Little pasties as they are called. National pies: Chebureks, Samsa, Khachapuri, Peremyachi, Khanuma, etc.

- Hey, friend, why do you have one onion in your pasties?
- Uh, you offend, brother, not one bow - a lot of bow!

Anecdote from the times of perestroika

It is difficult to refuse a tasty, appetizing cheburek with a ruddy crust. In which of the national cuisines this dish appeared and how to cook it correctly, there is still heated debate. In fact, homemade pasties are like ordinary pies with filling, only they are cooked in a large amount of vegetable oil and look very original.

All of you, of course, know that for juicy fragrant pasties, a lot of onions are put in the filling. And this is not an anecdote - onions, releasing juice when frying, makes the filling divine! But not everyone guesses with the test. After all, it should be at the same time thin, soft, with a slight crunch, and not rubber.

Cheburek dough is the subject of culinary controversy. Someone prefers classic recipe, and someone prepares dough for pasties on kefir, mineral water, beer or even vodka. The test for chebureks includes simple ingredients... Here are just the secrets of making them correct test still worth considering. Many housewives do not add eggs to the dough so that the pasties do not turn out to be brittle, while others knead the pasties dough in hot water so that it becomes tender and elastic.

In any case, you can choose the most convenient option for yourself, but our task is to tell you how to make dough for pasties.

The most common dough recipe for pasties

3-3.5 stacks flour,
1 tbsp. warm water,
½ tsp salt,
3-4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

It is this recipe that most of our housewives use, varying the amount of ingredients at their discretion: someone puts a little more flour, and someone adds oil. If you are used to working with the dough on the table, please, but if you have a deep container for this case, use it. Take the highest quality flour for cooking and sift it first. Pour flour in a heap, make a depression in it, pour water into it, add salt, vegetable oil and slowly, picking up flour from the edges, knead the dough. If it turns out to be cool and can be rolled into a tight ball, there is enough flour and no more need to add. Wrap the dough with cling film and leave it alone for 30-40 minutes, and then start cooking pasties.

Dough for pasties with bubbles

2 stacks water,
3-3.5 stacks flour,
1 tsp salt.

Pour all ingredients into a deep container (bowl or saucepan) and stir until tight homogeneous mass until the dough stops sticking to your hands. Form a ball out of the dough, wrap it with cling film or put in a plastic bag and send it to the refrigerator for half an hour. Then proceed with further actions.

Dough for pasties with milk

2.5 stacks flour,
1 tsp salt,
1 stack. milk,
1 st. l. vodka.

Pour milk into a saucepan, heat, but do not boil, add salt, stir to dissolve. Sift flour into a bowl or directly on the table with a slide, make a small depression, pour milk and vodka into it. Knead the dough. Wrap it in cling film and refrigerate for an hour. In the meantime, you can start preparing the filling.

Dough for chebureks on kefir

2.5 stacks flour,
1 tsp salt,
1 stack. kefir,
1 egg.

In a deep bowl, beat the egg with a whisk or fork. Then pour in kefir and stir. Then gradually add the pre-sifted flour in small portions. Mix everything well and, after putting the dough on the table, continue kneading it until the desired consistency. Form the resulting dough into a ball, wrap with foil or put in a plastic bag and leave to rest right on the table for 40 minutes.

Quick dough for pasties on mineral water

4 stacks flour,
1 egg,
1 tbsp. l. mineral water,
1 tsp Sahara.
a pinch of salt.

I would like to remind you once again that you can decrease or increase the amount of ingredients at your discretion, depending on what kind of dough you want to get. So, beat the egg well with salt and sugar, add mineral water and get busy with flour. Sift flour on the table with a slide, make a depression and pour in the resulting mass of eggs, salt, sugar and mineral water. Gently knead the dough, picking up the flour from the sides. The dough should be dense, homogeneous and, most importantly, not sticky. Wrap it in plastic wrap and leave it in a warm place for an hour. After an hour, knead the dough, roll it out and start cooking. Cakes from such a dough should be made thinner than on dumplings or dumplings.

Dough for pasties on beer

2.5 stacks flour,
1 egg,
1 stack. light beer,
1 tsp salt without a slide.

Beat the egg with salt (by the way, you can add less salt), add beer room temperature, stir. Gradually add the sifted flour to this mixture and mix everything thoroughly again. Put the dough on the table and continue kneading until the mass stops sticking to your hands and rolls freely into a ball. You can simply cover this ball with a towel and leave it on the table to reach the desired condition for 40-50 minutes. The finished (already fried dough), thanks to the presence of beer in it, will turn out delicious and crunchy.

Dough for pasties on vodka

4-4.5 stacks flour,
1 egg,
1-1.5 stacks water,
2 tbsp. l. vodka,
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
2 tsp salt.

The presence of vodka in the dough will be completely invisible. But the addition of this ingredient allows you to cook surprisingly crispy and delicious pasties... It is known that vodka acts in such cases as a baking powder and makes the dough tender and airy. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt, vegetable oil and bring to a boil. Then pour a glass of flour into the water, stir, pour into a deeper and larger container and cool the mass. Then drive an egg into it, pour in the vodka and add the rest of the flour. Take your time, add flour gradually and knead until elastic, homogeneous and without lumps. Cover the resulting dough with a towel and leave it on the table for 30 minutes to rest, and then put it in the refrigerator for an hour. You will see, the result will exceed your expectations.

Choux pastry for chebureks

3 stacks flour,
¾ stack. water (boiling water),
1.5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
1 egg,
1 tsp salt.

Pour water into a small saucepan and place on the stove, add salt, vegetable oil and bring to a boil. Add half a cup of flour directly to the water. Stir well to avoid lumps and set aside to cool to room temperature. Then beat in an egg, mix well and take up the remaining flour. Pour it in a slide on the table, make a depression and pour in the custard mass. Knead the dough. It should turn out to be homogeneous and viscous. Leave it alone for literally 30 minutes, and then mix again and proceed with further actions, that is, to cook pasties.

Puff pastry for chebureks

2.5 stacks flour,
200-250 g butter,
½ stack. cold water
½ tsp Sahara,
1 tsp salt.

Let the butter melt slightly, then cut into small pieces. Sprinkle them with flour and stir until smooth. Make in finished dough funnel and pour in there cold water, add sugar, salt and mix gently. The dough should be elastic. Add a little more flour if necessary. Transfer the dough to a deep bowl, cover with a towel soaked in water and refrigerate for 2-3 hours. After the specified time, take out the dough, put it on the table, roll it out, fold it into an envelope, bending the edges to the center, roll it out again and fold it in an envelope. Repeat this procedure with the dough 3-4 times and start cooking pasties. If there is too much dough, divide it into two parts and wrap one of them in plastic wrap and put it in the freezer until the next opportunity.

The dough for pasties, as you have already seen, is prepared easily, quickly and does not cause much trouble. This means that delicious, crispy, aromatic pasties can be easily prepared at home. Try it, and you will no longer be lured by the smell of any pasties, except for those that you cook with your own hands.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Step-by-step recipe for mini pasties with meat with photo.
  • National cuisine: Uzbek cuisine
  • Type of dish: Second courses
  • Complexity of the recipe: Simple recipe
  • Prep time: 13 minutes
  • Cooking time: up to 1.5 hours
  • Servings: 50 servings
  • Calorie count: 312 kcal

A simple recipe for mini pasties with meat Uzbek cuisine with photo and step by step description cooking. Easy to cook at home in up to 1.5 hours. Contains only 312 kilocalories.

Ingredients for 50 servings

  • Wheat flour top grade 800 BC
  • Water 400 ml.
  • Table salt 1 tsp
  • Ground black pepper 0.5 tsp
  • Bulb onion 300 g.
  • Minced meat 400 g.
  • Vegetable oil 300 ml.

Step by step

  1. Dissolve one level teaspoon of salt in water at room temperature. Gradually add flour, sifting through a sieve, and knead the dough. Knead until it comes off your hands, that is, it does not stick. It should be elastic and smooth to the touch. Ready dough cover with a bowl and leave for about 15-20 minutes.
  2. For the filling, it is better to use lamb, but with chicken or any other minced meat are just as tasty, but less fatty. If you still use lamb, then in order for the filling to be juicy, add kefir or water. Mix the minced meat with chopped onion squares, pepper, salt to taste.
  3. Sprinkle the table with flour, use a rolling pin (which should also be sprinkled with flour) to roll out the dough in a not very thick layer.
  4. Using a glass of small diameter, cut out the circles and lay out the filling without touching the edges of the dough.
  5. Pinch the edges with your fingers, and then with the tips of a table fork. If necessary, cut off the excess dough with a sharp knife.
  6. Heat the pan, pour in vegetable oil. Fry the pasties on both sides until they appear golden crust... Better to fry in a Teflon skillet or casserole. Add vegetable oil as needed.
  7. Serve ready-made pasties with meat broth or as a separate dish.

Chebureks, crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside, this is how we like to eat them, and probably hardly anyone will refuse them. Homemade pasties can be done with different fillings, it can be meat, potatoes, cheese with herbs. In pasties with meat, the main point is a large amount of onions and herbs, thanks to this, a juicy filling is obtained….


  • Meat (beef) - 300 grams__NEWL__
  • Bow - 3-4 pcs .__ NEWL__
  • Greens__NEWL__
  • Spices to taste__NEWL__
  • Salt__NEWL__
  • Water__NEWL__
  • Flour - 2-3 tbsp .__ NEWL__
  • Oil for frying__NEWL__

First, make the dough, sift flour onto the work surface of the table, make a depression, and add water in portions as much as the flour takes.

Knead the dough, place it in a bowl sprinkled with flour, cover with a waffle towel. While you work with minced meat, the dough will rest and become more uniform and pliable.

Peel the onion, cut into several pieces. The onion must be finely chopped, you can use a blender or a meat grinder, this will be faster and less tears.

Place the chopped onion in a bowl.

Take the meat you prefer, in my case, beef. Cut the meat into small pieces. Chop the meat in a meat grinder or blender, or chop very finely with a knife.

Place the minced meat over the onion.

Add salt, spices and herbs to the minced meat.

Stir the minced meat well.

Now you can roll out the pastry dough. This can be done using the old method, a rolling pin, or using a dough rolling machine. Thanks to such a machine, the dough turns out to be thin, and in time, it will be faster.

Roll out half of the dough and the rest later to keep the dough from drying out.

Use a small plate or saucer to cut out round cakes.

Put a frying pan on the stove, pour oil, turn on the fire, let it heat up. Spread the minced meat on half a flatbread, do not put too much minced meat, it can come out when frying.

With what kind of fillings they do not exist, with cheese, potatoes, mushrooms, but, nevertheless, the classic one with meat is considered the most popular.

As for the history of this dish, cheburek is considered traditional dish Turkic and Mongolian people. In these countries, it is prepared with minced meat or finely chopped meat. The Russians are very fond of this dish and prepare it in different interpretations.

The calorie content of this product is relatively high, because there are 250 kilocalories per one hundred grams of the dish. On average, as a percentage, one cheburek contains about 50% proteins, 30% fats and less than 20% proteins.

Chebureks are very satisfying and tasty food. It is often used as a snack, and tender dough, given in the recipes below, will surprise you with its lightness and pleasant taste.

Chebureks with meat - a step by step photo recipe

IN this recipe used by minced chicken, with it, pasties are not as fat as with minced beef and pork.

You can experiment with the filling and make pasties not only with meat, but for example, with cabbage, mushrooms or potatoes.

Your mark:

Cooking time: 2 hours 30 minutes

Quantity: 8 servings


  • Eggs: 1 pc.
  • Flour: 600 g
  • Salt: 1 tsp
  • Sugar: 1 tsp
  • Vegetable oil: 8 tbsp. l.
  • Water: 1.5 tbsp.
  • Vodka: 1 tsp
  • Minced meat: 1 kg
  • Ground black pepper: taste
  • Bow: 2 pcs.

Cooking instructions

    Pour sugar, salt into a deep bowl, pour oil and break an egg, mix. Then pour water into the resulting mixture, and in order to make the pasties more crispy, add vodka.

    Put the resulting mass on a board and knead until smooth.

    Allow the dough wrapped in plastic wrap to rest for 30 minutes.

    Now you need to prepare the filling for the pasties. Peel and finely chop the onion.

    Put chopped onion into the minced meat, pepper and salt to taste, mix everything, the filling for the pasties is ready.

    After 1 hour, separate a small piece from the dough and roll it out with a rolling pin into a thin sheet (2-3 mm).

    Using a large glass, cut out circles from a rolled sheet (in this recipe, pasties are small, for larger ones you can use a saucer).

    Put the resulting filling on the mugs.

    Close the edges of each mug tightly and give them a beautiful shape.

    From the remaining dough, stick all pasties using the same principle.

    Fill a deep skillet or saucepan vegetable oil(3-4 cm from the bottom), warm well and place the pasties, fry over high heat for about 2 minutes on one side.

    Then turn the pasties over and fry the same amount on the other.

    Variation of the recipe on choux pastry - the most successful crunchy dough

    The recipe for making chebureks on choux pastry will appeal to everyone, without exception, because it is very easy and simple to prepare such a dish.


  • 350 grams of wheat flour
  • 0.2 liters of drinking water
  • 1 egg
  • 0.5 kilograms of pork
  • 100 milliliters of chicken broth
  • 1 head onions
  • 2-3 sprigs of dill
  • 2/3 teaspoon salt
  • 1 handful of ground pepper
  • 250 milliliters of vegetable oil


  1. Pour flour into a bowl or container for making the dough, break one chicken egg, add 3 tablespoons of refined vegetable oil and mix everything with a spoon, forming a soft elastic dough... Boil water and add it to flour, mix thoroughly. Add 1/3 teaspoon of salt. Cover the dough with a plastic wrap or plastic bag and set aside while we prepare the filling.
  2. Grind the pork into minced meat using a meat grinder or blender.
  3. Wash the dill thoroughly under running water from dust and earth residues, put it on a dry kitchen towel so that it dries well. We similarly clean the onion from the top layer, rinse and cut into three parts. After that, place the dill and onions in a blender and grind finely. If the hostess does not have a kitchen machine, you can chop the onion on a grater, and finely chop the dill with a sharp knife.
  4. Pour the onion and dill into a blender meat broth, add the meat and grind until smooth. We bring the filling to taste by adding 1/2 teaspoon of salt and ground black pepper, mix thoroughly.
  5. To form pasties, divide the dough. From this amount of ingredients, we should get 10 medium products. To do this, we form a kind of sausage from the dough, which we divide into 10 equal parts. We roll each of them with a rolling pin. Put the minced meat on half of the circle, close and carefully fill the ends of the cheburek with a fork or a special knife for cutting the edges. We prepare all the rest in the same way.
  6. We put a deep frying pan on the stove. When the pan is hot, pour in about 200 ml of vegetable oil. Fry each cheburek on both sides for about 5 minutes over medium heat, until they are lightly browned. Delicious and aromatic food will certainly surprise your family and friends.

On kefir - tasty and simple

Pastries cooked on kefir dough are tender and fragrant not only when they are just fried, but also when they have cooled down. It will not harden and will remain tender, even when cold.


  • 0.5 liters of kefir
  • 0.5 kilograms of flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 0.5 kilograms of minced meat
  • 1 head of onion
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 100 grams of vegetable oil


  1. We take a bowl, pour kefir into it, salt and add flour in portions, stirring constantly. When the mass thickens, spread it on a floured countertop and knead until elastic. Then cover with plastic wrap and set aside the dough until the filling is ready.
  2. Place the minced meat in a small bowl, salt, add ground pepper and various spices that the hostess desires. Peel and grate onions or finely chop. Add one tablespoon of water to the filling.
  3. Roll out the dough on the tabletop using a rolling pin and cut out circles for sculpting pasties with a large cup. Roll out each cake to the required size and put minced meat on one half. We close up the edges well.
  4. We heat a large frying pan on the stove, pour vegetable oil into it and fry each cheburek for 5 minutes on each side, until they turn golden brown. After frying, lay them out on a paper towel to remove unnecessary fat. Incredibly delicious pasties for kefir dough will certainly delight your family.

How to cook pasties with veal or beef at home?

Cooked pasties stuffed with beef or veal surprise with tender and unique taste... Choux pastry is best suited, because it perfectly sets off the taste of beef and veal meat.


  • 300 grams of sifted wheat flour
  • 1 chicken egg
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 5 tablespoons of drinking water
  • 400 grams of beef or veal
  • 1 large onion
  • ground black pepper to taste


  1. We carefully peel one head of a large onion, rinse it and carefully grind it together with beef or veal meat using a meat grinder or blender. Add spices and set aside so that the meat is saturated with spices.
  2. In the meantime, prepare the dough. Put 5 tablespoons of sifted flour in a large bowl and pour boiling water over it so that it is brewed. We break the chicken egg, add the rest of the flour and knead an obedient and elastic dough. After that, we lay it out on the countertop, use a rolling pin to form a square. We cut the dough into identical rectangles, on each of which we spread the minced meat, secure the edges of the pasties gently with our fingers.
  3. Heat the pan over a fire and bake without vegetable oil. The pasties should be turned over when the dough is inflated. We spread the dish on a plate and grease with vegetable oil. This dish goes well with homemade sour cream.

Pork and beef juicy pasties

Pastries stuffed with mixed beef and pork meat surprise with their lightness and juiciness. They are very easy to prepare, the components are simple and not expensive.


  • water - 500 mg
  • chicken egg - 1 piece
  • sieved Wheat flour- 1 kg
  • minced pork and beef - 1 kg
  • onions - 2 heads
  • drinking water - 100 ml
  • salt - 1 teaspoon
  • pepper, spices to taste


  1. Grind 1 kg of pork and beef (in any ratio) thoroughly using a meat grinder or blender.
  2. In a bowl, stir the water and salt until it dissolves. Add one egg and, stirring constantly, add flour in portions. When the dough is difficult to stir with a spoon, put it on the countertop and knead on it. Cover the formed dough with a foil or plastic bag and leave to rest.
  3. Peel and finely chop the onion for the minced meat. After the pestle, it is necessary to crush the minced meat with onions so that a sufficient amount of juice is released. Add salt, spices and water, mix thoroughly.
  4. Divide the dough into several equal parts. We form a ball from each part, which we roll out. We spread the filling on one part of the circle, close the pasties and carefully seal the edges with our hands or a fork. Fry in butter melted in a pan. Turn over to the other side when a golden crust appears.

In order for the pasties to be crispy and have golden brown, you need to remember a few rules for their roasting:

  1. The fire during frying should be slightly more than average, because at high heat the pasties burn, and the filling can be raw.