Cooking cookies through a meat grinder. Original cookies through a meat grinder

Cookies from shortcrust pastry, which is done through a meat grinder, is simple and even for children! Try one of our recipes.

  • Wheat flour - 3 stack.
  • Chicken egg (2 large or 3 small) - 3 pcs
  • Butter (margarine can be used) - 250 g
  • Sugar - 1 stack.
  • Soda - ½ tsp.
  • Vanillin - ½ tsp

Beat eggs with sugar until white.

Add softened butter or margarine, soda, vanillin, mix.

Add flour and knead a very tough dough.

Ready dough pass through a meat grinder, the flagella emerging from the grate, arrange in small heaps in the form of cookies on a baking sheet, lightly greased with oil.

Bake in the oven for about 15 minutes at 180 degrees. You can sprinkle the finished cookies with icing sugar.

Recipe 2: homemade cookies through a meat grinder (step by step)

Fragrant crumbly dessert homemade, baked in the oven in almost a matter of minutes, was once the most popular on the table. The reason for this is not only the economical composition of the products for shortcrust pastry, from which cookies are prepared, but also the immediate speed of their preparation. You don't need to roll out anything, look for molds too - just take a regular meat grinder and pass the dough through it. We form the resulting flagella into cookies, and then we send it to the oven - everything is so simple. But even this “just” you need to learn how to cook, and for this you have us with our recipe for shortbread cookies through a meat grinder.

  • 3 yolks;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
  • A pinch of baking powder for dough;
  • 1 cup flour or more
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • Powdered sugar for serving.

Pour granulated sugar into a kneading bowl to mix it with egg yolks.

Carefully detach the yolks from the proteins and add to the sugar.

It also doesn't hurt to add a baking powder for the dough, but not much. If you have baking soda, you can use it only after extinguishing it with vinegar or boiling water. Using a whisk, thoroughly stir the sugar and egg mixture until white.

We use softened butter. We cut the briquette into slices, and then into bars or cubes. Add to the liquid mixture and mix everything thoroughly again.

Small lumps of oil are allowed, but only very small.

We complete the preparation of shortbread dough for baking through a meat grinder by adding flour with a pinch of salt. First, pour out the glass and start kneading the dough. If it turns out that there is not enough flour, then add a little more, and so on until the dough begins to peel off from your hands. Important! Add flour gradually so as not to shift. Too crumbly dough will be difficult to transform into blanks, and after baking, remove from the baking sheet, because it will simply crumble, and that's it.

Ideal shortcrust pastry perfectly forms into figures, has a loose texture, but does not crumble into crumbs.

The resulting bun of dough does not require settling and rest, but on the contrary, it must be put into operation immediately before fat begins to stand out. We cut it into pieces and begin to pass it through a meat grinder. We form cookie blanks using our hands and a knife. As the flagella of the dough grow in the palm, which must be substituted under the holes of the meat grinder, we arbitrarily determine the size of the future cookie.

Cover the baking sheet with baking paper and place the resulting octopuses on it.

We bake in the oven at 220 ° C for no more than 15-20 minutes. True, the oven must be preheated well. Shortbread cookies from a meat grinder have a characteristic vanilla aroma, a creamy shade and can be easily removed from a baking sheet (you just need to pry it slightly with a spatula).

Put the cookies on a dish, sprinkle with powdered sugar (optional) and serve with tea or with milk. Leftover cookies keep perfectly in parchment or paper bag for a week.

Recipe 3, step by step: shortbread cookies through a meat grinder

  • Sugar 75 g
  • Wheat flour of the highest grade 220 g
  • Chicken egg 1 pc
  • Salt 1 pinch
  • Soda ¼ tsp
  • Margarine 75 g

We will prepare products for our cookies. Take out the margarine in advance, it should become soft.

Put margarine in a bowl, add sugar and grind to white.

Then add the egg and mix again.

Sift flour, add soda slaked with vinegar.

The dough should be steep, add flour, if necessary ... Put the dough in a bag or wrap it in plastic and put it in the freezer for 15-20 minutes.

Then tear off pieces of dough and pass them through a meat grinder. Place on a baking sheet, forming a cookie. Bake at 190 degrees for 15 minutes until golden brown.

Recipe 4, old: cookies through a meat grinder (step by step photos)

  • wheat flour - 4.5 tbsp.; ( top grade, naturally)
  • mayonnaise - 230 gr.; (preferably without mustard, or homemade)
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • margarine or butter - 200 gr.;
  • drinking soda - ½ tsp.

Prepare a dry container for mixing ingredients. In the beginning, we will almost completely repeat the process of making shortbread dough.

Grate butter or margarine on a coarse grater, in my case butter.

Add to the butter wheat flour, granulated sugar.

Quench baking soda with a teaspoon of vinegar. Rub all the ingredients with your hands until smooth.

Here, in fact, are all the components for shortbread cookies through a meat grinder. It remains only to knead the shortbread dough.

I knead the dough for these cookies with my hands, it seems to me that this is how it tastes better.

I kneaded the dough, in the end, literally 5-7 minutes.

The dough for cookies through a meat grinder is ready and somehow it should look like this.

Prepare a meat grinder, I have it electric, I live in the 21st century, I walk in step with the times, stumbling.
But, it is for this that cookies are needed, just a manual meat grinder from the past. It is difficult to adjust the size of the cookies on an electric meat grinder, due to its high speed.

Prepare a baking tray. It is not necessary to lubricate it with fat, shortbread dough does not stick to the surface due to the fat included in its composition in sufficient quantities.

This is how it looks in its raw state shortbread through a meat grinder.

Cookies will increase in volume during baking, so they must be laid out at some distance from each other.

Heat the oven to 180 degrees. Bake the cookies at the set temperature until golden brown.

Delicious and crumbly shortbread cookies through a meat grinder are ready!

Recipe 5, simple: chrysanthemum cookies through a meat grinder

Chrysanthemum cookies through a meat grinder are one of the simplest and quick meals! you will be pleased not only with the result, but also with the process itself. To get a dessert in the form of flowers, you do not need special attachments and devices, only a meat grinder. Even a child can cope with cooking, while the pastries will turn out to be tender and fragrant.

  • flour - 400 gr.;
  • kefir - 150 ml.;
  • margarine - 100 gr.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 150 gr.;
  • baking powder (or soda slaked with vinegar) - 1 tsp;
  • icing sugar for dusting.

We will place necessary products on the table. There is no butter included in the ingredients, but it can be added to make the dessert less dry. 70 grams will be enough.

Now we mix the ingredients for the chrysanthemum cookies (recipe with photo step by step). First, shake the egg with sugar, then add kefir and melted margarine. It is recommended to bring kefir to room temperature, that is, heat it if it is only from the refrigerator, and, on the contrary, cool the liquid margarine a little.

Gradually add flour and baking powder, stir thoroughly. Our goal is to obtain a homogeneous shortbread dough. Ideally, it should be soft, elastic, and not sticky to your hands.

It's time to install an electric or conventional meat grinder: the main thing here is the grill itself with holes (preferably medium-sized), and the knife can be removed. Tearing off small pieces, you need to put them in the hole and scroll. A kind of long "vermicelli" will appear at the exit, which must be supported by your hand and cut off at regular intervals. The cut edge is gently pressed with your fingers. This is how sweets are obtained in the form of flower buds, but in general the shape can be any - just round, like a heart, a rose, etc.

Place the childhood chrysanthemum cookies ((or grinder cookies) on a baking sheet. Don't forget to grease it with butter (sunflower) or lay the parchment on the bottom. The baked goods can also be brushed on top with a little butter (butter or sunflower) or, alternatively, egg yolk to add rich color.

Baking is sent to a preheated oven, cooked at 180-200 degrees. And in 15-20 minutes it is ready. This is easily identified by the browned edges of the cookies. You can also poke them around with a toothpick so that no raw dough remains on it.

We take out and cool, then sprinkle with powder.

Chrysanthemum shortbread cookies through a meat grinder are ideally combined with condensed milk or jam. It can be eaten not only with tea or milk, but also with kefir and jelly. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 6: childhood margarine cookies through a meat grinder

Delicate and loose biscuits, prepared with a meat grinder, is familiar to us from childhood and was created, perhaps, back in Soviet times. Cookies according to this recipe can significantly save time on the preparation of dessert. It is not necessary to purchase special attachments for a meat grinder - it is enough to change the knife on it to a grid with medium-sized holes.

Even a person who first tackled culinary devices will be able to cope with this baking. Regardless of experience in the field of cooking, baked goods will turn out to be delicious and tender.

The huge advantage of such a dessert is not so much that it looks very impressive and appetizing, but its short cooking time. The recipe itself provides the finished liver with a crumbly structure.

Cookies vary in shape. You can leave its original shape by slightly rounding the edges, you can actually form a small chrysanthemum from the dough by twisting one edge. You can make a rose: a bunch of dough is flattened on both sides, and gently straightened from the inside.

  • 4 cups flour
  • 250 grams of mayonnaise,
  • 250 grams of margarine,
  • egg,
  • a quarter teaspoon of baking soda,
  • three quarters of a glass of sugar
  • vinegar.

Mayonnaise, vinegar slaked soda are added to the bowl, an egg is broken. Sugar is carefully poured and everything is mixed until a homogeneous consistency.

Then flour is gradually added. Its amount largely depends on the consistency of the dough - it should be soft, thick and more like plasticine.

The margarine is laid out in a bowl and carefully disassembled.

It is divided into several parts - it is more convenient to work this way.

The baking sheet is covered with parliament, a meat grinder is installed through which the first part of the dough is passed.

Every three to four centimeters of dough coming out of the meat grinder are separated with a knife. The resulting pieces are laid out on a baking sheet.

As soon as the dough ends (or the baking sheet is full), the cookies are sent to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 15-20 minutes.

Cooked biscuits are sprinkled with icing sugar and served.

Recipe 7: how to make cookies at home through a meat grinder

The biscuits are aromatic, soft, crumbly and tender. We will consider a recipe for making chrysanthemum cookies, which has been tested for more than one generation. These are sour cream cookies, the recipe is simple and affordable. The creative idea of ​​the creator of this recipe is interesting - scrolling the dough through a meat grinder. This exciting process can be entrusted to children who will be happy to do a useful job. You can decorate cookies in different ways: use raisins or nuts, sprinkle with powdered sugar, add cocoa or poppy seeds to the dough.

  • Wheat flour 3 glass.
  • Sugar 1 glass.
  • Sour cream 2 tbsp
  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • Butter or margarine 250 gr.
  • Starch 2 tablespoons
  • Soda 0.5 tsp
  • Vinegar 1 tbsp
  • Vanillin 5 gr.

Beat sugar and eggs into a fluffy mass, add margarine and sour cream and beat until smooth. Add vinegar quenched baking soda and mix immediately. Sift the flour. Add flour, vanillin and starch and knead a hard and plastic dough that sticks well from your hands.

Cool the dough in the refrigerator for about half an hour.

We heat the oven to 200 degrees. Scroll the dough through a meat grinder, when it drops by 5-7 cm, we support it with our hand and cut it off with a knife - we get a fluffy “flower” and a base.

Sometimes you really want to plunge into childhood. Probably, all of us, while we were little, loved to visit our grandmother, who often spoiled us with something tasty. We are usually reminded of childhood by some kind of taste, smell, and even sound. Today, a simple scroll will help to remember it. Your family and friends will definitely appreciate it. Despite the fact that quite a few are used in cooking simple products, the taste of this cookie is excellent. It will go well with tea, compote, milk and even kefir. It is also perfect as a light snack.

Scrolled cookies through a meat grinder. Recipe. Photo

We will need:

  • a glass of sugar;
  • two eggs;
  • 200 g margarine;
  • three glasses of flour;
  • soda (0.5 tsp) + vinegar;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

Note to hostesses:

If the shape of the cookies is not so important to you, and time is running out, then you can simply skip the whole dough through a meat grinder on a baking sheet and bake a large crust, which can then be easily cut into desired pieces. Only you need to cut it while it is hot, otherwise it will crumble. As you can see, the cookie recipe, scrolled through a meat grinder, is actually quite simple. Everything will take you no more than an hour and a half, but the result will delight you for a long time! You get a lot of cookies, they are tasty, aromatic, crumbly! Your household will definitely ask for more and will admire its extraordinary taste for a long time! I hope this recipe for cookies through a meat grinder will definitely come in handy.

Hooray! Finally I found this recipe for cookies from my childhood - the most delicious homemade cookies from shortcrust pastry, which was so interesting to turn through a meat grinder and watch how curly wavy cookies appear!

Thanks to the reader of the site Elena, thanks to whom I started looking for a long-forgotten recipe! I have preserved a special device for a meat grinder, but the recipe was forgotten. But he who seeks will find!

Initially, I was asked to follow the step by step recipe for homemade shortbread cookies with mayonnaise. But, since I have not bought mayonnaise and margarine for several years, I cook the first myself, and replace the second butter, then replaced in this recipe... It turned out a cookie with sour cream and butter.

I think it tastes even better, and most importantly, healthier - taking into account the fact that children will eat cookies. If you are overwhelmed by nostalgia precisely for the “very” taste of cookies with mayonnaise, you can cook it just once, if you really want to!

There are a lot of cookies, and they are so tasty that wherever you buy them. Although, of course, the store-bought shortbread is also very crumbly and tasty, but the homemade one definitely wins in composition!


For 2.5 trays:

  • 1 egg;
  • 1 glass of sugar (200 g);
  • 200 ml sour cream (I have a thick, homemade, 25%);
  • 200 g butter;
  • A pinch of salt (1/4 teaspoon);
  • A pinch of vanillin (on the tip of a teaspoon);
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda (flush with the edges);
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • Flour - as long as you need, so that the dough is soft, but does not stick to your hands.

Why is it so imprecise? But because I needed 5 glasses of flour (4 glasses of wheat and 1 glass of corn, for friability and yellow color), despite the fact that in original recipe wandering around the Internet, 3 glasses were indicated. It probably depends on the flour itself.

How to bake:

So, we take the oil out of the refrigerator in advance so that it softens in the heat.

Grind the egg with a spoon with sugar.

Add soft butter and rub some more to get almost homogeneous mass.

Add sour cream, mix.

Pouring in lemon juice(he will extinguish the soda in the dough). You can also add a little lemon or orange zest to the dough - just before that, steam the citrus in boiling water for five minutes so that the bitterness disappears.

Sift flour mixed with baking soda, salt and vanilla into the dough. Do not pour everything at once, but add in 3-4 doses, kneading the dough and looking at its consistency. If sticky, add more flour. If it has practically ceased to stick, that's enough. If there is not enough flour, the cookies will stick to the meat grinder, turn out to be greasy and blurry when baked. But you should not overdo it with flour, just in case - the dough will turn out to be too steep, and the cookies will be less crumbly. So we focus on sight, touch and culinary intuition - let them tell you when there is enough flour! I needed five 200-gram glasses, that is, 5 * 130 g = 650 g. This amount may vary, depending on what kind of flour you are making.

We put the finished dough in the refrigerator for half an hour: after cooling, it will become harder and will form cookies.

Over time, we prepare a meat grinder with a device, turn on the oven to heat up to 180C, and cover the baking sheet with a sheet of parchment - no need to grease.

Now we act quickly - so that the dough does not have time to soften too much in the heat, the cookies will keep their shape better. That's when you can call kids to help! Just make sure that they do not stick their hands in the meat grinder.

Let someone twist the handle, and someone else holds the cookie blanks and cuts when they reach a length of 5-6 cm and put them on a baking sheet.

We spread the cookies in rows at a distance of 3 cm from each other - when baking, they increase slightly.

Bake at 180C for 20-25 minutes, until golden brown. While one batch is in the oven, put the rest of the dough in the refrigerator.

There are several types of holes on the "meat grinder": stars, a heart, a strip with teeth and something that looks like a crown or a rising sun. It was this window that I liked the most: the shape of the cookie is like a store-bought, beautiful, wavy! - Less embossed, small shapes - hearts and a small star become almost round in cross-section when baked. And large forms retain their texture. In addition, the final taste depends on the shape of the cookie.

If you make the cookies plump, they will be pale golden, soft; if thin, then with the same baking time it will turn out to be more ruddy, orange-golden, denser and crisp, but not hard, but crumbly. If you want all the cookies to come out of the same condition, use nozzles of the same width.

By the way, the standard forms do not limit the types of cookies! By bending the workpieces, you can make horseshoes or rings! As well as hearts, squares and other figures.

And with ready-made cookies you can also dream up! You can sprinkle with icing sugar and water that is not eaten right there and then. chocolate icing, dip in chopped nuts, coconut flakes, smear with jam or boiled condensed milk and combine in pairs ... In general, all that richness of taste and design, with which shortbread cookies abound, can be repeated at home!

Let's prepare a simple, but at the same time very tasty shortbread cookie “Through a meat grinder”. We need a manual meat grinder and a special nozzle for cookies. Cookies “Through a meat grinder” will not be inferior to store-bought ones in terms of taste, and their shape will be original.


Recipe for shortbread cookies "Through a meat grinder" on margarine

Dish: Baking

Cooking time: 1 hour

Total time: 1 hour


  • 600 g wheat flour
  • 250 g margarine
  • 200 g sugar
  • 2 pcs. chicken egg
  • 10 g baking soda

Step by step recipe with photo

How to cook:

1. To prepare shortcrust pastry, take a container of the required volume. Eggs should be driven into it and sugar should be added in full.

2. Using a mixer, mix the sugar and eggs. We get a homogeneous egg-sugar mass.

3. Pour all the flour into this mass. Cut the margarine into pieces and also add to the container with the rest of the products. We extinguish the soda with vinegar and carefully add to the mass.

4. Knead the dough with your hands. We get a dense shortbread dough.

5. The dough is ready and you can start the cookie forming process. To do this, we install a meat grinder, fix it. We put on a meat grinder a special template for making molded cookies. We put the prepared dough into the meat grinder and get cookies of the desired shape and size.

6. Put the molded dough obtained through a meat grinder on a baking sheet, which is pre-greased with oil. Leave a distance of 1 cm between the cookies. This is necessary so that the cookies do not stick to each other during the baking process.

7. Place a baking sheet with cookies in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. We bake shortbread cookies until a light blush is formed. This process will take approximately 15 minutes.

The cookies should be removed from the oven and removed from the baking sheet. Let the liver cool before use. Cooked shortbread "Through a meat grinder" has a pleasant aroma and goes well with tea.

Surprisingly, sometimes the simplest things make baking original! For example, if you skip a steep dough through a meat grinder, you get a beautiful Chrysanthemum cookie.
Make sure that the dough is very cool, only in this case the cookies through the meat grinder will turn out to be really beautiful!

Meat Grinder Cookies Recipe

  • Butter - 150 g.;
  • Sugar - 150 g;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 g (1 sachet);
  • Sea salt - 1/4 teaspoon;
  • Baking soda - 1/4 teaspoon;
  • Flour - 420 g.

How to cook

  • Mix flour with baking soda and salt.
  • Mash the butter and sugar until white, add the eggs, vanilla sugar, thoroughly
  • Stir. Form from the resulting mixture elastic dough, make a ball out of it.
  • Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and place in the fridge freezer for 20 minutes.
  • Line a baking sheet with baking paper.
  • Pass the dough through a meat grinder and place on a baking sheet in portions.
  • The cookies, passed through a meat grinder, are baked in a well-preheated oven for 15-20 minutes.

On the Internet, I have met original way form such a cookie from a meat grinder: roll it up in the form of a nest and put a berry, for example, a cherry, in the center. Sprinkle with powdered sugar on top - the masterpiece is ready!
It turns out even more unusual if you make cookies in the form of bundles of brushwood or vignettes.

If you are a fan of “quick” recipes, you will definitely like it.

The cookie recipe turned out to be so successful that its production was put on stream and now you can buy cookies through a meat grinder in the store! But honestly, with homemade cakes not even the freshest beats.

Most of all I am surprised by the number of names of this wonderful cookie: "Swallow's Nests", "Spiders", "Chrysanthemums", etc. Yet the unusual shape gives rise to great amount associations and names!

Answers to your questions

The most frequently asked questions for this recipe I have put in the text of the article. If you have any questions or comments about the recipe, you can leave them at the end of the recipe on this page.
Is the famous Ant Hill cake also baked according to this recipe? According to the cooking technique, the cake dough is passed through a meat grinder.

No, Muravyinaya Gorka has a slightly different recipe, I will definitely post it on our website.

Can you make raisin cookies like this?

Of course! It will be very nice to roll up a "nest" and put one or more raisins in the recess.

How to make such a cookie if there is no meat grinder?

Ideal in the absence of a meat grinder: cool the dough well and grate it.

Do Chrysanthemum cookies taste too tough?

The cookies are crumbly and very tasty (if not overexposed in the oven).

Can you replace butter with margarine?

You can, but with butter it turns out much tastier.

Why did the cookies turn out hard?

It is important to place the cookies in a well-preheated oven and be careful not to overexpose the cookies in the oven.

How much does the dough rise in the oven?

The finished cookie will be 2-3 times larger than the original. Do not overdo it with the size, otherwise you will end up with pies instead of cookies.

Bon Appetit!
Share your reviews, leave comments, add photos of the resulting cookies!