Delicious pork liver with onions. Fried pork liver with onions

It's good if you take care of preparing the liver in advance, and not on the eve of cooking. The fact is that the liver has a very specific smell and bitterness, so it needs to be soaked for 2-3 hours in water, and even better - in cold milk of any fat content. It is advisable to change the fluid every hour.

After that, the water / milk can be drained, blotted with a paper towel, and then cut into small pieces (too small will burn quickly). Salt and pepper the liver.

Before sending the liver to the pan, you can roll it in flour. Fry pork liver in a frying pan in oil. You need to dip the pieces only in hot oil. It is advisable to sprinkle the frying pan with a small amount of salt so that the oil does not "sparkle". Fry over medium heat (about 3-4 minutes), stirring frequently.

Peel and cut the onions into large half rings.

We send the onion to the liver as soon as it becomes ruddy. Next, fry the pork liver and onion in a frying pan until the onion becomes transparent golden brown. It is not necessary to fry the liver for a long time, because of this it becomes tough.

The finished dish turns out to be very juicy, tender and soft, it goes well with rice, mashed potatoes... You can serve pork liver with onions with the addition of herbs and balsamic vinegar.

And one more little tip: if you've fried a lot of liver and it's left over after lunch or dinner, use it to make a pate! To do this, chop the liver with onions in a blender, adding olive oil and some fried carrots.

It is known that the liver is a product that, having huge amount minerals and vitamins, extremely beneficial for the human body. This is probably why people try to eat it as often as possible. Pork liver in its basic characteristics is similar to the offal of other animals or birds. However, there are some peculiarities that must be taken into account during its preparation. This product is rarely boiled. Most often it is fried using various techniques and technologies. It all depends on which animal a particular offal belongs to. An experienced housewife knows, for example, how much to fry pork liver and how to prepare it for further processing, so that in the end the dish turns out to be tender and tasty.

Minimum terms

Getting started, you need to know in advance the features of a particular product in order to be able to correctly use its positive and negative sides. Before answering the question of how much to fry pork liver, you need to clearly understand for yourself that excessive heat treatment makes this product dry and tough. The maximum removal of moisture can only ruin the dish and turn a juicy semi-finished product into an unsuitable "sole" for eating. To prevent this from happening, you need to do everything clearly and quickly.

So how much to fry It usually takes no more than 3-5 minutes for each side. This time is quite enough for a pleasant thin crust to form on the surface, and the product inside remains juicy and soft. Usually, the liver is prepared in a very simple way, without using complex technologies. When frying each piece, you just need to make sure that the liquid that comes out of it when pressed is light. The blood red color of the moisture indicates that the product is not yet ready for use.

Secrets of product preparation

To achieve the best result, special attention must be paid to the selection and preparation of the main product. It's no secret that pork liver is slightly different, for example, from beef liver. Firstly, it is covered with a thinner film, which makes it possible sometimes not to remove it at all. Secondly, small grains in the structure of the pork offal after cooking create a false sensation of dryness. This can be avoided if it is properly prepared beforehand. A soaking process is often used for extra softness. In this case, the liver must be kept in milk or plain water for at least half an hour. The extra moisture will make the food looser, and after frying it will be much softer. Thirdly, for processing it is better to take a fresh or already thawed product. This will make it easier to determine how much to fry the pork liver. The offal must have a pronounced color and an intact surface shell. The presence of too light or dark shade may indicate poor quality product. In this case, the likelihood of poisoning or other undesirable consequences is high. If the liver is chosen correctly, then you can safely proceed to its preparation.

The simplest option

There are a few interesting ways addition, pork. A delicious dish will turn out only if you do everything as written in the recipe. For a start, you can consider the most easy option when fresh liver is fried in flour breadcrumbs. All you need to do is a knife, a cutting board and a good frying pan. And as the main ingredients, you need to take: for 400 grams of pork liver - 10 grams of salt, 5 grams of ground pepper, a glass of flour and 80-90 grams vegetable oil.

Now you can start to master the technique of how to fry pork liver tasty and without any problems:

  1. First, the product must be thoroughly washed and the film must be removed from its surface as much as possible. After that, all veins and existing vessels must be carefully removed. In conclusion, the prepared liver must be cut into pieces 1-1.5 centimeters thick, rinsed and dried with a towel.
  2. Combine all bulk components in a separate plate: pepper, flour and salt. You can add any other spices or seasonings if desired.
  3. Lightly beat off the liver on one side with a kitchen hammer, covering it with cling film so that blood splashes do not stain the entire room.
  4. Heat oil in a frying pan.
  5. The liver must first be breaded in flour, and then put in boiling fat. Under the influence of temperature, the product will decrease in size, so the pieces can be placed as tightly as possible to each other. For frying on each side, it will take no more than 3-4 minutes. The product should just be slightly golden brown.

As soon as the blood ceases to protrude outside, the fire can be turned off, and the product can be transferred to the dish and carried to the table.

The secret of softness

Over the years, each housewife has developed her own technology for preparing certain products. Nevertheless, many answer the question in exactly the same way how much to fry pork liver so that it is soft.

They believe that time is not important here. It can be 3, 5 or 7 minutes. It all depends on the thickness of the piece. Basically, the softness of the product is due to its preliminary soaking in milk. Moreover, everyone chooses the duration of this process independently. For some, one hour is enough, while others prefer to leave the product in this state overnight. The essence of this procedure is to saturate the liver tissue with moisture. Besides, milk product neutralizes the taste of blood and other odors. This is also important, because during frying, they can appear even more. After such a procedure, the liquid must be poured out, and the product itself must be rinsed again with water and dried with a paper towel. Now you can start frying it in any convenient way.

Liver in batter

Experienced housewives can give a lot of practical advice to those who want to know how much to fry pork liver so that it is soft and juicy. One option is to use batter. Moreover, the mass should be moderately thick and homogeneous. In this case, you can use the recipe for which you will need: for 500 grams of chilled pork liver - 2 chicken eggs, 5 grams of salt, 15 grams of flour, a pinch of pepper and a little vegetable oil.

The whole process consists of three stages:

  1. Preparation of the liver. The product must be washed, cleaned of large vessels and bile ducts, and then divided into portions... Now the workpieces need to be folded into a plastic bag and beaten off a little using the smooth side of a hammer or a regular rolling pin. After such processing, each piece must be blotted with a napkin to remove excess moisture.
  2. Batter preparation. To do this, beat the eggs with salt and pepper, and add flour at the very end. We must try to avoid lumps in the mixture.
  3. Frying. The liver must first be dipped in the cooked egg mass, and then put in a frying pan with boiling oil and fry for 4 minutes on each side. It is better to cook under a closed lid so that the moisture evaporates less.

This option is very convenient, as it requires a minimum of physical and time costs.

Liver in sour cream sauce

You can go through the options for a long time, deciding how to fry the pork liver so that it is soft and juicy. Step by step recipe one of them requires the presence of mandatory products in the following amount: for 400 grams of liver - 200 milliliters of sour cream, a chive, 30 grams of flour, half a glass of milk, 2 onions, salt, a teaspoon of mustard, pepper and any greens.

For this option, everything needs to be done in steps:

  1. The liver, washed and cleaned of the bile ducts, must be cut into pieces of the desired size and soaked in milk for a couple of hours.
  2. Cut the onion into large half rings and sauté it in oil until soft.
  3. Add the liver to the pan and fry the food together for no more than 10 minutes with constant stirring.
  4. Prepare the sauce separately from the remaining ingredients, and then pour the contents of the pan with it. The food should simmer together until the liver, when pressed, stops bleeding. Pepper and salt the dish at the very end.

The finished product must be covered with a lid and let it brew a little. Only then can the soft and tender liver be served on the table.

Onion-flavored liver

A popular by-product is very often cooked with a variety of vegetables. But for novice housewives it will be more interesting how to deliciously fry pork liver with onions. This method, as practice shows, is used most often. Of the products you need only liver, flour, onions, salt and any vegetable oil.

The technology of this process is easy to learn from the first try:

  1. First, in a frying pan, you need to fry half rings in oil onions... They should become soft and slightly transparent. The quantity here, in principle, does not really matter. Although the more onions there are, the tastier the dish itself will turn out. The finished product must be temporarily transferred to a separate clean dish.
  2. In the same oil, quickly fry the liver, roll it in flour beforehand.
  3. Add prepared onions to the pan, cover it with a lid and hold the food in this position for 20 minutes over very low heat.

An ideal side dish for such an amazing dish would be mashed potatoes. Although everyone can decide this question based on personal preferences in food.

Pork liver It tastes great when cooked correctly. In general, such a by-product has a beneficial effect on our body, giving it unheard of benefits. It is extremely rare for culinary experts to use the offal of a pig for boiling, steaming. Most often, the liver is fried to an amber crust. In this regard, we propose today to discuss how much to fry pork liver.

As practice shows, most chefs choose beef or chicken liver, undeservedly disregarding the pork offal. Let's figure out how much to fry pork liver in a pan? Let's talk about culinary tricks cooking such dishes.

The process of heat treatment of pig liver can last from 7 to 15 minutes. It depends on the size and thickness of the piece.

In general, it is customary to fry the liver on each side until a golden hue appears. But only on appetizing crust you can't navigate.

On a note! The liver must be pierced with a fork. If the offal is ready for use, then clear juice will be released at the puncture sites. Traces of blood indicate the need to continue heat treatment.

Unlike beef or veal liver, which must be stewed additionally, it is enough to fry the pork liver, and it will be immediately ready for use. Pork liver must be processed before frying. There is a thin film on its surface, which it is better to get rid of. First, we rinse the liver with chilled water, and then place it in a container with warm water... After a couple of minutes, the film can be removed without much effort.

It is worth noting that it will be tastier and much juicier. fried liver if chilled by-product is used for cooking. But it is not always possible to buy fresh liver. In this case, the product that has been deep-frozen is left to thaw naturally.

On a note! Before heat treatment, it is recommended to soak the liver in filtered water or in pasteurized milk for at least half an hour.

As practice shows, it is impossible to increase the frying time in the hope that the dish will turn out to be even tastier. This formula doesn't work here. The longer you fry the pieces of pork liver, the drier and tougher they will become. And as a result, instead of a mouth-watering treat, tasteless rubber will appear on your table.

Onions will be an excellent addition to fried liver. It can be cut into thin half rings and sautéed separately, and then combined with the cooked liver. There are other recipes for preparing such a dish. How much to fry pork liver with onions? No more than 10 minutes. If you seek advice from experienced chefs, then they will still recommend preparing these ingredients separately so that the onions do not burn.

Sour cream or cream sauce... You can add mushrooms, vegetables such as carrots and potatoes. As for the side dish, it is better to give preference to mashed potatoes. Also, in addition to fried pork liver, pasta, cereals or fresh vegetable salad.

By the way, the longer you soak the pork liver, the more you will saturate it with moisture, which will have a positive effect on the consistency and taste fried offal.

Diversify your diet

If you've never tasted roasted pork liver before, it's time to fill that gap. In general, it will take you very little time to prepare a treat. Mushrooms and onions will give your liver an amazing taste and aroma. You can also add sour cream sauce to this dish. But in this case better dish simmer for a few more minutes after frying.


  • fresh frozen pork liver - 500 g;
  • refined vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • onions - 500 g;
  • salt, ground allspice;
  • lemon - one piece;
  • fresh champignon mushrooms - 500 g;
  • flour top grade- ½ glass.


  1. We start by preparing the ingredients we need to prepare this dish.
  2. If necessary, we take the pork liver out of the freezer in advance and leave it to thaw naturally.
  3. For now, let's deal with onions and mushrooms. We peel the whiny vegetable and chop it in the form of thin half rings.
  4. We wash and dry the champignons thoroughly. Grind the mushrooms with plates.
  5. In a small amount of refined vegetable oil, first sauté chopped onions.
  6. As soon as the vegetable softens, add mushrooms to it. It is better to add champignons to the pan in small quantities.
  7. Stir and fry until mushrooms are fully cooked.
  8. We wash the pork liver first. Remove the surface film and rinse again. If desired, the offal can be soaked in pasteurized milk.
  9. Dry the liver thoroughly with a napkin. Cut the offal into oblong pieces of medium thickness.
  10. Pour flour for breading into a separate plate.
  11. Pour a little refined vegetable oil into the pan and heat it up.
  12. Thoroughly roll each piece of pig liver in flour evenly on all sides.
  13. Put the breaded liver in a frying pan and fry.
  14. Roughly fry the liver on each side for 3-4 minutes.
  15. Gently turn the piece of liver over when, on the other side, it is fried until golden brown. We check the readiness with a toothpick or fork.
  16. It remains to combine fried pork liver with onions and mushrooms.
  17. Mix all the ingredients well, season with ground allspice and salt.

The liver is one of the most useful offal, since it contains a large amount of various vitamins, as well as useful minerals. Properly cooked, it will not only be healthy, but also very tasty. Despite the fact that pork liver is mostly similar to the liver of other animals, there are a number of nuances that should be taken into account in order to properly fry this offal.

Product selection

When choosing a pork liver, attention should be paid to its size. A good pork liver should weigh about two kilograms. The unnaturally small liver most likely belonged to an animal with health problems and should not be bought.

A good liver simply has to be moist and shiny. If you see that the product is dull and sticky, then most likely something is wrong with such a liver.

Fresh pork liver is most often burgundy in color. An indicator that a product is stale is that it is too light.

If you want to buy a good offal, when choosing, you need to observe some simple instructions... When buying a product, pierce it with a knife - if the flowing blood is scarlet, then this is a fresh product.

Pay attention to the smell - good liver will have a sweetish smell. In the event that the product has a sour smell, it is not worth buying, as it is most likely stale.

Process features

In the case of pork liver cooking, it often turns out that the resulting dish may not meet the expectations of the chef. At times, the dish turns out to be dry or has an unpleasant bitter aftertaste.

If you want to avoid bitterness, then you should carefully remove all streaks from the product. These veins are the bile ducts that give the dish an unpleasant taste. Then the liver must be kept for about half an hour in cold water.

If you want to fry pork liver so as to make it soft and juicy, then you need to follow certain steps. For example, you can add a little sugar to the product, an approximate calculation will be a couple of teaspoons per 500 g of product.

To properly cook this offal in a pan, follow the instructions:

  • first heat the pan by adding vegetable oil to it;
  • when the pan is hot enough, fry the offal in it for 7 minutes on each side;
  • if you are preparing a liver for a child, then it is better to stew the product with gravy over low heat;
  • if the liver is homogeneous inside, has acquired a more gray color, the juice of a reddish tint does not come out of it, the inner fibers are not dry and have lost their burgundy color, then this means that it is ready for use.

Cooking recipes

One way to deliciously fry the offal is to fry it in batter. For this we need:

  • about 500 g of pork liver;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • about 5 g of salt;
  • 15-20 g flour;
  • a little pepper and a little vegetable oil.

To begin with, take the washed and de-veined liver and divide it into portions. Next, we put the resulting pieces in a plastic bag and lightly beat off with the smooth part of the hammer, a rolling pin is also well suited for this. Then we remove moisture from the liver by blotting each piece with a paper towel.

Now let's move on to making batter. Beat eggs together with salt and pepper, and towards the end add flour.

Next, you need to dip the liver in batter, put it in a pan, on which you should bring the oil to a boil in advance. After that, fry the product for 4 minutes on each side. Cover the pan with a lid to prevent excess moisture from evaporating.

And also this product can be fried in sour cream sauce, for this we need:

  • 400 g liver;
  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • 30 g flour;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • a pair of onions;
  • salt;
  • a small spoonful of mustard;
  • pepper and any greens.

First, take the liver, it must be washed and free of veins, cut it into pieces convenient for you, and then soak it in milk for several hours.

Now take an onion and chop it coarsely. Lightly fry the chopped onions over low heat until they acquire softness, being careful not to bring them to a crust and deep frying.

Now put the liver in the same skillet and fry everything together for about 10 minutes, stirring regularly.

Make a sauce from unused ingredients and pour it into a frying pan. The contents of the pan should boil until the blood is no longer emitted from the liver.

You can add salt and pepper towards the end of cooking.

At the very end, the dish must be allowed to brew for some time, and can be served.

When preparing pork liver dishes, pay attention to the following details:

  • in the process of frying, the liver decreases by about half;
  • to get more flavorful pieces, the product should be slightly frozen before slicing;
  • pork lard or vegetable oil is best suited for frying;
  • as a seasoning for this product it is best to use garlic, bay leaves, black and allspice, hops-suneli.

You will learn how to properly fry pork liver from the video below.

Surely everyone, if they do not know, then guesses about the benefits of the liver. In addition, it is affordable, has a relatively low cost, and the variety of liver dishes is great. But not everyone likes it because of its specific taste.

If you properly process the liver before cooking, you can get an unusually tasty dish and to please even those who, quite recently, could not even look towards the liver.

To prepare pork liver, fried with onions and carrots, we will prepare the products according to the list.

We clean the fresh carrots, wash and rub them on a fine grater.

Peel the onions, wash them and cut them into half rings, if the onion was small or quarter rings - if there was a large onion.

The liver is suitable chilled or thawed. Previously, you need to soak it for several hours, and preferably a day in cold water or even milk. Then we drain the water (milk) and the liver can be used. We wash it and cut it into small pieces, 4 by 4 cm.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and put the liver there. Sprinkle salt and pepper. After 3 minutes, turn the liver over with a spatula or fork. Fry over medium heat.

After another 5 minutes, pour the chopped vegetables into the pan. Stir and fry on low heat for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Serve hot pork liver, fried with onions and carrots, along with a side dish or vegetable salad.

Delicious, healthy dish ready! Bon Appetit!