How to cook mushroom pilaf. Pilaf with mushrooms: cooking options

Traditionally, pilaf is cooked with meat. However, due to the use of certain ingredients, it is possible to eliminate it, while maintaining excellent taste. Pilaf with mushrooms is a nutritious and aromatic dish with delicate notes.

Classic pilaf with mushrooms

Classic pilaf involves the use of meat, the taste of which is perfectly complemented by mushroom notes.


Rice - 200 g;
pork pulp - 350 g;
onion - 1 pc.;
carrots - 1 pc.;
garlic - 2 cloves;
mushrooms - 300 g;
vegetable oil - for frying;
salt and seasonings for pilaf.

Cooking method:

1. Cubes are prepared from the washed and dried meat.
2. Chopped onions and carrots as desired.
3. Mushrooms are cut into large slices.
4. Cubes of meat are fried in a cauldron with butter.
5. When will the pork gain golden brown, prepared vegetables are sent to the cauldron.
6. After 5 minutes, the mushrooms are laid out, the contents are mixed with salt and spices.
7. On the fried mass is laid out washed rice, which is filled with water.
8. The dish is stewed in a closed cauldron over low heat until cooked.

Lenten cooking recipe

Fragrant meatless pilaf diversifies the vegetarian menu with a wonderful combination of rice and mushrooms.

To create a dish you will need:

200 g of rice;
100 g of carrots and onions;
250 g of mushrooms;
head of garlic;
spices, salt and vegetable oil.

To make lean mushroom pilaf:

1. Vegetables, mushrooms are cleaned, washed.
2. Vegetables are cut into cubes, which together with salt are fried for about 5-7 minutes.
3. Champignons are cut into large slices, which are laid out with vegetables.
4. After 2 minutes, rice is poured into the pan, after which everything is mixed and filled with water.
5. Pilaf is stewed over medium heat.
6. After absorbing the liquid, the deep frying pan is covered with a lid and placed on a cold hotplate for 30-35 minutes.

Cooking in a multicooker

Pilaf with mushrooms in a slow cooker takes a leading position in the menu of supporters of proper nutrition.

To prepare the dish you need:

300 g of rice;
the same amount of champignons;
1 carrot;
1.5 heads of garlic;
sunflower oil, salt and spices (barberry, cumin and others).

The cooking steps are as follows:

1. Vegetables and mushrooms are chopped in arbitrary slices at the discretion of the cook.
2. Onions are sautéed in a frying pan.
3. After the vegetable acquires transparency, the chopped root vegetable is added to it.
4. Mushrooms are the last to be laid out.
5. After 5 minutes, the dressing is crushed with salt and spices, and then whole garlic cloves are placed in it.
6. After readiness, vegetables with mushrooms are laid out in the multicooker bowl.
7. Rice is distributed over the dressing and is filled with water.
8. The second of the rice is cooked until the beep in the "Pilaf" mode.

Barley pilaf with mushrooms

An original variation on the preparation of pearl barley pilaf. To execute the recipe, you should purchase:
200 g of pearl barley;
150 g of mushrooms;
2 onions;
1 carrot;
sunflower oil;
salt and spices.

The cooking method is simple:

1. Pearl barley is boiled to a semi-cooked state.
2. Peeled onions are cut into thin rings, which are fried in a cauldron on a preheated sunflower oil.
3. The carrots are rubbed and added to the clear onion.
4. Mushrooms are boiled for 2 minutes and sent to vegetables.
5. After 10 minutes, grits are distributed over the salted vegetables and mushrooms.
6. The contents of the cauldron are filled with water, which is salted and seasoned.
7. The original pilaf is stewed for 30-40 minutes in a closed container.

How to make with chicken

Delicious pilaf with mushrooms and chicken is prepared from:

300 g fillet;
half the amount of mushrooms;
120 g parboiled rice;
1 carrot;
vegetable oil;
herbs, salt and spices.

Step-by-step cooking instructions are the following:

1. The meat is cut into cubes, which are fried together with onion rings and mushroom plates.
2. The root vegetable is rubbed on a medium grater.
3. When the meat is golden brown, put the carrot shavings in the pan.
4. The contents are fried for 5 minutes and covered with rice.
5. The pilaf is mixed and after 2 minutes it is filled with water.
6. An appetizing dish is stewed under a closed lid for 20 minutes.
7. On the plates, pilaf is crushed with chopped herbs.

With meat and mushrooms

Hearty pilaf is made from:

350 g of champignons;
300 g pork;
2 onions;
2 carrots;
200 g of rice;
seasonings, salt and sunflower oil.

To feed the household with fragrant pilaf:

1. The pork pulp is washed, cut into pieces, which are salted, seasoned and fried in hot sunflower oil.
2. In another deep frying pan, mushroom plates are fried in sunflower oil.
3. When the mushrooms are browned, onion half rings and carrot shavings are sent to them.
4. After vegetables acquire softness, meat and washed rice are laid out on them.
5. The contents are filled with water, salted and spiced to taste.
6. Pilaf is simmered over medium heat with the lid open.
7. When all the liquid has evaporated, the dish is removed from the stove and infused in a closed container for about 15 minutes.

Mushroom pilaf with vegetables

Vegetable pilaf is a tasty and healthy dish, for the preparation of which the following are prepared:

Rice - 350 g;
onions - 2 pcs.;
carrots - 2 pcs.;
garlic - 2 heads;
mushrooms - 200 g;
sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
salt and seasonings for pilaf.

The cooking method consists in performing the following steps:

1. Peeled onions are cut in half rings, carrots and peppers - into strips, mushrooms - into large slices.
2. Pepper and mushrooms are salted and then fried for 5 minutes.
3. Onion and carrots are sautéed in another frying pan for 7 minutes, to which, after the specified time, rice is spread and whole garlic.
4. Rice with vegetables is poured into 500 ml of water, salted, seasoned.
5. After boiling, the dish is cooked under a closed lid for about 25 minutes over low heat.
6. At the end, pepper and mushrooms are placed in the pilaf.
7. The dish is mixed and laid out on plates.
Thus, from a simple food set, you can easily prepare a nutritious and appetizing dish with an unsurpassed aroma and piquant taste.

For pilaf, as you know, there are two constants - rice and oil. There will be no pilaf without them. But the rest can be changed and varied. So who said that this dish should only be with meat? We are preparing pilaf with mushrooms today. And it will not be a rice side dish, seasoned with the gifts of the forest, but real pilaf... After all, we will cook using the pilaf technology, with zirvak, layering of products and simmering over low heat. Everything is as it should be.

How to cook pilaf with mushrooms mushrooms

This is a very convenient dish for fasting - filling, affordable, and it looks very appetizing. In principle, mushrooms can be very different - oyster mushrooms, champignons, forest mushrooms (white, honey agarics, etc.). Therefore, telling how to cook lean pilaf with mushrooms, we give a recipe for mushrooms in general using the example of royal porcini mushrooms.

Sometimes there are recipes that combine rice, meat and mushrooms. It's over nutritious dish and also very tasty. We will tell you about this too. And since mushrooms are most often found in stores, we recommend the option with mushrooms and meat. (Although if there is a choice between champignons and oyster mushrooms, it is better to take oyster mushrooms anyway - they are less watery, more elastic and have a pronounced mushroom taste and aroma).

Cooking options

The most common way to prepare this dish is to fry vegetables in oil with the addition of mushrooms, then rice, after which the whole frying is poured with water and pushed under the lid, like pilaf.

There is another way - when mushrooms fried with vegetables are mixed with ready-made rice and reach in a common saucepan. It also turns out quite tasty, below we will tell you in detail about such a recipe for the dish. Although to say about it that this is a real mushroom pilaf is a stretch.

But the most interesting option- the one where the pilaf technology is fully observed. That is, a zirvak is prepared separately (in this case, lean), and then rice is added. We will consider this option of mushroom pilaf in more detail. It really has the look and taste of real pilaf, albeit not very similar to the usual dish with meat.

Ingredients for pilaf with mushrooms

Mushroom pilaf is prepared with familiar foods. except good rice you need to store and peel onions, carrots, more mushrooms. If you decide to cook ordinary pilaf, like a simple porridge with mushrooms, then you can stop there by adding only vegetable oil, salt, spices in the form of turmeric and ground pepper. But if you cook true pilaf, then you can't do without garlic, hot dry chili, saffron. And for the scent, add one bell pepper and one hot pepper pod. To give some courtesy to our simple dish, put a little sun-dried tomatoes... With this set, you can cook pilaf with mushrooms.

Pilaf with porcini mushrooms

It is better to make mushroom pilaf folding - this way more mushroom taste and aroma will be preserved. Unlike meat options, this pilaf is prepared very quickly, because mushrooms do not need long-term heat treatment, especially if they are porcini mushrooms.

In this pilaf, for the first time, we will do without an exact recipe in grams. Let's just say that 2 cups of rice will need half the usual volume of carrots and onions. Take as much mushrooms as you have - they will definitely not spoil the pilaf. And also store one hot and one sweet pepper, a couple or three cloves of garlic, a pinch of saffron, a handful sun-dried tomatoes... It will be pilaf with porcini mushrooms and vegetables, prepared in a traditional way.

To make mushroom pilaf, first prepare zirvak. For this:

  • cut vegetables - peppers and carrots into strips, onions in half rings. The garlic can be cut into petals, or the cloves can be left intact. We take a handful of sun-dried tomatoes and grind them too;
  • pour vegetable oil into the cauldron, heat it up;
  • put the onion in the oil and quickly fry until golden brown;
  • add garlic and spices to the onion (you can have a little dry chili pepper, turmeric, coriander);
  • put chopped porcini mushrooms in fried onions. Cut the mushrooms arbitrarily, but so that they, when browned, retain an attractive appearance;
  • add carrots to the vegetable mass and mix;
  • salt, mix and put pepper straws. Everything looks amazingly beautiful!
  • keep it on fire a little more. In the last minute, we give the final touch - add Sun-dried tomatoes... Zirvak is ready!

Meanwhile, the rice is cooked the way it is cooked for Azerbaijani pilaf... That is, in well-salted boiling water over high heat and no more than 10 minutes, so as not to overcook. The finished rice is thrown into a colander, you can even rinse it with hot water, let it drain and - straight into the cauldron, on fried mushrooms with vegetables. Top with saffron infusion for beauty and aroma. Now everything needs to be closed with a lid and put in the oven, let it rest on the lowest heat for about an hour.

When the time is up, we turn the cauldron upside down so that all the beauty is on top, and the rice is soaked from below with all the juices of delicious porcini mushrooms and vegetables.

Mushroom pilaf with champignons

Champignons are looser and more juicy, moreover, during cooking, they significantly decrease in volume. To make the mushroom pilaf beautiful and appetizing, it is recommended to choose smaller mushrooms in order to use them whole. Large mushrooms are chopped, cut in half and sliced. The task is to quickly evaporate excess moisture during frying and achieve a beautiful even "tan" of the mushrooms.


  • two dozen mushrooms;
  • a couple of onions and small carrots;
  • 2 cups rice
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, turmeric, ground pepper.

Cooking pilaf with mushrooms:

  1. In vegetable oil over high heat, quickly fry small whole mushrooms until golden brown.
  2. Add onion, cut into half rings or feathers, lightly fry.
  3. Cut carrots into small strips and add to the pan.
  4. Fry the carrots and add the chopped pepper. Put everything out a little together.
  5. Put rice soaked in salted water and sprinkle with spices. Pour boiling water over the rice so that the water covers the cereal a little.
  6. After half an hour, check the readiness of the rice. Turn off and let stand for 10 minutes under the lid.

Mushrooms and meat get along well in this dish. If you make pilaf with vegetables, mushrooms and meat, then there is nothing better than a combination of mushrooms and beef. This pilaf is called Croatian, and it is quite simple to prepare it, it does not take much time.

For one large bowl of good long-grain rice like basmati, prepare:

  • a pound of beef or veal tenderloin;
  • a couple of onions and carrots (if large, then one of each is enough);
  • 250 g champignons;
  • a glass of dry white wine;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • spices - coriander, cumin, sweet paprika, black ground pepper and salt.
  1. In hot oil over high heat, quickly brown the chopped onion, then add the pieces of meat to it.
  2. Next are the champignons quarters, which are stewed over high heat until the liquid evaporates.
  3. Add the spiced carrots and simmer for a couple of minutes, stirring continuously.
  4. Add wine and simmer again until liquid disappears.
  5. Sprinkle the washed rice over the surface vegetable mix with a slotted spoon, salt well, then pour in a bowl of boiling water.
  6. As soon as the water is absorbed into the cereal, reduce the heat to minimum, decompose, pressing the garlic into rice, and leave under the lid for another half hour. Stir the finished pilaf before serving.

The recipe for pilaf with chanterelles

Delicious, fragrant pilaf with chanterelle mushrooms comes out - its recipe is simple and affordable.

This dish is prepared with onions, carrots, sometimes fresh tomatoes are added for a change. Here's how the recipe looks like step by step with a photo.

  1. Wash and chop the carrots and onions.
  2. Fry the onion in a cauldron in oil until it becomes transparent.
  3. Rinse and chop fresh chanterelles.
  4. Pour in the carrot strips and fry them for another five minutes.
  5. Top with sliced ​​tomatoes, you can also add one bell pepper for taste and aroma.
  6. Now sprinkle with traditional spices for this dish - cumin, turmeric, add pepper, but do not overdo it with spices, so as not to clog the delicate mushroom aroma.
  7. Arrange the washed rice carefully, season with salt and garnish with the washed head of garlic.
  8. Pour boiling water into the cauldron to cover the cereal just above the level. When everything boils, reduce heat and wait 40 minutes. The pilaf is cooked under the lid.

As you can see, the recipe for making mushroom pilaf can be both simple and complicated. The main thing is quality products, a little knowledge of cooking technology, a little time and diligence.

Many people are forced to give up their favorite foods during fasting, and for some it becomes a real challenge! This recipe is suitable for those who want to please their family and guests with an unusual dish.

Connoisseurs and lovers of pilaf know that the most correct one is cooked with lamb. But this does not mean at all that all other cooking options have no right to exist. Delicious fragrant pilaf can be cooked not only with different kinds meat, but also completely without it, for example, with vegetables and / or mushrooms. We offer you one of the most successful ways to cook meatless pilaf - pilaf with mushrooms. The recipe is simple and quick. The cooking technology is not much different from the traditional one. And the result is simply amazing! Delicious, aromatic, crumbly and not at all fatty pilaf! It will definitely be appreciated not only by mushroom lovers, but also by avid meat eaters. Lean pilaf with mushrooms mushrooms to your attention!


  • rice (preferably long-grain) - 1 tbsp.;
  • carrots - 200 g;
  • onion - 1 medium-sized (100-150 g);
  • mushrooms (champignons, fresh or frozen) - 400 g;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • seasoning for pilaf - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • salt and other seasonings / spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - for frying mushrooms and vegetables;
  • a bunch of greens.


First, let's prepare the mushrooms. Frozen - defrost, fresh - cut into small slices and rinse under warm water... We throw the washed mushrooms into a colander, shake off the water well and send them to a preheated frying pan with vegetable oil for frying. For such pilaf, in addition to champignons, you can use aspen mushrooms, boletus, chanterelles and russula, but keep in mind that they are terribly fragile.

Add pilaf spices and selected seasonings to the mushrooms (it is recommended to use barberry, cornelian cherry or thyme (thyme), but you need to choose one thing), add some salt, and fry the mushrooms, without closing the lid, for 5-7 minutes.

Further, while the mushrooms are fried, we prepare vegetables for frying - onions and carrots. We peel them off, wash them, dry them and cut them: onions - into cubes (very small), carrots - into strips on a coarse grater or by hand. If you want the carrots to stand out more in the dish, you can cut them into small slices. In order to diversify the flavor as much as possible, you can add tomato paste or finely chopped tomatoes. They will give a pleasant sour taste.

Add the onion and carrot roast to the mushrooms, mix everything and fry until the vegetables are soft. It is better not to close the lid, this process will not take much time, but readiness cannot be overlooked.

Rice is thoroughly washed under cold running water and thrown into a sieve in order to rid the cereal of liquid as much as possible. As soon as the vegetables become soft, add rice to them.

Without stirring the contents of the pan, level the rice, add some salt and water so that the water level is 1.5 cm above the cereal level.Be careful, if you pour too much, you get mushroom rice porrige with vegetables.

Now we close the pan with a lid and cook pilaf with mushrooms on medium heat for about 20-25 minutes. During this time, the cereal should completely absorb the upper layer of water, and moisture will remain a little more from the bottom. We turn off the stove, but do not remove the pan from it yet. We clean the head of garlic from the top layer of the husk, wash it and dry it. Finely chop a couple of sprigs of greens. With the blunt side of a knife (spoon or fork) we make holes for the steam to escape over the entire surface of the rice. Define peeled garlic in the middle, sprinkle the rice with herbs, add bay leaf. We close the pan and leave the pilaf to simmer on the switched off stove for 15 minutes.

After that, we take out the garlic and bay leaf, mix and our delicious, crumbly, fragrant pilaf with mushrooms is completely ready to serve!

Now serve in plates carefully. For beauty, you can put on the edge vegetable salad or garnish the dish with a lush sprig of parsley on top. Bon Appetit!

Mushrooms go well with various variations of the popular food. And such a recipe is able to please not only meat eaters, but also confident vegetarians.

The five lowest calorie mushroom pilaf recipes:

General principles and secrets of cooking pilaf with mushrooms

  • The selected rice for pilaf must necessarily have a low starchiness and grain strength. Brown or brown rice that has only been partially processed is optimal.
  • The dishes should be thick-walled. This fact influences the taste of the dish no less than others.
  • Rice needs to be stewed, not boiled. This will allow him to absorb all the aromas.
  • Vegetables are important to cut in large pieces... Slicing in half rings is ideal for onions. Carrots should not be grated, but chopped into cubes of about 0.5 cm.
  • Mainly sesame or cottonseed oil is used as oil. They are a good substitute for the fat tail fat from the recipe.

The five most commonly used ingredients in mushroom pilaf recipes:

Rice grits are the basis in any recipe for pilaf, including mushroom. Accordingly, it is not recommended to save on rice, but to choose only selected cereals. At the same time, the type of rice is not significant. Rinse the cereals several times before cooking.

Mushrooms should always be fried separately or with vegetables. For this, you can use a separate dish, or you can lay it with vegetables directly into the cauldron.

Cooking a meal has two important parts. First of all, mushrooms with vegetables and spices are fried, and then rice is poured on top. In this case, rice, carrots and mushrooms are taken in equal parts.

Perhaps, hearing the name of the dish - pilaf with mushrooms, someone will make a displeased grimace. Indeed, for many, this oriental dish must necessarily be with meat. However, it is not always prepared with lamb, as is customary in the Caucasus, but is eaten with pleasure with friends.

It turns out that cooking is a wide field for creativity, where any violation of traditions is welcomed by grateful people. If you replace meat with mushrooms, you get excellent and healthy dish, not inferior at all classic version... How to cook pilaf with mushrooms? Quite simple if you follow tried and tested recipes.

The classic version of the preparation of a dietary meal

Nothing is more enjoyable than breaking the age-old tradition of preparing certain foods. After all, no one has ever forbidden to cook pilaf without meat, especially to replace it with mushrooms. This dish will be appreciated by lovers of low-fat and diet food. And also those who are constantly struggling with being overweight.

The traditional recipe for a low-calorie dish consists of products:

  • mushrooms of any kind (champignons, oyster mushrooms, honey mushrooms,);
  • several onions (there is never a lot of onions);
  • carrots (2 or 3 pieces);
  • garlic (3 or 4 cloves);
  • vegetable fat;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • turmeric;
  • barberry;
  • parsley or dill.

If they take for pilaf Forest mushrooms, they must be pre-cooked in salted water. Otherwise, eating can cause serious health problems.

When the ingredients are ready, they start cooking pilaf with mushrooms in the classic way:

Practice shows that it is better to use long-grain rice for pilaf, since it gives less sticky substance. As a result, pilaf will turn out to be crumbly, which many people like.

Pilaf is served hot, pre-garnished with parsley or dill. Who would refuse a fragrant meal prepared with love? It is unlikely that there will be such.

Simplified Mushroom Rice Recipe

Due to the busy pace of life, many try to cook food quickly and efficiently. To do this, they use suitable recipes which include simple products... Boiled or stewed rice with mushrooms is an excellent solution to the problem. The dish is prepared quickly, contains useful elements and is suitable for any diet.

It is best to cook such a dish in a deep frying pan or stewpan.

The mushroom rice recipe contains the ingredients:

  • rice (preferably long-grain);
  • fresh mushrooms (champignons);
  • onions (several pieces);
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • spices;
  • greens.

Mushrooms are poured cold water and leave for 5 minutes. During this time, the rest of the soil will become limp and settle to the bottom of the bowl. The water is drained and the mushrooms are washed under the tap. Spread out on the table to dry out.

Vegetable fat is poured into a frying pan and finely chopped onions are fried in it until golden crust... Then mushrooms and carrots are thrown into the pan. Simmer over medium heat until the liquid evaporates completely.

While the mushrooms are fried, the rice is thoroughly washed and poured with boiling water so that it can swell. This method shortens the cooking time.

Rice and salt are added to a container with mushrooms, carrots and onions. Mix everything well to evenly distribute vegetables over the groats. Bring to a boil, add water to completely cover the cereal. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat until cooked.

To make the food crumbly, you cannot interfere with it during the cooking process. It is enough to do it once at the very beginning.

Spices are added to rice 5 minutes before cooking. Garlic and pepper are an excellent option (for spicy food lovers). Greens are used to choose from - traditional parsley or