russia, and there are many varieties of them. For example, such a variety as Antonovka is very popular and everyone knows: in these apples, after they have been removed from the tree, everything useful is preserved for a very long time - several months.
An apple is a fruit that is considered the best and healthiest among many peoples of the world, and today it is difficult to find a country where apples would not grow. The taste of apples, and hence the juice, depends on the variety of apples, their growing conditions, care, collection, storage and other factors. In general, organic acids, sugars and tannins give the fruit taste, and the aroma of different varieties of apples differs depending on the content of essential oils in them. Especially valuable apple varieties are Antonovka and Simirenko. The nutrients in the fruits of these varieties persist for several months after they are removed from the tree.
Apple juice is recommended for everyone, but it is especially useful for children and people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, anemia, gastritis with low acidity.
Apple juice has rightfully taken the most important place in dietary nutrition... Doctors say that it is enough for a person to feel good once a day, in the morning, 30 minutes before a meal, to drink a glass of apple juice. And not necessarily freshly squeezed, since, as it turned out, fresh juices are contraindicated for many diseases of the digestive tract (stomach ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcerative colitis).
To prepare the juice, the apples must be ripe, with a pronounced aroma, without wormholes. A good quality juice can be obtained with a sufficient quantitative ratio of sugar and acid in fruits. For this, the appropriate varieties are selected or juices obtained from different varieties of apples are combined. With a high acidity of the juice obtained, sugar syrup can be added to it.
You should not make juice only from low-acid apples, as it will not be tasty enough. Floury varieties give a low yield and are difficult to clarify. The best autumn-winter varieties for juicing are as follows: Antonovka, Titovka, Anis, Winter Parmen, Grushovka and others.
The sorted fruits are washed, allowed to drain water, cut into pieces with a stainless steel knife, and then passed through a meat grinder with a large grid (5 - 8 cm).
To avoid darkening of juice and loss of vitamins, the meat grinder should be made of non-corrosive material - stainless steel or enamelled. The resulting pulp is laid out in a canvas napkin placed in the press basket (or in a canvas bag), 2/3 of the basket's volume. The ends of the napkin are wrapped and pressed, creating pressure by gradually turning the press screw lever. As soon as the release of juice decreases, the pressure in the press is increased again.
The resulting juice is filtered through a conical fabric filter to remove coarse suspensions from it, and the pulp is removed from the press, laid out in an enamel pan, poured with water at the rate of 2 - 3 liters per 10 kg of pulp, kept for 5-6 hours, and then heated to 60 - 65 ° C and placed back in a tissue or pouch, placed in a press basket and pressed.
Secondary juice is added to the one already obtained, or sugar syrup is prepared on it to sweeten the juice. The filtered juice is poured into an enamel pan, heated to a temperature of 80-85 ° C and poured hot into jars heated in a steam-water bath, covered with boiled lids, placed in a saucepan with water heated to 60 ° C and pasteurized at a temperature of 85 ° C: jars with a capacity 0.5 l - 12 minutes, 1.0 l - 15 minutes and three-liter - 20 minutes.
After pasteurization, they are immediately sealed, checked for leaks, put back in the pan, removed from the heat and cooled as such. During the cooling process, the lid is removed from the pan.
Canning apple juice without further pasteurization. To do this, the juice is heated to 95 - 97 ° C and poured hot into jars heated in a steam-water bath, covered with boiled lids, immediately sealed, checked for tightness, the jars are turned over for additional sterilization of the lids and, in this form, subjected to air cooling.

The purpose of the course work:
- to consolidate, deepen and expand technological knowledge in the field of food production (production of alcoholized apple juice).

Coursework objectives:
- consider the classification of juices, production technology, storage and processing of raw materials;
- to characterize the processes of packaging, labeling, transportation and storage of juices;
- draw up a technological scheme for the production of alcoholized apple juice, give its description;
- study the quality requirements, types of spoilage and defects in finished products;
- to carry out a grocery calculation;
- select equipment for the production of alcoholized apple juice

    Fundamentals of juice production technology
At the present stage of development, the theory of population nutrition requires improving approaches to the creation of food products with high nutritional and functional properties, which is associated with an unfavorable environmental situation. Therefore, the food industry faces the challenge of producing high quality food products with high consumer properties and a new assortment, balanced in nutritional and biological value. The development of new technologies and types of finished products was based on the principle of a systematic analysis of the production of canned food, starting with the selection of raw materials growing in our zone. In the technological scheme, the central operation was distinguished, in which the most complex processes are carried out that determine the quality of the finished product, and additional ones that serve it. The results of experimental biochemical and technological analyzes of semi-finished products at individual stages of production made it possible to judge the intensity complex processes, causing a qualitative transformation of raw materials, and ways to eliminate them.
Scientific achievements of domestic and foreign experts indicate the prospects of using a number of chemical and physical effects to preserve the quality of fruits and vegetables.
In world practice, there are examples of original technological solutions for the complex processing of fruit raw materials, which differ in fundamental decisions on the choice of technological methods and modes. Thus, in the production of apple juice, the main focus is on the use of apple pomace in the production of dry pectin.
Juices are classified according to the types of raw materials used: natural fruit, berry and vegetable juices. Juices made from fresh or frozen fruits, berries, vegetables or semi-finished juices subjected to pasteurization or sterilization are called natural juices. Not only because they are prepared from natural raw materials, but also because the addition of water, sugar, artificial colors, synthetic aromatic and preservatives and antibiotics, with the exception of ascorbic and sorbic acids, is not allowed during their production.
Two methods are used to extract fruit juices - pressing and diffusion.
During pressing, the pulp is subjected to gradually increasing pressure. It should be borne in mind that the juice yield during pressing depends mainly on the effectiveness of the preliminary preparation of the fruit before pressing and in many respects on the correct technique of the pressing process itself. Hydraulic pack presses are widely introduced into practice. When working on these presses, the pulp is wrapped in a strong rare fabric, forming packages 4 - 8 cm high. The packages are shifted with drainage grates, they are directed under the pressing mechanism. Initially, a small pressure of 5 - 6 kPa is created to prevent clogging of the channels for the outflow of juices, and then the pressure is gradually increased.
The average pressing time is 20 minutes. Hydraulic presses are versatile, provide high-quality juice, but they are batch-type machines that require a lot of labor.
A screw press is also used, the working body of which is a pressing screw, consisting of 2 parts, rotating at the same speed in different directions, with oppositely directed turns. Both screws are housed in a perforated cylinder with stiffening ribs. They are used to ensure the flow, the continuity of the juice production process in the industry, this is a continuous process.
The juice outlet is regulated by the size of the gap between the conical movable gate and the body of the perforated cylinder.
In a screw press, juice of 3 fractions is obtained: juice - by gravity, juice, pressed by a screw, and juice squeezed out in the end of the press, at the conical gate.
Screw presses provide high productivity, but produce juice with a large amount of suspended matter.
The diffusion method of obtaining juice consists in the extraction of extractive substances from the fruit pulp with water. Soluble substances pass into the juice, and insoluble substances remain in the waste. At the same time, a part of protein, pectin, coloring and other substances is lost, the juice does not have a natural taste. Diffusion juice is used in the future to obtain concentrated juices and drinks.
In the process of extracting extractive substances from raw materials, diffusion processes prevail, based on equalizing the concentrations between the solvent (water) and the solution of substances contained in the cell.
The rate of the extraction process, as well as the rate of diffusion, will be proportional to the concentration gradient and the surface area through which the liquid phases move. To increase them, the diffusion process is carried out in a diffusion sweet potato (8-12 apparatuses), dividing into several stages. The fruits are pre-crushed.
So that the juice does not acquire a welded taste and does not lose volatile aromatic substances, the process is carried out at a water temperature of 10-30 o C. Factors such as the duration of exposure of the extractant to the fruit pulp, the diffusion coefficient, the size of the diffusing substances, etc. are also of great importance.
Diffusers are reservoirs with a perforated bottom, on which coarse cloth is placed, and then the pulp. Water, passing through a battery of diffusers filled with fruit pulp, is saturated with extractive substances. The amount of extractant is taken as a minimum when the ratio of pulp and water is 1: 1. This method can extract 90-94% of the dry matter contained in the raw material.
Freezing the fruit followed by thawing is used to increase the juice yield. In this case, cell death is the result of a joint effect on plant tissue of a number of factors: dehydration of cells in the process of ice formation, toxic effects of increased concentrations of acids and salts of cell sap: mechanical pressure of ice crystals formed inside the cells on the cytoplasmic membranes. Freezing has a good effect especially on berries, but this method is time consuming and laborious.
Treatment with enzyme preparations is based on the effect of pectolytic enzymes on pectin substances that cement individual cells of plant tissue with each other and are part of the outer membranes of cells. At the same time, protein membranes are damaged, the viscosity of the juice decreases, the pressing process is facilitated and accelerated, and the juice yield increases by 5-20%. The enzyme preparation is added in the form of a suspension in an amount of 0.01-0.03% to the mass of juice based on the standard activity of the preparation 9 units / g for pectinase.

The pulp obtained after crushing is sent from the crusher to the storage hopper, which is installed above the press, and then to the press to extract the juice. Then the juice is passed through filters of various systems or by separation in centrifuges. Filtration of juices on a filter press is the most common. The press consists of filtered plates with hollow flanges for juicing. Asbestos-cellulose plates are clamped between the plates. The juice is heated to a temperature of 40-50 o C.
Enzyme treatment.
Most fruits contain pectin, which makes it difficult for the juice to evolve and reduce its yield. Pectin substances are found in fruits in the form of water-insoluble protopectin and soluble pectin. Protopectin is part of the cell walls and median plates of plant tissues. The main influence on the process of juice recovery is exerted by soluble pectin, which has a water-retaining capacity and increases the viscosity of the juice, preventing it from flowing out. Therefore, when processing the pulp with pectolytic enzymes, it is necessary, first of all, to destroy the insoluble protopectin. Protopectin must be hydrolyzed only partially, so as to separate the cells from one another and partially destroy their walls to increase cell permeability. Pectolytic enzyme preparations not only destroy pectin substances, but also act on cells with toxic substances of a non-enzymatic nature, which are part of the preparations and cause coagulation of protein-lipid membranes and the death of plant cells. As a result of these transformations, cell permeability increases, protoplasmic membranes are ruptured, and the release of juice is greatly facilitated. For the processing of fruit pulp in the production of juices without pulp, the enzyme preparation Pektofostidine is used, which is produced in the form of a powder. Novoferm 10x (surface grown) is a complex of enzymes pectinase, polygalacturonase, pectin methyl esterase, cellulase and amylase. The optimum temperature for the action of pectolytic enzyme preparations is 35 ... 40 ° C. An increase in temperature above 55 ° C inactivates enzymes and the effect of the drug stops. The processing time is 1 ... 2 hours. Novoferm 10x is used both for processing pulp and clarifying juices. Liquefying enzymes, which include pectinase and cellulase, are a new type of enzyme that can be used to process the pulp in order to increase the juice yield.
Clarified juices represent the liquid phase of the fruit with substances dissolved in it, squeezed out of the fruit tissue.
Delivery, acceptance and storage of raw materials are carried out in the production of juices in the same way as in the manufacture of other types of canned fruit. Washed raw materials are inspected, removing fruits affected by pests, rotting and other defects. Mechanical grinding (crushing) is the main method of affecting plant tissue in the production of juices. However, excessively fine grinding will turn the pulp into a solid mass, in which there will be no "channels" for the juice to flow out. The degree of cell damage during mechanical grinding depends on the type of fruit and the design of the grinding device. The degree of damage to the cellular structure of apples during grinding on a grinding machine is about 30 ... 35%. However, when apples are crushed on a grater-knife crusher, the proportion of cells with damaged membranes can reach 60 ... 80%. The membrane is also damaged during pressing. In the process of heating plant materials, protoplasmic proteins are coagulated and dehydrated, which leads to an increase in cell permeability. Heat treatment was found to be most effective for fruits with low yield. Heating not only increases the yield of juice, but also has other effects on the raw material: it inactivates enzymes, reduces mucus and viscosity, promotes the transfer of coloring substances from the skin and pulp of the fruit to the juice. Heating mode must be correctly selected for each type and grade of raw materials. Crushed fruits are heated in continuous devices of various devices.
To obtain a transparent product, it is necessary to disrupt the colloidal system and ensure the sedimentation of suspended particles and the removal of some of the colloids, especially unstable ones. However, during storage, colloids may interact with each other and form larger particles, which can cause clouding of the juice and precipitation. The stability of the colloidal system of the juice is ensured by the following properties:
- high dispersion of colloidal particles;
- presence of an electric charge of the same name in colloidal particles;
- the presence on the surface of the particles of a water shell, which brings the density of particles closer to the density of the liquid phase and prevents them from joining.
There are physical, biochemical and physicochemical methods of juice clarification. The physical ones include: filtering, settling, separation. Biochemical - processing with enzymes. Physicochemical: sedimentation, bentonite treatment, instant heating.

After clarifying the juice to separate the coagulated colloids and settled particles, it is filtered. Filtration is a mechanical process of separating suspended particles from juice by passing it through a porous layer. There are 3 types of filtration: surface, deep and adsorption. For filtering fruit juices, filters of different types are used: plate (filter presses), precoat and drum filters. Drum filters are a rotating drum with a mesh surface made of polypropylene, on which a filter cloth is stretched. The drum, partially immersed in unfiltered juice, rotates with a frequency of 0.2 ... 0.6 min-?. A vacuum is created inside the drum. The first stage of filtration is to form a layer of filter powder over the entire surface of the drum. For this, a suspension of powder is poured into the bath. When the drum rotates, a layer of powder 5 ... 10 cm thick is deposited on its entire surface. After the formation of the filtering layer, the suspension is removed from the bath, the juice to be filtered is poured - the second stage of filtration begins. The juice, passing through a layer of diatomaceous earth under the action of a vacuum, is collected in a collector, from where it is pumped out for further processing. The sediment is layered on the surface of the diatomaceous earth from the outside and when the drum rotates, it is cut off with a knife.
To a large extent, the juice is clarified in separators. During centrifugation, suspended particles are thrown to the walls of the centrifuge. Centrifugation is a promising clarification method.
Apple juice is clarified with bentonin. Particles of turbidity stick together, enlarge and precipitate. Bentonite is placed in the juice, then filtered on filter presses. Next, the juice is filtered to remove pulp residues through a thin cloth or stainless steel sieve and immediately alcohol is allowed, which protects the juice from microbial contamination.
Juice is prepared from apples of different varieties and ripening periods, therefore the chemical composition of apple juices can vary significantly, although most industrial apple varieties have a small range in the content of dry matter (19 ... 21%) and organic acids (0.3 ... 0.6% ), they also contain pectin substances (0.5 ... 1.0%), rich in vitamins. For juice production, the best apples are of autumn-winter varieties with a dense tissue, which, when crushed, give a pulp of a granular structure that is well amenable to pressing. The juice yield is 80% or more. After crushing, the pulp should immediately go for pressing, since during crushing the integrity of the cell walls is violated, and polyphenolic enzymes are released. At the same time, with the participation of atmospheric oxygen, polyphenolic and other easily oxidizable compounds are oxidized, which leads to darkening and deterioration of the taste and smell of the juice. The oxidation products of polyphenols can have a red, orange, brown color and, accordingly, change the color of the juice. The squeezed juice, which contains pectin and polyphenolic substances and some of the starch and nitrogenous compounds, must be clarified by combined methods using pectolytic and amylolytic enzymes and other clarifying substances. To obtain apple juice, complex mechanized lines are used, including the acceptance of raw materials and the receipt of the finished product.
For alcoholization, use rectified (purified) alcohol with a strength of 96% vol. Juice with alcohol is mixed in hermetically sealed mixing containers with measuring glasses. Alcohol is added gradually with constant stirring, so with the simultaneous addition of a large amount of alcohol and poor stirring, many substances coagulate and precipitate. Alcohol juice for the production of alcoholic beverages up to 25% vol., Soft drinks up to 16% vol.
After alcoholization, self-clarification of the juice begins. A significant part of pectin substances, tannins, proteinaceous and some dyes precipitate. Clarification of the juice is carried out in sedimentation tanks with good sealing. The duration of the clarification is 10-30 days, depending on the characteristics of the raw materials and the quality of the enzymatic processing of the pulp. The clarified juice is decanted and pumped into containers for storage. Juice is extracted from the sediment by filtration or pressing, it is additionally purified and poured into the main batch.
Alcoholic juices are stored in wooden barrels with a capacity of 25-30 dal (1 dal = 10 l), butts and vats of 500-2000 dal; in metal stainless steel or aluminum and enamelled containers for 2000 and more dal; reinforced concrete reservoirs of rectangular or cylindrical shape for 1.5-27 thousand decaliters. The most profitable are metal, lacquered from the inside, or enameled containers. They are easier to wash and disinfect, they are well sealed, the walls have good thermal conductivity, they can be installed in two, three or more tiers, which "allows more rational use of the volume of the production room. All containers should have tight-fitting hatches and measuring measuring glasses.
The most profitable are metal, lacquered from the inside, or enameled containers. They are easier to wash and disinfect, they are well sealed, the walls have good thermal conductivity. All containers should have tight-fitting hatches and measuring measuring glasses. Spirited juices are transported mainly in oak barrels with a capacity of 250-500 liters. The corks in the barrels are additionally secured with metal circles, which are nailed to the barrel with small nails.
The air temperature in the premises for storing juices is maintained at the level of 5-15 ° С, the relative air humidity is 78-80%. Sharp temperature fluctuations can lead to clouding of juices. During storage, precipitation and change in taste, weakening of aroma are possible. The shelf life is no more than one year.

3. Requirements for the quality of raw materials for the production of alcoholic juice

Alcoholic juices are fruit and berry juices, which contain 25% vol. alcohol.
For the preparation of alcoholized fruit and berry juices in accordance with GOST 28539-90, the following raw materials and materials are used:
- fresh cultivated and wild fruits and berries in accordance with the application;
- rectified ethyl alcohol of the highest purity in accordance with GOST 5962;
- rectified fruit (apple) ethyl alcohol according to TU 10-04-05-35 for the production of alcoholized apple juice for soft drinks;
- rectified grape ethyl alcohol according to OST 18 - 179 for the production of alcoholized grape juice;
-bentonites for the wine industry according to OST 18-49;
- food gelatin according to GOST 11293;
- enzyme preparation pectofoetidine P10X according to TU 64-13-04;
- potassium ferrous-cyanide 3-water in accordance with GOST 4207;
- nitrilotrimethylphosphonic acid trinarium salt;
- filter cardboard for wine products, beer and soft drinks and alcoholic beverages in accordance with GOST 12290.

Apples for juice production must be at the optimum ripeness. Unripe fruits have a weak color, high acidity, dense pulp. Even worse are overripe fruits, in which the accumulation of methyl alcohol is possible during the hydrolysis of pectin. Obtaining juice from overripe raw materials is complicated by the fact that the filter materials are clogged with pulp due to insufficient consistency. The juice is poorly filtered, difficult to clarify and therefore remains cloudy.
The higher the content of aromatic and coloring substances in the raw material, the higher the quality of the finished product. The mass fraction of substances, sugars and acids, which determine the taste of juices, is essential. With high acidity and low sugar content, the juice turns out to be unpleasant for consumption. In this case, sugar is added.
For processing into juice, you can use fruits and berries with skin damage (scab spots, burns), the size and shape of the fruit usually does not matter. However, rotten raw materials are unacceptable: a small amount of rotten fruits or berries that have been processed can give an unpleasant aftertaste to the entire batch of the juice produced.
Apples are widely used for juice production. Their assortment is very diverse, and here a more careful approach is needed, both to the choice of the variety and to the determination of the optimum degree of fruit ripeness.
Summer ripening fruits, as a rule, have a lower juice yield compared to autumn and winter varieties, and contain less dry matter. To obtain juices, the best varieties are autumn and autumn-winter with juicy and sweet-sour pulp.
The harvest is harvested depending on the purpose of the juices. For example, fruits of the low-acid variety "Brown striped" for natural juices are removed during the period of removable maturity, and for natural apple wines - 10 days earlier. For these purposes, it is better to use the fruits of the Antonovka Obytochnaya variety after a month's storage in refrigerators and 6 days in ordinary rooms.
Apples of early dates, depending on the quality, are subdivided into two commercial varieties: first and second; apples of late ripening - into four commercial varieties: the highest, first, second and third, and the highest class includes apples of the pomological varieties belonging to the first pomological group.
Apples are classified according to the degree of maturity into green, removable consumer stage of maturity and overripe.
In overripe fruits that have completely lost signs of consumer maturity, the pulp becomes mealy or darkened, unusable.
When accepting apples at the places of destination, no more than 15% of the fruits of the second commercial grade are allowed in the first grade, in the second grade - no more than 15% of the fruits that do not meet the requirements of this grade, but are suitable for consumption, that is, non-standard. A batch of apples that do not meet the requirements of the first grade is transferred to the second grade. Apples that do not meet Class II requirements are considered non-standard.
Wastes include fruits less than 30 mm in size, crushed, severely wilted, overripe, rotten and rotten. The amount of waste is taken into account separately from the results of determining the quality, that is, over 100%.
When accepting apples of late ripening periods, it is allowed:
in a batch of apples top grade- no more than 5% of apples of quality I belong to the first class, and no more than 10% of apples with the sizes established for the first class. The sum of all deviations in quality and size should not exceed 10%. If a batch of "Extra" Class contains more than 10% of Class I fruits, the whole batch is transferred to Class I;
in a batch of apples of the first grade - no more than 10% of apples related to the quality of the second grade, with the exception of damage by the moth, and not more than 10% of apples, in terms of size related to the second grade. The sum of permissible deviations in quality and dimensions should not exceed 15%. If a batch of Class I contains more than 15% of Class II, the whole batch is transferred to Class II;
in a batch of apples of the second grade - no more than 10% of apples related to the quality of the third grade, except for damage by the moth and with fresh skin lesions, and not more than 10% of apples with the sizes established for the third grade. The sum of permissible deviations in quality and dimensions should not exceed 15%. If the batch in Class II contains more than 15% of the fruit in Class III, the whole batch is transferred to Class III;
in a batch of apples of the third grade - not more than 10% of apples that do not meet the quality requirements of this grade, but are suitable for fresh consumption, with the exception of damage by the moth, and not more than 10% of apples less than the sizes established for the third grade, but not less than 30 mm. The sum of permissible deviations in quality and dimensions should not exceed 15%. If a lot in Class III contains more than 15% of fruit that does not meet the requirements of Class III, the whole lot is considered non-standard.
The presence at the destination of fruits with pressure, bruises, fresh mechanical damage: in a batch of the premium grade - no more than 3% in quality below the first grade, in the batch of the first grade - not more than 3% below the second grade, in the batch of the second grade - not more than 3 % below the third grade, does not serve as a basis for transferring the batch to a lower grade. The number of such fruits is indicated separately from the results of determining the quality, that is, in excess of 100%, and sold separately.
When accepting apples of early ripening in places of harvesting, no more than 5% of the fruits of the second grade are allowed in the first grade, in the second grade - no more than 5% of the fruits that do not meet the requirements of this grade, but are suitable for fresh consumption, that is, non-standard. Non-standard apples cannot be shipped.
Non-standard apples include late ripening (in excess of permissible norms): less than the established size, but not less than 30 mm; with pressures, hail holes and fresh skin lesions with a total area of ​​more than 1/4 of the fruit; damaged by pests (except for the moth) and diseases, with healed skin lesions with a total area of ​​more than 1/8 of the fruit surface; damaged by the moth; fruits with separate spots after defrosting.

Rectified ethyl alcohol must be produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological regulations and technological instructions approved for an alcohol of a specific name in the prescribed manner.
In terms of organoleptic characteristics, rectified ethyl alcohol must meet the requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1 - Organoleptic indicators of the quality of alcohol

In terms of physical and chemical parameters, rectified ethyl alcohol must meet the requirements specified in table 2.

Table 2 - Physical and chemical indicators of the quality of alcohol

Indicator name
Alcohol rate
1st grade
Highest purification
Analysis methods
Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol,%, not less
GOST 5964
Test for purity with sulfuric acid
GOST 5964
Test for oxidizability, min, at 20 0 С
GOST 5964
Mass concentration of acetaldehyde in terms of anhydrous alcohol, mg / dm 3, no more
GOST 51698
Mass concentration of fusel oil: -1-propanol, 2-propanol, isobutyl alcohol in terms of anhydrous alcohol, mg / dm 3, no more
GOST 51698
-isoallyl alcohols (3: 1) in terms of anhydrous alcohol, mg / dm 3, no more
GOST 5964
Mass concentration of esters in terms of anhydrous alcohol,%, no more
GOST 5964 or GOST R. 51698
The volume fraction of methyl alcohol in terms of anhydrous alcohol,%, no more
GOST 5964 or GOST R. 51698
Mass concentration of free acid (without CO 2) in terms of anhydrous alcohol mg / dm 3, no more
GOST 5964
Mass concentration of dry residue in terms of anhydrous alcohol, mg / dm 3, no more
Mass fraction of concentration of nitrogenous volatile bases, in terms of nitrogen, in 1 dm 3 of anhydrous alcohol, mg, not more

The presence of furfural in alcohol is not allowed.

Alcohols "Lux", "Extra" and "Basis" are produced from various types of grain, a mixture of grain and potatoes (the amount of potato starch in the mixture should not exceed 35% in the production of alcohol "Lux" and 60% in the production of alcohol "Extra" and " Basis")
Alfa alcohol is produced from wheat, rye or from a mixture of wheat and rye.
It is allowed to establish requirements for the ratio of the composition of raw materials in the production of alcohol for export by the terms of the contract.
Alcohols of the highest purification and 1st grade, depending on the feedstock, are produced by:
- from grain, potatoes or from a mixture of grain and potatoes
- from a mixture of grain, potatoes, sugar beet and molasses, raw sugar and other sugar and starchy raw materials in various ratios
- from molasses
- from the head fraction of ethyl alcohol obtained during the production of alcohol from food raw materials.
In the production of ethyl rectified alcohol, auxiliary materials are used that are placed for use in the alcohol industry by the Ministry of Health of Russia.
Rectified ethyl alcohol is poured into specially equipped and intended for it tanks or tanks made of materials permitted by the Ministry of Health of Russia for contact with a product of this type.
Tanks and reservoirs must be hermetically closed with lids, have air vents equipped with safety valves. To establish the level of alcohol, float or other safe level indicators are used.
Cisterns and tanks with alcohol are located outdoors and must be sealed.
Transport marking - in accordance with GOST 14192. Marking characterizing the transport hazard of cargo in accordance with GOST 19433 with the following information:
- name of the manufacturer, its address
- Name of product
- volume, gave
- gross weight, kg
- barrel, bottle, canister and batch number
- the inscription "flammable liquid"
- danger sign (Fig. 3); classification code 3212; UN number - 1170
- designation of this standard.

4. Organization of storage of raw materials in production conditions

For a short time, raw materials are stored at raw materials sites under constant monitoring of changes in their quality. If fruits or berries start to spoil, they are processed first. Cleaning of the raw material site, sewer ladders and gutters from the remains of raw materials and waste is carried out daily. After cleaning, ladders and gutters are disinfected with a solution of bleach containing 200-250 mg / l of active chlorine. To carry out sanitary care of the raw material site, there must be a drinking water supply system, a sewerage system and a disinfectant installation.
The tasks in the storage of raw materials are: shortening the terms, improving the conditions of its storage, the priority processing of raw materials that are not resistant to storage and short-term storage of the more resistant ones, when so many fruits accumulate on the raw site that they cannot be immediately put into processing. Such raw materials need to be properly stored for a short time.
Apples have the ability to undergo post-harvest ripening. The fruits of the most mature varieties are grown in the southern zone of the country - Renet champagne, Renet Simirenko, less mature ones - Jonathan; in the middle zone, fruits of the varieties Pepin saffron, Northern Sinap are suitable for storage, less mature - Antonovka ordinary. Different apple varieties react differently to ambient temperatures.
After collecting the fruits and during subsequent storage, life processes continue in them - respiration, ripening, evaporation of moisture, that is, they are inherent in a constant exchange with the environment, and therefore they need a continuous flow of energy. As the fruits overripe, their quality indicators deteriorate, the immunity of the fruits also decreases, therefore they are susceptible to microbiological deterioration and physiological diseases. In order to reduce metabolic activity and slow down the overripening process, the fruits are pre-cooled immediately after harvest. The most important source of energy is oxygen. Respiration primarily consumes tissue carbohydrates, as well as organic acids, tannins, fats, and proteins. When storing fruits and vegetables, moisture evaporates from their surface. As a result of loss of moisture and weakening of cell turgor, tissue elasticity decreases, fruits wilt and their immunity weaken.
Long-term storage of raw materials is carried out in refrigerators at a temperature of 0-5 ° C and at a relative humidity of 85-90%. To control the storage regime, thermometers and psychrometers or hygrometers are hung out in the storages. The quality of raw materials is checked regularly. After the bulkhead of raw materials in refrigerators, rotten fruits are immediately taken out of storage.
The main and auxiliary storage rooms are kept clean and regularly ventilated. Apples can be stored well with limited air access, but if the chambers are not ventilated for a long time, an unpleasant odor may appear. The released containers are cleaned and stored at special sites on the territory of the enterprise or taken out to the packing points of the garden.
Preparation of raw materials sites and storage facilities for receiving a new crop begins after they are freed from raw materials. As soon as the raw materials are taken out of the storages, the premises are immediately carefully cleaned: the remnants of raw materials are removed, the floor is sprinkled with lime - fluff at the rate of 200 g per 1 m 2 of storage area, the walls are sprayed with whitewash. For the entire summer period, the storage facilities are left closed with lattice doors for ventilation and drying of the premises.
A month before the receipt of raw materials, repairs are being completed (windows, doors are well fitted, ventilation ducts have been cleaned and repaired, the roof has been tested for strength and moisture resistance). Two weeks before the receipt of raw materials, the storage facilities and raw material sites are disinfected (whitewash, sprinkle the floors with fluffy lime).
Warehouses are also prepared in advance (renovation, whitewashing of walls and ceilings). Canned food is stacked in such a way that there are free passages to control the condition of the product. The warehouses maintain a temperature of 0-20 ° C and a relative humidity of 70-75%. Careful control must be exercised during the storage of dried fruits, since the change in their quality strongly depends on the storage conditions and the appearance of granary pests.
Fruits are usually transported in boxes or containers. In some cases, apples for juice can be transported in bulk. When transported in open cars or by horse-drawn vehicles, the fruits are covered with a clean canopy to protect them from rain, sun and dust. The dirty canopy is washed with hot water and dried. When transporting finished products over a long distance in open machines, boxes with canned food are covered with tarpaulins; in winter, they exclude the possibility of freezing products.
When storing fruits and vegetables, moisture evaporates from their surface. As a result of loss of moisture and weakening of cell turgor, tissue elasticity decreases, fruits wilt and their immunity weaken.
Before processing, fruit and vegetable products are stored in the summer in open raw materials sites, and in the winter in closed warehouses. The summer open area should have a canopy at a height of at least 4m made of materials that do not conduct heat well. Air circulation is carried out by natural ventilation. The floor of the site should be waterproof with a slope for drains into the sewer. The size of the raw material site is determined based on the hourly consumption of raw materials supplied during the period of maximum productivity of the plant. The storage of fruits on the raw material site of the cannery is usually short-lived. The shelf life is determined by the type of fruit, the degree of their maturity, the type of container and its capacity. Summer apples are stored at the raw material site for 48 hours, and winter varieties - 7 days.
In refrigerated chambers, the storage duration is determined by the storage temperature 0-0.5 ° C - 8 days.
In refrigerated warehouses, storage duration is determined by storage temperature and relative humidity. The maximum shelf life in such warehouses at a temperature of 0 ... 1 0 С and a relative air humidity of 85 ... 95% for apples is 5 days.
The apples are stored in stacked boxes. The stacks are stacked according to the 5x5x6 principle.
For short-term storage, we use the SP-5-0.45-2 container. The length of which is 1,150 m, width - 0.74 m, height - 0.58 m. Container capacity = 75 kg., Volume = 520 cm 3. In one stack there are 150 boxes, in one row of stacks there are 25 boxes of 75 kg each, i.e. one stack contains 11250 kg of products. The products are delivered to the raw materials site in 2 stages (August, September). Thus, for short-term storage of 26 tons of products at the raw material site, 6 stacks are required (52/9 = 6).
S 1 = S 0 * n,
S 1 - The area occupied by one stack, m 2;
S 0 - The area occupied by one box, m 2;
n is the number of boxes in one row of the stack.
S 1 = 25 * 0.869 = 21.72 m 2
S 0 = a * b

    Box length, m;
    Box width, m
S 0 = 1.15 * 0.74 = 0.851 m 2

A box washer is placed on the raw materials site, the area of ​​which is 12 m 2.
The area of ​​the raw materials site, taking into account the service area, will be:
S = (n 1? S 1 + n 2? S 2)? K
n 1 - the number of stacks at the raw material site;
n 2 - the number of box washers;
k- coefficient providing for the service area (k = 1.3 ... 1.5)
S = (6? 21.72 + 1? 12)? 1.4 = 199.25 m 2

    Justification of the choice and description of the technological scheme
production of finished products

5.1. Rationale for the choice of the scheme

Alcoholized fruit juices are obtained from natural ones by preserving them with ethyl alcohol. When the content in the juice is 16% vol. (by volume) alcohol juice is suitable for long-term storage. With less alcohol, the juice can ferment or change quality for other reasons.
Alcoholized juices - semi-finished products are used for the production of alcoholic beverages and fruit and berry wines, as well as soft drinks, but with the preliminary removal of alcohol from the juice. They must have good taste and aroma, natural color of the raw material. Therefore, the production of alcoholized juices from blended, fermented, sweetened products is not allowed. Do not use any dyes, essences, acids, preservatives (except alcohol), etc.
The technological scheme for the production of alcoholized juice almost does not differ from the scheme for the production of natural or other juices. For alcoholization, use rectified (purified) ethyl alcohol with a strength of 96% vol. Juice with alcohol is mixed in hermetically sealed mixing containers with measuring glasses. Alcohol is added gradually with thorough stirring, since with the simultaneous addition of a large amount of alcohol and poor stirring, many substances coagulate and precipitate. Alcohol juice for the production of alcoholic beverages up to 25% vol., Soft drinks up to 16% vol. Production flow chart

5.2 Production flow chart
The technological scheme for the production of alcoholized apple juice is shown in Fig. one.


Splitting up

Pressing - pomace

Clarification of pomace

Filtration of pomace


Figure 1 - Technological scheme for the production of alcoholized apple juice

5.3 Description of the technological scheme
The technological scheme for the production of alcoholized juice almost does not differ from the scheme for the production of natural or other juices. For alcoholization, use rectified (purified) ethyl alcohol with a strength of 96% vol. Juice with alcohol is mixed in hermetically sealed mixing containers with measuring glasses. Alcohol is added gradually with careful stirring, since with the simultaneous addition of a large amount of alcohol and poor stirring, many substances coagulate and precipitate. Alcohol juice for the production of alcoholic beverages up to 25% vol., Soft drinks up to 16% vol.
The fruits enter the receiving bunker with water, from where they enter the drum washers via a hydraulic conveyor. Washed raw materials go to conveyor belts for inspection to remove rotten, moldy and other unsuitable for processing fruits.
Preparation of fruits for juice extraction, consists in crushing raw materials (obtaining pulp) and processing the pulp different ways to increase the yield of juice. The juice yield depends on the degree of grinding of raw materials, the amount of pectin substances, the state of the colloidal system of the pulp.
The raw material is fed into the receiving hopper, and from it into the working part of the crusher, where it passes between the drum and the pressure pads. The gap between them is adjustable (for apples 3-4 mm).
The pulp obtained after crushing is sent from the crusher to the storage hopper, which is installed above the press, and then to the press to extract the juice. Then the juice is passed through filters of various systems or by separation in centrifuges. Filtration of juices on a filter press is the most common. The press consists of filtered plates with hollow flanges for juicing. Asbestos-cellulose plates are clamped between the plates. The juice is heated to a temperature of 40-50 ° C.
Then the juice is clarified. To a large extent, the juice is clarified in separators. During centrifugation, suspended particles are thrown to the walls of the centrifuge. Centrifugation is a promising clarification method.
Apple juice is clarified with bentonite. Particles of turbidity stick together, enlarge and precipitate. Bentonite is placed in the juice, then filtered on filter presses.
Then the juice is filtered to remove the remaining pulp through a thin cloth or stainless steel sieve and immediately alcohol is allowed, which protects the juice from microbial contamination.
For alcoholization, use rectified (purified) alcohol with a strength of 69% vol. Juice with alcohol is mixed in hermetically sealed mixing containers with measuring glasses. Alcohol is added gradually with constant stirring, so with the simultaneous addition of a large amount of alcohol and poor stirring, many substances coagulate and precipitate. Alcohol juice for the production of alcoholic beverages up to 25% vol., Soft drinks up to 16% vol.
After alcoholization, self-clarification of the juice begins. A significant part of pectin substances, tannins, proteinaceous and some dyes precipitate. Clarification of the juice is carried out in sedimentation tanks with good sealing. The duration of the clarification is 10-30 days, depending on the characteristics of the raw materials and the quality of the enzymatic processing of the pulp. The clarified juice is decanted and pumped into containers for storage. Juice is extracted from the sediment by filtration or pressing, it is additionally purified and poured into the main batch.
Alcoholic juices are stored in wooden barrels with a capacity of 25-30 dal (1 dal = 10 l), butts and vats of 500-2000 dal; in metal stainless steel or aluminum and enamelled containers for 2000 and more dal; reinforced concrete reservoirs of rectangular or cylindrical shape for 1.5-27 thousand decaliters. The most profitable are metal, lacquered from the inside, or enameled containers. They are easier to wash and disinfect, they are well sealed, the walls have good thermal conductivity, they can be installed in two, three or more tiers, which "allows more rational use of the volume of the production room. All containers should have tight-fitting hatches and measuring measuring glasses.
The most profitable are metal, lacquered from the inside, or enameled containers. They are easier to wash and disinfect, they are well sealed, the walls have good thermal conductivity. All containers should have tight-fitting hatches and measuring measuring glasses. Spirited juices are transported mainly in oak barrels with a capacity of 250-500 liters. The corks in the barrels are additionally secured with metal circles, which are nailed to the barrel with small nails.
The air temperature in the premises for storing juices is maintained at the level of 5-15 ° С, the relative air humidity is 78-80%. Sharp temperature fluctuations can lead to clouding of juices. During storage, precipitation and change in taste, weakening of aroma are possible. The shelf life is no more than one year.

6. Product calculation

The product calculation includes the schedule for the receipt of raw materials and materials, the calculation of the need for raw materials and materials (by operations per shift, for the season, month, year).

6.1. Raw material receipt schedule
The mass flow of raw materials starts from July 10-15 and ends in November. The season lasts 5 months. Despite the fact that the harvesting season is relatively long, the maximum supply of raw materials falls on August and September. Varietal storage technology has been developed for winter storage varieties. One stay of fruits after harvesting at a temperature of 18-20 0 С reduces the shelf life by 10-15 days.
For the production of 600 tons of alcoholized apple juice, 975600 kg of apples (1626 × 600) are needed, 1626 kg is the rate of consumption of raw materials per unit of production.
If two lines recycle 1626 per shift? eight ? 2 = 26,000 kg.
The hourly demand for apples will be 3714 (26000/7). The replacement demand for apples will be 325200kg.
1626kg - 1t
X - 200 t
For processing 975 600 you will need
975,600 / 26,000 = 38 shifts
The schedule for the receipt of raw materials is based on the timing of the receipt of raw materials of various types and varieties of fruits and vegetables at the processing plant.

Table 3 - Schedule of receipt of raw materials

6.2. Accounting and packaging of finished products

Alcoholized juices are stored in wooden barrels with a capacity of 25-30 dal (1 dal = 10 l), butts and vats of 500-2000 dal, in metallized stainless steel or aluminum and enameled containers for 2000 dal and more, rectangular reinforced concrete containers (tanks) or a cylindrical shape for 15-27 thousand decalitres.
The most profitable are metal, lacquered from the inside, or enameled containers. They are easier to wash and disinfect, they are well sealed, the walls have good thermal conductivity, and they can be installed in 2, 3 or more tiers, this allows more rational use of the volume of the production room. All containers should have tight-fitting hatches and measuring measuring glasses.
There are certain difficulties in caring for large containers for storing juice, since they are washed with hot (60-70 ° C) caustic soda solution and hot water. Washing of containers is carried out using an alcoholic installation, in which an alkaline solution is prepared and heated. In the container, the solution and water are supplied under pressure through hoses.
Requirements are imposed on all types of containers: it must be harmless to humans, that is, the substances from which the container is made must not pass into the product and react with chemicals, must be strong with minimal material costs for manufacturing, and ensure the integrity of the seal.

6.3. Calculation of the consumption of raw materials and materials for the production of finished products
The technological instructions for the production of canned food indicate the consumption rates of raw materials and basic materials, as well as the rates of waste and losses during processing.
Knowing the recipe of canned food, the amount of waste and losses, you can calculate the consumption of raw materials and enter the results into a table.

Table 4 - Movement of raw materials and semi-finished products by operations

Knowing the number of shifts and the duration of the plant's work, you can determine the need for raw materials for the entire period of work.
One of the most common ways to increase the release of juice from the pulp is treatment with enzymatic drugs Pectavarin P 10x and Pectofoetidin. These enzyme preparations can have different activities. Therefore, when calculating the consumption of a drug for processing a certain amount of pulp, it is necessary to take into account its actual activity. The standard activity of the drug is 9 units. The recommended doses of such a drug are 0.01-0.03% by weight of raw materials. The calculation is carried out according to the formula (in%):

X = M? b? d / 100? A, where
M - mass of pulp, kg
b - drug dose,%
A - the actual activity of the drug, units / g
e - standard activity of the drug, units / g
100 - recalculation in percent.
X = 1626? 0.03? 9/100? 9 = 0.488kg. = 488g.
Calculation of alcoholized juice includes the following operations: determination of the volume of alcoholized juice (V cc), which is obtained after adding alcohol, taking into account the concentration (dal.)
V cc = V juice / E, where
V juice - the volume of fresh juice
E - Calculated coefficient depending on the strength of alcohol and the strength of alcoholic juice
E = 1 - a cc / a + a cc? 0.0008, where
and cc - alcoholized juice strength, (% vol.)
a - alcohol strength - rectified, (% vol.)
0.0008 - coefficient of accounting for the phenomenon of contraction.
When alcoholizing the juice to a strength of 16 vol.% And using rectified alcohol with a strength of 96 vol.%, We get:
E = 1 - 16/96 +16? 0.0008 = 0.8461
V cc = 224 / 0.8461 = 264.5 dal
The calculation of alcohol (A) is calculated by the formula (dal.)
A = V juice? a ss / 100
And cf. = Huh? 100 / a, where
A is the consumption of anhydrous alcohol, dal.
And wed is the consumption of refilled alcohol, dal.
a - alcohol strength - rectified, (% vol.)
Substituting the data, we get
A = 264.7? 16/100 = 42.3
And cf. = 42.3? 100/96 = 44dal
The alcohol contraction (B) is determined by the formula (dal.)
B = A? 0.08 = 44? 0.08 = 3.5 dal
Calculation check
V cc = V c + A cf. - B = 224 + 44 - 3.5 = 264.5
and ss = A? 100 / V cc = 42.3? 100 / 264.5 = 16% vol.
When fermented-alcoholized juice is produced, the fermented product is left and then alcoholized to 16% vol., Taking into account the alcohol formed during fermentation. Based on the task data, we will calculate the consumption of raw materials and basic materials for all manufactured products.
The calculation results are presented in table 5.

Table 5 - Consumption of raw materials and basic materials

6.4 Selection and calculation of equipment

The calculation of the necessary equipment is made taking into account the shift in the supply of raw materials, the productivity of the equipment, the duration of the shift. The required amount of equipment is calculated by the formula:
N = D / d? t,
where D is the amount of raw materials processed per shift,
d - hourly productivity of the equipment,
t is the duration of the equipment operation per shift, hour

When designing technological lines, preference should be given to machines and devices of continuous operation, simple in design, small-sized. Serially manufactured equipment is selected. After selecting the equipment and carrying out the necessary calculations, the results are entered into table 6.

Table 6 - Selection of equipment for the production of finished products

Equipment identification
ness, capacity
Washing machine
KUM - 1
3 t / h
Inspection conveyor
3 t / h
Elevator "Gooseneck"
A - 9
2 t / h
Disc crusher
DDS - 5
5 t / h
Pak-press hydraulic
2 t / h
1000 l
Vertical pump
10 t / h
Centrifugal pump
VCN - 10
10 t / h
Tubular heater
1.8 t / h
High-speed rail
2.5 t / h
Filter press (365х365)
3 t / h
Storage tank
2500 l
Deaeration-pasteurized plant
557 l
Autoclave vertical
AB - 2
1570 l
Filling machine
2100 ... 7200 pcs / h
Seaming machine
AZM - 3P
4200 pcs / h
Plate conveyor
12000 pcs / h
Labeling machine
ER - 2
2100 ... 7200 pieces / h
Chain conveyor
WNA - 6
600 pcs / h

6.5. Calculation of auxiliary materials

Fortified apple juice is poured into tanks with a stirrer. Tank capacity 20 tons. For filling 600 tons, 30 tanks are required.
600 / 20 = 10
The tanks should be labeled with the amount of juice and the date of alcoholization.
Table 7 - Required number of labels for finished products

Fruit and berry alcoholized juices are stored in oak barrels in accordance with GOST 248, buttes in accordance with OST 10.142 and tanks in closed rooms at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C.
It is allowed to store alcoholized fruit and berry juices in open areas in tanks at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C.
The tanks must be made of stainless steel or have protective coatings approved by the Ministry of Health.
The shelf life of alcoholized juices is 12 months. from the date of production.
Fruit and berry alcoholic juices are transported by road or rail (undercarriage or small shipments in covered wagons), in road tanks and special railway tank cars of the sender, recipient, made of stainless steel or with protective coatings permitted by the Ministry of Health, in accordance with the rules of transportation cargo operating on the respective modes of transport.

7. Technological and sanitary-microbiological control

The food product, including canned food, must be of good quality. This means that the product should not contain substances harmful to the body and its use in food will not cause poisoning. It contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and has an attractive appearance, good taste and smell.
In order for a product to have all these qualities, it is necessary to carefully carry out the following types of technochemical control at the cannery.
Technochemical control is carried out in the laboratory of a food enterprise at all stages of production. In its work, the laboratory is guided by the correspondingly approved normative and technical documentation (GOST, OST, TU, TI).
Control over the quality of raw materials is carried out when it arrives at the enterprise and during the entire storage period before processing. For technochemical analysis, a small sample is taken from each batch of raw materials, auxiliary materials, finished products, and the results of the analysis are extended to the entire batch. If the average sample is taken incorrectly, the accuracy of the subsequent analysis is no longer important, since an error was made at the very beginning of determining the quality of the product. Due to the large heterogeneity of fruit and berry raw materials (varying degrees of maturity, heterogeneity in size, etc.), the average sample is taken especially carefully.
First, a general preliminary inspection of the batch of raw materials is carried out. Determine the condition of the container, the mass of raw materials, compliance with invoices, certificates. They check the correctness of the loading of containers and transport, the sanitary condition of the transport. Then check the uniformity of the batch and allocate at least three package units for every 100 places to compile an average sample. For every 50 places over 100, one additional packaging unit is taken away. A small amount of raw material is isolated from each selected package (container, box, basket, etc.) so that a total initial sample weighing about 10 kg for stone fruits and berries is obtained, and 15 kg for pome fruits. One part is taken from the original sample for chemical analysis, the other for technical analysis.
Taken for analysis, a portion of the original sample weighing about 2 kg is called the average sample. It should reflect the overall composition of the entire batch of raw materials.
The quality of raw materials for processing is determined by the receiver. During the technical analysis of raw materials, their grade, the percentage of standard and non-standard fruits, the percentage of technical rejects and complete rejects, are determined, the number of large and small fruits is determined. In some cases, the average weight of fruits, their shape and size, the amount of waste in the form of pits, seeds, peels, stalks, etc. are determined. In the production of juices, the juice yield is additionally established. At the same time, the issue of the suitability of raw materials for various types of processing is being decided. They take into account the degree of maturity of fruits and berries, determine the possible shelf life of raw materials before processing and, taking into account the data of the analysis, draw up a schedule for sending raw materials for processing.
In parallel with technical analysis, a chemical analysis of raw materials is carried out in the laboratory, in which the mass fraction of dry substances, acids, sugars, vitamins, minerals and other substances is determined. The list of indicators to be determined depends on the type of products manufactured from these raw materials. For example, for raw materials for juice, it is mandatory to determine the mass fraction of acids, sugars, dry, pectin and tannins.
The mass fraction of dry substances in the raw material is determined by drying the crushed sample of fruits and berries in drying ovens to constant weight at a temperature of 98-100 ° C or using a refractometer (GOST 8756.2-70). Heating a sample in a drying oven above 100 ° C is unacceptable, since some organic compounds may be destroyed. When using a refractometer, it must be remembered that this method is used to determine the concentration of only soluble solids.
The total acidity of the raw material or the finished product is established by titration with alkali of all acids in the analyzed product (GOST 8756.15- 70).
From a sample of raw materials, a filtrate is first obtained, which is titrated with an alkali solution in the presence of a phenolphthalein indicator by a titrometric method or on a pH meter by a potentiometric method.
The mass fraction of sugars in raw materials and finished products can be determined by several methods (GOST 8756.13-70): the amount of invert sugar - by titration of feeling liquid in the presence of methylene blue or "cyanate" method (with iron-potassium synerodide); fructose and sucrose - by polarographic method. The total amount of sugars is determined by the Max-Muller permanganate method. The method is based on the volumetric determination of the copper oxide compound formed during the reduction of copper oxide with reducing sugars. Titration is carried out with a solution of potassium permanganate. The total amount of sugars can also be calculated as the sum of invert sugar and sucrose.
The mass fraction of pectin substances is determined in the raw material or finished product by the gravimetric method. The method is based on the extraction of pectin substances from raw materials and their subsequent precipitation with a solution of calcium chloride in the form of calcium pectate. Tannins are determined by a method based on the oxidation of tannins with potassium permanganate salt.
Recently, in our country, much attention has been paid to the analysis of raw materials and finished products for the residual amount of pesticides. They, as a rule, are poisonous to humans, therefore they should not be in the raw material, much less in the finished product.
When storing raw materials before processing, changes in product quality and storage conditions are monitored. The readings of the control and measuring devices are recorded in the morning and in the evening in a special journal, which should be next to the thermometer in the store itself. The accuracy of thermometers and psychrometers is checked against a control, well-calibrated thermometer. The correctness of the thermometer reading at 0 ° C can be checked by placing it in a jar of melting ice or snow.
When storing raw materials, they monitor the appearance of rot, do not allow souring of berries, the appearance of mold, and overripening. In some cases, changes in the chemical composition are also monitored. For example, apples of autumn varieties should lie 2-3 weeks before the beginning of the lobe, so that starch is hydrolyzed in them with the formation of sugars. Weight loss of raw materials should be minimal and not exceed the established norms natural loss... A batch of raw materials, in which the deterioration of quality began, is sent for processing in the first place.
Control over the production of fruit and berry products is carried out at each technological operation. It is carried out organoleptically or technical, chemical or bacteriological analysis. With organoleptic control, the quality of the material at an early stage is established by external examination, by color, smell, taste test. With a more thorough check, the necessary analyzes are made in the laboratory of the enterprise.
Quality control of sorting, calibration and inspection of raw materials for juices and fruit and berry puree is carried out 2 times, and for other types of products - 4-5 times per shift.
Fruit and berry raw materials are very diverse in terms of maturity, size, consistency of fruits and berries and other characteristics. From the same batch of raw materials, raw materials can be isolated for various types of "processing: for juice, jam, jam, etc. Therefore, the accounting of raw materials should be especially clearly established during its acceptance and after sorting. All data on the acceptance and sorting of raw materials are recorded in special magazines.
The quality of the washing is controlled 2-3 times per hour in appearance, or the washed raw materials are re-processed and the purity of the water is checked by settling. They control the quality and frequency of water change. The water used for washing raw materials must meet the requirements of GOST 2874-73: it does not contain any pathogens, substances harmful or poisonous to humans, and has a certain hardness. In the process of washing raw materials with poor water changeover in washing machines, various microorganisms can accumulate in it. Therefore, a microbiological analysis of water is carried out once a shift. The quality of the sink is checked 2-4 times per shift, necessarily once at the beginning of work and after a break.
The absence of remnants of the skin (on apple fruits), the thoroughness of the removal of the seed nest and seeds, the uniformity of cutting the fruit into slices or segments is monitored 4-5 times per shift. Determine the percentage of deformed raw materials and crumbs. The quality of cleaning and cutting depends on the calibration of the fruit and the sharpness of the machine knives. Therefore, when cleaning and cutting raw materials, they monitor the operation of the calibration machines, the condition of the knives.
During cleaning and cutting, the percentage of waste of raw materials is determined once a decade for each type of fruit. To do this, take an experimental batch of raw materials 20-30 kg and in the laboratory, in compliance with the standards and requirements of technical production instructions, determine the percentage of waste.
After mechanical cleaning, sometimes individual areas of the fruit remain unpeeled. At least twice per shift, the percentage of under-peeled fruits is determined. To do this, after mechanical cleaning, an average sample is taken, all under-cleaned fruits are taken from it, weighed and expressed as a percentage of the sample weight.
Simultaneously with control over the quality of cleaning and cutting of raw materials, control over the sanitary condition of workplaces and equipment, timely waste disposal is carried out.
When packing, first, the quality and sanitary condition of the container is controlled. The cleanliness of the container is checked visually, the average weight of the can is determined by weighing 100 cans, the capacity - by filling with water (at a temperature of 20 ° C) to the edges of the container. The quality of the container is checked 1 - 2 times per shift.
When packing, much attention is paid to the sanitary condition of equipment and implements, the observance of the rules of personal hygiene by workers. Carefully make sure that no foreign objects get into the product.
Twice a shift and after each adjustment and adjustment of the capping machines, the quality of the closure is checked by external examination of the glass container, and the quality of the seam for metal cans. Every hour, with the help of a manometer, the strength of the closure of the cans for breaking off the caps is checked. When closing, the quality and sanitary condition of the lids are checked.
According to the indications of the devices, the observance of the sterilization regime developed for each type of product is monitored. Each autoclave cooker is monitored and all data is immediately recorded in the autoclave logbook. After sterilization, the jars are inspected, the defective ones are rejected, and the rest are sent to the factory shop.
Each homogeneous batch of manufactured products is checked for compliance with the requirements of GOST or TU, technical, chemical and microbiological analyzes are carried out and a tasting assessment is given. A homogeneous batch is considered a certain amount of canned food of the same type and grade, in containers of the same type and size, the same date and production change. Sampling and preparing them for testing is carried out in accordance with GOST R 52184-2003. Canned food. Directly squeezed fruit juices. Technical conditions. To compile the initial sample, samples are taken from each package unit taken for analysis. If there are up to 500 packaging units in a homogeneous batch, 3% of the packaging is taken for the initial sample, but not less than 5 units. From a batch of more than 500 units, 2% of the packages are taken for analysis. Samples of syrups, juices, extracts packed in barrels or bottles are taken after thorough mixing of the product: 200 ml from each barrel allocated for analysis, and 100 ml of juice from the bottle. The original sample is examined, while taking into account the number of cans crumpled, leaking in appearance. A certain number of packages (cans, bottles, etc.) are taken from the initial sample to compose an average sample. The average sample is subjected to physical and chemical tests, bacteriological analysis, organoleptic evaluation.
According to the methods of GOST R 52184-2003 “Directly pressed fruit juices. Specifications ", determine the organoleptic characteristics (appearance, taste, smell, color, consistency), the ratio of components and net weight. The organoleptic assessment is carried out by the tasting committee of the enterprise, and chemical analyzes - by the laboratory.
The mass fraction of dry matter in the finished product, as well as in the raw material, is determined by drying and a refractometer. Relatively accurately and quickly, the mass fraction of dry substances is determined on a VCh device. The method is based on dehydration of the product using thermal energy of infrared radiation. The drying time of the sample is 2-3 minutes. In juices and extracts, the mass fraction of dry substances can be determined by density with a pycnometer or hydrometer (GOST 28562-90. "Refractometric method for the determination of soluble solids)".
The clarity of juices and extracts is established visually. To do this, juice is poured into a measuring cylinder and viewed in transmitted light (GOST R 52184-2003. "Canned food. Directly pressed fruit juices. Specifications)".
Microbiological quality control of canned food provides for the analysis of the product before sterilization and after sterilization. The type of control depends on the products manufactured, the chemical composition of raw materials, and production technology. When using fruit and berry raw materials of satisfactory quality, with a good sanitary condition of the equipment and the absence of violations in the production technology, obligatory bacteriological analyzes are not carried out. In this case, canned food can be sold immediately after the organoleptic assessment. If violations of sanitary and technical requirements are established in the production of canned food, the products can be sold no earlier than 15 days after their production. At the same time, there should be no visible signs of bacteriological deterioration of products in cans: mold, cloudiness of filling, bombing, etc.
If a substandard product is detected, systematic microbiological control is carried out: the total bacterial contamination, the amount of yeast and molds are determined. Analyze the quality of washing raw materials and auxiliary materials, check the quality of water, the sanitary condition of equipment and inventory. This close microbiological control is carried out until the source of contamination is found and eliminated. In addition to a visual assessment of the quality of the product itself, the correctness of marking, labeling and the number of rejects are checked in each batch.
For each type or group of products, there are optimal storage conditions: the relative humidity in canned food storage warehouses in a hermetically sealed container is 70-75%, and the temperature is 0 - 20 ° С.In the warehouse, the temperature and relative humidity are monitored 2 times a day. The readings of the control and measuring devices are recorded in a special journal. In case of deviations from the specified mode, measures are taken to eliminate them.
In warehouses, they also control the correct stacking of boxes with canned food in a stack, and then monitor the condition of the container, the appearance of rust on metal lids or cans.
When the bombing of cans is found, they find out the reasons for it. Before sending products from the warehouse, they control the quality of cans (remove deformed and rusty cans), check the correct labeling and packaging of boxes, the sanitary condition of vehicles, and in winter, the presence of a heating system in them.

8. Requirements for the quality of finished products

The main criteria for the classification of alcoholic beverages into groups are physical and chemical indicators and product composition, as well as the technology for their preparation.
In terms of organoleptic indicators, alcoholic beverages must meet the requirements given in table 1
Table 1 . - Organoleptic indicators of alcoholic beverages

In terms of physical and chemical indicators, alcoholic beverages must meet the requirements given in table 2.
Table 2 - Physical and chemical indicators of vodka

product groups
Fortress, %
Mass concentration, g / 100 cm3
total extract
acids in terms of citric acid
Strong liqueurs
Dessert liqueurs
Emulsion liqueurs
0– 0,75
Sweet tinctures
Semi-sweet tinctures
Semi-sweet, low-grade tinctures
Low-degree bitter tinctures
Dessert drinks


Low-alcohol carbonated and non-carbonated drinks
0,2– 0,7

Organoleptic evaluation of vodkas and alcoholic beverages is carried out on a 10-point system in accordance with the Regulation on the Central Tasting Commission of the alcoholic beverage industry, approved in the prescribed manner.

9. Types of spoilage and defects in finished products

If juices are stored in unsuitable conditions, significant bacterial decomposition of acids and sugars can occur, as a result of which the juices become unusable.
At a higher storage temperature, the taste and smell of juices deteriorate as a result of the activation of non-enzymatic reactions between free amino acids and compounds with free carbonyl groups (most often sugars and ascorbic acid). The resulting melanoidins cause darkening of the color of the juice and the appearance of boiled tones in the taste.
The main causes of damage:

    use of substandard raw materials;
    violation of manufacturing technology;
    unfavorable storage conditions.
The most common defects:
    bombing (physical, chemical and microbiological);
    violation of tightness;
    "flat souring"
    deformation of cans;
    concave lids;
    rusty cans;
    darkening of all contents;
    darkening of the upper layer (in juices with pulp);
    darkening of the inner surface of cans;
    broken glass packaging.
Microbiological bombing occurs as a result of the development of heat-resistant microorganisms. In the process of their vital activity, gases are formed that cause swelling of the can and even leakage, and toxins that are dangerous to the health of the consumer. The consequence of the occurrence of bombing is a violation of the sterilization regime, the use of raw materials heavily contaminated with microorganisms, and a violation of the tightness of the cans.
The characteristic signs of the bombing caused by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum are the formation of a large amount of gases in the juices, while the tightness of the cans may break, the appearance of the product may change, and turbidity may appear. The resulting toxins are destroyed only when boiled for more than 10 minutes. Botulinus toxins cause poisoning, often fatal (up to p5%).
The prevention of juice spoilage by the indicated bacteria is possible by observing the sanitary and hygienic regime during production, as well as acidifying the juices with citric acid.
Chemical bombing is noted in cans with external or internal corrosion. The absence of protective coatings in these places, the contact of the metal of the cans with the product lead to the interaction of acids and metals, the evolution of hydrogen. At the same time, heavy metals accumulate in the product (tin and iron in tin cans, chromium and iron in chrome-plated tin, aluminum in aluminum alloys).
Physical bombing is caused by the expansion of the product when freezing, overfilling the container. Unlike juices with microbiological and chemical bombardment, which are classified as critical defects and are not allowed for sale, juices with physical bombardment are sold with the permission of the health authorities after an appropriate inspection.
Banks of crackers and vibrating ends are classified as physical bombing. Crackers are canned food with constantly swollen ends that acquire a normal position when pressed, due to which the opposite end (lid) swells and a characteristic clicking sound is heard. Jars with vibrating ends only bulge at the opposite end when pressed. After releasing the pressure, the cans return to their original position, and the swelling disappears.
"Flat sourness" is caused by heat-resistant bacteria, which cause microbiological spoilage (fermentation) of the product without gas formation and swelling of the cans. The defect can only be detected after opening the can. At the same time, there is a turbidity of the product, the appearance of an unpleasant sour smell and taste, and a softening of the consistency. Spoilage is caused by slow cooling after sterilization, elevated transport and storage temperatures.
Microbiological spoilage can also manifest itself in the form of mold, rancidity, slickness of the product, precipitation, coagulation of the contents and other changes in the product.
In addition to general defects, there are also specific ones, characteristic only for certain groups or species. These include darkening of the product due to melanoidin formation, color change when phenolic compounds interact with metals, sulfide groups of proteins with metals, turbidity.
Packing cans with juice in boxes: plywood, board, polymer, corrugated cardboard or in packs with shrink film. They are transported by rail, road or water transport. During transportation, the temperature must be maintained at 2 - 5 0 С and the relative air humidity not higher than 75%. Transportation times are not set.

10. Disposal of production waste

Waste is generated during the canning of fruits and vegetables, as well as during their storage. For example, when pressing apples to obtain juice, 20 ... 45% of pomace remains. Meanwhile, these wastes contain many useful substances (dyes, pectins, starch, seeds). It makes sense to use waste to obtain valuable products - food colors, food powder of pectin, starch, seeds, etc. Waste can be introduced into animal diets. The specificity of recycling waste fruits and vegetables is that they are unsuitable for long-term storage, they should be used quickly.
Food pectin is prepared from apple pomace and citrus peel. In apple pomace, the content of pectin substances reaches 3%, and these substances are distinguished by a very high degree of gelation.
To obtain pectin, you can use fresh pomace. However, the pomace quickly grows moldy and sour, so they are crushed on hammer crushers into particles with a size of 3 ... 5 mm. The crushed raw materials are dried on drum dryers at a temperature of 85 ... 90 ° C to a moisture content of about - 8%. Such raw materials contain at least 7% of pectin substances, have a color from cream to brown, a natural smell, without signs of microbiological deterioration.
The pomace is first washed 1 ... 2 times warm water(temperature 25 ... 30 ° C) to remove sugars, acids and other substances that interfere with the production of pure pectin. Then soluble pectin is extracted with hot water (temperature 70 ... 80 ° C). The extract and the liquid after pressing the pomace are collected in a separate bowl. The pressed pomace is again poured with hot water, which is added to 0.1 - 0.2% citric acid, and boiled for about 30 minutes. In this case, hydrolysis of protopectin occurs. Then, repeated pressing follows to obtain a second extract, which is combined with the first. The combined extract is filtered on filter presses and concentrated in vacuum evaporators.
The pectin in the concentrate is precipitated with 90 ... 95% ethyl alcohol, the pectin coagulum is separated on pack presses and dried in a drum vacuum dryer to a moisture content of 8%. Pectin is ground into powder and stored in an airtight container. The alcohol separated on the filter is distilled and used again as a precipitant. From 2 tons of dry apple pomace, 100 kg of dry pectin are obtained.
The seeds of fruits and vegetables are valuable in many ways: they are used for sowing, and oils can be obtained from them.
The seeds are obtained from biologically pure approved plants. Grinder crushers, pack presses and sieve separators must be adjusted so that the seeds are not deformed. After extraction from the pomace (or crushed fruits), the seeds are washed with water, sprinkled with a layer of 3 ... 5 cm on stainless steel nets or clean burlap. Seeds are dried either in air with intensive ventilation, or in dryers at a temperature not exceeding 35 ° C. Seeds dried to a moisture content of 10% are cleaned of impurities, calibrated and stored in glass jars or bags made of dense fabric (in the latter case, the air humidity in the premises should be low, about 70%).
The seeds of stone fruits, after being isolated from the fruits, are washed and dried in dryers at a temperature not exceeding 25 "C to a moisture content of 13%. The dried seeds are packed in bags of 30 kg and sent to nurseries.
Delicious diet drinks can be made from pomace pomace. Fresh pomace is poured with hot water (for 1 part of pomace 1.5..1.8 parts of water) and left for 6 ... 12 hours with stirring to extract soluble substances. The extract is poured off, the remaining pomace is pressed on pack presses and the liquid is combined with the extract. The mixture is filtered on filter presses, sugar and citric acid are added according to the recipe and pasteurized in a glass container. According to the refractometer, the content of soluble solids in beverages must be at least 10%.
Fresh pomace can be added to livestock rations, but they are not suitable for long-term storage. They are loosened and dried. The initial drying temperature is 30 ° C, the final one is 90 ° C, the drying time is 30 minutes, the humidity is not more than 8%. The dried pomace is safely stored in tight kraft bags.


Fortified apple juice, produced according to the considered technology, must have a good taste, aroma, and natural color of the feedstock.
Not allowed: use dyes, essences, acids, flavors, preservatives (except alcohol), etc., add molasses, sugar and other substances that can change the natural density or acidity of juices.
It is allowed to use pectolytic drugs, which not only increase the juice yield, but also accelerate its clarification. As a result of reducing the time for settling, alcohol losses are reduced due to its evaporation during the settling of the juice, they also improve the appearance of the juice, it acquires a more intense color, the content of dry substances and acids increases, but the taste and aroma do not deteriorate.
In the course work, the technological line for the production of apple juice at enterprises was considered.
In the course of the work, the following tasks were completed:
1. Acquaintance with the characteristics of raw materials, identification of apple varieties for the best quality juices.
2. Acquaintance with the chemical composition of products (concentrated apple juice, clarified).
3. A calculation was made to organize the storage of finished products in production conditions.
4. Considered the issues of waste disposal from the production of apple juice and the rational use of resources.
5. The result of the product calculation.
6. Selected technological equipment for the production of alcoholized apple juice.

Those who have a private house or summer cottage, and in addition - a large apple orchard, sometimes face the problem of a harvest, such that there is simply nowhere to put it. Processing apples is a rather laborious process, but it gives a certain moral pleasure. After all, the realization that you are stocking up "live vitamins" for future use will delight any of us. We will tell you about the types of apple processing methods - in industrial and home conditions, for our own purposes and for sale - in this article. And if you are making juices for yourself and your loved ones, use some of our tips.

Processing apples at home

During and after harvesting, it must be handled correctly, with the greatest possible return. The most promising options: juice, mashed potatoes, jam or preserves, dried fruits. Let's take a look at each of these methods separately.


Processing apples into puree is one of the most effective ways to preserve the product. This can be done with a powerful electric meat grinder (or at worst, manual, but then get ready to "pump your muscles"). Before processing apples, you need to properly prepare them for this process. It is necessary to cut the fruit into four pieces and free them from the seeds.

The peel can be left on. But if you want the puree to be especially tender, then peel the fruit. After you have scrolled the apples, you get a pasty mass. We add sugar to it at the rate, if the apples are sweet varieties, for one kilogram of puree - a pound of sugar. If the apples are sour, add more sugar: eight hundred grams of sugar per kilogram of apples.

Mix everything thoroughly and boil in a large bowl over the smallest heat. Then we roll it up in pre-sterilized jars.

The juice

The processing of apples for juice is carried out in this way. Having cut the fruit into four parts (you can manually, you can use a special cutter) and free them from the seeds, we drive them through the juicer. After pressing, we decant the juice and bring it to a boil in a large container, but do not boil it. We remove the foam, filter the juice (some omit this process - they like unfiltered, with a fine suspension of pulp). We pour it into sterilized jars, roll it up. We put to cool with the lids down, wrapping it on top.

If the juice is gone

Quite a lot of juice is obtained from one small apple orchard. If you make it for your own use, and not for sale, you should not worry that the product will ferment or disappear. The seemingly missing juice can be used to make spirits such as apple vodka or calvados. After all, ordinary dry apple wine or cider. Recipes are plentiful in cookbooks... Here are just a few of them.


Fruits of late varieties are excellent for preparing this drink. Even those that fell to the ground from the trees (it is only necessary to cut out the rotten places). Further processing of apples is carried out using a food processor. It will quickly turn the fruit into homogeneous mass... Then, three liters of pure spring water are poured into the fermentation vessel for one kilogram of pulp and wine yeast(three or four days). The container is filled to three quarters of its volume.

The mass must be mixed several times a day so that the pulp rises up. After withstanding three days, drain the liquid, squeeze the pulp. We put the wort for fermentation (be sure to also put a water seal on the bottle). The fermentation process takes about a month. Then carefully drain the liquid so that the sediment that forms at the bottom does not get caught. Raw materials must be distilled and refined two times in several ways.

Organization of juice production

As a small business idea, juice production is quite promising and convenient. The technology is simple, and it doesn't take a lot to set up a business. You can build a mini cannery with your own hands right in your private house. Employees are members of your family. And if you still have a large garden at hand, then there is an opportunity to earn good money!

Natural product

The main criterion here is quality. Your trump card is a completely natural product (which is especially appreciated, for example, abroad). There is no need to use various flavors and preservatives. Your juice should be natural and have the qualities that are not found in drinks purchased in supermarkets. The whole business should be built on this opposition.

Mini production

Many doctors advise drinking natural juices daily. They enhance immunity and saturate the body with essential vitamins and amino acids. Your advantage is the absence of large costs and investments at the initial stage of development. It is enough to have raw materials (the apples themselves are in sufficient quantities), simple equipment for processing apples: a large, good powerful food processor or / and a semi-industrial juicer designed for processing a large number of fruits.

You will also need: containers for cooking juice, cans for rolling it up. This home-made apple processing line, roughly speaking, fits into an ordinary summer kitchen - a makeshift production room. Technologies are well-known and popular. If you need an assistant, you can use one or more family members.

Raw materials

It is best if you have your own apple orchard. Then the problem of raw materials is solved very simply. If you just have a plot near a private house, then think about the fact that trees can be planted. Just do not forget that they need to grow up before bearing fruit! You can buy raw materials from neighbors, for example (from those who have large orchards), if your own material is not enough. It should also be remembered that a maximum of 250 grams of juice can be obtained from one kilogram of apples. This, by the way, is one of the disadvantages of this business. If you solve the problem and find constant sources of raw materials, then you will always be provided with a good profit.

Juices are the most valuable component of fruits, berries and vegetables. They contain many water-soluble biologically active and easily digestible substances. Most juices have a pronounced healing effect.

Juice is a liquid product obtained from high-quality ripe fresh or kept fresh by cooling fruits and (or) vegetables, intended for direct consumption or for industrial processing.

The range of juices is extremely wide.

Juices, depending on the method of production, can be directly squeezed and reconstituted; depending on the method of production - clarified, unclarified and juices with pulp (nectars); depending on the composition - from one type of raw material, two or more (blended); natural without additives and with additives (sugar or sugar substitutes, vitamins, minerals, acids, etc.). In addition, concentrated juices with a high content of soluble solids are produced.

Natural juice production technology. The technological process for the production of natural juices includes the following operations: preparation (washing, in some cases cleaning) and crushing of fruit and vegetable raw materials (especially it), extraction of juice (on a drier and presses), its cleaning (filtering) and clarification, filtering, filling, pasteurization.

Crushing of prepared fruit and vegetable raw materials. It should ensure the destruction of pulp cells by at least 75%. Quince, apples, pears, rhubarb are crushed on knife, grating or disc crushers. Apples are crushed into particles with a size of 2 ... 6 mm, depending on the density of the fruit tissue and the applied pressing equipment. The denser the tissue, the finer the fruit particles should be.

Stone fruits (cherries, sweet cherries, plums) are crushed on universal crushers. The crushing is adjusted so that the bones do not break. The presence of destroyed bones in the pulp is allowed no more than 15% of its mass.

Berries of currants, gooseberries, lingonberries are crushed on roller or disc crushers. Ripe strawberries, raspberries and blueberries do not need to be crushed.

To increase the juice yield during pressing, the pulp is preheated, treated with enzyme preparations or electric current.

When the pulp is heated to 70 ... 76 ° C, proteins are denatured and its juice-yielding capacity increases.

The processing of the pulp with enzyme preparations leads to the hydrolysis of proteins, pectin compounds and starch, which also contributes to an increase in the juice yield. The suspension of the enzyme preparation is introduced into the pulp of pome fruits immediately after crushing, and into the pulp of stone fruits - after adding water (10 ... 15% to the mass of the pulp) and heated to 40 ... 45 ° C. The pulp with the preparation is mixed and kept for 40 ... 60 minutes, depending on the type of processed raw materials and transferred to pressing.

Pulp pressing. To extract the juice, the pulp of fruits and berries is fed to presses of various systems.

For pressing the apple mash on a batch press to increase the juice yield and facilitate pressing, it is recommended to install drainers in front of the presses. The time for separating the juice in the glass and pressing should not exceed 20 minutes in order to avoid significant oxidation and darkening of the pulp and juice. The juice yield in the glass is up to 30%. With an increase in pressure and a higher yield of juice, it is enriched with suspensions and its clarification will be difficult.

To increase the juice yield when using auger presses, it is recommended to press the apple pomace after the auger press on a hydraulic, bag or basket press. The sediment from the separator of coarse impurities is combined with pomace and pressed together with them.

The pulp sediment can be used as an additive (no more than 20%) to applesauce when cooking jam or returned to the pulp for re-pressing.

The juice yield depends on the quality of the feedstock, the preparation of the pulp, the pressing method and is,%: from grapes 70 ... 80, apples 55 ... 80, cranberries 70 ... 80, cherries 60 ... 70, red currants 70 ... 80, black 55 ... 70.

Straining the juice. The juice flowing out from under the press is filtered through a stainless steel sieve with holes 0.75 mm in diameter or a nylon sieve to remove pieces of pulp, seeds and other impurities that have got into the juice during pressing.

Further operations with juice depend on what types of juice are produced: clarified or unclarified.

Clarification of juice. Clarified juices are prepared from barberry, lingonberry, pear, cranberry, mountain ash, red currant, grapes, apples, etc.

It is possible to clarify the juice immediately after its production or later by preparing semi-finished products, preserving them and then clarifying them.

Juices are clarified by the following methods: gluing, enzyme preparations, gelatin with enzyme preparations or bentonite with gelatin and enzyme preparations, or silicon dioxide with gelatin and enzyme preparations, or heating.

Filtration. After clarification, the juice is sent for filtration. Filtration on filter presses is carried out at a pressure of 39.2 ... 157 kPa.

Juice packaging. For packing juice, bottles or cans with a capacity of 0.2 ... 3 dm 3 are used. The juice heated to 75 ... 78 ° C is packed and sent for pasteurization or sterilization.

Juice pasteurization. Natural juice, with sugar, blended, pasteurized in cans with a capacity of 0.65 ... 1.0 dm 3 according to the formula 10-20-20 minutes at a temperature of 85 ° C and a pressure of 118 kPa.

It is allowed to preserve juices by hot filling. In this case, before filling it into a heated container, the juice is heated to a temperature of 96 ... 98 ° C.

Recovered juices from concentrated juices are produced in this order.

The concentrate is weighed on an electronic scale and, according to the recipe, is added to the water for a long-term pasteurization bath. In it, the concentrated juice is mixed with water. In order to remove the microflora present in the concentrate, pasteurization is carried out. Then, in a rotary-pulsation installation operating on the principle of cavitation or a homogenizer, the mass is homogenized to obtain a homogeneous mixture without lumps and inclusions.

Prepare the container. Then the prepared bottles go to the filling installation, and then to the vacuum capping line.

Bottles with juice recovered from the concentrate, after filling, undergo an inspection on a special screen, where unwanted inclusions in the liquid in the bottle are detected and part of the product is rejected. Then the bottles are labeled. Mass fraction of soluble solids in directly squeezed juices and in reconstituted juices is shown in Table 8.3.

Bottles that have passed the inspection control go to the group packaging - to the thermal tunnel, where they are pulled into stretch film, and they are sent to the warehouse for temporary storage or for sale.

Progressive waste-free technology for producing apple juice - the use of microwave energy with a frequency of 2400 + 50 MHz for 2 ... 3.5 minutes. When processing whole washed apple fruits, the temperature throughout the entire volume of the fruit reaches 80 ... 90 ° C, which ensures the inactivation of enzymes and prevents the oxidation of the resulting juice. The new technological scheme for apple processing includes the following operations: washing, inspection, rinsing fruits under the shower, microwave processing, juice draining through a drip tray, pressing (microwave drying of apple pomace), filtering, microwave pasteurization of juice, packaging juice into prepared and Microwave-processed bottles, capping, storage. It allows you to get not only juice with a natural taste, aroma and color, but also to reduce the time of its production and to dispose of waste (pomace drying). According to the considered scheme, tomato, plum, apricot and other juices are produced. The effect of cavitation in the processing of whole fruits in a microwave installation makes it possible to exclude their crushing.

The shelf life of juices depends on the container in which they are placed: in a glass container (light) - 2 years; in glass containers (dark) - 1 year; in metal containers - 1 year; in aluminum tubes - 1 year; in consumer containers made of combined materials based on aluminum foil and paper (cardboard) aseptic and hot-filled drinks - 1 year.

For liquid products of aseptic preservation, combined materials based on foil, paper, cardboard and polymer are widely used, for example, polyethylene / paper / polyethylene / aluminum foil / polyethylene.

In consumer containers made of combined film materials, juices are stored for 9 months, and in bottles made of polymeric materials - for 1 year.

Apple juice is the juice that is squeezed out of fresh apples. Sweet taste it is given by the presence natural sugar in apples. Currently, most of the apple juice is produced industrially using pasteurization and aseptic packaging.

Apples are the most popular pome fruit used for the production of canned food. These canned foods are very diverse: compotes, juices, marmalades, nectars, etc. The production of natural canned food with a low calorie content and attractive packaging is now the focus of modern food in the country and the world.

Apple juice technology.

According to this regulation, there are:
- directly squeezed apple juice (juices obtained from fresh or kept fresh apples by mechanical processing);
- freshly squeezed apple juice (obtained by direct pressing, not canned, made in the presence of the consumer from fresh or kept fresh apples);
-concentrated apple juice (made by physically removing water from juice in order to increase the amount of dry soluble substances two or more times);
- diffusion apple juice (obtained by extracting extractives from fresh or dried apples using water, from which it is impossible to obtain juice by mechanical processing). The apple juice obtained in this way is first concentrated and then recovered.

Similarly with the process of manufacturing various types of canned food, delivery, acceptance and storage of components for the production of apple juice is carried out. Raw materials are thoroughly washed, then inspected to remove fruits that have been affected by pests, as well as rotten and other violations. In the production of apple juice, the main method of affecting plant tissue is mechanical crushing (grinding). But very fine grinding can make the tissue a solid mass that lacks the channels needed to drain the juice.

By pressing, centrifugation, diffusion and other methods, juice is extracted from the apple pulp. Pressing is the main method of extracting juice from fruits. The juice is extracted by applying pressure to the pulp.
The destruction of plant tissue by pressure, crushing of the biomembrane of the cell structure is not a function of pressing. Its main function is to squeeze out the juice, which was obtained from cells damaged by pre-treatment. Pressing is not used to extract juice from cells, but is used to extract juice (liquid phase of pulp), which flows out of destroyed cells before pressing. Pretreatment of raw materials mainly affects the high yield of juice from the fruit.

To achieve a more pleasant taste, juices are blended (mixed). Can mix juices of two different types, juices of one kind of apples or juices of apples containing different amounts of sugar and acid.

Organization of apple juice production.
It should be noted that the production of canned food is currently quite a convenient sphere for small businesses. Due to the very simple technology, low cost (i.e., does not require significant capital investments and large areas for production), easy organization of production (a little technological equipment is required), technically light production equipment (it can be done in simple terms) a large number of small businesses are involved in this area.

The production of quality goods is the main criterion for successful growth and business development, for this I recommend that you read the article about ... There is no need to add flavors. Instead, you can mix juices of different fruits, mix them in different ways, make multifruit, or even mix juices at the request of the buyer and get a unique taste.

The price for mini-lines for the production of apple juice by the direct extraction method starts from 1,000,000 rubles.

It should be noted that there are more vitamins and nutrients in the mixes, since they complement each other. It follows that juice mixtures are more useful.

The problem with the business in this industry is that in order to produce large volumes of juices, you will need great amount fruits. For example, making 250 ml of juice will take you 1 kg of apples, and even more berries - from 1 kg - 50 ml of juice.

You can try to develop the idea of ​​developing a small business for the production of natural juices before juicing vegetables or. Vegetables contain vitamins that are not found anywhere else, either in fruits or berries, and are no less useful.

Production of directly squeezed juice from our own apples.
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" Technologuia of apple juice production "


Juice is a food product that is popular in almost all countries of the world. The most common juices are squeezed from the edible fruits of plants (fruits, berries or vegetables). However, there are juices obtained from the stems, roots, leaves of various eaten herbs (for example, juice from celery stalks, juice from sugarcane stalks).

Apple juice is the juice squeezed from apples. The sweet taste is due to the natural sugar content of apples. In the modern world, a significant portion of apple juice is produced industrially, including pasteurization and aseptic packaging. Also, in large quantities, apple juice is made from concentrate. In a number of countries, including the United States, China, Germany and Poland, apple juice is one of the most common soft drinks.

It is believed that the first to make apple juice began in England, - mentions of it are found in the documents of the Anglo-Saxon era. According to a number of medical scientists, this drink, due to the large amount of vitamin C and other components, is beneficial for health, reduces the risk of diseases associated with smoking, and improves memory; in many countries it is used for baby food.

Apple juice is the only fruit juice that pairs best with vegetable juice in terms of compatibility. It contains such important vitamins and trace elements as phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, folic acid, potassium, copper, vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6, pectin, biotin and many others.

Apple juice is the most popular of all fruit juices. There are two main types of juices; without pulp (pressed) and with pulp (homogenized). Apple juice is mainly made natural without pulp, clarified or not clarified.

All fruits are stored in different ways. For example, different varieties of apples are not equally sensitive to the effects of temperature during storage. Some of them endure a prolonged state of hypothermia up to minus 2 minus 3 C, while being stored with insignificant losses and with slow defrosting (defrosting). Therefore, it is worth considering this factor. For long-term storage, leave apple varieties that tolerate cold, and use less stable and perishable apples during the technological process.

Juice production is of great importance for the population and national economy of our country. High content mineral substances and vitamins in vegetable juices determines their high nutritional value. Fruit juices produced unclarified and with pulp, from one type of fruit and mixed from two or more types of fruit. Canned foodstuffs allow you to significantly reduce the labor and time spent on cooking food at home, diversify the menu, provide year-round food for the population, as well as create current, seasonal and insurance stocks.

It should be noted that, despite the decline in demand, the production of apple juice continues to grow. So, according to official statistics, in September-October of this year. in Ukraine, 8.9 thousand tons of juice was produced, which is 6% higher than last year's figures. But the pricing policy for this product remains largely stable. Only a few manufacturers have increased prices by 5-7%, arguing that the increase in production costs. In particular, sugar prices rose by an average of 40-45%.

foodproductApple juice

Research companies give different estimates of the SNN market volume last year - from 510 to 560 thousand tons. According to the State Statistics Service, in 2011 the juice market capacity was 592 thousand tons. Moreover, the volume of production of natural reconstituted juices (including orange) decreased in comparison with 2010 by 5.6%, and blended (mixes from various juices) - by 12.1%. Manufacturers believe that the fall was even stronger - 15-20%. And before the crisis, our juice market annually added 10-20%, reaching a record 950 thousand tons in 2008.

But in monetary terms, the market is growing. This is obvious, because in 2011 the price of juice products increased by one third on average. Last year, the market reached a volume of 6.2-6.3 billion hryvnia against 5.4 billion hryvnia a year earlier. The outlook for 2012 is seen by most companies as not very optimistic. They certainly do not expect an increase in volumes in physical terms, but prices for juices may rise by another 10-15% due to unfavorable weather conditions in the main fruit-producing countries.

1. NSCharacteristics of raw materials and auxiliary materials

1.1 Chemicalcompoundandfoodvalueapples

Each variety of wild and cultivated apples has its own characteristics and different chemical composition... It all depends on the origin, growing conditions, the degree of ripeness of the fruit.

The chemical composition of apples is very diverse and rich. 100 grams of the edible portion of fresh apples contains 11% carbohydrates, 0.4% protein, up to 86% water, 0.6% fiber and 0.7% organic acids, including malic and citric acids. In addition, volatile acids were found in the apple: acetic, butyric, isobutyric, nylon, propionic, valeric, isovaleric.

Table. 100 g of apples contain nutrients:

Calorie content

Saturated fatty acids

Unsaturated fatty acids


Monosaccharides and disaccharides

Dietary fiber (fiber)


Organic acids

The apple contains tannins and phytoncides, which are bactericidal substances. Starch is of primary nutritional value. Its high content is largely due to the nutritional value products.

In human diets, starch accounts for about 80% of the total amount of carbohydrates consumed. Starch contains two fractions of polysaccharides - amylose and amylopectin. The conversion of starch in the body is mainly aimed at satisfying the need for sugar. Starch is converted to glucose sequentially through a series of intermediates. It is contained in the body in the form of glycogen.

Based on the table. 1. it can be seen that the chemical composition of apples is very diverse, contains a large amount of pectin and starch. Due to their high pectin content, apples are the main product for pectin production.

There are two main types of pectin substances - protopectin and pectin.

Protopectins are insoluble in water. They are found in the cell walls of the fetus. Protopectin is a combination of pectin with cellulose, and therefore, when broken down into its constituent parts, protopectin can serve as a source of pectin.

Pectins are soluble substances that are assimilated in the body. The main property of pectin substances, which determined their use in the food industry, is the ability to transform in an aqueous solution in the presence of acid and sugar into a jelly-like colloidal mass.

Modern research has shown the undoubted importance of pectin substances in the diet of a healthy person, as well as the possibility of using them for therapeutic (therapeutic) purposes in some diseases, mainly of the gastrointestinal tract. Pectin is obtained from apple, watermelon and sunflower waste.

Pectin substances are capable of adsorbing various compounds, including exo- and endogenous toxins, heavy metals. This property of pectins is widely used in therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition (carrying out unloading apple days in patients with colitis, prescribing marmalade enriched with pectin, etc.)

1.2 Regulatorydocumentation

The following regulatory documents apply to fresh apples in Ukraine:

GOST 16270-70 Fresh apples of early ripening varieties;

GOST 21122-75 Fresh apples of late ripening varieties;

GOST 27572-87 Fresh apples for industrial processing;

DSTU 2849-94 Yabluka svіzhі. Technology of storage in refrigerated chambers;

RST Ukrainian SSR 1922-82 Yabluka svіzhі. Technology of the collection in containers.

For fresh apples of early ripening grades, harvested (purchased) and shipped (supplied) before September 1, sold for fresh consumption, GOST 16270-70 applies. In accordance with it, apples must meet the following requirements.

1.3 Qualityraw materials

Apples, depending on their quality, are divided into two commercial varieties: first and second. Apples of each commercial grade must be whole, fully developed, clean, free of excessive moisture, free of foreign smell and taste and meet the requirements and standards specified in table. 2


1. Removable maturity - the degree of maturity at which the fruits are fully developed and formed, after harvesting they are able to ripen and reach consumer maturity.

2. Consumer maturity - the degree of ripeness at which the fruits reach the highest quality in appearance, taste and pulp consistency.

3. Overripe - fruits that have completely lost signs of consumer maturity, their pulp is mealy or darkened, unsuitable for consumption.

4. Presses - damage to the skin and flesh caused by pressure, impact or friction without open unhealed wounds, without leaking juice.

5. Excessive external moisture - the presence of moisture on the fruits from rain or watering. Condensation on fruits caused by temperature differences is not considered excessive external moisture.

The calibrated apples are packed in boxes. It is allowed not to calibrate the fruits of the second grade. Each box is packed with apples of the same pomological and commercial grade. For ordinary laying, a layer of wood chips or a sheet of corrugated cardboard is placed on the bottom and under the lid of the box. In case of non-routine laying, a layer of shavings is placed on the bottom and under the lid of the box, and for a denser laying of the fruits, they are compacted by vibration on a vibration device. Packaged apples must be packed in boxes in accordance with GOST 17812-72, containers and equipment in accordance with GOST 24831-81, or containers in accordance with regulatory and technical documentation.

Fresh apples of late ripening varieties, harvested and shipped from September 1, sold for fresh consumption, must comply with GOST 21122-76.

Fresh apples of late ripening varieties according to pomological varieties are subdivided into two groups: first and second and, depending on quality, into four commercial varieties: superior, first, second and third.

Fruits of each commercial grade must be fully developed, whole, clean, free of foreign smell and taste, free of excessive external moisture.

Commercial Classes “Extra”, “Commercial Classes I” and “II” must be in the same pomological class. In the third grade, a mixture of pomological grades is allowed.

The degree of maturity during harvesting must be such that the fruits can withstand transportation under proper conditions and are suitable for storage, and during the marketing period they have the appearance and taste characteristic of the pomological variety. The quality of the fruits of each commercial grade must comply with the standards specified in table. 3

Table 3.

Rotten fruits are not allowed.

The apples of the third grade are intended for the current sale. Bookmarking for long-term storage and shipment outside the region, territory, republic without regional division are not subject.

It is allowed for transportation and storage not to sort apples into I and II commercial grades intended for fresh consumption, when supplied to wholesale trade organizations in box pallets in accordance with GOST 21133-87 or special containers. Apples intended for retail must be sorted into commercial grades.

Apples are stored in conditions that ensure the safety of their quality in accordance with the rules approved in the prescribed manner.

2. Ttechnologicalschemesproductionapplejuice

2.1 Functionalscheme

To obtain these types of canned food, technological schemes have been developed based on technical and technological information from specialized literature.

The starting points for developing a flowchart are technical instructions. Taking into account the documentary information in the technological schemes, some changes were developed, improvements in operations and production parameters. In view of obtaining a high-quality product, the following was envisaged when developing the flowchart:

Ensuring high productivity and quality of the finished product;

The use of technological equipment made of stainless steel, which minimizes the transfer of heavy metals into the product;

Production operations should be mechanized as much as possible;

Technological operations must be carried out without interruption.

To obtain high-quality products, the technological scheme provides for the following:

Apples are washed to remove dirt;

Inspection of apples removes microorganisms that can affect the color of the finished product;

Heat treatment aims to inactivate a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms, including the disease-causing botulinium;

Aseptic preservation allows preserving a large number of semi-finished products per season in order to extend the season.

All these advantages and modern technologies were taken into account when developing a flowchart for operations in the production of apple juice.

The first operation is the washing, which is carried out in two washing machines installed in series. Washed fruits are inspected, removing those affected by pests and diseases. After washing, the fruits are crushed on disc or grating crushers: pomes (apples, quince, pears) into particles of 2 ... 6 mm in size.

Stone fruits and berries are processed on roller crushers. Crushers must be adjusted so that the bones are not crushed. The content of crushed seeds in the pulp is not more than 15%, a small amount of them improves the taste and smell of the juice.

The processed pulp is fed for pressing, for which hydraulic batch presses of periodic action or continuous - screw or belt presses are used.

The clarified juice is filtered and sent for heating and packaging.

When making juices with sugar or blended juices, juices are mixed and sugar is added before heating.

Juice, packed in small containers with subsequent sterilization, is heated to 75 ... 80 ° C and packed in prepared bottles or jars. In the production of juice with vitamin C, ascorbic acid is added to the hot juice, mixed for 5 ... 10 minutes and immediately transferred for filling.

The filled container is sealed and sent for sterilization (pasteurization), which is carried out at 85, 90 or 100 ° C, depending on the acidity of the juice and the container capacity, the sterilization duration is from 10 to 20 minutes.

In large containers with a capacity of 2, 3 and 10 dm3, juices can be packaged by so-called hot filling without subsequent sterilization. During hot filling, the juice is heated to 95 ... 97 ° C with automatic temperature control and immediately poured into prepared hot jars, which are sealed with boiled lids.

The sealed cans are placed on their side for 20 minutes to sterilize the upper empty space of the container, after which they are blown with cold air to reduce harmful effects heat on the quality of the juice.

2.2 Hardwarescheme

Machine-hardware diagram of a complex of technological equipment for the production of clarified apple juice.

It consists of pumps 1, 9, 17 and 24, auger separator 2, elevators 3 and 6, washing machine 4, inspection conveyor 5, collectors 7, 13, 15, 18, 19 and 22, crusher 8, press 10, pasteurizer- cooler 11, pasteurizer 12, filters 14 and 16, cooler 20, tubular static mixer 21 and dispenser 23 for pectolytic preparations.

The fruits received for processing are poured into concrete baths, from where they are sent to the workshop by a hydraulic conveyor through underground channels.

Here, with the help of the auger separator 2, located in a concrete bath (pit), the fruits are separated from the water and, with the help of an elevator 3 with a shower device, are lifted to the machine for the final washing 4.

The water coming from the auger separator and containing large impurities (stones, branches, leaves, etc.) enters the hopper of the inclined auger conveyor with a perforated bottom, which retains and removes impurities.

The purified water flows into the bath (pit), from where, using a submersible pump 1, it is fed back into the concrete baths with fruits for its reuse.

The washed fruits are inspected on the conveyor 5, removing the unsuitable for processing fruits, and the elevator 6 is lifted to the receiving collector 7, rinsing the fruits with a stream of clean water. Apples from the collection in the required amount(depending on the performance of the press) is fed to the crusher 8. The crushed fruit mass is immediately sent to the pump 9 for pressing 10. The resulting juice is cleaned from possible large particles in the pressing unit and, after the pasteurizer-cooler 11, is sent to one of the tanks for depectinization. The pomace from pressing is crushed on a mixer with the possible addition of water and sent to fermentation tanks.

After pasteurization and cooling (45 ... 50 ° C), the juice is first sent to the intermediate collector 22, from where it is sucked into a container for depectinization by a dosing pump 24. On the way, a pectolytic preparation is introduced into the pipeline using a dispenser 23 and mixed in a tubular static mixer 21. The processes of depectinization and clarification proceed depending on the type of preparation used. If the preparation for clarification requires cooling the juice, then after depectinization it is pumped through the cooler 20 into the clarification tanks 19 and the preparation is added manually. If cooling is not required, the juice is not pumped in this case, and the preparation for clarification is introduced into the container for depectinization.

At the end of the depectinization and clarification, the sediment formed at the bottom of the container is pumped into the collector for collecting the sediment 18, from where it is sent by the pump 17 to the filter 16.

The juice obtained in this way is pumped by means of a pump into the collector 19, where the juice obtained from the filtration of the sediment is added. The juice mixture is once again sent to the filter 14 to obtain a fully clarified juice ready for filling into bottles.

This juice is collected in a receiving collector 13, and then sent to the filling line in bottles, where it is pre-deaerated and pasteurized.

Juice is packed into bottles at 80 ° C, followed by additional pasteurization and cooling in a tunnel pasteurizer-cooler.

3. Owritingmajorstagesproductionapplejuice

Juice is prepared from apples of different varieties and ripening periods, therefore the chemical composition of apple juices can vary significantly, although most industrial apple varieties have a small range in the content of dry matter (19 ... 21%) and organic acids (0.3 ... 0.6% ), they also contain pectin substances (0.5 ... 1.0%), rich in vitamins. For juice production, the best apples are of autumn-winter varieties with a dense tissue, which, when crushed, give a pulp of a granular structure that is well amenable to pressing. The juice yield is 80% or more. After crushing, the pulp should immediately go for pressing, since during crushing the integrity of the cell walls is violated, and polyphenolic enzymes are released. At the same time, with the participation of atmospheric oxygen, polyphenolic and other easily oxidizable compounds are oxidized, which leads to darkening and deterioration of the taste and smell of the juice. The oxidation products of polyphenols can have a red, orange, brown color and, accordingly, change the color of the juice. The squeezed juice, which contains pectin and polyphenolic substances and some of the starch and nitrogenous compounds, must be clarified by combined methods using pectolytic and amylolytic enzymes and other clarifying substances. To obtain apple juice, complex mechanized lines are used, including the acceptance of raw materials and the receipt of the finished product.

Technological process

The juices are clarified and represent the liquid phase of the fruit with substances dissolved in it, squeezed out of the fruit tissue. Delivery, acceptance and storage of raw materials are carried out in the production of juices in the same way as in the manufacture of other types of canned fruit.

Enzyme treatment

Most fruits and berries contain pectin substances that make it difficult to extract juice and reduce its yield. Pectin substances are found in fruits in the form of water-insoluble protopectin and soluble pectin. Protopectin is part of the cell walls and median plates of plant tissues. The main influence on the process of juice recovery is exerted by soluble pectin, which has a water-retaining capacity and increases the viscosity of the juice, preventing it from flowing out. Therefore, when processing the pulp with pectolytic enzymes, it is necessary, first of all, to destroy the insoluble protopectin.

Protopectin must be hydrolyzed only partially, so as to separate the cells from one another and partially destroy their walls to increase cell permeability. Pectolytic enzyme preparations not only destroy pectin substances, but also act on cells with toxic substances of a non-enzymatic nature, which are part of the preparations and cause coagulation of protein-lipid membranes and the death of plant cells. As a result of these transformations, cell permeability increases, protoplasmic membranes are ruptured, and the release of juice is greatly facilitated. For the processing of fruit pulp in the production of juices without pulp, the enzyme preparation Pektofostidine is used, which is produced in the form of a powder. Novoferm 10x (surface grown) is a complex of enzymes pectinase, polygalacturonase, pectin methyl esterase, cellulase and amylase. The optimum temperature for the action of pectolytic enzyme preparations is 35 ... 40 ° C. An increase in temperature above 55 ° C inactivates enzymes and the effect of the drug stops. The processing time is 1 ... 2 hours. Novoferm 10x is used both for processing pulp and clarifying juices. Liquefying enzymes, which include pectinase and cellulase, are a new type of enzyme that can be used to process the pulp in order to increase the juice yield.

Pectin substances have a water-retaining capacity, form a hydration shell around suspensions, act as protective colloids for suspended particles, delay their precipitation and increase the viscosity of the juice. Therefore, the destruction of the pectin molecule promotes the separation and settling of particles.

Pectolytic enzyme preparations are used to clarify juices. Under their action, the pectin molecule is destroyed to water-soluble galacturonic acids. For this purpose, for example, the enzyme preparation Pectofoetidine P10X is used. This preparation contains, in addition to pectolytic and proteolytic enzymes. Processing can be carried out in a batch and continuous manner. In the domestic industry, the batch processing method prevails.

An enzyme preparation is added to the juice in the amount of 0.02-0.03% in the form of a suspension. The dose of the applied preparation depends on the content of pectin in the juice, pH and temperature. To achieve the desired result, the optimal conditions for the drug should be observed: pH 3.7-4.0; processing temperature 40-50 0С; the processing time is 1 hour with stirring. Under these conditions, more than 50% of the pectin is destroyed and the juice is clarified. If complete defectinization is required, then the process continues for a longer time.

If the turbidity of the juice is due to the presence of starch, then amylolytic enzyme preparations are used. Starch contains juices from summer and unripe apple varieties. During heat treatment, most of the starch gelatinizes, goes into solution and, when bottled and stored, can cause clouding of the juice due to the formation of complexes with polyphenols. For the processing of such juices, amylolytic enzyme preparations are used, for example, Amilorizin P10X. Processing conditions: temperature 50 0С; pH 4.5-5.5.

In the presence of pectin and starch in the juice, it is recommended to use both pectolytic and amylolytic enzymes.

The optimal dose of the applied drug is determined on the basis of the test clarification. First, the presence of pectin (by an alcohol test) and starch (by an iodine test) in the juice is determined. Then, by the amount of the formed clot or by the intensity of the color, the dose of the applied preparation is determined. The correctness of the selected dose is checked by test clarification in test tubes.

The disadvantage of the enzymatic method of clarification is the frequency and duration of treatment (1-2 hours). In recent years, work has appeared on continuous methods of processing juices. For this purpose, enzymes are used that are fixed on solid carriers (immobilized). Insoluble enzyme-carrier complexes are stable and retain the catalytic properties of enzymes. Inorganic and organic substances are used as carriers. Processing is carried out in special reactors.


It should be especially noted that the production of canned food is a very convenient area for small businesses. Simple technology, cheapness (no need for large investments, production areas), ease of organizing production (minimum amount of technological equipment), technically simple production equipment (its production is possible in the simplest conditions) allows a large number of small businesses to actively participate in this.

Apples are rich in pectins. These are natural deoxidants that remove heavy metals, radionuclides, nitrates and other toxins from the body. Pectin substances are localized in the apple peel. But first of all, they make it very difficult to extract juice and reduce their yield, therefore, they use treatment with enzyme preparations. Under their action, the viscosity of the juices first decreases, and then sedimentation occurs - precipitation. But even so, apple juice, thanks to natural sugars and organic acids, helps us recover after heavy exertion, strengthens the heart and blood vessels.

Experiments in mice have shown that apple juice protects brain cells from oxidative stress during stress, which suggests its antioxidant properties. Enough 300 g of juice per day to avoid the development of sclerosis of the vessels of the brain.


1. Technology systems. Description and technical and economic assessment of the technological process. Methodical instructions for the execution of settlement and graphic works ST-0297. \ Comp .: E.L. Feldman. - Donetsk: DIEKHP, 1997 .-- 16 p.

2. Food processing plant. Food preservation and storage comp .: I. Kravtsov. - "Lighthouse" "Odessa, 1968. -334 p.

3. Reference book of the master of canning production - compiled by: S.M. Hawks. - "Food Industry" Moscow, 1980 - 206 p.

4. General technology of food production / Ed. A.P. Kovalskoy. - M .: Kolos 1993-384 p.

5. Technology of canned fruits and vegetables. A. F. Fan-Jung, B. L. Flow menbaum, A. K. Izotov - M .: Food industry

6. Rogachev V.I. Handbook of the technologist of fruit and vegetable canning production.

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