Delicious ham and cheese sandwiches. Ham sandwiches: a step-by-step recipe with a photo

If you think that a ham sandwich is a slice of bread with a slice of ham, then you are wrong.

If you connect imagination and creativity, spend 5 minutes more time, add additional ingredients, you will get more than just a quick snack on hastily, but full-fledged satisfying and tasty breakfast or dinner.

Ham sandwiches - general cooking principles

The easiest way is to grease a slice of bread with any sauce, put a circle of ham and, for example, a tomato or cucumber on it, and sprinkle with grated cheese on top. You can make such an appetizer in a matter of minutes, serving it cold, or slightly warming it up, until the cheese melts, in the microwave or in the oven.

But you can make sandwiches and more complex, which will also be a great decoration. festive table... Fortunately, ham is meat product that goes well with any ingredient.

Be that as it may, the main ingredients of the sandwich are bread and ham. Bread can be bought as toast, which you just need to unpack, and regular loaf, which will have to be cut. It is better to take high-quality ham for making sandwiches, but what it will be made of - chicken, pork or beef - is not so important.

All components of the sandwich are either simply cut into layers and laid out in any order on prepared, fried or greased, bread or crumbled, mixed and spread on the same bread.

Recipe 1: Sandwiches with ham and vegetables


Thin slices white bread;

200 g ham;

3-4 pieces of radish;

One egg;

Two tablespoons of sour cream and ketchup;

50 g of hard cheese;

Two tomatoes;

Fresh green leaves;

Ground paprika, salt.


1. Thoroughly rinse the radishes and tomatoes, cut into small cubes.

2. Peel the ham, also cut it into small cubes or rub it on a coarse grater.

3. Rub the cheese, chop the parsley and dill leaves.

4. Put all the prepared ingredients in one bowl, break the egg here, add salt and ground paprika to taste.

6. Apply the prepared filling on each piece of bread with an even layer.

7. Put the sandwiches on a greased baking sheet.

8. Bake in a preheated oven for about seven minutes.

Recipe 2: Hot Ham and Cheese Sandwiches


150 g boiled and smoked ham;

Small onion

White is not sweet loaf;

Fresh parsley;

150 g of cheese;

2 tbsp. l. sour cream;

Spices: ground pepper, chili, curry, dried basil.


1. Cut the loaf into thin slices.

2. Rub the cheese on a coarse grater.

3. Peel the onion, chop and lightly fry in a small amount of vegetable oil until an appetizing golden color is formed.

4. Cut the ham into small cubes.

5. Separate the parsley leaves from the twigs and chop finely.

6. Mix ham with fried onions, grated cheese, seasonings and sour cream.

7. We spread the mass on a chopped loaf, sprinkle with parsley.

8. Bake in the oven for 12 minutes, setting the temperature to 160-180 degrees.

Recipe 3: Hot Ham and Egg Sandwiches


4 slices of white loaf or bread;

4 slices or slices of ham;

4 slices of tomato;

Salt pepper.


1. Grease the pan with butter or vegetable oil, quickly fry the pieces of ham on both sides.

2. In each piece of bread, cut out circles with a diameter of about 4-5 cm in the center.

3. Put the prepared bread in the pan, where the ham was fried before, break one egg in the middle of each.

4. Salt and pepper the egg to taste, fry on one side for 2 minutes, then turn over.

5. Put on the fried side on a circle of tomato and ham.

6. Bring to readiness within a minute.

7. Sprinkle with grated cheese if desired.

Recipe 4: Sandwiches with Ham, Tomatoes and Green Onions


Gray or white loaf;

Large fleshy tomato;

Green onion feathers;

Bell pepper;

60 g ham;

60 g of cheese;



1. If the loaf is not sliced, cut it into thin slices.

2. Fry each piece in heated oil on both sides until light crust.

3. Grease the still hot toast butter.

4. Put a plate of ham, two slices of tomato in the first layer.

5. Sprinkle the tomatoes with grated cheese and finely chopped bell peppers.

6. We send the prepared structures for a minute in the microwave or for five minutes in a preheated oven.

7. Sprinkle ready-made hot beturbrods with chopped green onions.

Recipe 5: Ham, Egg, Cucumber and Cheese Sandwiches


Not a sweet roll;

Sliced ​​processed cheese;


Fresh cucumber;

Lettuce salad;



1. Thoroughly rinse the lettuce and cucumber, remove the peel from the cucumber, cut it into thinnest oblong layers.

2. Cut the loaf into thin slices, grease each with a small amount of mayonnaise.

3. Spread the round ham and a plate of cheese on top of the mayonnaise.

4. Put the lettuce on the next layer, spread a few slices of cucumber on top.

5. The final layer will be hard-boiled eggs, peeled and cut into small cubes.

Recipe 6: Ham and Seasoning Sandwiches


Two kinds hard cheese 50 grams each;

One clove of garlic;

White baguette;


A few spoons of light mayonnaise;

Salt, pepper, dried thyme and parsley, oregano.


1. Immediately turn on the oven for heating to 160 degrees.

2. We rub both cheeses, preferably with a different texture and taste, on a fine grater.

3. Also grate the ham.

4. Cut the baguette into thin slices.

5. Mix cheese with ham, spices, dried herbs, salt, chopped garlic and mayonnaise.

6. Spread the prepared pieces of baguette with the resulting mass, place in the oven for 3-5 minutes.

7. Ready-made ham sandwiches can be additionally sprinkled Provencal herbs.

Recipe 7. Sandwich with ham in batter


Bread toast;





1. Lubricate each piece of bread with mayonnaise.

2. Sprinkle with chopped garlic and finely chopped herbs.

3. Put a slice of ham, cheese and a slice of tomato.

4. Cover the sandwich with the second slice of bread.

5. Beat eggs separately with salt.

6. Dip each sandwich in egg mixture, fry on both sides until golden brown.

Recipe 8. Hearty hot ham sandwiches


100 g ham;

Two carrots;

Two processed cheese;


Vegetable oil, salt;

Ketchup or sauce to taste.


1. Cut the loaf into slices one centimeter thick.

2. Peel and chop the onion.

3. Rub the peeled carrots on a fine grater.

4. Fry in a pan, pouring into it vegetable oil, first onion until golden, then add carrots and pour in literally one or two tablespoons of water. Simmer until fully cooked and softened vegetables.

5. Cool the frying and mix with salt, grated cheese and ham, mayonnaise and sauce.

6. Spread the ready-made filler on the loaf, bake in the oven for 10 minutes.

7. Sprinkle hot sandwich fresh herbs.

Recipe 9. Sandwich with ham and olives


350 g ham;

200 g of pasty cheese;

Sesame seeds;

Pitted black olives;

Parsley leaves.


1. Cut the loaf into layers, grease each piece liberally with melted cheese.

2. Sprinkle sesame seeds on the cheese.

3. Cut the ham into thin slices, place on top of the sprinkled cheese, folding in half.

4. Place the thoroughly washed and dried parsley leaves on top.

5. The final touch is to fix the olive with a skewer. Or we can cut the olives into thin rings and sprinkle them on the ready-made sandwich.

For cooking cold appetizer or hot sandwiches, you can use absolutely any bread: black, white, whole grain, loaves, baguettes, rolls. The main thing is that the bread is not sweet, because sweet loaves are not particularly combined with meat ham and possible vegetables.

If you don't have a piece of bread at hand, but you want to have a snack, use dry biscuits for making sandwiches, thin not sweet shortbread, croquettes.

Can be added to any ham sandwich, especially if it contains cheese, shredded fried walnuts, which will give the dish more satisfying and interesting taste.

When using tomatoes in your sandwiches, make sure they are not too watery or the appetizer will spread.

Also, keep in mind that sauce, mayonnaise, ketchup, and other lubricating ingredients should not be too runny, or they will soak into the crumb and sandwiches, cold or hot, and get wet.

If you want hot sandwiches, but you do not want to heat the oven, and you do not have a microwave, use a multicooker. Here it is enough to stand the sandwiches on the "Baking" mode for 7 minutes.

Don't be afraid to experiment with toppings for sandwiches: along with ham, you can add eggs, tomatoes, fresh or pickled cucumbers, olives, olives, any kind of cheese, sweet and hot peppers, spices, seasonings, all kinds of greens.

Hot ham and cheese sandwiches are delicious and hearty breakfast, which you can eat, even every day!

I usually make hot sandwiches just by putting a slice of ham or sausage and cheese on top, and I bake it that way. Today I decided to try another option, with the addition of eggs. It turned out very interesting, nutritious and tender.

Whether to use mayonnaise in the filling or not is up to you.

Oven-baked hot ham and cheese sandwiches do not need to be greased on the bread, as the egg partially soaks the bread and makes it juicy.

At the end of baking, I turned on the grill for a few minutes, as I like the cheese with a crust. You can leave it on until lightly baked so that the cheese just melts.

Prepare food.

Cut the ham and half of the cheese into cubes or strips.

Place in a bowl, add mayonnaise and egg.


Spread the filling over the bread. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top. Fold the sandwiches into shape.

Cook hot ham and cheese sandwiches in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 10-12 minutes.

Bon Appetit.

A hearty and hearty breakfast is a must for all people, especially those who go to work in the morning. Maybe you enjoy making scrambled eggs for breakfast, or just sandwiches? I suggest you cook unusual nutritious and delicious hot sandwiches, which include mushrooms, ham, tomatoes, eggs and cheese. Such mouth-watering sandwiches will really appeal to those who love pizza, since these sandwiches very much resemble pizza to taste. At first glance, it may seem that they are difficult to prepare, but in fact, everything is quite simple. The only thing you need to take care of is the pre-fried mushrooms, which can be prepared in the evening or just before making the sandwiches. While you are slicing the bread and tomatoes, the mushrooms will have time to cook. If you have all the products, then pay attention to the subtleties in cooking delicious hot sandwiches with mushrooms, ham and cheese step by step with a photo... From the proposed amount of ingredients, 8 sandwiches are obtained.

Ingredients for making delicious hot sandwiches

Cooking step by step with a photo of delicious hot sandwiches

Serve hot, sprinkled with chopped parsley or dill. Bon Appetit!

Another quick snack option.

Occasionally I get a little sick here :(. universal recipes when you need to make a quick, cheap and cheerful havchik - a hot sandwich. In general, of course, a hot sandwich is suitable in many cases when the time or desire to cook something serious is limited. So let's go:

We cut off the required number of pieces of bread, smear with butter, not worrying too much about beauty. The butter will melt anyway and be absorbed into the bread:

We cut what we will have in addition to butter and bread - sausage, smoked meat, sausages, in general, something ready to eat, which is combined with a sandwich, exclusively to your taste. In my case, I came across a piece of ham in the fridge. We spread it on the sandwich:

If desired, tomatoes and / or ketchup / sauce can be added at this stage. Again, to your taste.

Cut the cheese into slices of 1.5-3 mm. Those who wish can grate, but in my experience this does not give any advantages, the cheese melts evenly and so, especially if the pieces are put with a slight overlap. Evenly cover our blank with cheese:

Take a piece of baking paper and place it on a baking sheet. Place the buters on the paper. It is possible without paper, but it has a definite plus - no need to wash the baking sheet later;). By at least, gets dirty less.

We put the baking sheet on the upper level, set 175 degrees and the timer for 12 minutes. This time is optimal for my taste. If it seems to someone that the cheese is dried, he can choose the time to his taste. The gas oven is more difficult, but you can also choose the temperature and interval. So far, the whole preparation process took 2-3 minutes.

While the sandwiches are baking, the happy owners of a person to whom you can bring coffee to bed can start making coffee. My hot sandwiches have exactly this main purpose - an integral part of breakfast in bed. Those who cannot make coffee for some reason can do something more different.

Heard the timer or decided that it's just time to take out the buters, we do this:

If you wish, you can put a tomato on top, who has not done this before, see the top photo. You can add greenery and other decorations, the field for experiments is very wide.

Total: Cooking took about 15 minutes, of which much less than half the preparation. If someone says that during this time it was possible to eat a bunch of ordinary sandwiches, then he simply never tasted hot ones;).