How to make lightly salted tomatoes with garlic. Quick salted tomatoes, recipe with photo

Greetings, my dear hostesses!

As you already know, our family is very fond of all kinds of spicy snacks. Especially those that do not take a lot of effort to prepare and do not require any fantastic ingredients. Some of our favorite snacks are lightly salted tomatoes with herbs and garlic. I always cook them with great pleasure, and they are eaten very quickly. In addition, this is a great option for a feast or a picnic.

What I like about this recipe is that it allows my imagination to be expressed. After all, you can cook a little differently every time: vary the components of greens to taste, make tomatoes stuffed or simply in a green sauce, early ripening or classic, in a marinade or using the "dry salting" method.

All options deserve attention and respect, they are worth trying to diversify the menu and in the future, perhaps, bring something of your own. Therefore, today I am happy to share with you my favorite recipes. And then - the choice is yours!

This option quick snack is prepared in one day, it is not for nothing that such tomatoes are popularly called "one-day". In fairness, it should be said that they become even tastier in a couple of days. It is better to store them in the refrigerator for about a week - it is not worth it longer, they will be peroxidized. But on the other hand, you can add new tomatoes to the resulting brine - the main thing is not to confuse them with those that are already well salted.


  • 8-10 pcs. tomatoes (preferably small)
  • 1 tbsp. l. heaped salt (coarse)
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 3-5 cloves of garlic
  • 1 bunch of dill
  • 1 bunch of cilantro (if you don't like cilantro, you can replace it with parsley or celery)

How will we cook

  1. As you can see, this recipe is without vinegar, it replaces lemon juice that the tomatoes will come tender and refined taste... In addition, the recipe is suitable for those who cannot tolerate vinegar in any form.
  2. First, we select beautiful strong tomatoes, wash them well. Dry with napkins. We also wash the greens, shake them and spread them on napkins so that the glass has excess moisture. Divide the garlic into slices, peel them.
  3. Now pierce the tomatoes with a fork in several places so that they are better salted. Or you can cut them into slices or halves. We love whole tomatoes more, but we choose small ones and pierce them with a fork. Then they salty well.
  4. Then cut the herbs with a knife or special culinary scissors. We put it in a blender, send the cloves of garlic there and chop everything to a puree state.
  5. Then we take any suitable container - a jar, a saucepan, even a bag. We shift the green-garlic puree there, add salt, sugar, squeeze out the lemon juice. We mix everything. If desired, you can add spices: basil, oregano, black ground pepper or a little red ground, mint or lemon balm.
  6. Now in this green sauce lower the tomatoes, carefully turn them over so that they are soaked in the sauce on all sides. Cover with a lid. If we cook tomatoes in a bag, then we tie the bag and put it in another bag, which we also tie. Put the tomatoes in the garlic-green sauce in the refrigerator. Mix them gently from time to time.

During infusion in the brine, the tomatoes will let the juice out, soak well with the brine and the aroma of herbs. This pickle pickle is also useful for dressing other quick vegetable salads, it turns out to be very tasty, and it is also very suitable for those who follow a diet. It's much better than mayonnaise anyway!

If you are not against vinegar, then you can try to cook quick salted tomatoes according to the following recipe.

Lightly salted tomatoes with herbs and garlic classic with vinegar


  • 0.5 kg medium tomatoes
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic
  • Parsley, dill, cilantro - to taste
  • 5 tbsp. l. coarse salt (not iodized)
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 5 black peppercorns
  • 2-3 pcs. bay leaf
  • 1 tbsp. l. ground paprika
  • 4 tsp vinegar (9%)

How will we cook

  1. In principle, the preparation is the same, except that it is advisable to remove the skin from the washed tomatoes. To do this, remove the stalks from them and pour boiling water for a minute. Then salt the hot water and pour over the tomatoes cold water... When the vegetables have cooled slightly, cut the skin crosswise from above and easily remove it, like a stocking.
  2. Put the prepared tomatoes in a saucepan or pots, a jar. Finely chop the washed greens and peeled garlic, sprinkle them with tomatoes on top.
  3. Pour half a liter of water into a saucepan, put salt, sugar and pepper there. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Turn off the fire, pour in the vinegar, stir. Pour the brine into a container with tomatoes and herbs. Close the lid, let the vegetables cool down at room temperature... Then we put them in the refrigerator. We store no more than a week. You can eat tomatoes the very next day.

I also really like to cook stuffed salted tomatoes. They always make a very beneficial impression on the guests, everyone thinks that I spent a lot of time on them. In fact, this is not so, they prepare very simply, and you will see for yourself now.

Lightly salted tomatoes stuffed with herbs and garlic

This is a classic recipe, the so-called "Armenians". Strong, hard tomatoes are suitable for him.


  • 1 kg tomatoes (ripe)
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 2 tbsp. l. coarse salt
  • 1 bunch of green celery
  • 1 bunch of parsley

How to cook

  1. Wash the tomatoes, make an incision on each and cut off the top - the "hat". Then we cut the core out of each tomato. Please note: the more pulp you cut out of tomatoes, the more filling you will have to put them in. Put the "hats" aside, they will still be useful to you.
  2. Now we will wash the greens, shake them. By the way, you can take not only parsley, celery, but also dill, cilantro - whatever you like. If you do not digest celery at all, then it is quite possible to do without it.
  3. Peel the garlic, chop finely. Chop the greens with a knife or cooking scissors. Mix herbs with garlic. Stuff the tomatoes with the mixture, and then cover them with "caps". Fold on stuffed tomatoes into the pickling pot.
  4. Then we will prepare the brine: pour 2 tablespoons of salt into a liter of cold drinking water, mix until completely dissolved. Fill the vegetables with the resulting brine, cover with a lid or a plate, put oppression on top.
  5. We will put the tomatoes in a cool place for 3 days (best of all, of course, in the refrigerator). And then you can already remove the oppression, remove the tomatoes from the brine and serve.

These are delicious lightly salted tomatoes in Armenian! Spicy, with garlic!

Fast way: dry pickling of fried tomatoes

But you, of course, are interested in how to make stuffed tomatoes in a quick dry way of pickling. The technology here is quite simple. We take neither vinegar nor citric acid... We select medium-sized tomatoes, dense, elastic, preferably the same size. We take any greens, to taste, at the rate of one bunch for two or three tomatoes. And garlic - at the rate of one clove for two tomatoes. Salt - about a quarter of a teaspoon per tomato.

  1. We cook tomatoes, like Armenian tomatoes. You can cut off the lid from above, or, on the contrary, you can cut out the tail with the stalk at the back and remove part of the pulp. The more pulp you cut, the more salt you need to put in. A quarter teaspoon is the minimum if the tomatoes are small and the pulp is cut out a little. And so you can put half a teaspoon.
  2. Then finely chop the washed greens, chop the garlic cloves. Mix everything, add salt and grind. The resulting mass should taste very salty. Do not be alarmed - tomatoes will then absorb almost all this salt.
  3. Stuff tomatoes with green mixture, cover them with tomato "caps". If you cut out the ponytail, then we no longer cover it with anything. We put it vertically in a suitable container, it is possible - in two or three floors, tightly to each other. Sprinkle each row with greens.
  4. We close the dishes with a lid, leave for several hours at room temperature. Then we put it in the refrigerator. In a day, fragrant lightly salted tomatoes are ready!

On a note

If you have different sized tomatoes, do not mix the herbs and salt in advance. Mix the greens with the garlic, and pour the salt directly into each tomato, based on its size. One medium tomato will take a quarter teaspoon of salt. If the tomato is small, then put less salt, if a large one - then more. Then start with herbs and garlic. And then - everything is the same. Simply and easily!

Then, in the process of pickling, juice will begin to stand out in each tomato, which will mix with salt, and a brine will be obtained. Tomatoes will be saturated with the aroma of garlic and herbs, will become amazingly tasty, and without vinegar or any other acid. Take this recipe into service. Something tells me: you'll like it!

Today we have seen how much there is interesting ways cook lightly salted tomatoes with herbs and garlic. This is a very exciting process, it is so addictive! And it evokes the constant approval of home, guests, distant and close relatives when tasting the finished product. Enjoy your meal!

Now it's time to cook lightly salted tomatoes, right? How can you do without them, right?

In my opinion, cucumbers and tomatoes are "pure classics" of our Russian cuisine, what do you think?

So, as usual, I share what I did myself and what I was pleased with as a result.

In this article, you will learn:

Instant lightly salted tomatoes - the most delicious recipes

Lightly salted tomatoes in a saucepan - cook in brine

Prepare not in two days. It is very convenient, fast, simple, and most importantly - it turns out delicious!

We will need:

  • (about eight small pieces),
  • dill and parsley,
  • hot peppers and allspice,
  • Bay leaf,
  • garlic,
  • sugar (tablespoon),
  • salt (teaspoon),
  • water (one liter approximately).

Take whatever container is convenient for you. You can have a jar, you can have a saucepan, you can have a bowl.

I like to do it in a saucepan, I don't like to get it out of a can ... Poking around, poking around ... you remember all the tomatoes, as usual ... But you do as you find it most convenient.

So how to cook:

  1. Wash the tomatoes, cut them in half,
  2. Cut the garlic into "petals" or crush in a garlic press,
  3. Put half of the prepared herbs, garlic, pepper, bay leaf in a container at the bottom,
  4. Place prepared tomatoes on top.
  5. Prepare the brine (boil water with sugar and salt) and immediately pour the hot brine over the tomatoes.
  6. Put the rest of the greenery on top and press down with the "weight". For this purpose, I use a jar of water on a plate.
  7. Cover your "building" with gauze to prevent dust from getting there and leave it at room temperature (you can directly on the kitchen table) for two days.

In two days, get it out and try it!

Put the remaining tomatoes in the refrigerator.

Lightly salted tomatoes in a bag

The next recipe is from the category “ fast food».

These are lightly salted tomatoes cooked in a bag. An excellent snack, I can tell you, friends!

Fast, simple, delicious. You do not need to use the dishes or cook the brine ... Once - and you're done! Grace!

As usual, I share my "trick": I add a little more cucumbers and bell peppers to such tomatoes. This makes them even tastier! Try it!

So, we need:

  • About one kilogram of tomatoes,
  • If you use sweet (Bulgarian) peppers and cucumbers, then there are 3-4 of them, no more, depending on their size and your taste,
  • One whole head garlic (this is for my taste, if you are not a fan of the spicy garlic taste - no problem, add less!),
  • Greens (dill, parsley, cilantro) - the more the better
  • Salt (see for yourself to your liking)
  • Ground black pepper.


  1. Use a sturdy and durable bag for this purpose. I use it with a zip fastener, it's very convenient!
  2. Wash all vegetables and greens thoroughly, cut vegetables as you like (I cut very, very coarsely, and it turns out beautifully, and there will be no vegetable "porridge"),
  3. Fold vegetables, herbs in a bag, add chopped garlic, salt, black pepper there,
  4. Tie (close) the bag and gently shake its contents so that all the ingredients are mixed together,
  5. Put the bag in the refrigerator for a day, periodically take it out and turn it over so that the brine soaks the vegetables evenly.

If you want the tomatoes to cook faster, then you do not need to put the bag in the refrigerator, leave it at room temperature, and after a few hours you will be able to eat instant salted tomatoes!

My advice to you: if you don’t eat all the tomatoes at once (although I don’t think so ... they are so tasty!), then it would be best to take them out of the bag and put them in a jar or other container.

I noticed that if they continue to be stored in a bag (even in the refrigerator!), Then they seem to "suffocate", something ... That is, they become lethargic, ugly, tasteless and ... nothing, in general ...

Lightly salted cherry tomatoes - recipe

I love this recipe! Cherry tomatoes themselves have an interesting taste, and lightly salted tomatoes are even tastier! And we will add more greenery and garlic to them ... mmm ... a fairy tale!

And such tomatoes look very beautiful, there will be decoration for any table.

Well, the fact that they perfectly suit absolutely ANY dish, I am already generally silent ...

We will need:

  • Cherry tomatoes - take 500 grams,
  • , parsley - in a large bunch,
  • Garlic - according to your taste, I take three cloves,
  • Salt, black pepper.

So, let's prepare:

  • My tomatoes and greens, finely chop the greens, chop the garlic.
  • Then each tomato, so that it is well salted, we pierce in several places with a toothpick (you can make a cruciform incision in the place where the stalk is).
  • We put the tomatoes in a bowl, add herbs, salt, pepper, garlic there, mix thoroughly.
  • Now cover the bowl with plastic wrap and leave it at room temperature for a couple of hours, stirring occasionally.
  • Then we put the bowl in the refrigerator for the whole night, no less.

By the way, you can immediately cook your "cherry" in a bag, if it is so convenient for you!

Serve them well and just like that, and pour a small amount of vegetable oil on top, olive oil is great here.

As a greenery, I like to add basil and rosemary to such tomatoes, sooo aromatic!

Just do not overdo it, basil and rosemary have a rather strong aroma and taste, and I can easily "score" with myself all the charm of this dish!

Another "trick" for those who love a spicy taste: instead of salt, add soy sauce- Very cool taste turns out!

And yes, such lightly salted tomatoes can be made from ordinary ones, if there is no cherry on hand.

Dont be upset. And boldly cook from those that are! From experience - pink tomatoes according to this recipe are also very good!

Lightly salted tomatoes with mustard

Another recipe for lovers of spicy taste is lightly salted tomatoes with mustard.

Everything, as usual, is quite simple:

  • It is necessary to prepare tomatoes (it is better to take small ones): wash them and cut them in the area of ​​the stalk with a "cross", you can make several punctures with a toothpick near the stalk,
  • Fold the tomatoes into a container (suitable glass jar) along with garlic, spices, herbs,
  • Sprinkle salt, sugar and mustard powder on top (see to your taste, how you like) and pour boiling water over the whole thing.
  • Tie a container with tomatoes on top with gauze and leave at room temperature.
  • That's it! As a result, you will get delicious "mustard" tomatoes

The fermentation process takes three to four days, but less is possible, it depends on the size of your tomatoes.

So get out one thing in a couple of days, try it as you like, is it ready?

How to cook quick lightly salted tomatoes- video

I also advise you to watch this video, here you will find a very large selection of cooking recipes lightly salted tomatoes.

These are the recipes I offer you today, friends.

Write in the comments your recipes and cooking "chips" lightly salted tomatoes, it will be very interesting to me!

Cook with Fun and Be Healthy!

Alena Yasneva was with you, Bye everyone!

Tomatoes, stuffed with herbs and garlic - original and unusual snack, which will perfectly complement a dinner dish and easily decorate even festive table... It is prepared quite simply and quickly, but it turns out very tasty and beautiful. Let's take a closer look with you on how to cook stuffed tomatoes and surprise your loved ones.

Salted tomatoes stuffed with herbs and garlic


  • brown tomatoes - 12 pcs.;
  • boiled water - 3 liters;
  • vinegar 6% - 250 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • garlic - 15 cloves;
  • fresh herbs dill and parsley - 1 bunch;
  • cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • grain mustard - to taste;
  • bay leaf to taste;
  • red hot pepper to taste.


Rinse the tomatoes thoroughly and wipe dry with a towel. Rinse all the greens, shake and chop finely. Clean the garlic and cut each clove into halves. Then we make a small incision on the tomato, put the garlic and some greens in it. Put the remaining garlic and herbs on the bottom of a clean jar, fill the container with tomatoes. We wash the hot pepper and remove the seeds. We boil some water, add granulated sugar and salt to it. Mix everything thoroughly so that the crystals are completely dissolved. Next, pour in the vinegar, throw in the bay leaf, put, cloves and hot peppers... Cook the marinade for 1-2 minutes with a slight boil and carefully pour our tomatoes in a jar with it until the very top. Cover everything with a lid and remove the tomatoes in a warm place for about 3 days. Ready-made herbs are moderately salty with a sour-sweet aftertaste.

Tomatoes with herbs and garlic


  • red tomatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh herbs - 10 tbsp. spoons;
  • spices.


Rinse the tomatoes thoroughly, wipe them with a towel, cut off the lid and carefully, with a teaspoon, take out all the pulp. Sprinkle the inside of the tomatoes with salt and pepper to taste. Rinse the greens, chop finely. Peel the onions, chop in half rings and sauté until golden brown in vegetable oil. Rub the garlic on a fine grater or simply squeeze it through a press. Then put the onion with garlic to the chopped greens, add salt to taste and mix thoroughly. Gently fill the tomatoes with the resulting filling, cover with a previously cut lid on top, and serve original appetizer to the table.

Pickled tomatoes stuffed with herbs and garlic


  • ripe tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • fresh herbs - 200 g;
  • apple cider vinegar - 75 ml;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • coarse salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • coriander seeds - 1 tsp.


Rinse the tomatoes and dry them on a towel. Then carefully, using a teaspoon, remove the pulp from the tomatoes and transfer it to a plate. Add fresh herbs, pre-washed, dried and finely chopped. Peel the garlic, chop it and put it to the greens.

Now we fill the tomatoes with green filling and put them in a clean container. Pour some water and vinegar into a separate saucepan, add salt and spices to taste. We put the dishes on fire and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Then carefully remove the marinade from the heat and leave to stand for 15 minutes. After that add honey and stir thoroughly. Pour the tomatoes with hot marinade and leave them for about 12 hours. After that, cover with lids and put the tomatoes in the refrigerator for exactly one day.

Tasty recipe for lightly salted tomatoes for you, our dear readers. Lightly salted tomatoes in a jar They are distinguished by the fact that they do not contain preservatives, they use a small amount of salt and they are very fast. In addition, tomatoes are salted in brine, which means they can be stored in the refrigerator for much longer than those cooked in a saucepan or in a bag, which must be eaten right away.

Mistresses on a note: Tomatoes for pickling are better to choose a variety with a dense skin and a small size. It is imperative to pour the tomatoes with warm brine, but not hot, so that the tomatoes do not burst, and externally lightly salted tomatoes looked beautiful as fresh.

Recipe for lightly salted tomatoes with garlic and herbs

5 from 1 reviews

Lightly salted tomatoes in a jar

Type of dish: Blanks

Cuisine: Russian


  • Water - 1 liter
  • strong tomatoes - 1 kg,
  • garlic - 5 cloves,
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • black peppercorns - 5-7 pcs.,
  • tarragon (tarragon) optional - 3-4 branches,
  • hot pepper
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.,
  • greens.


  1. First, wash the tomatoes and remove the tails.
  2. After that, in each tomato in the place where the stalk was, we make a shallow puncture with a toothpick.
  3. After that, at the bottom of a clean sterilized jar, put half the herbs, peeled garlic and a small piece of hot pepper.
  4. Then, spread the tomatoes and the rest of the seasonings on top.
  5. Prepare the brine: for this, boil water with salt, granulated sugar, peppercorns and bay leaves for 2-3 minutes. Cool to a warm state.
  6. Next, fill the tomatoes with cooled brine, cover with gauze and leave at room temperature for two days.
  7. After this time, cover the jars with a nylon lid and put them in the refrigerator for storage.
  8. Lightly salted tomatoes are ready.

Bon Appetit!

Lightly salted tomatoes in a jar

Delicious recipe lightly salted tomatoes for you, our dear readers. Freshly salted tomatoes in a jar are different in that they do not contain preservatives, they use a small amount of salt and they cook very quickly. In addition, tomatoes are salted in brine, which means they can be stored in the refrigerator for much longer than those cooked in a saucepan or in a bag, which must be eaten right away. Housewives on a note: tomatoes for pickling are better to choose a variety with a dense skin and a small size. It is imperative to pour tomatoes with warm brine, but not hot, so that the tomatoes do not burst, and outwardly salted tomatoes look beautiful, like fresh. Recipe for lightly salted tomatoes with garlic and herbs 5 from 1…

Red tomatoes with herbs and garlic- a great snack for the whole family, which will take a place on dining table, will be a great addition to meat dishes and side dishes. You can prepare several jars of savory salad and store them in the refrigerator under a plastic lid.

First, we will discuss what ingredients we need to prepare in order to cook tomatoes with herbs and garlic, photo the recipe will give you all the clues you need. We need to take 2.5 kilos of tomatoes, this is our main ingredient, but we also need to prepare products for the layer - these are two heads of garlic, two bunches of parsley, four pods bell pepper and bitter to taste.

To marinate the salad faster, you need to prepare the marinade: 100 ml vegetable oil, the same volume table vinegar, 100 g of sugar and two tablespoons of salt. As a result, you will get one three-liter can, but we advise you to prepare salads for the winter in half-liter or liter containers.

Rinse the tomatoes under running water, leave in a colander so that all the liquid is glass, or put them on a towel. Next, the fruits must be cut into two halves, and the larger ones into four.

It is necessary to rinse and dry the parsley, peel the seeds and rinse the pepper. Pass the peeled garlic through a meat grinder, along with the rest of the ingredients.

Prepare the marinade in a deep bowl: mix sugar, salt, vinegar, sunflower oil... Stir all the ingredients until the spices are completely dissolved.

Prepare jars: wash and sterilize. Put tomatoes in them and vegetable mix layers, filling the jar to the very top. At the end, pour in the marinade. Close with an iron lid and leave upside down until it cools, which will take about 8 hours.

It is worth paying attention to, their pulp turns out to be dense. They can be harvested in pieces or whole, stuffed with slices of garlic, adding dill, parsley and basil to taste. Ripe fruits can also be pickled in pieces, but they should be with dense pulp.

Tomatoes with herbs and garlic: recipes

And if ripe and juicy tomatoes are the main product on our dinner table in the summer, then tomatoes with herbs and garlic, recipes which you know will be a great addition to holiday feasts... Be sure to prepare several jars so that your loved ones can enjoy a spicy salad. Pickled fruits will come in handy if you decide to make soup or gravy, and you don't have tomato paste at hand.

In this recipe, we will stuff tomatoes with a garlic mixture, and spicy herbs and ginger root will add piquancy to the dish, sugar, salt and pepper to taste. The greens must be washed and finely chopped: you can take basil, parsley, dill. Some leaves can be left whole, they will serve as a decoration when serving salad to the table.

Now you can start preparing ripe fruits: they need to be washed and cut in half, and the core is removed with a spoon. For a snack, you do not need to take too large fruits, because it will be inconvenient to peel them, and the portion will turn out to be quite large.

The pulp must be put in a separate bowl, you will use it to prepare the filling. Garlic must be peeled and chopped: cut into plates or grate. The ginger root also needs to be chopped, but it is better to use a grater here. In a bowl, combine all the ingredients for the filling, adding chopped herbs, salt and sugar to taste.

Delicious and aromatic pickled. Children can be offered them from 7-8 years old, but if you are preparing canning for children, reduce the amount of burning ingredients so that the salad is not too spicy.

Tomatoes with herbs and garlic

There is another great recipe for How to cook tomatoes with herbs and garlic, for this buy a kilo of tomatoes, one head of garlic, dill, three tablespoons of salt and two tablespoons of sugar, one and a half liters of water, black peppercorns.

Lightly salted stuffed tomatoes can be harvested in liter jars and stored in the refrigerator. Fruits should be small in size, they are ideal for stuffing. With a sharp knife, you need to cut out the stalks, make a cruciform incision on the tomatoes, it must be deep enough to put the filling there in the future.

Rinse the dill and chop finely. Grate the garlic or cut into thin slices. Stir the prepared ingredients, put the filling in the cuts, it is convenient to do this with a sharp knife.

Now you need to prepare the brine: dissolve sugar and salt in water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Add a few black peppercorns. Stuffed tomatoes should be put in jars, pour in a slightly cooled brine. After two days, you can already enjoy the taste of a spicy snack.

If you decide to cook, then you need to carefully consider the choice of spices and seasonings, which in this case play a key role. These tomatoes are always spicy and aromatic, so add chili peppers to taste, which should be cut into small pieces.