Delicious cheesecakes in sour cream. Recipe for curd cottage cheese and sour cream

If you always find a couple of packs of cottage cheese in your refrigerator, you probably know how to make cheese cakes. There are few secrets of this dish, but still there are some subtleties, thanks to which you really get delicious cheesecakes... Well, today I will share with you a recipe for not just delicious cheesecakes, but the most delicious ones that literally melt in your mouth. We will prepare the most delicate and very fragrant cheesecakes in a sour cream filling in the oven!

As you know, the recipe for classic cheesecakes includes cottage cheese, sugar and eggs. Some hostesses add semolina, flour or starch for bonding curd dough... We will do all this too, but it is important to strictly follow the proposed proportions in order to get the expected result. By the way, you should especially like the sweet sour cream filling with vanilla aroma, which turns into a wonderful cream during baking.


(800 grams) (3 pieces ) (6 tablespoons) (300 grams) (5 tablespoons) (2 tablespoons ) (70 milliliters) (1 pinch) (1 pinch)

Cooking a dish step by step:

Beat everything with a mixer or a whisk, or if you want, just swing it well with a fork so that the eggs disperse and the sugar partially dissolves. Next we put cottage cheese - you see, it is not liquid, but it does not crumble either. If your curd is grainy, it is advisable to rub it through a sieve or mince it.

Add 5 tablespoons of semolina there, only without a slide. In general, the amount of semolina depends on the size chicken eggs and the consistency of cottage cheese.

We knead everything thoroughly by hand or using a mixer at low speed. Here it is important for us to simply achieve the homogeneity of the dough for cheesecakes. In terms of consistency, in no case should it be dense, otherwise you do not expect tenderness from ready-made syrniki. The dough is very tender, soft and moist. If you take it in the palm of your hand and pass it through your fingers, it will come out like very soft plasticine. But it is too early to mold the cheesecakes - you need to let the dough stand on the table for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the semolina will absorb some of the liquid, swell, and the dough will become denser.

Now we put sifted wheat flour on a plate (for 15 medium cheesecakes, as a rule, 2 tablespoons with a good slide are enough for me, and you will be guided by yourself). With wet hands, take a piece of curd dough and roll it into a ball. Then we gently pan in wheat flour, pressing down the workpiece a little, but not hard. When sculpting cheesecakes, after each piece, you need to wash your hands and wet them again, so that it is easier to work with such wet dough... But the cheesecakes will definitely be very tender, and not dense due to the large amount of flour.

A little secret on how to get perfectly smooth and round cheesecakes. When you have already made the blanks and bread them in flour, cover them with a mug or glass of a slightly larger diameter. And then just rotate the dishes, without taking them off the work surface, without much effort. It is not necessary for a long time - literally in 4-5 movements, the future cheesecake will become smoother, round and grow due to a decrease in diameter. She seems to have explained it clearly ...

Now we will fry the curd blanks. To do this, choose a suitable pan, pour part of the vegetable oil into it, heat it up and lay out the first batch of cheese cakes. Fry them on one side over medium heat until golden brown.

Then carefully turn over and do the same with the second side. We also fry the rest of the curd blanks.

Cottage cheese is a product, of course, useful in all respects. But, as often happens, it can be very difficult to shove something useful into our capricious children, so we have to dodge and invent such dishes that even the biggest fussy will surely not refuse. Cheesecakes in this regard - classic version... Cottage cheese or curd cakes are a wonderful dish that can be served as an addition to lunch, prepared for breakfast, reinforced for homemade ones for an afternoon snack, or have a light dinner that will suit even those on a diet. The latter is especially important, since curds can be cooked not only without sugar or eggs, but even without flour!

In order for your curds not to blur in the pan, you need to cook them from low-fat cottage cheese, dry and crumbly. Sometimes it is useful to rub the cottage cheese through a sieve - more lush and delicate products are obtained from such cottage cheese. Passing cottage cheese through a meat grinder is undesirable. Eggs can also cause the curds to become sour during frying, so do not overdo it with their number - most often one egg is enough. A large amount of sugar makes the curds burn, so it is better to cook them not too sweet and serve with honey, jam or sprinkle with powdered sugar. Before frying, it is better to roll the curds in flour or semolina. You can add raisins, dried apricots, sliced ​​apples, poppy seeds to the curds, and shredded cabbage or mashed potatoes... All of these products add flavor and benefit to this simple and healthy dish... Curds can not only be fried in a pan, but also baked in the oven on a baking sheet or in a mold, or steamed.

the site invites you to cook curds according to one of several recipes.

400 g 9% cottage cheese,
4 tablespoons Sahara,
4 tablespoons fatty sour cream,
1-2 eggs
4 tablespoons (with a slide) flour,
1 tsp soda,
a pinch of salt.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve and combine with sour cream, sugar and salt. Mix the beaten eggs into the curd mass, then add the flour mixed with baking soda. From the received soft dough shape the meatball, roll in flour and place in a hot skillet with vegetable oil... Fry over medium heat until golden brown under the lid, then gently turn over and also bring the curds under the lid until cooked.

400 g of cottage cheese,
2 tbsp semolina,
100 g flour
3 eggs,
3-4 tablespoons Sahara,
¼ tsp soda,
a pinch of salt.

Whip the grated cottage cheese, eggs, sugar and salt with a mixer, add flour with soda and semolina... This will make a thick, sticky dough. Spoon the dough into a hot skillet with a tablespoon and fry like regular pancakes until golden brown under the lid.

400 g millet porridge,
200-300 g of cottage cheese,
2 eggs,
3-4 tablespoons Sahara,
2 tbsp (with a slide) of starch,
2 tbsp flour,
50 g raisins.

Beat eggs with sugar, combine with cottage cheese and millet porridge... Add flour and starch mixed with baking soda, raisins and stir. In a frying pan with a lot of vegetable oil, fry the resulting dough, like ordinary pancakes, on both sides until browning.

Chocolate curds

300 g of cottage cheese,
5 yolks,
2 squirrels,
2 tbsp Sahara,
2 tbsp cocoa powder
vanilla to taste.

Beat egg whites and yolks with sugar, add cottage cheese, grated through a sieve, a pinch of salt and vanilla. Stir well until smooth. Divide the dough into 2 unequal parts, place most of it in silicone molds for cupcakes. Add cocoa powder to the rest, mix and place on top of the light curd mass in molds. Put to bake in an oven heated to 180 ° C for 20-30 minutes.

Cottage cheese with pistachios

600 g fat cottage cheese,
1 egg,
4-5 tbsp Sahara,
2-3 tbsp peeled pistachios,
3-4 tablespoons flour,
a pinch of salt.

Beat the egg with sugar and salt, mix with the curd, rubbed through a sieve, and add the rest of the ingredients. Knead the dough. Form small cakes, roll in flour, shake off excess flour and fry in hot vegetable oil on both sides until tender.

Cottage cheese with apples

200 g of cottage cheese,
2 apples,
2 eggs,
50 g sugar
1 stack. flour,
1 tsp baking powder.

Grate the peeled apples with a coarse grater. Combine cottage cheese with eggs and sugar, add apples, mix and add flour mixed with baking powder. You will get a thick dough. In a hot frying pan with vegetable oil, put the dough with a tablespoon and fry on both sides until golden brown.

Cottage cheese with carrots and apples

400 g of cottage cheese,
1 carrot
1 apple,
2 tbsp flour,
1-2 tbsp Sahara,
a pinch of salt,
cinnamon to taste.

Grate the carrots and apple on a fine grater, combine with cottage cheese, egg, sugar and salt. Add cinnamon to taste and stir until smooth. Form small cakes, roll in flour and sauté in vegetable oil.

Cottage cheese with pumpkin and carrots

200 g of cottage cheese,
1 carrot
50-100 g pumpkin,
1 egg,
1 tbsp flour,
2 tsp semolina,
sugar, salt - to taste.

Grate carrots and pumpkin on a fine grater or chop with a blender. Combine all the curd ingredients, knead the dough and shape into small cakes. Dip them in flour or semolina and fry in hot vegetable oil until tender.

500 g dry cottage cheese,
300 g pumpkin
2 eggs,
5-6 tbsp (with a slide) flour,
3-4 tablespoons Sahara,
1 sachet vanilla sugar,
a pinch of salt.

Mash the cottage cheese with a fork or rub through a sieve, grate the pumpkin on a coarse grater and squeeze the juice. Combine all the ingredients, stir and add more flour if the dough is too runny. Using a tablespoon, spread the dough into a hot skillet with vegetable oil and fry under the lid until golden brown. Turn gently and cook until tender.

Boiled cottage cheese with pumpkin

250 g fat-free cottage cheese,
150 g pumpkin
100-150 g flour
2 eggs,
1-2 tbsp Sahara,
a pinch of salt.

Grate the pumpkin on a fine grater and squeeze the juice lightly. Combine with cottage cheese, eggs, flour, salt and sugar and knead into a not too thick dough. Using two teaspoons, put the dough in boiling salted water and cook until tender - the curds should float to the surface. Serve with sour cream.

Cottage cheese with oatmeal

400 g of cottage cheese,
150 g oatmeal
2 tbsp flour,
½ stack. Sahara,
2 tsp baking powder,

Fry the oatmeal in a dry frying pan, stirring constantly. Separately mix cottage cheese, eggs, sugar, and flour with baking powder. Mix the cooled flakes into the curd mixture and let stand for 30 minutes. When the mass thickens, put it in small portions in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil and fry, covered with a lid, over medium heat until browning.

Cottage cheese with apples and raisins

1 kg of cottage cheese,
200 g raisins
2 large apples,
200 g flour
200 g of sugar (the amount can be reduced),
4 eggs,
1 bag of vanilla sugar.

Mash cottage cheese with sugar and vanilla, add eggs and stir. Stir in flour mixed with baking powder. Cut the apples into small cubes, steam the raisins and dry. Add apples and raisins to the dough and stir until smooth. Form small cakes and fry in hot vegetable oil until browned.

500 g of cottage cheese,
2 eggs,
250 g flour
3-4 tablespoons Sahara,
1 banana
1 tsp baking powder,
½ tsp baking soda,
a pinch of salt,
breadcrumbs - for rolling.

Mash cottage cheese and mix with eggs, sugar and salt. Add flour, baking powder and baking soda and knead the dough. Cut the banana into slices. Form the curds, put a banana circle each inside and roll in bread crumbs... Fry in hot vegetable oil on both sides.

Cottage cheese with banana

500 g of cottage cheese,
1 egg,
2 bananas
120 g flour
100 g sugar
1 tsp baking powder,
vanilla to taste.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, combine with eggs, sugar and flour mixed with baking powder. Cut the peeled bananas into small cubes and stir into the dough. Form the curds, roll in flour and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Stewed curds

500 g of cottage cheese,
3 tbsp (with a slide) semolina,
1 egg,
2-3 tbsp Sahara,
1 tsp baking powder,
vanillin, salt - to taste.
For the sauce:
½ stack. raisins or cinnamon (dried cherries),
200 ml cream
100 ml of milk
sugar, vanillin - to taste.

Combine cottage cheese with semolina and leave for at least an hour (preferably overnight, in the refrigerator). Add eggs, sugar, salt and baking powder to the curd mass. Form the curds on a floured table. Fry in vegetable oil until golden crust... Put the curds in the skillet, sprinkle with raisins, put the curds layer again and sprinkle with raisins too. Pour in the sauce, bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer, covered, for 10-15 minutes.

Steamed cottage cheese

400 g of cottage cheese,
8 tbsp flour,
2 eggs,
6-8 tbsp Sahara,
vanillin or cinnamon to taste.

Combine all the ingredients and stir until you get a homogeneous, fairly dense dough that does not fall apart in your hand. Roll out the dough into small balls the size of Walnut and place them in the basket of the steamer at some distance from each other. Steam the curds for 25-30 minutes.

1 kg of cottage cheese,
4 eggs,
300-350 g flour,
½ stack. Sahara,
2 tsp baking powder,
1 tsp soda,
a pinch of salt,
vanilla to taste.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, mix with eggs, sugar and salt. Add flour with baking soda and baking powder and knead to a firm dough. Form thick cakes, place them on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, at some distance from each other, as they increase in size during baking. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180-200 ° C for 30 minutes.

Egg-free curds

700 g fat cottage cheese,
2-3 tbsp Sahara,
2-3 tbsp flour,
a pinch of salt.

Mash cottage cheese with a fork or rub through a sieve. Add salt, sugar and flour. You should not put a lot of sugar, as the cottage cheese may flow, you will have to add more flour, and the cottage cheese will be hard because of this. Stir well, roll on a floured table into a sausage and cut into slices. Form the cakes, roll in flour and place in a preheated frying pan with vegetable oil. Reduce heat and cover skillet with lid. Turn the curds fried until golden brown and fry them under the lid until tender. If the curds are unsweetened, serve them with honey or sour cream, whipped with sugar.

Flourless curds

500 g dry cottage cheese,
3-4 eggs,
2 tbsp Sahara,
a pinch of salt.

Beat the cooled eggs with salt in a thick foam, add sugar and beat again. Rub the curd through a sieve and combine with the egg mass. You will end up with a fairly liquid mass. If the dough is too thin, add a little starch. Fry the curds like regular pancakes in a frying pan with vegetable oil.

Curds made from sweet curd mass

500 g of finished curd mass (with or without filler),
2 eggs,
3-5 tbsp Sahara,
120-150 g flour
a pinch of salt, vanillin to taste.

Combine all ingredients and knead to a homogeneous dough. Using a tablespoon, separate a piece of dough, dip in flour and shape into a flat cake. Fry the curds in a pan with vegetable or ghee under the lid until tender. If the curd mass is sweet enough, you do not need to add sugar to the dough.

Potato curds

500 g of cottage cheese,
500 g potatoes
½ stack. flour,
2-3 eggs,
150 g grated cheese
salt to taste.

Boil the potatoes, cool slightly and rub through a sieve. Rub the curd through a sieve and mix with potatoes, flour, salt and eggs. Cut the resulting dough into meatballs, roll in flour and slightly flatten. Put the resulting curds on a baking sheet and place in the oven, preheated to 180-200 ° C, for 5-10 minutes. Serve with sour cream.

Turkish cottage cheese

200 g of cottage cheese,
200 g flour
2 tbsp butter,
1 egg,
1 sachet of baking powder.
For syrup:
2 tbsp Sahara,
2 tbsp water,
1 lemon (juice).

Mix cottage cheese with egg, butter and flour mixed with baking powder and knead the dough. Make small cakes from the dough and bake on a baking sheet in a hot (180 ° C) oven for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, make a syrup with water, sugar and lemon juice, heat over medium heat and let cool. Transfer the finished curds to a deep plate and pour over the syrup.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Cheesecakes without cottage cheese with honey

If you or your loved ones are lactose intolerant and cannot eat dairy products, but you really love cheesecakes and miss cottage cheese - this recipe is for you! You will be able to remember their lingering sour taste and delight yourself with a previously inaccessible fermented milk dish.

Cheesecakes without cottage cheese can be made from semolina and lemon or orange juice with zest. Of course, inside they will not be as tender and juicy as cottage cheese pancakes(although, I will experiment, perhaps I will find new proportions at which the similarity will reach the maximum level). But all the same - it turns out very tasty. And if you don't tell your family what these fake cheesecakes are made of, then no one will guess. Curd taste manifests itself more strongly as it cools (as in classic syrniki and cottage cheese pies).


for 10 syrniki

  • Eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Lemon (or orange) - 1 piece;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Vegetable oil (in the dough) - 4 tablespoons;
  • Semolina - 1 glass;
  • Flour - 4 heaped tablespoons.

And also vegetable oil for frying.

How to cook

  • Combine eggs, salt, vegetable oil. Grate lemon (orange) zest (fine grater) there and give the juice. Mix well.
  • Add semolina and flour. Knead the dough.
  • Heat a skillet with oil. With wet hands (moisten with water), form cheesecakes (I made them both round, plump, and flatter. Both are tasty). Fry on both sides until browned.
  • Serve prepared cheesecakes with honey or jam. It will be delicious!

Bon Appetit!

Delicious cheesecakes without cottage cheese (with semolina and lemon) are ready!

This is how curd cakes look like without semolina cottage cheese inside

Cooking curd cakes without cottage cheese in pictures

This will be the consistency of the dough for semolina cheesecakes. To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, moisten them with water before sculpting cheese cakes Cheese cakes without cottage cheese in a pan Cheese cakes are fried rather quickly

Honey or jam will add juiciness to the cheese pancakes. And it will sweeten, they are sugar free.

Other foods you can cook without milk

Cheesecakes are almost like cottage cheese!

When it suddenly turns out that you cannot drink milk, kefir and yogurt, you cannot eat cottage cheese and cheese due to lactose intolerance, then at first life becomes very impoverished. You have to go through whole departments of stores, convincing yourself that it is inedible for you.

But the desire to eat something cheese or curd remains ... There is a way out. Many dishes with cottage cheese or milk and fermented milk drinks can be prepared in a new way, replacing products containing lactose with something lactose-free, inexpensive - something that is always at hand.

What to replace

Liquid milk / fermented milk base of the dough

All milk, cream, kefir, yogurt, sour cream in pies, pancakes, pancakes, can be replaced with water, juice, wine (in most recipes). Or even beer (non-alcoholic) or jam, it all depends on what you are cooking.

For a sensation of sour milk, can be added to dishes lemon juice(sweet orange) and, if necessary, the zest of these fruits. And for curd dishes use a combination of semolina and citrus juices of lemon and orange.

Butter in dough can often be replaced with vegetable oil.

Below I will give recipes for dairy-free dishes.

Dairy-Free Salad Dressing

And if you are making a salad (fruit or vegetable), which is seasoned with yogurt or sour cream, then you can safely sprinkle it with semolina (couscous or bulgur), which, after being saturated with fruit or vegetable juices lettuce will turn into a creamy mass that connects the dish. An example of replacing yogurt with semolina - you can not put yogurt in, just cover with semolina, mix and let stand, as in.

(can be replaced with white wine or champagne - the alcohol will disappear during baking, but the aroma and sourness will remain);


  • 350 g of cottage cheese;
  • 0.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 0.5 tbsp. flour;
  • 6 tbsp sour cream:
  • 2 eggs;
  • a packet of vanilla sugar or a pinch of vanillin;
  • jam for serving;

Recipe for curd cottage cheese and sour cream

1. Pour cottage cheese into a bowl for kneading dough, add sour cream. Grind with a blender.

2. Add sugar, vanillin or vanilla sugar, break eggs. We continue to mix with a blender. Curd should be smooth and lump-free.

3. Pour in flour, knead the dough with a blender.

4. Pour some vegetable oil into a preheated pan. We also grease the spoon with vegetable oil and collect the dough. We make the fire minimal. We spread it quickly and neatly curd dough in the pan. Be careful not to drip oil from a spoon into the fire. When the pan is full, use the same spoon to shape the cheese pan. For convenience, you can use another spoon or spatula. The main thing is to act quickly, until the dough has set.

5. Fry the cheese cakes over low heat until an appetizing golden crust is formed on each side (about 3-4 minutes).

You can serve cheesecakes with jam, sour cream, or simply sprinkle with powdered sugar on top.

Delicious cottage cheese pancakes and sour cream are ready! Bon Appetit!:)