Astoria salad with chicken and pineapple. Pineapple salad with chicken, cheese and egg layers

The combination of pineapple and chicken has a very spicy taste while being an excellent basis for other ideas. This salad is gaining popularity among Russians, although no one knows the true author. However, if we consider that meat components began to be added only at the end of the 19th century, then the chicken fillet salad with pineapple does not have the most great story.

How to make pineapple and chicken salad

If we talk about the classic chicken salad with pineapple, then in addition to these ingredients, it includes only mayonnaise. Instead of this dressing, you can safely use other, more dietary ones, for example, a mixture of vegetable oil and garlic or sour cream in combination with mustard. This will reduce the calorie content of the dish, although it is already dietary, but nutritious.

Often these two ingredients are used for the Hawaiian version, which combines simplicity and nutritional value. Those girls who are constantly worried about their figure know how to make a salad with chicken and pineapple more dietary composition... You can show your imagination on your own, add the ingredient that is suitable in a given situation, or in order to experiment.

Chicken and pineapple salad - recipe with photo

Now, when choosing a diet, many are guided by the calorie content and usefulness of products for the body. If we talk about this dish, then we can unequivocally say that the recipes for chicken and pineapple salads are quite acceptable and valuable. The exotic fruit is great for high blood pressure and obesity, while poultry is a hypoallergenic source of protein. When these products are combined, they only complement each other. Everyone can cook a dish, especially with detailed recipes with photo.

With chicken breast

This recipe considered classic. The small amount of ingredients in it does not make it less popular. The salad with breast and pineapple is light, tender, and often becomes a festive table decoration. Not only novice housewives can cope with it, but also men who have never stood behind a stove in their lives. The process of preparing an exquisite dish will not take long.


  • chicken fillet - 150 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise;
  • pineapple - 1 can;
  • Dill.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil meat and eggs in different pans. After the bird is ready, cut it into strips, and grate the eggs coarsely. If planned diet dish, then you don't need to put the yolks in the chicken salad with pineapple.
  2. Mix everything in a separate container, add the fruit cut into small segments.
  3. Season the dish with mayonnaise, garnish with dill.

With mushrooms

By adding just a little champignons to the salad, you can get exquisite dish with a pleasant taste and an intriguing note. You can easily surprise your family with something unusual, and each time the option is perceived as the first time. The chicken and pineapple and mushroom salad is a chic meal. The combination of the sweet taste of fruit and the tenderness of poultry, which is diluted with the firmness of the mushrooms, will become culinary masterpiece on a holiday or everyday table.


  • breast - 1 pc.;
  • champignons - 300 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • hard cheese- 200 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3 teeth.;
  • pineapples - 1 can;
  • mayonnaise sauce - 150 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the chicken cold water, boil, after removing the skin. After cooling, chop the breast into cubes. Do the same with the eggs.
  2. Peel and chop mushrooms in large pieces, fry.
  3. Cut the cheese into small pieces or just grate it coarsely.
  4. Cut the rings of the fruit into cubes.
  5. Mix all ingredients well. Mayonnaise with garlic will serve as a dressing. Salt the dish to taste. If you lay all the ingredients in layers, then the chicken salad with pineapple can be given a little mystery.


The combination of chicken and exotic fruit is already considered almost classic, a kind of basis for festive salad... Although there is a certain exotic in this. By adding corn and cheese to them, laying out all the components in layers, you can get a unique taste that will be perfect: this recipe will provide the dish as the main treat for the holiday. Lay out pineapple salad with chicken in layers: this way it will bring the greatest pleasure.


  • breast - 400 g;
  • hard cheese - 200 g;
  • eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • pineapples - 1 can;
  • mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the breast well, put in a medium saucepan, add water. Bring to a boil over high heat, then remove the foam, reduce heat. Cooking time is about 30 minutes. After that, the broth must be drained, the meat must be chopped. The finer the breast is cut, the tastier the pineapple chicken salad will be.
  2. Boil chicken eggs, then peel, grate.
  3. First put the hard cheese in the refrigerator, then remove and grate.
  4. At the bottom of the dish, first put the chopped chicken meat, salt a little, grease with mayonnaise on top. The next layer will be grated cheese, on top of which mayonnaise must be applied again.
  5. Next, distribute grated eggs over the dish, grease, finish the puff salad with chopped fruits. Decorate as desired (herbs, olives).

With smoked chicken

If you use not boiled, but smoked poultry, then the taste of the final result will change significantly. It will become tender, unforgettable, but you need to remember that excessive smoked meats can be harmful. Meat will easily clog the fruit flavor, especially if smoked on your own. You can practically cook every time new salad from smoked chicken and pineapples - for example, "Bourgeois", for which you only need to change one ingredient in the recipe. You can add nuts, prunes, garnish the dish with pomegranate seeds.


  • smoked chicken - 250 g;
  • pineapple rings - 300 g;
  • cheese hard varieties- 150 g;
  • walnut - 100 g;
  • sour cream, mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • garlic - 2 cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut all prepared food into small cubes.
  2. Grate the cheese on a fine grater, grind the nuts in a mortar.
  3. Mix all components, add salt, mayonnaise, sour cream, after mixing them with garlic.

With canned pineapple

Making a salad of canned pineapple and chicken is very easy, but it won't affect it in any way. taste qualities... It will still be very tender, tasty and spicy. Just follow the step-by-step recipe with a photo just once, family and friends will ask you to repeat this culinary masterpiece more than once, because it is so appetizing and fresh dish never gets bored.


  • fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes - 700 g;
  • canned pineapple rings - 400 g;
  • mayonnaise - 250 g;
  • curry - just a little.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the boiled chicken into small cubes. Grind fruit, pre-peeled vegetables (boiled potatoes in a peel) in the same way.
  2. Mix all ingredients, season with mayonnaise. At the end, add a little curry (the main thing is not to overdo it with this ingredient, because the taste of the dish can be spoiled by excessive bitterness).

With walnut

This cooking option is delicious. This salad with pineapple, chicken and nuts will suit those who like daring experiments in the kitchen. The combination of these products is capable of surprising everyone with its originality. If desired, you can use pine kernels instead of walnut kernels, the taste will not get worse from this. Otherwise, you can safely show your imagination.


  • breast with skin - 600 g;
  • cheese - 180 g;
  • pineapples - 300 g;
  • walnuts- 120 g;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the fillet, cool, chop.
  2. Chill the cheese, grate on a fine grater. Cut the fruit into cubes.
  3. Pass the walnut (or any other) nut through a meat grinder or crumble with a blender.
  4. Mix all the ingredients, season with salt, spices, season with mayonnaise.
  5. Decorate as desired. You can add a special piquancy to the dish if you add more pickled mushrooms.

With cheese

Unusual combinations of products in a dish have long become fashionable. This is because this is the only way to achieve piquancy and originality. One of these unusual dishes and is French salad from pineapple with chicken and cheese. Delicate meat in combination with the sour taste of exotic fruit and grated cheese - a truly appetizing composition. The dish is also suitable for those who are losing weight, because it is hearty and low-calorie.


  • chicken fillet- 500 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • pineapples - 1 can;
  • hard cheese - 200 g;
  • garlic - 3 teeth.;
  • champignons - 300 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon;
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt, dill to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the meat in salted water for about 30 minutes, eggs, too, in another saucepan. Once ready, chop the components finely.
  2. Chop onions, mushrooms, fry on a hot vegetable oil about 10-15 minutes.
  3. Grate the cheese coarsely, then mix all the prepared ingredients. Season with a mixture of sour cream, mayonnaise and garlic.
  4. Add canned fruit at the very end, just sprinkle the mixture with chopped product on top.

With Chinese cabbage

This is a kind of magic wand. If Peking cabbage, chicken, pineapple are included in the salad, the dish will definitely surprise even the most fastidious guest. The treat is at the same time dietary, satisfying, and there are a lot of vitamins in it. The advantage of Chinese cabbage is that its leaves are always juicy and tender, which goes well with the main ingredients.


  • Chinese cabbage - 1 pc.;
  • boiled chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • ham - 200 g;
  • natural yogurt, sour cream for dressing;
  • garlic.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the cabbage into thin strips, the thinner the better for the taste of the dish.
  2. Boiled fillet, cut the ham into equal cubes.
  3. Chop canned fruits, add to other ingredients. Put the squeezed garlic there.
  4. Season the dish with a mixture of yogurt and sour cream. If desired, you can use mayonnaise or vegetable oil, preferably olive oil. You can also add some celery. Serve immediately after cooking.

With corn

Mayonnaise is used as a dressing in such a dish, but the Italian salad with chicken and pineapple and corn is still light and tasty. It will really appeal to adults and young tasters alike, who will become fans of the perfect combination of products. Slightly sour exotic fruit, sweet corn and neutral appetizing chicken will become frequent guests at the table.


  • canned pineapples - 1 can;
  • corn - 1 can;
  • chicken fillet - 3 pcs.;
  • Sweet pepper;
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • if desired, you can add tomatoes, cheese, curry.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the meat. While boiling, you can add a little curry to the water, which will save the chicken from excessive pallor. This color will go well with shades of yellow in pineapple and corn.
  2. Cut canned fruits into small cubes, mix with corn.
  3. Grind the bell pepper, add to a bowl. Do the same with chicken.
  4. Mix the components, season with mayonnaise.

Delicious salad with pineapple and chicken - cooking secrets

Preparing food alone is not always enough to prepare a complete meal. There are certain principles that can be followed to ensure that the recipe will have the right taste and texture. Basic rules to help cook delicious salad with pineapple and chicken are:

  • Usage fresh meat... If this is not possible, then the frozen product must be properly defrosted (at a temperature of about 22-25 degrees).
  • Remember to skim off the foam during cooking.
  • After the meat is ready, it must be thoroughly and carefully cleaned of skin, cartilage, bones. In a salad, they are highly undesirable.
  • Pineapples can be either fresh or canned. In the first case, preference should be given to a fruit with a sweetish aroma and a dull sound.
  • You can experiment with refueling, but before that you need to check whether you like this combination.


The combination of chicken breast and pineapple is just a godsend for a true gourmet. And if you add something else tasty to these two ingredients, you can just swallow your tongue. Basically, they do this, boil the meat and just cut it, or you can fry it or bake it in the oven to make it even more tasty and aromatic.

You can also take smoked meat right away so as not to waste time cooking meat. In general, when all the components of the salad are selected correctly, you will have to cut everything and season with mayonnaise. But you can lay it in layers. The selection will contain recommendations on how you can prepare salads that are completely different in appearance but of the same taste from the same products.

This recipe is a kind of classic in the preparation of salads from similar ingredients. I would like to say a few words about adding garlic. I tried the composition with and without garlic. My family and I like it more with garlic, so it will be present in this recipe, but if you think garlic is superfluous, you can not add it.


  • Chicken breast 1 pc.
  • Garlic 2-3 cloves
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt to taste

Cooking process:

Fillet, of course, only needs boiled. Therefore, I first boiled it in slightly salted water with the addition of bay leaves for a greater flavor. You can make soup from the broth, and the meat will go for a salad.

So disassemble the meat into fibers with your hands. Try to make the pieces as small as possible.

Cut the pineapples into slices. You can take the sliced ​​ones right away, but this time for some reason I took them in circles.

I will pass the garlic through the garlic grinder. You can mix mayonnaise with garlic right away. This will make the dressing sauce.

We put everything in one bowl, season with mayonnaise and mix well until smooth.

The salad is ready to serve. Convenience of preparation lies in the fact that there is no need to give time for impregnation with a layer or something else. Cut, season, mix and serve.

Everything is fresh and immediately from under the knife. Bon Appetit.

Chicken cheese and pineapple salad recipe

here is another recipe that can also be safely attributed to the classic cooking recipes. The main ingredients are delicious and delicate cheese which gives its own special taste.


  • Chicken 250-300 gr.
  • Pineapples 1 can
  • Delicate cheese 120 gr.
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Garlic to taste

Cooking process:

Grate cheese on a coarse grater.

Cut the boiled chicken into small pieces the size of grated pieces of cheese. It is desirable that all the ingredients in the salad are of the same size.

The pineapple pieces seemed too big to me, so I will correct them a little. I will make them a little less.

So, the cheese was grated, the meat and pineapple were finely chopped, now you need to put everything in one bowl, season with mayonnaise and mix well.

Everything is ready and can be served on the table after decorating with a sprig of greens. I don't know how long such a treat can be stored, since it is eaten immediately as soon as it is put on the table.

Delicious and unusual salad "Pineapple" with chicken

The originality of this salad lies in its design. And the ingredients are selected so harmoniously that you won't want to add anything. watch the video story about how easy it is to create unusual decoration for this treat.

Hearty salad with pineapple and crab sticks in layers

Looking for a whole new dish to add to your arsenal? Please here it is, try replacing the chicken with crab sticks.


  • Crab sticks 1 pack
  • Pineapple slices 1 can
  • Bow 1 head
  • Eggs 3-4 pcs
  • Tender cheese 80 gr.
  • Mayonnaise

Cooking process:

And so, before you start preparing the salad, you need to boil the eggs. Then divide them into whites and yolks and grate separately. Finely chop the crab sticks. You can also grate it. Finely chop the onion and cover with hot water for 3-5 minutes to remove the bitterness from it.

The salad will collect in layers. Smear the bottom of the plate or dish with a thin layer of mayonnaise and put the grated proteins in the first layer.

The second layer is crab sticks. We coat each layer with mayonnaise, but do not overdo it.

The third layer is from onions and mayonnaise.

After the onion, lay pineapples in a thin layer without mayonnaise.

Sprinkle the pineapples on top with grated cheese and coat with mayonnaise.

The topmost layer will be grated yolks, which will decorate our delicious salad with pineapple.

The easiest salad recipe with pineapple, mushrooms and chicken

As I said there is great amount how can you cook delicious treat with this simple set of ingredients. I offer a delicious recipe with fried fillets.


  • Chicken breast 400-500 gr.
  • Canned mushrooms 1 can
  • Canned pineapple 1 can
  • Eggs 5-6 pcs.
  • Bow 1 head
  • Garlic 2-3 cloves
  • Dutch cheese 150-200 gr.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Greenery for decoration
  • Vegetable oil
  • Spices to taste

Cooking process:

Cut the chicken breast into cubes and fry in vegetable oil until tender with onions. If desired, you can add spices to make the meat more aromatic and tasty.

Boil the eggs. Squeeze the garlic into mayonnaise and mix. It will turn out delicious dressing for salad.

We will put the food in a deep bowl one by one and grease each layer with our sauce. The first layer is grated egg whites.

The second layer is fried meat, but do not lay out all the meat, it will still be needed.

The third layer consists of canned mushrooms... I have champignons, but you can use any other mushrooms.

After the mushrooms, place the pineapple pieces.

Distribute the remaining meat with the fifth layer and coat with mayonnaise.

Now it's the turn of the grated cheese and garlic sauce.

We will finish the laying of the layers. egg yolks... Finally, decorate the salad with parsley sprigs and put it in the refrigerator to soak.

The impregnation time takes about 3-4 hours.

Ladies Caprice salad with smoked breast

Have you ever tried this truly delicious treat? I was lucky to try it once, and I liked it so much that it was decided by hook or by hook to get a recipe and make the same salad at home.


  • Smoked chicken breast 400 gr.
  • Canned pineapples 1 can
  • Pitted olives 1 can
  • Hard cheese 200 gr
  • Eggs 5 pcs.
  • Greenery for decoration
  • Mayonnaise

Cooking process:

Smoked chicken breast cut into cubes. We adjust the size of the dice ourselves, but I like it better when the ingredients are cut into smaller pieces.

Cut the cheese into the same cubes. Hard cheeses work best for this recipe.

Pineapples can be taken both canned and fresh. If you don't want to mess around with fresh pineapple, of course it's better to take a ready-made one. But fresh will certainly be more fragrant. Cut pineapples into pieces.

Of course, take olives only pitted. Grinding olives is not worth it; it will be enough to cut into 2-3 pieces. For one thing, make sure everyone is pitted.

Boiled chicken eggs chop finely and place in a shared bowl. Leave one yolk for decoration.

The ingredients for the salad are chopped, you can season with mayonnaise and mix well until smooth.

It remains to decorate and serve beautifully.

Bon Appetit.

Delicate salad with pineapple with chicken and corn

But we have not yet considered such a cooking recipe. It is as easy to prepare as the previous salad options.


  • Chicken breast 400 gr.
  • Corn 1 can
  • Pineapple 1 can
  • Eggs 5 pcs.
  • Hard cheese 200 gr.
  • Mayonnaise 3-4 tbsp spoons
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Greenery for decoration

Cooking process:

Boil the breast in slightly salted water, also boil the eggs in steep. If pineapples were taken into rings, cut the rings into cubes, leave one ring for decoration.

Chop the rest of the ingredients.
Cut the chicken into cubes, grate the cheese, cut the eggs as small as possible.

Put the ingredients in a bowl, add corn, mayonnaise and finely chopped greens.

Mix, decorate and send to the table. Tasty, simple and beautiful. Bon Appetit.

Here is such a small selection holiday recipes for preparing pineapple salads with chicken breast. How do you prepare such salads? You can leave your favorite recipes in the comments under the article I will be glad to new recipes. And for today I have everything to everyone in the world of kindness and positiveness. Bye.

The combination of chicken with pineapple is very successful. Most of all it is liked by women, sometimes such salads are called ladies' salads. But still, some men are very fond of such salads. Chicken and pineapple salad is considered festive, but it can be prepared for a regular dinner if you want new taste sensations. I suggest in this article 3 excellent step by step recipes cooking salad with chicken and pineapple. Corn, eggs, cheese, prunes, mushrooms are added to these ingredients. But first things first. Check out the contents first and choose your recipe.

Also check out a great selection new holiday salads.

Chicken and pineapple salad with cheese and corn

This is the most classic version making salad with chicken and pineapple. Although, there can be many variations here. This recipe uses eggs, corn, and cheese. In some variants, it is cooked without eggs or with only three ingredients: chicken, pineapple and cheese, and seasoned with garlic mayonnaise. You can choose any option, they are prepared in the same way. I think there is no point in describing each of these recipes separately. If you want, remove the ingredient you don't want to see in this salad.

The salad for this recipe is made in layers. But you can just mix all the ingredients, it will be no worse. I mix more often to save time. It turns out delicious. In general, see the chicken and pineapple salad: the classic version.


  • chicken breast - 1 pc.
  • corn - 1 can small
  • boiled eggs - 3 pcs.
  • pineapples - 300 gr.
  • hard cheese - 200 gr.
  • mayonnaise

Step by step cooking classic salad with chicken and pineapple.

Chicken, pineapple and prune salad recipe.

Ladies will really like this version of the salad, as it has a sweet note not only from pineapple, but also from prunes and corn. At the same time, there is a little sourness in the taste. All these components go well with chicken and with each other, so the salad turns out to be tasty and unusual.

This salad is done in layers. This can be done in a large salad bowl or on a platter. And you can serve it in portions in glasses if this salad is prepared for a holiday. Preparing the salad takes minutes, not counting the time for boiling the chicken.


  • boiled chicken breast - 1 pc.
  • canned corn - 300 gr.
  • dried prunes - 200 gr. (not smoked)
  • mayonnaise - 150 gr.
  • greens - for decoration

How to make a salad with chicken and pineapple and prunes.

How to cook with alat with chicken, mushrooms and pineapple

There are recipes for salad with pineapple, chicken and mushrooms. And this is also a rather interesting combination of flavors. Try this salad - suddenly you find yourself a fan. This salad is laid out in layers.


  • chicken breast - 1 pc.
  • fresh mushrooms - 450 gr.
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • boiled eggs - 6 pcs. (C1) or 5 pcs. (C0)
  • canned pineapple - 300 gr.
  • hard cheese - 150 gr.
  • mayonnaise to taste
  • salt pepper
  • frying oil

A method of preparing a salad with pineapple and mushrooms.

Like these ones simple recipes cooking salad with chicken and pineapple. Cook with pleasure and everything will be delicious!

When the holidays come, any hostess wants to surprise her family and guests with different delicacies. Everyone is already boring traditional salads Olivier and fur coat. Why not make a chicken and pineapple salad for a very delicious recipe with photo? This is not only a great combination of flavors, it is also beautiful and extraordinarily tasty.

Of course, every housewife has her own secrets of making a salad. Add to it: crackers, mushrooms, canned corn, herbs, walnuts and other ingredients that add spice and unusual taste... Chicken salad can be served both cold and warm.

Delicious pineapple and chicken salad with cheese: a recipe with a photo

It doesn't take long to prepare the salad. Everything is very quick and simple: cut, mix, add mayonnaise and serve. And cooked according to the classic recipe, everyone will like it.

What foods to prepare:

  • a jar of canned pineapple;
  • three boiled eggs;
  • 400 grams of boiled chicken fillet;
  • 150 grams of hard cheese;
  • mayonnaise (better homemade)

How to cook:

Step 1. Boil the chicken fillet in lightly salted water. Various spices can be added to the broth.

Step 2. Cut boiled eggs, cheese and pineapple (fresh or canned) into cubes or grate. We just cut pineapples.

Step 3. Cut the finished chicken into cubes, add chopped eggs, chopped pineapples and grated cheese. Season with mayonnaise, stir.

Step 4. Before serving, add a little salt to the appetizer. Put in a large salad bowl, or spread out in portions. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top.

Step 6. Decorate ready salad a sprig of parsley.


      • do not pour the broth in which the chicken fillet was cooked. It can be used to make soup. The next morning, after the feast, it will be very useful;
      • cheese can not be cut into cubes, but grated;
      • if you do not like store-bought mayonnaise, then prepare it yourself. With homemade sauce, the salad will be both tastier and healthier;
      • if children are going to eat the salad, do not season it with pure mayonnaise. Mix in equal proportions mayonnaise and sour cream, and season the appetizer with this sauce;
      • if it seems to you that the salad is too bland, grate a few cloves of garlic on a fine grater and add to the finished dish.

There are a few small secrets to making this delicious salad:

  1. the main ingredient of the snack is chicken meat. It should be juicy and not overcooked. Thirty minutes in boiling salted water - and the meat for the salad is ready;
  2. if you did not have time to buy chicken fillet for cooking salad, then you can use boiled breast or chicken thighs... This will not change the taste of the salad;
  3. cut the chicken fillet into pieces and fry it in a pan or oven. The salad will turn out to be very satisfying;
  4. replace the usual boiled chicken fillet with smoked breast... The appetizer will turn out to be extremely tasty.
  5. before adding canned fruits to a salad, be sure to drain the juice from them. You can marinate boiled chicken in this juice;
  6. chicken and pineapple salad can be seasoned not only with mayonnaise, but also sour cream, yogurt and even olive oil;
  7. do you want the salad to be more satisfying? Then add to it fried mushrooms, boiled or canned beans, boiled potatoes or rice;
  8. before adding salt to the salad, try the mayonnaise and cheese. These foods can be salty enough that no additional salt is needed in the salad.

Pineapple and chicken salad "Bourgeois"

"Eat pineapples and grouse chew" - wrote V. Mayakovsky about the bourgeoisie. Apparently, that's why the salad with chicken and pineapple got the name "Bourgeois". There are pineapples in this recipe, and chicken replaces the hazel grouse.

For salad, it is best to use grilled chicken or smoked chicken.

To prepare the "Bourgeois" salad, you must:

  1. Drain the juice from the corn and pineapple.
  2. Separate the meat from the bones and tear into pieces with your hands.
  3. Prepare the dressing sauce: three tablespoons of sour cream + three tablespoons of mayonnaise + salt + pepper + two dessert tablespoons of lemon juice.
  4. Four boiled eggs peel and chop finely.
  5. Chop black olives finely (take better pitted);
  6. Grate cheese on a fine grater, cut pineapples into pieces.
  7. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl.
  8. Season with sauce.
  9. Salt if necessary.
  10. Put in the refrigerator for a few hours, or better overnight.

Bourgeois salad with Chinese cabbage and cucumber


  • small Chinese (Peking) cabbage;
  • canned corn and pineapple - in a jar;
  • two fresh cucumbers and one salted;
  • smoked chicken meat - four hundred grams
  • green onions, parsley;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt, sugar - to taste

First you need to prepare a cabbage salad: chop, salt and sugar a little. Cut cucumbers, meat, onions, pineapples into slices. Add chopped food and corn to the cabbage, pour over mayonnaise and mix. Put in a deep salad bowl with a slice, garnish with finely chopped green onions and a sprig of parsley.

Bourgeois salad with bell pepper and chili sauce

For cooking we take:

  • a jar of corn and pineapple;
  • chicken's meat;
  • one bell pepper (yellow);
  • two small fresh cucumbers;
  • pitted black olives;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • parsley - for decoration;
  • chili sauce";
  • mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

  1. marinate two chicken legs in spices;
  2. fry them in oil, cool, separate from the bones and cut into pieces;
  3. drain liquid from corn and pineapples;
  4. cut sweet peppers and cucumbers into thin cubes;
  5. cut olives into rings (for decoration);
  6. prepare the sauce: mix mayonnaise (200 grams) with two tablespoons of Chili sauce;
  7. put all the ingredients in a bowl (except olives), pour over the sauce and stir;
  8. put lettuce leaves (washed and dried) on a beautiful dish, and a prepared snack on them;
  9. garnish with olives, cucumber slices and a sprig of parsley.

"Exotic" salad with pineapple, chicken and cheese layers: a photo of a beautiful design

Delicious salad of chicken, pineapple and cheese according to the recipe with a photo, which perfectly combines the usual meat sweet taste with olives.

Traditional salad "Exotic"

Lay out the appetizer in layers. Layers are smeared with mayonnaise with garlic. By the way, in this salad, chicken meat can be seen with good quality ham or raw smoked beef sausage.


  • a large chicken breast or two fillets;
  • jar each: pineapple, pickled mushrooms and pitted black olives;
  • two hundred grams of cheese;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • mayonnaise.

Cooking like this:

  1. put the meat in boiling water, lightly salt and boil for thirty minutes;
  2. cut into small cubes: meat, pineapple and cheese;
  3. prepare the sauce: squeeze the garlic into mayonnaise through a press and mix thoroughly;
  4. lay out the appetizer in layers: meat, pineapples, mushrooms, cheese;
  5. carefully coat each layer with sauce;
  6. decorate the salad with whole olives;
  7. let the salad soak for two to three hours.

Exotic salad with unusual sauce

  1. cut two boiled chicken fillets into cubes;
  2. drain the juice from canned pineapples and cut into cubes.
  3. open a jar of mushrooms (preferably small mushrooms) drain the liquid;
  4. prepare sauce: to natural yoghurt(200 ml) + two tbsp. tablespoons of white wine + salt + pepper;
  5. stir the ingredients in a large bowl;
  6. put a few lettuce leaves in small bowls, then put a snack with chicken there;
  7. Serve the sauce separately.

Exotic salad with Parmesan cheese

  • large smoked chicken fillet and pineapples (jar) cut into cubes;
  • fold into a deep salad bowl;
  • add 200 grams of grated Parmesan cheese, finely chopped cucumbers and a handful of chopped walnuts;
  • season with mayonnaise (to taste) mix gently;
  • in an hour you can serve and surprise the guests.

There are other types of salad with chicken and pineapple, for example, instead of hard cheese, take smoked or processed cheese... And for piquancy, add a few cloves of garlic.

Salad with chicken, pineapple, melted cheese and cucumbers


  • canned pineapple;
  • boiled chicken meat - 250-300 grams;
  • processed cheese - 300 grams;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • two small fresh cucumbers.


  1. boil meat and eggs;
  2. cut the cheese into cubes (grate);
  3. garlic - pass through a garlic press or chop with a sharp knife;
  4. cut into small cubes: pineapples, meat, eggs, cucumbers;
  5. put in a beautiful deep plate, season with mayonnaise;
  6. lightly salt before serving;
  7. garnish with a sprig of parsley

Note to the hostess! You can add half a jar of canned corn to this salad recipe.

Chicken salad with tomatoes

To prepare the salad, you must mix the following ingredients:

  • chicken fillet - 300 grams (cut into cubes or tear into thin pieces);
  • half a jar of canned pineapples (cut into cubes or strips);
  • two tomatoes (cut into cubes or thin plates);
  • chopped garlic - three cloves;
  • prepare the sauce as a dressing: mix three tablespoons of mayonnaise and sour cream each.

Mix all ingredients and season with sauce. Place in a large salad bowl. Lightly salt the appetizer before serving.

Neutral chicken meat is very harmoniously combined with sweet pineapple, so the salad has a very delicate and light taste. Main components classic recipe this is:

  • boiled chicken fillet;
  • pineapples (canned or fresh);
  • mayonnaise;
  • eggs and hard cheese.

We combine everything else as desired.

We hope that our recipes with a photo of a very tasty salad with chicken and pineapple will appeal to you, because it is very easy to prepare them. But you can certainly surprise your guests with delicious taste.

When on your festive table there is a salad with pineapple and chicken, then the guests will always eat it and, smacking their lips, praise the hostess And this is true. Today you will learn how you can make such a salad with many alternating ingredients.

The proposed theme allows you to prepare a salad with mixing ingredients and dressing, or prepare a recipe when the ingredients are laid in layers and the dressing is coated.

Everyone's favorite mayonnaise is often used as a dressing.

Pineapple and chicken salad - a recipe with a description of all layers with a photo

The salad turns out to be airy and tender, everyone who tried it - like it.


  • Boiled chicken breast - 230 g
  • Canned pineapples - 280 g
  • Hard cheese - 180 g
  • Mayonnaise - 150 g

  1. Cut the chicken breast into small cubes with a knife.

2. Cut the canned pineapples into cubes with a knife.

3. All ingredients are chopped and prepared: chicken breast pieces, pineapple cubes, grated hard cheese, grated boiled eggs.

4. On the prepared serving dish, put 1 - layer of chicken breast pieces and coat with mayonnaise.

5. On the chicken layer, spread the 2nd layer, cut pineapple cubes.

6. On a layer of pineapples, put a 3 - layer, grated chicken eggs and coat this layer with mayonnaise.

7. The last and top layer of salad we will have grated cheese. Spread it evenly over the surface of the salad.

8. Here is such a yellow salad on a platter. We start to think how to decorate it?

9. It was decided to decorate with strips of egg white and lettuce leaves - it looks like a chamomile field, what do you think?

Pineapple and chicken salad is ready.

Pineapple, Chicken and Boiled Mushrooms Salad - Mixed Ingredients


  • Chicken fillet - 300 - 400 g
  • Boiled champignons - 300 g
  • Canned pineapples - 1 can
  • Green onions, mayonnaise

Preparation - Pineapple and Chicken Salad

  1. Boil the chicken fillet and cut into large cubes.
  2. Cut the mushrooms into large slices
  3. Cut pineapples into large cubes.
  4. Chop green onions.
  5. Mix everything, salt to taste, season with mayonnaise.

Decorate nicely with pineapples and herbs.

Pineapple, Chicken, Mushroom, Cheese and Fresh Cucumber Salad - Puff Salad Recipe

Meet the most delicious pineapple and chicken salad on the festive table.


  • Chicken breast - 400 g
  • Pineapples - 1 can
  • Mushrooms - 400 g
  • Hard cheese - 200 g
  • Fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 300 g
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


  1. Salt the chicken breast, sprinkle with spices and fry on low heat on both sides. Then cut into cubes.

2. To pieces chicken meat add mayonnaise and mix everything.

3. 1 - put a layer of salad in a mold in the form of chicken pieces with mayonnaise. Tamp it lightly with a fork. The form is installed with the bottom up and this is understandable why.

4 . Cut fresh cucumbers and mix with mayonnaise.

5.2 - layer chopped fresh cucumbers mixed with mayonnaise.

6. 3 - a layer of hard cheese grated on a coarse grater and mixed with mayonnaise.

7. Champignons should be fried until tender, seasoned with salt and allowed to cool. Then mix the mushrooms with mayonnaise.

8. 4 - layer mixed with mayonnaise mushrooms.

8. 5 - layer, pineapple pieces.

9. Cover a layer of pineapple with mayonnaise and put the salad in the refrigerator to infuse.

10. Take the salad out of the refrigerator and carefully remove the round shape.

11. Cut a fresh cucumber into thin slices for decoration and trim the sides of the lettuce with a spatula.

12. Decorating with plates fresh cucumber the surface of the salad, as in the photo. Pineapple and chicken salad is ready.

Pineapple and chicken salad "Pineapple" - video recipe with corn, cheese, eggs

After watching the video recipe, you should have noted for yourself that the taste of this salad with the presence of corn and eggs will be different compared to the previous recipes and the next.

Salad with canned pineapple, smoked chicken, cheese, canned mushrooms, Chinese cabbage and walnuts

We form the salad in layers in the form of an oval to highlight our salad (large pineapple) among


  • 1 can canned pineapple
  • 1 smoked chicken breast
  • 300 g hard cheese
  • 1 can canned mushrooms, chopped
  • 300 g of Chinese cabbage
  • Walnuts, green onion feathers
  • For the sauce: fatty mayonnaise, pineapple juice


  1. 1 layer - cut Chinese cabbage and mix it with the sauce, put it on a dish in the form of an oval shape.
  2. Layer 2 - cut the smoked chicken breast into strips, pour over the sauce.
  3. 3 layer - finely chop pineapples and pour over the sauce again.
  4. Layer 4 - lay out the sliced canned mushrooms and pour over the sauce.
  5. 5 layer - three cheese and sprinkle with salad.
  6. Layer 6 - spread the walnuts in a checkerboard pattern, add green onion feathers and parsley on the sides.

Our pineapple and chicken salad looks like a real pineapple. Guests will notice such a salad right away.

Layered salad with pineapple, chicken, carrot, egg and cheese

In this salad recipe, we will learn how to decorate it with carrot roses and protein daisies.

We see all the ingredients for the salad in the photo: chicken meat - thighs, pineapple pieces, boiled eggs, grated raw carrots, skipped garlic.

Making a recipe

  1. Have chicken thighs separate the meat from the bones and cut it into pieces with a knife. We lay out the chicken meat in a split form with the first layer.

3.2 layer - pineapple pieces. Do not coat with mayonnaise.

4. 3 layer - grated raw carrots on a medium grater.

5. Make a net of mayonnaise over a layer of carrots.

Salad dressing

7. With a sharp knife in the middle of a boiled egg, make forward movements up and down and at the same time rotate the egg in a circle. We separate the white from the yolk and see the result of a creative approach.

8. The result is this chamomile.

9. With other eggs, do the same with a knife. If the chamomile is torn, it's not scary, we connect its ends and fix it on the surface of the salad.

10. To make the raw thin plate of carrots pliable for twisting - cook it for only 1 minute and cool it down.

11. To create a rose, first twist one plate, then a second onto it.

12. Cut the rolled roll in half with a knife.

13. We got 2 roses.

14. Remaining parts boiled eggs rub on a grater on top of a layer of carrots.

15. Apply a net of mayonnaise on a layer of eggs and smooth with a spatula.

16. Our cheese is taken in plates, so we cut it with a knife into small and narrow strips. If you have whole cheese, grate it on a coarse grater.

17. In a separate bowl, mix the sliced ​​cheese with mayonnaise and a squeezed garlic clove through a press. Put the cheese on top of the eggs and press down lightly with a fork.

18. Decorate the salad with green leaves, carrot roses and egg white daisies.

19. We have a beautiful and delicious salad with pineapple and chicken.

Ladies' salad with pineapple and chicken - puff video recipe

Frankly, when I am at a party and there chicken salad with pineapples - I eat it with bliss.