Armenian Mikado. How to make a real Armenian Mikado cake

Today we will cook delicious Armenian cake"Mikado", consisting of delicate cakes and insanely rich cream! It takes a long time to prepare, but it is clearly worth your time and effort!

A true classic recipe step by step

If you want to try a real, traditional Armenian cake, then this is exactly the recipe you are looking for. It will take a long time to prepare, but the amazing result you can get is definitely worth it!

For the test:

For the cream:

How to cook:

  1. Place sour cream in a small container, add soda.
  2. Stir and let sit for one hour.
  3. Remove the dough oil beforehand so that it becomes soft.
  4. Place it in another container, add salt, sugar and vanillin.
  5. Whisk the ingredients until smooth with a whisk or mixer.
  6. Add eggs one at a time, each time bringing the mass to a smoothness.
  7. Pour in sour cream with baking soda and beat again until smooth.
  8. Next, start adding flour in parts, but always through a sieve.
  9. When most of the flour has been added, transfer the dough to a work surface and add flour, kneading by hand.
  10. Roll a sausage from the resulting dough and cut it into six equal parts.
  11. Roll these pieces into balls and place them on a plate.
  12. Cover with plastic wrap and let it brew a little.
  13. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  14. Place one of the balls on a sheet of parchment and roll it thinly into a square or rectangle.
  15. Transfer to a baking dish or baking sheet and bake for 10-12 minutes.
  16. Then remove and quickly transfer to a serving plate while the crust is soft and warm.
  17. Repeat the whole process with the rest of the cakes.
  18. For the cream, take a soft butter and place in a deep container.
  19. Whisk until fluffy for ten minutes.
  20. After that, add condensed milk in portions, each time whisking the mass until smooth.
  21. At the end, add vanillin and stir the cream again.
  22. Next, collect the cake, smearing each cake with cream.
  23. Finally, be sure to grease the top of the cake and sides.
  24. Grate the chocolate and sprinkle it on the surface, as well as the sides of the cake.
  25. Then put it in the refrigerator for soaking for 3-4 hours.

Tip: Before baking the dough, be sure to pierce it with a fork in several places.

Armenian cake "Mikado" with bananas

The next recipe will be sweeter due to the presence of fresh bananas. It turns out very tasty, original. For tea or coffee, that's it!

For cakes:

For the cream:

How to cook:

  1. Transfer the soft butter to a small container.
  2. Add sugar to it and beat the ingredients until fluffy.
  3. Add sour cream, eggs and soda, beat again until smooth.
  4. Now it's the turn of flour, add it in portions through a sieve.
  5. When you knead the soft ball, wrap it in a bag or plastic wrap and refrigerate for half an hour.
  6. When time has passed, take it out and divide it into fifteen parts.
  7. Roll each on parchment and bake for five minutes at 190 degrees.
  8. For the cream, whisk the sour cream with condensed milk.
  9. Peel and mashed bananas with a blender.
  10. Put in cream and mix thoroughly.
  11. Cool the finished cakes, then put them in a cake, smearing each cake with cream.
  12. Bake the rest of the dough, then chop it.
  13. When the cake is greased on all sides, sprinkle it with crushed crumbs on all sides.
  14. Take away ready-made baked goods in the refrigerator for at least three hours.

Tip: To make the bananas feel better, you can cut them into rings and spread them on each layer of the cream.

How to decorate and serve a cake beautifully

Cake decoration is a very important point that directly affects its "appetizing". The easiest way to decorate such a cake is a crumb from scraps of cakes. But if you need something more original, then take a decorative dressing in the form of large beads. It will be brighter with them!

So-called "naked" cakes are very popular now. This is just for that "economical case". Such a cake is a cakes smeared with cream. In this case, the sides of the cake remain without cream, and sometimes the top. Most often, the top of such baked goods is decorated with fresh berries and fruits.

In addition to berries and fruits, Mikado can be decorated with fresh flowers, sweets, chocolate, bars, macaroons (French meringue-based pastries), nuts, icing, caramel, honey, cookies, popcorn, marshmallows and various other ingredients.

If you like the classics, use candurin (dry powder in the form of glitter). To apply it, take the most common brush. Another easy option is to roll the fruit or nuts in caramel and let them set. This will also be a good decor!

It all depends on your taste preferences, as well as on what your guests love. In any case, even if the cake is still “naked” and without decor, it will still be delicious!

Submission is a different story. If the cake is already served in portions, then here you can supplement it with chopped fruits or berries. You can prepare a cream-based sauce. Most often they prepare caramel, chocolate, vanilla, strawberry. Instead of sauce, homemade pudding, whipped cream, a scoop of ice cream, frosting, custard.

When baking, you need to take into account that the cake turns out to be incredibly soft, and you cannot lift it in any way, just move it. Be sure to sprinkle the surface with flour, otherwise the cake will stick.

It happens that the cream turns out to be quite liquid. If this happened with you, then put it in the refrigerator for 40-60 minutes. During this time, the oil will freeze again, and the cream will become dense, it can be further used for its intended purpose.

The Mikado cake is something very similar to the well-known Honey cake. There are also cakes, though not honey ones, but they are prepared in the same way. And the cream is generally identical in places! So if you love Medovik, then Mikado will be to your liking!

  • one hundred grams butter;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • one and a half glasses of sour cream;
  • one teaspoon of baking soda;
  • four glasses of flour (240 ml each).
    • Required ingredients for the cream:
  • four hundred milliliters of milk;
  • one hundred fifty grams of sugar;
  • one teaspoon of vanilla extract;
  • four tablespoons of cocoa;
  • two tablespoons of flour;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • two hundred grams of butter;
  • one and a half cans of boiled condensed milk.
    • Ingredients for decoration:
  • three hundred and fifty milliliters of cream (33%);
  • half a can of boiled condensed milk.
    • Required Glaze Ingredients:
  • one hundred grams of chocolate;
  • forty grams of butter;
  • eighty milliliters of cream (33%).
  • Cooking process:

    1. Let's start with the cream. Take a saucepan, pour milk into it, add half the sugar and a spoonful of vanilla extract (sugar). Put the saucepan on the fire, wait for it to boil.

    2.In a separate bowl, add the remaining sugar, then add cocoa and flour there, beat in the eggs. Use a whisk to get a smooth paste.

    3. Pour hot milk into the chocolate mass, but only in small portions, stirring everything with a whisk each time. Do not pour out all the milk at once so that the eggs do not curl. When you add all the milk, then pour the mixture back into the saucepan and put on low heat. Boil the cream for five to ten minutes until it becomes thick, then remove the saucepan from the stove.

    4. Add butter (forty grams) to the hot cream, stir it - the butter should completely melt. Then pour the cream from the saucepan into another container, cover it with plastic film so that it touches the cream. Let everything stand like this until it cools down.

    5. Fold the thawed butter in a deep bowl and whisk. Add condensed milk and whisk again.

    6.In the meantime chocolate cream already cooled down. Add it to the butter in small portions, whisking each time. The cream is ready.

    7. Go to the preparation of the cakes. Whisk the butter (soft). Break the eggs into another bowl, shake them and pour into the butter. Whisk everything.

    8. Mix baking soda with sour cream and add to the butter mixture. Continue to whisk everything, gradually adding flour (in several portions).

    9.Finally knead the dough. By its consistency, it should not turn out sticky, so if necessary, add a little more flour to it. Immediately divide the dough lump into small balls (there should be thirteen to fourteen of them). Chill the dough.

    10. Next, take out one lump at a time and roll them out on parchment. You can do this between two sheets of paper so the dough won't stick to the rolling pin. Cut an even circle out of the rolled pancake (use a plate or dish), and leave the trimmings nearby, they can be baked along with the cake. Pierce the cake blank with a fork in many places.

    11. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and put the workpiece in it for five to seven minutes. Be sure to watch them so they don't get burnt. So repeat with all the cakes, fold them one by one on a flat surface.

    12. It is better to collect the cake in a split form, but you can do it on a plate. If you are using a mold, cover it with cling film to make it easier to pull out the cake. Lay out the first cake and brush it with cream, put the second cake on top and repeat the procedure. So use all the cakes. Cover it with cling film and refrigerate for soaking.

    13. It remains to prepare a cream for smearing the sides. Take chilled cream and whisk thoroughly. Add half a can of condensed milk to them and mix everything again.

    14. Transfer the soaked cake from the mold to a plate lined with paper on the sides to prevent it from getting dirty. Brush the whole cake with cream and condensed milk. Put the cake back in the refrigerator.

    15.For the icing, melt the chocolate in a water bath and add the butter. The result should be a thick, shiny color mixture.

    16. Heat the cream and pour it over the chocolate. At first, the mixture will turn out in lumps, but as you continue to knead it, it will become homogeneous.

    17.Finished glaze must be cooled when room temperature... To prevent it from spreading during pouring, the cake must be well cooled. Next, pour the icing on it and spread it over the entire surface of the cake. Let it flow freely around its edges.

    Delicious Armenian Mikado cake is ready! From above, you can decorate it to your liking, for example, lay out berries or fruits. Be sure to brew tea or coffee. Bon Appetit!

    Armenians certainly know a lot about sweets. The assortment of national desserts is impressive. But they are especially good at cakes. No, they do not shine with decoration, they are prepared from the most primitive products, but for some reason they always turn out amazing. What is the secret?

    Armenian cakes - general cooking principles

    In Armenian cooking great amount recipes based on biscuit, shortbread, honey or puff pastry. You can always choose an option at your discretion. Cakes are not always collected by classical technology... Additional layers of soufflé, caramel, air meringue, nut masses are often prepared. Creams are used different: custard, cream, condensed milk. Very often added walnuts... They are present in the dough, cream or interlayer.

    Usually used for decoration chocolate glaze(ganache), nuts or chopped cakes. In some recipes, the sides are filled in, and the top is covered with a thick layer of chocolate. It is important that it is not very liquid and does not drip onto the sides. You can sprinkle the treat with chopped cookies, waffles, decorate with sweets, marshmallows or marmalade.

    Armenian cake "Mikado" (classic recipe)

    A simple recipe for the Armenian Mikado cake made from thin cakes with chocolate. Cooking time is about 2 hours, the products are simple, about 8-10 servings are obtained.


    5 g of soda;

    100 g sugar;

    0.47 kg flour;

    0.1 kg sour cream;

    Salt, any acid.

    For cream and decoration:

    Pack of butter;

    170 g of chocolate;

    Bank of condensed milk.


    1. Transfer the softened butter to a bowl, add granulated sugar to it and add a pinch of salt. Beat all this for about 15 minutes, add sour cream, stir. Next, break the egg, bring the mass to homogeneity.

    2. Add flour. Acetic or citric acid we extinguish baking soda and also send it to the dough. We knead. We put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

    3. Divide the dough into 10 equal pieces. Roll out thin cakes from each with a rolling pin, cut a circle with a plate so that it turns out to be even. We make punctures with a fork.

    4. Put in the oven, bake for 5 minutes at 200 degrees. We bake all the cakes.

    5. Beat butter with condensed milk. Melt the chocolate (100 g), cool and add to the cream. You can put the mass in the refrigerator for a while while the cakes are being prepared and cooled.

    6. Coat the prepared cakes with cream, sprinkle the Mikado cake with grated chocolate shavings on top.

    Armenian cake: recipe with nuts (male ideal)

    There are several names for this Armenian cake, the recipe for which is described below. Most often he is called the "Male ideal", although women will also like it.


    4 tbsp. l. honey;

    100 g of nuts;

    7 g of soda;

    50 g of brandy;

    300 g of sugar and white flour;

    A little vinegar.

    Pack of butter;

    0.5 tbsp. nuts;

    400 g of boiled condensed milk.

    To decorate:

    Half Tile milk chocolate

    80 g nuts

    For soaking the cakes - sweet tea.


    1. Melt honey, but do not overheat. First beat eggs and sugar, then add cognac with honey, stir well. Next, add flour and chopped nuts to the dough. Stir a little and fill slaked soda... Now you can mix the mass until smooth.

    2. Put 20-23 cm into a mold. Bake one tall cake. Temperature 180-190 degrees.

    3. Cool down, cut into 4 layers. If it doesn't work, then you can do three things. We use for cutting a long knife in the form of a file.

    4. Mix butter and condensed milk, beat until fluffy.

    5. Now we soak each nut crust with sweet cooled tea, grease with cream and sprinkle with chopped nuts.

    6. Top of the cake also needs to be coated with cream. Sprinkle with nuts on the sides, decorate the top with grated chocolate. Since the impregnation was used, it is enough for the dessert to stand for 2-3 hours and you can taste it, but the next day the delicacy will be tastier.

    Armenian cake "Mikado" with bananas

    Another recipe for the Armenian Mikado cake. This delicacy is prepared with bananas, it turns out to be very tender, juicy and aromatic. Prepared on a biscuit. You will also need Apple juice, but you can also take an orange one.


    0.1 kg of flour and sugar in the dough;

    Three eggs;

    Five bananas;

    9 g gelatin;

    50 ml of wine;

    100 ml of apple juice;

    120 g sugar;

    500 ml cream;

    One chocolate bar.


    1. Making an ordinary biscuit cake... Beat eggs until foam, gradually add sand. After dissolving the sugar, add flour, stir and bake until tender.

    2. Place the cooled sponge cake in the split mold ring.

    3. Cut the bananas into slices and put them on the cake. biscuit dough.

    4. Prepare the filling: combine the wine, 70 g of sugar and add the juice. Dissolve, pour on the decomposed bananas.

    5. Dissolve gelatin in a small amount of water, let it swell. We warm up.

    6. Whip cream (400 ml) until fluffy foam with sugar residues, add gelatin. Stir and spread on a banana layer. We cool for a couple of hours, let the mass freeze a little.

    7. Mix the remaining cream and the broken chocolate bar. Melt first. As soon as the mass becomes homogeneous, remove and cool slightly.

    8. Take the cake out of the refrigerator and cover with a layer of glaze. Let it stand for another couple of hours, so that the creamy layer is finally strengthened.

    Armenian cake: Snickers recipe

    Dessert "Snickers" can be found in a variety of versions, but the recipe for the Armenian cake turns out to be especially tasty. If everything is done correctly, then it will not differ much in taste from the bar of the same name.


    Flour 0.25 kg;

    125 g butter;

    15 g sugar;

    40 g of water.


    0.12 kg sugar;

    0.04 kg of oil;

    0.1 l of fat cream;

    30 ml of water.

    40 g fat cream;

    60 g of chocolate.

    You will also need peanuts for snickers, you can fry them in advance and peel them off.


    1. Chop butter with flour. Add sugar, sprinkle with a pinch of salt and then all the ingredients for the dough, including water. Roll a ball out of the prepared dough, wrap it in foil and put it in the refrigerator for a while.

    2. Roll out a layer about three millimeters thick from the dough, put it in a pastry ring. Bake the cake at 180 degrees to a wheat color; you do not need to overexpose in the oven.

    3. Lightly salt the peanuts, grind well. Use fine salt. To make it stick well, we spray it with water. The cake will take 300-400 g of peanuts, but less is possible.

    4. Melt sugar for caramel with water, begin to fry until brownish. We do all this in a saucepan. Heat the cream and butter separately. As soon as the aroma passes from the caramel, carefully pour in the creamy mixture, stir and turn it off. Cool down a little.

    5. Pour the caramel into a ring on the cake.

    6. While the layer is not frozen, begin to lay and press in the salted peanuts.

    7. We make ganache from cream and chocolate, just melt.

    8. Cover the starting caramel with a chocolate layer. We put the Armenian cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

    Armenian cake "Mikado" with custard

    The cakes for this cake are prepared classic, as in the first recipe. But the cream is not quite an ordinary custard and has its own nuances.


    400 ml of milk;

    20 ml of brandy;

    Pack of butter;

    150 g sugar;

    2 yolks;

    1 tsp coffee;

    0.5 cans of condensed milk;

    2 tablespoons flour;

    4 spoons of cocoa.

    For ganache: 150 g of chocolate and 50 g of heavy cream.


    1. We make cakes according to the first recipe.

    2. We send milk to the stove, add coffee, add sugar and leave to heat.

    3. In a bowl, combine condensed milk with yolks, cocoa and flour. Stir, pour into warm milk.

    4. We begin to cook the cream. As soon as it begins to thicken, stir continuously. Remove the brewed mass from the stove and cool.

    5. Beat the butter until a good foam, it should turn white, increase in volume. Transfer to cream, stir.

    6. Add cognac and you can grease the cakes.

    7. Melt the ganache ingredients together, cover the dessert with icing.

    Armenian cake: "Bird's milk" recipe

    Armenian recipe cake " bird's milk»Radically different from ours, This is a completely different dessert, but no less tasty and sweet.


    0.1 kg margarine;

    4 spoons of milk;

    Two eggs;

    one ? h. l. soda;

    3 tbsp. flour;

    3 l. honey;

    A glass of sugar.

    Half a liter of whole milk;

    0.25 kg of oil;

    Three spoons of flour;

    A glass of sand.

    Chocolate and three tablespoons of butter for icing.


    1. The dough is prepared according to the type of our honey cake. We warm up the margarine (or take butter) in a honey bath with sugar, add soda and eggs, dissolve all the ingredients into a homogeneous mixture. Add flour and milk. We knead a steep mass.

    2. Divide the prepared dough into 5 cakes. Roll out, cut the circles with a plate, bake. The trimmings also need to be prepared, you can sprinkle them on the sides of the cake.

    3. Making an ordinary custard. We combine everything except the oil. We brew. Cool and mix with softened (you can whip) butter.

    4. Layering honey cakes Armenian cake with cream. We coat the sides, do not touch the top.

    5. Grind the baked cuttings until crumbs, sprinkle the sides of the cake.

    6. Melt the chocolate with butter, cool a little and put the mass beginning to thicken on top.

    Cognac is often present in Armenian cakes. It gives the dessert a noble taste, a special aroma. But if a delicacy is being prepared for a children's table, it is better to exclude alcoholic beverages. It is allowed to add cognac to the dough before baking.

    If there is no chocolate, then the icing for the cake can be made with cocoa. Milk, sugar and butter are added to it, the mixture is warmed up and in a warm form is applied to the surface of the dessert.

    Today I will tell you how to make Mikado cake. There are at least two varieties of it, but today I propose to cook the Armenian Mikado cake, classic recipe whom I once found in the bowels of the Internet and fell in love without memory. By the way, everyone, without exception, likes him, at least, I have not yet met a person who would remain indifferent to him.

    Mikado has several advantages. First of all, it will appeal to those who do not like "wet" biscuit cakes with a thick-thick layer of cream. This cake is dry, in fact, you have to try hard to find the cream in it. I'm not a lover of biscuits soaked in syrups, but Armenian Mikado I really love. Secondly, it cooks quickly, despite the huge amount of cakes. An hour and a half and the cake is ready. Thirdly, it is made in the form of cakes, it is wonderfully cut into pieces of all kinds of sizes and thicknesses. And fourthly, it does not require any exotic products. And so on and so forth. I have not yet found any flaws in Mikado.

    So, let's start kneading the dough. Grind softened butter, salt, sugar and add an egg. Add soda to sour cream, mix and pour it into the oil mixture. Pour in flour and knead the dough, which should not stick to your hands. We send the dough to the refrigerator, and at this time we prepare the cream. It must be ready before baking the cakes.

    For the cream, beat the softened butter with a mixer with condensed milk and add chocolate melted in a water bath. Chocolate can be substituted good cocoa(2-3 tbsp.).

    Divide the dough into ten koloboks (I usually have 11-12 pieces), from which we roll out rectangular thin-thin cakes. They should just show through. Roll the rolled cake onto a rolling pin and transfer to a baking sheet. The oven must be dry !!! Surfaces and preferably on the back of the baking sheet. Hot cakes are very tender, they break easily when removed, and you can just gently shove them from the bottom and that's it. The cakes are baked for 3 minutes at 200 degrees.

    And this is where the fun begins, now you have to move. While one cake is baking, you need to have time to roll the next cake thinly, and the finished cake is hot !!! put the cake on a dish and grease with cream. The cream on the cake literally takes 1 tbsp. with top, the cream is spread very thinly. Let it not be scary that butter melts on a warm cake, it's okay, it should be so.

    We put the cakes on top of each other always hot, at this moment they are still plastic, they can be pressed against each other, they will not break. Press the top cake to compress the cake a little. Now you can trim the edges. Here's another plus of this cake - trimming, no one will walk in circles and look with plaintive eyes that there is no way to taste it before the feast. Lubricate the top and sides of the cake with the remains of the cream and sprinkle with grated chocolate. When the cake is at least 2 hours old, it can be cut into cakes. This is how it is, the Armenian Mikado cake.

    Cake "Mikado" (Armenian recipe) FOR THE TEST: 3 eggs 1 glass of sugar (200 ml) 200 g butter 200 g sour cream 1 tsp. soda (without a slide) 4-5 glasses of flour (Flour is always different !!! Consistency !!) a pinch of salt 1-2 packs vanilla sugar (or a pinch of vanillin) FOR CREAM: 400 g of butter (delicious!) 2 cans of boiled condensed milk (thick, rich color!) 1-2 packs of vanilla sugar (or a pinch of vanillin) FOR SPRING: 1 bar of dark chocolate (delicious!) From this portion, you get a square cake with a side of about 30-32 cm, consisting of 6-7 layers (this is about 30-35 pieces, not counting the scraps!), or a rectangular cake about 30x40 cm in size from 5-6 layers (this is about 50 pieces ) ... PREPARATION OF THE Dough: In a small bowl, mix sour cream with soda (do not extinguish the soda!) And set aside for half an hour or an hour. Beat very soft (but not melted!) Butter a little with a mixer with sugar, vanilla and a pinch of salt. While continuing to beat, add the eggs one at a time. You will get a fluffy, delicate creamy mass. Add sour cream with soda, which by this time will also be fluffy and tender, and beat briefly again. Now add the flour, but not all of it - about 3.5-4 cups !! Add gradually, in portions, stirring well with a spatula ... When it is already difficult to stir with a spatula, we transfer the dough to the table, abundantly sprinkled with flour, and knead it with gentle, gentle movements, collecting it in a lump. It will take about another 0.5 tbsp. flour. IMPORTANT! 1 - The dough must not be kneaded for a long time and vigorously! It is enough to assemble it into a smooth, soft ball !!! 2 - Do not interrupt the dough with flour! It should be firm, but soft, smooth and pliable. It should roll out easily (when rolling, we will add more flour). Roll the dough into a sausage and cut into 6 pieces. Roll the pieces of dough into balls, roll in flour, and cover with foil so that they do not wind up. TIP: - If you have a square baking sheet measuring about 30x30 cm, then you can divide the dough into 7 parts. But in the absence of experience or the presence of sacred horror before the phrase "a very thin layer of dough" - you can and 6. - If you have a rectangular baking sheet about 30x40 cm in size, then it is enough to divide the dough into 6 balls. - In any case, if problems arise when rolling out the first ball (well, you can't stretch the dough over the entire baking sheet), you can adjust the number of balls: divide one of them into equal pieces and "add" to the rest of the parts. Or roll the layers as small as you can ... ROLLING AND BAKING BAKES: IMPORTANT! 1 - We will bake the cakes on the BACK SIDE of the baking sheet! For two reasons. Since the cakes are very delicate and brittle, they are easy to break when removed from the baking sheet. And from the back of the baking sheet, they easily slide onto the table. In addition, it is very convenient to roll out the cakes on the baking sheet itself, and the sides will not allow you to do this! (By the way, I always bake thin cakes on the back of the baking sheet, and sand, and honey, and puff ... This is very convenient! 2 - We will roll out the cakes on a WARM baking sheet! This greatly facilitates the task of obtaining thin cakes! how ... We turn on the oven at 180-200 C. Put the baking sheet (dry!) ​​in the oven - let it warm up. Start rolling the first ball. (The rest of the balls are still under the film.) Roll out on the table or on a silicone mat, sprinkling the work surface with flour well. In the process, we turn the dough back and forth, raise it and, if necessary, add more flour from the bottom, sprinkle it on top ... In short, we roll it out so that nothing sticks anywhere and does not ruffle our nerves! easier to transfer a layer of dough to a baking sheet! Otherwise the dough will break - it is very tender! The dough rolls out very easily. yaky, let it cool down. It should be pleasantly warm! Wet the paper napkin vegetable oil and lightly grease the baking sheet, sprinkle a little with flour and shake off the excess. (We don't throw away the napkin yet! Transfer the rolled out layer of dough to a warm baking sheet, to the center. You can screw it on a rolling pin, or you can fold it 2-3 times lengthwise and across and unfold on a baking sheet ... But now you need to distribute the dough all over the baking sheet. You can roll it out a little more with a rolling pin, from the center to the edges of the baking sheet, and distribute the very edges, kneading the dough with your fingers ... Or you can do without a rolling pin, just squeeze the dough to the edges with your fingers. stretches well ... Do not be afraid, press as you like, from the heart! The finished layer will then perfectly move away from the baking sheet! Only you must work from the center to the edges! So that the thickness of the dough is about the same! If the edges are thinner than the center, the cake will turn out to be uneven , and the cakes in the center of the cake will be thick.If the dough sticks to your fingers, sprinkle flour on top ... As a result, the thickness of the dough will be about 1-1.5 mm, in some places the baking sheet will even show through ( in the photo below it can be seen). You can then lightly roll the dough again with a rolling pin to eliminate fingerprints. Then, with a knife, trim the edges around the entire perimeter (we do not cut anything, we just slap it with a knife to get more or less even edges). Pierce the crust with a fork to prevent it from bubbling during baking. Do not be stingy - you can 10-15 times! (True, this does not always help, and in the oven, the cake sometimes swells with blisters.) And in the oven. The cakes are baked quickly, in 10-12 minutes. Oven temperature 180-200C. But that depends on the oven. If the cake does not redden for a long time, you need to increase the temperature, if it reddens too quickly, lower it. The oven is needed until a pleasant, rather saturated orange color! Not pale !!! But not very dark either !! And make sure that the edges do not burn ... If during baking the cake still swells with bubbles (usually this happens after 5-7 minutes), open the oven, pierce with a fork in these places and lightly smack the bubbles on top with the same fork. After a few more minutes, when the cake is browned, but not too much (look at the photo below - the cake is already browned, but not enough yet!), You can pull the baking sheet out of the oven and separate it from the baking sheet with a long knife. And put in the oven again until tender. (This is done so that the bottom does not burn. But sometimes I don’t do it, I just carefully follow the process ...) Here the cake is ready! It should be a deep orange color! Even with small spots of a light brown shade ... If you did not separate the cake from the baking sheet during the baking process, then you need to do it now. Then carefully "lower" the cake onto a VERY flat surface. As long as the cake is soft enough, it easily slides off the baking sheet. After a few minutes, it will cool down, settle and harden. And it will become very fragile! So then you need to handle it very carefully so as not to break it! But there is no need to wait. We leave the cake to cool, and we ourselves proceed to the second cake. Roll out the second ball of dough a little on the table or rug. Meanwhile, the baking sheet will cool slightly. We take the same napkin and wipe the baking sheet well to get rid of the crumbs. No need to wet the napkin with oil again! Lightly dust the baking sheet with flour. And we repeat the procedure: we spread the layer of dough in the center of the baking sheet, distribute it over its entire surface, lightly roll it, trim the edges ... Pierce, bake, separate with a knife, remove it on a flat surface ... You can already stack the cooled cakes on top of each other along the way , only very carefully. In a little over an hour, all the cakes will be ready! CREAM: Beat well softened butter until fluffy and whiteness. Do not rush, it is better to beat the butter longer, at least 10-12 minutes! This will create a very delicate and fluffy cream, as well as get rid of the oil aftertaste. Only after that we add boiled condensed milk- gradually, in 1-2 tablespoons, whipping well each time. In the process, we add vanillin (it is better to taste). The most delicate and delicious cream ready! We divide it (conditionally) into 6-7 sectors - by the number of cakes. And we begin to collect the cake. ASSEMBLY: Put the smoothest and most beautiful cake aside (it will go to the very top). Lubricate one cake with cream ... Cover with the second cake and press a little with your hands over the entire surface! The pressure is adjustable so as not to break the cakes - they are still dry! And only after that we grease the second cake. So we collect all the cakes, not forgetting to press each cake and only then grease with cream! The last cake can be put upside down - this will make the top of the cake more even, but this is not necessary ... Do not grease the top cake yet! Once again, press the cake well with our hands so that the cakes stick together. Pay attention to the edges too! And we put the cake under a small load for a couple of hours ... After that, you can already grease the top with the remaining cream. It remains only to sprinkle the top with chocolate. The Mikado cake does not require ANY additional decoration! Chocolate and only chocolate! Rub the chocolate on a coarse grater. You can grate directly on the cake, you can grate on a plate and then sprinkle with a spoon. Do not spare the chocolate! The cream should not be visible! Leave the cake for 3-4 hours just on the table, at room temperature, and then move it to the refrigerator or to any cold place (in winter I take it out to the cold veranda). The cake must be kept for at least a day! It is better to store it in a bag so that the edges are not ventilated and do not dry out. On the second day, the cake will be a little dry and crispy, but still very tasty! You can already cut it and eat it. After another day, it becomes softer, on the third day - it is even tastier! And the further - the tastier! SERVING: I do not advise cutting the whole cake at once. Cut only as many pieces as necessary for serving! First, you need to cut a thin strip (about 1 cm) from ONE edge to get a beautiful even cut (the first photo - with a flash, the second - without, reality, as usual, is somewhere between ... Then from this edge We begin to cut the strips along the entire length. Pre-visually divide the cake into equal strips (I have 6 strips in total.) Cut each strip into diamonds. From each strip there are still two triangular trimming from the edges. All trimmings must be eaten immediately! nyam2 Philanthropists will give away their neighbors, misanthropes - will be sent into their own mouth ... Decide for yourself ... We lay out the diamonds beautifully on a platter and serve ... But it is better to hold them for an hour at room temperature before serving ... And again cover the rest of the cake with a bag and put it in a cold place a place. Until the next "arrival" of guests ... Bon appetit!