The recipe for making a cake from cottage cheese without baking. Cookie cake with cottage cheese and sour cream

Oddly enough, my father introduced me to this cake as a child. Simple and quick to prepare, without frying and baking, a very tasty and satisfying cake that can be enjoyed by anyone who wants to cook something sweet for their tea :)

The main ingredients of the no-bake curd cake are curd and biscuits. We take any cottage cheese, but preferably dry, so that moisture does not spoil the cream. Most a good option- shop cottage cheese from a pack, it is elastic, smooth, without lumps. If the cottage cheese is homemade, like mine, we will fight the lumps with a blender. And the cottage cheese must be fresh! Any cookie you like is also suitable. Of course, it is better to take a square or rectangular one, not thick or thin, in order to easily shape the cake and soak the cookies without problems. I use cookies Lyubyatovo "Baked milk", although it is thick, but very soft and perfectly absorbs moisture.

In addition to cottage cheese, for the cream we need sour cream, sugar and butter. And for impregnation - any sweet liquid. It can be coffee, tea, milk, some kind of juice, or just a syrup made from sugar and water. Then we turn on the imagination. Filling for a curd cake with cookies can be nuts, dried fruits, fresh or canned fruits, berries, chocolate, coconut flakes etc. Of course, canned fruits are the best option for any season, so I take canned peaches and use canned syrup as an impregnation.

The ingredients are ready! Now we need no more than 30 minutes to cook cheese cake no baking. So let's get started!

We break the curd with a blender to get rid of the lumps. If necessary, fold it onto cheesecloth in advance to allow excess liquid to glass (if the curd is very wet).

Add sugar to taste (I took 5 level tablespoons for a moderately sweet cream), soft butter, sour cream 20% fat.

Whisk thoroughly with a blender until smooth. It turns out a smooth curd cream.

Cut the fruits into small pieces. We leave one half to decorate the finished cake.

Let's start shaping. We line the bottom of the form with cling film, grease with a small amount of cream. Dip the cookies in syrup and put them on the bottom.

Lubricate the cookies with a layer of cream, evenly distributing it.

Put fruits on top of the cream.

And then again lay out a layer of cookies, which we previously dipped in syrup.

You can shape the cake perfectly different ways by varying the layers of cookies, cream, fruit or other filling. I got the following sequence: cookies, cream, cookies, cream and fruits, cookies, cream and fruits, cookies, cream, cookies.

The last layer: we leave the top cookie without the cream, as this will become the bottom layer of the curd cake without baking. We wrap the edges of the cling film and cover with another layer on top so that the cake does not smell like a refrigerator. We remove for at least 2 hours in the cold, preferably at night. The cream will set and the cookies will soften. You can take a chance and immediately decorate and eat a cake :)

For decoration, namely for glaze, we need: cocoa, sugar and sour cream.

Combine the necessary ingredients in a saucepan.

Stir until smooth.

We put on fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly, then remove from heat.

We take the cake out of the refrigerator in advance and remove it from the mold, turning it over on a serving dish. We compare the sides of the cake with a knife or a spatula and proceed to the design.

Decorating the top canned peach and, if desired, other fruits and berries. Do not forget what we are doing birthday cake, which means that the decoration should turn out smart!

Pour the curd cake without baking on top with a slightly cooled icing, sprinkle with cookie crumbs. In principle, you can immediately serve the cake to the table, and so - we store it in the refrigerator.

Look at what a bright, festive and elegant cake turned out!

It will be a wonderful decoration for any occasion, especially a birthday!

Enjoy making the no-bake cottage cheese cake with cookies and help yourself! Bon Appetit!

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To impress friends and acquaintances with your culinary skills and enjoy a delicious dessert, you do not have to knead the dough for a long time and stand by the stove.

Your guests will be delighted with these cakes! website I am sure: you will not be able to spoil them, even if you try very hard.

Chocolate Banana Cake

You will need:

For the basics:

  • 100-200 g cookies
  • 50-100 g butter

For filling:

  • 2-3 bananas
  • 400 ml sour cream or natural yogurt
  • 100 ml milk
  • 6 tbsp. l. granulated sugar
  • 3 tbsp. l. cocoa or 80-100 g dark chocolate
  • 10 g gelatin


Pour gelatin with 100 ml of water and leave to swell for the time indicated on the package. Break the cookies and place them in the bowl of a blender or food processor. Grind it into crumbs.

Melt the butter, add to the cookie crumbs and mix well. Put the mass on the bottom of the split form, level and tamp well. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Pour milk into a saucepan, add granulated sugar, swollen gelatin and cocoa. Heat, stirring constantly, until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Do not boil. Remove from stove.

Add sour cream or natural yogurt. Mix.
Peel the bananas, cut in half and place on the base. Gently, slowly pour the chocolate mass on top.
Refrigerate for at least 3 hours to harden.

Fruit and berry cake

You will need:

  • 300 g biscuit
  • 0.5 l. sour cream
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 3 tbsp. l. gelatin
  • berries and fruits (strawberries, bananas, kiwi, etc.)


Break the cake into pieces, set aside.
Pour gelatin into 1/2 cup cold water and leave for half an hour. Then heat the water so that the gelatin is completely dissolved.

At this time, beat the sour cream and sugar and, while stirring, gradually add the gelatin mixture to them. Line the bottom of a deep bowl with cling film (or parchment). Arrange in layers: fruits / berries, then biscuit pieces, again a layer of berries / fruits, etc.

Then pour everything with the sour cream-gelatin mixture prepared earlier. Put fruit cake for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator. Turn gently onto big plate and serve.

Curd cheesecake

You will need:

  • 500 g of cottage cheese
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 10 g instant gelatin
  • 2/3 cup water (or milk)
  • 250 g shortbread cookies
  • 100 g butter
  • berry sauce for serving


Grind the cookies into crumbs using a blender. Melt butter, mix with cookies, grind until smooth. Cover the bottom of a 21 cm baking dish with paper. Lay out the base for the cheesecake, tamping the cookie crumbs tightly along the bottom and sides of the mold.

Dissolve gelatin in 2/3 cup of water, leave for 10 minutes. Then put a cup of gelatin in hot water and, stirring constantly, completely dissolve the gelatin. Mix cottage cheese with condensed milk. Into the resulting curd mass pour in the gelatin and whisk everything together thoroughly.

Put the curd mass on the biscuit base, flatten. Cover the cheesecake mold with cling film and refrigerate for 3 hours to set. Drizzle when serving berry sauce or jam.

Strawberry Cracker Cake

You will need:

  • 2 kg fresh or frozen strawberries
  • 500 g heavy cream
  • 500 g cracker, better than square
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 50 g dark chocolate for garnish
  • 1 bag of vanilla sugar


Separate the strawberries from the petioles, sort out, rinse well with running water and leave in a colander to drain excess water. Then set aside a few berries to decorate the cake, and cut the rest of the berries into thin slices.

Beat the cream with sugar and vanilla sugar into a thick cream. Divide the crackers into 4 equal parts or into several parts according to the size of the dish in which the cake will be prepared.

Place the first layer of crackers in a strawberry cake dish, cover with whipped cream, and place strawberry slices on top of them. So repeat with all layers. Decorate the top layer of cream with strawberry slices and the strawberries that remain for decoration.

Break the chocolate and melt in microwave oven... Make sure that the chocolate does not boil. Then gently pour over the finished Strawberry cake from crackers with melted chocolate.

Milk jelly with chocolate

You will need:

  • 750 g milk
  • 150 g chocolate
  • 100 g granulated sugar
  • 30 g gelatin
  • vanillin to taste


Soak gelatin in cold boiled water in a ratio of 1: 8 and leave to swell for 30-40 minutes.

Grate the chocolate and dissolve with sugar in hot milk, add the dissolved gelatin, bring to a boil, pour into molds and cool.

Before serving, lower the mold with jelly for 1-3 seconds in hot water, then cover with a plate and turn over, remove the mold. Pour the syrup over the jelly or garnish with whipped cream.

Cake products (size: 3x4 / 4 layers):

  • Cookies - 400 gr.
  • Cottage cheese - 300 gr.
  • Sour cream - 1 glass.
  • Oil - 150 gr.
  • Sugar - half a glass
  • Milk - 200 ml.
  • Chocolate - 1 bar.
  • Raisins are half a bowl.

For children from 2 years old.

Who does not remember a delicious cookie cake in their childhood. In my opinion, every inhabitant of the former USSR tried it. Pok at least in my childhood he was as popular as. Plus, I love it because it doesn't take long to prepare. On the strength of about 30 minutes.

Cake without baking from cookies and cottage cheese - Cooking

1. Grind butter with sugar

2. Put the curd in a bowl and add the sour cream.

3. Beat the sour cream with cottage cheese with a mixer.

4. Add butter to the whipped mixture (mashed with sugar)

5. Beat everything together again.

6. Divide the resulting mixture into two parts, in one of which add soaked soft raisins. This part will serve as a layer between the biscuit layers.

7. Pour milk into a bowl and dip the cookies in it. It is not worth keeping them in milk for a long time, otherwise they will become limp. A few seconds are enough.

8. Place a layer of cookies on a cooked board or shallow plate. In our case, these are cookies laid out 3 x 4.

9. Now you need to grease the layer of cookies with the cooked raisin cream. Further, in the same way, several more layers are laid out. You can do as many of them as you like, in our case it is 4 layers.

10. Cover the top layer with cream without raisins.

Despite the existing variety of all kinds of cakes, I really like simple cakes from cookies and cottage cheese. By that I mean no-baked cakes in which the cookies are sandwiched with a cottage cheese-based cream.

The number of cookies depends on its size, I took "Leningrad" in the form of rectangles, and it took 32 pieces, if the cookies are larger and square, then it will take less for the cake. Usually cookies are dipped in milk, it is very tasty, but you can experiment and dip the cookies in cocoa or coffee.

All kinds of fruits and chocolate glazes are very much in line with curd cakes. Frozen cherries and fresh orange are used for this variation. Prepare the icing to your taste, for example, simply melt one or two chocolate bars in cream or milk. A glaze made from sour cream, sugar and cocoa, which is taken in 5 tablespoons, is also good, they need to be mixed and heated to a glossy state.

To make a cookie and cottage cheese cake without baking, prepare the ingredients according to the list. In the photo there is a chocolate bar, which I didn't like for the icing ...

Prepare a sweet coffee with condensed milk and pour it into a suitable bowl or container for the biscuits to dip into.

Choose a shape that fits the cake. You can do without a form, but I personally get it smoother in it))

Line the shape with foil or baking paper.

For the cream, first stir the sugar with softened or melted butter. Choose the amount of sugar depending on the sweetness of the cookie.

Stir the sugar mass and vanilla sugar with cottage cheese.

Add the desired amount of sour cream. Prepare thinner curd cream for dense cookies, and thicker for crumbly sugar shortbread cookies.

Divide the resulting cream into three equal parts; to do this, simply draw three lines along its surface with a knife or spatula from the center to the edges.

Dip the first part of the cookie into the coffee, i.e. for the first bottom layer.

Lay the cookies in one layer and cover them with a third. curd cream... The cream needs to be smoothed.

Do the same for the second and third rows of cookies and cream. The last fourth layer should be cookies. Let the cake sit at room temperature for 30-40 minutes to soak the cookie better, then refrigerate it before serving.

Decorate the cake to your liking. This time I wanted to cover the cake with chocolate icing with fruit.

For this warm chocolate glaze was mixed with slices of orange and thawed cherries, from which the juice was drained.

Place the resulting chocolate mass with pieces of fruit on the surface of the chilled cake.

To make the cake look less gloomy, you can sprinkle it with ground nuts or crumbled cookies ...

An unbaked cookie and cottage cheese cake is ready to serve with icing uncured or when it hardens in the refrigerator.

Enjoy your tea!

No-bake gelatin cake is a wonderful dessert that can be prepared for any holiday. Interesting recipes you can find out its preparation from our article.

Curd cake (no baking) with gelatin

It's hard to name a sweet dessert light dish however, this statement is not always true. Curd cake - without baking, with gelatin - is a low-calorie delicacy that is so pleasant to serve with tea on a hot summer day. You can read the recipe for its preparation below:

  • Mix 500 grams of cottage cheese with 300 grams of sour cream - as a result, you should get a homogeneous mass.
  • Add honey or sugar to taste.
  • Pour 30 grams of gelatin with a glass of water and leave alone for ten minutes.
  • Then put the liquid on low heat and stir. The gelatin should dissolve completely, but you do not need to bring the mass to a boil.
  • When everything is ready, pour the water and gelatin in a thin stream into the curd. Stir the food gently again.
  • Put your favorite berries and pieces of fruit on the bottom of the mold. After that, lay the curd mass in an even layer.

Put the curd cake in the refrigerator and leave it there for two hours. Before serving, the dessert should be garnished with a sprig of mint or whole berries.

Strawberry with gelatin

This bright summer treat will surely please your family and friends. Fortunately, it is very easy to prepare it, and the whole process will only take a couple of hours. IN this recipe only simple ingredients are used that are always at hand. How to make a gelatin cake without baking:

  • Prepare a split form (20 cm), line its bottom and sides with parchment.
  • 150 grams chocolate chip cookies chop into crumbs and mix with 60 grams of ghee. You can also use regular biscuits mixed with one spoonful of cocoa for this purpose.
  • Put the resulting mass on the bottom of the form, tamp it tightly and send to the refrigerator.
  • Dissolve two tablespoons of gelatin in 50 ml of hot milk (can be replaced with water).
  • While the mixture cools down to room temperature, tackle the base for the cake. Using a mixer, mix 200 grams of cottage cheese, 100 grams of sugar and 300 grams of strawberry yogurt.
  • At the very end, chopped strawberries should be added to the curd mixture, and the cooled gelatin should be poured. Put the cake base in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  • Whip 200 grams of 33% cream into a thick foam, then gently mix with. Put the resulting mousse in a mold on a layer of cookies.

The cake can be served after a few hours, but it is better to leave it in the refrigerator overnight.

Curd cake "Tenderness"

On a hot summer day, you really don't want to stand in the kitchen at the hot stove! If you are expecting guests or are planning to treat your relatives with a delicious dessert, then you can safely use our recipe. What does it take to make a cookie cutter cake without baking? Cottage cheese, gelatin and biscuits are the main ingredients for our dessert. You will also need sugar, cream, and some water. Read the dessert recipe here:

  • Mix 400 grams of cookies with 150 grams of room temperature butter - best done by hand.
  • Cover a detachable or ordinary form with cling film or foil. Place mashed cookies at the bottom and form low sides. Put the mold in the refrigerator for a while.
  • Wipe 400 grams of cottage cheese through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder.
  • Pour 10 grams of gelatin with 100 grams of warm water.
  • Heat 200 grams of cream, dissolve 100 grams of sugar in it and add gelatin.
  • Mix the resulting mass with cottage cheese, and then transfer to a mold with a cake base.

Refrigerate dessert for a few hours. Garnish with cookie crumbs and grated chocolate before serving.

Jelly cake with chocolate

Delicious and beautiful dessert can be prepared for a meeting with friends or to please loved ones on a Sunday afternoon. How to cook without baking with gelatin? You can find out the recipe here:

  • Soak 300 grams of gelatin in cold water for 40 minutes. Note that the ideal proportion is 1: 8.
  • Grate 150 grams of chocolate and dissolve together with 100 grams of sugar in warm milk (just take 750 ml).
  • Add the diluted gelatin to the liquid, bring it to a boil, and then pour into the mold.

Chill the cake, and before serving, immerse the pan in hot water for a few seconds and turn over onto a flat dish. Drizzle with syrup or garnish with whipped cream.

Cottage cheese cake with banana

A beautiful festive dessert will be enjoyed by children and adults. And a cake is prepared from cottage cheese and gelatin without baking. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Grind 200 grams of cookies with a blender and mix with 100 grams of butter.
  • Put the finished mass in a dense layer on the bottom of the mold, and then put it in the refrigerator.
  • Pour 10 grams of gelatin with four tablespoons of water and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  • Mix 400 ml sour cream with three tablespoons of sugar.
  • Take two tablespoons each of sugar, cocoa and milk, and then combine them in a suitable bowl. Cook this mass over a fire for several minutes, and then mix with sour cream.
  • Boil the gelatin over medium heat for a few minutes and mix it with the chocolate soufflĂ©.
  • Peel the bananas and place them in a cookie cutter pan.
  • Pour over fruit and refrigerate overnight.

To make the finished dessert easy to get, use a split form. If you have a regular one, then grease the bottom and sides with vegetable oil before cooking.

No baked fruit cake

Surprise your family with a bright summer dessert. To make a cake without baking with gelatin and fruits, you will need to do the following:

  • Whip 500 grams of sour cream with sugar (take its amount, focusing on your own taste).
  • Pour 20 grams of gelatin on the bottom of a saucepan, pour half a glass of cold water and leave alone for half an hour.
  • When the specified time has passed, put the dishes with gelatin on the fire and dissolve without boiling.
  • Combine prepared foods and stir.
  • Cover deep dishes or a dish with cling film. Put on the bottom fresh fruits cut into pieces.
  • Place the pieces of broken biscuit on top of the first layer. Repeat the layers and then fill them with sour cream mousse.

Place the cake mold in the refrigerator for two hours until the jelly sets. Before serving, turn the dessert onto a flat dish, garnish with pieces of fruit and fresh berries.

Yoghurt cake with kiwi

Here is another simple recipe that any novice pastry chef can handle. To prepare yoghurt cake with gelatin without baking, read the following instructions carefully:

  • Peel four large kiwis and cut them into cubes. Place the fruit in a saucepan, add 70 grams of sugar and heat over medium heat for a few minutes. When the juice comes out, remove the dishes from the stove and cool.
  • Grind 200 grams of shortbread cookies into crumbs using a blender, add 70 grams of butter to it and mix the products with your hands.
  • Cover the bottom of the split form with wax paper, place the cookies on it and tamp it tightly. Place in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  • Pour 30 grams of gelatin with cold boiled water (take 200 grams). When the crystals are swollen, dissolve them in a water bath or microwave.
  • Combine 500 ml natural yogurt with kiwi and gelatin.
  • Remove the crust from the refrigerator and place the bananas, cut into rings, on top of it. Pour the yoghurt mixture into a mold and refrigerate it for six hours (or overnight).

Put the finished cake on a dish, decorate it with kiwi rings and almonds.

Cherry curd cake

This is delicious dessert will require minimal effort from you. Recipe:

  • Dissolve the gelatin as indicated on the package.
  • Mix 400 grams of cottage cheese, 200 grams of sour cream and 200 grams of sugar. Add gelatin.
  • Rinse 200 grams of frozen cherries under running water and then roll in flour.
  • At the bottom of the mold, put ready-made cake, lay the berries on it in an even layer, and then pour the cream.

After the cake hardens in the cold, you can serve it to the table.