Bake the beets in the oven without foil. How to bake beets in the oven while retaining maximum benefits and flavor? Beetroot and Bacon Salad

It will be useful for every housewife to know how to bake beets in the oven. After all, such a dish in the end can become not only an addition to salads, but also an independent side dish - very healthy and dietary. It is when baked in the oven that vegetables retain the maximum amount of vitamins and others nutrients.

In order for the beets to bake perfectly, it is best to choose medium-sized fruits. Vegetables that are too large will take too long to cook. And there is always the possibility that inside they will still remain moist. It is also important to select root vegetables with intact skin.

The easiest way is to bake beets for a fridge, various salads and other cold snacks - in foil. It is this method of cooking the discussed vegetable in the oven that is the most common. If the beets are medium to small, they can be baked whole.

  1. First, the roots are thoroughly washed from sand and other contaminants. The tops and roots should not be cut too short with a sharp knife.
  2. Each beet is placed on a sheet of foil approximately 1.5 times the size of the vegetable itself. You need to seal it as tightly as possible.
  3. If the vegetables are very small, several pieces can be placed at once in each sheet of foil.
  4. The oven is preheated to 200 degrees, after which the prepared beets are placed in it and left in the cabinet at the same temperature for about 1.5 hours. Finished vegetables will become soft, which can be easily checked with a toothpick.

It is best to leave the beets to cool directly in the foil. It can then be expanded, cleaned and shredded. It is the root vegetables prepared in this way that are stored the longest. On the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, beets baked in the oven in foil can spend at least 3 days. The main thing is not to expand the coverage. And the remains of unused beets are allowed to be frozen at all.

If the hostess needs to cook vegetables as soon as possible, then she can use various tricks to speed up the baking process. For example, pour a small amount of water onto a baking sheet.

We bake beets in the sleeve

If you don't have foil on hand, you can cook beets in the oven using a special baking sleeve. Each of them will fit no more than 5 medium root crops.

  1. The beets are thoroughly cleaned of dirt, washed with water and dried with a towel.
  2. The vegetables are sent to the baking sleeve, which must be tied on both sides, having previously released all the air.
  3. The workpiece is sent on a baking sheet in a well-heated oven for about an hour. After 40 minutes, you can check the readiness of the root crops with toothpicks or thin wooden skewers.

By the way, the following secret will also help to significantly speed up the process of baking beets in the oven: the vegetables must first be placed in the baking sleeve, and then wrapped with foil on top. True, in this case, the hostess will have to spend more time preparing food.

Beets baked on a baking sheet in the oven

If the culinary specialist did not have any additional accessories at hand, then you can bake the beets in an open way. To do this, it will be enough to use a baking sheet or even an oven rack. The baking speed will be the same for any option.

  1. After rinsing thoroughly with water, the beets are dried with a paper towel and laid out on a baking sheet.
  2. Top vegetables are lightly sprinkled with sunflower or olive oil.
  3. To the bottom oven heat-resistant dishes with water are installed. This will prevent the vegetables from drying out during cooking.

After about an hour, the oven turns off and the beets remain in it until they cool completely. This will allow the root vegetables to "reach" the desired state and not be soggy inside.

How much to bake beets in the oven?

It is impossible to say unequivocally how much to bake beets in the oven until fully cooked. It will depend on many factors. For example, on the type of oven, on the size of the roots, on the set temperature, and others.

Wanting to speed up the process of cooking vegetables, you should not set the temperature above 200 degrees. Otherwise, the beets will be overdried, which will negatively affect not only it appearance but also the taste.

On average, beetroot cooking time is 1-1.5 hours. To correctly determine the moment when vegetables are ready, it is worth periodically piercing them with a toothpick. As soon as the roots are completely soft, you can turn off the oven.

Baked Beetroot Recipes

In modern cookbooks there are a lot of salads with baked beets. Among them there are both the simplest and the very intricate ones.

Garlic salad

Such a salad is prepared as quickly as possible and from the simplest products. For him you need to take 6-7 pcs. vegetables, a large handful of peeled walnuts, garlic, or garlic sauce. The latter can be replaced with sour cream and unsweetened yogurt.


  1. Baked beets are grated on a medium grater;
  2. Walnuts, ground in a blender, are added to vegetables;
  3. It remains to fill the dish garlic sauce or sour cream (mayonnaise, yogurt) with the addition of garlic passed through a press.

The salad goes well with any meat dishes... It can be served both for everyday dining and for the festive table.

Cream cheese soup

It will be possible to cook from baked beets and hearty puree soup... It is best to prepare croutons for it in advance from white bread... In addition to 4 pcs. beets need to take 0.5 liters chicken broth, 1-2 potatoes and 200 gr. processed cheese without additives.


  1. Potatoes, cut into small pieces, are boiled until tender and added to the broth;
  2. Chopped beets are also sent there;
  3. It remains to add cheese to the vegetables, carefully mashed the mass, add salt and any seasonings to it, and then send it over medium heat for 5-10 minutes.

Soup with croutons and chopped herbs is served.

Beetroot slices with Tartar sauce

Baked beets are also an excellent side dish. To do this, ready-made vegetables are cut into small slices and stacked in portions. It remains to prepare for them a sauce of sour cream, mayonnaise, granulated garlic and pickled cucumbers. The latter are finely chopped or grated. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and the sauce can be spread over the beetroot slices. It will help to make its color more saturated and appetizing. beet juice.

The garnish is ready. It complements especially well red fried or baked meat.

How to cook beets for salad? What is better, boil or bake this root vegetable, whole, in the oven? Bake it! Baked beets will delight you with their rich aroma and delicate taste, most of which is lost if this vegetable is simply boiled.

I've been on my own for years "Boiled" cooked this vegetable. Intuitively, I understood that most of the aroma and taste is simply drained down the drain, along with the broth. But the simple phrase in the recipes - "boil the beets" - was constantly confusing!

And I cooked and cooked, until one day, at my friend's, I tried the usual "fur coat". What a taste she had! Burak was dense, juicy with a rich aroma. "How do you cook beets?" I asked. "I bake it." - answered the friend.

Since then, I no longer boil this root vegetable, I always bake it whole in the oven wrapped in foil. At first, I cooked this sweet root by wrapping each vegetable in foil, but over time the process became easier. I began to put the prepared beets in a baking dish, cover them with foil and bake. This reduced the preparation time, and in the end, the vegetable turned out to be just as tasty, with the same impeccable beet flavor.

Ah ... "... are you still boiling?"

Ever baked beets for salads and snacks? Try it, it's very easy!

See also:

How to bake beets in the oven in foil - recipe


  1. Two kilograms of beets

Optional equipment:

  • Form for cooking.
  • Aluminium foil.
  • Paper towels.
  • Wooden skewer.
  • Cooking tongs.

Cooking method:

Preheat the oven

  • Place a wire rack in the center of the oven and preheat the oven to 220 ° C. Line a baking dish with aluminum foil in one layer.

How to prepare beets for baking in foil

  • While the oven is heating up, prepare the vegetables for baking. To do this, clean them with a dry cloth, sponge or napkin. Cut off the stems of the root crop with kitchen scissors, leave about five centimeter tips, do not cut them to the very root. Do not trim the ponytails under any circumstances. If you cut off the stems and tails, the precious beetroot flavor will escape through these "wounds" during baking. Now wash the beetroot carefully removing the dirt. Try not to damage the skin, let, during baking, all the juices remain inside the vegetable!

  • Place the peeled beets in a single layer on a tin lined with aluminum foil.

  • Cover the top with a sheet of aluminum foil and clamp the edges tightly.

How much to bake beets in the oven?

  • Bake it in the oven for forty-five minutes to two hours. The baking time of the vegetable depends on its size. If you have very large root vegetables, they will take longer to cook. Use kitchen tongs to turn the beets over every thirty minutes so that they cook evenly on all sides.
  • After 40 - 45 minutes, check for readiness. To do this, pierce, in the center, the largest vegetable with a wooden skewer. If the skewer easily and smoothly goes into the pulp, then the vegetables are ready. If the beets are not yet pierced with a wooden skewer, then bake them for another ten minutes, and repeat the test again. So at ten minute intervals, check the vegetables for readiness.

Remove the baked beetroot dish from the oven

  • Take the mold out of the oven, remove the top layer of foil from it. Let the vegetables stand and cool a little, for 5 - 10 minutes, until you can peel them off without scalding. After the beets have cooled slightly, cut off the stems and tails from them.

How to peel baked beets

  • While the beets are not completely cold, remove the peels from them. There is a lot of coloring pigment in these vegetables, which permanently stains everything with which it comes into contact, so it will take a little "Dirty" hands. Of course, you can always wear disposable gloves to keep your hands clean. Someone recommends peeling the beetroot with a kitchen towel or paper towel. And someone prefers to peel off the skin with your fingers, under running water. This makes it easier to slide off and the beet juice stains your hands less. If permanent brown spots remain on your skin, try removing them lemon juice... In any case, they will go off in one or two days.

The vegetables are ready and you can use them in recipes for salads and vinaigrettes, for making beetroot snacks with cheese and onions.

Bon Appetit!

What can be made from baked beets:

These crispy corstini with beetroot carrots and pickled onions are best served immediately after picking while the bread is still hot. You can prepare each component of this dish in advance, and assemble the sandwiches before serving.

These beetroot pancakes with marinated salmon and pomegranate seeds are a great snack before the main course. On these small, yeast "boats" you can always put something else from cheese and jam, to fish or caviar.

Beets are a wonderful vegetable that can be cooked in many different ways. It is boiled, fried, baked. And then they cook delicious and healthy meals... Many housewives are not very fond of boiling beets, since there is a lot of steam during cooking, and the aroma is not very good. With this method of preparation, beets most often leave their natural color in the water and lose a large amount of vitamins. In order to preserve its taste and the beneficial substances that it contains, I suggest bake whole beets in foil in the oven... It won't take much time, and the result will please you. In this way, you can cook both old vegetables and young ones. The only difference is the baking time. Try it!


In order to bake beets in foil in the oven as a whole, you will need:
beets - 5 pcs.;
foil - 20-25 cm (for each beet).

Cooking steps

Wash the beets well and pat dry with a paper towel.

Measure for each beet the right amount foil, placing the vegetable in the center.

Wrap each beet tightly in foil in the shape of a "candy" (as shown).

Place the beets wrapped in foil on a baking sheet and put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 40-60 minutes. If the beets are young, then reduce the baking time to 30-40 minutes.

Check the readiness with a wooden skewer, if the skewer easily pierces the vegetable, then the beets are baked.

Take out the whole cooked beets baked in foil from the oven, refrigerate and can be used for cooking first courses, caviar, salads, as a side dish or beetroot desserts. By the way, such beets can be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for 2-3 days.

The easiest way to cook beets is to boil them. But almost everything is lost during cooking. beneficial features and taste qualities vegetables, pots and even a stove get dirty. That is why the second method of cooking beets is now becoming more popular and less labor-intensive. If you do not cook the vegetable, but try to bake the beets in the oven, then all the useful substances will be preserved in it, the taste will be richer, and the color will be deep. And after its preparation, you will not need to waste your time washing dishes.

Roasting beets with foil
One way to cook beets in the oven is to bake them in foil. This is very convenient because in this form the beets can be put in the oven, where a dish is already being prepared. The vegetable does not take up much space, and foreign smells due to the foil will not be able to penetrate either the beets or the neighboring dish. To bake beets in the oven using foil, you need:
  • turn on the oven at 200 ° C, let it heat up;
  • take the required amount of root crops and cut the tops from them;
  • rinse the beets thoroughly and remove all dirt and lumps of earth from it;
  • the vegetables must be thoroughly dried and each wrapped in foil in two layers;
  • Put the beets on a baking sheet or wire rack and leave in the oven for an hour and a half.
After the time has elapsed, you need to get one piece, unfold it and check for readiness with a fork or wooden skewer. If the object freely enters it, then the beets are ready. Cooking time depends on how large the vegetable is and how young it is. If the beets are large or old, then the baking time can be increased to 2 hours. If the beets are very small, then the cooking time is reduced to 40 minutes. The finished root vegetable must be removed from the oven and freed from the foil so that it cools faster.

Roasting sleeve recipe
The good thing about this method is that you can save the time that was spent wrapping each beet in foil:

  • turn on the oven at 180 ° C;
  • prepare vegetables: rinse and brush;
  • place the beets in one baking bag and tie the ends;
  • place the bag in a baking dish and place in the oven.
Let the beets bake in a bag for an hour and a half, depending on their size. It will not be possible to check the vegetable ahead of time, since you will have to cut the entire package, and in this form it is not suitable for further cooking.

How to bake beets in a cast iron skillet
This option is suitable for those who have a cast iron skillet, but do not the required amount foil to wrap each vegetable separately. It is very simple to bake beets in the oven in a cast iron pan:

  • Take a clean and dry skillet and line it with foil;
  • put clean and dried roots in it;
  • now cover them with foil and twisting the foil around the edges;
  • put the pan on a baking sheet, in which pour a little water so that the beets do not burn;
  • place everything in an oven preheated to 180 ° C and bake for at least an hour.
After a while, remove the pan and unfold the foil. Check one beetroot for readiness, put it back if necessary and place the pan in the oven for another half hour.

Ready and peeled beets can be used in any way: add to salads, soups and snacks. Or you can just eat it right away and get a huge portion of vitamins, nutrients and useful substances for the body.

The familiar for many method of cooking beets by boiling in water is gradually being replaced by a more optimal method - baking. The main advantages of this cooking option for this vegetable can be safely called a large nutritional value and practicality. In the first case, baked beets retain more nutrients and taste better than boiled beets. In the second, the baking process eliminates the need to wash the dishes, as is the case with the cooking process. We offer you several ways to bake beets in the oven.

In the oven, the roasting time of beets ranges from 35 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the cooking method and the size of the vegetable itself. Most quick option bake beets in the oven - use a baking sleeve for this. In this case, the vegetable will be ready in 30-40 minutes. To bake the beets in this way, put the washed vegetable in a sleeve, tie it, letting air out, and leave it for the specified time in the oven on, preheated to 180-190 C. After 25 minutes of cooking, we check the degree of readiness with a skewer or knife. You can use foil to bake beets in the oven. In this way, a small vegetable will cook in 40-45 minutes. To do this, wrap the washed and dried beets in foil, preferably in two layers. In this case, small vegetables can be wrapped together, and medium and large vegetables can be wrapped separately. When wrapping the beets in foil, try to do it tightly. We put the finished blanks in the oven and set the temperature to 180-200 C. This cooking method guarantees you a great taste of beets, a full range of nutrients and minimal weight loss.

For that special fire-style baked beetroot flavor, try baking it in the oven without foil or sleeve. Beets prepared in this way are no less useful and at the same time have an excellent taste and aroma. To bake in this way, put the washed beets on a medium wire rack and cook at 180-200 C for 1-1.5 hours. In this case, it should be borne in mind that the vegetable will lose about a third of its volume during baking, so it is better to choose medium or large beets.

You can also cook beets in a slow cooker. In it, small beets will be ready in 35-40 minutes, large beets in about 1 hour. Choose the "Baking" mode for baking beets in a multicooker. The simplest and quick way cooking baked beets - in the microwave. To do this, wash the beets selected for baking under running water and pierce in several places. Then place the prepared vegetable in a bag (ideally heat-resistant). If the vegetable is dry, add some water (100 ml) to the bag. Place the bag of beets in the microwave. Roast the beets for 15 minutes at medium power (800 watts). After the microwave signal, do not take out the vegetable for another 5 minutes so that it "reaches".

In second place in terms of the speed of baking beets is the airfryer. This vegetable is baked in it for about half an hour. In this case, for cooking, you need to select the lower rack. The parameters for roasting beets in the airfryer are as follows: the optimum cooking temperature is 200 C, the blowing speed is medium, the cooking time is 30 minutes.

And one more practical advice regarding baking beets (except for the microwave cooking method): choose vegetables with a whole skin for baking in order to preserve the maximum taste and nutrients in them during the cooking process. For the same purpose, do not cut off their tails.