Dried basil culinary use. How to dry basil at home, uses, benefits and when to harvest

Both in expensive restaurants and in home kitchen Basil is used along with other refined spices and herbs. And if in the summer we use it fresh, then in the winter it is difficult to afford such a luxury. Therefore, we will dry the grass for future use.
Recipe content:

Basil is a truly wonderful aromatic herb that is used both fresh and dried. Dried greens are available all year round, which makes it much easier to use for cooking. Green and purple leaves are used as a spice, as well as the flowers themselves, collected at the beginning of flowering.

The dried plant is quite useful. Its beneficial properties are due to the high content of essential oil, thanks to which the seasoning is in demand not only in cooking, but also in medicine. Another indisputable benefit of basil lies in the similar actions of antibiotics. The herb helps to relieve inflammation of the skin, eyes and internal organs. In general, as you can see, the grass is actually universal, so be sure to harvest it for the winter.

Dried basil, like fresh basil, makes a significant tastier than sausages and homemade pates. It is used in almost all dishes of the Mediterranean cuisine. It is perfect for pickling cucumbers and zucchini, creating real culinary masterpieces. Fans of wholesome and tasty food appreciate it for its uniquely rich taste, and it has a wide variety of shades: spicy, pungent, with a taste of black pepper and camphor aroma.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 230 kcal.
  • Servings - optional
  • Cooking time - 10 minutes preparatory work, pus time for drying


  • Fresh basil leaves - any amount

How to make dried basil

1. Disassemble a bunch of plants that you bought in a store or at a bazaar into twigs, from which remove the leaves and put them in a sieve. Bring them to the jet cold water and rinse the greens. If you want, you can dry the twigs, but harvest them separately.

2. Transfer the leaves to a dry towel, cover the top with a second towel and blot the basil so that it absorbs all the liquid.

3. Transfer the plant to a plank and chop. You can not crush very finely, since after drying, the leaves will decrease in size. But if you ate you harvest the branches of the plant, then cut them as small as possible so that they do not dry out with sticks.

4. Transfer the chopped basil to a convenient surface, such as a baking sheet, and place in a ventilated dry area. The sun's rays should not fall on the basil, otherwise the grass will burn out. If there is a special drying, then use it.

Stir the herb while drying so that it dries evenly and the bottom leaves do not rot, especially if the basil was not completely dried after rinsing. Usually land takes place in the hot summer time when room temperature no more than 3 days.

Dried basil- amazing in all respects and very fragrant spice, which is obtained by drying the leaves and inflorescences of a plant, all parts of which have an extraordinary, incomparable smell.

Basil means "king" in Greek. Indeed, this spice can be endowed with a royal title in the realm of spices.

In total, there are about a hundred varieties of this plant in nature, but not all of them have found use in cooking.

This spice has recently become popular with us. Initially, they began to use it in the homeland of its growth - in Africa, and only then the inhabitants of Asian countries fell in love with it. Today, basil is widely used in cooking, although only two types of this spicy plant are in special demand in our country.

Dried basil - whether purple or green - has found its place in Italian and Greek, as well as in French and Western European cuisines. In the countries of the post-Soviet space, basilic first became firmly entrenched on the tables of the inhabitants of Georgia and Azerbaijan, and then it “filled” all the remaining territories.

The short shelf life of fresh spice made culinary experts think about preparing this fragrant seasoning for future use. Now it will not be difficult to acquire it anywhere in the world.

The cost of basil is low and directly depends on the manufacturer and the purity of the finished product in accordance with GOST. The spice is sold both by weight and packaged in packs (see photo) weighing from 10 grams. High-quality dried basil looks like a homogeneous, finely ground mass and smells like licorice.

Cooking applications

The use of dried basil allows you to add an amazing aroma to dishes. In addition, the use of this spice helps prevent digestive problems. A quarter teaspoon per three kilograms of the finished product will allow chefs to completely transform the taste of the dish.

In cooking, the use of dried basil greens is as widespread as the use of a fresh plant. And all this is because during the drying process, this spice does not lose its original qualities, unlike other spices, which become less aromatic and often have a pronounced dry herb smell.

Most often, dried spice is used as a mono-component seasoning, but in some cases it is also used as a component of spice mixtures.

Use basil for cooking:

  • soups;
  • meat;
  • pizza;
  • cottage cheese casserole;
  • omelets;
  • stewed vegetables;
  • lasagne;
  • risotto.

One of the most famous uses of basil is in the classic pesto sauce. Italian cuisine... The basic recipe for this amazing in every way dressing consists of basil, grated parmesan, a handful of peeled pine nuts, young garlic and a small amount of natural olive oil.

The best combination is considered to be the use of spice with fresh or dried tomatoes and sweet paprika. Tomato sauces in the form of gravy for meat are no exception.

Just one pinch of basil will add a new flavor to beans and dishes.

It is impossible to imagine cooking without this seasoning. meat dishes, and basil goes especially well with beef and lamb. Lying in the marinade with this spicy herb, the meat becomes tender and retains its natural aroma during subsequent heat treatment.

This fragrant herb is infused with ordinary vinegar. After a month, it acquires a pronounced basil aroma and can be used by housewives in the preparation of light salads. It is best if you opt for a purple plant for making such vinegar.

Dried basil is also added in the preparation of ketchups, which turn the familiar and, in fact, tasteless pasta into a culinary masterpiece.

Dried basil has also found its application in preserving preparations for the winter. Most often used for cooking aromatic marinades for tomatoes. Squash, mushrooms, bell pepper and eggplant. It happens that dried basil is combined with cloves. Both spices perfectly complement each other's aroma.

If you mix basil with rosemary, you can get a surprisingly aromatic mixture that can be substituted for a mixture of peppers.

It should be noted that when preparing dishes, in addition to marinades, in which the spice is placed in large quantities, the seasoning must be added, like the bay leaf, a couple of minutes before the end of cooking. This will help retain more essential oils.

The use of spices in medicine and in everyday life

In medicine, there is also a place for the use of this aromatic spice. Folk healers have noticed that an infusion of dried basil helps to improve digestion and awaken appetite.

Basil is also considered useful for the work of the heart muscle, and it also helps to saturate cells with oxygen. The use of dried spices has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, which is especially important in the fight against tonsillitis and stomatitis, as well as other inflammations of the oral cavity.

Possesses spice and the property of regenerating epidermal cells, and also prevents skin aging.

Dried basil is also used for:

  • neuroses;
  • neuralgia;
  • migraines;
  • inflammation of the kidneys and bladder;
  • whooping cough and lingering bronchitis.

The spice has a beneficial effect on the production of breast milk, therefore it is often added to fees to enhance lactation. Milk becomes fatter, plus its natural protective functions increase.

The use of the product has a beneficial effect on the condition of the bone tissue. Dried basil is useful for people with visual impairments.

An excellent result and relief of the condition were noted in patients with bronchial asthma. Positive feedback on the spice and in the treatment of cancer. Of course, this is not a panacea, but the use of basil can reduce the amount of carcinogens formed in cells during the development of this formidable disease in the human body.

And also this spice can be used in everyday life to repel insects.

How to dry at home?

How to dry seasoning at home, we will tell you in a nutshell.

Like any other spice consisting of the greens of a herbaceous plant, the product can be prepared in three ways: in the air, in the oven and in an electric dryer. In the last two cases, the finished product can be obtained within five hours from the start of cooking, but when air-drying you will need to wait for several days.

Suitable for drying are plant parts harvested at the beginning of flowering. You can use both leaves with or without stems, and basil flowers. The latter are even more fragrant than the shoots themselves.

Basil of any color and subspecies can be dried, but it should be borne in mind that their taste and aroma may differ slightly from the usual aroma of the most common in our country. Wonderful taste the following types of plants differ:

Basil subspecies



plant-like green

intensely spicy


resembles citrus


carnation buds

similar to the scent of purple

The recipe for making dried basil is simple. Like all spices, the plant is washed before drying, and then laid out on paper napkins on the table.

If you decide to dry the spice in an electric dryer or in an oven, then do it at a temperature of 35 degrees Celsius. You can lay the basil greens either together with the stalks or separately.

If you plan to do without mechanization of labor, then it is best to hang small bunches of the plant down with leaves in a shaded room with high air temperatures and good ventilation. From time to time, "bouquets" need to be shaken to ensure that they dry evenly.

By drying using any of the specified methods, you will receive dried basil stalks. You will have to carefully pick off completely dried leaves from the branches, and then grind into powder.

Basil storage won't be a hassle for you. It will be enough to put the dried product in a dry jar with a well-fitting lid or in a paper bag, and then place the spice in a dry, protected from bright light and well-ventilated area. Under favorable conditions, basil will not lose its qualities and aroma for a year and a half.

Composition and useful properties

Basil composition is rich in trace elements and a whole complex of vitamins. Dried food, like herbs, contains a lot of fiber and about one percent of the total weight of essential oils, so even dry seasoning smells very good.

The saturation of the product with folic acid makes this spice useful for women, because it allows you to optimize the production of female homones and keep them normal.

Dried basil tea helps cleanse the kidneys of salt deposits and fine sand.

Basil is also a source of iron and zinc. It also contains trace elements such as:

  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • selenium;
  • calcium;
  • potassium.

The presence of these minerals is due to beneficial features product.

The use of basil in food allows you to reduce the nervous load, reduce pressure on the brain and restore its nutrition, increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood and protect blood vessels from the formation of blood clots.

The phytoncides and vegetable fats included in the product help the body to maintain immunity, so the use of basil in the diet in winter will bring invaluable benefits to your body. It should be noted that the dried product contains all the same components as freshly harvested basil, only it is a more concentrated product, calorie content and the nutritional value which almost doubles.

Dried basil contraindications

Contraindications to the use of fresh and dried basil are listed below.

You should not use the product for people suffering from:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hemophilia;
  • thrombosis and other blood vessel diseases.

Caution should be exercised when using this spicy seasoning for people with heart attacks and other severe heart diseases. Do not use this spice for children of early and preschool age and pregnant women, as well as for allergy sufferers, due to the possible exacerbation of the condition.

The appearance of dried basil in your kitchen will not go unnoticed by your household. The taste and aroma of spicy grass will definitely be appreciated by them, as well as your culinary skills.

Dried basil: what are the beneficial properties of this seasoning and why it may be contraindicated for use. The best recipes dishes with refined spices.

The content of the article:

Dried basil is a condiment made from fresh basil, which is an annual herb native to Africa. However, it came to Europe from Asia, thanks to the campaigns of Alexander the Great. In Russia, the spice appeared rather late: for the first time the plant began to be used here in the 18th century, and at first as a medicinal component. Today the plant is grown all over the world as a condiment. In Russian stores in fresh it is rare, but you can almost always find it in dried form. Dried spices are more affordable than fresh ones, and nutrients there is nothing less in it.

Calorie content and composition of dried basil

Dried basil is rich in dietary fiber, macro- and microelements, vitamins and acids.

The calorie content of dried basil is 232 kcal per 100 g of product, of which:

  • Proteins - 22.98 g;
  • Fat - 4.07 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 47.75 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 37.7 g;
  • Water - 10.35 g;
  • Ash - 14.85 g.
Macronutrients per 100 g:
  • Potassium - 2630 mg;
  • Calcium - 2240 mg;
  • Magnesium - 711 mg;
  • Sodium - 76 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 274 mg
Microelements per 100 g:
  • Iron - 89.8 mg;
  • Manganese - 9.8 mg;
  • Copper - 2100 mcg;
  • Selenium - 3 mcg;
  • Zinc - 7.1 mg
Vitamins per 100 g:
  • Vitamin A, RE - 37 mcg;
  • Alpha carotene - 113 mcg;
  • Beta carotene - 0.378 mg;
  • Beta cryptoxanthin - 24 mcg;
  • Lycopene - 393 mcg;
  • Lutein + Zeaxanthin - 1150 mcg;
  • Vitamin B1 - 0.08 mg;
  • Vitamin B2 - 1.2 mg;
  • Vitamin B4 - 54.9 mg;
  • Vitamin B5 - 0.838 mg;
  • Vitamin B6 - 1.34 mg;
  • Vitamin B9 - 310 mcg;
  • Vitamin C - 0.8 mg;
  • Vitamin E - 10.7 mg;
  • Vitamin K - 1714.5 mcg;
  • Vitamin PP, NE - 4.9 mg;
  • Betaine 16.1 mg
Essential amino acids per 100 g:
  • Arginine - 1.23 g;
  • Valine - 1.45 g;
  • Histidine - 0.45 g;
  • Isoleucine - 1.06 g;
  • Leucine - 1.85 g;
  • Lysine - 1.15 g;
  • Methionine - 0.32 g;
  • Threonine - 0.76 g;
  • Tryptophan - 0.26 g;
  • Phenylalanine - 1.25 g
Digestible carbohydrates are present in dried basil in the form of mono- and disaccharides (sugars), the content per 100 grams is 1.71 g.

The spice is rich in such fatty acids:

  • Omega-3 - 0.296 g;
  • Omega-6 - 0.203 g;
  • Saturated - 2.157 g;
  • Monounsaturated - 1.238 g;
  • Polyunsaturated - 0.199 g.
As you can see, dried basil is not only a seasoning that gives dishes a unique taste and exquisite aroma, but also a real storehouse of healthy components.

The benefits of dried basil

In Russia, the spice was originally used as a medicinal substance. The plant has a bactericidal effect and works as a natural antibiotic, and therefore its regular use prevents the development of inflammatory processes of one nature or another. The use of dried basil is exclusive for the normalization of the digestive system.

And recently, scientists have discovered another unique effect of this interesting herb: it protects the body from increased background radiation and its consequences. The anticarcinogenic properties of the plant prevent the development of tumor processes. Thus, the spice originally from Africa is very useful in general due to the unique combination of healing substances. But they work not only in combination, but also separately.

Of particular note are the following positive effects:

  1. Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract... Dietary fiber, which the spice is rich in, helps the body process and absorb food, as well as eliminate toxins.
  2. Improving skin condition... It becomes youthful, smooth and healthy looking. Vitamin B2, contained in the plant, is responsible for this beneficial function.
  3. Regulation of the most important metabolic processes... Due to the high level of vitamins B4, B5, as well as zinc in its composition, basil normalizes the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, promotes the synthesis of phospholipids in the liver, a number of important hormones and hemoglobin, and ensures a healthy level of cholesterol.
  4. Positive effect on the nervous system... The seasoning contains quite a lot of vitamin B6 - one of the most important vitamins for the human body. One of its most important properties is a beneficial effect on the nervous system, in particular, improving performance and memory.
  5. Boosts the immune and cardiovascular system... Increasing immunity, normalizing the functioning of the heart, as well as cleaning blood vessels and regulating the growth and development of tissues are the merit of vitamin B9, which the plant is also rich in. B9 is also called folic acid, which is mandatory for all pregnant women for the harmonious development of the fetus.
  6. Normalization of the reproductive system... Vitamin E and manganese contained in the spice have a positive effect on male health and female reproductive function. In addition, the same vitamin has a positive effect on the endocrine system and heart.
  7. Improving the condition of bones, tissues, effect on blood clotting... These beneficial functions of basil are due to the presence of vitamin K. A sufficient intake of this element helps the bones to remain strong and the tissues elastic. In addition, this vitamin affects blood clotting, with a lack of it, blood even from a small wound can be very difficult to stop.
  8. Blood pressure regulation... The high potassium content of the seasoning helps to normalize blood pressure. It also provides water, acid and electrolyte balance.
  9. Improving muscle tone, bone, hair, teeth and nails... The plant has these beneficial properties due to the high content of calcium and phosphorus.
  10. Blood sugar regulation and heart rate coordination... This beneficial effect is due to the presence of a sufficient amount of magnesium and copper in the composition of the basil.
These are the main, but not all, useful properties of basil. Spice is a real storehouse of elements important for the human body, which means that the regular addition of seasoning to food improves the functioning of all systems, organs and tissues.

Harm and contraindications to the use of dried basil

Despite the exceptional benefits of spice for most people, there are situations where adding spice to food can be harmful.

Contraindications to dried basil, as well as its beneficial properties, are explained by the peculiarities of the composition:

  • Mercury compounds found in spices... This is the main reason for limiting the use of seasoning in food. For this reason, basil is contraindicated for diabetics, as well as for people suffering from thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, epilepsy, angina pectoris, ischemic heart disease. With caution, it should be added to dishes for pregnant women and hypertensive patients.
  • Essential oils... They are also rich in spice. This is the second factor limiting the use of the seasoning for people with specific gastrointestinal problems.
In addition, such a factor as individual intolerance to the components, which can be exacerbated against the background of chronic diseases and / or if a person is allergic, cannot be ruled out.

If you have health problems of one nature or another, it is better to consult with your doctor regarding the possibility of using basil. Also, with caution, spice should be added to food for children, if the child has never tried it before.

Dried Basil Recipes

Basil is a spice popular all over the world, but it is especially loved in Italy. However, Italians know a lot about cooking. The pasta and pizza that this country gave us are adored in all corners of the world. So if Basil is loved in Italy, why isn't this a quality mark for a spice? Indeed, basil makes any dish delicious. Even a banal omelette seasoning can turn, if not into cooking masterpiece, then quite in original breakfast.

There are a lot of recipes using dried basil, however, of course, there are top signature dishes:

  1. Pesto sauce... Ingredients: 200 grams hard cheese(ideally sheep pecorino or parmesan cheese, but can be replaced and loved by others hard grade), 2 tablespoons of dry basil (if you are lucky to find fresh, you will need 1 glass), 100 grams pine nuts(substitution for forest and walnuts is permissible), 2-3 cloves of garlic, olive oil- by eye for the desired density of the sauce. Grind the garlic with a special press or grate on the finest grater, grate the cheese on it, crush the nuts with a rolling pin, mix all the ingredients and add dry basil (fresh basil must be finely chopped beforehand). Place the mixture in a blender and pour in the olive oil, "beat" the mixture until you get a sauce-like texture.
  2. Jamie Oliver's Basil Pasta... Ingredients: 300 grams minced meat, 250 grams of spaghetti, 1 jar of tomatoes in own juice, onions, carrots - 1 each, 2 slices of bacon, 1-2 stalks of celery, 2-3 cloves of garlic, basil and oregano - 1 teaspoon each, Parmesan, salt and olive oil - to taste. Fry the bacon for two minutes, add the oregano and after another couple of minutes all vegetables, except tomatoes, simmer the mixture for 5-7 minutes. Add tomatoes, minced meat, basil and salt, simmer the sauce until the minced meat is cooked. While it languishes, boil the spaghetti, grate the parmesan. Mix the prepared sauce with the spaghetti, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with cheese and, if there is fresh basil, decorate the dish with sprigs.
  3. Pizza "Margarita"... Ingredients: pizza dough, 100 grams of mozzarella cheese, 2 teaspoons of basil (if fresh, 6-8 leaves), 3 tablespoons of your favorite tomato sauce, 2 tomatoes. Cut tomatoes into thin rings, cheese into coarse sticks. Roll out the pizza dough, spread the tomato sauce and spread the cheese on top. Now spread the tomatoes on top and sprinkle the spice on the pizza. Preheat oven to high and send the pizza to the bottom rack to bake for 5-10 minutes. Be guided by the cheese: it should lose its shape, but not turn into a puddle.
  4. Gentle creamy soup with basil and garlic... Ingredients: 1 liter of chicken broth, 100 grams of rice, 250 ml of cream, onions and carrots - 1 each, a teaspoon of basil, 2-4 cloves of garlic, 30 grams of butter, salt, black pepper, paprika - to taste. Preheat the skillet and on butter fry the garlic for a couple of minutes, add carrots and onions, sauté for 5-7 minutes. Boil rice in chicken broth, 3-5 minutes before cooking, add vegetables, cream, basil and other spices, salt. Serving this soup is great with croutons.
  5. Traditional Italian appetizer "Caprese"... Ingredients: 1 tomato, 200 grams of mozzarella cheese, dried basil, black pepper, salt to taste. Cut the tomato and cheese into thin slices and place on a plate alternating with each other. Season each layer generously with spices.
  6. Quinoa salad with basil and thyme... Ingredients: 200 grams of quinoa, carrots, bell peppers, celery stalk - 1 each, 50 grams Adyghe cheese, some green onions, juice of a third of a lemon, basil, thyme, black pepper, salt and olive oil to taste. Send the quinoa to cook. First, simmer the carrots and onions in a frying pan, add celery and pepper after 3-5 minutes, and after another five minutes add basil and thyme. Simmer everything together for a couple of minutes, and then combine with quinoa, salt and pepper. It is better to eat the salad warm, not hot and just before serving it is necessary to sprinkle the dish lemon juice, add olive oil, cheese and green onions.
Basil goes well with any dishes - soups, hot dishes, light salads... Harmoniously complemented by other spices of the Mediterranean cuisine - thyme, oregano. Frankly speaking, it is difficult to find a recipe for an Italian dish, which will not include this seasoning. Basil is sometimes even simply added to vinegar or oil and infused to give these products a richer taste and aroma.

In antiquity, the attitude to the basilica was ambiguous. This plant was considered very strong, perhaps the reason for this was its bright unique aroma. The word "basil" comes from the Greek "royal", and for a long time it was believed that only the royal person had the right to harvest the plant. But ordinary people could also sow spice, while it was assumed that the more the sowers shouted, cursed and swear at, the better the harvest would be.

And this is not the only somewhat wild belief about the basilica. In antiquity, people were convinced that if you leave a leaf of a plant under a plate, it will turn into a scorpion. Particularly impressionable natures assured that if you smell the spice, the scorpion will settle in your head.

The spice even got into a couple of myths. For example, there is a myth that the famous Salome placed the stolen severed head of John the Baptist in a pot of basil in order to mask the smell of decay.

There was a similar legend about another unfortunate girl who also stole the head of her executed husband, placed it in a pot, planted basil in it and watered it with her tears. This story even inspired the British writer John Keats to write Isabella, or a Pot of Basil.

Fortunately, not all amazing spice facts are so sad. In Italy, she has always been considered a symbol of love, and in Romania, the man who gave the stem of this plant to the bride initiated the engagement. In Haiti, the seasoning was used as a talisman against evil spirits, and in Mexico, girls secretly planted a leaf of a plant for their husbands, because there was a belief that a man would never look to the side.

And here interesting fact Basil comes from modern times: it is this spice that is most often used as a substitute for salt in a salt-free diet.

Watch a video about dried basil:

Dried basil is not a frequent guest in Russian cuisine, and in vain. You can see that this Mediterranean seasoning not only helps to reveal the taste of any dish, but also has an unprecedented number of useful properties. Therefore, when you find yourself in the store again, do not forget to put this unique spice in your cart, especially since it is not expensive at all in dry form.


Fragrant basil, or garden - Ocimum Basilicum - an annual herb from the family of lamines. The branching root of the plant is close to the soil surface. The stem of the basil is straight, branching, feathered with many leaves. The plant grows from 30 to 70 cm.

Many grow different varieties basil in their summer cottages because of its pleasant aroma. But basil is not only fragrant, it is also beautiful.

The plant has many subspecies, which differ from each other in the shape of the leaves and colors. Basil usually has white, pink and slightly lilac flowers, collected in clusters. Leaves can be luscious green with purple streaks, purple-red, burgundy ...

Dried basil is harvested in the summer, when this spicy and medicinal plant begins to emit its wonderful aroma. This plant contains essential oil, which has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect. The antispasmodic properties of essential oil help to normalize digestion, prevent bloating and the development of flatulence. Dry grass in folk medicine widely used for the preparation of rinses and aromatic baths.

In dishes, this spicy plant manifests itself in a specific way at first, a bitterness is felt, which subsequently develops into a sweetish aftertaste.

Beneficial features:

Dried basil raises the general tone, stimulates digestion, stimulates appetite.

Dried basil is widely used in canning - to add flavor to marinades and tomato sauces and also in the meat industry. It is included in various spice mixtures used in cooking instead of black pepper, as well as to create original aromatic compositions.

Basil is one of the oldest spices national cuisines peoples of Transcaucasia and Central Asia. There this plant bears many different names - Reikhan, Regan, Rean, Raykhon. Dried basil leaves are used as a wonderful flavoring herb.

In Uzbekistan, basil is used to flavor drinks, salads, pates, chicken soups, dairy and vegetable soups.

Dried basil is put in dishes of lamb, beef, offal and poultry... Add it to minced meat.

For the preparation of marinades and pickles, dried basil is used not only in Central Asia and the Caucasus countries, but also in Russia. When we salt tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, porcini mushrooms, when we pickle cabbage, pickle eggplants and bell peppers, we often use this spice. Azerbaijanis season dessert drinks with basil, and Uzbeks add them to tea. Basil is also not overlooked in Europe and in the USA.

Dried basil goes well with other spices. For example - when mixed with rosemary, basil takes on a peppery smell. Mixed with savory - adds spice to dishes. Basil is mixed with marjoram, parsley, coriander, mint, tarragon - getting original and pleasant spices.

You also need to be able to dry basil so that it retains all its beneficial properties. You can collect the plant throughout its growing season. After cutting off one branch, several branches grow in its place after a while. Therefore, you do not need to wait for autumn to collect this plant for drying. If the entire crop is grown for drying, then it is advisable to harvest it before flowering. A bush should be cut off, leaving about twelve centimeters from the root.

Gently tear off the leaves, wash and cut them, lay them out on a sheet of paper or a newspaper page in one layer. It takes several days to dry. The place should be dry, dark and ventilated. Put the dried seasoning in airtight containers or bags; Basil can also be dried with twigs. Cut off the branches and make small bunches, tie them with thread. We hang in a dark, ventilated place for two weeks. Then we remove and grind. Store in an airtight container, you can use a dry jar; The quickest way to dry the seasoning is in the oven. We wash the leaves, shake them off a little or blot them with a towel, put them on a baking sheet. Dry, stirring in the oven at 40 degrees with the door ajar for about an hour. Turn it off and leave it overnight. Then grind and put into jars.

Spicy basil varieties have gained recognition in many countries for their unusual aroma. Modern gardeners are actively growing the plant in their summer cottages, and real gourmets cannot imagine many dishes without the addition of dried basil. The spice is easy to care for and can be easily grown under various environmental conditions.

Basil belongs to the department of flowering and is distinguished by tetrahedral stems up to 60 cm high. The foliage of the plant has a rich purple or green color and an oval shape. The surface of the leaves and stem is rough. The plant contains an essential oil that gives a spicy aroma.

Breeders have developed more than 70 varieties of spices. Each variety has individual characteristics and is different appearance... Bushes can grow to a certain level, and leaves different types differ in shape and color. The most common varieties include lemon, allspice, cinnamon and common basil.

Composition and useful properties

The composition of the plant has a rich set of useful elements. Basil contains carotene, tannins, fiber and vitamin complex. Also included are mineral and plant components.

Any kind of basil is useful in that its use provides protection against viral and bacterial infections, normalizes sleep and improves digestion. The plant is used for diseases of the lungs, flatulence and gastrointestinal diseases.

Benefits and contraindications

Greens gained popularity among gardeners due to a number of advantages. These include:

  1. Versatility of use, which allows you to use vegetation in various spheres of life.
  2. The possibility of growing on open ground, in greenhouses or at home.
  3. Disease resistance while following basic care rules.
  4. Greens tolerate well the neighborhood in the beds with other herbs and vegetables, therefore, planting in the same greenhouse with other crops is allowed.

Despite the benefits of basil, it should be consumed in moderation so as not to get poisoned. The plant contains mercury compounds, so it is contraindicated for pregnant women and young children.

How to dry at home?

There are several ways to dry fresh herbs, which differ from each other in technology and the timing of obtaining the finished spice. Before choosing the appropriate method, you should know about the rules for collecting the plant.

When to collect?

Basil harvested at the very beginning of the flowering period is suitable for drying. You can use plant flowers or leaves. It is allowed to dry any kind of basil, but it is important to keep in mind that their tastes and aromas will differ from the classic look.

How to dry in the oven?

Drying the plant in the oven is necessary at a temperature of 35 degrees. You can leave the greens in the oven together with the stalks or separately. You can take out the spice after 4-5 hours.

In an electric dryer

The fastest drying of the plant allows you to get the finished product within 5 minutes. It is enough to put the greens in the electric dryer for this time and start the heating power of 700 W. The dried leaves should be taken out very carefully, as they become very hot during processing.


To dry the greens without mechanical stress, you can hang small bundles of leaves down in a dark room with good ventilation and high temperature. Shake the basil periodically to dry evenly.


If you need to keep dry basil, you can put it in earthenware or glassware. Provided that the tightness is maintained, the spice will retain its taste and aroma for 3-4 years. To extend the shelf life, it is recommended to put containers with herbs in a dark place and periodically check the spice for mold and insects.


Rich chemical composition plants expands the possibilities of its use in everyday life. Basil is used in medicine, cosmetology, cooking and other industries.

For women

Cosmetics using basil leaves are very popular with women. The preparations have antioxidant properties and improve the condition of the skin. The infusion of the plant and oil based on it help fight wrinkles, get rid of warts, and reduce hair fragility.

With PMS

The characteristics of the plant relieve women from painful sensations before menstruation and have a positive effect on immunity. Spice leaves are a source of iron, which, with blood loss, actively leaves the body and cleans it.

With cystitis

A decoction of herbs for cystitis reduces pain from inflammation and reduces unpleasant urination. To prepare the solution, it is enough to mix 1 tablespoon of basil leaves and 200 ml of water, cook over low heat for 7-10 minutes, strain and use three times a day.


It is recommended to consume basil seeds when following a diet to lose excess weight. The spice acts as a natural absorbent and removes toxins, cholesterol, and toxins from the body.

For men

Modern medicine confirms that the benefits of the plant affect men's health. The inclusion of basil in the diet on an ongoing basis has a positive effect on potency and increases sexual desire.

In folk medicine

The beneficial characteristics of dried basil are widely used in traditional therapies. Healing decoctions, infusions and balms are prepared from the leaves. In practice, the plant helps to cure a number of diseases.

With a dry cough

When tooth enamel and gums are weakened

A number of components that make up the greenery help to strengthen the enamel of the teeth and protect the gums from ulcers. The plant kills microbes in the mouth and removes tartar.

With kidney stones

To strengthen eyesight

The presence of vitamin A in the composition of greens prevents visual impairment and partially eliminates myopia. Especially useful is the use of basil to strengthen vision in childhood.

Under stress

Riboflavin and rutin in the plant restores the nervous system. Thanks to this, a person is less exposed to stress and nervous breakdowns. Basil tea has a calming and relaxing effect on a person.

From heaviness in the stomach and problems with the gastrointestinal tract

If pain occurs in the stomach, it is recommended to brew 1.5 teaspoons in 250 ml of boiling water. The filtered infusion should be drunk 2 glasses daily. The weekly course helps to cleanse the body and eliminate gastrointestinal problems.

For immunity

The medicinal plant, with frequent use, increases immunity. Useful components basil strengthens the body and promotes recovery from serious operations. Regular consumption of greens gives strength and energy.

With rheumatism

Decoctions based on dried basil reduce muscle and joint pain. The plant has an antiseptic and irritating effect on painful areas. For arthritis and rheumatism, ointments and creams containing greens help.

In cooking

Fresh or dried basil leaves are especially prized in the culinary field. The aromatic and taste characteristics of the spice complement the meat and fish dishes, salads and snacks. The plant gives dishes a spicy taste that combines bitter notes and astringency.

Magical properties

According to many beliefs, basil has magical properties and attracts love, prosperity and good luck to the house. The plant maintains a peaceful atmosphere, prevents conflict situations, protects the house from ill-wishers.