What to cook from river caviar. Caviar dishes

Fish caviar is perhaps the most delicious thing in fish. Moreover, caviar of almost any fish can be used to prepare a delicacy, and pike caviar can compete even with red caviar in taste. In the old days, pike caviar was called merchant caviar. It's spring, which means that the fisherman has a chance to find fish caviar in the kitchen, of course, obtained in a legal way. What can you cook delicious from it ...

Salting caviar on a pond

Cooking caviar in nature is no more difficult than at home, but what a pleasure it is! And most importantly, only fresh caviar can be so tasty. The cooking process takes approximately 20-30 minutes.

Having previously cut the film at the caviar bags, put the caviar in a bowl (preferably a deep plate) and fill it with hot (not boiling!) Saline solution. Next, mix with a fork, or a twig with knots, and collect the film on these knots. Scraping the caviar with a knife from the film is not recommended, since a third, and in inept hands, half of the caviar bursts and becomes unusable.

While you are kneading, the caviar swells, absorbs the saline solution and by the end of the process it becomes the same consistency when it melts softly on the tongue. You can eat such caviar not only in the form of sandwiches, but also just with tablespoons. Impressive? Please note that such caviar is not stored for a long time. Although the warning is certainly stupid - how can such yummy be stored for a long time ...

Nothing prevents us from preparing caviar according to the same recipe (see above) at home. But there are still some nuances. At home, you can make caviar for long-term storage, say, New Year and even longer.

To begin with, at home it is not necessary to remove the film with a fork or twig. We dump the caviar into a bowl, fill it with slightly cooled boiling water. If the caviar smells like mud, then when treated with hot water, the muddy smell evaporates. In addition, the eggs become more watery and when eaten (this is especially noticeable in large caviar), the eggs burst between the teeth and a delicious salty juice splashes out.

Next, take a mixer with a whisk and beat well. All the film will remain on the mixer whisk, while the caviar remains intact. We wash the caviar under cold water and we remove small films that reach the surface of the water. You need to rinse very well, I rinse at least 10-15 times.

We drain the water and see - the caviar has become similar to millet in both color and size. We put the caviar on cheesecloth, hang it up and let the water drain. After 15-20 minutes, pour the caviar into a bowl and salt with fine salt (not iodized) to taste. Lightly salted caviar turns out to be the most delicious, but it cannot be stored for a long time.

Therefore, I divide the caviar for long storage and for the next meal, and salt each portion differently. After adding salt, mix the caviar well with a spoon. From the color of millet, the caviar turns into an amber transparent product with a small foam on top. We put the caviar in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours, after which you can safely eat it.

it classic recipe, but there is always room for fantasy in it. So, for example, many not only salt caviar, but also add black pepper and even a little sugar. The second option: after the caviar has salted, you can add to the right amount caviar butter(vegetable), chopped dill and mix on a mixer. After that, it remains to spread this minced caviar on a piece of toasted bread and savor it.

There is one more trick. If you want to taste and cook real red caviar on your own, then buy unpeeled pink salmon, although it is not often found in this form. One of several pink salmon usually contains caviar.

Moreover, the amount of caviar in it will be comparable to the volume of a medium-sized jar bought in a store weighing 200-250 grams. Thus, you will not only buy fish, but also remain with a very decent bonus, which will be almost more expensive than the purchased fish. ...


Ingredients: any caviar river fish- 250 gr., Egg - 1 pc., Milk 100 gr., Salt, pepper to taste.

This is a dish from childhood, my grandmother cooked it. Simple, tasty and very satisfying. Mix the caviar peeled from the film with a small amount of milk, add one egg there and salt. Pour the resulting mixture into a preheated pan with heated vegetable oil and fry (you can on both sides). A meal prepared in this way is so nutritious that it can be fed all day.

Caviar pancakes

Ingredients: caviar of any river fish - 250g, egg - 1pc., Medium onion - 1pc., Medium carrots - 1pc., Flour - 1-2 tablespoons, salt, pepper to taste.

Grate carrots and onions on a fine grater. Mix everything with caviar, egg, spices and flour. You need very little flour, otherwise the pancakes will turn out tough. We spread the resulting mass with a spoon in a preheated pan with oil and fry on both sides until tender.

Caviar casserole with bread

Ingredients: fresh caviar - 300-400 g., Milk - 100 ml., onion- 100g., - wheat bread - 100g., Fat - 20g., Salt - to taste, herbs - to taste.

Caviar and wheat bread soaked in milk are passed through a meat grinder or knocked down with a mixer, add finely chopped onions, salt, pepper, lay in an even layer on a greased frying sheet and bake in the oven until golden brown.

When ready, it remains to cut the casserole into portions and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Oven baked caviar

Ingredients: 300 gr. fish caviar, 0.5 kg of beans, 2/3 cup milk, 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of melted butter, 1/2 bunch of dill, 1/3 teaspoon of tarragon, salt to taste.

Pour the beans overnight with cold boiled water, then cook over low heat until they become soft. Throw the finished beans in a colander to glass the liquid, and then pass through a meat grinder or beat on a mixer along with caviar.

Pour boiled chilled milk into the resulting mass, add tarragon and salt and mix everything thoroughly. Grease the form with fat, put this mass in it, grease with sour cream on top and put in a preheated oven.

Bake over medium heat until cooked through. Serve the prepared casserole hot, sprinkle with chopped dill.

Nice to you to kill the worm!

Konstantin Fadeev


a pound of main ingredient

100 g vegetable oil

2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour

ground black pepper / salt to taste

How to cook fried carp caviar:

    Rinse caviar thoroughly, cut in large pieces and remove all unnecessary films from it, then salt it and lightly pepper it.

    Then place the prepared caviar in the refrigerator for 1 hour, where it will be soaked in spices. After an hour, remove the caviar, roll all the pieces in flour and fry them on vegetable oil until crisp.

    Serve the prepared carp caviar with mashed potatoes.

Carp caviar with eggs

How to cook carp caviar with eggs:

    Rinse the caviar, season with salt and pepper, then stir and place in a heated frying pan greased with vegetable oil.

    Heat the eggs, stirring them constantly, until they acquire a pinkish color and friability. Break two eggs in a separate bowl and mix them until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, then pour the fried carp roe into them and mix again.

    Heat a small amount of fresh vegetable oil in a frying pan, put the mixture of eggs and eggs in it, cover the pan tightly with a lid and bake until a yellow cake forms.

    Cut the finished dish into neat pieces and serve with a side dish.


a pound of caviar
2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour
1 egg
half onion
vegetable oil for frying
salt to taste

How to cook sazan caviar cutlets:

  1. Rinse the caviar, peel it of the films and put it in a bowl, adding chopped onions, egg and flour to it. Salt the resulting mass and mix thoroughly until a consistency resembling a batter.
  2. Then put it with a spoon in a pan with heated vegetable oil and fry the patties on low heat on both sides until golden brown.



1 can of fresh carp caviar

2 tbsp. sour cream spoons

3 tbsp. tablespoons of flour

½ teaspoon of baking soda

vegetable oil

salt, pepper and dry garlic to taste.

How to cook sazan roe pancakes:

    After washing the caviar and removing excess films, add the egg, sour cream, flour and soda to it, salt and pepper the mass, then beat it in a blender at medium speed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

    Heat a small amount of vegetable oil in a skillet, spoon the dough into it and fry the pancakes over medium heat for four minutes on each side.

    At the same time, the eggs will change their gray-brown color to a beautiful orange hue. Put the prepared caviar pancakes in a frying pan, cover it tightly with a lid and put on low heat for ten minutes so that they melt and become juicy.

    After that, remove them from the heat, chill them slightly and serve with sweet black tea.

For the preparation of the dishes described below from the caviar of river fish, caviar of any large river fish can be used.

Preparation of caviar of river fish (release from films).

Recipe for a dish of river fish roe baked with bread.

  • 200 grams of fresh caviar;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 slices wheat bread(not a crust);
  • milk for soaking bread;
  • 2 sprigs of dill and parsley;

Soak bread in milk, finely chop the onion. Pass caviar together with bread (slightly squeezed) through a meat grinder, add chopped onion, salt, pepper and mix well. Grease the baking dish with fat or oil, put the cooked mass in an even layer in it and bake in the oven at 200 degrees until tender (should be formed golden brown). When serving a dish of river fish caviar, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Recipe for a dish of river fish roe baked with potatoes.

Composition of the river fish caviar dish:

  • 200 grams of fresh caviar;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 potato;
  • a tablespoon of butter;
  • 2 sprigs of dill, parsley and celery;
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste.

Boil peeled potatoes in salted water until tender. Chop the onion and fry. Then mix the potatoes, fried onions and caviar and mince. Salt and pepper the minced meat and mix well. Then put the cooked minced meat in an even layer in a greased baking dish and bake in the oven at 200 degrees until tender. When serving a dish of river fish caviar, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs and pour with butter.

Recipe for a dish of river fish roe baked with beans.

Composition of the river fish caviar dish:

  • 250 grams of fresh caviar;
  • 2 cups beans
  • ½ glass of milk, a little more;
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream;
  • 2 tablespoons butter, melted
  • 3-4 sprigs of dill;
  • dry tarragon on the tip of a knife;
  • salt to taste.

Pour the beans overnight with cold water. The next day, drain the water, rinse the beans in running water, then pour in fresh water, and cook over low heat until soft (about an hour and a half). Then drain the water through a colander and mince the beans along with the caviar. Boil the milk, cool and pour into the resulting mass, add tarragon, salt and mix well. Grease ceramic pots (2-3) with melted butter, put the minced meat in them, grease with sour cream on top and put in a preheated oven. Bake over medium heat until tender.
On the table, the dish is served hot, sprinkled with finely chopped dill on top.

River fish caviar casserole.

Composition of the river fish caviar dish:

  • 500 grams of fresh caviar;
  • 2/3 cup milk;
  • 2/3 cup tomato juice
  • 2 onions;
  • 100 grams of stale white bread;
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 tablespoon butter, melted
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 3-4 sprigs of parsley;
  • ground crackers;
  • half a teaspoon of ground red pepper;
  • salt to taste.

Peel the onion, chop finely and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Soak bread in milk, squeeze lightly and pass through a meat grinder together with caviar and fried onions. Add juices, red pepper, salt to the resulting minced meat and mix everything well. Grease ceramic pots (2-3) with melted butter and put the resulting mass in them. Smooth the surface, grease carefully with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Bake over medium heat in a preheated oven until tender. Serve the caviar casserole hot, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley. Separately, you can serve fresh vegetable salad.

Sandwiches with river fish caviar.

Preparing caviar of river fish for salting.

Carefully remove the eggs along with the film (without damaging the gallbladder), then free the eggs from the films and blood clots. You can get rid of the film by passing the caviar through a meat grinder, the film will remain on the knife of the meat grinder, and the caviar will pass through the holes. The second way: - rub the caviar through a sieve, the holes of the sieve should be slightly less than the size of the eggs.

Preparing caviar for sandwiches.

Put the resulting caviar in a saucepan, loosen with a fork and pour boiling water over. When the caviar turns white (after about 10 minutes or more), drain the water and place the caviar in a china or glass salad bowl. Then add for every 100 grams of caviar: -

a teaspoon of vegetable oil, a teaspoon of 3% vinegar, 2 tablespoons of finely chopped onions, salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything well and refrigerate for several hours (at least an hour).

Another way to prepare caviar. Prepare a strong solution of sodium chloride, bring it to a boil (remove the resulting foam) and pour the prepared caviar at the rate of 1 part of caviar in 2 parts of the solution. Stir until the caviar floats. Then strain. If the caviar is very salty, rinse it in cold boiled water. Add pepper to the caviar to taste. You can also add finely chopped onions.

For those who care about their figure, bread and butter can be replaced with half an egg or a round of fresh cucumber.

Recipe for a river fish caviar dish with onions and parsley.

River fish caviar appetizer.

Composition of the river fish caviar dish:

  • 500 grams of fresh large fish roe, best of all pike perch roe;
  • 2 large onions;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of 3% vinegar
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste.

Peel the caviar from the film, pour boiling water for 10 minutes, then drain the water. Peel raw onions and chop very finely. Salt and pepper the caviar, add onion, oil and vinegar. Stir and let stand for an hour (preferably in a cool place at a temperature of 10-15 degrees). Then put the caviar in a heap on a plate and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.

The benefits of river fish caviar.

Caviar is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which contribute to the elimination of fats from the body, leading to the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, caviar contains a lot of protein (17 to 29% in pike), which consists of a full spectrum of nonessential and essential amino acids. Also, caviar is rich in vitamins A, D, E, lipids, phosphorus and potassium.

It is known that fish roe has huge amount nutrients, vitamins, amino acids, etc. Nutritionists, based on their research, argue that fish roe of any fish has all these properties. Dishes made from river fish caviar are very tasty, healthy and add variety to the human menu.

Caviar silver carp, carp, crucian carp, pike, pike perch, perch and other fish Is a food product, excellent in its properties, and it is possible to "create" a large number of delicious dishes from it . Delicious cutlets are made from caviar, so-called caviar, pancakes, caviar is baked, fried, etc. Caviar pate, from which you can make a sandwich for breakfast, will be an excellent energy boost for the whole day!

River fish caviar is salted - this is also a dish, but already a delicacy, if we talk about red fish caviar. Pike caviar, for example, is no worse than salmon caviar. And it is not difficult to salt it and quite quickly: the prepared caviar is poured three times with saturated salt solution (100 g per 1 liter of water), which is brought to a boil. Each time, the caviar must be stirred, and the films wound on the fork must be removed. After the third time, the caviar should look transparent, clear and transparent.

The caviar thrown back in a colander is salted and spread in glass jar with vegetable oil (it should be about two tablespoons). All this is mixed, add more vegetable oil on top and hide it in the refrigerator. After two hours, the caviar will be ready. It will be golden, lightly salted caviar, which does not have a fishy smell, which you will not be ashamed to put on festive table.

A prerequisite for choosing caviar should be its ripeness. It is defined by clearly visible eggs, like beads, and no muddy and mushy mass! We bring to your attention several recipes for preparing such dishes. They are simple, take a minimum of time to prepare them, and you will get amazing pleasure. These are: “fried caviar”, “pate from fried caviar and potatoes”, “Pancakes At the Pike's command”, “carp caviar, baked in the oven”.

River fish caviar dishes. Fried caviar

Before frying, the caviar must be thoroughly washed and freed from films. Each housewife has her own way of cleaning caviar, but the simplest and most primitive is to gently squeeze a lump of caviar in the palm of her hand. The eggs will "come out" from under the fingers, and the film will remain in the palm of your hand. If there are still scraps of film in the caviar, then they are removed with a toothpick or fork, or just with your fingers. Salt and pepper the caviar generously.

What products are used:

  • Caviar of any river fish - 500 g.
  • Bulb onions - 200 g.
  • Butter, or cheese "suluguni" - 25 g.
  • Salt and pepper - to your taste.
  • Lean oil, quarter cup (about 40 g).
  • Chopped dill.

How to roast caviar:

  • Since we have already washed the caviar, we will start cooking other products. So, finely chop the onion and fry it in vegetable oil until tender.
  • In the fried onions, without turning off the stove, put the salted and peppered caviar. There should be a lot of oil in the pan, since the caviar should be soaked in it and not seem dry after cooking.
  • We fry the caviar, stirring it periodically. During the cooking process, it will change its color: from swamp-olive to pinkish-orange. Moreover, in the finished state, the caviar should be of a uniform color. If there are areas of dark shades somewhere, move the caviar to the middle of the pan again. How long does it take to fry - there is definitely no way to answer, since it depends on the type of fish. Need to try.
  • We spread the prepared caviar in a prepared dish with a slide, and in the middle we make a small depression. In this hole we put a slice of butter, or suluguni cheese (whoever likes it) and insert three sprigs of greens.

Simple, tasty and beautiful. Time to have lunch!

River fish caviar dishes. Fried caviar pate with potatoes

Products included in the recipe:

  • Fresh perch caviar - 300 g.
  • Onion turnip, large size - 1 pc.
  • Fresh potatoes - 200 g.
  • Butter that needs to be melted - 20 g.
  • vegetable oil - 80 g.
  • Pepper / salt, any seasonings of your choice.
  • Dill greens.

How to make a pate:

  • Salt and pepper the prepared caviar well, and fry until half cooked in vegetable oil.
  • Peel and boil the potatoes in water until cooked, then lightly salt.
  • We cut the onion very finely and sauté in butter until tender.
  • Grind the potatoes, sautéed onion in a blender.
  • After - skip the caviar and mix the resulting mixture with potatoes.
  • Knead the resulting mass well, add salt if necessary.
  • While we were preparing the products, we had time to get the form in which we will bake the future pate. Grease this tray with oil and put the resulting minced meat into it.
  • The oven should be as hot as possible, and we send a tray with minced meat to it. We bake until tender. You can periodically check for readiness.
  • Allow the dish to cool, and then pour it over with melted butter and garnish with chopped dill. Freshwater fish roe pate with mashed potatoes is ready!

River fish caviar dishes. Pancakes "By the Pike's Command"

These pancakes are made from caviar of any river or sea fish, but we suggest using pike caviar, which has the highest protein content - about 29%!

What products:

  • Pike caviar - 500 g.
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Wheat flour - 0.5 cups, or a little less.
  • Salt and pepper taste.
  • Vegetable oil - 400 g.
  • Greens, butter.

How to make pancakes:

  • Mix the prepared caviar, as well as the egg and flour until homogeneous mass... Salt and pepper to taste. The consistency of the finished pancake mass should be the same as for traditional pancakes. For fidelity, caviar can be minced, but even without these manipulations, the mixture is quite liquid.
  • Carefully pour the caviar mass onto the oil preheated in a frying pan and fry like ordinary pancakes.
  • Put each pancake on a plate, grease it with a piece of butter and pour the next pancake into the pan.

When all the pancakes are fried, you can serve them to the table. You can put finely chopped greens on a serving plate around the circumference. Very nice and tasty. Bon Appetit!

River fish caviar dishes. Oven baked carp caviar

Carp is a very tasty river fish, the meat of which has a delicate texture. In addition, the caviar of this fish is also delicious and useful product, which is in no way inferior to red fish caviar.

What ingredients are needed:

  • Carp caviar - 500 g.
  • Vegetable oil - 50 g.
  • Chicken eggs - 4 - 5 pcs.
  • Cheese hard varieties- 160 g.
  • Cream 20% - half a glass.
  • Dill greens - by eye.
  • Salt and pepper, your favorite spices - to your taste.

Cooking process:

  • Salt and pepper the prepared caviar and fry in a pan in oil.
  • In the meantime, we have time to grate the cheese and whip the cream and egg in a blender.
  • We check the caviar for readiness and fill it with whipped mass.
  • Sprinkle with grated cheese on top and send the pan to the most preheated oven.
  • After 15 - 20 minutes, the caviar will be ready. Let the caviar cool down a little and put it on the prepared dish. Decorate with finely chopped dill.

Our dish is ready, you can invite everyone to the table!

What is the New Year without caviar? And any more or less significant holiday is not complete without it! In our country, perhaps, you will not find a single family on the table which would not have snacks with red caviar, at least the same sandwiches. But red caviar can be served not only on slices of bread and butter!

If you are a passionate lover of this luxurious delicacy, our appetizers with red caviar on the festive table will help you not only serve red caviar beautifully, but also feel new flavor combinations... You just need to replace your usual butter with soft curd cheese - and you have a new appetizer with red caviar! Instead of bread, cut into slices of cucumbers or fill halves of boiled eggs with caviar. We have selected for you snacks with red caviar for a festive table for every taste.

Sandwiches with red caviar "Classic"

Red caviar,
sprigs of parsley.

Cut the loaf into thin slices. Spread soft butter on it with an even thin layer, on top of which the egg to the egg, apply an even, neat layer of red caviar. Decorate the sandwiches with parsley sprigs. To make your usual favorite sandwiches look more festive, cut the loaf not into ordinary slices, but, for example, in the form of diamonds, circles or stars.

Sandwiches with red caviar and salmon

White bread,
150 g red caviar,
200 g lightly salted salmon,
sprigs of fresh dill.

Cut the white bread into neat, even square slices and cut off the crusts. Apply a thin layer of soft butter to each slice. Visually divide the rectangular slice into two triangles. Sprinkle one of them with chopped dill and place a thin slice of red fish on top, on the other, apply caviar in a thin layer and decorate the second triangle with a small sprig of dill.

Sandwiches with curd cheese, red caviar and shrimps.

White bread,
Red caviar,
cottage cheese(can be with herbs),
small peeled shrimps,
dill greens.

Boil the shrimp in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, drain in a colander and let cool. Cut the white bread into medium slices, carefully cut the circles, lightly brown them, spread the sides with a thin layer of butter and roll in chopped dill. Then on each circle, apply a thin layer of curd cheese, on top - a thin layer of caviar, and put the shrimp in the middle.

Canapes with red caviar and cheese salad

1 baguette,
100 g red caviar,
100 g of hard cheese
2 boiled eggs
2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise,
salt and black pepper to taste.

Cut the baguette into thin slices, cut into hard crusts around the edges and fry in a dry skillet until golden brown. Hard cheese grate on medium, and boiled eggs- on a fine grater, combine the ingredients. Add mayonnaise, salt and black pepper to this mixture to taste. The resulting cheese salad put on the canapé, spreading it evenly, a little bit on each slice, put ½ tsp in the middle of the slices. red caviar, add dill to each sprig.

Tartlets with red caviar, soft cheese and dill

Ingredients (for 20 small tartlets):
100 g soft cheese
20-30 g butter
100 g red caviar,

Whisk until smooth. soft cheese and butter. Add half a teaspoon of chopped dill to the resulting mass and mix well. Fill the tartlets 2/3 with the cheese mass, level it, and evenly spread the layer of caviar on top so that there are no gaps. Decorate with dill sprigs.

Tartlets with red caviar, crab sticks, pineapple and garlic

Ingredients (for 10 small tartlets):
120 g crab sticks
50 g of hard cheese
2 spoons of red caviar,
1 clove of garlic
1 pineapple ring
a little dill,
mayonnaise and salt to taste.

Crab sticks and ring canned pineapple cut into very small cubes, add cheese grated on a fine grater, garlic passed through a press, a little salt and mayonnaise. Mix everything and fill the tartlets with the filling almost to the top. In the center of the tartlet, use a teaspoon to make a small depression and put some red caviar there in a heap or spread the eggs over the entire surface, without covering it entirely. Complement the painting with dill sprigs and the dish is ready.

Volovany with red caviar and cream cheese

500 g puff yeast-free dough,
150 g cream cheese
80-100 g of red caviar,
1 tbsp. l. flour,
1 egg yolk.

Defrost the dough and roll it about 5 mm thick in one direction on a floured table. Cut out circles from the dough with a recess no more than 5 cm in diameter. Then cut out the centers with a recess with a diameter of 3 cm at half of the circles, carefully remove them to form a rim. Spread large circles on a baking sheet lined with parchment, gently brush their surface with whipped yolk and lay the rims on top, pressing them lightly against the dough, and brush with yolk too. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 200 ° C, sprinkle it with water from a spray bottle a couple of times in order to generate steam. It is known that puff pastry loves moisture very much and, if present, rises well. Close the oven quickly and bake the vololes for 20 minutes. After they are browned and rise, remove them from the oven, let cool and fill almost to the top with the cheese filling. Put caviar on the filling and garnish with herbs.

Eggs stuffed with red caviar and cheese

6 boiled eggs
70 g of hard cheese
80 g red caviar,

Peel the eggs carefully without damaging the whites and cut them in half. Remove the yolks, mash with a fork, add finely grated cheese and mayonnaise to them. Mix the resulting filling thoroughly and fill the halves of the eggs with it (without a slide), put the caviar on the filling and garnish with herbs.

Eggs stuffed with red caviar and rice

5 boiled eggs
4 tbsp. l. red caviar,
2 tbsp. l. boiled rice
½ onion,
2 tbsp. l. sour cream 20%.

Remove the yolks from the boiled, neatly cut eggs in half and mash them with a fork. Add finely grated onion, rice, sour cream to them and stir. Fill the halves of the eggs with the finished filling, and put the red caviar on top with a slide. Place eggs stuffed with red caviar on a platter with lettuce, decorate with herbs, tomato slices or lemon slices.

Eggs stuffed with red caviar and sprats

5 boiled eggs
1 can of sprats,
fresh parsley,
Red caviar.

Carefully cut the boiled eggs in half, remove the yolks and mash them with a fork. Add half a jar of sprats to the yolk mass and mix thoroughly until smooth. Add finely chopped parsley to the resulting mass and mix everything well again. Now add mayonnaise, but a little so that the mass does not turn out to be liquid. Mix everything once more and fill the halves of the eggs with the filling. Cut out small triangular slices of lemon and place on the filling, garnish the appetizer with fresh parsley leaves and place on each stuffed egg one coffee spoon of red caviar.

Lavash appetizer with red caviar, cream cheese and cherry tomatoes

thin pita bread,
cream cheese,
Red caviar,
cherry tomatoes,
green lettuce leaves.

Spread the pita bread, evenly brush its surface with cream cheese, then spread the red caviar in a thin layer. Carefully, trying not to crush the eggs, roll the pita bread into a roll. Using a sharp knife, cut the finished roll into portioned pieces, place them on a dish lined with lettuce leaves and garnish with cherry tomatoes.

Let your holiday be the most beautiful and delicious, and appetizers with red caviar on the festive table - a real hit of the feast!

Larisa Shuftaykina