Condensed milk on a ducan in the microwave without starch. Diet condensed milk on ducan

Condensed milk is associated with something sweet, tasty, but at the same time harmful. Fearing for extra pounds and volumes, many have long forgotten about such a delicacy from childhood. And in vain! After all, there are many recipes for this dessert that will help you cook delicious and at the same time dietary meal... And condensed milk according to Dukan is a vivid confirmation of this.

French doctor's diet

French doctor Pierre Dukan has developed many years ago, which has helped millions of people lose weight, including. Its essence lies in the consumption of large amounts of protein foods. At the same time, carbohydrates are practically excluded from the diet; they can be eaten in strictly limited quantities. Due to this, you quickly lose excess weight and volume, but at the same time you do not starve, since proteins provide saturation.

The diet consists of four stages, each of which has its own characteristics:

Stage Duration Acceptable Products Result
Attack 2-7 days At this time, only proteins are allowed, carbohydrates are completely excluded, fats are strictly limited There is a restructuring of the body to a new diet, excess water leaves
Alternation Until the desired weight is reached At this stage, carbohydrates are added in the form of vegetables and mushrooms, as well as some additional foods. There is an alternation of protein and protein-vegetable days. You can choose a scheme that is convenient for yourself: 1/1, 2/2 or 5/5 At this stage, excess weight is lost, while the body begins to draw energy from its own fat reserves, and not carbohydrates, as it was before
Anchoring The duration should be determined based on the weight lost. For 1 dropped kilogram, there are 10 days of fixing Feasts are added - days when you can eat whatever you want for 1 meal. Fruits and cereals are also added in limited quantities. At this time, the result is consolidated and a gradual transition to proper nutrition occurs.
Stabilization All life At this stage, you must adhere to proper nutrition, as well as once a week arrange a protein Thursday - a day when you can eat only protein foods The stage is designed to maintain the achieved goal

Important points

People who are just starting to follow this nutritional system often encounter incomprehensible abbreviations and nuances. It is important to understand all the intricacies in order to get the best result:

  1. Condensed milk can be consumed starting from the alternation stage. There are no recipes for this dish for the Attack stage.
  2. Most often, skimmed milk powder (SOM) is used in recipes for the preparation of condensed milk according to Ducan. You can buy it in specialized stores. diet food or on the internet. Do not confuse it with regular milk powder.
  3. Starting from the Alternation stage, it is allowed to use two additional products per day - DOPs. The list of such products is rather big, but for the preparation of condensed milk, three of them are most often used - starch, protein and COM.
  4. Previously, this diet only allowed the use of cornstarch, but more recently, potato is also allowed. It is much easier to find it on store shelves, and it costs several times cheaper.

Cooking options for treats

There are several ways to prepare this treat according to Dukan. Moreover, this can be done both on the stove and in the microwave.

Interesting! You can use such condensed milk not only in its pure form. Add it to other Ducan desserts.


Of course, condensed milk has a lot of fans all over the world. But no less popular is boiled condensed milk, which has a special caramel taste and appetizing view as in the photo above. It is very easy to prepare it according to Dukan.

You will need:

  • 80 g of SOM;
  • 150 g skim milk;
  • 8 tablets of sweetener.

How to cook:

  1. Take a good skillet with non-stick coating... Pour SOM into it, evenly distributing it over the entire surface. Place the skillet on the stove over medium heat.
  2. While stirring, bring powdered milk before caramel color.
  3. When the COM has acquired the desired shade, gradually pour milk into the pan, while stirring with a whisk. Avoid clumps.
  4. Next, you need to add the sweetener and mix thoroughly again.
  5. Boil the condensed milk over medium heat until it is thick enough. Remember to stir constantly.

Important! If lumps nevertheless form during the cooking process, you can get rid of them with a sieve or blender.

On the stove

For cooking you will need:

  • 120 g skim milk;
  • 60 g of SOM;
  • 6-7 tablets of sweetener;
  • vanillin.

Cooking process:

  1. Combine all ingredients in a heavy-bottomed saucepan or saucepan. Don't worry if you fail. homogeneous mass, during the cooking process, all lumps should disappear.
  2. Place the saucepan over medium heat and, stirring occasionally with a whisk, cook the mixture for about half an hour.
  3. If after 30 minutes the condensed milk has not thickened, then boil it for another 5-10 minutes with constant stirring.

In the microwave

Those who do not want to stand at the stove for a long time can use this recipe for making condensed milk, which will not take much time. Through microwave oven you can make a delicious dietary treat in just a couple of minutes.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 30 g of SOM;
  • 10 g starch;
  • 200 g of milk up to 1.5% fat;
  • sweetener.

How to cook:

  1. Milk must be preheated in the microwave. It is most convenient to do this in impulses of 20-30 seconds. This way you will not allow the milk to "run away", while heating it to the desired temperature. This usually takes about a minute.
  2. While the milk is heating, you need to mix starch and COM, and add a sweetener (about 4-5 tablets).
  3. Gradually add the dry mixture to the heated milk, stirring thoroughly with a whisk or just a fork, so that no lumps form.
  4. The workpiece is placed in the microwave at full power for 1 minute. After that, the condensed milk is mixed. This step is repeated 5-6 times until the condensed milk becomes thick enough.

Important! After cooling, the condensed milk will thicken a little more.

Starch free

If you do not use starch, or you simply don’t have it at hand, then you can easily prepare this dessert without starch.

For this you will need:

  • 100 g of SOM;
  • 100 g skim milk;
  • 4-5 tablets of sweetener.

Cooking steps:

  1. IN enamel pot with a thick bottom, pour milk and pour milk powder, mix thoroughly.
  2. Put a container with water on the stove, put a saucepan on top of it to make a water bath.
  3. When the mixture warms up a little, add sweetener tablets, stir the condensed milk.
    Steam the mixture for about 40 minutes. All this time, you need to periodically stir the condensed milk so that it cooks evenly.
  4. As a result, you will get about 150 g of condensed milk, which contains 5 DOPs. It turns out that it can be divided into 2.5 days.

The preparation of any dish has its own subtleties. By adhering to these recommendations, you can cook without any problems delicious condensed milk for the Ducan diet:

  1. It is most convenient to use a liquid sweetener. But if you do not have the opportunity to buy it, then crush the tablets into fine powder or simply dissolve them in a teaspoon of boiling water.
  2. If you do not have a kitchen scale, you can use a tablespoon to determine the amount of dry food. A standard flat tablespoon is 12 g of starch or 15 g of SOM. A tablespoon with a slide is 15 g of starch and 20 g of SOM.

Useful video: the same as from the store

How to make a delicious dietary condensed milk that tastes the same as in the store, see the video below.


Do not be afraid to eat sweets on your diet, so you will only push yourself. Those who lost weight on the Dukan diet confirm that Dukan condensed milk not only does not interfere with losing excess weight, but also helps to more easily endure all dietary restrictions.

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Many sweet tooths dream of losing weight without giving up their favorite desserts, which often include condensed milk. Most weight loss nutrition systems prohibit this treat. The diet, developed by the French physician Pierre Ducan, allows even this sweet product to be included in the menu. The secret is that Dukan condensed milk is prepared according to special recipes that exclude the use of sugar.

Cooking features

Condensed milk will not add extra pounds if you prepare it correctly, based on special recipes proposed by Dr. Ducan and his followers.

  • For the preparation of condensed milk according to Dukan, sugar cannot be used; it is replaced with a low-calorie sweetener. It is important that the packaging of the sweetener bears an indication that it contains 0 calories. These products include stevia, Fitparad, which are most popular among people on the Ducan diet.
  • Sweetener tablets must be crushed into powder before combining with other products. It is not necessary to dissolve it in water, as excess liquid will slow down the process of milk thickening.
  • In the process of preparing condensed milk according to Dukan, the prepared mixture must be mixed repeatedly, otherwise it will not be possible to prevent the formation of lumps and get condensed milk having a smooth consistency.
  • Dairy products used for the preparation of dietary condensed milk must be fat-free.
  • At the first stage of the Dukan diet, known as the Attack, starch should not be consumed. Consider this when choosing a condensed milk recipe.
  • It is not recommended to consume more than 60 g of skimmed milk powder per day, many condensed milk recipes contain a greater amount of this ingredient. The total amount of condensed milk obtained will have to be divided into several portions.

Dukan condensed milk can be prepared different ways... The recipe can be chosen depending on the availability of one or another kitchen equipment.

The classic recipe for condensed milk according to Dukan (in a water bath)

  • liquid milk with a fat content of no more than 1.5% - 120 ml;
  • sweetener "Fitparad" - 5-7 tablets.

Cooking method:

  • Place sweetener tablets in a mortar, grind them to a powder.
  • Mix with milk powder.
  • While adding milk and stirring, prepare the milk solution, place it in a small ladle.
  • Pour water into a large saucepan, bring it to a boil.
  • Place a scoop of milk mixture in a saucepan. Heat it in a water bath, stirring frequently, for 40 minutes.

It remains to transfer the condensed milk to the container in which you plan to store it (for example, in glass jar), after cooling to room temperature put in the refrigerator. The condensed milk obtained according to this recipe should be enough for at least 2 days. The recipe is suitable for the "Attack" phase and all subsequent phases of the Ducan diet.

Dukan condensed milk in the microwave

  • liquid skim milk - 0.2 l;
  • skimmed milk powder - 30 g;
  • corn starch- 10 g;
  • sweetener to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Pour milk powder into the pan. Toast it lightly, stirring occasionally.
  • Put the product that has acquired a caramel shade in a bowl.
  • Heat 100 ml of milk, pour it into milk powder.
  • Whisk until the milk powder dissolves without lumping.
  • Add the sweetener pre-ground to a powder.
  • Stir.
  • Dissolve the starch in the remaining cold milk. Pour the resulting mixture into a container with another part of the dairy products in a thin stream, stirring constantly.
  • Place in a microwave-safe container. Put it in the microwave.
  • Turn on the microwave on medium power for half a minute.
  • Stir the dairy products.
  • Turn on the microwave again for 30 seconds, then stir the milk mixture.
  • Continue cooking the condensed milk as shown until the total cooking time is 3 minutes.

It remains to cool the condensed milk and place it in the refrigerator for storage. Given the small amount of milk powder used to prepare the sweetness this recipe, there is no need to think about serving size when adding treats to desserts. You can cook condensed milk according to this recipe, starting with the "Alternation" stage.

Dukan condensed milk in a slow cooker

  • skimmed milk powder - 120 g;
  • liquid milk with a fat content of 1.5% - 0.24 l;
  • vanillin - 1 g;
  • sweetener "Fitparad" - 8 tablets.

Cooking method:

  • Dissolve milk powder in liquid, aging, so that there are no lumps.
  • Add powdered sweetener and vanillin, stir.
  • Place the formula in a small bowl or plastic container that is large enough to fit on the grid of a multicooker that is designed for steaming.
  • Pour one and a half glasses of water into the main bowl of the multicooker. Place a wire rack on top, put a bowl of milk mixture on it.
  • Start the appliance with steam cooking mode. Set the timer to 30 minutes.
  • Stop the multicooker every 5-6 minutes to stir the dairy products and prevent lumps from forming.

Immediately after cooking, condensed milk may seem too liquid to you. After cooling, it will become much thicker, acquiring the consistency of your favorite delicacy. The vanilla flavor will make the condensed milk even more appetizing. Instead of vanillin, you can use Condensed Milk or Caramel flavoring.

Dukan condensed milk with coffee

  • instant coffee - 5 g;
  • dry instant milk - 60 g;
  • liquid milk with a fat content of 1.5% - 0.25 l;
  • sweetener "Fitparad" - 5 tablets;
  • corn starch - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  • Heat half of the milk, but don't boil it.
  • Dissolve coffee in it.
  • Cool to warm temperature, mix with milk powder.
  • Add sweetener, mix thoroughly.
  • Dissolve the starch in the remaining milk, which you have not heated.
  • Connect both parts of the workpiece, mix well, place in a container.
  • Cook in the microwave for 5 minutes, stirring the mixture every minute.

You can prepare a treat according to this recipe in a water bath. This will take more time - 40 minutes. When steaming dessert in a slow cooker, it will take half an hour. Condensed milk prepared according to this recipe resembles boiled condensed milk in color and consistency, but has a seductive coffee aroma.

Condensed milk according to Dukan does not have a high calorie content, it contains few fats and carbohydrates. Such a dessert can be included in the menu by people who have problems with excess weight, but are not ready to give up the usual delicacies for a slender figure. If you follow the Dukan diet, the sweet product can be consumed at any stage, but for the "Attack" it is necessary to choose a recipe without starch. Cooking dietary condensed milk is a simple but lengthy process. The use of kitchen appliances will help speed it up.


      • 200 ml of milk;
      • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of skimmed milk powder;
      • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cornstarch;
      • 6 g sweetener.

1. In a saucepan or frying pan, combine all the indicated dry ingredients together: COM, corn starch and sweetener. The amount of sweetener depends on the taste, be guided by your preference. You may not be able to achieve the first time ideal option but don't despair. Even with a few tries, but you can achieve a unique flavor combination.

2. Fill the resulting mixture with low fat milk 0.5 - 1.5%. Advice: do not try to buy less, if it says “completely skimmed” on the milk carton, then this is not milk, but flavored water. Lumps will form when mixing, but this is not a problem.

3. Now turn on the stove and cook condensed milk over low heat. Stir constantly until it begins to thicken. When bubbles begin to appear, you can prepare to turn off the heat. Look at the consistency, you can cook a little longer, then the condensed milk will turn out thicker.

4. Pour the finished condensed milk into a convenient dish. Be sure to cover it with something so that a film does not form. Store in the refrigerator. Dukan condensed milk can be eaten as a separate dessert, as well as used as a sauce or cream.

Dukan condensed milk is an excellent option for those who seek to lose extra pounds, but cannot bring themselves to give up sweets.

Bon Appetit!!!

Due to the high sugar content, not everyone can eat condensed milk. This applies to people who want to lose weight, or for medical reasons. The dietary condensed milk recipe which we will describe in this article does not even contain a grain of sugar, and is made in skim milk. Such a dessert is allowed even for diabetics and those who follow a strict diet. There are several options for making condensed milk according to Dukan, we will consider them.

Simple recipe

This is classic version condensed milk, brewed according to Dukan. We only need 3 components.


  • Liquid skim milk - 150 gr
  • Skimmed milk powder - 150 gr
  • Sugar substitute - 7-8 tablets


Pour milk into a saucepan and put it on gas, on water bath, slightly warm up. Then gradually you need to add milk powder, in small portions. Stir with a whisk continuously.
When all the grains are dispersed, add a sugar substitute, if you wish, you can put a pinch of vanillin - it will complement the taste of the finished product. Boil the mixture over low heat for about 50 minutes, while stirring occasionally with a whisk.
We store the finished condensed milk in the refrigerator.

In the microwave

For those who are too lazy to stand at the stove for a long time, you can use the microwave. This useful gadget is in almost every kitchen, and will cook delicious treat for a few minutes. To make a dietary boiled condensed milk, we need:


  • Skimmed milk powder - 30 gr
  • Starch (corn can be used) - 10 gr
  • Liquid milk without fat - 200 ml
  • Sweetener to taste


In a preheated frying pan, fry milk powder until caramel color, then pour what has turned out into a bowl, and add starch. Let's mix. Starch is needed here so that the condensed milk thickens faster.
Heat half of the liquid milk to a warm temperature and add to a bowl to dry products, beat with a whisk until smooth so that there are no lumps.
Pour the remaining milk cold, add the sugar substitute to your liking. Stir everything once more and send it to the microwave. After half a minute we take it out, mix again to avoid the formation of lumps. We repeat the same action 5-6 more times, that is, stir every 30 seconds.
Dukan boiled condensed milk is ready. Serve completely chilled.

In a multicooker

Another simple recipe diet dessert, it is most convenient to cook it in a multicooker.


  • Milk 1.5% fat - 240 ml
  • Dry milk product fat-free - 6 tbsp. l.
  • Sweetener - about 8 tablets
  • Vanilla


IN regular milk place dry milk product, sugar substitute and vanillin. Stir. If the lumps do not dissolve, it's okay, they will disperse during cooking.
Now you need to pour water into the multicooker bowl (1 glass is enough). We install the container for steaming, put the bowl with the future dessert and mark 25 minutes on the timer. Every 6 minutes, open the lid and stir the contents, if you do not do this, then lumps will remain. After turning off the timer, the bowl can be taken out.
Hot condensed milk turns out to be liquid; when cooled, it will become much thicker.

Condensed milk from baked milk

This dessert takes longer to prepare than the previous versions, but its taste is more creamy.


  • Regular low-fat milk - 240 ml
  • Dry milk product (skim) - 120 gr
  • Sweetener - 7 tablets


First, milk must be darkened in a thermos. To do this, first of all, boiling water is poured into a thermos, left for a few minutes and poured out. Next, the milk must be boiled and poured into a thermos. It takes about 24 hours to infuse the liquid.
After the due date, we take out our baked milk, mix it with a dry dairy product and a sweetener, and send the whole thing to boil in a water bath. Cooking time 45 minutes.
Now you know how to make dietary condensed milk. Despite the fact that the dessert does not contain sugar at all, it turns out to be very tasty and goes well with or. Bon Appetit!

Recipe fromIrina Tamarina, recipes- ducan.rf

Hello dear readers! Honestly, I didn't even think that condensed milk according to Ducan will become the "heroine" of my post. I planned to casually mention the method of its preparation in some recipe for which it is very suitable as a filling. This time I didn't want to invent anything and I turned to the Internet for a recipe. It was then that I had several ideas, which I will tell you about today, and thanks to which this topic appeared.

Firstly, I do not like recipes in which you need to stir something for a long time without leaving the stove, but all over it turned out that condensed milk according to Ducan just such a recipe. To tell the truth, I can allow dishes with continuous stirring for 10-15 minutes, but when I found out that for cooking condensed milk in a steam bath it takes 40-60 minutes, I didn't want any pancakes and cakes.

Secondly, I do not like microwave recipes- this cooking method was also offered by the Internet.

And finally, thirdly, I do not understand why Dukan condensed milk is not prepared from baked milk , because it is unrealistically delicious! Or do you think that its preparation is a long and laborious process? You are wrong! It is easy and simple to prepare such milk, but you get real milk from it. boiled condensed milk according to Dukan.

And so, I have two recipes and one very simple cooking method. Which? Read on!

Ducan diet recipes: Ducan condensed milk (from regular milk)

Cooking condensed milk according to Dukan:

Condensed milk we will to cook in a slow cooker on the "Steam cooking" mode. Stand 40, let alone 60 minutes and do not have to stir constantly - I assure you!

As soon as the water boils and the countdown begins, you need to open the multicooker and stir the milk - all the lumps should disperse. Close the lid again and open it approximately every 7-8 minutes to stir - only 4 times during the entire cooking time.

After the time has passed, the condensed milk will thicken, and if it seems to you that this is not enough, add time (5-10 minutes) and continue the procedure. It must be remembered that condensed milk will be even thicker after cooling, and even more so after standing in the refrigerator.

I have cooked condensed milk in a slow cooker many times - 25 minutes is more than enough!

There is no need to be afraid for the foam that forms on the surface or for lumps, all this "diverges" with the next stirring and does not affect the taste in any way.

To be honest, I had a desire to experiment and not interfere with condensed milk at all, except for the first one, to separate the lumps, but I haven’t decided yet. Stir 4 times during the entire cooking time, I think it's not such a difficult task.

By the way, while a portion of condensed milk was being prepared, I altered a lot of things in the kitchen at the same time, so this "lazy" option suited me perfectly.

Remove the container with the finished condensed milk from the multicooker, cover with a regular kitchen towel and cool completely. You can stir 2-3 times so that the foam does not form. Put condensed milk in the refrigerator and chill.