Quick Easter cake with candied fruits and raisins. Easter cake with candied fruits and raisins

Our family loves candied fruits - tasty, healthy and bright on the plate. I add them to porridge, make buns and cakes with them. But one of the favorite dishes was cottage cheese Easter with candied fruits. The recipe is very simple, and the result is delicious! The delicacy is suitable both for Easter holidays and for everyday life - if you give the dish a different shape. Be sure to try it, especially if your kids don't like cottage cheese too much and don't believe it's good for it. Such Easter can be placed on the table for guests without hesitation or taken to church for consecration.

Easter cottage cheese recipe

  • Cottage cheese - 500 g (I used 0.5 kg of cottage cheese, but if you have exactly the same pastry box as mine, double all the ingredients, as my Easter cottage cheese turned out to be too small)
  • Chicken egg yolks - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 130 g.
  • Butter - 100 g.
  • Sour cream (you can use heavy cream 33%) - 100 g.
  • Vanilla sugar (or vanillin) - 1 sachet.
  • Dried fruits (candied fruits) - 100 g.

You will also need a pasta box - a special device for making pies (you can buy it in the utility departments of supermarkets), a gauze cut.

How to cook

Any novice housewife can cope with the preparation of Easter cottage cheese, this is not for you to bake cakes, where you need skills in working with yeast dough.

All products for Easter must be fresh, it is better to take farm cottage cheese, sour cream, eggs. Remove all ingredients from the refrigerator beforehand so that they mix well.

If the curd is coarse, beat it with a special blender attachment or rub it through a sieve.

Candied fruits should be rinsed well and filled with hot water to make them swell.

Do not use boiling water, otherwise the candied fruits will become sour and turn into porridge!

If you use dried apricots like me, also rinse them, cut them into small pieces and send them to steam with candied fruits.

Combine sugar with egg yolks (2 pcs.) Stir until smooth.

Add sour cream (100 g) to the stirred eggs with sugar.

Mix eggs with sour cream until smooth.

Add butter (100 g)

We put all the stirring ingredients on the fire. Keep the fire low to prevent curdling of the yolks.

Remove the candied fruits from the water, squeeze, dry on a towel, then cut into small pieces.

Add chopped candied fruits to the curd.

Stir curd mass... Add the heated mixture with yolks, sugar, sour cream.

Mix and get a homogeneous curd mass with candied fruits.

Putting the Pasobox (it is very simple to do it, like a constructor). Children will be happy to help you!

Now we need gauze, which should be folded in two layers and gently spread over the entire surface of the form. We spread the curd mass in the pasochny.

As you can see from the photo, my paso-box was not filled to the top. So next time I'll take twice as many ingredients!

Cover the cottage cheese Easter with the ends of the gauze on top.

Pasochnitsa must be installed in a plate into which the liquid from Easter will drain. Place a load on top of Easter (for example, a two to three liter jar of jam). We send our workpiece to the refrigerator for the night.

In the morning cottage cheese easter take it out of the refrigerator, remove the load. Gently open the cheesecloth and take out the Easter on a plate with the base down.

We decorate our festive treat with candied fruit and serve it to the table!

How do you prepare Easter cottage cheese? Have you tried making it with this recipe? Share your reviews, photos in the comments. Thank you!

Another option delicious treat Easter cake with cream. I recorded a detailed video recipe for you and posted it on our YuoTube channel, I wish you a pleasant viewing!

Happy Easter!

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All my life I love the holiday of Great Sunday. As a child, I liked him because of the goodies that could only be tasted once a year. In my youth, I was fascinated by the special atmosphere in the church itself and in the whole city. Now I also appreciate this holiday for the opportunity to gather all relatives and friends at the table. And of course I love to cook. This time, among other things, I will bake an Easter cake with candied fruits.

This recipe can be called classic - heavy butter dough, a decades-old list of ingredients and a challenging preparation process. But I changed it a little, or rather took colored candied fruits instead of banal raisins. I liked these cakes more - the taste and consistency of the aromatic dough are the same, but bright sweet inclusions give originality.

The most important component of this cake is the special attitude of the hostess! Therefore, expel everyone from the kitchen, arm yourself with calmness and good mood, and only after that you can proceed to cooking. Until the cake is ready, you can neither be nervous, nor upset, let alone get angry - this pastry should be not only tasty, but also "correct" energetically! And if such a condition is not observed, then the dough may simply not rise. Well, now we can move on to the products.

Ingredients for cooking

We will need:

  • 600-700 g flour;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 50-60 g of live yeast;
  • 3 large eggs + 1 yolk;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 1-1.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar;
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. cognac;
  • 150-200 g of candied fruits and orange zest at will.

Cover the cakes with glaze:

  • 1 protein chicken eggs;
  • 3/4 Art. powdered sugar;
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

How to make candied Easter cake

First of all, let's put the dough. Take a suitable deep dish immediately. Pour out the milk, warmed up so that the hand is comfortable. We also send finely broken yeast there (they should bloom in liquid), add a couple of tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of sifted flour. We mix everything, cover with a towel and put in a warm place where there are no drafts. For example, I hide it in the oven, heated to 40-50 degrees and turned off. It should be warm there, but not hot.

Under no circumstances replace live yeast with dry - with butter dough for cakes, which will be defrosted several times, dry ones simply cannot cope.

While the dough is coming up, let's do the baking.

Grind the eggs separately with the remaining sugar and vanilla until white... It doesn't have to be a fluffy mass, just mix well. If you like sweet dough, then take a little more sugar.

Do not forget to pre-soften the butter and add to egg mixture.

After 30-40 minutes, the dough is ready - it has increased in size by 2-3 times and settled a little in the center. You can introduce baking.

Then pour in the cognac and mix everything well again.

At this stage, we get batter... Add flour, leaving 5-6 spoons in order to sprinkle the table later, and stir first with a spoon, then with your hands.

Continue kneading manually on the table. Here comes the most difficult stage - it will take a long time to work with the dough, about 30 minutes. During this time, it will become elastic, springy, and will begin to peel off from your hands. By the way, during this process you will want to add more flour - take your time. The consistency should be very tender, then the cakes will turn out to be fluffy and airy.

Now grease the bowl vegetable oil odorless and put there a fragrant, oxygenated dough ready for proofing. We cover with a clean towel and send to a warm place for 1-1.5 hours.

After this time, a small lump has grown several times.

We spread it on the table, knead it with a flatbread, sprinkle with candied fruits and fold it in an envelope or roll.

We do this until we use up all the candied fruits.

While the dough rises, you can do the molds, that is, just grease them inside with butter or vegetable oil. Paper, metal, glass or silicone - any will do. If suddenly you do not have enough of them, then how to make cake baking tins from improvised means,. Expect that 4-5 small cakes are obtained from this amount of ingredients.

I cover the metal molds with parchment (baking paper), cut out circles on the bottom and stripes on the sides.

Now you can plant Easter cakes. With our hands greased with vegetable oil, we pinch off the pieces, form koloboks and send them into forms, filling them with dough by a little more than a third. We are waiting for another 30 minutes for the cakes to rise.

At this time, we warm up the oven to 180 degrees. As soon as the dough "grows" to the brim, we send to bake. This will take from 40 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the size of the mold. Do not open the door for the first 20 minutes! To the bottom oven you can put a container with water.

We check the readiness with a toothpick or skewer. It is also important to cool the baked Easter cakes and properly! We put it on one side and periodically turn it - this way we prevent deformation.

While cooling, beat the frosting until a strong, stable foam. Decorate Easter baked goods when they are not completely cold yet. We decorate as the heart dictates. I got such cute and incredibly tasty cakes.

Does your Easter bun turn out to be unbaked, rubbery, flat, burnt? And after unsuccessful attempts, you promised yourself not to try again? We hasten to please you. From now on, your holiday will never be spoiled. Now on your table there will be only fluffy, fluffy baked goods with a white protein coating. We offer you a wonderful gift: a photo recipe with many culinary secrets... Having it in your arsenal, you will bake an incomparable Easter cake with candied fruits and raisins, even if you have never stood at the stove yet. Many housewives, especially young ones, after failing to bake baking, decide not to complicate their lives and just buy Easter cakes for Easter. But you need to remember that it has almost magical significance and is capable of bringing wealth and prosperity to the house. There are many baking recipes on our site, but this one has been tested for a period of time, since it was passed from one generation to another for about 100 years.
You will need:
For the test:

  • Milk (3.2%) - 250 ml;
  • Sugar - sand - 1 glass;
  • Yeast (live) - 35 g;
  • Flour - 400 - 600 g
  • Yolk - 4 pcs.;
  • Vanilla sugar - 2 tsp;
  • Butter 72% fat - 125 g;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Cognac - 1 tsp;
  • Candied fruits - 30 g;
  • Raisins - 30 g;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. lies.

For glaze:

  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. lies .;
  • Chicken egg white - 2 pcs.;
  • Powdered sugar - 1 tbsp.

Easter cake with candied fruits and raisins (photo recipe)

1. We start baking by making the dough. As for any classic Easter cake with candied fruits and raisins, we use yeast dough... Every mistress knows how capricious it is. To avoid unpleasant surprises, you need to follow simple rules. The air temperature in the room where the baking is prepared should not be lower than 25 degrees. Drafts must not be allowed. The richness of yeast products depends on the quality of the food, so prefer homemade ingredients. First, remove all of the indicated ingredients of the recipe from the refrigerator, because they should be at room temperature. After reading the list of ingredients, many housewives will have a question: is it possible to replace compressed yeast with active yeast? For the preparation of Easter cake, it is important to let the dough come up 2-3 times, therefore we do not recommend using dry yeast, since it is less active. In addition, if you do not have enough skills to work with this type of dough, use exclusively live yeast and be calm about the result. Be sure to check the expiration date of this product.

In a small saucepan, heat the milk to 36.6 degrees. It is better to use milk with a fat content of 3.2%. If the degrees exceed this level, the yeast will die, but if it is lower, it will not be able to activate.
Cooking dough. Pour the milk into the container in which you plan to knead the dough. An enamel bowl works best as it keeps warm for a long time. Thoroughly crush the pressed yeast with your hands into milk, add half a glass of sugar. Measure out 2 cups flour. First, in small portions, stirring, add 1 glass to the dough. Then, gradually adding the rest of the flour, bring the dough to a consistency of 15% sour cream. A silicone spatula will help get rid of lumps. Cover the dishes with a towel and leave in a warm place to ferment. Culinary film should not be used, a linen towel is ideal, it allows air to pass through well and the dough is saturated with oxygen.
Advice: do not add salt at this stage, as this product slows down the activation of the yeast.

2. Dough should grow twice, half an hour will be enough for this.

3. For our Easter cakes with candied fruit and raisins, we will use yolks, they will give the dough fluffiness and a beautiful yellow color. Separate the yolks carefully. Beat them with a mixer with a half glass of sugar. The mass should turn white, increase the volume, and melt the sugar.

4. Gently add the whipped yolks to the dough. Add vanilla sugar or vanillin, salt. Optionally, you can add cognac or any other alcohol. Alcohol will evaporate during baking, which will give the baked goods extra puffiness. Stir.

5. Add flour to the dough little by little, stirring to avoid lumps. Now add the softened butter. This should be done almost at the end of kneading the dough so that the fatty medium does not envelop the yeast, preventing its growth. Add flour again, first knead the dough in a bowl, when it stops sticking to your hands, proceed to kneading on a cutting board. The mass should be elastic and soft. To establish the readiness of the dough, cut off its edge with a sharp knife. The dough should not be pulled by the knife, but should look uniform when cut. Put some flour on the bottom of the bowl, put the dough and cover it again with a towel. In this position, he needs to be allowed to stand for another hour in a warm place.
Advice: You cannot add hot ingredients, the dough will turn out lumpy, and also at high temperatures some of the yeast microorganisms may die, which is why the dough will not work.

6. Raisins need to be steamed. Fill it up warm water for a quarter of an hour. Then drain and pat dry using a paper towel, or roll in flour to remove excess moisture.
Advice: Do not exceed the specified amount of these sweets. Excess raisins will make the dough heavy and the cake will not rise. For Easter cakes with candied fruits, choose pitted light golden raisins.

7. As soon as the dough doubles its volume, knead it. For this purpose, we moisten the surface of the table and hands with vegetable oil and knead the mass. Thus, carbon dioxide leaves the dough, it will not fall off during baking and the cake will come out more airy.

8. Only now it is better to add softened raisins and candied fruits to the Easter cake. We make a small notch in the yeast mass and pour the prepared sweets into it. Then we knead until they spread evenly over the dough.

Advice: for Easter cakes with raisins and candied fruit are also suitable walnuts, almonds, dates, dried apricots.
And the best thing is to put the dough to come up again.

9. We grease the pre-purchased molds from the inside with vegetable oil, preferably refined. We form spherical pieces from the dough, place all the irregularities under the bottom, so that the top of the cake is smooth and even. The dough should take up a third of the mold. We set aside the filled forms for 30 minutes. The mass should increase.
Advice: To prevent the dough from drying out, place a glass of water next to the blanks and cover with a towel, this will increase the humidity of the air and the baking will turn out to be soft.

10. In the meantime, turn on the oven, it must be heated to 170 degrees, because the cake does not rise in a cold oven, it will turn out dry. To prevent the bottom of the baking from burning, place a metal sheet with water on the very bottom of the oven (2 fingers level). The steam will help raise your items while baking. Check the prepared molds, when the dough is filled almost the entire volume, you can start baking.

11. Try not to bang the oven door, bake cakes at a stable temperature for about 40 minutes. The finished muffin should have a pleasant ruddy appearance.

12. In the meantime, prepare the icing. To do this, take the cooled proteins and beat until foam appears with a mixer, then add the sugar powder in small portions and continue to beat. Add lemon juice. Thanks to it, the glaze will harden faster and acquire a light aroma. Whisk the whites until stiff.

13. After forty minutes, check the pastry for readiness with a wooden kebab stick. If you don't find any dough remnants on the skewer, the Easter cake with candied fruit and raisins is cooked.
When the baked goods are ready, remove them immediately from the oven. To prevent the dough from falling, lay the cakes on their side and leave to cool slightly.

14. It is necessary to apply the glaze on the still warm cake, in this case it will not crack when cutting. The easiest way is to dip the top of the baking into the glaze so that its layer is 2-3 mm. Apply a special powder on top. You can also decorate the cake with grated chocolate, colored marmalade, dried fruits, nuts.

Since Easter cakes are baked in advance on Maundy Thursday, you need to worry about their safety. All Easter buns should be placed in a cool place with no air access, such as a large saucepan. Thanks to such measures, your yeast products and for the holiday, and after it will be fresh and soft.

The baking process is quite laborious. But all your efforts will be rewarded. Using this method, the Easter cake with candied fruits and raisins will undoubtedly turn out to be delicious and appetizing. From dough prepared according to this recipe, you can also make yeast poppy rolls with nuts, pies with apples and other pastries. If you also take advantage of our tips for painting eggs, Easter is sure to be truly festive.

There are always difficulties with Easter cakes. We can't get our hands on it, because we bake them once a year, we draw conclusions from our mistakes, but after a year we happily forget. That's why take on board the proven classic recipe, according to which easter baked goods guaranteed to be obtained from year to year.

Classic recipe

Ingredients Quantity
warm milk - 80 ml
dry yeast - 7 g
natural honey - 30 g
Wheat flour - 410 g
soft butter - 120 g
large eggs - 3 pieces
fine sugar - 50 g
salt - 10 g
dark raisins + colorful candied fruits (diced) - 70 g each
vanillin - pinch
egg yolk - 1 PC.
Cooking time: 180 minutes Calorie content per 100 grams: 330 Kcal

The good thing about this recipe is that it is versatile and very easy to use. The calculation of products is given for four small Easter cakes.

Cooking Easter cake with candied fruits and raisins:

Step 1. Cooking dough. Stir 30 g of honey, 7 g of yeast in warmed milk. Then carefully add the sifted flour into the liquid. During sifting, it is enriched with oxygen and rises well, so the cakes are baked more lightly. Cover the container with the dough with cling film, place it on the stove or in another warm place where it is not very hot. Be aware that above 40 ºC, yeast cultures will die;

Step 2. Cooking the dough. Add the recommended products to the prepared dough. Start with liquid ingredients and finish with flour. Don't forget to add some salt. Knead the dough so that it easily sticks off your palms, but at the same time it is not steep;

Step 3. Melt the dough. Leave it alone for 40 minutes until it doubles in volume, then wrap your hands around it, add candied fruit, prepared raisins (rinse, dry). Ideally, after this process, the dough should come up again. This will make it better and softer. But this stage is often skipped due to lack of time;

Step 4. We lay out on molds. Prepare them in advance by lining the inside with parchment. Place the dough in them so that it fills half of the form or even slightly less. After packing, leave the future Easter cakes for 20 minutes. at rest;

Step 5. We bake in the oven. In this case, the main thing is to observe the temperature regime and not to open the oven door during the baking process. Be aware that the high temperature will not work, with it the cakes will “fall off”. The best option is 170 ºC. When the top of the cake grabs during the baking process, grease it with whipped yolk;

Step 6. We take out the cake from the oven. Leave it to cool in the form, after that it can be removed easily, because as it cools, the baked goods slightly decrease in volume;

Step 7. Decorating baked goods. Grind the sugar into a powder, sprinkle over the top of the product, or use the simplest frosting. To do this, combine sugar with egg white in a bowl, dripping the mixture with a little fresh lemon juice, beat thoroughly;

Note: you can make multi-colored Easter cakes if you drop a little cherry or orange juice... Children will surely like this delicacy.

Cooking at home is easy and simple Easter cake with almonds

You can fantasize endlessly by adding candied fruits, raisins and almonds to the dough. But, in order to prepare it easily and simply, you need to prepare these ingredients in advance. Sort the dark raisins thoroughly, add water for a while, rinse and dry.

Before adding to ready dough roll in a small amount of flour, so it spreads more evenly throughout the cake.

Peel the nuts from the films, for this they need to be poured with boiling water, drained and poured again, and when the water cools down a little, peel the kernels, dry in a warm frying pan and chop.

You will need six small cakes:

  • 0.5 kg of sifted flour;
  • a pinch of vanilla sugar;
  • 0.2 kg of white sugar;
  • 100 ml non-fat cream;
  • 10 g yeast (dry);
  • 200 g softened butter;
  • chicken egg - 4 pieces;
  • dark raisins + candied fruits - 100 g each;
  • almonds peeled from films - 50 g;
  • some salt.

Cooking time active: 40 min. Portion calorie content: 335 kcal.

How to cook kulich with candied fruits, almonds and raisins:

  1. Knead the dough: combine milk with cream, add 100 grams of granulated sugar and heat slightly. Stir to dissolve the sugar. Add 5 g yeast and 100 g flour, stir. Cover the container with dough with a towel or cling film, leave warm for 60 minutes;
  2. While the dough is coming up, make the baking. To do this, mix the eggs with the remaining sugar, grind to white, add a pinch of vanillin, butter, beat;
  3. Pour the prepared dough into the egg-oil mixture, season with salt. Knead the dough with your hands until smooth, smooth. Add coarsely chopped candied fruits, raisins, almonds, stir;
  4. Fill one third of the molds with the dough, leave to warm;
  5. Place in the oven, bring the temperature to 165-170 ºC and bake for 40 minutes. (this time is recommended for small baked goods, large cakes are baked for more than 60 minutes);
  6. Cool the finished baked goods, then decorate sugar glaze or fondant, candied fruits, nuts and other decorations of your choice.

Recipe for Easter cake on sour cream with raisins and candied fruits

Prepare additives in advance: sort out the dark raisins, rinse, dry on paper towels, then fill with cognac. Prepare a saffron liqueur by adding a pinch of saffron to a shot of vodka.

You will need:

  • 11 g dry yeast (fresh - 60 g);
  • 10 g vanilla sugar;
  • 1 kg of premium flour;
  • 2 eggs of the selected category;
  • 6 egg yolks;
  • 0.4 kg of fine sugar;
  • 150 g dark raisins + candied fruits;
  • 200 g of fatty sour cream;
  • 30 ml of brandy;
  • 125 ml of milk;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a pack of butter;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of saffron tincture.

For the glaze 2 proteins + 100 g sugar.

Cooking time: passive - 3 hours, active - 45 minutes. Serving value: 340 kcal per 100 g.


  1. Make a brew: Mix 25 grams of flour with 125 ml of warm milk. Separately, in a small amount of liquid, dilute dry yeast and 25 g of sugar, add them to the milk mixture, leave the dough warm for about 60 minutes;
  2. Fat sour cream, a pinch of salt, vanilla and regular sugar, grind well and add the yolks, 2 eggs one at a time, stirring thoroughly. Add flour and knead the dough well. Add the dough, stir, put in a warm place for 2 hours;
  3. Then add soft butter, candied fruits, raisins, pour in the tincture and add the rest of the flour, knead well, set to rise;
  4. In the meantime, prepare the cake molds by lining the inside with oiled parchment. Put the finished dough in them so that it takes up one third of the form's volume, place it next to the stove;
  5. When the dough in the tins has doubled in volume, put the Easter delicacy in the oven, bake for 45 minutes. at a temperature of 165 ºC.
  1. Add dry yeast to the dough. Firstly, they are more aromatic than fresh ones, moreover, they are guaranteed to "work";
  2. Knead the dough until elastic, it should easily separate from the walls of the container, be soft and slightly shiny. With a mixer, you can cook it in 10 minutes. If you knead with your hands, you will have to work much longer;
  3. Do not place the container in a very warm place. For example, near a hot battery is not a good option at all. The fact is that temperatures above 35-40 ºC kill the yeast;
  4. Be sure to melt the cakes in the molds. If you fill the form with dough by one third of the volume, then the baking will turn out to be light and fluffy, if by ½ part of the form, then the cake will turn out to be dense. Know that the big one will need 500 g of dough, the small ones will need 250 grams;
  5. You only need to decorate a completely cooled delicacy;
  6. Suitable for decoration sugar fudge, you can buy it at a candy store or make your own white frosting. To do this, beat the icing sugar with protein and lemon juice;
  7. Cover the top of the cake with icing, sprinkle with candied fruits, nuts, caramel or other decorations of your choice on top.

On the Easter table, there must be a cake made of dense and elastic dough. What is sold in bakery shops is often just a muffin with raisins. Easter lush cake is not like that. It is made from well-risen dough, in which only high-quality ingredients and a filling of raisins, candied fruits or nuts.

Kulich is the main treat of the Easter table. Today we will tell you the recipe for a fragrant air cake, which will surely please both home and guests. It can be kept fresh and soft at room temperature for up to 4 days.

Author of the publication

Author and founder of the "site" project - a culinary portal about a simple and delicious food... With the help of the site, it unites all lovers of homemade food. Shares with other food bloggers delicious recipes with detailed step by step description... She loves to cook and translates her culinary knowledge into recipes. Every day he tries to make this project even more convenient and interesting. Mom of Ani and Kirill.

  • Recipe author: Olesya Fisenko
  • After cooking, you will receive 1 kg
  • Cooking time: 3 hours


  • 450 gr. wheat flour
  • 250 ml. milk
  • 3 pcs. egg
  • 1 PC. egg yolk
  • 130 g sugar
  • 10 gr. vanilla sugar
  • 10 gr. dry fast-acting yeast
  • 100 g candied fruit
  • 100 g raisin
  • 10 ml. vodka
  • 120 g butter
  • 1/2 lemon lemon zest
  • 1 PC. egg yolk
  • 10 gr. butter
  • 10 gr. semolina
  • 2 pcs. egg white
  • 50 gr. powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp lemon juice

Cooking method

    Prepare ingredients. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes room temperature.

    The first stage of making Easter cake is dough. It will help the dough rise better and accept the desired structure. Sift into a bowl 180 g wheat flour, add yeast, 70 grams of sugar and warm milk (38-40 degrees). When working with yeast, the temperature of the liquid is very important - it should not be cold or hot, but warm. Stir the dough until smooth, cover with a towel and remove to a warm place without drafts for 1 hour.

    Divide two eggs into yolks and whites. Set aside one yolk to grease the cakes, put the whites in the refrigerator. Beat three eggs and yolk with vanilla sugar and 60 grams of granulated sugar until a thick, light mass. Sift 270 grams of flour into a large bowl, add beaten eggs and dough.

    Add butter at room temperature to the dough and knead the dough thoroughly for 10-15 minutes, until it becomes obedient and homogeneous (the dough turns out to be a little more liquid). Cover the bowl with the dough again with a towel and put it in a warm place for 40 minutes (no longer).

    While the dough is suitable, rinse the raisins, pour boiling water or cognac (rum) and leave for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, place the raisins on a kitchen towel and stir occasionally to allow the towel to absorb excess moisture. Put candied fruits and raisins in a bowl, add 20 grams of wheat flour and stir. Flour will help absorb excess moisture and prevent dried fruits from settling in the kulich when baking. Using a fine grater, remove the zest (yellow layer) from half of the lemon. Pour vodka (or brandy in which raisins were soaked) into the dough that has come up, add the zest, knead the dough. Add dried fruits with flour and knead again so that the dried fruits are evenly distributed in the dough.

    Prepare baking dishes (this amount of dough makes about 1 kg of cakes). If you have a metal mold, you need to lubricate it. butter and sprinkle with semolina or bread crumbs(shake the mold to remove excess cereal). Paper forms do not require preparation. Put the dough into molds no more than 1/3 of the volume. Put the cakes for proofing: cover with a towel and put in a warm place, or put the tins with the dough in an oven preheated to 50-55 degrees for 20 minutes (the second option is preferable).

    After proving, the cakes will increase in size (you need to catch the moment when the dough is 1 cm below the edge of the mold), carefully remove them from the oven, grease the top of the dough with yolk using a silicone brush. Increase the temperature in the oven to 170-180 degrees. Place a ladle of water on the bottom of the oven. As soon as the oven has warmed up, remove the cakes in the middle of the oven. After 7 minutes, carefully remove the ladle of water and continue baking the cakes for about 40 minutes (depending on their size). Willingness to check with a wooden skewer - it should come out of the middle of the cake dry. If the top of the cake starts to burn, cover it with foil or parchment paper.

    For the glaze, beat the cold proteins with powdered sugar and lemon juice with a mixer for 7-10 minutes. The frosting should be smooth and stay in place when you tilt the pan with it. Cover the cooled cakes with icing: with a spoon or, turning the cake over, dip the "hat" into the icing. Decorate with candied fruits or pastry sprinkles.

    Easter cake ready. Bon Appetit!