Chicken casserole with eggplant and tomatoes. Eggplant and Chicken Casserole Recipe

step by step recipe with photo

If you don't want to spend a lot of time preparing dinner, then a casserole with chicken, eggplant and tomatoes is fine to feed an entire family. You can cook a little using a small mold. Or you can even lay out the products on a whole baking sheet and not worry about lunch and dinner all weekend. Chicken meat can be marinated in advance, for example, in lemon and onion, then it will turn out softer and tastier.


  • 1/2 eggplant
  • 1 large tomato
  • 1 onion
  • 300 g chicken fillet
  • 50 ml sour cream
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp spices
  • 3 chicken eggs
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 100 ml milk
  • 4 tbsp. l. flour
  • greens before serving


1. Wash the eggplant, trim off the ends and cut into thin slices.

2. The onion should be peeled and cut into thin slices, and the tomato should be washed and cut into slices as well.

3. Cover a baking dish with foil, grease it with vegetable oil. Lay out the eggplant slices, salt, sprinkle with spices and brush with sour cream.

4. Place the onion slices on top of the eggplant.

5. Wash and dry the chicken fillet, cut lengthwise into layers. Place the slices on top of a layer of vegetables, salt and sprinkle with spices.

6. Put tomato slices on top of the chicken, add a little salt.

7. Pour the casserole dish. Drive into a bowl chicken eggs, add milk, add sifted wheat flour.

There are many tasty ideas - how to easily cook and beautifully serve meat and vegetables, but not everything is accepted with a bang by our favorite whims. Easy to prepare and very healthy homemade casserole with eggplant and chicken under cheese will certainly please even those who do not really like the gifts of the beds. Juicy tomato pulp combined with the tenderness of poultry meat, supplemented golden brown mozzarella or gouda with your favorite spices, will whet your appetite!

Of course, someone prefers not to mix many products in one plate and chooses separate food but casseroles are a great way to disguise healthy foods, which dear child stubbornly refuses to eat.

In addition, by putting together vegetables, meat, cheese and seasoning everything with spices, we get hearty dish, which will ripen just in time for breakfast or dinner. You can also take it with you to a family picnic or to work as a lunch snack.

This treat - perfect option for those who chronically do not have enough time to cook, and do not raise their hand to feed their home-made junk food.

The classic recipe for chicken casserole with eggplant and cheese


  • - about 400 g + -
  • Eggplant - 2 pcs. + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • - 150 g + -
  • - 1 bundle + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • - 2-3 tbsp. + -
  • - 1/3 tsp + -
  • - taste + -

How to make a chicken and eggplant casserole with cheese

Preparing this dish of vegetables and chicken fillet is as easy as shelling pears, so even the most novice chef will cope with this task. The type of appetizer will turn out to be so festive and elegant that it can be served at the banquet table.

Another undoubted advantage of the treat is its availability, because vegetables can be used not only fresh, but also frozen.

  1. First, we wash all the products and dry them slightly - we don't need extra moisture in the casserole at all.
  2. Now we start slicing: we cut the tomatoes into circles, up to 5 mm thick, the chicken - in half along the fibers, and the blue ones - in longitudinal slices no thicker than 0.5 cm.
  3. Salt the meat, season with pepper and set aside for a while.
  4. Having removed the husk from the garlic, we pass it through a hand press. Mix the resulting aromatic gruel with half of the prepared butter.
  5. Armed with a culinary silicone brush, coat the eggplant "tongues" on both sides fragrant oil, after which we put them on the bottom of a well-heated frying pan with a thick bottom.
  6. We fry, or rather dry them, without oil until lightly browning and immediately put in a greased form, then sprinkle with half of finely chopped dill greens.
  7. Put the sirloin pieces tightly on top, cover them with tomato circles, placing the vegetables overlapping, and add a little more dill.
  8. The last layer is cheese crumb.
  9. Next, it remains to place the form in the oven, preheated to the optimal 190 degrees, and hold it behind the closed door for about 40 minutes until the ingredients soften.

The best way to serve the treat is warm, when the cheese is still stretching, and vegetables and meat, brought to the maximum degree of tenderness, exude an incredibly appetizing aroma.

Diet chicken and eggplant casserole recipe

This versatile treat will come to the table on diet days when every calorie counts. We will not fry the ingredients, but, thanks to the marinating chicken in soy sauce, the dish will not turn out bland in the end.

Blue ones, if desired, can be safely replaced with zucchini. Lubricate the form with creamy or olive oil- it will definitely not spoil the taste.


  • Poultry fillet - 500 g;
  • Small eggplant fruits - 2 pcs.;
  • Juicy tomatoes - 2 vegetables;
  • Any cheese hard grade- 200 g;
  • Classic soy sauce - 3 tablespoons;
  • Butter (for lubrication) - 30 g;
  • Chicken spice set - 1 pinch;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Cilantro or dill - 1 bunch.

How to bake an eggplant diet chicken casserole

  • After washing the meat, cut it with a sharp knife into small pieces, up to 1 cm thick, across the fibers.
  • Put the chicken slices in a recessed container, pour in the soy sauce and season, if desired, with your favorite chicken spices.
  • While the meat is marinating, let's take care of the vegetables. Cut tomatoes and blue ones into circles, up to 5 mm thick.

Eggplant slices must be salted, put in a deep bowl and let stand for a while, so that the bitterness disappears along with the liquid.

  • Having lubricated the form, we tightly lay the chicken pieces on the bottom, on them are salted circles of blue ones, draining the liquid that had come out before that.
  • After chopping the cheese on a coarse grater, cover a layer of eggplant circles with half of the resulting shavings, place the sliced ​​tomatoes on top, add them and send the form to the oven. By that time, it should already be warmed up to 180 ° C.

The total cooking time for your favorite chicken casserole with eggplant in the oven is 50 minutes.

  • 20 minutes before readiness, open the door, take out the mold and sprinkle the dried tomatoes with the rest of the cheese shavings.

Having taken out the finished dish, let it cool slightly, cut it in portions and serve it to the table, sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Original casserole with eggplant, tomato and chicken


  • Poultry meat - 0.5 kg;
  • Medium sized tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • Large eggplant - 1 fruit;
  • Potatoes - 3 medium tubers;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Hard cheese - 150 g;
  • Odorless vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • Butter - 20 g;
  • Salt - 1/3 tsp;
  • Black pepper (ground) - to taste.

Step-by-step recipe for chicken and eggplant casserole in the oven

  1. Cut the chicken into large cubes and brown in oil, add salt and pepper.
  2. Add the vegetables cut into cubes there. Keep on low heat until softened.
  3. We wash the potatoes and put them to boil in a peel. When cooked, peel and cut into circles, about 5 mm thick.
  4. Lubricate the form butter, put on the bottom a mix of chicken meat and vegetables, on top - potato circles, laying them out with an overlap.
  5. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top, send an almost finished casserole of eggplant and chicken fillet with vegetables into a heated oven for about 20-30 minutes, so that the chicken reaches condition and the cheese melts.

If friends suddenly called, saying that they would soon be, or if you wanted something special on a rainy day, then you can quickly and simply prepare a treat that will delight both the hosts and guests.

A home-cooked delicious casserole with eggplant, chicken and spices will help out anyway.

Moreover, there are a great many options for this surprisingly simple and beloved dish: with zucchini, and with carrots, and with mushrooms. So you can fantasize at least every day, surprising your home with a variety of tastes.

Cooking instructions

1 hour 20 minutes Print

    1. Wash the eggplants, cut the tails and dry. Cut them lengthwise, into thin strips, put in a bowl, salt and leave for 20-30 minutes. Drain the juice from the eggplants. Wash the chicken breast, dry well and cut each into 4 parts. Place the chicken pieces in a bag (or between two layers of cling film) and beat off. Salt and pepper the chops a little. Chef's Knife Tool A chef's knife is a versatile and, in general, an indispensable tool that can cope with any cutting work - from cutting a huge piece of meat to a much finer chopping of parsley. A favorite of many professional chefs, Japanese Global is not susceptible to rust or stains, has a very sharp blade and the only thing that is afraid is improper sharpening, which is better to entrust to professionals.

    2. Wash, dry the tomatoes, cut the stalk and cut into rings. Peel the garlic and chop finely. Wash, dry and chop the greens. Grate the cheese. Heat some vegetable oil in a frying pan, put the strips of eggplant and fry for 2-3 minutes on each side. Transfer the eggplants to a paper towel to get rid of excess fat. The Green Pan Belgians rebelled against Teflon. They tell with the passion of a preacher that polytetrafluoroethylene heated to more than 260 degrees is toxic and kills some birds altogether on the spot. A new one is offered instead non-stick coating Thermolon, which does not contain harmful chemicals and allows you to fry in a small amount of oil.

    3. Grease a baking dish with oil and lay the eggplant layer slightly overlapping. Lay the beaten off on top chicken fillet... Then again eggplant and again chicken. Then stack the tomato circles. Season the tomatoes with a little salt, pepper and sprinkle with chopped garlic and herbs. Sprinkle with cheese on top. Tool Silicone forms for baking Silicone molds are more convenient than metal ones: they do not need to be oiled, food does not burn in them and they wash well. Plus, they bend, and therefore it is easier to remove them from the finished cake.

    4. Place the dish in an oven preheated to 180 ° C and bake for 20-25 minutes. Remove the casserole dish from the oven, let stand for 10 minutes and serve. Tool Oven thermometer How the oven actually heats up, even if you set a specific temperature, can only be understood with experience. It is better to have a small thermometer on hand, which is placed in the oven or simply hung on the grate. And it is better that it shows degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit at the same time and accurately - like a Swiss watch. A thermometer is important when it is necessary to strictly observe the temperature regime: for example, in the case of baking.

Simple, light and delicious casserole chicken breast with vegetables.

A low-calorie casserole for those on a diet. Cook and treat yourself and your family to some delicious food!


chicken breast(fillet) - 4 pcs.

✓ eggplants - 2-3 pcs.

✓ tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.

✓ cheese - 150 gr.

✓ garlic - 1 clove,

✓ dill greens

✓ vegetable oil for frying

✓ salt, red and black pepper to taste


Wash the eggplants, cut the tails and dry. Cut them lengthwise, into thin strips, put in a bowl, salt and leave for 20-30 minutes.

Drain the resulting juice from the eggplant. Wash the chicken breast, dry well and cut each into 4 parts.

Place the chicken pieces in a bag (or between two layers of cling film) and beat off. Season the chops with a little salt and pepper.

Wash the tomatoes, dry them, cut the stalk and cut into rings. Peel the garlic and chop finely.

Wash, dry and chop the greens. Grate cheese.

Heat some vegetable oil in a frying pan, put the strips of eggplant and fry for 2-3 minutes on each side.

Transfer the eggplants to a paper towel to get rid of excess fat.

Grease a baking dish with oil and lay out a layer of eggplant slightly overlapping each other.

Place the beaten chicken fillet on top. Then again eggplant and again chicken. Then stack the tomato circles.

Season the tomatoes with a little salt, pepper and sprinkle with chopped garlic and herbs. Sprinkle with cheese on top.

Place the dish in an oven heated to 180 ° C and bake for 20-25 minutes.

Remove the casserole dish from the oven, let stand for 10 minutes and serve.

Bon Appetit!