Easter cottage cheese recipe classic without. How to make Easter at home

Of course, it is hard to imagine a festive table in an Orthodox family without Easter delicacies. Easter cottage cheese turns out very tasty, you will find their recipes with photos just below. On the eve of Easter, all the housewives are trying to carefully prepare, pondering how to set the table. It has already become traditional to paint eggs and cook cottage cheese Easter. How to cook cottage cheese Easter: you will find recipes with photos in the article.

Eggs are painted in different ways: someone uses purchased paints, and someone uses natural products. In any case, you get multi-colored testicles. After painting, they should be rubbed sunflower oil so they will shine. You can buy Easter stickers in advance and stick them on each egg. With this sorted out, now is the time to prepare Easter. You can cook ordinary Easter cakes, or you can make cottage cheese Easter. So, the topic of our article is cottage cheese Easter: recipes with photos, how to cook this holiday dessert will be discussed below.

If you have never cooked yourself, then thanks to the recipe for cottage cheese Easter without eggs, you will create a real cooking masterpiece... This method is the easiest one, suitable even for novice cooks. And if you really want to surprise your family, prepare a Cheesy Easter. Find out the preferences of each family member and, based on this, prepare a real treat for the festive table. Curd Easter as a dish turns out to be very tasty and tender. On this day, Easter must be on the table. How do you prepare them at home? We will deal with this now.

Easter cottage cheese (royal)

There is a time-tested recipe for making Easter. Photo is also attached. You can't pull off such a delicacy by the ears.

Required products:

curd (preferably fat, 1 kg);

sour cream (fat, 210 grams);

a couple of eggs;

sugar (half a glass, choose according to your taste);

butter (high% fat, 110 grams);

vanillin (a couple of sachets);

raisins (100-150 grams);

candied fruits (100-150 grams).

The first step is to pass the curd through a sieve. It is advisable to do this several times so that the dough is airy and not clogged.

2 eggs are driven into the curd, sugar is poured in and soft butter is added. Send sour cream and vanillin to the ingredients immediately. Now beat all the ingredients thoroughly. For these purposes, use a mixer. If there is no such device in the kitchen, beat with your hands for 10 minutes.

In the meantime, do not forget, it is better to do this in advance, rinse the raisins. After it dries, together with the candied fruits, it will go into the curd mixture. Stir well again.

Next, moisten a piece of gauze and cover the mold with it. If you don't have a pastern, you can use a flower pot or colander. Put on cheesecloth curd mass... Wrap with gauze and place the plate on top. Serum will flow through the bottom of your mold, so put something under the bottom too. Refrigerate everything overnight.

In the morning, remove the plate, remove the cheesecloth, and flip the Easter onto the platter. Turn over in the same way as jellied meat. The finished delicacy can be decorated with candied fruits and written in capital letters "ХВ". The most delicious cottage cheese Easter (classic) is ready. Treats can be served on the Easter table.

Baked Easter (recipe with photo)

Not a single holiday of Easter is complete without Easter. Food should be consistent with the holy day. Instead of bread, Easter is eaten on this day. Easter from cottage cheese is considered the most delicious, tender and melting in the mouth. All food on the table is exclusively Easter. But how do you make Easter at home? We will now provide a simple recipe.

Required products:

homemade curd (700-800 grams);

chicken eggs (6 pieces selected);

sour cream (250 grams);

sugar (250 grams);

cinnamon (a couple of small spoons, one can be used);

zest of any citrus (grated, 6 small spoons);

baking powder (sachet);

wheat flour (half a glass);

slice butter.

Cooking Easter Treats:

Now you will see how to make a delicious baked Easter. First, separate the whites from the yolks. We need exactly the yolks. They will need to be ground with sugar and mixed with curd. All the ingredients presented in the list are also sent here. But the flour will need to be sifted first.

Grease the prepared baking dish with a lump of butter. Put the mass there and send to the oven. Readiness can be checked with a match. If the dough does not stick to it, then you can get it out.

Brush the finished cake with whipped egg white and powdered sugar. This is optional. Whoever doesn't like it, you can not do it, and without it it will be very tasty. So the cottage cheese Easter is ready. The recipe turned out to be very simple. It is imperative to put Easter on the Easter table, but you already know how to cook it at home.

Easter recipe from cottage cheese with chocolate flavor

How to make a delicious Easter? This question is asked by many housewives on the eve of a great holiday. After all, food should correspond to this day. DIY Easter cake will be especially appreciated. Cooking Easter is very easy at home. There are recipes where the egg is added, and there are where it is completely unnecessary. You can make a delicious chocolate-flavored Easter. Now we will offer you the simplest recipe (step by step).

Required products:

homemade curd (550-600 grams);

butter (210 grams);

sour cream (110 grams);

milk chocolate (bar);

sugar (250 grams);

vanillin (bag).

Cooking Easter:

Pay special attention to the curd before you start cooking. It must be rubbed thoroughly through a sieve, if possible several times. Then send it to the prepared bowl. Put soft butter there. Next, mix both ingredients with a blender.

Whisk sour cream separately and slowly spread to curd-creamy mass... Mix everything again. Then sugar and vanillin are added to the prepared composition. Mix everything. The chocolate must be grated with small holes and poured into the mixture.

Cover the mold with gauze and put the prepared mixture there. Cover the top of Easter with the ends of the cheesecloth, and place a plate on top. Place a plate under the bottom of the mold, where excess liquid will drain. Refrigerate everything overnight.

In the morning your curd paste will be ready. There is no need to decorate it, as it will already be beautiful because of the chocolate chips. Now you know how to cook curd delicacy fast and tasty.

Choux Easter: how to cook

We all prepare for Easter in a special way. This holiday is famous for all kinds of pastries and colored eggs... But have you ever tried Choux Easter? Now we will tell you a little secret on how to cook it. To add flavor and aroma, it is advisable to add citruses.

Required products:

homemade curd (1 kilogram);

chicken eggs (8-9 pieces of the second grade);

butter (pack);


sour cream (210 ml);

cream (fatty 210 ml);

raisins (50 grams);

chopped almonds (50 grams).

Cooking Easter Treats:

Today we will get not just boiled Easter, but custard. As usual, grind the curd through a sieve. Add softened butter to it. Now put the saucepan on a small fire and bring to a boil. Do not forget to stir the composition.

When the mixture has cooled, beat in the eggs one at a time. If you have cottage cheese lying around somewhere, you do not need to cook from it. Take fresh food.

Add lemon juice, sour cream and cream to the prepared mass. Stir well again. Add chopped almonds and raisins immediately. Important! When rubbing the zest, do not touch the white skin, otherwise you will feel bitterness in the dish.

Now put the Pasobox in front of you and cover it with gauze. There will be laid out the curd paste. Put everything under oppression and send it to the refrigerator overnight. The recipe for cottage cheese Easter turned out to be very simple.

Easter cottage cheese in a slow cooker

Exists great amount recipes for cooking Easter. There are cottage cheese Easter with candied fruits, cottage cheese Easter without eggs, but few people know that this Easter delicacy can be prepared in a multicooker. How to cook Easter cottage cheese? What are the recipes in the multicooker? In fact, the methods for making Easter sweets are pretty simple. You will be convinced of this now.

Required products:

homemade curd (fat, 750-800 grams);

butter (155 grams);

dried apricots (155 grams);

raisins (100 grams);

cream (250 ml);

sugar (half a glass);

a pinch of salt;

a bag of vanillin.

Cooking Easter Treats:

The first step is to thoroughly grind the curd through a sieve. Put softened butter on it. To make it soft, just take it out of the refrigerator 2 hours before cooking. Pour vanillin here and mix.

Take the whites and beat with a mixer with sugar. Stir until sugar dissolves.
The next step is the washing of dried fruits. Pure fruit will need to be chopped.

Mix the whole mass with cream and salt. Homogeneous mass pour into a multicooker and leave for 10-15 minutes, setting the "heating" mode.

In the meantime, prepare the mold and cover it with gauze. When the signal sounds on the multicooker, add the cottage cheese and set the "porridge" mode. Set a timer for 5 minutes, and remember to stir.

Then the mixture should cool. After that, dried fruits are added there and everything is mixed. Now the prepared mass should be laid out in the form. Place the plates on top and bottom and send to the refrigerator. The next day, Easter must be turned over onto a dish, and the gauze must be carefully removed. So our cottage cheese Easter with dried apricots is ready. This recipe is liked by all housewives. It is simple, and the delicacy turns out to be so tasty that it flies off the Easter table in a matter of seconds.

Cooked Easter recipe

It is difficult to imagine a bright Easter day without Easter cakes. But they can be prepared not only from flour, but also from cottage cheese. We will talk about the second option. Now we will tell you how you can make Easter from cottage cheese (boiled). Everyone chooses a recipe for himself, who knows, maybe you will like this method. Easter is presented to your attention curd recipe.

Required products:

homemade cottage cheese(fat about a kilogram);

chicken eggs (2 pieces of the highest grade);

sour cream (310 grams);

butter (155 grams, about half a pack);

sugar (210 grams);

a pinch of vanillin;

raisins (110 grams).

Cooking Easter Treats:

Do the curd first. It must be rubbed through a sieve several times. This will help him stay airy. Add sour cream and melted butter to this. Yes, you heard right, it was melted, not just softened. Mix everything well until smooth.

Beat eggs with a mixer along with sugar and vanilla. Combine the resulting mixture with curd mass and raisins. Put the saucepan with the prepared composition on water bath for half an hour. Remember to stir the mixture regularly.

Then proceed as usual. Take a mold for Easter and cover it with gauze. If you don't have a sachet, a colander or flower pot will do. The most important thing is that there is a hole at the bottom through which the serum will flow. Fill the mold with the prepared mass with gauze. Place the edges of the gauze on top and cover with a plate. Put the plate down as well, as excess liquid will flow out there.

Set everything in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, frozen Easter can be turned on a plate and decorated as desired. For design, you can take multi-colored candied fruits. Lay out the letters "ХВ" with them or simply sprinkle on top. The treat is ready!

After you paint the eggs and prepare Easter, they should definitely be dedicated. This is the meaning of all the blanks. On this day, all Christians go to church. They light candles and pray. Then they come home and break their fast. On this day, Easter is eaten instead of bread. For a change, along with a curd delicacy, you can bake Easter cakes.

Whichever recipe you choose, you will not regret it, as Easter cottage cheese melts in your mouth. It is such bliss that words cannot be conveyed, they must be tried. Not one holiday of Easter is complete without Easter. Prepare for this day in a special way, because it happens only once a year. This is not just a holiday, Easter means a lot for believers.

- a special dish made from cottage cheese, which, according to all traditions, is prepared only once a year for the holiday of Great Easter. The custom of making cottage cheese Easter is widespread in the central and northern regions of our Motherland. In the south of Russia and Ukraine, Easter or Paska is called festive bread or, which are baked according to traditional recipes... They also brightly paint and arrange an elegant Easter corner.

In this article you will find delicious recipes Easter cottage cheese without baking, which is based on very useful product... Children will love this delicious and tender cottage cheese Easter. Find your universal recipe Easter cottage cheese, your family will definitely appreciate this Easter cottage cheese dessert.

We choose cottage cheese with a high fat content, and preferably homemade. Due to its fat content, tenderness and a great taste of the dessert are achieved. According to all the rules and traditions, it must be wiped twice through a sieve. In modern times, many housewives resort to blenders and grinders, you can also skip it a couple of times through a meat grinder.

There are opinions that cottage cheese is one of the oldest sacred foods associated with the worship of fertility deities. Many rituals in antiquity, such as the spring ceremony of greeting the earth and the first plowing of the field, were carried out with the use of cottage cheese and other dairy products, which had extremely symbolic meaning for believers.

Cottage cheese is more than food, because it is the best thing in milk, its essence, the most nutritious and useful for the human body. And grated cottage cheese, and even with sugar and the best butter, is a generous gift of nature.

There are two ways to prepare Easter cottage cheese. Both without baking, but in the first so-called "raw" method, we mix the products and immediately put them in the mold. The second way - the mass for Easter is brewed in a thick-bottomed dish over a fire. The method of making custard cottage cheese Easter is not at all complicated. The only difference is that at a certain moment the mixture of products heats up, but the curd mass should never be brought to a boil.

Custard cottage cheese Easter with raisins and candied fruits

You will love the delicate texture of this custard Easter and its excellent taste with lemon zest, raisins and candied fruits. Pleasant flavor will give nuts.

An excellent recipe for the Easter holiday will not leave anyone indifferent at the festive table. Enjoy cooking!

You will need:

  • 550 g fat cottage cheese
  • 50 g butter
  • 130 ml sour cream 20% fat
  • 100 g granulated sugar
  • 2 pcs. chicken egg
  • 1/5 tsp table salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar
  • 1/2 pcs. lemon zest
  • 80 g walnut
  • 70 g raisins
  • 70 g candied fruit
  • easter decorations
  • piece of gauze

Cooking method:

We need a form for Easter cottage cheese, the dimensions of which are 11.3 cm x 11.3 cm x 4.8 cm

Fill the raisins with hot water for 30 minutes, then dry them well on a paper towel

Break the fat cottage cheese with a blender until soft, you can also soften it by passing it through a meat grinder, or rub it through a sieve

When the cottage cheese becomes more uniform in consistency, add eggs and sour cream

We continue to whisk with a blender.

Butter can be added to Easter cottage cheese according to your taste, varying the amount from 50 g to 150 g

Beat the mass well with a blender, pour it into a saucepan with a thick bottom, put on medium heat

We heat the curd mixture and reduce the heat, stirring continuously for 6-8 minutes until it boils, but in no case should the mass boil

Add candied fruits, nuts and raisins, mix thoroughly

We put the form for Easter on a shallow plate

Pour the mixture into a prepared mold lined with a couple of layers of gauze

Put 6-8 multi-colored candied fruits on the bottom of the form before filling it on cheesecloth, they will serve as an additional decoration for the top of future Easter

We fill the form with curd mass to the very edge

Carefully cover Easter with the edges of the gauze cloth, place a plank or small plate on top and bend, place the structure in the cold for 1-2 days

Drain the curd whey from the bottom plate in time

After 1-2 days of pressing Easter, we disassemble the structure, remove the oppression

We unfold the gauze cloth, release the base, put a plate on top, on which Easter will be decorated and served

Turn the Easter over and carefully remove the gauze from the surface of the Easter, candied fruits look very nice at the top

Decorating Easter to your liking

Bon Appetit!

Marble cottage cheese Easter with nuts and dried fruits

It is very easy to make such a beautiful marble Easter with your own hands at home. The shade of the stripes is given by cocoa, and dried fruits and nuts will give their unique flavor.

Delicious and delicate dessert on your table for the holiday, no doubt, will delight your home and guests. Feel free to take note of the recipe and get ready for the holiday!

You will need:

  • 1 kg cottage cheese 9-12% fat
  • 100 g sour cream
  • 200 g butter
  • 1 tbsp. granulated sugar (or powdered sugar)
  • 5 g vanilla sugar(1 sachet)
  • 0.5 - 1 tsp cocoa powder
  • 100 g dried fruit
  • 100 g nuts
  • pastry topping
  • piece of gauze

Cooking method:

Grind fatty cottage cheese in small batches through a sieve
Add softened butter and grind it with cottage cheese

Add sour cream, granulated sugar, vanilla sugar, mix until smooth

Separate 1/3 of the mixture into a separate bowl, add prepared dried fruits (dried apricots and raisins) and chopped nuts there, mix well

After the dried fruit, add 0.5 teaspoon of cocoa powder or more - depending on the desired color of the "marble" stripes

So, the mixtures for Easter are prepared, we put the form for Easter on a small plate

We line it from the inside with a gauze cloth 1-2 layers

Then we alternate the colors of the mixtures, carefully leveling the layers with a tablespoon or spatula

Finish the base with a mixture white and cover it on top with the edges of the gauze cloth

We install a small plate or saucer of a suitable size on top, bend from above to remove excess moisture, remove Easter in the cold for 12 hours

We drain the whey from the bottom plate in time, which leaves when Easter is under oppression

After 12 hours, we remove the oppression, unfold the gauze cloth, freeing the base

We cover the base with a dish and turn the Easter over in the form, open the form on one side and carefully remove the gauze from it

Decorate at will with confectionery sprinkles or chocolate chips

Bon Appetit!

Easter cottage cheese "Tsarskaya" with boiled yolks

Such a gorgeous and solemnly decorated Easter justifies its name - "Tsarskaya" Easter cottage cheese with dried fruits and candied fruits. This fancy Easter is the queen of Easter desserts.

Be sure to prepare such a beauty for the holiday, everyone will be simply shocked by the grandeur of the idea and its gorgeous execution. Happy and joyful Easter to you! Good luck!

You will need:

  • 500 g fat cottage cheese
  • 3 pcs. boiled yolk
  • 200 g butter
  • 200 g sour cream 2o% fat
  • 150-200 g powdered sugar
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 0.5 tsp vanilla sugar
  • 150 g candied fruit
  • 100 g nuts
  • 50 g raisins
  • grated white and black chocolate
  • food beads for decoration
  • piece of gauze

Cooking method:

Grind boiled yolks with a spoon through a sieve, add sour cream and mix well

Rub the cooled butter on a coarse grater and add it to the main mixture

The final mixture is not homogeneous.

To achieve homogeneity, it is necessary to grind the false mixture in small parts through a fine sieve.

Soak the raisins in hot water for 30 minutes, then be sure to dry them thoroughly on a napkin

We decorate curd dough candied fruits, raisins and nuts, mix thoroughly

We choose any nuts according to your taste, but it is better to choose delicate varieties such as peanuts, cashews or walnuts

So, our curd mixture is ready.

We put a sieve in a separate bowl and cover it with gauze cloth in 4-6 layers

We spread the curd mixture, leveling and compacting it with a spatula

We cover the form with the edges of the gauze cloth, folding them with an envelope

Put a small plate of a suitable size on top of the fabric and put oppression on it, put it in the cold for 24 hours

After a day in the cold, we disassemble the structure, remove the oppression, open the gauze cloth

We turn the sieve along with the dish

Carefully remove the gauze cloth from Easter

To further decorate Easter, you need to draw and cut a stencil

On a two-layer napkin we circle a small plate with which we covered Easter under oppression

We'll need a ruler

With the help of simple steps, we cut out two parts of the stencil, for decoration we need both

We cover the base of Easter with the extreme part of the stencil, as shown in the photo

Select all the tops of the flower with large confectionery beads.

Now cover the white chocolate flower with the other part of the stencil.

Add beads to the Easter surface

Now we decorate the uncovered Easter surface dark chocolate to the very foundation

We lay out a cross from beads on white chocolate and complete the Easter decoration with smaller beads

Bon Appetit!

Delicious Easter with gelatin and candied fruits

Such a bright and amazing snowy cottage cheese Easter with gelatin and candied fruits on your table is a holiday for children and adults! Everyone will like it, and the hand will reach for another piece! After all, it will be simply impossible to resist!

Feel free to try to prepare it for the holiday of Great Easter, and it will be a great dessert option that your family will ask you to perform over and over again. Delicious impressions to you!

You will need:

  • 600 g cottage cheese
  • 125 g sour cream 20% fat
  • 50 g butter
  • 1 tbsp. powdered sugar
  • vanilla
  • 30 g cream
  • 1 PC. banana
  • candied fruit to taste
  • 20 g gelatin

Cooking method:

Soak gelatin in a glass of cold water - it should swell

We pass all the food through a sieve, rubbing it with a spoon into a mixer container

Add sour cream, powdered sugar, salt and vanilla to the curd

Beat with a mixer until smooth

Gelatin is swollen, it must be melted in the microwave or on a fire in a dish

In no case should the gelatin be brought to a boil - it will lose all its gelling properties!

Add the melted gelatin to the curd mass and mix again with a mixer

Take part of the curd mixture into a separate bowl

Add candied fruits (or dried fruits) to taste

We will add fresh banana to the curd mass, which we have selected in a separate bowl.

Grind the banana into half rings, mix it with the curd mass

Preparing the mold - set the Easter mold on a shallow plate, line it with a wet gauze cloth

We fill the form with a curd mixture with candied fruits to the very top, compacting and leveling it well with a spoon

We cover the base of Easter with the edges of a gauze cloth, place a suitable saucer on top and bend

We place the whole structure in the cold for 2-3 hours.

Now we will make small pies in a silicone form.

First, put the curd mixture with candied fruits into the mold, compacting it with a tablespoon

We will stir the form in the cold, after 2-3 hours it will completely solidify

After 3 hours, we take out the cottage cheese Easter, remove the oppression, open the gauze cloth on top, turn the Easter over onto a dish

Now you can decorate it as you wish, although it already turned out to be very beautiful and elegant

Bon Appetit!

Hello readers and guests of the blog. Today we will learn the intricacies of making Easter cottage cheese at home. I cannot but touch on this topic, since cottage cheese Easter is a special dessert and an obligatory attribute of the well-known bright holiday.

There are a lot of recipes for cottage cheese Easter, but basically this dish is made without baking, or baked. Therefore, let's take everything in order.

I want to note that for the preparation of this product it is better to have a special pasochny, so you will not need to come up with a shape, plus there will already be symbolic inscriptions "ХВ".

Of course, the main thing in this dessert is the preparation of the curd mass. Therefore, I have collected the most important tips for the preparation of cottage cheese Easter. Read carefully, especially if you have never prepared such a treat.

  1. First of all, for cooking, take fresh curd, thick sour cream or high fat cream.
  2. Cottage cheese can also be used at home.
  3. A prerequisite is rubbing the curd through a sieve.
  4. Pasochnitsa need to be covered with gauze so that later you can easily remove the Easter itself without destruction. It is better to use gauze slightly damp.
  5. If you don’t have a sapper, you can use a regular colander.
  6. Easter is being prepared under oppression and in the cold.
  7. Raisins, dried fruits and candied fruits must be thoroughly washed and dried.

Of course, the most popular option is raw Easter, i.e. no baked goods. I suggest you do everything according to the classic recipe, but with a twist. For variety and giving a delicate taste and smell, we will cook dessert with caramel.

Why do I like this particular recipe ?! In fact, everything is simple, my husband does not like cottage cheese in any form, but he does not refuse caramel delicacies. Therefore, for Easter, I definitely make such a dessert.


  • Cottage cheese - 0.6 kg;
  • Raisins - to taste;
  • Creamy caramel - 200 gr.;
  • Butter - 100 gr.;
  • Thick sour cream, fatty - 1 tbsp.;
  • Milk - 0.5 tbsp.

Cooking method:

1. First, prepare the caramel. Take 150 gr. chocolates, and leave the rest for decoration. Remove the candy wrappers and place them in a ladle, into which pour the milk. And do not forget to prepare the raisins in advance by steaming them in warm water.

2. Heat milk with sweets over low heat until liquid, while stirring the mass constantly with a whisk. The resulting mass will need to be cooled to a barely warm state.

3. While the caramel is cooling, mix the butter and cottage cheese. It is very good to use a blender for mixing.

4. While mixing, add thick sour cream.

5. Now add the caramel mixture to the curd mass.

6. Mix everything and taste. If you are not sweet, add as much sugar as you like.

7. Add the prepared raisins, stir gently with a spoon to distribute them evenly.

Be sure to dry the soaked raisins before adding to the curd.

8. Now take the mold and line the sides with gauze. Pasochnitsa should be placed upside down on a plate with sides. Since serum will be released in the process.

9. Lay out the caramel-curd mixture.

10. Smooth up and cover with gauze.

11. Put not very heavy oppression on top and put it in the refrigerator for a day.

12. After a day, remove the product, remove it from the mold and remove the gauze.

13. Top with caramel mass from the remaining candies and sprinkle with colored powder.

As you can see, there are no special difficulties in cooking, but the result will definitely delight and conquer you.

How to cook Royal Passover?

A next recipe refers to the custard version. If you don't know what it is, I'll tell you now.

By the way, do you know why Easter is called royal?

It's simple, because before the kitchen was always divided into peasant and royal. That is, the common people ate very simply, but royal cuisine was distinguished by a variety of dishes. Curd was considered the best in milk. And for a commoner, he was a luxury, and on the royal table there was cottage cheese Easter, hence the name, Royal Easter.


  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr.;
  • Chicken yolks - 4 pcs.;
  • Sour cream 21% - 200 gr.;
  • Butter 82% - 100 gr.;
  • Sugar - 100 gr.;
  • Vanillin - 1.5 gr.;
  • Raisins (or other dried fruits, nuts, candied fruits) - 100 gr ..

Cooking method:

1. Take raisins and rinse warm water, then pour boiling water over for 20 minutes.

Try to choose raisins not too large in size.

2. Now take a deep cup and use a sieve to wipe the curd, or grind it in a blender. It is from the grated cottage cheese that homemade Easter turns out to be very tender.

Use fresh and fatty cottage cheese, preferably homemade.

3. In the finished cottage cheese, add 4 yolks, sour cream and vanillin. Stir and add soft butter, which is cut into cubes beforehand. Mix everything well or, best of all, beat with a mixer. Add sour cream, stir again.

4. Put the prepared mass in a saucepan, but with a thin bottom. Put everything on a low heat and bring until the first bubbles appear, but you do not need to boil. The mass must be stirred so that the curd does not burn.

6. Meanwhile, drain the raisins and pat dry on a paper towel.

7. Remove the thickened curd mass from the refrigerator and add the raisins to it. You can also add candied fruits, nuts. Mix everything well with a spatula or spoon.

8. Take wet cheesecloth and fold it in half. Put the cheesecloth in the pastern box and put the prepared cottage cheese into it, and close the ends of the cheesecloth and press down everything with oppression. Refrigerate for a day or two. Do not forget to put the form in a bowl before sending it to the refrigerator.

9. After the lapse of time, the royal Easter must be carefully pulled out of the mold and the gauze removed. Then decorate to your liking.

Well, how do you like this version of the curd delicacy ?! Did you like it ?!

Step-by-step recipe for making Easter with dried apricots

And now I will show you how you can do this miracle without eggs.

And do not forget that Easter traditionally looks like a truncated pyramid, as it symbolizes the tomb in which the miracle of the Resurrection of the Lord took place.


  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr.;
  • Softened butter - 150 gr.;
  • Sugar - 200 gr.;
  • Fatty sour cream - 60 gr.;
  • Dried apricots, raisins - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Soak dried fruits in warm water, then drain and pat dry.

2. Rub the curd through a sieve, preferably twice.

3. Then add soft butter, sugar and sour cream to the curd, mix everything well.

4. Add prepared dried fruits to this mass, mix.

5. Take the mold and cover the bottom with gauze. Gently lay out the prepared mixture and smooth over the top. Put under oppression, put in the refrigerator for a day. Be sure to place the sausage box in a plate with rims so that the resulting serum does not flow throughout the refrigerator.

5. After the time has elapsed, remove the product from the refrigerator by removing it from the mold and removing the gauze.

It is imperative to keep such a delicacy in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours, and preferably 1-2 days.

Baked Easter in the oven

To be honest, I never thought before that this dessert can be cooked in the oven. But I found a great video recipe, so I am sharing with you. If you are going to cook, be sure to leave your feedback.

Cooking cottage cheese Easter with condensed milk

Here's another simple recipe, but for a change, let's add boiled condensed milk... Oh, how delicious it turns out.

By the way, the technology is basically the same everywhere, do it once, and it will always work.


  • Cottage cheese - 1 kg;
  • Creamy little - 1 pack;
  • Boiled condensed milk - 1 can;
  • Candied fruits to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Mash the curd with a fork, or pass through a sieve. Cut the pack of butter into pieces and put in the microwave for a couple of seconds. Put the butter in the curd and stir the food.

2. Now add boiled condensed milk and vanilla (optional).

3. Add any candied fruits: raisins, dried apricots, berries. Mix everything again.

4. Take the form and line it with cheesecloth in several layers, put in a plate. Tamp the curd mass well into a mold.

5. Cover the top with gauze and place the load. Put it in the refrigerator for a day.

6. Take the Easter out of the mold and remove the gauze, decorate, and treat yourself to your health.

Easter recipe from cottage cheese in a slow cooker

In fact, you can cook any Easter, including different fillings to your liking and discretion. But now I want to offer you to make it with poppy filling, it turns out very, very tasty.


For Easter:

  • Cottage cheese - 400 gr.;
  • Sour cream - 170 gr.;
  • Butter - 100 gr.;
  • Sugar - 100 gr.;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Vanillin - 1 sachet;
  • Raisins - 100 gr.;
  • Dried apricots, candied fruits or almond flakes - 70 gr ..

For the poppy filling:

  • Poppy - 40 gr.;
  • Sugar - 15 gr.;
  • Milk - 20 ml;
  • Butter or margarine - 8 gr ..

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the curd in a blender.
  2. Beat in eggs and add softened butter, sour cream, sugar and vanillin. Mix everything and beat with a mixer at medium speed for 3 minutes.
  3. Take cheesecloth and fold it several times. Line the bottom of a multicooker pot with it.
  4. Pour in two glasses of water. And place the bowl with the curd mass inside the multicooker on the grid for the steam bath.
  5. Set the multi-cook temperature to 120 degrees and bring the water to a boil. Alternatively, set the cooking mode to steam.
  6. When the water boils, set the temperature to 100 degrees, or turn on the "Milk porridge", "Soup" mode for 15 minutes.
  7. Judge the finished curd mass in cold water and refrigerate for 2 hours.
  8. At this time, soak dried fruits in hot water until swollen, then rinse and dry. And fry the nuts in a pan.
  9. Now let's start preparing the poppy filling. To do this, you need to grind the poppy in a blender. Melt the butter and mix with sugar and poppy seeds. Mix everything and wait for it to cool.
  10. When the curd mass thickens, combine it with raisins and nuts.
  11. Take a sachet box and cover it with gauze slightly moistened with water. Take cardboard and roll it up, set in the middle.
  12. Next, put the prepared curd mass around a cardboard tube.
  13. And fill the cylinder with poppy seeds, and then carefully remove the cardboard.
  14. Cover the form with damp gauze on top, put the load and put it in the refrigerator for a day.
  15. Place the bowl itself in a deep plate so that the whey drips into it.
  16. Carefully remove the piece from the mold, remove the gauze and decorate as desired.

Here is such interesting option custard Easter using a multicooker.

Easter cottage cheese recipe from Julia Vysotskaya

And finally, another cool option without baking. Everything is laid out on the shelves, and there are photos. If you don't find vanilla sprigs, use vanillin.


  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr.;
  • Candied fruits - 100 gr.;
  • Butter - 90 gr.;
  • Sugar - 80 gr.;
  • Almonds - 50 gr.;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Cream - 100 ml;
  • Vanilla - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

1. Take cottage cheese and rub it through a sieve.

2. Cut the vanilla pod and remove the grains, add them to the curd.

3. Candied or dried fruits must be washed and chopped.

4. And chop the almonds.

5. Whisk the butter with a whisk.

6. Add candied fruits and nuts to it.

7. Now you need to beat the yolks with sugar.

8. Pour the cream into a small saucepan and bring to a boil, but do not boil.

9. Add the whipped yolks to the cream. Stirring the mass continuously, heat it over low heat until it thickens. Then remove from heat, stir for another 3 minutes, and cool.

10. Put candied fruit butter and butter yolk cream in the curd. Mix everything.

11. Line the Easter baking dish with a double layer of gauze. Put the curd mass tightly enough, covering the top with the ends of the gauze. Put the load and put it on a saucer, put it in the refrigerator for a day.

12. After the time has elapsed, you just have to pull the product out of the mold, remove the gauze and decorate.

Of course, Easter cottage cheese, and especially among Orthodox Russians, is a must-have table decoration for Easter, along with Easter cakes and. It is easy and simple to prepare Easter from cottage cheese, and it takes a little food for cooking, as well as time. The main thing is to choose your type of this dessert: raw, custard or baked. And I wish you bon appetit !! Bye Bye!!

A curd dessert called "Easter" in our country is one of the traditional attributes of the Bright Sunday of Christ. Prepare "Easter" for the most different recipes with the addition of candied fruits and dried fruits, aromatic spices, custard on yolks or even cocoa. Cooking methods are sometimes not inferior in complexity to the most skillful samples. haute cuisine... However, for the first experience, I want to take a recipe that certainly won't let you down. Especially for beginners, we offer the simplest recipe for Easter from cottage cheese. A small set of ingredients: cottage cheese, butter, sugar and vanillin. Such Easter is guaranteed to keep its shape, does not crumble, does not crack or exfoliate. Optionally, you can add small raisins, candied fruit cut into cubes. I made a basic version without additives so that nothing distracts you from assimilating the technology. We will be doing Easter in a special form - a pasochny. Now, before Easter, you can buy it in any dish and household department.

To prepare the classic Easter cottage cheese, prepare the following foods:

  • Natural granular cottage cheese - 700 gr.
  • Butter - 150 gr.
  • Sugar or powdered sugar - 120 gr.
  • Vanillin to taste.

Advice: To make the cottage cheese Easter a success, try not to skimp on cottage cheese. Ideally, buy cottage cheese on the market from a trusted supplier. Or choose a reliable brand. The main thing is that the cottage cheese is of good quality - from natural milk, without the addition of vegetable fats.

You will also need pasochny volume of 1 liter. and a piece of clean cotton or linen cloth measuring about 40x40 cm.

How easy it is to cook Easter from cottage cheese

First you need to rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. If you have a creamy, dense cottage cheese, then you can skip this step and immediately proceed to the next one. The recipe specifies grainy cottage cheese, I wiped it by hand, but if you wish, you can use a blender.

Add butter to the grated cottage cheese room temperature, sugar (it is better to pre-prepare powder from it or take ready-made powder, which must be sifted through a sieve) and vanillin.

Stir all the ingredients thoroughly with a fork or wooden spatula until a uniform mass is obtained, similar in consistency to a filling for glazed curds. If desired, you can use the mixer by turning it on at low speed. Knead the mixture until soft and smooth. Taste for sweetness and add more sugar if needed.

When the mass is ready, collect the paste box and put a slightly moistened cloth inside it, this must be done so that the curd mass inside the bag box is evenly distributed. Fill the container with the curd mass and seal thoroughly with a spoon.

Wrap the edges of the fabric inward, press down with some weight on top and send Easter to the refrigerator for 8-12 hours. The time spent in the refrigerator depends on the moisture content of the curd. Drain the whey that forms on the plate over Easter periodically.

When the whey stops accumulating, Easter is ready. Turn it over gently onto a plate and remove the fabric.

Decorate the finished Easter as desired, such as pastry beads, chocolate, nuts or candied fruits.

Serve ready-made Easter for the festive table.

Good day everyone! How much I gave you this year, wow, a lot. But I forgot about such a wonderful culinary masterpiece as Easter cottage cheese. Correcting and sharing different ways its preparation.

Such a curd beauty should definitely please everyone with her delicate taste and the aroma of vanilla. The main thing is that you need to find the most important ingredient on sale so that it is of high quality and has a pleasant sweet-sour taste. Better to use homemade cottage cheese. Plus, add candied fruits or raisins to everything and you get something magical and incredibly delicious.

It is also very beautiful, take a look, a real culinary masterpiece that you can easily make yourself at home or in your apartment. There would be a desire, right?

There are many varieties of pies, they are completely raw, and there are also custards. There are also such curd products that are baked in ovens. You usually prepare what kind of celebration for this celebration, share with me your secrets and tips. Maybe you know some special tricks, I will be grateful.

Before proceeding to the most important process, this is the preparation of the most delicate beauty, I want you to understand one very important thing. That you should buy high-quality and flawless cottage cheese in the store, and not a fake. The final result of this sweet delicacy will entirely depend on this.

How can this be done correctly? There are some subtleties, but they can be seen when you are at home, give him a check. The counter can only be identified by its appearance.

Take any of your favorite frying pan and heat it to the limit, greasing it with a drop vegetable oil, now the most defining moment - throw in a pinch of curd. Holding your breath? Wow, it's golden brown and you see a beautifully beautiful brown crust. Congratulations, you have bought a necessary and useful, and most importantly, a real product. But if this did not happen and it seemed to melt, rolled down and fu, looks disgusting, then alas and ah, this is something disgusting.

Also, if you want to quickly check and go from theory to practice, then take a drop of iodine and sprinkle it. The result will be like this.

Cottage cheese Easter from cottage cheese 2019 - a classic recipe

Perhaps you think that this gorgeous dish is difficult to make. To your great surprise, I can tell you that this is not the case. In addition, you can also make such a dessert with an interesting ingredient, this is with poppy seeds. You can not add it, see for yourself, but with it the dish will turn out to be more elegant and aromatic.

You can take the poppy already steamed, and if you do not have one, then you will need to do this procedure yourself.

Well, and of course, raisins and my favorite nuts, which I add almost everywhere, are indispensable.

We need:

  • homemade fat cottage cheese - 600 g
  • milk - 60 ml
  • sugar - 140 g
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • sour cream 25% fat - 90 ml
  • parboiled poppy seeds - 100 g
  • raisins - 55 g
  • walnuts - 35 g
  • icing sugar - 55 g
  • drinking water - 100 ml

Cooking method:

1. First and foremost is the preparatory work with poppy seeds. It needs to be steamed, place it in a bowl and pour over milk and sugar, boil over the fire for 20 minutes, then let it cool, and drain the excess milk.

So, now take the cottage cheese and rub it well with a fork, or better use a sieve, wipe the whole mass through it. If this is not done, lumps may form that will interfere, but we do not need it.

2. But, it is better if you entrust this business to an electric blender, then the mass will be generally soft and certainly homogeneous.

3. Next, grate the zest of one lemon on the smallest grater (you can take a half), sprinkle with drops of juice to your taste and turn on the blender again.

Important! The zest should be evenly present in this mass.

4. Now proceed to the filling, without it anywhere, it is she who will make our beauty the most delicious on your table. Combine poppy seeds, raisins and nuts in a bowl, sprinkle with powdered sugar and cover with boiled water.

Cook this mixture on the stove for about four minutes, over low heat after boiling. And then also use a blender to grind to a pasty consistency.

5. Take a special mold, it looks and resembles a triangular pyramid, cover it and wrap it with wet gauze, put the prepared curd, a little black filling.

6. After again the same layers, you can repeat as you like, this is your personal business. And your imagination and ingenuity, as needed, and distribute, the only cottage cheese should be the last layer. You need to carefully and evenly distribute it with a spoon over the entire surface of the sachet.

Then bend the edges of the gauze, turn it over and put oppression on it, use something suitable for this purpose, for example, a glass of water. You need to put a cup or plate under it, because the liquid will stand out, like serum, and ideally should be removed.

7. Put the nearly finished creation in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, remove the mold and decorate with pastry powder and any decorations, such as grated chocolate and berries. It turned out to be a royal curd delicacy in its raw form, but very beautiful and attractive. Um, swallow your fingers. Bon Appetit! Eat to your health, but quickly))).

Easter with cottage cheese without baking: a recipe without eggs

We are all always looking for something simpler, because there is nothing better to cook so that it is tasty and easy at the same time. Is not it? I offer you a variant of a raw pasochka with candied fruits and an interesting combination of products, this is white chocolate and cream.

You will get a royal dessert for your closest and loved ones. How do you look at it? Do you want to please them with something original and awesomely appetizing? Then let's get down to business, and I will help you with step-by-step photo illustrations.

The secret here is still an impeccable form, it is made on the basis of gelatin. Great, I advise you to definitely try it at the long-awaited tea party!

We need:

  • cottage cheese - 7500 g
  • milk - 100 g
  • sugar - 245 g
  • vanillin - sachet
  • chocolate - 95 g
  • gelatin - 15 g
  • water - 70 ml
  • cream - 550 ml
  • candied fruits - 90 g
  • poppy filling - 190 g
  • icing

Cooking method:

1. If your curd is too wet, it is necessary to drain all the moisture from it, this can be done using a regular colander or sieve. Ordinary clean gauze works best for this purpose.

While you are conjuring over it, soak the gelatin with water according to the instructions, as written on the package.

2. After all the liquid has disappeared, proceed to the next step, namely, rubbing the curd through a metal sieve so that it becomes a homogeneous consistency and does not have large lumps.

3. Next, pour milk into any dish and add granulated sugar and a bag of vanillin to it, stir and boil this mixture. Then drop it here White chocolate to melt. Cool this liquid until warm, about 55 degrees.

5. It is advisable to beat the cream with a mixer until small peaks and put them only after that to the rest of the ingredients.

Important! You don't have to beat it, nothing bad will happen.

Stir and immediately proceed to the next step of the work.

6. Take a special muffin tin or tins and spread the dough into them. Add candied fruits, you can add poppy seeds or nuts. In general, take what you like best. I love adding gummies.

Interesting! If you want to be extraordinary, put a couple of spoons of cocoa powder in the curd mass, and then the Easter will turn out to be chocolate.

7. If you use a pasochny, then wrap it up first with gauze and go, that is, freeze well in the refrigerator.

8. After a while you will see that your labors were not in vain.

Interesting! If your family has small children, then you can cook such delicacies for them quite often, for example, on weekends.

9. And most importantly, what turned out is certainly charming and tempting, I just want to eat this curd delicacy.

And how it looks with Easter cakes, but generally cool and super! What a gorgeous table, even if you have it. Icing or decorate the dish and serve, enjoy!

Sweet Pasochka with condensed milk (the best recipe)

In general, a super-duper recipe, imagine you can replace sugar with condensed milk. For piquancy, you can add more pieces of cookies, it will turn out insanely pretty and at the same time amazingly tasty.

Interesting! Use cookies as desired, you can easily make without it.

We need:

  • cottage cheese - 0.5 kg
  • cookies - 200 g
  • cream or sour cream - 100 g
  • condensed milk - 0.2 kg
  • butter - 0.2 kg
  • vanilla sugar - bag or vanilla essence- 1 tsp
  • candied fruits - 50 g

Cooking method:

1. First, take the cookies and put them in a plastic bag, go over them with a rolling pin. You can grind it into crumbs on a blender. But, you don't need to make it especially small. After being beaten like this, mix them in with one good tablespoon of condensed milk.

Place the cottage cheese in a glass container and add melted butter, then vanilla sugar for aroma, and, of course, sour cream. You can mix everything with a regular tablespoon for a start. But then you still have to grind this mass well.

Important! If suddenly you live in a kitchen without a blender, then grind the cottage cheese through an ordinary metal sieve or pass it through a meat grinder.

3. Then, if you are using candied fruit, add to this mass. All the same, for a change, you can not add, then it's up to you. By the way, speaking, you can use liquid vanilla, it will give you even more flavor.

And now we add condensed milk, the curd mass will immediately become thinner. It should be so.

4. Now, as you may have guessed, take a pasochny and wrap it with gauze in a circle, it is better to moisten it in advance with plain water and squeeze well. First distribute the resulting curd consistency, and then sprinkle with cookie crumbs. Cover with gauze, and also fix the top under the fabric.

5. Without this important action, you will not succeed, remember this. As expected, now you need to turn the pyramid over and put any container with water on it so that all moisture disappears from it. Refrigerate for 12-13 hours.

Interesting! Liquid glass represent almost half a glass, wow, who would have thought.

6. Well, in the end, you have to remove all the sides of the mold and decorate this cottage cheese delight to your taste. And how you will do this, let it be a mystery to everyone, and then invite everyone to the tasting of the holiday. Bon Appetit!

Tsar's cottage cheese Easter with gelatin on Christ's Sunday

The easiest Easter recipe at home (no mold)

Do not be surprised, but you can really do without special forms, you can take any device, even a form for cupcakes or the usual one for making salads is suitable. By the way, do not forget about what yours should be on this day.

Therefore, if you do not have a pastoralist, then create a culinary masterpiece without her, this is not difficult to accomplish and it will turn out no worse.

We need:

  • cottage cheese - 0.5 kg
  • cream 30% - 300 ml
  • icing sugar - 145 g
  • gelatin - 10 g
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.
  • poppy seeds - 50 g

Cooking method:

1. Whisk the cream with an ordinary electric whisk, ie a blender, add the icing sugar. Then add cottage cheese and also beat everything so that the mass is uniform and homogeneous.

In the meantime, in a separate bowl, soak the gelatin in water, please follow what is written on the package, usually 4 tablespoons of hot water are added there, you need it to dissolve. Then add it to the curd mass and mix again with a blender or mixer.

2. Now what has turned out, divide approximately by eye into two parts. In one you can add poppy, and in the other nothing.

At your discretion, you can alternate this dough in layers, you can do it differently, for example, put it on the bottom poppy filling... In general, conjure, then you will definitely have a unique masterpiece.

3. Cover the dish with a napkin and refrigerate for 4 hours. And voila, then take it out and enjoy your creation. Garnish with berries and mint leaves. Delicious discoveries to you!

4. From confectionery powder and edible balls, you can lay out any patterns, for example, XB or something like that.

Delicious custard Easter from cottage cheese with raisins

What could be better? Yes, probably nothing, especially if you love grapes or their dried fruits. Choose seedless raisins, otherwise it will not be very convenient to eat really))). Take different varieties, for example, white, black and brown, because after all we do such a miracle once a year, you can spend money. Although the costs are not large, you do not need to buy a ton).

In order not to repeat myself, I decided to present you with an option with chicken eggs so don't be surprised if you see them on this product list.

We need:

  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • raisins (pitted) - 0.5 tbsp.
  • butter - 90 g
  • dried cranberries - 0.5 tbsp.
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp.
  • sugar - 140 g
  • cottage cheese - 0.5 kg
  • lemon zest - 1 pc.
  • vanillin to taste
  • sweet almonds - 0.5 tbsp

Cooking method:

1. First of all, deal with the main ingredient is cottage cheese, squeeze it out if you have it too wet, then I mix chicken eggs plus butter, sugar and sour cream. You will get a delicate white-yellow mixture. Now you need to place this mass on the stove and simmer a little over low heat until it thickens slightly.

This is done so that the mass becomes homogeneous in its structure. Further, as you achieve this result, add berries, vanilla, and, in fact, lemon zest with almonds.

Cranberries will be here, after all, come in handy, if you have it, add it too.

2.Now everything is as always, place the curd dough in the pastry box, wrap the sides with gauze, turn over, put the oppression and wait about 12 hours in the refrigerator.

3. Decorate additionally with powdered sugar and place a bunch of fragrant flowers on this spring day.

Recipe for cottage cheese Easter with candied fruits

A distinctive feature of this option is that it is made on the basis of chicken yolks. It is they who will give the desired result, that is, there will be a replacement, the dish will turn out without gelatin, but also jelly-like.

We need:

  • curd - 0.6 kg
  • butter - 90 g
  • sour cream - 190 g
  • yolks - 4 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 110 g
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp
  • raisins, candied fruits - 150 g in total

Cooking method:

1. You have eaten Easter with grains at least once, but I once came across such a masterpiece in store when I was a student. Such a mistake, they did not grind the cottage cheese to a homogeneous consistency. To do this, you have to pass it through a meat grinder, well, or use modern works of science, for example, a blender.

2. Next, you should mix cottage cheese with sour cream, granulated sugar and, of course, add vanilla here, stir. Further, the butter should already be at room temperature, place it here. Well, as you can see, you need yolks, separate them from chicken proteins, be careful.

Important! It is best to use a special spoon for this, separate.

3. The next step, stir and put the dough on fire, cook over low heat and be sure to stir. Fantastic, but the mass will become liquid, do not be alarmed, you did everything right.

4. After the mixture starts to boil, turn off the heat and remove from the stove. Add berries and candied fruits, the mass by that time should already be warm, about 40 degrees.

Important! Sort out the raisins and wash well and dry with paper towels.

5. Fill a special mold, do not forget about the gauze, otherwise it will be difficult to remove.

6. Then do as shown in the photo, do not forget about the sump, liquid will surely come out.

Important! If you do not have such a sachet, then you can replace it with another device that you can make yourself, for example, take a plastic bottle and pierce the bottom with a hole punch.

7. Wait about 13 hours and get out of the refrigerator, remove all unnecessary things and eat to your health! Looks awesome, decorate with any decors, you can even use mastic.

Cooking an Easter treat according to the recipe of Julia Vysotskaya

Anyone who is eager to get advice and recommendations from Julia, watch this video from her YouTube channel at a run. Remember that you can do this extraordinarily divine and one of the best dishes to the bright holiday of Easter.

Cottage cheese Easter from Zebra cottage cheese is the most beautiful and delicious!

Well, in conclusion, another super option, this year's bomb, such a beautiful Easter, well, it will really be incomparable on your festive table... Looks so great! Such a chic option, be sure to use it.

We need:


1. Divide cottage cheese, sour cream and butter in half. Since we will be doing two types of "test". In the first bowl, put 50 g of cottage cheese, 3 tablespoons of sour cream, and 50 g of butter, plus 35 g of powdered sugar. Grind in a blender bowl.

Put all the same in the second bowl, but it is in it that you still need to add chocolate, which you melt in a water bath. And also whisk in a blender until mass.

2. Then take the mold and cover it with gauze. Spread the curd layer first, then the chocolate layer. So further, until you use up all the products. After that, cover the top with gauze and place the press in the form of a can.

3. Refrigerate and let stand 12 hours, you will see whey at the bottom of the plate. Drain it. Remove the bead from the mold, turn it over and decorate with all sorts of Easter things. Bon Appetit!

Well, that's all friends. With the upcoming holiday, may all your plans come true and multiply. All the best to all and have a great day! Write reviews, put likes and add to my group in contact, I will only be for))).