How to make rice cakes. Mochi Rice Cakes

Step by step recipes making rice cakes: classic, quick, from boiled rice with bread crumbs, with dry yeast with rice, sweet rice cakes with yeast, with milk

2018-05-30 Irina Naumova





In 100 grams of finished dish

5 gr.

9 gr.


42 gr.

274 kcal.

Option 1: Rice Cakes - The Classic Recipe

The very idea of ​​rice cakes came to us from Japan, Korea and other eastern countries. Rice cakes can be used instead of bread, as a snack, they are wrapped in different fillings making desserts. There are a lot of ideas for implementation in cooking. For the base, you can use only rice flour, rice and wheat in equal proportions, boiled or dry rice. We will prepare several options for rice cakes so that you can choose the most suitable one.


  • 330 grams of rice flour;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • egg;
  • 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar;
  • 1/2 teaspoon table salt;
  • 2 teaspoons of sunflower oil;
  • 50 g of oil drain.

Step-by-step rice cake recipe

Take a large bowl and sift the rice flour into it. Add granulated sugar and salt - mix well.

Crack an egg, pour water over it and shake luxuriantly with a whisk. Then the resulting mixture is poured into the flour mixture and stirred.

Lubricate your hands with refined sunflower oil and knead the dough with your hands, bring to a soft texture. Then cover with a damp, clean cloth and leave for twenty minutes.

Cut the dough into six pieces. Sprinkle a little flour on the work surface and roll the first piece of dough into a thin, thin cake. Prepare the rest of the portions.

Place a suitable sized pan on the fire. Do not pour oil, fry the rice cakes on a dry surface.

Since the products turned out to be very thin, fry literally until light ruddiness on both sides.

Be sure to grease them with butter as you place the rice cakes on the shared plate.

Option 2: Quick Rice Cakes Recipe

This recipe is different not only quick cooking, but also because these rice cakes are gluten-free, they can be cooked by small children as well.


  • 5 table of water boxes;
  • 1 table of lodges grows oils;
  • 2 tablespoons of starch;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 8 table of stocks without a slide rice flour;
  • a handful of sesame seeds.

How to Quickly Make Rice Cakes

Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl and make a smooth and slightly sticky dough.

You can combine first liquid ingredients, then dry and stir everything with a spoon, then bring it with your hands until smooth.

Cut the dough into equal parts, roll a ball out of each with your hands. We turn each of them into a thin cake with a rolling pin.

Preheat a dry skillet. Sprinkle sesame seeds on each side of each tortilla and brown until lightly golden on both sides.

The fire should be strong, use a frying pan with a thick bottom.

We spread ready-made ruddy rice cakes and grease them butter.

Note: You can use milk instead of water. Additionally, you can mix different seeds to your taste in the dough itself. Any starch is taken: potato or corn at your discretion.

Option 3: Boiled Rice Cakes with Breadcrumbs

Initially, we take dry rice and wheat flour as a base. Boil the rice until tender, and then knead the dough. Dip the cakes in breadcrumbs and fry them in a pan - a hearty and simple option.


  • 200 g of wheat flour;
  • a handful of bread crumbs;
  • 300 grams of rice;
  • egg;
  • salt to taste.

Step by step recipe

It is better to use round rice - we prepare tortillas, we do not need friability.

Rinse it in several waters until transparent, fill it with water and boil until tender. You can salt the water right away or salt the already boiled rice - as you like.

When the rice has cooled slightly, beat the chicken egg into it. You can add a little of your favorite seasoning to taste, or you can skip it. Sift flour and pour into the same container.

Stir with a spoon until smooth.

Use your hands to sculpt thin cakes and roll them in bread crumbs.

Preheat a skillet, add some oil, and fry the rice cakes until golden brown on each side.

To get rid of excess oil, spread it first on paper towels and then on a serving plate. For rice cakes prepared in this way, it is appropriate to serve a salad of fresh vegetables.

Option 4: Dry Yeast Rice Cakes with Rice

If you've cooked rice dishes or a side dish and you don't have much left, make some delicious rice cakes. Add some dry yeast, wheat flour and water - the dough is ready! It remains only to fry in a pan and treat relatives. By the way, they can be fried in a slow cooker - it will turn out even more useful.


  • 130 grams of millet flour;
  • 1/2 cup boiled rice
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 1/2 teaspoon table salt;
  • 1/2 teaspoon dry yeast.

How to cook

Rice can be anything: round or long grain. Since it's already boiled, just transfer it to a large bowl.

We pour in wheat flour, you do not need to sift it.

Pour olive oil... If this is not the case, take sunflower, but always refined, odorless.

We introduce yeast. If you have any seasoning, you can add a little. For example, Provencal herbs or paprika.

Stir it all up homogeneous mass and start pouring water in a thin stream, while kneading the dough.

Gather the dough into a bun, cover with a damp, clean towel and leave warm for half an hour.

So, the dough rested and rose. Divide it into six servings.

Lubricate a work surface with oil and roll out the thin rice cakes with a rolling pin.

Now you can fry until lightly browned on each side in a dry skillet without oil or in the multicooker bowl in the "Fry" mode.

The main thing is to turn it over with a wide spatula, silicone or wooden, not iron.

Put the finished rice cakes in a stack, greasing with butter. If you sprinkle each cake with a small amount of fresh chopped herbs - the taste will be simply amazing, and what an aroma!

Option 5: Sweet Yeast Rice Cakes

This is adapted recipe Indian sweet rice cakes. For the base, dry rice is used, which is soaked for a long time, and then used to make cakes. We also need a blender or food processor, or a powerful electric meat grinder.


  • 400 gr of rice;
  • 75 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon dry yeast;
  • 25 ml warm water;
  • water for the test - how much will it take.

Step by step recipe

Wash the rice until transparent and cover with clean water. We will soak for about four hours. Then the water is drained - just put the rice in a colander.

Combine the rice with granulated sugar and salt, then grind in a food processor, blender or electric meat grinder. At the same time, water is added to the mass in such an amount that the consistency of cream is obtained.

Note: If you made a mixture that is too thin, add rice or wheat flour to thicken the base a little.

Dissolve the yeast in 25 ml of warm water, pour into the rice mass. Stir and leave warm for half an hour.

Now you can make beautiful rice cakes in tins. Put the dough up to the middle of a wide, beautiful mold.

Cook in a double boiler for about ten minutes. Gently lay out the rice cakes from the mold and cool slightly. Everything can be served to the table. These cakes can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days. Although, most likely, they will all be eaten at once.

Option 6: Rice cakes with milk

Rice flour is sometimes difficult to find in the store, so we use wheat flour, dry rice and milk. Add yeast, eggs and butter, make delicious rice cakes.


  • 400 gr of rice;
  • 400 gr millet flour;
  • 50 g of oil drain;
  • 4 chickens eggs;
  • 1.5 liters of milk;
  • 50 grams of dry yeast;
  • 2 pinches of salt;
  • rast oil.

How to cook

Rice is better to take round. Cook a viscous porridge from it. How to do it? Put a liter of milk to boil, rinse the rice.

As soon as the milk boils, add salt, add rice and bring it to readiness over low heat under a closed lid. Stir the porridge occasionally with a spoon.

Then we cool it down.

Grind rice porridge in a blender.

Dissolve the yeast in half a liter of warm milk and pour it into the rice crushed porridge.

Add wheat flour and mix well. Leave warm for half an hour.

Crack eggs, separate yolks. We put them in rice dough and stir. Then add whipped whites separately.

Leave again in a warm place for the same time.

Now we separate from the test portioned pieces, form tortillas and fry them in the same way as pancakes.

Fold in a pile, grease with butter.

First, we need to steam the rice to make sticky rice (as it is called in Thailand). Any round grain rice is best suited for this, for example, I usually use Krasnodar rice. Long grain and parboiled rice is not suitable - in this case the rice will not stick together and will be crumbly! There is no need to rinse the rice, otherwise it will lose the starch that we need to make the rice sticky.

Mix rice with water in a ratio of 1 to 2. (I took 300 ml of rice per 600 ml of water)
Wait for the boil, cover the lid, and boil the rice for exactly 5 minutes from the start of the boil, stirring occasionally. Our goal is to make the rice absorb some moisture and soften. (in Thailand, rice is soaked in water for 12 hours, but it is easier to boil it for 5 minutes and it will already be in the right condition for subsequent steaming)

Drain the water after boiling for 5 minutes. At this point, the rice should already look like porridge and not be crumbly.

Now we prepare a container for steaming rice in a multicooker. Since it has round holes in which the rice will fall through, I cut a sieve circle and placed it in this container. (you can use it many times)

We put rice in this container.
We put the program "Steam", "Vegetables" for 40 minutes. The name of the program and the cooking time may differ from one multicooker to another. The longer the rice is cooked, the more sticky it will be, so see for yourself. It can be 30 minutes, but 40 is better.
Add a couple of pinches of salt, close the lid and turn on the steam boiling Below, under the rice, we have of course filled with water, which will boil and process the rice with this hot steam. This is the essence of steaming food.
After 20 minutes, turn the rice and salt again.

When the rice is ready, take it out of the multicooker, let it cool slightly and lightly pour it with rice vinegar. It gives a special flavor to the rice. Rice can already be used in this form as a base for meat or fish dishes... Steamed rice is tastier and healthier than regular rice and you'll love it if you haven't tried it yet!

But we are going further and will make even more delicious rice cakes from this rice, in order to use them as a side dish for soup instead of bread.
We take parchment paper. (sold in any store as baking paper) and some round molds (you can also buy them at the grocery store). We measure out the circles in those places where the rice will be located.

Pour the rice into round tins. It is best to do this 20 minutes after putting the rice out of the multicooker to allow the rice to cool down and it became even more sticky.

Now we grease those circles where the rice will be located with coconut oil (I use Coconut oil, since frying on it is safer for health, but you can use regular oil as well) - 1 tablespoon of oil for 2 servings. I will have 4 servings, so I spread 2 tablespoons of butter over all the mugs. Then sprinkle with salt, black or red pepper, bread crumbs (optional), paprika, curry or other seasoning.

Lightly spread this mixture with a spoon.

We spread the tins with rice in the place that we greased with oil and seasonings.

We remove the molds. As you can see in the photo, the rice has not crumbled, which means the required stickiness has been achieved. If at this moment your rice crumbles, then give up frying, and eat rice in its usual form, since frying rice cakes from loose rice will not work.

Cover on top with the second side treated with oil and seasonings.

Now let's move on to frying in a pan. The frying pan must be dry, you do not need to add oil to it! We turn on the empty pan at maximum power, wait 2 minutes for it to warm up.
Place 4 rice cakes in the pan along with parchment paper covering the rice from 2 sides.

We reduce the power to just below the maximum. My maximum is "9", and I fry rice at "7". After 5 minutes, turn this entire package over gently to the other side, holding the paper and rice with your hands (do not burn yourself, grab only the paper with your hands, without touching the hot pan!) And fry for another 5 minutes on the other side. That is, fry for 5 minutes on each side. Those who like toasted crust can increase the power or cooking time, but do not overdo it, otherwise the crust may turn out to be too hard for the teeth.

To implement the project, the following products were needed:

First things first, we knead the dough for the base of our dish - rice cakes. For this we take

1. Rice flour - 350 gr.

2. Egg - 1 pc.

3. Vegetable oil - 1 tsp.

4. Water - 150 gr.

5. Salt / sugar - 1 tsp

and, through simple manipulations, we turn it all into a lump of dough, which, in turn, we cover with a napkin and let stand for 30-40 minutes.

In the meantime, the dough is resting, let's take up the Mexican side of our dish. For this we need:

1. Minced meat (beef + pork) - 300 gr.

2. Carrots - 1 pc. average size.

3. A pair of medium onions

4. Two sweet peppers

5. A pair of garlic cloves

6. Tomato paste- 3 tbsp.

7. Ground chili - 2 tsp.

8. Salt / pepper to taste

9. Fresh herbs

10. Balsamic vinegar (optional) - 1 tbsp.

Chop the onion finely

and carrots

after which, fry a little on vegetable oil onions, then add carrots and ground chili to it. And a little later, when the carrots give a characteristic smell (not to be confused with burnt), put the minced meat on the frying pan.

tomato paste and fresh herbs

Now is the time to remember about salt and pepper. Finally, add finely chopped garlic. Also, I added a little balsamic vinegar, to heighten the flavoring flavor. The filling is ready.

Our dough has also reached the desired state. I divided the dough into four parts, from which, in turn, I rolled balls - blanks for cakes. There are two ways to turn a ball into a cake. The first is to roll it out with a rolling pin. The second (I liked it more) - just knead it with your palm to the desired thickness. The size of the cakes per taste qualities does not affect. I got them, about 15-20 cm in diameter.

The rolled out (mashed) juices, in order of priority, are tossed into a very preheated frying pan. You do not need to grease the surface of the pan with oil or something else.

After waiting a couple of minutes, turn the cake over, and put a piece of ghee on the toasted side.

And now, when all the components are ready, we proceed to final stage experiment - assembly. Put the cake on a plate, on top, on the cake, put the minced meat fried with vegetables, sprinkle with cheese like Mozzarella, and also a little sour cream and herbs. That's it, it's time to call volunteer tasters :)

Mochi ()- Japanese rice cakes, which are made from Japanese motigome short-grain glutinous rice. The rice is pounded to a paste and formed into cakes of the desired shape.

In Japan, there is a traditional mochi making ceremony called motitsuki.
Although mochi eat all year round, in Japan there is usually a great demand for them before the New Year. Mochi in Taiwan is called Moa-Chi (麻 糬).

Mochi is a multicomponent food consisting of polysaccharides, lipids, proteins and water.


Traditionally, mochi is made from whole glutinous rice in a laborious process. The following are the steps involved in preparing a mochi in a traditional ceremony called motitsuki:
1. Polished glutinous rice is soaked in water overnight. Then it is boiled.
2. Cooked rice is pounded with wooden hammers (kine) in a traditional mortar (usu). Usually two people are involved in this process, one is pounding, the other interferes and wets the mochi. They must work in a constant rhythm, otherwise one of them may injure the other with a hammer.
3. Then the adhesive mass is given a different shape (usually spherical or cubic).

Mochi is made from flour or sweet rice (mochiko). The flour is mixed with water until a sticky, opaque white mass is obtained. The mass is cooked on the stove or in microwave oven until it is firm and slightly transparent.


Many types of traditional Japanese sweets, wagashi and motigashi, are made with mochi. For example, Daifuku() Is a soft round mochi with sweet filling sweetened with red bean paste (an) or white bean paste (shiro an). Ichigo daifuku ( ) Is a mochi version with anko bean paste and strawberries.

() are small balls of ice cream wrapped in mochi.

In Japan, this product is produced by Lotte under the name Yukimi Daifuku.

Kashiwa Mochi() - mochi wrapped in a sheet of porridge (oak).

Sakura Mochi() - pink rice cake with bean paste inside, wrapped in pickled sakura leaf.


Oshiruko or Ozenzai () – sweet soup from adzuki beans with pieces of mochi. In winter, the Japanese often eat it to keep warm.

Chikara udon (Chikara udon means "the power of udon") ( ) - udon noodle soup, fried cakes mochi and various fillings.

Zoni() - New Year's Japanese soup with mochi cakes.


Kagami MochiChristmas decoration which is traditionally broken down and eaten during a ritual called "Kagami Biraki" (open mirror).

Zoni- a soup containing rice cakes. It is eaten in New Year... In addition to mochi tortillas, Zoni soup includes vegetables (taro, carrots), wax flower, and kamaboko.

() is traditionally cooked in the New Year, as it is believed that the use of this dish brings good luck. Mochi is fried over a fire or in an oven, then immersed in water, after which, the cake is covered with sugar and soy flour kinako.

() - traditional Japanese sweetness, which is usually eaten at the beginning of the year. Also served at the first tea ceremony of the new year. Hanabira mochi is translated from Japanese as “mochi flower petal”. Dessert was prepared on the occasion of special events at the imperial court at the beginning of the year.


Dango() - Japanese dumplings made from mochiko rice flour.

() not a real mochi. It is jelly-like pastry made from fern starch, coated with kinako soy flour and sugar. The sweetness is popular in the summer.

() - kudzu mochi cakes (kudzu root powder). Traditionally served chilled, sprinkled with kuromitsu syrup and sprinkled with kinako soy flour.

() - balls, which are usually made from glutinous rice. They are usually eaten during the higan period, spring and fall.

More recently, sweetness has appeared Moffles- fried mochi waffles.

Step 1: Knead the rice dough.

Like the preparation of any other dough dishes, you need to start the process by kneading this dough. To do this, take a deep bowl and pour the flour into it, mixing it with salt and sugar. In a separate bowl, mix well the water and egg. Pour the liquid ingredients into the dry ingredients and stir as you begin kneading the dough.

Lubricate your hands with vegetable oil so that the dough does not stick to them in the process. Begin to knead the mass, mixing all the ingredients together and achieving a homogeneous and elastic consistency. After you are finished preparing the dough, leave it to rest at room temperature on the 20 minutes.

Step 2: Form the rice cakes.

Knead the rested dough again. After that, you need to divide the mass by 5-6 approximately equal parts. The best way to do this is to form a sausage from the dough and then cut it with a knife. Important: carry out all work with the dough on a surface dusted with flour, otherwise the mass will stick and, as a result, tear.

Now take the first piece of dough and place it on the countertop, dust it with flour and cover with cling film. Using a rolling pin, roll out the workpiece, giving it the shape of a cake. Do this procedure carefully and carefully, as a result you should get a very thin layer of dough. Once you're done with the first cake, start making another. And only after all the blanks are of the desired shape and thickness, proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Fry the rice cakes.

You need to fry rice cakes in a well-heated frying pan without oil. If this is the first time you fry any cakes, then you may not be able to succeed right away, since you need to calculate the temperature well. Be careful not to overexpose the product or allow it to remain damp on the inside.
First, lay out the first tortilla and fry until golden brown on both sides. When doing this, do not turn the product over until it is browned on one side.
Put the finished rice cakes on a flat plate and immediately coat with butter, and then cover the dish with a tea towel. This will preserve the softness and taste of the finished cakes, as well as give them a wonderful aroma.

Step 4: Serve the rice cakes.

Serve ready-made rice cakes warm or cold. You can offer them to a soup or other hot dish, as well as wrap a wonderful salad filling in them. Simply put, the serving of this dish depends only on you, the cakes will be equally good with vegetable filling, and with meat, and with fish, and, of course, with sweet. You can also just eat them with a glass of warm milk.
Bon Appetit!

You can also make these cakes using wheat flour in equal proportions with rice.

Hot rice cakes can be sprinkled with grated cheese, which will melt instantly for a quick and tasty snack.

If you are making rice cakes for the first time, add the flour gradually until you get the consistency you want.