How to make the most delicious kebab. Marinade for juicy, tasty pork kebab

What could be better than going into nature with friends or family on a fine day? If only the day was good, and the sun was shining. And what, if not kebabs, are our picnics associated with? We go to "barbecues", and the Americans invite friends to "barbecue". This is probably the whole difference.

Shashlik! Delicious, juicy, aromatic ... Who can resist? And ask whose dish it is, and the majority will answer that it is, of course, Georgian. This is partly true, but in Caucasian cuisine this dish is called "Mtsvadi"... But the word "shashlik" was introduced into our dictionary by the Cossacks-Zaporozhians after the Crimean campaigns of Minikh. It comes from the word "Shish", which means "skewer", and "kebab" is what is on the skewer. And you can string anything on a spit: pieces of meat, fish, mushrooms, vegetables and even bread. Often the soldiers used their bayonet as a skewer. Now we call the skewer a skewer. And the kebab is popular dish of all peoples who have developed cattle breeding.

What is it "B-B-Q"? In fact, it is "a piece of meat, whole roasted on a spit." This is how this word is translated. But this is the same with any other products fried over charcoal. Like this! And also a barbecue is a picnic during which these very dishes are prepared and eaten. And for a barbecue, as well as for a shish kebab, everything is suitable.

The most popular and perhaps the most luxurious dish is pork with bone fried on a wire rack. Fresh meat is not marinated, but only slightly beaten off from both sides, sprinkled with salt and spices and fried over a large amount of coals, constantly turning over so that it does not burn. A side dish can be tomatoes, cucumbers, coarsely chopped or whole onions, herbs, bread.

Fish and seafood are quite an exquisite option for barbecue. Fresh fish is also not pickled. It is simply peeled from the scales, the entrails are taken out, washed and fried. A small fish is whole with a head, and a large fish is cut into pieces 2-3 cm thick, pre-sprinkled with lemon juice, salted, sprinkled with spices and greased vegetable oil.

In order for the meat fried on charcoal to be tender, juicy and spicy, it must first be pickle. This is how pork and lamb shashlik is prepared, as well as small chickens and chicken wings... There are a great many options for various marinades.

And the simplest and fastest is kefir... It is kefir, not vinegar. Pieces of meat are poured with kefir, a large amount of onion cut into rings and spices are added. They stand a little and start barbecuing. The marinade is not placed in the refrigerator. It is not salted. Only meat is salted when strung on skewers. The meat matured in such a marinade becomes tender and soft even within 1.5 hours.

Pork neck shashlik

Prepare 2-3 kg of chilled pork neck, 2 lemons, salt and ground black pepper. Put the pieces of lean pork in a bowl, pour the juice of 2 lemons, mix. Put the onion cut into rings on top, close the lid and shake it several times. Leave to marinate for 6-8 hours. Season with salt to taste before cooking. During cooking, especially when a fire appears, the meat should be poured several times with the remaining marinade. When serving, decorate the shish kebab with herbs, tomatoes, olives.

Pork kebab

Take 500 g of boneless pork, cut into cubes, 2 teaspoons of paprika, 1 teaspoon of ground coriander seeds, 1.5 teaspoons of ground cumin, 1 teaspoon of chopped ground basil, 1/4 teaspoon of ground ginger. In addition, you will need a large pinch ground cinnamon, paprika and ground nutmeg, 1 finely chopped bay leaf, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil, salt and freshly ground black pepper, lemon slices and bay leaves for garnish.

In a bowl, combine all ingredients except pork and lemon slices. Add the pork and stir in the marinade. Cover the bowl with a lid and refrigerate for 8-12 hours, turning the meat over from time to time. Preheat your grill. String the meat onto small skewers. Bake on a hot grill for 7 minutes, remembering to turn, until the pork is baked while still juicy, garnish with lemon slices and bay leaves. Serve hot.

Pork shashlik with tomatoes

You will need 500 g of meat, 4 onions, 6 tomatoes, ground black pepper, 2-3 cloves of garlic, herbs. Rinse the lean pork pulp, cut into small pieces, add salt and pepper to taste, onion sliced ​​into rings and fresh tomatoes cut into wedges. Place the meat in an enamel bowl and leave in a cool place for 6-8 hours. Skewer the finished marinated meat, sprinkle with a mixture of vinegar, garlic and pepper. Fry over hot coals until tender, periodically turning the skewer.

Pork and lamb shashlik

Cut the pulp of the kidney or hind leg (young pork or lamb) into equal, not very large pieces, put in an enamel bowl, salt, sprinkle with ground black pepper and mix well. Chop the onions into rings. Add 1 glass of dry white wine to 2 kg of meat. Stir again, crushing the meat with your fingers. Cover the container with a lid and put in a cool place for 3-4 hours. String pieces of meat on skewers and fry over hot coals without flame, turning them all the time. Determine the degree of readiness using a notch. The main thing is not to overdry! Remove the prepared kebab from the skewers, put on a dish, decorate with herbs and onions.

Steppe shashlik

Take 800 g of lamb pulp, 2-3 onions, 0.5 heads of garlic, 100-150 g of spicy herbs, salt, pepper. Finely chop the onion, garlic, parsley, dill, cilantro, season with salt and pepper. Cut the lamb into oblong strips 10-15 cm long, wrap the prepared minced meat in them and string on a skewer. Fry over hot coals without flame.

Baked vegetables do not require any preliminary preparation, but they are tasty and how independent dish, and as a side dish for meat. To prepare them, you just need to string on skewers, alternating, everything that is at hand: tomato slices, onion rings, sliced ​​zucchini, corn and bell peppers.

2nd way. The flesh of the fish without skin and cartilage or without rib bones and skin is cut into two thin elongated pieces per serving, sprinkled with salt, black pepper, strung on a skewer, greased with sour cream and fried over hot coals. The finished fish is removed from the skewer, laid out on a dish, garnished with shredded onion rings, and decorated with parsley. Serve separately tkemali sauce or other spicy sauce... Can also be served on a skewer.

Salmon shashlik

You will need 1.5 kg of salmon, 1 jar of olives, 1 lemon, 3 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce, spices for fish. For marinade: 2-3 tbsp. Soy sauce, 1 glass of white wine, fish spices and lemonade Cut the thawed salmon into pieces, place in a deep skillet with a thick bottom and pour over the marinade. Soak the fish in it. Then string the pieces of salmon on skewers, alternating with olives. Serve hot or cold with olives and lemon.

Hello my dear guests! Finally, we waited for warm days. And the summer is not far at all. It's time for delicious cold on a hot day and juicy kebabs in nature.

I live in a big city, so finding a piece of nature nearby is problematic with us. You have to travel far from the city, but who has ever stopped. The main thing is good company, fresh meat and delicious marinade for him. What else do you need to be happy on a day off?

Most of all I prefer pork kebab and. But today I will tell you about its preparation from pork. I will tell you how to make a marinade so that the meat is soft. The best recipes.

Honestly, I don't know how to cook barbecue. My husband does this. In general, I think that cooking meat in nature is the prerogative of men. Therefore, in order to write everything useful tips and the most delicious recipes marinade, I had to torture my husband to reveal his secrets to me.

The most important advice for a woman is that in order for the kebab to be the most delicious and juicy, it is necessary to have a man at hand who knows how to make it.

Well, now jokes aside and let's learn how to make a cool kebab.

The secret to making a delicious and juicy shish kebab begins with the choice of meat:

The most popular part of pork is the neck. It has fatty layers and the kebab is juicier and softer. If there is too much fat for you, just cut it off with a knife.

The scapula also has enough fatty layers, but itself is a little harder, it will take more time for pickling and cooking.

The ham is often chosen - the most meaty part of the carcass. But in the marinade it must be kept a little longer.

If you don't like fat at all, you can choose the back - loin, carb or tenderloin. She is considered the most gentle and delicious meat pork. When choosing it, be prepared for the fact that the kebab will turn out to be a little more dry than from the neck. This meat is more suitable for barbecue.

When choosing meat, you need to be careful. Feel free to poke it with your finger for verification, even if the seller doesn't like it. Pay attention to the following factors:

  • Freshness - the meat should be steamed, you can take it chilled, but not frozen.
  • Fat content - fat should not be gray-yellow, sticky or matte.
  • Color - uniform light pink, glossy without bruising. The darker the meat, the older it is.
  • Consistency - the meat should be firm, not crumbly. When you press it with your finger, the fossa is quickly restored.
  • Smell - should not be pronounced.
  • Humidity - slightly damp, but not wet and sticky.

How to properly cook pork kebab on the grill?

  • It is better to cut the meat in the marinade into small pieces, so that the finished one can be immediately put in the mouth, it will be more convenient.

  • Choose birch wood coals. Wait until the coal stops burning and turns gray, covered with white-gray ash, then you can put the skewers.

  • The distance from the charcoal to the meat in the grill should be about four fingers.
  • Do not fill the entire capacity of the barbecue with charcoal. Leave one edge free so you can slide almost cooked meat into it. There it will reach at a lower temperature.

  • It is undesirable to stir meat with onion rings on a skewer. Onions are always fried earlier and eventually burns and transfers their burnt flavor to the kebab.

  • To prevent the meat from turning during cooking, you can zigzag it. First push a little to one side, then turn the other way, and a third time to the first side. This will make it sit tightly on the skewer.
  • If the coals start to burn, do not water them with water. Sprinkle with salt. It will not only extinguish the fire, but also prevent the flowing fat from burning out. Burnt fat will give the meat a bitter taste.
  • Put the meat on a skewer tightly, place it evenly, but do not press the pieces together too much.

  • Before putting the meat on the grill, it is not bad to put a few sprigs of sage, rosemary or tarragon on the coals to slightly smoke the meat with aromatic herbs.
  • During the frying process, the meat must be constantly turned over so that the frying is uniform.
  • How long does it take to grill pork kebabs on the grill? The optimal time will be 15-20 minutes. For a deeper roast, it will take a little more time. If you have a thermometer to measure the temperature of meat, then it should show 77 - 82 degrees.

Delicious marinade with mayonnaise, mustard and vinegar

The recipe is for 2.5 kg of meat. Mustard adds extra softness to our meat. It turns out to be very juicy and tender.


  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons
  • Provencal herbs - 2 tablespoons
  • Pepper mixture - 1 tablespoon
  • Red paprika - 1 tablespoon
  • Finely chopped bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.
  • Coriander - 1 tsp
  • Mustard - 1 tsp
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons
  • Vinegar - 2 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil - 150 ml.

1. Cut the onion into half rings and place in a bowl. Pour salt there and remember well and stir with your hands so that it gives juice. And then put the chopped meat there. Mix everything again.

2. Then add mustard and spices there, mix thoroughly. Then add vinegar and mayonnaise, stir. And lastly add the vegetable oil.

3. After three hours it will be completely marinated. And so juicy and ruddy kebabs are obtained.

By the way, while cooking on coals, you can put potatoes wrapped in foil in their uniforms, it will turn out baked and very tasty.

The fastest and juiciest kiwi marinade

How to make a kebab soft in 30 minutes? Use this recipe. Kiwi has a property that causes the meat to tenderize very quickly. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the meat will not be the same.

Ingredients for 1.5 kg of meat:

  • Onions - 2-3 pcs.
  • Kiwi - 5 pcs.
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Spices to taste
  • Dill - to taste

1. Place the meat in a bowl, then add the onion, cut into half rings, there.

2. Peel the kiwi and cut into small pieces. Crush directly over the meat with your hands into porridge to give juice, and leave the pulp in the same place.

3. Add any spices, dill, pepper, salt and mix well. He needs to settle for 30 minutes and can be carried to the barbecue.

It turns out that the taste is not very familiar, sweet and sour, but at the same time incredibly tasty. Be sure to try this recipe.

Cooking delicious and soft meat with mineral water and kefir

Another awesome recipe. The whole secret is that you first need to soak the meat in a jar with a screw cap (!), And then marinate. Recipe for 2 kg of meat.


  • Mineral water "Essentuki" - 1.5 liters
  • Onions - 2 kg.
  • Kefir - 1 liter.
  • Not ground coriander - 1 tablespoon
  • Ground coriander - 1 tablespoon
  • Zira - 1 tablespoon
  • Black pepper - 1 tablespoon
  • Granular mustard - 1 tablespoon
  • Dried parsley -1 tbsp

1. Cut the meat into small pieces, no larger than a matchbox and place in three-liter jar, put three heaped teaspoons of salt there. Fill in everything mineral water"Essentuki" to the brim. To prevent gas escaping, close the jar tightly with a lid. And leave to soak for 1-1.5 hours. After that, the mineral water must be drained.

2. Cut the onion into half rings and place in a bowl of kefir. Add three teaspoons of salt and mash with your hands to soften the onion and juice. Pour in all the seasonings and stir.

3. Add the meat from the jar to the marinade, drain the water. Stir and let sit for six hours at room temperature.

4. After six hours, it can be cooked in nature. It will be rosy and deliciously delicious. The drooling is already flowing. Eh, it's a pity that tomorrow is not a weekend for me, I would have already run into nature to cook it.

Know-how - how to make a kebab soft in a bottle

Friends, this is just a bomb. The marinade with meat is settled in a plastic bottle on a tan. Choose spices to taste: ground coriander, not ground, basil, cumin, ground pepper, marjoram, mustard. All this can be added one spoon at a time, the main thing is not to overdo it, as you can drown out the taste of meat.

Ingredients for 1 kg of meat:

  • Onions - 1 kg
  • Spices to taste
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon per 1 kg of total weight
  • Tan - 1 liter

1. Cut the onion into small half rings. Its ratio to meat is 1: 1, take as much meat as you have. Season with salt, seasoning and crush the onion well with your hands to make juice.

2. Take a 5 liter plastic bottle with a lid and put 1/3 of the meat into it.

3. Season the second part with onions. For convenience, you can make a crow from a plastic bottle and use it to push the onion to the meat.

4. And lastly pour in the tan, shake it before doing it. Close the lid tightly and shake until homogeneous mass... In a closed bottle, high pressure arises and the tan easily penetrates the pieces of meat, thereby softening it.

5. He can insist up to six hours. During this time, mix it a few more times by shaking. After a while, open the bottle simply by cutting off the top with a knife and remove the meat separately from the marinade.

6. Pour it abundantly with vegetable oil to grease each piece, let it brew for another half hour and you can string it on a skewer.

My husband made this recipe last year. I just fell in love with him again. The meat melts in your mouth, it is so tender and juicy. Highly recommend.

An easy way to marinate with onions in your own juice

One of the simplest recipes. Literally on hastily... But even under such a marinade, the meat turns out to be tender and juicy.

Ingredients for 1 kg of meat:

  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Pepper
  • Vegetable oil - 1/3 cup

1. Salt and pepper the sliced ​​meat. Chop 1 onion very finely or even grate it on a fine grater and add to the meat. Pour in vegetable oil and mix well.

2. Cut the second onion into rings and mix with the marinade and meat. That's it, nothing else needs to be added. Cover with plastic wrap and leave for at least 4 hours, or even better overnight.

Original recipe with milk

A very interesting recipe. Try it too. This marinade with meat can be stored for a week.

Ingredients for 2 kg of meat:

  • Milk (any fat content) - 1 liter.
  • Sunflower oil - 5 tablespoons
  • Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons
  • Onions - 1 kg.
  • Peppercorns - 10 pcs.
  • Ground pepper - 1 tsp
  • Any mixture of spices for kebabs - 1 pack.
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon

Cooking method:

1. Pour the soy sauce and butter over the meat. Then add seasoning one by one.

2. Cut the onion in two ways. Chop one part finely and finely. The second part is in half rings or rings. Add to meat. Mix everything well.

3. Pour in milk so that it completely covers the meat and leave to marinate for 1-2 hours. Then refrigerate, preferably overnight.

During this time, the meat will be properly marinated and you can go to nature to cook delicious barbecue.

Video on how to cook barbecue with wine

Watch this video recipe for cooking with dry white wine. This method gives the meat a special aroma and taste. It is very delicate. The longer it is marinated, the more aromatic and tasty the kebab will be.

There are incredibly many ways to marinate a kebab so that it is tasty, the meat is soft and aromatic. Choose any for yourself. Better yet, try everything. After all, the warm season is just beginning and there is still a whole summer ahead.

That's all for today. But this is not the end. I will tell you a lot more interesting recipes marinating kebabs from different meats. For example, here are a few more delicious ways you can see.

The history of barbecue originates from the distant past. According to legend, the dish was invented by Turkic warriors.

They took meat on hikes, and in order to avoid spoilage of the product, they stored it in leather sacks with wine. During the halt, the pieces were strung on spears and fried over an open fire.

Some people are convinced that real shish kebab does not need to be pickled, it is enough to sprinkle it with plenty of spices after frying. But such a recommendation is only suitable for a proven homemade meat, in other cases, the taste may not live up to expectations.

Therefore, it is worth using a mixture of acid, oil, seasonings and salt to give the meat an amazing aroma and tender consistency.

It is not difficult to explain why people often choose pork for barbecue. It has the perfect balance of tenderness and fatness.

Such a dish will be extremely satisfying, while it will not cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach if consumed in moderation. Pig meat absorbs the marinade quickly enough, and does not dry out during cooking.

How to choose the most suitable meat for barbecue: what you need to know?

The first step towards a delicious barbecue is the selection of meat. It is important to pay enough attention to this so that there are no difficulties in the future.

The piece, which will later be marinated and fried over the fire, should not be too lean at the same time, but not too fatty. Culinary experts argue about which part of the animal's body is best used for barbecue.

Pork neck seems a bit too oily for some, so they use a ham and neck meat mixture. Shish kebab has an interesting taste.

Of course, the quality of the cut must also be monitored. The main selection criterion is the freshness of the meat.

Pay attention to the color: it should not be matte or uneven. Good pork has a rich, glossy pink hue.

Also, look at the internal fat: yellow indicates an advanced age of the pig. Too dark meat is also a sign of old age, such a kebab can be tough and tasteless.

You can also check the freshness by applying pressure to the piece with your finger. Recovery should occur quickly; if the tenderloin has lost its elasticity, this may indicate the beginning of decomposition processes.

Remember, chilled young pork is the best choice. Frozen or steamed meat does not taste as strong, and the consistency may also suffer.

Best pork kebab recipe

The most delicious classic recipe pork kebab is striking in its simplicity.

First, you need to cut the meat into not too large pieces. Chop half of the prepared onion to get rings within a centimeter thick as a result.

Prepare the marinade separately: grate the remaining onion, add finely chopped chili, squeeze out the lemon juice. Add to the resulting mixture mineral water, oil, salt and spices. The standard set includes a mixture of ground peppers and oregano.

String the kebab onto the skewer along with the onion.

What types of marinades can I use?

The most delicious is the classic recipe, in which there are no unnecessary ingredients. But this does not mean at all that you have to listen and constantly cook it just like that.

Many people like to experiment, so you can cook pork skewers differently each time, choosing the best taste for yourself.

There are many marinade recipes where everyone can find something interesting for themselves. Fans of Asian cuisine will love the mixture with ginger and soy sauce.


You have previously read traditional recipe kebab, which is considered the most delicious. In one of the variations for butter, spices and lemon juice vinegar and a few tablespoons of Dijon mustard are also added.


An amazingly delicious marinade is made from a mixture of yogurt, cayenne pepper and lime juice. It is suitable for both meat and fish kebabs.


Lemon juice is an excellent substitute for vinegar; even tough meat is pickled in it. In addition to the juice itself, you need to take lemon zest, mint, olive oil and oregano.


This marinade will definitely appeal to lovers of Chinese or Japanese food: take a few cloves of garlic, soy sauce and a special mixture of five spices. You can get creative and add other ingredients to soy sauce and garlic.

Fermented milk

This kebab is especially tender thanks to the yoghurt in the marinade. In addition to it, take some garlic. Spices include cloves, cinnamon, turmeric and cardamom.

Fans of meat fried over a fire advise to cut pork more than in large pieces to keep it juicy. In winter, it is better to grind it into small cubes, then the frying will take place faster, and the tenderloin will not lose its taste.

To prevent pork from being tough, control the combination of acids and oils in the marinade: they should be contained in equal proportions... You can also add pineapple, kiwi or papaya to the mixture to soften, but in this case, you should not keep the pork in the marinade for more than two hours.

Campers sometimes mix all the ingredients and marinate pork kebabs in a plastic bag, preliminarily releasing air from it.

The recipe for the dish with a photo, see below.

At the word barbecue, many people recall the following picture in their memory: the snow has just melted, it has become noticeably warmer on the street, but frost still happens, there are long weekends ahead (May holidays are on the nose), and meat is marinated in the refrigerator for barbecue... And tomorrow ... Together with a cheerful company of family and friends to the nature, for a picnic - make tea over a fire, bake vegetables and fish in foil in coals, enjoy the clean spring air and the first warm sun with full breast! Here it is, the beauty of spring - the beginning of the barbecue season !

What is this article about?

In our family, the husband prepares barbecue. I do not interfere in this matter and I will not tell you the nuances of directly frying meat. But I know how tasty and original can you marinate meat, so that in the end you get a shish kebab for glory! My husband and I work as a team. He personally chooses and buys meat in the market from a familiar butcher, I marinate the meat, and then his spouse fries him on skewers

The success of a kebab is determined primarily by the marinade. If the meat has lain for several hours in the "correct" marinade, it becomes tender and soft, retains the tenderness of the fibers during heat treatment.

I propose to properly prepare for the joyful event - the opening new season of kebabs and picnics 2015 ... Namely, read my article about marinade options for kebabs . What is the best way to marinate meat? How to make everyone delighted with the taste of the finished barbecue? So, I am sharing my knowledge regarding marinating meat for kebabs.

How NOT to marinate meat for barbecue

Many marinate fresh tender meat for barbecue in vinegar in the old-fashioned way. This is a gross mistake! Forget the vinegar marinade forever! Shish kebab from fresh meat and vinegar are incompatible things. Of course, vinegar can "save" not quite fresh meat, but you and I are not going to string rotten stuff on skewers. Vinegar completely kills the taste in meat and makes it tough. But the marinade has a completely different task - to make the meat for the kebab tender, soft and tasty!

Therefore, I do not recommend using ordinary vinegar (essence) for marinating kebabs. Although some marinade recipes contain fruit vinegar of natural fermentation - apple cider, wine, balsamic. This can be used as part of other ingredients (details below).

NOT I also advise you to use the popular explosive mixture for marinating kebabs ketchup + mayonnaise ... These products are mass industrial production do not marinate the meat on the kebab properly. If you use a ketchup marinade with mayonnaise, then the end result is not a kebab, but a pitiful likeness of it.

How, then, to marinate meat, if not in vinegar and not in a ketchup-mayonnaise mixture, some readers will ask. And I'll tell you everything now with all the details!

5 best barbecue marinades

So, first I will list the five most delicious kebab marinades that have taken root in the traditions of our family. Then I'll tell you about each in more detail. So, I present the 5 best marinades for preparing meat for a wonderful fragrant barbecue:

  1. kefir- onion marinade;
  2. dry wine marinade;
  3. kiwi + pineapple;
  4. coffee and onion marinade;
  5. Thai sweet and sour sauce.

How to make kefir marinade for kefir with onions

This marinade is perfect for pork kebabs. To prepare the kefir-onion marinade, we need to take (assuming that there is 2 kg of meat):

  • 5-6 onions;
  • 1 liter of not the fattest kefir (fat< 2,5 %);
  • pieces of 5-8 peas of black pepper;
  • some spices such as hops-suneli (1 tsp is enough).

Crush black pepper in a mortar. In a deep saucepan, combine onion sliced ​​into rings with a mixture of hop-suneli and pepper. Stir the chopped pieces of meat by hand with the mixture of onions and spices. Salt to taste (0.5-1 tsp) Pour over and stir again with your hands. The meat should be completely covered with kefir. We close the pan with a lid and put it in a cool place (refrigerator, cellar, closet). The preparation time for meat in this sauce is at least 3 hours. It is better to let it brew in the cold for 5-6 hours.

How to make dry wine marinade

Natural grape wines also do a good job of marinating meat for barbecue. To prepare a wine marinade, take (proportion to 2 kg of meat):

  • 750 ml dry red wine;
  • ground black pepper 1 tbsp. l. without a slide;
  • 2 large onions;
  • salt if desired.

This wine marinade will perfectly marinate beef and veal, as well as pork loin... If you cook beef kebab, cut off all indigestible parts - veins, films, etc. when cutting meat. Put the pieces of meat in a saucepan, on top - ground pepper, a bit of salt and diced onions. We mix everything again with handles and fill it with a bottle of fine dry wine. Put the marinated meat in the cold for at least 6 hours, preferably overnight.

How to marinate meat with kiwi and pineapple

We fully appreciated this version of the marinade during our wintering in Southeast Asia. Fresh and juicy fruits are here in bulk, but with good wine and kefir it is stressful. Therefore, this delicious marinade for kebabs was invented from fresh fruits - kiwi and pineapple.

Both, and kiwi have the necessary acidity, which helps to soften the meat pieces. Cooked kebab literally melts in your mouth! Pineapple and kiwi marinade is a real find for us!

This marinade is ideal for quick pickling how for chicken, So and for pork... Kiwis should be chosen ripe, soft, not "stone" to the touch. The pineapple should be completely yellow, without green areas - this is a guarantee of ripeness and juiciness of the fruit. To prepare a marinade for 1.5 - 2 kg of meat, you need to take:

  • 1 kiwi;
  • 1 medium pineapple;
  • 1 bunch of cilantro;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ground black pepper;
  • soy sauce 3 tbsp

Chop the meat, grate with pepper, mix with chopped cilantro and soy sauce. Wash pineapple and kiwi, peel. Use a blender to puree the fruit. If there is no blender, try mashing the kiwi with a fork in mashed potatoes, and finely chop the pineapple until a large amount of juice appears ...

The meat is mixed with chopped kiwi and pineapple. It is also marinated in the refrigerator under a closed lid for about 2 hours.

Coffee (hot) marinade for barbecue meat

I read this recipe on the Internet about a year ago. Took note, and last summer we tested it in practice. It turns out really tasty and tender meat fried on coals. The author did not deceive So, we are preparing a coffee marinade, which is good for pork and beef. To prepare it, you need natural ground (forget about instant!). The proportion of products for 2 kg of meat pulp:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of ground coffee;
  • olive oil 3 tbsp spoons;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt (no slide);
  • 3-4 onions;
  • ground red and black pepper (½ tsp each);
  • you can add fresh or dried basil for aroma (2-3 stems or 1 tsp with a slide, if dry).

The onion is cut into thin half rings, mixed with meat, oil, a mixture of peppers and basil. Pour coffee with hot water (about a liter of water will be needed), put it on the stove and as soon as the coffee starts to boil, immediately remove it from the heat. Filter hot coffee from the grounds, add salt to it and stir. Pour our meat with hot coffee brine, close the lid and leave to marinate overnight. The next day we cook a delicious soft barbecue!

Sweet and sour Thai meat sauce

While in Thailand, we tried an interesting local dish. On the menu in English it was called Sweet & Sour Prawns. Literally translated, this dish sounds like Shrimps in Russian. in sweet and sour sauce ... Chicken and pork are cooked in the same way in Tai.

Similar meat recipes in sweet and sour sauces found in many Asian cuisines - Chinese, Filipino, etc.) This sweet and sour tomato sauce with slices of sweet pepper, fresh pineapple and cherry tomatoes awakened the most tender feelings in our stomachs with my husband. It was decided to try using this sauce like a barbecue marinade... It turned out to be an excellent yummy! I'm telling you.

For 1.5 kg of meat (both chicken and pork are suitable), take:

  • 150 ml soy sauce;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil;
  • 2-3 tomatoes;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of rice or pineapple vinegar;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of honey or fruit jam;
  • a piece of ginger or galangal 2 cm long;
  • 1 small chili pepper;
  • ground black pepper ½ tsp;
  • ½ tsp salt.

Peel and chop the ginger (galangal). Combine soy sauce with chopped ginger, sliced ​​chili and honey (jam). Stir the mixture. Pour in natural vinegar (you can take apple or wine). Puree fresh tomatoes with a blender, combine with marinade (you can take a couple of tablespoons tomato paste but with fresh tomatoes preferred).

Dry the pieces of washed chopped meat with a paper towel, rub with salt and black pepper, pour over the resulting marinade. In this sauce, the meat is marinated for 12-15 hours, you can leave it for a day. Pieces of shish kebab in a delicate sweet and sour glaze are simply delicious!

In order for the finished meat to acquire a truly Thai flavor, I recommend alternating pieces of meat with cherry tomatoes, small pieces of fresh pineapple and slices of sweet pepper on a skewer. String more tightly so that there are no voids between the pieces! Fry on hot coals until the meat is golden brown. It will turn out appetizing and juicy kebab tie-style is very tasty!

How to quickly marinate meat for barbecue

I tell my life hack for emergency life situations. It so happens that the desire to go to barbecue arises spontaneously and there is absolutely no time to wait for several hours when the meat is marinated. Use my advice quick kebab marinade... It is prepared from grated onions.

If time is running out and there are literally a couple of hours for marinating meat - use onion marinade... To marinate the meat quickly, onions are grated or chopped into porridge with a blender. For 1 kg of pork, 3 large onions and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of ground black pepper. Pieces of meat are rubbed with pepper and poured with a liquid onion mixture. After 1.5 - 2 hours, you can fry the shish kebab (remove the leftover onion from the meat before putting it on the skewers).

What other options are there for kebab marinades

There are many different recipes making a marinade for delicious kebabs. Below I will list interesting options marinades, but I myself have not tried them yet. If you have experience in marinating meat in any of the proposed ways - share in the comments if it is delicious

Interesting options for barbecue marinades

  1. Yogurt + garlic + spices
  2. Pomegranate Juice + ground coriander+ bow
  3. Mustard and honey (1 tablespoon each) + ground cumin and black pepper (1 tsp each) + 1 orange zest
  4. Carbonated mineral water + onion + salt + greens
  5. Adjika + Apple vinegar+ peppercorns
  6. Tomato juice (no chemicals) + onion + red and black ground pepper + garlic + horseradish + rast. oil
  7. Lemon juice (freshly squeezed) + olive oil + garlic + dried rosemary
  8. Light beer + onion + lemon + plant butter + ground pepper + mustard
  9. Tkemali sauce + rast. butter + honey + ground pepper
  10. Cream + dried basil + garlic + ground pepper

The meat is marinated, the pieces are skewered, the kebab is ready for frying!

In favor of the Asian origin of this dish, not only its name speaks, but also the preparation of the barbecue itself - in the desert and steppe regions of Eurasia, due to the shortage of wood, it was faster and more convenient to cook finely chopped meat. Therefore, even today everyone is well aware that a delicious shish kebab will be prepared for you just somewhere in Central Asia or in the Caucasus. Recipe delicious kebabbusiness card Asian chef. Moreover, kebab recipes different peoples have their own. The marinating of the kebab (soaking the kebab), the methods of cooking the kebab may differ. The hereditary Caucasian chefs from generation to generation pass on the secrets of how to marinate a kebab, how to properly fry a kebab. But the Russian people first learned how to make shish kebab in the middle of the 18th century thanks to the Russian-Turkish war. I must say that kebabs quickly took root all over Russia.

Three hundred years later, in theory, everyone knows how to fry a kebab, how to marinate a kebab or how to soak a kebab, but in practice, not everyone can cook a real fragrant, soft, juicy kebab. To know how to cook the right shish kebab, it would be nice to watch the work of the master or watch a video: you need to know the shish kebab when to turn it over, when to turn down / add fire, when to shoot. In this sense, video kebab recipes really help.

So, if you decide to cook a barbecue, the cooking recipes differ from each other in the type of meat and ingredients for the marinade. Basically, any meat can be used for shish kebab, but classic shish kebab or real shish kebab is traditionally made from mutton. If you still love pork, best kebab is obtained from the neck.

The recipe for marinating barbecue is perhaps the most important point. There are many answers to the question "how to marinate meat for barbecue?" Usually they use salt, black pepper, onions, herbs, lemon, and other spices. A few words about how to properly marinate a kebab. The main serving of salt in shashlik it is better to add 15-30 minutes before frying, otherwise it can release all the juice from the meat. One of the main ingredients is onion, so there is never too much onion for barbecue. They soften meat well and give it a pleasant taste vegetable juices, for example, tomato. If you are an exotic lover, add pomegranates, oranges or even kiwi to the meat. Place the saucepan in a cool place and wait 3-4 hours. Super mega kebabs are guaranteed to you!

In our age of chronic haste and lack of time, many are interested in how to cook barbecue quickly. Therefore, we will show you how to quickly marinate the kebab: we recommend adding white wine (but not vinegar!), Beer or kefir to the standard set for the marinade: after 2-3 hours, the marinating of the kebab will be completed. Quick kebab provided for you!

Barbecue at home - too shashlik, but it cannot be compared with a kebab prepared in nature. Homemade kebabs do not smell like smoke, river, fresh May greens. And of course, even the most delicious kebab loses all meaning if you eat it without wine, fresh vegetables and, moreover, alone. Gather your friends, go to nature, cook a barbecue, take a photo, post them with us as barbecue recipes with a photo. And thousands of people who every year on the eve of the May holidays are looking for how to cook a barbecue, how to cook a barbecue, how to cook a barbecue properly, how to marinate meat for barbecue, how to cook a delicious barbecue, how to cook delicious barbecue, how to soak a barbecue, how to marinate a delicious barbecue, how to marinate a kebab deliciously, how to properly marinate a kebab, they will thank you.