How to get clear ice in the freezer. Crushed ice - its description with a photo; tips on how to make at home and use in cocktails

At first glance, there is nothing difficult in freezing the ice, but in the end, the ice cubes turn out to be cloudy and bubbly. And in cocktails served in cafes and restaurants ice is always transparent and very attractive. Let's try to make transparent ice ourselves at home.

There is a scientific basis for this fact. As you know, water contains microscopic air bubbles and various impurities. The ice cubes freeze gradually, starting from the walls of the mold. Frozen water pushes air towards the center, and then, freezing, air bubbles give the ice cube a cloudy color.

How to freeze clear ice: proven methods

Method number 1: Freeze boiled water

For this method, water must be passed through a filter, then boiled for several minutes. During boiling, excess air will be released from the water. After, you need to wait for the water to cool in a natural way. If you boil water in a saucepan, then during the cooling period, cover the pan with a lid or taca to prevent dust from settling into the water.

The water can now be poured into freezer molds and sent to the freezer. After 24 hours, you will be able to remove absolutely clear ice from the molds.

Watch the video: The Chips for Life Channel will tell you about two guaranteed ways to make (freeze) transparent ice

Method number 2: How to freeze ice in a plastic container

Here we need a plastic refrigerator container that can hold the temperature. It will help the ice freeze slowly. The main thing is that the box fits into the freezer compartment in size.

We put ice molds in a container and fill them with clean water. Ordinary tap water will do, but you need to filter it first.

Fill the bottom of the container with water so that the water is poured at the water level in the molds. This water will allow the ice to freeze in the molds from top to bottom.

We put the box in the freezer without closing the lid tightly. The temperature in the freezer should not be very low, about -8 ºС.

After 24 hours, take out the frozen bottom of the box along with the forms. We beat off the excess ice around the form, and we take out transparent cubes from the forms.

Method number 3: Slow freezing method

This method involves using the highest possible temperature in your freezer. The desired value is -1 ° C. Forms with filtered water are placed on the top shelf of the freezer. It is advisable to wrap the forms with cling film. In a day, clear ice will be ready.

Method number 4: How to make clear ice using salt

To do this, put salt in a bowl. The amount of salt must be sufficient so that the water does not freeze in the freezer at a temperature not lower than -2 ° C. As you know, salt water freezes at a lower temperature than fresh water.

First, put the salt water in the freezer and cool it as much as possible. Place molds with water in cold salt water. It remains to send this structure to the freezer for a day. Transparent ice prepared in this way is guaranteed to you.

Perfect transparent ice is obtained with the help of special ice makers, but you are unlikely to want to install such a unit in your house.

Watch the video on the channel "Svoimi rukami" - How to make ice from distilled water

From the outside, it seems that there is nothing easier than making ice for cocktails, especially if you have special molds. In practice, everything is not so rosy - before making the ice, you will have to study the important nuances of the process. Otherwise, a clear and transparent ingredient for alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages will appear as a cloudy gray substance.

Quite often, housewives have the question of how to make ice at home if there is no suitable shape at hand. Lovers of experimentation and creativity have developed several solutions for this case that will help you achieve the desired result with your own hands.

Secrets for Bubble Free Transparent Ice

Frozen water and ice for cocktails are two completely different things. Contrary to the promises of ice maker manufacturers, it is not enough to fill the mold with water and put it in the refrigerator. Only when conducting preliminary preparation the final product can be expected to be transparent and attractive.

There are several production techniques quality ice with your own hands:

  • Treated water. Pour water into a steel or enamel container (most importantly, not aluminum) and bring to a boil. After the liquid has been browning for a few minutes, cool it naturally. Then we boil the water again and cool it down again. In between boils, do not forget to cover the container with a lid, preventing dust from settling. After processing, pour water into molds and freeze. This approach makes it possible to obtain transparent ice due to the fact that air bubbles are removed, and water molecules adhere more closely to each other.

Tip: Regardless of the type of ice making approach, professionals recommend that you always use filtered or potable water. Otherwise, the unpleasant smell will go away only for a while and will open up in full after the cube gets into the drink.

  • Slow freezing. If the time and capabilities of the refrigeration unit allow, then you need to set the temperature to -1 ° C. We wait until the temperature rises to the desired one and set the molds with water poured over them in the chamber. Additionally, it is recommended to wrap the device with cling film. The exposure time is at least one day. Slowly displacing the bubbles as the liquid cools ensures that the ice is clear and even.
  • Freezing in a salty environment. Someone suggests using seawater to prepare the base, but if this option impossible, you can cook a salty environment with your own hands. True, it will be possible to achieve ideal concentration only by experience. Practice shows that with this approach, one can hope for the desired result even when freezing tap water. Pour water into a bowl, add salt, stir. We put the container in the freezer, the temperature should not be lower than -2 ° C. After the liquid becomes very cold, lower the ice molds filled with water into it, and put it back in the freezer.

The last option is considered the most correct and preferable. In the course of such processing, ice cubes become not only transparent, but also even, without cracks and streaks. All harmful particles will be expelled, so the elements after getting into the drink will not cause an unpleasant smell. An additional advantage of this approach is that salt water can be kept in the freezer all the time (provided that the set temperature is maintained) and reused.

How to make ice without an ice mold - creative affordable

It is not necessary to have special molds at home or to design them with your own hands in order to prepare beautiful and original ice. If you wish, you can find many worthy ways out of the situation:

  • If we are not talking about making cocktails, but about serving one-component drinks, then you can prepare ice immediately in glasses. To do this, you need a suitable cookware that can withstand temperatures of -1 ° C. Just pour a little chilled drinking or boiled water into the bottom of the glass and put it in the freezer for slow freezing. It is imperative to ensure that the rest of the container is completely dry. This method allows you to achieve the necessary cooling, and gives the drink itself an unusual look in the glass.
  • To freeze water, you can use plastic cups with a bottom of various diameters. Pour the liquid no more than a centimeter and freeze as usual. The output will be original round pieces of ice. They can even be divided into halves or quarters, if initially laid with pieces of plastic, cut by hand from unnecessary bottles.
  • Some people manage to make ice using lids. They can be made of plastic or metal, and can be rolled or rolled. The only difficulty is that when removing ice from such products, it is difficult not to damage it.
  • If desired, you can adapt Lego parts as blanks or silicone molds... You just need to thoroughly disinfect them before use.
  • In the most extreme case, you will have to do with plastic bags. We cut them into large rags or initially we take packages of a very small volume. Pour water into them and spin with balls of various sizes. Put in a bowl and freeze according to the rules.

In addition, you can think of others at least original options making ice. The main thing is to act according to the rules, then the components will become a real decoration of the served drinks.

Before making ice, you need to thoroughly study this process and its nuances. It is not enough just to pour water into special forms and send them to the freezer. To make a transparent and beautiful product that will decorate cocktails, you will have to try a lot. And yet, contrary to popular belief, this does not require the use of any special refrigerators.

Everything can be done with your own hands with minimal financial and energy costs. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment and not to stop if the first attempts fail.

Secrets of clear ice for drinks

Those who want to learn how to make real ice for drinks with their own hands, and not just cloudy chunks of frozen water, should adopt the following approaches:

  • Using pretreated water. Pour the liquid into an enamel or steel dish, bring to a boil and let it boil for a few minutes. After that, cover with a lid and leave to cool naturally. We repeat the manipulation and once again cool the composition. Then we fill in the ice molds and freeze the blanks. With this approach, the filler for cocktails is transparent due to the removal of air bubbles.

  • Slow freezer. It is possible to displace bubbles that give the product turbidity if the product is not frozen quickly, but very slowly. The final version will not only be transparent, but also very smooth. True, the time for making ice in this case is at least a day. To carry out manipulations in the freezer, set the temperature not higher and not lower than -1 ° C.

  • Freeze in salt water. This method also makes it possible to prepare transparent and beautiful ice without cracks. Ideally, you should use sea ​​salt, but in the absence of such, you can make a mixture with your own hands. To do this, we do not completely fill a deep bowl with water, add fine table salt and stir well (unfortunately, the concentration of the composition will have to be determined empirically). We put the container in the freezer, the temperature in it should not be lower than -2 ° C. As soon as the liquid has cooled down a lot, put the filled ice molds into it and put it back in the freezer until cubes form. If the liquid in the bowl begins to freeze, this indicates an insufficient amount of salt, the solution will have to be redone.

Tip: In general, whichever approach to ice making is used, you need to take drinking or filtered water. Otherwise, the unpleasant smell will go away only for a while. As soon as the product enters the drink and begins to melt, the specific aroma returns, which noticeably spoils the taste of cocktails.

Experienced housewives prefer to prepare ice at home according to the last instructions. It turns out transparent, even, without cracks, does not crack when adding cocktails and other drinks. It is enough to prepare the saline solution only once. It can be poured into a convenient container and kept in the freezer at all times.

How to make ice without special ice trays?

The lack of molds is not a problem if you have imagination. They can be made with your own hands or you can even adapt the tools at hand. The variant of the approach and the peculiarities of its implementation depend on the type of drink used and what is at hand:

  1. If you plan to serve not cocktails, but simply pour one-component drinks, you should take care of the dishes in advance. To do this, take the selected glasses (preferably from thick glass, it will not crack from exposure to cold air), pour boiled drinking water into them about 1 cm, wipe thoroughly so that there is no moisture on the surface. Next, carefully place the containers in the freezer (temperature is -1 ° C), trying not to spill anything on the walls. The finished ice will not only be beautiful and will perform the assigned functions, but will also give the spilled drinks an original look.
  2. It is very easy to make ice with your own hands using plastic or metal lids. The first ones are better to hew them inside in advance so that the thread does not interfere with the extraction of the product. The main secret process consists in the fact that the liquid is poured to the maximum, and reaches the very edge. In this case, it will expand, protrude above the surface and it will be easier to get the pieces. You only need to keep them at room temperature for a few minutes to melt.
  3. One of the easiest ice making options is to use plastic cups. We pour the previously prepared water to the bottom, determine the thickness ourselves, but remember that the mass will expand further. Freeze the product and carefully remove it. It is not necessary to stop at the round "cubes", if you insert self-made plastic dividers inside the cup, the shape can be adjusted.
  4. It is worth looking around in the kitchen and in the rooms, in most cases something can be adapted for making ice. These are the details of the children's designer, and candy tabs, and Silicone forms for baking. Only improvised means must be thoroughly disinfected before use.

If time is short, and you can't cook something worthwhile with your own hands, you need to limit yourself to the most simple option... We take plastic bags, cut them into shreds, fill the blanks with a small amount of water and tie them in a knot. We will get small neat balls that will look very original in a glass.

At first glance, a banal situation: you approach a friend or relative and ask: “We need transparent ice. How to make sure that the cubes are not cloudy and in cracks, and even without the specific smell of the freezer? " The strangest thing is that 99.9% of the time, in response, you will receive a recommendation to shove an ice cube tray into the freezer and wait a couple of hours, accompanied by a mocking look. Yes, yes, it will always seem to the interlocutor that you have asked a funny and ridiculous question, the answer to which even a first grader knows. But he will remain in this happy confidence until he tries to make transparent ice himself. It seems that everyone knows and understands how to make ice cubes, but in practice, not everyone succeeds.

There is a problem

Any modern refrigerator in its standard configuration contains a tray for eggs and shelves of different calibers and purposes, as well as a miniature mold for freezing water. Incidentally, inventive housewives not only use it for its intended purpose, but also freeze in it. aromatic herbs, berry, fruit and vegetable puree, which is then used to prepare a variety of dishes.

Such skill, however, does not mean at all that at least half of the experienced girls are aware of how to prepare an elementary component of cocktails and soft drinks - transparent ice. How to make it crystal clear and beautiful as it is served in bars, restaurants or shown on television?

The usual one always gives an unexpected and rather unsightly result. Cubes look unaesthetic, they contain inclusions of unknown origin, multiple chips and cracks, in addition, they have an uneven consistency.

An immutable condition

So what's the deal? Why is it so difficult to get clear ice at home? How to make it as clean as a tear, smooth and shiny? The answer to the question is quite simple: the cubes will then turn out perfect when conditions are favorable. There are several of them, and now we will tell you about them.

First of all, the raw materials from which you plan to make perfectly clear ice must also be ideal. What does this mean? It's simple: tap water is not right for us. It is rather difficult to determine the composition of the substance that is fed through the pipes by the utilities. Impurities of metals, chemicals and other nasty things during freezing do not allow water molecules to crystallize as expected, they break the initially clear structure of ice.

Secondly, liquids often contain air, small bubbles prevent the frozen water from becoming transparent and smooth. Hence the conclusion suggests itself: the water must be clean and not contain gases. It can become an ideal raw material, but doctors strongly do not recommend using it in the diet.

So how to make clear ice at home? First of all, you need to prepare the raw materials. For this purpose, potable water purified in an industrial environment is suitable, but not mineral water enriched with salts and minerals, but simple table and non-carbonated water. Boil the liquid before pouring it into the ice mold. During heating, air bubbles will evaporate from it, which greatly increases the level of transparency and purity of the ice. You can also use the water that flows from the tap, but it must be cleaned with a household filter, and then boiled as well. To achieve the maximum effect, the procedure can be repeated twice, that is, filter the water one by one, boil it, clean it again, and then bring it to a boil again.

Ice "revelry"

We figured out the quality of the water, but an equally important factor will be creating the right microclimate for freezing. In general, this topic is most likely of concern to fans of soft drinks (of different strength levels). Cloudy cubes in a glass of soda or alcohol are quite suitable for personal needs, then you don't really want to regale guests with such drinks, so the question of how to make transparent ice cubes is relevant for many people.

It has been observed empirically that ice then turns out to be cloudy and ugly when it freezes unevenly. To reduce the likelihood of temperature fluctuations, it is important to quickly freeze the water in a stable microclimate.

Here, the opinions of experts are somewhat different. Some argue that the faster ice forms, the more beautiful it will be, and for this, water must be placed in the freezer at the lowest possible value on the thermometer. Others, on the contrary, advise to set the thermostat to the -1 ° C position and let the water freeze in such conditions, the main thing is not to open the chamber in order to avoid the ingress of warm air from the outside.

Celebration on a grand scale

Many readers may be interested in the question of how entertainment establishments manage to create a large number of ice cubes. How to make transparent ice so that it is enough for hundreds of visitors and guests? For this, special units are used - ice makers. With their help, you can freeze a lot of water, they maintain the optimum temperature inside the chamber, which allows you to make the ice transparent.

But even when working with such a machine, it is important to observe certain conditions. In addition to the fact that the water quality must correspond to the specified parameters (the absence of impurities is mandatory), the ice batch must be made simultaneously. That is, adding water to the cells while there are already finished cubes in the chamber will lead to a poor end result. Liquid is best used room temperature: As practice shows, cooler water freezes unevenly, and the ice turns out to be cloudy.

Cold art

Last but not least, how do you make ice transparent at home if you need it for sculpture? Ice statues and figures are a splendid sight. Their creators, without exaggeration, can be called great masters of their craft. Some of them create magnificent masterpieces, work on their work all day long in terrible conditions so that grateful viewers can enjoy the winter fairy tale.

But here's the problem: where to get blocks of ice of such colossal dimensions that huge sculptures could be carved out of them? Sometimes artificial ice is used for this, but it is very expensive, in addition, blanks are made standard sizes, which do not always suit the sculptor.

In winter, the most acceptable option would be to use natural ice, which is cut down in blocks directly in water bodies. This is a rather dangerous fishing, because there is always a serious danger of being under the ice, and you have to work in special clothes so as not to get wet.

As you can see, the chances of making a lump yourself - at home, in the freezer - are extremely small. In winter, of course, you can freeze ice in any container, if the air temperature allows it, but with some reservations.

To create ice masterpieces, you must use a solid block of uniform consistency. Loose ice will quickly crumble and melt, and this will not make it possible to carve a beautiful sculpture.

Working in too severe frost is not only difficult, but also dangerous - the ice freezes so strongly that during processing very hard and sharp fragments fly off from it, which can easily get injured. In addition, it will not work to glue together several parts of the product with the help of water - it will freeze too quickly, and a warm liquid can cause an explosion of the entire composition due to a sharp temperature drop.

You can create ice blocks yourself using special freezers. They are imported and domestically produced. The advantage of Russian freezers is the ability to order a camera according to individual sizes.

Outside the window is unbearable heat, and you are sitting at home and do not know how to quench your thirst, so that it is both fresh and pleasant? There are many different ways, but it is much better to make the most delicious popsicles at home. This is one of the most favorite cooling and light desserts of all children and adults, which belongs to the category of ice cream.

The presence of a large selection of this delicacy in supermarkets is simply amazing, but you need to be very careful when buying, because manufacturers often add not innocuous ingredients to its composition, such as dyes, flavors, flavor enhancers. There will definitely not be any benefit from such sweetness, only harm to the body and extra centimeters at the waist, since the calorie content is rather big. There is no need to stuff yourself with such a useless delicacy, it's easier to cook cold dessert with your own hands.

Self-made ice ice cream will not only help to escape from the sweltering heat, but also will not burden the body with unnecessary calories. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals because it is made from natural ingredients. In this article, we will tell you about delicious and healthy recipes this delicacy.

Do fruit ice even a child can do it at home. As ingredients, frozen or fresh fruits and berries. Natural juices are also indispensable. To brighten up the dessert, you can use different juices and fruit purees. Dessert should be frozen in special forms or ordinary plastic cups. Both the ice cube trays found in any refrigerator and disposable cups can work. A treat can be made from multiple layers to create a colorful rainbow of flavor. Having made such ice cream at home, you can surely pamper your children and friends with it. Use your imagination and create your own unique recipes. And we will tell you our easy and original recipes.

Fruit ice "Paradise delight"

You can prepare it from frozen or fresh fruits and berries. If you use frozen food, you will need to defrost, wash and let the remaining water dry.


  • strawberries - 500 g;
  • banana - 2 pcs;
  • orange juice - 50 ml;
  • icing sugar - 25 g;
  • mint - 5 branches.

Wash and dry the strawberries, mint and bananas well. It is better to use mint leaves, remove the twigs. Beat strawberries, mint, powdered sugar with a blender. Divide the prepared mass into molds, filling them in half and place in the freezer. Peel the bananas and cut into small pieces. Beat bananas with orange juice with a blender. When the strawberry puree is frozen, add the banana puree on top. Put back to freeze.

How to make popsicles from juice?

Frozen juice is the most easy way making fruit ice... Ice cream made from juice with added pulp has a very pleasant taste. To prepare, you need to take your favorite juice, pour it into molds and place in the freezer for 25-40 minutes. Undoubtedly, ice cream, which is made from fresh pomace juice and with your own hands, will taste great. If you use commercial purified juice without pulp to make ice, you get transparent sweet ice.

Multi-colored fruit ice with yoghurt "Berry Fairy Tale"

Such a multi-colored type of dessert turns out to be very tasty and unusual due to the addition of a fermented milk drink.


  • orange juice - 500 ml;
  • icing sugar - 125 g;
  • yogurt - 130 ml;
  • gooseberry (or any other berry) - 250 g;
  • juice of any fruit.

The treat will consist of three layers. Pour 1/3 of the mold with the first layer. fruit juice... We send it to freeze within 20-30 minutes. Beat the yogurt with a mixer with orange juice, pour the second layer and put it in the freezer again for 20-30 minutes. Mix the gooseberries with powdered sugar and grind with a blender. Get the third layer and freeze it in the freezer for another 20-30 minutes.

Fruit ice with "Cherry Queen" sugar syrup


  • fresh cherries - 500 g;
  • purified water - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 120 g

Pour sugar into a saucepan and add water. Put on moderate heat and let it boil, stirring constantly. The sugar must dissolve completely. Remove the prepared syrup from the stove. Grind the cherries in a blender. When the sugar syrup has cooled down, add the cherry mousse. Mix everything and pour into molds. Send for freezing. When the cherry sugar ice is frozen, insert a plastic stick vertically into it and freeze until the end.

Fruit ice "Sunny mood"

The use of these ingredients will make the ice cream softer. To begin with, the gelatin should be dissolved according to the instructions on the package, and then add juice or berry puree.


  • purified water - 420 ml;
  • peach or apricot puree - 1 tbsp;
  • gelatin - 7 g;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • lemon juice- taste.

First of all, fill a small package of gelatin with water according to the instructions on the package and let it swell. Pour sugar into the rest of the water, put the pan on low heat and let it boil, stirring continuously. Then add the swollen gelatin, wait until it is all dissolved and remove from heat. When the syrup has cooled down a little, add to it fruit puree and lemon juice. You should not add fruit puree to hot syrup as this will destroy your vitamins. Pass the resulting mass through a sieve, pour into cups and send to the freezer.

  • kiwi - 200 g;
  • sugar - 120 g;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • potato starch - 1 tsp;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife.

Kiwi must be pre-washed and peeled. Then cut it into pieces and grind it with a blender. Add 150 ml of water to the sugar, put it on the stove and prepare the syrup, stirring constantly. Add citric acid as soon as the syrup boils. Dilute the starch in the remaining water, add to the syrup, mix. Cook for 3 minutes, remove from heat and let cool. Put the kiwi puree to the cooled syrup and stir thoroughly with a whisk or mixer. Pour into cups and send to the freezer. When the mass thickens a little, insert the sticks and back into the freezer until it freezes completely.

Fruit ice from Coca-Cola "Cola"

Dessert with cola will not be useful, since Coca-Cola (as well as other sugary carbonated drinks) contains great amount sugar, dyes and other harmful ingredients. However, if you want to pamper yourself no matter what, you should pour the cola into molds and freeze it in the refrigerator. Fruit ice is ready!

How to freeze ice quickly?

In order for the syrups to freeze quickly, it is necessary to pour them portionwise into small molds and keep in the freezer at a very low temperatures... If these conditions are met, the ice is frozen for about 20-30 minutes, the duration of freezing directly depends on the power of the freezer of your refrigerator.

Hawaiian ice cream - shaved ice

Hawaiian ice cream conquered many people, and is actively in demand on the Russian market. This is not just popsicles, but ordinary ice, crushed into thin shavings. The finished portion of shaved ice is watered with various sugar syrups to taste, and also add nuts, condensed milk, halva, jams and aromatic herbs to Hawaiian ice cream. Crushed ice is produced using a special machine called a shaver.

The main subtleties of making a cold dessert

  1. It is not recommended to store the popsicles in the freezer for a long time. If the dessert is in the refrigerator for a long time, then it becomes very hard. Since the liquid increases in volume during freezing, it is necessary to leave it half a centimeter from the edge when pouring into molds.
  2. Layered ice cream looks beautiful.
  3. To make fruit ice, you can use coffee or tea, having previously brewed them, cooled and subsequently frozen. This way you get coffee ice or tea ice.
  4. To easily remove the frozen dessert from the mold, place it in the mold for two seconds. warm water... Now the question is "how to get the ice out of the mold?" disappears and that's great. It is not necessary to use special forms for ice cream, disposable cups and yogurt cups are fine.
  5. Juice and puree berries or fruits right before preparing your dessert. You can add whole fruits and berries to the delicacy, it will be very beautiful and tasty.

Now you've learned how to make popsicles at home. Go ahead, fantasize and enjoy your own original flavors!