Korean cabbage stuffed cabbage with meat. Korean style pickled vegetable cabbage rolls

Cabbage rolls are considered oriental dish and are filling wrapped in cabbage leaves... Most often, meat filling is prepared. But there is also a vegetarian variety - vegetable cabbage rolls. So let's look at three delicious recipes for cooking culinary dishes.

Vegetable variation

We offer detailed recipe vegetable cabbage rolls with step by step photo... The secret of the dish lies in the vegetables themselves. They should be fresh, not moisture-laden, and roast well.

Optionally, you can use Savoy cabbage instead of cabbage.

For cooking you need: Savoy cabbage forks, two onion heads, two root vegetables of parsnips, carrots, and celery. Additionally, 2-3 ripe tomatoes are required, rice in the amount of 3 tbsp. l., two onion heads, 1-2 garlic cloves, and 1-2 pods bell pepper red varieties. For frying, take vegetable oil. As for spices, you can use whatever you like: nutmeg, coriander, ground pepper, granulated sugar.

Start cooking:

Arrange the vegetable cabbage rolls on plates, garnish with sour cream, herbs and serve.

Korean style pickled cabbage rolls with carrots

Cabbage rolls can be served not only as independent dish but also as a snack. How do you like the Korean carrot filling? With a little pungency, they are so good that they can be eaten in a matter of minutes.

You can prepare the filling yourself from carrots and special spices. But, if you don't have the time or desire to mess around, you can use the ready-made Korean carrot.

To prepare pickled cabbage rolls with, you need one forks white cabbage and 0.4 kg of carrots. Marinade is prepared from a liter of water, vegetable oil, vinegar and granulated sugar (3 tablespoons of each ingredient), 2 tablespoons. l. salt and 2 lavrushki. You can also use spices for making Korean carrots (to taste).

All quantities are approximate, you can safely change them to suit your taste.

Stages of cooking cabbage rolls:

Pour the envelopes with still hot marinade and leave on the table until everything cools down. Then stuffed cabbage rolls with carrots in Korean are put under oppression and sent to the refrigerator for a day.

Everything, you can take a sample.

Vegetarian cabbage rolls with paneer

There is a mass in vegetarian cuisine delicious products... Of particular importance is paneer cheese. We offer to cook vegetarian cabbage rolls stuffed with paneer. Agree, a strange combination, but the taste is incomparable, even true fans of meat will like it.

To prepare this culinary masterpiece required: 0.3 kg "Panira", 0.1 tbsp. rice, one cabbage, two tomatoes, carrots and bell pepper. You will also need vegetable and butter, 4 tbsp. l. sour cream, and 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste... From spices take ground pepper, salt and 0.5 tsp. turmeric.

We create a culinary masterpiece:

Everything, the dish is ready, you can start your meal.

Have we intrigued you? Then cook vegetarian vegetable cabbage rolls, treat guests and family, and share your impressions.

Such spicy Korean cabbage rolls are incredibly tasty! I saw them once on the wound and literally caught fire to try them, they were so appetizing and aromatic. While I was carrying it home, such a scent came from the bag. Although I took several pieces of such tomato snack bars, and when my husband and I started eating at home - well, just awesomely delicious! Then I sat on the Internet, found a recipe, now I am sharing it with you, it coincides with the one I bought on the market. Highly recommend. By the way, in some recipes there are onions in the filling, I have not tried it, I will not say anything, it seems to me that it is better without onions, but this is just my opinion. And here's another awesome green tomato snack recipe - pickled green tomatoes - amazingly surprisingly tasty too. Try it!

Recipe for Spicy pickled cabbage rolls in Korean:

One medium head of cabbage

800 g carrots (4-5 pcs.)

1-3 heads of garlic (depends on your preference)

Ground black pepper

1.5 tsp ground coriander

1/4 cup vegetable oil

How to cook Korean spicy pickled cabbage rolls (snack cabbage rolls):

First, we prepare the cabbage leaves, each cooks them in their own way. But for those who are still experiencing difficulties in this matter, I will tell you how easy it is to do it without suffering. Perhaps this is the most unpleasant moment in the process of pickling cabbage rolls. But try this simple method.

1.Cut the stump in the cabbage. Put the head of cabbage in a saucepan, fill it with water, bring to a boil, simmer over medium heat for 5 seconds, turn off the heat. Very soon, the top leaves will start to separate. This will be seen, you can help with a wooden fork, a slotted spoon. Remove the cabbage, drain the water, remove the top leaves, which are easily separated, send the remaining head of cabbage back to the pan, pour cold water and repeat the procedure.

2. Now is the time to prepare the filling. While the water with cabbage is boiling, we will deal with carrots, they also need to be given some time. You can, in principle, take a ready-made Korean carrot, but it is not at all difficult to cook it at home.

Grate on a coarse grater, or preferably a Korean one. It is very desirable to fry the carrots on vegetable oil... Add salt, coriander, ground pepper and chopped garlic, preferably finely grated. Mix carrots with spices thoroughly and leave for 15-20 minutes.

3. Finally it came to the marinade. Here, too, everything is very simple. Add salt, sugar, vinegar, vegetable oil to boiling water. Boil everything again. But it is worth preparing the marinade for pickled cabbage rolls immediately before pouring.

4. It's time to spin stuffed cabbage rolls. At the market, I bought such little blueberry snack bars, which did not look like ordinary ones, and I liked it. Therefore, I am talking about such stuffed cabbage rolls. The cabbage leaf must be cut in half, after removing the thickening on the veins. And lay the filling in such a way that it is visible from one side of the stuffed cabbage.

The length of such snack cabbage rolls is about 4 cm. It is possible a little more, but they should not be thick. I hope I explained it clearly.

5.Formed cabbage rolls are tightly placed in a saucepan, fill with boiling marinade, put an inverted plate on top and a little oppression, no more than 1 liter of water.

We leave the cabbage rolls to marinate for two days at room temperature.

I hope that the recipe is detailed, and you can easily cope with such a recipe. I highly recommend cooking, at least a little.

Korean spicy pickled cabbage rolls (snack cabbage rolls) ready!

I wish you all Bon appetit!


How to cook Korean cabbage rolls

Cabbage rolls are a traditional Eastern European dish. However, its counterparts are also found in Asian cuisine. What is this dish, how to cook stuffed cabbage rolls in Korean? Read about this in the article.

If you decide to order cabbage rolls at a restaurant, be aware that they are traditionally prepared like this: chopped meat mixed with rice, buckwheat or corn grits and wrapped in fresh or pickled cabbage leaves. Then the semi-finished product is placed on a baking sheet or in a cauldron, onions and carrots fried until golden brown are added, poured creamy tomato sauce“With the head”. The gravy must first be seasoned with salt and pepper to taste, add bay leaf. Then stew until tender, periodically adding water.

Exist various options cooking cabbage rolls: grape, beet or young horseradish leaves can be used, minced meat can be vegetable, mushrooms, cracklings or barley are added to it for a change. But in any case, in the European version, this is the second dish. But in Asia, cabbage rolls are a spicy snack. How to cook Korean cabbage rolls? The recipe is described below.

Spicy Asian appetizer: ingredients

Cooking cabbage rolls in Korean is very simple, and an inexperienced cook will cope with the task. Products for this spicy snacks you need the most common ones, which can be easily and inexpensively bought at the nearest market or in any supermarket.

So, the ingredients for spicy cabbage rolls in Korean:

  • white cabbage - 1 large head;
  • Korean carrots - 0.5 kilograms;
  • vegetable oil (any is suitable, but it is better to take sunflower oil) - 70-100 ml;
  • vinegar 9 percent - 50 ml;
  • ordinary salt (not iodized) - 1 pinch;
  • beet sugar - 2 level tablespoons.

Classic recipe

Boil water in a large saucepan, put the cabbage head without the stalk there for 3 minutes (cut it out beforehand), then remove it and cool. When the cabbage has cooled down, you need to carefully disassemble it into separate leaves.

Put Korean carrots on the leaves and gently wrap in such a way that the filling "looks out" from one side. If the cabbage leaf is pre-cut into two parts, removing the vein in the middle, then you get small Korean cabbage rolls. It's a delicate job!

Now you need to cook delicious marinade... Boil half a liter of water in a large container, add vinegar and vegetable oil, add salt and sugar. Stir everything until the sugar is completely dissolved. Boil again, and then carefully pour the cabbage rolls with hot marinade. Cover them with a plate, and put a load on top (for example, a half-liter jar of water). Leave for 10 hours at room temperature, then put in the refrigerator for a day. After 24 hours, the dish is ready, you can start tasting.

Let's complicate the task

You can not buy ready-made Korean carrots, but cook them at home. It's not difficult at all. The hostess will need 4-5 medium-sized carrots and a pack of special spices (sold at every grocery store).

Peeled carrots need to be grated on a special or regular coarse grater. Add spices, add 1 tablespoon of water, mix thoroughly, leave for one hour.

The filling will turn out even more piquant if you add chopped garlic (4-7 cloves) to it, as well as finely chopped herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro), cumin.

Another option for making the filling

Peeled and coarsely grated carrots (4-5 pieces) must be fried in vegetable oil until golden brown. Then put it in a separate deep bowl. Add salt - one level tablespoon, one and a half teaspoon of ground coriander, a good pinch of ground black pepper, chopped large head of garlic. Mix everything thoroughly and leave to infuse at room temperature. In twenty minutes delicious filling ready. You can wrap cabbage rolls in Korean!

A very quick recipe

The classic recipe for making a spicy Korean snack takes at least a day. And what if guests are to come in the evening, and the hostess wants to serve as savory snacks Korean stuffed cabbage rolls with carrots? There is an exit. You can prepare this dish with an ultra-quick recipe.

First you need to grate on a coarse grater 5 large carrots, disassemble the cabbage head into separate leaves. Next, prepare the marinade as described above. Boil it, put carrots and cabbage leaves here. Mix gently and leave for 20 minutes. Then remove the leaves from the marinade. Strain the carrots, add 1-2 chopped chives to it. Wrap the filling in cabbage leaves in the form of rolls, which are folded into a deep container and again pour hot marinade. Leave to infuse at room temperature. In an hour, Korean cabbage rolls with carrots are ready! In total, their preparation will take 1.5-2 hours.

Now you know how to cook pickled cabbage rolls in Korean. Bon Appetit!


Korean cabbage rolls

Garlic - 3 cloves

Seasoning for carrots in Korean - 2 tsp.

Bay leaf - 2 pcs.

Greens - dill, parsley

Vegetable oil - 0.5 cups

Sugar - 0.5 cups

Vinegar (9%) - 0.2 cups

Cooking process

Ingredients of Korean vegetable cabbage rolls.

Separate the cabbage leaves from the head. To do this, put the whole head of cabbage in boiling water and after a few minutes the leaves will become soft and easily separate. Cut the hard part of the sheet with a knife. I took 6 cabbage leaves, that's enough for my family.

Peel the carrots, wash and grate on a Korean carrot grater, or a regular grater.

Put grated carrots in a bowl, add chopped garlic, chopped greens. Add Korean carrot seasoning and leave for 30 minutes.

Now stuff the cabbage leaves with carrots.

The process is exactly the same as for stuffed cabbage rolls: just wrap the carrots in a leaf.

So wrap all the leaves, do not spare the filling.

Prepare the marinade: mix water with sugar, salt and butter, bring to a boil. When the marinade comes to a boil, gently add the vinegar. Put a bay leaf on the bottom of the dish in which the cabbage rolls will be pickled. Place the cabbage rolls in a bowl and pour over the marinade.

Cover the cabbage rolls with a flat lid and press down on top. Leave for 12 hours at room temperature, after 24 hours in the refrigerator. After 36 hours, the cabbage rolls are ready.


Korean pickled vegetable cabbage rolls

I want to offer you a simple and very delicious recipe savory snacks. These are Korean-style pickled vegetable cabbage rolls.

The appetizer will perfectly decorate both a festive and lenten table. It is done in advance, so it will help you out when there is not enough time before the holidays.

Prepared with available ingredients, so it can be cooked all year round, there would be a desire and applications from home tasters.

Several years ago, in a market where Korean pickles are usually sold, I noticed stuffed cabbage rolls. Having become interested, I found out that the filling is Korean carrot or just a mixture stewed carrots and onions. I bought it for trial. And she was gone. I really liked the sharp and spicy taste of pickled cabbage combined with a sweetish filling.

I learned how to make these delicious vegetable cabbage rolls myself, I do it quite often and never get bored.

To prepare pickled cabbage rolls in Korean, we need:

  • Cabbage - 2kg (we choose it with thin leaves, there are such varieties with a flat head shape)
  • Carrots - 5-6 pcs. (Medium size)
  • Onions - 1-2 pcs. (optional, you can limit yourself to one carrot)
  • Bitter pepper or chili - to taste
  • 1 small head of garlic
Marinade for vegetable cabbage rolls:
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 250 ml of cold boiled water
  • 100 g refined vegetable oil
  • 100 g 9% vinegar

We begin to make vegetable cabbage rolls by preparing minced meat and preparing cabbage leaves.

How to prepare leaves for cabbage rolls? I use two methods.

Boil water in a wide saucepan. At the head of cabbage, cut out a part of the core around the circumference, prick the head of cabbage on a fork and lower it into boiling water. When the outer leaves begin to separate from the head, we keep them in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, so that they become soft, but elastic, i.e. not overcooked. We put them out of the pan on a flat surface to cool and remove the liquid. If you feel that you have slightly overexposed the leaves for cabbage rolls in boiling water, the situation can be corrected by immersing them in cold water.

How to prepare leaves for stuffed cabbage in the second way? It's very simple - in the microwave.

To do this, cut out a part of the core of the head of cabbage, so as to free the bases of the leaves as much as possible and send it to the microwave for 5-8 minutes at maximum power.

We get the same steamed cabbage blanks as in the pan.

Chop the cabbage leaves after steaming. Our Korean style vegetable cabbage rolls are small in size, so a regular sheet needs to be cut into several pieces.

How to wrap stuffed cabbage rolls? I prefer to wrap cabbage rolls by slicing the cabbage into triangles.

Firstly, it is more convenient to cut the leaves this way, avoiding hard veins. From one leaf of cabbage, depending on the size, it turns out from three to five small cabbage rolls.

Secondly, stuffed cabbage rolls wrapped in this way hardly break up during the cooking process.

We put the minced meat on the top of the triangle and wrap it in a tube, hold it in the fist of the left hand, and with the fingers of the right hand, then turn the edges on both sides, forming neat cylinders.

Minced meat for pickled cabbage rolls can be prepared in two ways.

Put the prepared Korean-style vegetable cabbage rolls in a container or an enamel pan,

cover with whole cabbage leaves and celery sprigs,

fill with cold marinade,

we withstand under slight oppression for 1-3 days (the time depends on the temperature of the room, therefore, on the second day, the vegetable cabbage rolls should be tasted).

Then we remove the oppression, and move the finished pickled vegetable cabbage rolls into the refrigerator, where we store them closed.

I hope you enjoy this simple and delicious snack.


Korean vegetable cabbage rolls recipe


  • 1 forks medium white cabbage;
  • 3 small carrots;
  • 3 heads of garlic;
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • 1/4 teaspoon red pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt (for brine and salt for pickling leaves;
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar

How to cook Korean vegetable cabbage rolls with spicy filling

Then disassemble the cabbage into leaves.

Put the leaves in a colander and pour over with boiling water. Leave for a while to completely drain the water.

Transfer the leaves to a large saucepan, lightly adding salt to each.

Put the pot in the refrigerator and forget about it for 2 days.

After this time, remove the cabbage from the pan, and drain the resulting liquid.

Grate washed and peeled carrots with large or medium holes.

Now you can do the garlic. But here you should be patient, since our Korean cabbage will require a lot of this aromatic and spicy vegetable. So, divide the heads into cloves, which are cleaned and rinsed. Then finely chop the cloves.

Wash the dill greens thoroughly, shake off excess water and chop finely.

Put the carrots, garlic and dill in a bowl. Add coriander, red and black pepper. Mix everything thoroughly.

Put a tablespoon of the filling on the edge of a cabbage leaf and wrap it in the form of a cabbage roll. Do the same with the rest of the leaves until all the filling ends. We got pretty big stuffed cabbage Because we wrapped the filling in a whole leaf, you can cut the leaves in half and fill the smaller ones.

Fold the cabbage rolls as tightly as possible to each other in a saucepan.

Now we need to prepare the brine. Boil 1 liter of water in an enamel saucepan, add salt and sugar. Boil for a few minutes, stirring occasionally, until the sugar and salt are completely dissolved. Then add the vinegar and immediately remove the pan from the heat.

Pour the cabbage rolls with hot brine, allow to cool completely and refrigerate again for a day.

Korean marinated crispy vegetable cabbage rolls with spicy filling are ready.

1. Store a pot of ready-to-eat snacks in the refrigerator.

2. Young vegetables are best for preparing this mouth-watering dish, as they are more juicy. But the winter version will be no less tasty: from old vegetables.

3. We have prepared a filling of carrots, herbs and garlic, you can also add finely chopped pickled mushrooms to the filling, you get a vegetable and mushroom filling.

Such spicy Korean cabbage rolls are incredibly tasty!

One medium head of cabbage
800 g carrots (4-5 pcs.)
1-3 heads of garlic (depends on your preference)
Ground black pepper
1.5 tsp ground coriander
80 ml vinegar 9%
1/4 cup vegetable oil
2 tbsp. l. salt
100 g sugar
Half a liter of water
First, prepare the cabbage leaves.
Cut the stump in the cabbage. Put the head of cabbage in a saucepan, fill it with water, bring to a boil, simmer over medium heat for 5 seconds, turn off the heat. Very soon, the top leaves will start to separate. This will be seen, you can help with a wooden fork, a slotted spoon. Take out the cabbage, drain the water, remove the top leaves, which are easily separated, send the remaining head of cabbage back to the pan, pour cold water and repeat the procedure.
Now is the time to prepare the filling. While the water with cabbage is boiling, we will deal with carrots, they also need to be given some time. You can take, in principle, a ready-made Korean carrot, but it is not at all difficult to cook it at home.

Grate on a coarse grater, or preferably a Korean one. It is very desirable to fry the carrots in vegetable oil. Add salt, coriander, ground pepper and chopped garlic, preferably finely grated. Mix carrots with spices thoroughly and leave for 15-20 minutes.
Finally it came to the marinade. Here, too, everything is very simple. Add salt, sugar, vinegar, vegetable oil to boiling water. Boil everything again. But it is worth preparing the marinade for pickled cabbage rolls immediately before pouring.
It's time to spin the cabbage rolls. The cabbage leaf must be cut in half, after removing the thickening on the veins. And lay the filling in such a way that it is visible from one side of the stuffed cabbage.

The length of such snack cabbage rolls is about 4 cm. It is possible a little more, but they should not be thick.

We put the formed cabbage rolls tightly in a saucepan, fill with boiling marinade, put an inverted plate on top and a little oppression, no more than 1 liter of water.

Leave the cabbage rolls to marinate for two days at room temperature.

I hope that the recipe is detailed, and you can easily cope with such a recipe. I highly recommend cooking, at least a little.

Korean spicy pickled cabbage rolls (snack cabbage rolls) are ready!
Bon Appetit!

Korean style pickled vegetable cabbage rolls

An uncomplicated and very tasty recipe for a spicy appetizer. These are Korean-style pickled vegetable cabbage rolls.

The appetizer will perfectly decorate both a festive and lenten table.

Several years ago, in the market, where Korean pickles are usually sold, I noticed stuffed cabbage rolls. Interested, I found out that the filling is Korean carrots or just a mixture of stewed carrots and onions. I bought it for trial. And she was gone. I really liked the sharp and spicy taste of pickled cabbage combined with a sweetish filling.

I learned how to make these delicious vegetable cabbage rolls myself, I do it quite often and never get bored.

For the preparation of pickled cabbage rolls in Korean we

you will need:

  • Cabbage - 2 kg (we choose it with thin leaves, there are such varieties with a flat head shape)
  • Carrots - 5-6 pcs. (Medium size)
  • Onions - 1-2 pcs. (optional, you can limit yourself to one carrot)
  • Bitter pepper or chili - to taste
  • 1 small head of garlic
Marinade for vegetable cabbage rolls:
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 250 ml of cold boiled water
  • 100 g refined vegetable oil
  • 100 g 9% vinegar

We begin to make vegetable cabbage rolls by preparing minced meat and preparing cabbage leaves.

Boil water in a wide saucepan. At the head of cabbage, cut out a part of the core around the circumference, prick the head of cabbage on a fork and lower it into boiling water. When the outer leaves begin to separate from the head of cabbage, we keep them in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, so that they become soft, but elastic, i.e. not overcooked. We put them out of the pan on a flat surface to cool and remove the liquid. If you feel that you have slightly overexposed the leaves for cabbage rolls in boiling water, the situation can be corrected by immersing them in cold water.

Chop the cabbage leaves after steaming. Our Korean style vegetable cabbage rolls are small in size, so a regular sheet needs to be cut into several pieces.

How to wrap stuffed cabbage rolls? I prefer to wrap cabbage rolls by slicing the cabbage into triangles.

Firstly, it is more convenient to cut the leaves this way, avoiding hard veins. From one leaf of cabbage, depending on the size, it turns out from three to five small cabbage rolls.

Secondly, stuffed cabbage rolls wrapped in this way almost do not disintegrate during the cooking process.

We put the minced meat on the top of the triangle and wrap it in a tube, turn the edges on both sides, forming neat cylinders.

Minced meat for pickled cabbage rolls can be prepared in two ways.

Cut the carrots into thin strips, mix with garlic and seasoning and pour 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of hot vegetable oil. Stir and leave for an hour. You can use ready-made Korean carrots if you don't want to mess around with the filling or don't have free time.

Three carrots on a regular coarse grater, cut the onion into small cubes.

We simmer everything in vegetable oil, add garlic, pepper and any other spices to taste.

Stir and cool.

We put the prepared Korean-style vegetable cabbage rolls in a container or an enamel pan,

cover with whole cabbage leaves and celery sprigs,

fill with cold marinade,

we withstand under slight oppression for 1-3 days (the time depends on the temperature of the room, therefore, on the second day, the vegetable cabbage rolls should be tasted).

Then we remove the oppression, and move the finished pickled vegetable cabbage rolls into the refrigerator, where we store them closed.

I hope you enjoy this simple and delicious snack.

Ingredients of Korean vegetable cabbage rolls.

Separate the cabbage leaves from the head. To do this, put the whole head of cabbage in boiling water and after a few minutes the leaves will become soft and easily separate. Cut the hard part of the sheet with a knife. I took 6 cabbage leaves, that's enough for my family.

Peel the carrots, wash and grate on a Korean carrot grater, or a regular grater.

Put grated carrots in a bowl, add chopped garlic, chopped greens. Add Korean carrot seasoning and leave for 30 minutes.

Now stuff the cabbage leaves with carrots.

The process is exactly the same as for stuffed cabbage rolls: just wrap the carrots in a leaf.

So wrap all the leaves, do not spare the filling.

Prepare the marinade: mix water with sugar, salt and butter, bring to a boil. When the marinade comes to a boil, gently add the vinegar. Put a bay leaf on the bottom of the dish in which the cabbage rolls will be pickled. Place the cabbage rolls in a bowl and pour over the marinade.

Cover the cabbage rolls with a flat lid and press down on top. Leave for 12 hours at room temperature, after 24 hours in the refrigerator. After 36 hours, the cabbage rolls are ready.

Bon Appetit!