Armenian eggplant dishes. Quick salted eggplant in Armenian - a step-by-step recipe with a photo of preparation

The dishes of Armenian cuisine are distinguished by their peculiar spicy taste and poignancy. To prepare meals, Armenian culinary experts use about 300 species of wild-growing herbs and flowers, which they use as seasonings or even as a main dish. Of the cultivated vegetables, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, eggplants, peppers, carrots, cucumbers, beets, sorrel, spinach, asparagus, okra, zucchini, pumpkin are widespread. green beans etc. Many vegetables are used in combination with meat and fish dishes.

In the spring, from fresh grape leaves, and in the summer and autumn, tolma is prepared from apples, quince, eggplants, peppers and tomatoes - products stuffed with minced meat, rice and spicy herbs. In the Armenian national cuisine beef and lamb are widely used, while pork is rarely consumed.

As for the technology of cooking Armenian dishes, it is usually complicated and, in some cases, laborious. The preparation of a large number of meat, fish and vegetable dishes of the Armenian cuisine is based on stuffing, whipping, making mashed potatoes and souffle-like masses, which require a lot of time and labor.

He offers dishes of Armenian cuisine, which are not only traditional in Armenia, but also loved in different countries.


it vegetable stew but with a lot of seasoning

Ingredients: 500 g of eggplant, 500 g of potatoes, 4 onions, 100 g of sunflower oil, 4 pods of sweet pepper, 4 tomatoes, 1 cup of green beans. 1 cup spicy herbs (basil, thyme, cilantro, parsley), 1 head of garlic, 1 teaspoon of black pepper, 0.5 teaspoon of red pepper, salt.

Preparation: Cut the eggplants into slices, salt, let sit for 10-15 minutes (until they give juice), squeeze. Cut the rest of the vegetables into slices and chop the spices. Place the vegetables in a saucepan in layers, starting with the eggplant, and repeat the layers, sprinkling with spices and salt. Fill with oil and add 1/2 cup of water, cover with a plate on top, cover with a lid and bring to readiness over low heat.


Ingredients: 1 chicken weighing 1 kg, 500 g of wheat groats, salt

Preparation: Soak wheat groats... Boil the chicken, remove from the broth, separate the meat from the bones and cut into pieces. Pour the soaked wheat groats into the boiling broth, put back the pieces of meat and cook with occasional stirring over low heat until the products turn into a homogeneous thick mass. Salt and stir the prepared dish. Harisa is served with sautéed onions with ground cinnamon and ghee.


Ingredients: eggplants and tomatoes 400 g each, onions 200 g, Bulgarian pepper 100 g, salt, ground pepper, vinegar, parsley to taste.

Preparation: Rinse the eggplants, peel, cut into slices, sprinkle with salt and let stand for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with water and squeeze lightly.

Fry the prepared eggplants with onions in oil, put in a salad bowl, add tomatoes and bell pepper rings cut into slices.

Season with vinegar, salt, ground pepper and stir. Sprinkle with herbs.


Ingredients: mushrooms, sweet red pepper, celery root 200 g each, pork lard 2-4 slices,
- 1 clove garlic, finely chopped parsley 1 tbsp. l., vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l., dry red wine 1 glass, salt to taste.

Preparation: Finely chop the mushrooms and fry over high heat in oil. Add crushed garlic, small cubed bacon and fry for another 2-3 minutes.

Pour in wine, bring to a boil, boil for 1 minute, then simmer over low heat for another 5-7 minutes. Add parsley, stir, remove from heat, salt and cool. Cut the celery root and pepper into small strips, put in a salad bowl, salt and mix, put the cooled mushrooms on top. Serve cold.


Ingredients: 300 g butter, 3 glasses of flour, 1 egg, 1 protein, 1 glass of kefir, 1 teaspoon of soda, vanillin Filling: 1 glass of melted butter, 2 glasses of sugar, 3 glasses of flour.

Preparation: Chop butter, flour, soda, vanillin, add eggs, kefir, knead the dough and refrigerate for several hours. Prepare several layers with a thickness of 1 - 1.5 cm, put the filling and roll with a roll. Spread the product on top with an egg and prick with a fork. You can cut the rolls with a curly knife into pieces of 3-4 cm wide. Bake until golden brown.


Ingredients: trout 400 g, water 100 g, tarragon greens 150 g, butter 80 g, lemon 25 g, salt to taste.

Preparation: Salt the prepared fish, put in 1-2 rows in a saucepan, greased with oil and lined with tarragon greens (leave a little for decoration).

Put pieces of butter on top, pour in water and simmer over low heat for 15-18 minutes.

Put the finished trout on a dish, pour over the resulting juice, decorate with lemon slices and tarragon.


Ingredients: beef (tenderloin) 540 g, onions and green onions 100 g each, vinegar 3% or lemon juice 60 g, herbs, pepper, salt to taste.

Preparation: Peel the tenderloin from the film, cut into pieces weighing 40-50 g, put in a porcelain or earthenware dish, salt, pepper, add vinegar, finely chopped onions and mix.

Then cover the dishes with meat and put in a cold place for 5-6 hours. String the prepared marinated meat on skewers and fry until tender over hot (no flame) coals. Serve with herbs.


Ingredients: 1.5 kg of beef, 200 g butter, 3 onions, 2 eggs, 0.25 cups of milk, 0.5 cups of rice, 1 tbsp. spoon wheat flour, 3 tbsp. spoons of tarragon greens, 1.5 teaspoons of ground black pepper or 12 peas, 30 g of brandy (2.5 tablespoons).

Preparation: Boil the broth, strain. Beat off the meat, remove all films, tendons, fat, sprinkle with finely chopped onions (1 onion) and continue beating until a viscous mass is obtained. Add flour, milk, egg, brandy to the mass and beat to a semi-liquid consistency, then salt, add spices, 1 chopped onion and put in the cold for half an hour.

Make round meatballs from the mass, inside which put pieces of frozen butter. Divide the broth into two parts: in a smaller one, boil the meatballs over low heat; cook a soup of the larger one, pouring rice, spices, 1 chopped onion into it and add a beaten egg 5 minutes before being ready. Connect both parts of the bell.


Ingredients: lamb pulp 450 g, bones 200 g, rice 60 g, onions 100 g, cabbage 600 g, - dried apricots 60 g, quince or apples 200 g, herbs, tomato puree, pepper, salt to taste.

Preparation: Pass the lamb through a meat grinder, add rice boiled until half cooked, finely diced onion, herbs, pepper, salt and mix thoroughly.

Scald the cabbage leaves with boiling water and wrap the minced meat in them.

Put bones on the bottom of the pan, layer cabbage leaves, and on top lay tolma in rows, fill the gaps with dried apricots, cut quince slices or apples.

Then add the sautéed tomato puree, pour over hot broth or water and simmer under a lid over low heat until tender.

When serving the tolma, pour over the juice formed during the stewing.


Ingredients: beef 350 g, ghee 60 g, rice 60 g, onions 50 g, tomato 100 g, - pumpkin 400 g or cabbage 300 g, or potatoes 250 g, or eggplant 300 g, meat broth, pepper, salt taste.

Preparation: This dish is prepared with different vegetables: pumpkin, potatoes, eggplant, cabbage.

Before stewing, peel the pumpkin and seeds, cut into thin slices and fry; cut the peeled eggplants into slices, sprinkle with salt and let sit for 10-15 minutes, then rinse, dry slightly and fry on both sides; cut potatoes into slices, fry; scald the cabbage.

Cut the beef into small cubes and fry into pieces of butter. Rinse the rice and boil until half cooked. Dice the onion and sauté in butter. Mix the prepared meat with rice and onion, sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Put a layer of vegetables in a saucepan, then a layer of meat mixed with onions and rice, cover with tomato halves, pour the broth so that the products are covered with it, and simmer until tender.


Ingredients: rice 300 g, ghee 100 g, dried apricots, prunes 40 g each, raisins, almonds 30 g each, cloves, cinnamon, salt to taste.

Preparation: Pour the prepared rice into boiling salted water and cook until the grains of rice are soft on the outside and retain some elasticity on the inside.

After that, put the rice in a colander, rinse warm water and let it drain. Melt the butter in a deep saucepan, add a little rice, stir lightly, then add the remaining rice, pour over with oil, cover and put on low heat for about 40-45 minutes.

Sort dried fruits, rinse in hot water, put in a pan with heated oil, add cloves, peeled and finely chopped almonds, cover and lightly fry over low heat.

After that, mix the fruits with rice and serve, drizzle with oil and sprinkle with cinnamon.


Since ancient times, the custom has been preserved to eat khash completely separately from all other dishes, and early in the morning for breakfast or even before breakfast, on holidays.

Ingredients: 1.5 kg of beef legs 500 g of scars, 2-3 heads of garlic, 1 radish

Preparation: Singe the legs, scrape them out, rinse them several times, chop them into pieces along and put for a day either in running water, or pour cold water and change it every 2-3 hours. Then rinse again, transfer to an enamel basin, fill with water so that it covers the legs with a layer of 15-20 cm and cook over low heat.

Clean the scars, rinse, pour cold water and cook until the specific smell disappears (determined by the sample), then pour out the broth, and rinse the scars with hot and cold water, chop finely and add to the boiling legs.
Continue to cook the khash over low heat without salt, avoiding a strong boil, skimming off the foam until the meat separates from the bones and the scars become soft.

Salt the finished hot khash, cover with chopped garlic or dilute the crushed garlic in broth and serve separately. They eat khash with grated radish, spicy herbs (basil, parsley, tarragon) and lavash.


4 tbsp. tablespoons of lentils, 3-4 tablespoons of rice (or noodles), 2-3 onions, 50 g of butter, 0.5 cups of raisins (or dried apricots), 0.5 cups of crushed walnuts, 6-8 peas of black pepper, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of parsley, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of cilantro greens.

Preparation: Pour lentils with cold water and boil until soft.

Add all other ingredients except the spicy herbs and cook until the rice is cooked, then add the spicy herbs.


For lamb kchuch, there are two types of vegetable dressing set.

For 500 g of lamb - one of the sets:
I. 4-5 potatoes, 4 tomatoes, 3-4 onions, 1 glass of green beans, 2 bell pepper pods, 1 glass of spicy herbs (basil, cilantro, dill, savory), 0.5 tsp black pepper, 0 , 75 glasses of dried apricots.

II. 4 potatoes, 5-6 tomatoes, 3-4 onions, 0.5 cups of green beans, 3 eggplants, 2 bell pepper pods, 1 cup of spicy herbs (parsley, dill, basil), 0.5 tsp black pepper, 0 , 25 teaspoons of red pepper.

Preparation: Cut the vegetables into approximately equal pieces, place in rows in an earthenware dish, sprinkle with spices and salt. Lay the pieces of lamb on top, pour boiling water over the meat, close it tightly with a lid and put in the oven for 2 hours.


500 g flour, 100 g butter (50 g for dough, 50 g for lubrication), 150 g honey, 3 eggs, 0.5 cups of milk, 0.5 g soda.

Preparation: Knead flour, eggs, hot milk, butter, soda. Roll out into a thin layer 1-2 mm thick, grease with oil, lightly sprinkle with flour on top, roll up with an envelope or roll and repeat these operations 6 times. Roll out the dough for the last time into a layer 3-4 mm thick.

Put the rolled dough (pancake) into a greased frying pan and bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Then cut into squares and cover with melted honey.

Eggplants are among the most popular vegetables in Armenia. They are stewed, baked, added to salads, soups and main courses. For the winter they are harvested here in different types: fermented, pickled, made from them complex snacks and stew, make jam. If you are wondering what to cook from "blue" ones for the future, for the winter, you should study the Armenian eggplant recipes - there will definitely be plenty to choose from!

Cooking features

Armenian eggplants can be closed by different recipes that have significant differences. It is not only about the composition, but also about the preparation technology. There is no single algorithm, but there are several features that remain relevant regardless of the selected variant of the workpiece.

  • Breeders have bred eggplant varieties that have almost no bitter taste. But if you do not know how high the content of solanine in the vegetables you have purchased, it makes sense to take measures to remove it. This process is simple: you need to prepare a solution at the rate of 20 g of salt per 1 liter of water, immerse the fruits cut or pricked with a fork into it, wait 20-30 minutes, rinse the eggplants in running water. Another way to remove solanine is to salt the chopped vegetables, wait 10 minutes, and rinse the pieces. The third option is to boil the fruits for 5 minutes in salted water.
  • To prepare eggplants in Armenian for the winter, you need to choose strong, young and small fruits with green tails. They should fit easily into the jar, especially if you plan on marinating them whole. Especially small fruits (up to 10 cm in length) are needed for jam.
  • If you want the eggplants to retain their shape better after conservation, you should not peel them before doing so. Fruit tips are cut off anyway. The fruits themselves are pierced in several places with a fork or toothpick so that they are better saturated with brine, marinade or syrup.
  • Banks must be washed with soda and sterilized, boiled lids. If the snack will be kept in the refrigerator, plastic lids can be used. For storage indoors, eggplants are closed with metal lids to ensure tightness.
  • If the recipe for the workpiece provides for its sterilization in cans, it is advisable to choose containers small and of the same size.

The storage conditions and terms of eggplant in Armenian depend on the recipe used.

Armenian style stuffed eggplant for the winter

Composition (for 3 l):

  • small eggplants - 2.4 kg;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 0.6 kg;
  • garlic - 10 cloves;
  • fresh parsley - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1 l;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) - 80 ml;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • hops-suneli - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the eggplants, cut off the ends. Cut the fruits lengthwise, but not completely, so that they can be opened like books.
  • Place the eggplants in the prepared saline solution. After 20 minutes, rinse, pat dry with a napkin.
  • Spread the fruits on a baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Send "little blue" ones into it. Bake them for 30 minutes.
  • Remove the vegetables from the oven, put them in a saucepan, press down with a plate, place a jar of water on it. Press the eggplants for half an hour to remove excess moisture.
  • Peel the seeds from the peppers by removing the stalks. Rotate through a meat grinder using a medium hole attachment.
  • Grind the garlic in the same way.
  • Chop the greens with a knife, not too finely.
  • Combine pepper, garlic and herbs. Add suneli hops and salt, mix well.
  • Place the filling of pepper, garlic and herbs in the middle of the eggplant. For reliability, you can tie the fruits with culinary thread.
  • Put the peppers in a saucepan, cover with oil, place the weight on top.
  • Leave for 5 days at room temperature.
  • Sterilize the jars, place the eggplants tightly in them.
  • Pour the vinegar into the jars.
  • Heat the oil in which the eggplants were pickled and pour into jars.
  • Close the jars with plastic lids and store in the refrigerator.

Video recipe for the occasion:

Eggplants prepared according to this recipe can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 months. If they are sterilized in a water bath (at the rate of 20 minutes per 1 liter) and sealed with metal lids, then the snack can be kept in any cool room, its shelf life will increase to 12 months.

Armenian eggplant salad for the winter

Composition (for 2.5-3 liters):

  • eggplant - 1.5 kg;
  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • onions - 0.25 kg;
  • carrots - 0.25 kg;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 0.5 kg;
  • hot pepper - 0.5 pcs.;
  • garlic - 10 cloves;
  • clean boiled water - 0.2 l;
  • refined vegetable oil - 0.2 l;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • vinegar essence (70 percent) - 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the eggplants into cubes, soak in saline solution, rinse, and let them dry.
  • Free the onion from the husk, cut into half rings, not too thin.
  • Free the bell peppers from the seeds, cut into halves or quarters of the rings.
  • Peel the carrots and chop them into circles.
  • Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, peel, cut the pulp into small cubes.
  • Cut hot peppers into thin rings, extract the seeds from them.
  • Combine vegetables, place in a saucepan.
  • Combine oil, sugar, salt and water separately. Pour into vegetables, stir.
  • Put a saucepan with vegetables on low heat, bring its contents to a boil, cook for half an hour.
  • Add garlic crushed with a special press and vinegar essence... Cook the appetizer for another 5 minutes.
  • Spread the salad in sterilized jars, seal them tightly.

The salad made with this recipe works well even at room temperature. It will not deteriorate for at least a year, but it can be stored even longer.

Armenian eggplant jam for the winter

Composition (per 1 liter):

  • small eggplants (up to 10 cm) - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 0.6 kg;
  • walnut kernels - 50 g;
  • water - 0.75 l;
  • soda - 10 g;
  • cloves - 2-3 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the eggplants, prick with a toothpick, dip in a soda solution made from 10 g of soda and 0.5 liters of water. Leave it on for 3 hours. Rinse well and pat dry.
  • Boil water (its amount is not indicated in the recipe, as it can be anything). Dip the eggplants into it, blanch for 5 minutes. Throw in a colander, let dry.
  • Prepare syrup from a glass of water and sugar. Put eggplants in it, cook them for 15 minutes.
  • Remove from heat, let cool.
  • Bring to a boil again and cook for 40 minutes.
  • Add cloves and shredded nuts and cook for another 10 minutes.
  • Arrange the eggplants in prepared jars, pouring over the syrup. Close tightly and store until winter.

Eggplant jam cooked according to this recipe is not capricious, it can stand at room temperature. You need to eat it within a year.

Eggplants prepared for the winter in Armenian can be very different. Both lovers of sweets and connoisseurs of spicy foods will find a version of canned food that meets their gastronomic preferences.

Today I again want to devote new cooking recipes to my favorite eggplants, so if you are also a supporter of this wonderful vegetable, join our cooking!

I know that people of Armenian nationality are very fond of preparing unusual dishes with incredible taste. But today we will learn how to cook unusual blanks for the winter - Armenian-style eggplants baked, pickled and salted - whatever you like.

Baked eggplant for the winter on the grill in Armenian

The recipe with which I begin my culinary story today is Armenian-style eggplants baked on the grill. From the name it is clear that for cooking you need a brazier, we will not cook in the oven.

Attention to housewives: Cooking eggplants is not like cooking kebabs - coals are used to fry the latter, while vegetables are baked over a fire. We prepare meals using skewers.

List of everything you need:

  • Eggplant 10-12 pieces;
  • Double or single skewers;
  • Brazier.

A lot of ingredients are not required for the recipe, only skill, desire and good mood.

An important point! The most convenient skewers for baking eggplant on the grill are double. If you don't have one, I recommend using two skewers at the same time, otherwise you risk being left without vegetables while cooking.

  1. We string eggplants on skewers. Cut off the green leaves, leaving only the tail.
  2. Let's wait until the fire stops burning very strongly, put skewers with vegetables prepared on them.
  3. We leave them in this position until the bottom part is completely baked. Only after that we turn the skewers.
  4. We are waiting for the complete readiness of the dish. How to understand this? The eggplant skin turns black, dry and burnt. It is important here not to let the dish burn!
  5. Next, remove the "kebabs" - eggplants from the skewers and put them on a plate.
  6. Let it cool for 10 minutes, then we take a knife and begin to peel the once blue vegetables. It takes a little patience here, because the eggplants have become very soft, and they also get your hands dirty, but you can definitely do it!
  7. Then we put everything in sterilized or fried jars, pressing the eggplants tightly. If there is little juice, fill the jar with fried sunflower oil to the top (do not forget that we laid out the eggplants tightly and you won't need a lot of oil).
  8. We cover and sterilize the jars in a water bath for a long time - at least an hour! Then we roll it up and send it for storage.

Baked eggplants in Armenian style on skewers are ready for the winter, in cold weather this twist will perfectly serve for cooking caviar.

Cooking eggplants in Armenian "on the fire"

We continue our marathon of preparation for the winter period with the main guest of the program - eggplant. This time we will cook eggplants in Armenian on the fire again, well, or almost. It turns out that you can create the taste of vegetables cooked on a fire at home. Amazing sensation and flavor!

What do we need:

  • Eggplant - 10-12 pieces;
  • 5 pieces of onions;
  • One and a half tablespoons of table salt;
  • 5 pieces of onions;
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 6 tablespoons of vinegar;
  • A bag of your favorite barbecue seasoning (to taste).

Thoroughly rinse the eggplants, peel them. We take out a cutting board and cut the already peeled vegetables in half, and then into several parts, for better frying. Another vegetable "comrade" joins the eggplants - onions, which we pre-cut into rings. Fry in a pan with vegetable oil about 15 minutes.

How to create campfire flavor in a saucepan! First, boil water, add to it the right amount salt and spices to taste. Stir the liquid until the bulk products dissolve, add the vinegar to the finish.

It's time to marinade and fried vegetables meet and form a delicious dish. Poured eggplants are placed in the refrigerator for a day.

This step involves harvesting vegetables for a long period, so prepare cans, process them with tea soda. We fill the jars with eggplant and put on water bath for sterilization for 35 minutes. After the jar, close the lids and put it in the cellar.

I hope you, like me, will have the opportunity to plunge into the warm summer and breathe in the smell of a fire even when a blizzard is raging outside the window!

Pickled eggplants "Armenian"

In fact, I was very fond of Armenian cuisine! It turns out that some cooking methods are passed down from generation to generation, for example, the recipe for marinated eggplants in Armenian - each family has its own unique taste! Today I will tell you how I prepare this dish myself, and then you can also experiment. So, let's begin!

For cooking we will use:

  • Four large eggplants;
  • 3-4 pieces of bell peppers;
  • Greens to taste, I use parsley;
  • Garlic and pepper - amount to taste;
  • Tablespoons of vinegar;
  • 30 grams of table salt;
  • 20 grams of sugar;
  • Spices of your choice such as coriander, ground pepper, etc.

As always, start off by rinsing the ingredients thoroughly. We cut the eggplants vertically along the fruit and put them to boil in salted water for a few minutes.

Note: It is important not to overcook the eggplants, otherwise they will lose their flavor. We check the readiness with a fork, knife or toothpick, the skin should be slightly elastic.

We take out the vegetables and let them cool. At this time, we wash the parsley, garlic and pepper, finely chop. We mix finely chopped vegetables, add the selected spices to them.

The eggplants are already cold, so it's time to start filling. We put the resulting mixture inside the slot of the eggplant, then put it in a saucepan for pickling. To do this, you need to take sugar and vinegar, add to the eggplants, then pour boiled water so that the vegetables are not visible from under it. We leave it under something heavy for half a day.

Spicy pickled eggplants in Armenian are ready and waiting for their finest hour on your festive table!

If you need to prepare them for the winter, then boil the brine, put the vegetables in jars, fill with liquid and sterilize in a water bath for at least 40 minutes.

If someone is interested in the process of cooking with their own eyes, I advise you to watch this educational video:

Salty quick eggplants in Armenian

The final recipe this time is Armenian-style salted marinated eggplants, the taste of which you will definitely appreciate!

List of essential ingredients:

  • 6-7 pieces of eggplant;
  • 2 bunches of parsley;
  • 3 pieces of sweet bell peppers;
  • 1 piece of hot pepper;
  • 1 bunch of fresh dill;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • Apple cider vinegar optional;
  • Table salt to taste.

Where do we start Step # 1? That's right, with a thorough wash! Cleanliness is the key to health. Cut off the tips of the eggplant from the tail and butt side, make a vertical cut.

Cook the eggplants in salted water for 10-15 minutes. Do not allow vegetables to be on the surface, they should be at the very bottom! When the eggplants are ready, place them under something heavy so that moisture gradually comes out of them.

While the eggplants are being prepared, we are engaged in other components of the recipe: finely - finely chop the garlic, parsley, pepper and dill, mix together and salt to taste.

Fill the eggplants with the resulting mixture (garlic, parsley, pepper and dill), put in a deep saucepan, pour vinegar to the top (don't be afraid, you don't need to add water) and put salt. Eggplants are pickled in the refrigerator for a day.

So, after the past 24 hours, the dish is finally ready to eat! Decorate it beautifully so that not only the stomach, but also the eyes are happy.

Today we looked at 4 more eggplant recipes. Remember that this vegetable is rich in vitamins, which means that dishes made from it are very useful and especially necessary in winter. Choose for yourself which Armenian-style eggplants to cook for the winter: on the fire, salted, pickled or baked on the grill. I am sure that in your heart and in the hearts of your loved ones there will be a place for each of them!

I suggest you cook quick snack from eggplant in Armenian. The inhabitants of eastern countries have always been famous for their ability to cook delicious, piquant vegetable dishes, while they generously share with us their experience accumulated over the years and culinary,. This one is distinguished by a sharp, sour taste and delicate texture of vegetables. Unlike sauerkraut, this dish is prepared with vinegar, but much faster, after 12 hours you can serve it to the table. You can use not only table vinegar, but also apple cider vinegar. Step by step cooking quick pickled eggplants in Armenian with photo not only very tasty, but also healthy. Include in your diet and you will feel much better.

Ingredients for making quick marinated eggplants in Armenian

Eggplant 4-6 pcs
Bulgarian pepper 3 pcs
Bitter pepper 0.5-1 pcs
Garlic 5-6 teeth
Parsley and dill 1 bundle
Vinegar 9% 70-90 ml
Water 1 tbsp.
Salt 30 g
Sugar 20 g
Ground black pepper taste
Coriander taste

Step-by-step preparation of quick pickled eggplants in Armenian with a photo

Pickled eggplants can be served with boiled young potatoes or meat chops. Bon Appetit!

Armenian appetizer for the winter is a spicy, spicy and very tasty dish... A combination of greenery and hot pepper with a lot of garlic is not customary for a Russian person, but at the same time it arouses genuine interest.

Vegetables for this salad can be used the most common: zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, onions, carrots and even cucumbers. But you need to season it with some kind of hot and spicy spices. Suneli hops and a mixture of different peppers are perfect. Do not spare the garlic, it plays in Armenian snacks the main role... For 6-7 liters of salad, you can take 1-2 heads of garlic.

And so that garlic does not get lost in a variety of vegetables, you should not pass it through a press. It will immediately give back its bitterness and taste, it is better to cut it into small cubes, then all its juice will fall into the salad.

How to cook an Armenian appetizer for the winter - 16 varieties

Armenian appetizer is one of the most popular winter salads... Serving it as a separate dish or using it as a soup set, you will never regret the time spent.


  • Eggplant - 1 kg
  • Zucchini - 1 kg
  • Tomatoes -1 kg
  • Bell pepper- 0.5 kg
  • Onion- 0.5 kg
  • Carrots - 0.2 kg
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Parsley
  • Vinegar - 20 ml
  • Sugar - 100 g


We clean the vegetables and cut into arbitrary pieces. Pass the garlic through a press. Finely chop the parsley. We send salt to a deep saucepan, add sugar with pepper and pour a glass of vegetable oil. Turn on the fire. Simmer over low heat for about 2 hours. Then pour a glass of water with diluted vinegar. We sterilize the jars and you can lay out the salad.

Bon Appetit.

Oriental dishes have always been distinguished by their incredible aroma and pungent taste. Here is the clearest example of this belief.


  • Carrots - 200 g
  • Onions - 500 g
  • Tomatoes - 1 kg
  • Eggplant - 750
  • Zucchini - 750 g
  • Garlic - 150 g
  • Vegetable oil - 250 ml
  • Vinegar - 20 ml
  • Sugar - 140 g


Cut the onion into cubes. Peel the zucchini and cut into cubes. Peel the cormorant and cut into cubes. We also cut the carrots and peppers into cubes, having previously peeled them. Cut the garlic into small cubes. Cut the red chili into small cubes.

We send all the vegetables to a saucepan, pour a glass of water, salt and pepper, add sugar and butter. We put the saucepan on low heat for 1 hour. After that, we lay out the salad in sterilized jars.

Bright delicious snack for lovers of aromatic and tasty canned salads.


  • Eggplant - 1.5 kg
  • Sweet pepper -1 kg
  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kg
  • Onions - 0.5 kg
  • Garlic - 1-2 heads
  • Apples (preferably Antonovka variety) - 350 g
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Oil - 190 ml
  • Chili pepper - 1 pc.


All ingredients are well rinsed and cleaned. Remove seeds and stem from apples and peppers. Cut the onion into half rings. Chop the rest of the ingredients in any shape. Let's skip vegetables and apples in a meat grinder. We send the resulting mass to the pan. Add chopped onion, sugar, salt, oil. Let the mass boil, then cook for 35 minutes. A couple of minutes before turning off the salad, stir in the garlic. We will prepare the container in advance. You need to boil not only the jars, but also the lids. We lay out in banks and twist.

Bon Appetit.

A simple and very aromatic salad that everyone will like from the first fork.


  • Carrots - 200 g
  • Onions - 500 g
  • Bulgarian pepper - 500g
  • Tomatoes - 1 kg
  • Eggplant - 750 g
  • Zucchini - 750
  • Garlic - 130 g
  • Vegetable oil - 250 ml.


Dice the onion. Cut the zucchini into small pieces. Peel the eggplant and cut into small pieces. Peel and chop the carrots. Peel the bell pepper from seeds. Cut the tomatoes into cubes. Finely chop the greens. Peel and chop the garlic and chili. Mix all ingredients with water, sugar, vinegar. We cook for an hour and lay out on the banks.

Bon Appetit.

A very hearty and aromatic winter salad.


  • Eggplant - 750 g
  • Zucchini - 300 g
  • Chili pepper - 1 pc.
  • Tomato - 1000 g
  • Onions - 500 g
  • Sunflower oil- 250 ml
  • Sugar - 120 g


Peel the vegetables. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder. Cut the onion into half rings. Cut the courgette and eggplant into cubes.

Every housewife knows that eggplants tend to be bitter. Therefore, you can soak the sliced ​​eggplants in salted water and leave for 50 minutes.

We mix all the ingredients in one saucepan, where we also send sugar, salt, pepper and a glass of water with diluted vinegar. Mix everything well. Simmer for 1 hour from the moment of boiling, then lay out in sterilized jars.

Bon Appetit.

It is very fragrant and unusual dish, which will delight the whole winter.


  • Eggplant - 1 kg
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Chili pepper - 0.5 pcs.
  • Parsley
  • Garlic
  • Spices
  • Vinegar 120 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 1 l


Rinse the eggplants, grease with vegetable oil and put in the oven for 30 minutes. Finely chop the pepper, herbs and garlic and stir with vinegar and spices. Make an incision in the eggplant, crushing the pulp. Stuff the eggplants with a filling of herbs and garlic. Pour oil on top and leave for 5-6 days. After the snack, you can spread it out in sterilized jars.

Bon Appetit.

This salad is a real masterpiece, it is rich in a variety of vegetables, incredibly tasty aroma and easy to prepare.


  • Tomato juice with pulp - 1500 l
  • Zucchini - 750 g
  • Bulgarian pepper - 500 g
  • Eggplant - 750 g
  • Garlic - 1 head


We clean the vegetables. Cut all the ingredients into cubes. Cut the garlic into small pieces. We put all the ingredients in a saucepan. Now dilute a spoonful of vinegar in a glass of water. Fill our vegetables with the resulting brine, add more sugar, salt and pepper. We simmer vegetables for about an hour. Having previously sterilized the jars, we will spread the salad over them. Roll up and hide under a fur coat.

Bon Appetit.

This salad will be especially appreciated by lovers of spicy dishes.


  • Green tomatoes - 0.5 kg
  • Garlic - 50 g
  • Cilantro - 1 bunch
  • Vinegar - 2 tablespoons
  • Chili pepper - 1 pc.


Pepper and garlic are cleaned and cut into small pieces, you can pass through a meat grinder. Finely chop the greens. Cut the tomatoes into quarters. Mix all the ingredients. Put the salad in jars. Let's prepare the brine. To do this, mix water, salt and vinegar. Boil it and pour in the salad. Sterilize for 15 minutes and roll up the lids.

This wonderful recipe is the embodiment of a pleasant combination of incredible taste and ease of preparation.


  • Tomatoes - 1 kg
  • Eggplant - 750 g
  • Zucchini - 750 g
  • Carrots - 200g
  • Onions - 500 g
  • Bulgarian pepper - 500 g
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Greens
  • Hot pepper pod - 1 pc.
  • Vinegar - 20 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 250 ml
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Salt - 50 g


Peel the carrots and grate them three. Cut the bell pepper into cubes, pre-clean from seeds and stalks. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Cut the tomatoes, eggplants and zucchini into cubes.

If the tomatoes have thick skin, it is best to remove them. Because the salad will be much softer this way.

Mix all ingredients well. Pour with brine. To prepare the brine, you need to stir the vinegar in water and mix with vegetable oil. In the resulting sauce, stir the sugar and salt until completely dissolved. We simmer vegetables for about an hour. Then we lay out the salad in the jars.

Bon Appetit.

Very satisfying and delicious salad, which will surely please all household members.


  • Eggplant - 750 g
  • Carrots - 200 g
  • Bulgarian pepper - 500g
  • Onion - 500g
  • Tomatoes - 1000 g
  • Garlic - 125 g
  • Zucchini - 750 g
  • Chili pepper - 2 pcs.


Cut the onions and carrots into small cubes. Cut off the stalk of the eggplant and cut them into cubes. Cut the pepper, tomatoes and zucchini into small pieces. Fry the onions and carrots in oil in a frying pan. But it is better to fry them in different pans. Finely chop the greens and chili. Mix all the ingredients. Let's prepare the marinade. Dissolve sugar, salt and 2 tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water. Now bring the marinade to a boil and pour over the vegetables. Cook vegetables over low heat for about an hour. Add the garlic 5 minutes until tender. Ready salad we lay out on sterilized jars.

Canned salads for the winter are very popular dish... Tasty, simple, plenty and at all times. This salad is called "Armenian" and its name is due to its pleasant spicy aroma. Oriental dishes are always spicy and tangy.


  • Bulgarian pepper - 3 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Eggplant - 3 pcs.
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Zucchini - 1 pc.
  • Cherry plum - 1 glass
  • Garlic - 4 teeth.
  • Sugar - 120 g
  • Refined oil - 100 ml
  • Apple vinegar- 100 ml


We clean all the ingredients and cut into medium pieces. Pour boiling water over cherry plums and tomatoes and peel them off in a few minutes. Cut the tomatoes into quarters and puree the cherry plum. Now let's prepare the marinade. To do this, stir sugar, salt, vinegar and oil in a saucepan in a glass of water. Mix everything well and put on fire to boil.

Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and cover with the marinade. Cook for 40 minutes, then lay out in sterilized jars.

Bon Appetit.

Armenian cuisine is famous for its love of hot spices and abundance of herbs. This salad is also no exception. Easy to perform, and most importantly delicious, it will surely become one of your favorites.


  • Eggplant - 1 kg
  • Onions - 750 g
  • Green onions - 1 bunch
  • Cilantro - 1 bunch
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • Garlic - 5 teeth


Cut the eggplants into rounds. For lovers of the oily taste of this vegetable, you can pre-fry in a little oil. Finely chop the greens. Cut the garlic into small cubes.

Passing garlic through a canned salad press is not recommended. The fact is that this way it will quickly lose its taste.

Mix herbs, garlic and salt and mix well. We lay out the eggplants in jars, and coat the layers with garlic mass. Fill with marinade. Dissolve salt, sugar and vinegar in water.

Roll up the banks.

Bon Appetit.

"The East is a delicate matter" - so said the famous hero of the popular Soviet film. This is true, the dishes are spicy, simple, but at the same time with a large abundance of greens, as if for an amateur. By the way, here is a vivid example of a traditional Armenian canned salad.


  • Green pepper - 500 g
  • Red pepper - 500 g
  • Yellow pepper - 500 g
  • Chili pepper - 2 pcs.
  • White pepper - 10 g
  • Allspice - 5 peas
  • Tomato paste - 0.5 l


We clean the peppers from seeds and stalks. Cut the peppers into large pieces. We send pieces of pepper to tomato paste and put on fire. Salt, pepper and add sugar.