How to dry tomatoes in a convection oven. Sun-dried tomatoes

Sun-dried tomatoes are a classic Italian appetizer that is not yet well known to our housewives. Still, the majority prefers classic conservation, and Sun-dried tomatoes and remain a delicacy.

Maybe it's all about cost? In the supermarkets of our city, sun-dried tomatoes, as they are not cheap, but who prevents you from preparing these delicious Italian delicacies yourself? Moreover, homemade sun-dried tomatoes will be without preservatives, flavoring agents, and sodium glutamate.

Sun-dried tomatoes can be used as an independent appetizer for wine, or as an additive to, to pasta, and also added to pizza.

The Internet is full of recipes for how to cook sun-dried tomatoes, and you can be sure, before starting the master class, I learned from everything that is possible on request "sun-dried tomatoes recipe". What came of it, you can see for yourself. So, to cook sun-dried tomatoes we need


  • small tomatoes (cream is better, but not cherry!) 1 kg
  • olive oil
  • italian herbs
  • 1 head garlic
  • baking paper


Wash and dry our tomatoes

Cut the tomatoes in half. In some recipes, it is advised to remove the seeds, but I did not remove them so that the sun-dried tomatoes do not turn out to be dry.

Since I have a gas oven without convection, I use a baking dish that is smaller than the capacity of the oven so that the air in the oven can circulate normally. If you have a convection oven, you can place the tomatoes on a regular sheet. Cover the form with baking paper and put the tomatoes on the edge. Then cut off the rest of the paper around the edges.

Sprinkle tomatoes generously with olive oil, salt, and sprinkle with Italian herbs. We expose the oven to 120 degrees, and send the tomatoes for 7 hours. No more, no less - 7 hours, I did three times, and each time it took the same amount of time for the tomatoes to cook. If you have a convection oven, then first for 4 hours, and then see the degree of readiness.

7 hours later ... The tomatoes are ready. They should not be burnt, and juice should not stand out from them. In structure, sun-dried tomatoes resemble very soft dried apricots.

Chop the garlic into slices and prepare the olive oil and jar

Put the sun-dried tomatoes in a jar, sprinkle the layers with garlic, and then pour in the olive oil.

Sun-dried tomatoes - very tasty and unusual snack, a popular ingredient in Mediterranean cooking. They appeared in Russia not so long ago. Our grandmothers and mothers were not familiar with them. These tomatoes have an unusual taste and are good not only by themselves, but also fit perfectly into sandwiches and salads, they are added to pizza, pasta and soups. In the store, sun-dried tomatoes are quite expensive, they can easily be included in the section of overseas delicacies. Therefore, I strongly advise you to dry them on your home kitchen in the oven, especially in the autumn, when there are plenty of tomatoes around at a low price, and the house in damp weather will warm up from a long-running oven. The recipe is very simple, but takes a lot of time (tomatoes are dried in the oven for 5 hours).

Here's a jar (250 gr) sun-dried tomatoes in a supermarket costs 300-400 rubles. It holds 15-18 tomatoes. It is now the beginning of October and in Pyatigorsk I bought the tomatoes I needed for only 25 rubles per kilogram. Even if you add the cost of spices and olive oil to this, the savings are obvious.

You will need: (for one baking sheet)

  • tomatoes 15-18 pcs
  • garlic 3-4 cloves
  • salt 2 pinches
  • sugar 2 pinches
  • dry italian herbs
  • extra virgin olive oil

For drying, choose small, fleshy tomatoes, classic "cream" is great.

If you don't like olive oil, you can substitute sunflower oil for it. I tend to use refined sunflower oil since olive hardens when storing tomatoes in the refrigerator.

It is also good to know that according to this recipe you can dry plums .

Step-by-step photo recipe for cooking:

Wash the tomatoes, cut in half lengthwise, remove the junction with the stalk and take out the juicy center with seeds and membrane - it is convenient to do this with a teaspoon.

Advice:do not discard the remaining tomato centers. They can be ground with a blender and used like a tomato, for example, in cooking. If you are not going to use them soon, pour the grated mass into a container and put it in the freezer.

Peel and chop the garlic.

Place the tomato halves on a baking sheet, which is best covered with baking paper. Season with salt, sprinkle with sugar and dry Italian herbs. You can use a ready-made herbal mixture or dry rosemary, thyme, and oregano. Of course, it is not forbidden to use fresh herbs, but it is difficult to buy them in Russia, especially in the provinces. Well, if you are very tight with Italian herbs, you can do without them.

Don't forget the garlic - spread it over and around the tomatoes.

Place the baking sheet in the oven t 90 ° С on 5 o'clock... Watch out for tomatoes, look in the oven every hour (an activity for introverts and couch potatoes). Despite the fact that on cans of sun-dried tomatoes from the store they sometimes write "Dried tomatoes", it is important not to overdry the tomatoes. They should be just dried, that is, a little soft and uniform in color. You may need less time or more, ovens are different for everyone. This is what the finished sun-dried tomatoes look like.

Put the cooled tomatoes into a jar along with dried cloves of garlic - first pour a little oil on the bottom of the jar, then put tomatoes, garlic, spices in layers, pour olive oil. So layer by layer. Press down to remove air bubbles and close the lid. Do not be embarrassed that the garlic cloves have dried up to a crouton - this will give the garlic a nutty flavor. Instead of dry garlic, you can put fresh garlic. If Italian herbs are not available, you can add a freshly ground mixture of five peppers. Sometimes I add a seasoning that is sold in our markets from spice dealers and is called "Delicate" (dried onion flakes, hot pepper and paprika). In general, you can experiment with seasonings.

Put the jar of tomatoes in the refrigerator at least overnight. But it is better for a couple of days so that they are infused and soaked in oil.

Store sun-dried tomatoes in the refrigerator for up to 6 months. For storage (if you can stand it!), You can add a little balsamic vinegar to the jar. Leftover from tomatoes aromatic oil suitable for salads and soups.

  • garlic 3-4 cloves
  • salt 2 pinches
  • sugar 2 pinches
  • dry italian herbs
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • Wash the tomatoes, cut them in half lengthwise, remove the junction with the stalk and take out the juicy center with seeds and membrane.
    Place the tomato halves on a baking sheet, which is best covered with baking paper. Salt a little, sprinkle with sugar and dry Italian herbs.
    Cut the garlic into wedges and place over and around the tomatoes.
    Place the baking sheet in the oven t 90 ° С on 5 o'clock.
    Transfer the cooled tomatoes to a jar in a place with dried cloves of garlic, cover with olive oil, press to remove air bubbles and close the lid.

    If you, like me, do not like to buy expensive ready-made canned goods, you will probably want to make sun-dried tomatoes at home - the recipe has become more and more popular lately!

    Sun-dried tomatoes are an excellent addition to meat and cheeses, they are often included in bruschetta, bread (ciabbata, focaccia) is baked with them, added to sauces, and even ordinary pasta sun-dried tomatoes are turned into an exquisite dish.

    You can dry tomatoes at home different ways, let's deal with each of them, and you choose the best one or implement everything in order. Let's get started!

    Oven sun-dried tomatoes - classic


    • tomatoes with thick skin 1 kg
    • garlic 2 small cloves
    • salt 1 tbsp. l. without top
    • freshly ground black pepper ½ tsp.
    • Mediterranean herbs (thyme, rosemary, basil, oregano, savory, marjoram)
    • olive oil for pouring

    How to cook sun-dried tomatoes in the oven

    1. Soak the tomatoes for 15 minutes, then wash each one thoroughly and pat dry.
    2. Cut into 2 or 4 pieces depending on the size of the fruit: if the tomatoes are small, you can cut it in half. Scrape out the seeds with a spoon, leave the fleshy partitions
    3. Cover the baking sheet with parchment and place the tomatoes on top. Try to keep them close to each other. Sprinkle with herbs on top and sprinkle with oil (quite a bit, you can drop or two for each wedge).
    4. Prepare the oven, preheat it to 90-100 degrees. Place a baking sheet with tomatoes in the oven and leave the oven slightly open (you can use a wooden spatula to make a gap). Or use the convection mode - we need the evaporating moisture to come out. Dry until tender. It takes me 5-6 hours. Do not overdry!
    5. How do you know if the tomatoes are wilted? By a decrease in volume by about half. In addition, they retain some juiciness and flexibility, they are not dry.

    It is not necessary to dry with herbs. You can add herbs directly to the jar, but then add more.

    How to keep sun-dried tomatoes at home?

    We prepare sterile jars, pour a little oil on the bottom, put a couple of sprigs of grass and a couple of plates of garlic, as in the preparation of cucumbers or tomatoes. Then we put the sun-dried tomatoes in a jar by about a third and again shift them with garlic and herbs.

    We make the next layer: tomatoes - herbs and garlic - oil. We fill it to the very top, seal it and fill it with oil under the very neck. The oil is a preservative, it is important that it covers all the tomatoes.

    We store it in the cellar. An open can is in the refrigerator. Remove the slices from the jar with a dry fork, otherwise they will become moldy.

    Quickly sun-dried tomatoes in the oven and microwave

    What lazy people will not come up with! It turns out that there are a couple of recipes for drying tomatoes at home literally for an extreme situation when guests are on the doorstep. at least, will come tomorrow! The first is in the oven, the second is in the microwave.

    How to quickly wilted tomatoes

    1. Cooking quickly is also preparing quickly. So, we make cross-shaped cuts on each tomato and dip first in boiling water for half a minute, and then in cold water... This is a known method for quickly peeling tomatoes.
    2. Cut the peeled tomatoes into quarters and free the juice and seeds with a spoon - we only need the pulp.
    3. We line the baking sheet with parchment. Preheat the oven to 120 degrees. We distribute the slices on a baking sheet with a cut up, salt and season with dry herbs. We send to the oven for 1.5 hours.
    4. After the specified time, remove the baked tomatoes from the oven (they are not quite sun-dried). We tamp a clean dry jar in layers, fill it with oil. Try it in 2 days.

    Sun-dried tomatoes in the microwave

    1. Cooking tomatoes, cut in four, put on a dish for microwave oven and put it in the unit for 5 minutes. We install it at full capacity. And then keep it in the off microwave for another 10 minutes. During this time (5 + 10 minutes), the tomatoes have dried.
    2. In the next step, drain the juice that formed while the tomatoes were in the microwave, salt, season with dry herbs and put in the unit for another 5 minutes. Then we leave it in the chamber for another 5-10. This is all you need to know about microwave drying tomatoes - a pretty simple way.
    3. It remains for us to put the tomatoes in sterile jars, in layers, as described above, sprinkling them with slices of garlic and dry herbs. Then fill the jar with the juice and oil remaining from the drying. Under the neck so that all the slices "drown". We close it with a plastic lid and help ourselves in a day.

    Sun-dried tomatoes for the winter

    Sun-dried tomatoes at home for the winter are different from cooked fast way a little more sophisticated technology. In this case, we do not just dry the tomatoes, but bake them in oil. Be sure to close a few jars, you will appreciate your preparation in winter and will be happy to add to pastries and salads, sauces and pasta, lay on top of the sandwich and enjoy “just like that”.

    Tip: choose tomatoes with a coarse skin, low-juicy and low-seeded, but fleshy. Herbs - at your discretion. I love oregano, thyme and basil.


    • tomatoes,
    • herbs to taste
    • garlic,
    • salt, freshly ground pepper
    • refined vegetable oil

    How to cook:

    1. Wash the tomatoes and dry them well. We release from seeds and juice, leaving fleshy sides and partitions.
    2. We prepare a baking sheet with high sides, you can ceramic. We spread the tomatoes, cut up. We try to arrange them tightly.
    3. Season, salt, spread the garlic slices on top and fill with vegetable oil, however, cover the tomatoes not completely, but by about ¾.
    4. Turn on the oven at 100 degrees. We put a baking sheet, open the oven to circulate air. We keep it on until the volume decreases by a third. This takes 4-5 hours.
    5. We sterilize jars and lids. We put the tomatoes in hot jars, fill with hot oil and immediately roll up. We store at room temperature in a dark place. We keep the opened jar in the refrigerator.

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    Sun-dried tomatoes in the vegetable dryer

    If you have a dryer, you know that about 1 kg of vegetables fits on one sheet (tray). I will not list the ingredients, they are the same everywhere. Let me just remind you that you don't need to overdo it with garlic. Count on 5-7 cloves per kilogram of tomatoes, then the taste will be excellent. As for the shape of the slicing, it is not necessary to cut the tomatoes for drying into slices - you can make them into circles, for a recipe in an electric dryer just right!

    1. So, we wash and dry the tomatoes, cut them into circles 1 cm wide. We try to make the same thickness, then they will dry evenly.
    2. We lay out the mugs on the trays of the electric dryer. Distribute the garlic cut into thin plates on top. Sprinkle over dried herbs. For example, celery, cilantro and parsley. Season the tomatoes with salt.
    3. The question of whether or not to separate seeds and juices from the pulp is controversial. I tried it this way, and in a different way, it turns out well in any case, only it will take different time.
    4. Dry at the maximum temperature (mode for apples). Readiness is determined by the absence of juice. Do not overdry! Sun-dried tomatoes retain their softness and flexibility.
    5. We lay out the finished sun-dried tomatoes in sterile jars, fill in with boiling oil, you can additionally add a little garlic. Close with nylon lids, cool.

    Such homemade dried tomatoes from an electric dryer are good in winter.

    Sun-dried tomatoes

    The recipe is suitable for summer residents, those who grow vegetables on their site and roll up the blanks there.

    So what we have: tomatoes, salt, pepper, garlic, herbs.

    1. Wash and dry the vegetables thoroughly. We remove the juicy seed part.
    2. We put the tomatoes on pallets and baking sheets or other surfaces lined with parchment-like paper. We try to place the pallets in a draft, but cover them from insects with woven curtains or mosquito nets. Do not forget to bring it into the room at night.
    3. With good sun and wind, tomatoes will dry up to the desired condition in 4-5 days. The readiness criterion is the elastic structure of the tomatoes. In no case should they break!
    4. We put the finished tomatoes in sterilized jars and fill them with pre-prepared oil (mix hot oil with garlic, pepper, dry crushed herbs). Lay in layers. We seal, make sure that the oil covers the entire contents of the can up to the neck.

    You can eat it in a week.

    Sun-dried tomatoes in a slow cooker

    Let me show you the exact ratio of ingredients here. We have a long business ahead of us because of the small area of ​​the "container", it is convenient if you have a small amount of tomatoes and there is no way to dry them in another way.

    Ingredients and preparation

    • tomatoes 1 kg
    • salt ½ tsp
    • mill peppers ½ tsp.
    • sugar 1 tbsp. l.
    • spices to taste
    • vegetable oil
    • 6 small garlic cloves
    1. We prepare the tomatoes (wash them, dry them thoroughly).
    2. We spread the working bowl of the multicooker with parchment and distribute the tomatoes in one layer.
    3. Season with a mixture of spices, salt, add sugar and sprinkle with oil.
    4. We dry in the "Baking" mode for 5-6 hours. We leave the device in the “Heating” mode when it switches to it. In order for the air to circulate and the moisture to evaporate better, remove the valve from the cover.

    About ingredients

    Tomatoes. Choose low-juiced, low-seeded fruits with a hard crust and a lot of "meat". The fleshy varieties include the “cream” and “cherry” varieties. Choose tomatoes that are strong and ripe.

    Tomatoes are cut into slices in half, three times, four times, sometimes into rings. Small cherry tomatoes are dried whole. The question of removing seeds and juice inside the fruit remains debatable, but more often they are removed, otherwise the drying will be delayed in time.

    Olive oil is most often used cold (first) pressed. This oil has a specific taste, and not everyone likes it. In this case, I recommend replacing unrefined olive oil with refined olive oil or using sunflower oil.

    Herbs - any of the Provencal or Mediterranean in any combination (thyme, rosemary, basil, marjoram, oregano, etc.)

    How to store sun-dried tomatoes

    1. Since sun-dried tomatoes are prepared in the same way as any dried fruit, they can be stored in the same way - in cloth bags made of cotton. Shelf life is 6 months.
    2. Another method is described above: in sterile jars filled with olive or any other vegetable oil. These jars cost at least 1 year.
    3. Finally, store sun-dried tomatoes home production can be in the freezer in a plastic container. Soak in salted water for a day before use.

    Where do they add what dried tomatoes are eaten with?

    Sun-dried tomatoes are very good with meat, as part of baked goods (they are equally great on pizza, and in pies, and in muffins!), And the salad with sun-dried tomatoes is a classic! Try adding them to pasta and scrambled eggs, to sauces (like tapenade), and just to sandwiches or cheese.

    And about the benefits

    Sun-dried and baked tomatoes retain many of the vitamins contained in fresh tomatoes... The main thing is potassium and lycopene, which are so important for the cardiovascular system and the maintenance of normal cholesterol. Shrunken tomatoes contain a lot of coarse fiber, which contributes to good digestion. And if your mood improves after you have treated yourself to sun-dried tomatoes, do not be surprised - it should be so.

    Making sun-dried tomatoes at home is not so difficult. And this snack has a lot of fans. Of course, sun-dried tomatoes can be bought in the store, now everything can be bought. But it is more pleasant and more economical to cook them yourself, in the kitchen, using one of the proposed recipes. So how to do tasty preparation for the winter, and what is required for this?

    The appetizer is distinguished by the minimum number of ingredients, but, strictly speaking, this is not all the "salt", but that classic recipe implies the participation of the rays of the sun in this procedure. In our climatic conditions, wilting tomatoes using ultraviolet light is not an option. The sun is not right. This means that you will have to cook a snack using dryers, ovens and microwaves.

    Cooking features:

    1. You can use any oil in the cooking process, but Italians prefer olive oil, considering it ideal. If you get such oil and you can't use it, take refined sunflower oil.
    2. Seasonings are selected individually. Basil, pepper, cumin are classics, but they also use Provencal herbs.
    3. You can independently supplement the recipe by adding garlic to it, this will improve the taste characteristics of the snack, add piquancy.

    How to choose and prepare a vegetable before starting the process

    What other characteristics should the fetus meet:

    • be fleshy, not watery, otherwise the dish will consist of one rind;
    • ripe, medium-sized - give preference to cream tomatoes, cherries loved by everyone will do;
    • the tomato should be clean, preferably fresh, but not overripe, without signs of rot, visible damage, mold.

    How to cook sun-dried tomatoes at home

    Making a snack yourself is not that difficult, but it will take time. In order not to face setbacks and not be disappointed in cooking, it is advised to follow the recipe.

    A simple step-by-step recipe for the winter

    We will describe in detail the classic recipe for preparing an appetizer, you can make it in the following way:

    1. It is worth cutting the tomatoes into slices (into halves or quarters).
    2. Cover the dish with parchment and place the tomatoes.
    3. Tomatoes are positioned so that they "look" with the cut up.
    4. Then they are sent to the oven for a certain time.

    How much the appetizer will be prepared depends on the selected recipe option. If the tomatoes are to be baked, then they will stay in the oven for at least 4 hours. If dried, then more - from 4 to 6 hours.

    After the tomatoes have reached the indicators (become dried or baked), they are removed from oven and sent to the bank.

    The canning process takes place according to the following scheme:

    • jars are pre-sterilized, along with lids;
    • then put tomatoes in them, covering with a mixture of salt, pepper and herbs;
    • laid in layers, and then poured with olive oil.

    Attention! The mixture can be prepared in advance by mixing salt, pepper and herbs. For those who like it sharper, ground paprika or red, hot peppers are suitable.

    Use fresh or dried herbs. V classic version basil, pepper, thyme should be present. Olive oil is present in the classic version of the recipe, but it is replaced with sunflower oil or balsamic vinegar is preferred.

    The jar should be completely filled, with the remaining space taken up by oil or vinegar. The workpiece is sent to a cool place; it is recommended to store it in the refrigerator.

    Recipe from Julia Vysotskaya

    According to Yulia Vysotskaya, tomatoes should be prepared adhering to the following recipe:

    1. Choose cherry tomatoes (300-350 grams). Pre-wash them under running water and remove the "tails".
    2. Mix salt and pepper, choose the proportions individually, following your taste preferences.
    3. Peel the garlic and place the cloves over the chopped tomatoes.

    Chop the herbs and the remaining garlic and mix them together. Put the mixture on the tomatoes and send the workpiece to the oven, preheated to 90 degrees. After 6-7 hours, the snack will be ready; to make it tasty, it is worth bringing the "case" to the end.

    Attention! Julia proposes to act alternatively: sprinkle tomatoes with herbs and spices before sending them to the oven, and not to the jar. Use extra virgin olive oil.

    The finished tomatoes are removed from the oven, left on parchment, take a glass jar and place them there. It is not necessary to lay in layers; the remains of salt, pepper and chopped herbs are placed on top, and everything is poured with olive oil. The workpiece is sent to the refrigerator.

    In the oven

    There are some tricks to help you delicious appetizer in the oven:

    • preheat the oven to 80-90 degrees;
    • cook at a temperature of 100 or 120 degrees, no higher;
    • monitor the condition of the tomatoes, ensuring sufficient circulation of air masses.

    Cooking in the oven is easier, but if this is not possible, you can use a microwave oven or an electric vegetable dryer. Without olive oil, the snack will not be so tasty - as some housewives say, but this is a matter of taste. Try capping several jars using olive oil or vinegar.

    In an electric dryer

    Making a snack with special equipment is easier. It will take at least 9 hours to dry tomatoes in an electric dryer. The larger the pieces and juicier tomatoes- the longer it will take. Otherwise, the recipe does not differ from the classic one.

    In the microwave

    1. Chop the tomatoes, then put on a dish.
    2. Turn on the microwave at full power, set the time to 5 minutes.
    3. When the time is up, hold it for another 5 minutes without opening the doors.
    4. If this is not enough, then repeat the procedure, setting the time to 3 minutes.

    Italian recipe

    Dried or sun-dried tomatoes are prepared according to a specific recipe, and it differs from the classic one:

    • a variety of herbs used for harvesting. You will need: rosemary, thyme, oregano, garlic, parsley and dill;
    • and the finished tomatoes are poured not with olive oil, but with warm sunflower oil;
    • it is recommended to use tomatoes, variety Cream.

    Convection oven

    The best option for preparing a snack, but if there is no such option, then you can ensure the circulation of air masses using a wooden stick. It is located between the oven door and the cabinet itself.

    With balsamic vinegar

    This recipe is similar, only instead of olive or sunflower oil, use balsamic vinegar... It is poured into a glass container after it is filled with tomatoes.

    With garlic

    Garlic is used in crushed and regular form, it is treated as follows:

    1. Cut and add to salt and pepper, combining with herbs.
    2. They put them on parchment, send the tomatoes to the oven.

    If garlic is unpleasant, its taste and aroma is disgusting, you can replace this ingredient or refuse to use it altogether.

    With basil and garlic

    If we are talking about dried basil, then it can be soaked in garlic juice, and then put the mixture of these seasonings on the tomatoes and send them to the oven or electric dryer.

    Put the rest of the mixture in a jar to give the snack an unforgettable aroma.

    Sun-drying tomatoes

    We cook using the following technology:

    • place the fruits cut into slices on a paper towel or gauze;
    • cover with a thin layer of material if there are flies or other insects in the room;
    • turn over at least 1 time in 4 hours;
    • when the sun goes away, we take the workpiece and put it in the banks.

    In olive oil

    Extra-pressed oil is used to ennoble tomatoes, to make the appetizer tasty. It is recommended to pour tomatoes with warm oil, at room temperature.

    In sunflower oil

    It is heated, but not brought to a boil. Pour into a glass jar after adding other components (salt, pepper, spices). At the final stage.

    With balsamic vinegar

    Alternative option. Such a recipe will help to get new taste sensations, but they are not for everybody's taste, since the ingredient will give the preparation a pleasant sourness.

    Recipe from Alla Kovalchuk

    Has its own characteristics. We'll have to heat the water and lower the previously cut cross-to-cross, the fruits in boiling water. Then immerse them in cold water, peel them and remove the seeds and liquid pulp.

    Recipe from Vincenzo Barba

    It differs in that the chef suggests using a mixture of olive oil and sunflower oil. And also add 1 teaspoon of sugar to salt and pepper.

    In the Isidri dryer

    The process takes place gradually and carefully, which does not spoil the taste characteristics of the product. A gas oven is not suitable for such procedures. But the use of the Isidri dryer allows you to avoid darkening of tomatoes - such a product is considered spoiled and unsuitable for further use.

    Sun-dried cherry tomatoes

    We act in the same way - chop the tomatoes. But we avoid too small parts, cut the fruits into 2 halves and heat them.

    Cherries are not much different from other varieties, but they are ideal for preparing a snack, since they have all the necessary characteristics. If you are preparing sun-dried tomatoes for the first time, then take cherry tomatoes.

    How much and how the workpieces are stored

    If you store the snack correctly, then nothing will happen to it for 2-3 weeks. But for this, it must be in a cool and, preferably, dark place.

    Storage rules:

    1. An open jar is kept in the refrigerator; its shelf life does not exceed a couple of days.
    2. Take tomatoes with a clean fork or spoon, the dishes must be dry.

    What not to do:

    • expose tomatoes to high temperatures;
    • heat or cool jars, freeze;
    • keep in direct sunlight, near heat sources.

    If you follow all the storage rules, then the snack will preserve its characteristics for a long period of time. It can be enjoyed during a modest dinner or a noisy family celebration with a large number of guests.

    Sun-dried tomatoes come, of course, from sunny Italy. In their native country, they are added to pasta, salads, traditional pizza, and before that they are dried for several days in the open sun. We can do it at home using an oven, electric dryer, multicooker or microwave. The lack of a burning sun will not hurt much.

    Cherry, Cream and other tomatoes suitable for drying

    Not all varieties are suitable for drying. You should not take too juicy or large vegetables - they will have to be dried in the oven for too long.

    For a special taste of sun-dried tomatoes, you need to take "your" vegetable, grown in the country or in the village, but not store-bought, from the greenhouse.

    The fruits are chosen with a thick skin, fleshy and dense, even greenish. Tomatoes of the "cream", "aquarelle" or "red date", "Königsberg" varieties are well suited. You can also dry cherry tomatoes. It is important that they are absolutely fresh and healthy, without rotten places and "vegetable" diseases.

    What do dried tomatoes eat with?

    They make very pleasant canapé sandwiches (with olives and mozzarella). Such tomatoes are added to salads, pasta, pizza, used as an addition to a side dish or as a separate snack.... Sauces for many dishes are prepared with this blank. Sun-dried tomatoes are suitable for both fish and meat or vegetable dishes... They add pungency and spice.

    Sun-dried tomatoes are harvested for the winter, or served on the table after 2 days.

    Ways to make sun-dried tomatoes at home - recipes with photos

    We offer you a selection of recipes for preparing this amazing appetizer. Choose according to your taste.

    Oven is the best option

    Not every housewife has a multicooker or electric dryer in the kitchen, and the oven is always at hand.

    You will need:

    • tomatoes - from 4 kg, 2 jars of 0.5 liters are obtained;
    • ground pepper (black peas or ground, red ground or a mixture of peppers);
    • salt (coarse, preferably sea salt);
    • oil (from sunflower seeds or olive);
    • garlic (2 or 3 cloves);
    • herbs and spices (in original Italian recipes use "Provencal herbs" - rosemary, basil, thyme, marjoram, oregano; you can also combine fresh or dry herbs with chili).

    The taste of tomatoes will be brighter, richer and sharper if you add chili and oregano when drying. Fresh herb is added to the oil, and the dry herb is sprinkled on the tomatoes before placing in the oven.


    1. Wash and dry the vegetables on a clean waffle towel, cut lengthwise into two or four pieces.
    2. Remove the stalks and seeds from the tomatoes (you don't need to do this for the “cream” variety - the seeds will give the tomatoes a special aroma and exquisite taste).
    3. Cover a baking sheet or wire rack with parchment, put the pieces close to each other, sprinkle the tomatoes with salt and pepper, add sugar. Add oil to each half (or quarter) of tomatoes - they will become softer and more fragrant.
    4. Send the baking sheet to the oven at 40 ° C. The lower the oven temperature, the tastier the tomatoes will dry up. You can leave the oven at 60 ° C, but it is preferable low temperature... Leave the door ajar so that moisture evaporates more freely, air flows in and the tomatoes "breathe".
    5. Keep the fruits in the oven for 5 to 12 hours. You can experiment and change the oven temperature. You also need to turn the baking sheet with tomatoes so as not to dry them out. Ready and well cured, they remain flexible and bend, overdried they are dry and brittle.
    6. Remove the finished tomatoes from the oven.

    How to store a snack all winter

    You can serve ready-made vegetables for dinner immediately after removing them from the baking sheet, but it is better to pour them with olive oil so that they infuse, and then eat them two days later, or leave them for the winter:

    1. Prepare jars - wash, wipe dry (you do not need to sterilize).
    2. Fill the bottom of the jar with oil, add the selected herbs and chopped garlic.
    3. Fill the jar by a third with sun-dried fruits, sprinkle with oil, sprinkle with herbs.
    4. Repeat layers until the jar is full, pour the last layer with olive oil, completely covering the tomatoes.
    5. Tighten the jar with a lid and place in a cool dark place or in the refrigerator.

    Oven dried tomatoes can be stored for up to 6 months. Open - 2 weeks and only in the refrigerator.

    How to dry tomatoes in an electric dryer

    In an electric dryer, tomatoes take longer to cook:

    1. Wash, dry and cut the tomatoes into halves or quarters.
    2. Remove seeds and stalks.
    3. Turn the slices on napkins or paper towels with the cut side down, let stand for 5 or 8 minutes to remove excess juice.
    4. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, add sugar.
    5. Place on a wire rack with the edge up, turn on the dryer, setting the temperature to 40 ° C.
    6. Leave to dry for 10 to 16 hours. The larger the pieces, the longer they take for the moisture to evaporate. If there are several pallets in the electric dryer, they should be interchanged so that the fruits wilt evenly. You also need to monitor the drying process and remove the already dried slices.
    7. Check the tomatoes: if the juice does not come out when pressed, they are withered.
    8. Pour oil into a jar, add balsamic vinegar and a little garlic, as well as selected herbs.
    9. Lay out the tomatoes tightly, alternating layers: tomatoes - oil with herbs and garlic - tomatoes - oil. The last layer of oil should cover all tomatoes.
    10. Screw the lid back on and place the tomatoes in the refrigerator.

    Dried tomatoes will be ready in an electric dryer in 5 days. Stored in a cool dark place or in the refrigerator for up to six months.

    How to cook sun-dried tomatoes in the microwave

    In the microwave, tomatoes are baked rather than dried. Such preparation takes much less time.

    1. Wash, dry, cut tomatoes into slices.
    2. In a separate bowl, combine herbs, salt, olive oil and sugar, or grind them in a mortar.
    3. Coat each half of the tomato with spice oil.
    4. Place the tomatoes in a microwave-safe dish (it is better to choose with high sides).
    5. Put the tomatoes in the microwave, turn it on at maximum power (800 W) for 5 minutes.
    6. Leave the dish with tomatoes in a closed oven for 10-15 minutes.
    7. Remove the dish with tomatoes from the microwave, pour the juice that has emerged into a separate container.
    8. Salt the tomatoes again and cover with herbs and pepper, send them to the microwave for 3 minutes, setting the maximum power.
    9. Turn off the oven, leave for 3-5 minutes.
    10. Peel and chop the garlic.
    11. Put garlic and tomatoes from the microwave in layers in a clean jar, and when the jar is full, pour over the tomatoes with juice that was previously drained into a separate container.
    12. Add olive oil or vegetable oil so that all the fruits are under it, screw the lid back on.

    Microwave-dried tomatoes are stored in a dry and dark cool place, closed for six months.

    Sun-dried tomatoes in a slow cooker

    Tomatoes dried in a slow cooker are the most quick recipe of the proposed.

    1. Wash vegetables, dry and cut into pieces, peel the garlic.
    2. Cover the bottom of the multicooker with baking paper and lay out the garlic cut into slices or slices, then the tomato halves with the cut up, sprinkle with vegetable or olive oil on top.
    3. In a separate bowl, combine salt, sugar and pepper (for 2 parts of salt - 5 tsp sugar and 0.5 tsp pepper), sprinkle the fruits with this mixture.
    4. Set the multicooker to the "Baking" mode, set the time depending on which tomatoes to taste - more dried or less. If you want the tomatoes to remain juicy, one hour is enough, dry - you can leave them for three hours or more. Temperature - no higher than 100 ° C.
    5. You can serve it right away, or you can twist it into jars, as described earlier.
    6. To increase the shelf life, add up to 2 tablespoons of vinegar to each half-liter jar.

    Vegetables dried in a slow cooker are stored in the refrigerator for no more than 6 months.

    Recipes from renowned chefs

    Many culinary experts use sun-dried tomatoes for other dishes. How do they procure them?

    Julia Vysotskaya

    Yulia Vysotskaya prefers to preserve "cream" dried vegetables.

    1. Cut the fruit lengthwise, use a spoon to get rid of the juice and seeds.
    2. Put the tomatoes more densely in a fireproof dish in one layer.
    3. In the dressing - black peppercorns, fresh and dried basil... Grind spices with salt, add garlic.
    4. Dressing - for fruits, on top - olive oil. Place in an oven preheated to 90 ° C for 3-4 hours.

    Video recipe: sun-dried tomatoes according to the method of Julia Vysotskaya

    Hector Jimenez-Bravo

    And the chef Hector Jimenez-Bravo prepares oven-dried tomatoes in a different way:

    • put water to boil, at the same time make cross-shaped cuts on the tomatoes;
    • dip them in boiling water for 30 seconds, and then, on the contrary, in cool water (this will help to remove the skin);
    • cut the tomato into 4 slices, remove the pulp;
    • Sprinkle the tomatoes with salt, pepper, chopped parsley, fresh basil and oregano;
    • place in an oven preheated to 100 ° C for an hour and a half.

    Video recipe: sun-dried tomatoes from chef Hector Jimenez-Bravo

    Niki Belotserkovskaya

    Nika Belotserkovskaya is drying cherry tomatoes in a frying pan. It turns out an additional side dish or appetizer that goes well with both fish and meat.