How to cook milk soup with noodles for a child. Milk soups for children from a year - recipes

Vermicelli and other pasta are often found on the menu of many Russian families, because they can be quickly and easily prepared. Tasty dinner or dinner. And therefore, young mothers are interested in how many months it is possible to give noodles to a child and how to choose the right pasta for a children's menu.


  • First of all, vermicelli is valuable because it contains a lot of complex carbohydrates. And since many children like pasta, in a situation with low weight or poor appetite, dishes with noodles can provide the child with the energy he needs.
  • But you should not consider the vermicelli only a carbohydrate product, because it contains different useful material for example B vitamins, potassium, phosphorus and calcium. In addition, in addition to complex carbohydrates, dishes with noodles will give the child amino acids important for the growing body.
  • In order for the baby to get more benefit from the vermicelli, buy products of the first class or with the “A” marking. They are made from hard varieties wheat, therefore on the pack is often referred to as "durum".

At what age to give vermicelli to children

Manufacturers of goods for children offer modern mums pasta that is allowed for baby food... Such vermicelli after cooking is very soft, so it is easy for a child to chew and swallow it. You can try these pasta from 8-10 months of age, and it is recommended to cook soup with such noodles for a children's menu a little later - from 10-12 months.

As for pasta, which are intended for adults, they should be introduced into the diet of the crumbs no earlier than 1 year. It is worth treating a child with noodles soup, which was prepared for all family members, from the age of 2 (provided that no spices and other foods are added to the dish that are not allowed for children under 3 years old).

In addition, from the age of 2, vermicelli can be given to a child with fruit jam, honey, cheese, boiled meat and other additives. Many children love sausages with noodles, so you can also treat a child over 2 years old with such a dish, choosing low-fat sausages for the crumbs, allowed for baby food.

Some manufacturers offer dyed pasta, which are added for a red, yellow or green hue. natural dyes... They are safe for babies and can be included in the diet of children along with traditional noodles.

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How to introduce into complementary foods

Vermicelli and other pasta are nutritious product, therefore, it is not recommended to give them as a side dish in the first years of life. Let the vermicelli be for the crumbs an independent dish, which can be offered both for lunch and in the evening. After boiling the pasta according to the tips on the package, add oil or butter to it, and then serve.

For the first time, give the child 1-2 tablespoons of vermicelli to notice the reaction of the baby's digestive tract to new food. If the baby ate everything with pleasure, and his intestines did not react to pasta with negative symptoms, you can increase the portion by offering no more than 2-3 times a week.

When you shouldn't give your child vermicelli

Dishes with noodles are limited in such situations:

  • The child is overweight.
  • The baby has diabetes.
  • The child is prone to constipation.

Also, pasta should be abandoned if you are intolerant to flour products (gluten allergy). Also, babies should not be given vermicelli. fast food, because in such a product, most of the useful compounds are lost in the process of their manufacture.

How to make noodle soup

To prepare a soup for a child with the addition of vermicelli, follow these tips:

  • Water for baby soup you should take bottled water, and water from the tap, even if it is boiled, must be discarded.
  • Reduce heat when the water comes to a boil, as prolonged cooking at a high boil will reduce the nutrient content of the soup.
  • Only add foods that the baby is already familiar with in the baby's soup.
  • The basis of noodle soup for a child can be vegetable or meat broth. Bone broth for soups that a child under three years of age will eat is not used.
  • If it is still difficult for your child to chew pasta well, and the vermicelli are rather large, grind the soup in a blender.

Milk soup with noodles

The preparation of such a soup begins with boiling until the noodles are ready, after which the pasta is poured with boiled milk. For this dish, you can use special baby milk (powdered) or whole milk, but for children under 2 years old, milk is recommended to be diluted twice with clean water.

Cook milk noodle soup in a saucepan with thick sides. Before cooking, rinse the container with cold water, then the milk will not burn. Simmer the soup and stir frequently.

Here is one of the recipes for milk soup with the addition of noodles:

  1. Bring 500 ml of water to a boil.
  2. Pour 5-6 tbsp into the water. spoons of vermicelli.
  3. After boiling it for 5-7 minutes, drain the water.
  4. Bring 1,500 ml of milk to a boil.
  5. Combine milk and noodles, then simmer for about 3 minutes.
  6. Place a piece of butter in the soup before serving.

Chicken noodle soup

For a child under three years old, such a soup is prepared with chicken meatballs or add separately cooked chicken meat to it. Children over 3 years of age can cook soup on chicken broth using whole homemade chicken for its preparation.

Add to vermicelli chicken soup the ingredients should be taken into account the time it will take to bring them to full readiness. Vermicelli and boiled chicken are added to boiling water 5-7 minutes before the end of cooking. If the recipe contains vegetables, then they are peeled, cut into cubes and boiled for 10-20 minutes. When serving, greens are added to the chicken noodle soup for the child.

You can see an example of decorating a dish with noodles and sausages in the following video. If you buy sausages, take them for children.

Recipe potato soup with vermicelli you can see in the following video.

See below for a vidiorecept for making milk soup.

Milk soup- a dish originally from childhood, which was carefully prepared for us by grandmothers and mothers. And it's also a proven way to add addiction to little caprice to products that are not too attractive to them. Today we are studying recipes for milk soups for children.

Milk subtleties

But first, let's figure out how to cook a child so that he can eat it without much persuasion. As a basis, you can use not only whole milk, but also dry and even condensed milk. Regular milk added during cooking. Dry is diluted in a small amount of water to the consistency of sour cream, and then topped up with water. Ideally, take a liter of water for 50 g of milk powder. Condensed milk is also diluted in a proportion of 2 tbsp. l. 1 glass of water, then bring to a boil. Supplement milk soups with vegetables, cereals or flour products... If the soup is made in milk without adding water, they should be boiled separately until half cooked and only then sent to the soup. For milk soups, it is best to use a heavy-bottomed saucepan. First, rinse it with cold water to prevent the soup from burning. Cook it over low heat, and flavored before serving butter.

Pasta sweetness

Perhaps the most popular recipe is milk soup with noodles or pasta. First of all, boil 500 ml of water, salt and add 5-6 tbsp. l. spider web vermicelli or any other pasta. Cook it for 7-8 minutes, then put it in a colander and leave to drain. Meanwhile, bring 1.5 liters of milk to a boil, salt to taste and put the boiled noodles in it. We keep it on low heat for 3-5 minutes and remove it from the stove. Season the finished soup with 30 g of butter and sugar. To make your noodle milk soup recipe to your liking little gourmet for sure, add jam or fresh berries to it.

Two in one

Cereal soups are especially useful for the growing organism. In this regard, the recipe for milk soup with buckwheat has no equal. To begin with, boil buckwheat in salted water at the rate of ¾ a glass of cereal per 700 ml of water. Then we drain the excess liquid and pour 1.5 liters of warmed milk into a saucepan with porridge. Cook the soup over low heat for 15-20 minutes, add butter and serve. Instead of buckwheat, you can take pearl barley, corn, barley or semolina... In the last two cases, first sift the cereal, bring the milk diluted with water to a boil and pour it in a thin stream. In this case, cook the soup over low heat, stirring continuously, for 15-20 minutes.

Milky potato

The recipe is no less tasty and nutritious. To prepare it, soak 3-4 peeled tubers in cold water 20 minutes, then dry and rub on a coarse grater. Fill the potato mass with water, bring to a boil and cook until half cooked. Then pour 500 ml of warmed milk into a saucepan with potatoes and simmer for 10-15 minutes from the moment of boiling, then salt to taste, add a piece of butter or 2-3 tbsp. l. cream. Before serving, the soup can be sprinkled with grated cheese and crispy homemade crackers to make it more appetizing.

Surprise inside

You can slightly complicate the recipe and add dumplings. How to cook milk soup for a child in this case? We start by preparing the base for the dumplings. To do this, boil ½ glass of water, add 1 tbsp. l. butter and a pinch of salt. Pour 1 tbsp here. l. semolina and, stirring constantly, cook like ordinary porridge. Then cool it down, add the beaten egg, ½ tbsp. l. flour, a pinch of salt and mix thoroughly. In a separate saucepan, combine a glass of milk, ½ glass of water, 1 tsp. sugar, bring the mixture to a boil and salt to taste. Then, one by one, put here 1 tsp. semolina and make sure that the dumplings do not stick to each other. Continue cooking until all the dumplings have come to the surface. At the end, as usual, season the soup with butter.

Lunch for the baby

The menu for the youngest gourmets who are barely one year old requires a special approach. Milk soups can be included without any fear. Moreover, milk soup for a one-year-old child is made simply and quickly. A gentle vegetable soup will be a win-win solution. First, cut a medium potato, 15 g of fresh carrots and 15 g of pumpkin pulp into thin slices. Pour carrots with 2 tbsp. l. water, put 1 tsp. butter and simmer until softened. Add chopped pumpkin and potatoes, as well as 8-10 cauliflower or broccoli inflorescences. Pour vegetables with 100 ml of water, cover and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. Finally, salt the soup to taste, pour in ½ cup of hot milk, bring to a boil and immediately remove from the stove.

We will be glad if the offered dishes will please your children. And if you have own recipes milk soups with photos, be sure to tell us about them in the comments.

Milk soups are prepared in whole milk or milk with cereals diluted with water, pasta, vegetables. For better cooking, most cereals are pre-boiled in water, and then boiling milk is added and cooked until tender over low heat. Before the end of cooking, put salt and sugar, season with butter. To prevent the milk from burning, it is advisable to cook milk soups in an aluminum container with a thick bottom and stir occasionally during cooking.


Sifting the sifted semolina, slowly pour into the boiling milk in a thin stream and cook, continuing to stir, until cooked for about 20 minutes. At the end of cooking, add salt, sugar, season with butter. Semolina - 15 g, milk - 300 ml, sugar - 3 g, butter - 5 g.


Cut the washed and peeled carrots into strips and simmer with butter in a little water for 10-12 minutes. Then add hot water and put chopped white cabbage or cut into small coots cauliflower, chopped potatoes and cook until vegetables are tender. 6-8 minutes before being ready, dip into the soup green pea(fresh, frozen or canned). Boiled vegetables must be wiped through a colander or sieve, then pour hot milk and boil for 3-4 minutes. Season the soup with butter. Carrots - 20 g, cabbage - 40 g, potatoes - 40 g, green peas - 10 g, water - 150 ml, milk - 150 ml, butter - 5 g.


Pour the groats, sorted out and washed, into boiling water and cook at a low boil until soft. Then rub through a sieve, pour in hot milk, add salt, sugar, boil for a few minutes, season with butter. Cereal - 20-30 g, water - 150-200 ml, sugar - 3 g, butter - 5 g.


Put the vermicelli in boiling water and cook for 10 minutes over low heat, then add milk, salt, sugar, boil for another 3-4 minutes. Serve the soup with butter. Vermicelli - 20 g, water - 100 ml, milk - 200 ml, sugar - 3 g, butter - 5 g.


Pour the oatmeal into boiling water, boil for a few minutes, then add hot milk and cook for 20-25 minutes. At the end of cooking, add salt and sugar, season with butter. Oat flakes "Hercules" - 20 g, water - 150 ml, milk - 200 ml, sugar - 3 g, butter - 5 g.


Cut the peeled potatoes into cubes, add hot water, cook for 10-15 minutes. Then add green peas, cook for another 5-6 minutes, pour in 200 ml of milk and bring to a boil. Potatoes - 40 g, green peas - 80 g, milk - 200 ml.


Boil carrots cut into thin slices in a small amount of water for 15-20 minutes, then add potato wedges. When vegetables are ready, drain the remaining water, add boiling milk, butter, a little sugar and bring to a boil.


Grate raw potatoes on a fine grater, squeeze through cheesecloth, add an egg, mix, cut into small balls (dumplings) and dip in boiling milk diluted with water. Boil the soup over low heat, add salt at the end of cooking, season with butter. Potatoes - 120 g, eggs - 1/4 pcs., Water - 100 ml, milk - 250 ml, butter - 10 g.


Cut the washed and peeled carrots into strips and simmer with butter in a little water for 10-12 minutes. Then add hot water and put chopped white cabbage or cauliflower cut into small pieces, chopped potatoes and cook until vegetables are ready. 6-8 minutes before being ready, dip green peas (fresh, frozen or canned) into the soup, pour in hot milk, season with butter. Carrots - 20 g, cabbage - 40 g, potatoes - 40 g, green peas - 10 g, water - 150 ml, milk - 150 ml, butter - 5 g.


Sort the groats, rinse, pour into boiling water and cook until completely softened, then add hot milk, salt and boil for 3-4 minutes. When serving, season with butter, sugar. Oat groats - 30 g, water - 150 ml, milk - 200 ml, sugar - 3 g, butter - 5 g.

As the child becomes familiar with complementary foods, by about 9-10 months, soups can also be slowly introduced into his diet. Of course, it should not be fat borsch with dumplings and bacon, not sour cabbage soup or pickle, but very light soups that a child can easily try. From one year on, children can cook milk soups.The usefulness of milk soups can be easily proven by any nutritionist. Milk soups take one of the first places in the presence of vitamins, mineral salts and easy digestibility. They are very nutritious and easy to prepare. Milk soups can be made with milk different kind- whether whole, or even dry. Children's recipes for milk soups are very diverse in our review. They can be found in almost every kitchen in the world. They are cooked with cereals, pasta, vegetables and flour products.

"A trick from mom." A saucepan for preparing milk soups is taken with thick sides and bottom. To prevent the milk from burning, rinse it with cold water before you are going to pour it into the pan. And for the same reason, all milk soups are cooked only over low heat.

We offer you several recipes for a variety of milk soups.

Milk soup with rice and zucchini

50 gr. zucchini pulp.
A teaspoon of rice.
150 ml. milk.
100 ml water.

Salt on the tip of a knife.

Cut the washed zucchini into small cubes and pour a little boiling water along with the rice, salt and cook until tender over low heat. Then rub the cooked rice and zucchini through a sieve, dilute with hot milk and bring to a boil. Then remove from the stove, cool and fill with butter (butter).

Milk soup with potatoes

One medium potato tuber
A glass of milk.
100 ml water.

Salt on the tip of a knife.

Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into thin strips. Then add water, salt and cook for ten minutes.
Then pour hot milk into a saucepan with potatoes, bring to a boil and leave on the stove for about two more minutes.
Season the finished milk soup with butter. (You can add croutons to the soup).

Milk soup with semolina and cauliflower.

6-7 cauliflower inflorescences.
A teaspoon of semolina.
One glass of milk.
Half a glass of water.
A tablespoon of butter.
Salt on the tip of a knife.

Thoroughly washed cabbage disassemble into inflorescences, put in a saucepan, add water, salt and cook for fifteen minutes, then remove it from the broth, and pour semolina into it in a thin stream and cook, stirring for eight minutes, then pour in hot milk and add pre-pounded boiled cabbage through a sieve.
Season the soup with butter.

Milk soup with vegetables and croutons

Half a potato tuber.
40 gr. cabbage.
30 gr. carrots.
A teaspoon of green peas (canned).
A glass of milk.
Half a glass of water.
A tablespoon of butter (butter).
Fresh toast from wheat bread.
Salt on the tip of a knife.

Rinse the vegetables. Chop the cabbage, and peel the carrots and potatoes and cut into strips. Put the carrots in a saucepan, add half a tablespoon of butter (butter), simmer with a lid on over low heat for ten minutes. Then add cabbage, potatoes and peas. Pour in slightly salted hot water and cook until tender.
Then pour hot milk and bring to a boil, hold on low heat for a couple of minutes, then remove from the stove and let cool.
Season the finished soup with butter and add croutons to it.

Milk soup with noodles

A tablespoon of fine vermicelli.
A glass of milk.
Half a glass of water.
A teaspoon of sugar syrup.
A tablespoon of butter (butter).
Salt on the tip of a knife.

Boil water and add vermicelli to it, sugar syrup and salt. cook for ten minutes and then pour in the hot milk. After boiling, turn off the stove and leave on it for three minutes, then remove.
Season with butter before serving.

Milk soup with rice

A tablespoon of rice.
A glass of milk.
Half a glass of water.
A tablespoon of butter.
Salt on the tip of a knife.

Pour the pre-washed rice with water and boil. Then pour in hot milk, add salt and boil again.
Butter is useful for filling the soup.

Milk soup with barley grits

A glass of milk.
Two tablespoons of barley.
Butter - 1 tablespoon
Half a glass of water.
Salt on the tip of a knife.

The barley is first lightly fried in a dry frying pan in a preheated oven (until golden brown). Then pour boiling water over and cook for two hours. Until you get porridge.
The resulting porridge is rubbed through a sieve, diluted with hot milk, salted and brought to a boil.
The milk soup is seasoned with butter.

Milk soup with pearl barley.

150 ml. milk.
A tablespoon of pearl barley.
Glass of water.
A teaspoon of butter.
A teaspoon of sugar.
Salt on the tip of a knife.

The groats are poured with boiling water, covered with a lid and cooked over low heat until softened. Then rub through a sieve and dilute with hot milk, add some salt, add sugar and bring to a boil again.
Season the soup with butter.

Milk soups and cereals are must-haves on the child's menu. Milk noodle soup is a popular soup that everyone has known since childhood. It is useful and hearty dish can be prepared and served for your child for breakfast or afternoon tea. Soup is prepared simply and quickly, which is important for hectic weekdays. The most important thing is to buy high-quality group A pasta or special children's pasta.

We will prepare products for making milk vermicelli (noodles) for children according to the list.

Heat the water to a boil, add the vermicelli and cook for 3-5 minutes over moderate heat, stirring occasionally.

Throw the boiled noodles until half cooked on a sieve (if you are not sure about the quality of the noodles, rinse it with cold water).

Heat the milk to a boil and add the vermicelli.

Add sugar and butter. Cook on low heat until tender, stirring occasionally. My vermicelli was ready in 6 minutes.

Delicate and delicious milk vermicelli (noodles) for children is ready, you can serve it on the table. Bon Appetit!