Spaghetti with cream, mushrooms and cheese. Spaghetti with mushrooms in a creamy sauce

Spaghetti is often used to cook with meat and meat products, with minced meat, or simply boiled as a side dish for meat dishes. However, there are many recipes for spaghetti with mushrooms that go well with them. Dishes turn out to be extraordinary exquisite taste prepare quickly enough.

To prepare a dish, you will need the following components:

  • pasta - 250 g;
  • mushrooms - 250 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • bulb;
  • vegetable and butter;

First you need to chop the onion, garlic. On vegetable oil fry the ingredients until golden brown, then add the mushrooms, cut into plates. Fry until all the liquid has boiled away. Cook pasta. Dry, transfer them to the pan to ready-made bakers. Stir mushrooms with pasta, add butter. Close the lid, leave to infuse for 5 minutes. Sprinkle with grated cheese before serving.

For the dish to have an Italian touch, it is better to use italian pasta, replace butter with cold-pressed olive, and use parmesan instead of regular cheese.

Cooking pasta using champignons and creamy sauce, suitable for both family dinner and for dinner. The food can be prepared extremely quickly. Pasta with champignons has a delicate taste, very satisfying. They are best served with light salad from vegetables, white wine.

Ingredients for spaghetti with mushrooms in creamy sauce the following:

  • pasta - 350 g;
  • mushrooms - 300 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • butter - 25 g;
  • 20% cream - 35ml;
  • hard cheese - 50 g;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • basil - 3 sprigs;
  • vegetable oil - 3 large spoons;
  • pepper;
  • salt.

First, you should clean the peppers from contamination. It is better to wipe all the mushrooms with a dampened sponge or rinse quickly under running water. They do not need to be soaked during cleaning. Due to their loose structure, peppers quickly absorb water, and during cooking, the aromas are no longer so natural. Having prepared the mushrooms, you need to chop them into plates.

Peel the onion, cut into small cubes. Put butter in a preheated pan. You can pour in a little vegetable, otherwise the butter may burn during heating. Fry the onion until soft, it should be golden brown.

Put the poultry on the onion, cook over high heat, stirring all the time. Fry until cooked and browned. Pour in the wine, bring the product to a boil, boil for 2 - 3 minutes, so that the wine evaporates. Then add the cream. Simmer the mushrooms in a creamy gravy over low heat for about 5 minutes.

While preparing the gravy, finely chop the garlic, basil, and grate the cheese using a fine grater. When the sauce thickens a little, you can add cheese, garlic, basil. Mix the ingredients well, boil everything together for 5 minutes. At the end of the preparation, you can add salt and pepper to the gravy.

While the gravy is boiling, it is necessary to boil the vermicelli. For 100 grams of pasta, 1 liter of water is required. Cook the pasta. Then put it in a colander, sprinkle with oil, mix. To dilute the gravy, you should leave a glass of water in which the pasta was cooked.

Now you can add cooked pasta to the mushrooms. Mix well. Heat the dish for a minute. If necessary, at this stage, you can dilute the sauce with the water left from boiling the pasta. Pasta with mushroom sauce can be served on the table.

Spaghetti recipe with minced meat and mushrooms

To prepare the dish, you will need the following components:

  • pasta - 400 grams;
  • peppers - 100 grams;
  • tomato paste - 100 grams;
  • minced chicken - 300 grams;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt.

Boil water, add salt, cook pasta. Throw the prepared product on a sieve, rinse. Rinse, peel and chop the poultry. In a preheated frying pan, fry the minced meat, mushrooms in vegetable oil. Then put tomato sauce, well stir. Next, you need to pour in half a glass of water. The sauce should boil.

Transfer the pasta to a plate, put the prepared sauce on top. Sprinkle pasta with minced meat and mushrooms with cheese.

Spaghetti with mushroom sauce

The required list of ingredients for this dish:

  • pasta - 300 grams;
  • champignons - 150 grams;
  • sour cream - 2 large spoons;
  • Dutch cheese to taste;
  • allspice to taste;
  • bouillon cube - to taste;
  • onion - 1 piece.

Boil the pasta until tender. Chop the onion with the pepper and fry until golden brown. Add spices, 2 tablespoons of sour cream, fry a little. Then add half a glass of water, cook for 10 minutes.

Combine pasta with sauce, mix. Serve with cheese to taste.

Spaghetti with mushrooms in sour cream sauce

The following components are required:

  • hard cheese- 100g;
  • large peppers - 10 pieces;
  • tomato - 3 pieces;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • paste;
  • sour cream - half a glass;
  • olive oil;
  • spices, salt.

Chop the onion into cubes, fry it with oil. Separate the peel from the tomatoes, mash them using a blender. Pour into the onion. Simmer until the gravy is thick. Cut the peppers into slices, put them in the gravy. Add salt and pepper to taste. Simmer until half cooked. Put sour cream in a frying pan, combine the ingredients and simmer for about 5 minutes.

Prepare a paste, dry it, add to the gravy. Cook with the lid closed for about 10 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle with parsley and cheese to taste.

Pasta with mushrooms and cheese

To prepare a dish, you need the following ingredients:

  • pasta - 400 grams;
  • fresh peppers - 300 grams;
  • cheese - 150 grams;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • olive oil- 80 ml;
  • chili to taste
  • oregano to taste.

Salted boiled water, add pasta, boil. Transfer the prepared pasta to a colander to drain the remaining liquid. Clean the peppers, rinse, dry. Cut into plates. Preheat a skillet, fry until finished.

Heat another frying pan, fry the chopped garlic cloves until browned. Remove it from the pan, add to the chili oil and oregano. Then put the pasta and the prepared peppers, mix the ingredients, fry everything together for about 10 minutes, reducing the heat.

Arrange the finished dish on plates, sprinkle with grated cheese.

Pasta cooked with mushrooms turns out to be tasty and aromatic. Therefore, lovers of traditional spaghetti with meat will appreciate this dish.

Pasta with mushrooms in a creamy sauce - aromatic and hearty dish with an Italian touch, the preparation of which will not take long. Thanks to the large number of variations, each housewife will find her favorite combination of ingredients and flavors in the Italian style.

Classic pasta with mushrooms in a creamy sauce To execute a classic recipe, you need a minimum of products:

Spaghetti - 1 pack;
champignons - ½ kg;
cream - ½ l;
cheese 250 g;
salt to taste.

Preparation stages:

1. The pasta is boiled and laid out in a separate plate.
2. Chopped mushrooms are sautéed in a frying pan, to which, after they acquire a golden hue, are poured milk product.
3. When the dressing comes to a boil, grated cheese is added to the contents.
4. The sauce is boiled for 2 minutes and combines with the pasta, which must be warmed up before serving.

With mushrooms and chicken fillet

Delicate Fast Meal is made from:

100 g pasta;
100 g of mushrooms;
a similar amount of chicken fillet;
½ onion;
100 ml cream;
½ a glass of vegetable oil;
salt, pepper and 15 g flour.

The way to bring the recipe to life:

1. The pasta is cooked al dente and washed.
2. Onions, mushrooms and meat are cut into small pieces, which are sautéed in sunflower oil in the same sequence.
3. When everything is in the frying pan, flour and cream are poured into the frying.
4. After 5 minutes, the pasta is sent to the cream dressing.

With porcini mushrooms

Dish Italian cuisine with an unsurpassed aroma will be a great dinner for the whole family.

Required for cooking:

Porcini mushrooms - 400 g;
spaghetti - 360 g;
olive oil - a stack;
dry white wine - the same amount;
garlic - 2 cloves;
cream - ½ l;
shallots - 1 pc.;
Parmesan cheese - 1 slice;
salt and pepper to taste.


1. Vegetables are finely chopped and then sautéed in olive oil until the onion cubes are transparent.
2. Chopped mushrooms are sent to vegetables in a frying pan.
3. After 7 minutes the wine is poured in and the mushrooms are simmered over low heat.
4. When the volume of the liquid is halved, a dairy product is poured into it, salt and pepper are added.
5. After the creamy sauce has thickened, put the pre-cooked spaghetti into it.
6. Before tasting, the pasta is decorated with cheese shavings.

Pasta with mushrooms in a creamy cheese sauce

Pasta under tender creamy cheese sauce- an excellent variation of Italian cuisine, for the preparation of which it is enough to take:
130 g spaghetti;
twice as many mushrooms;
pack processed cheese;
2 cloves of garlic;
200 ml of cream;

Basic cooking steps:

1. Spaghetti is cooked al dente, washed and laid out on a separate plate.
2. The onion is chopped and sautéed in a frying pan until transparent, after which mushroom plates and crushed garlic are added to the vegetable.
3. When the frying is ready, the contents of the pan are poured with a dairy product, salted and peppery.
4. Cheese cubes are placed in the boiled filling.
5. After thorough mixing, when the sauce is smooth, put the finished pasta in the pan.

Cooking in a multicooker

Pasta with mushrooms in a creamy sauce is prepared quickly and easily using a multicooker. You will need a set of such products:
mushrooms - 500 g;
spaghetti - 300 g;
butter - 75 g;
garlic - ½ head;
water - 1 l;
cream - 250 ml;
Parmesan cheese - a slice;
salt and pepper to taste.

In preparation, we follow the algorithm:

1. Water is poured into the bowl and the multicooker is set for 25 minutes in the “Multipovar” mode.
2. After 15 minutes, spaghetti is placed in boiled and salted water, boiled until a beep and washed.
3. Next, in the "Frying" mode, chopped garlic is fried for a minute, to which the mushroom plates are immediately added.
4. After 5 minutes the mushrooms are poured with cream, rubbed with grated Parmesan and mixed with the prepared pasta.

Pasta casserole with mushrooms in a creamy sauce

This is a simple dish that can be fed to all family members. Prepare in advance:
500 g spaghetti;
450 g of champignons;
2 tomatoes;
30 g butter;
200 g of cheese;
2 cloves of garlic;
½ liter of milk;
some flour, salt, pepper and olive oil.

To taste an appetizing dish, the following actions are performed:

1. Boil pasta according to the instructions.
2. Onions, garlic and mushrooms are cut into small pieces and then fried in olive oil.
3. When the liquid evaporates from the mass, peeled and chopped tomatoes are sent to the pan.
4. The contents are salted, peppery and stewed for 10 minutes.
5. In another saucepan, melt the butter, into which flour is first placed, and then milk is poured in and half of the grated cheese is laid out.
6. Pouring is brought to a boil, and after thickening is mixed with pasta.
7. Put half of the pasta in a baking dish, then the mushroom mass and the second half of the pasta.
8. The dish is crushed with cheese and sent to the oven preheated to 180 ° C for 30 minutes.

With shrimps

An unusual dish with the addition of seafood will conquer with its novelty and originality.

To execute the recipe, take:

450 g spaghetti;
slightly less shrimp;
250 g champignons;
150 g butter;
the same amount of cheese;
3 cloves of garlic;
half a heap of parsley and basil;
100 ml of cream and water;

To make spaghetti with mushrooms and shrimps:

1. The pasta is boiled until cooked, as indicated in the instructions.
2. The shrimps are boiled in salted, boiling water for about 2 minutes and immediately removed with a slotted spoon.
3. Plates are prepared from champignons, which are fried on a piece of butter.
4. Then, instead of mushrooms, halves of garlic are sautéed in the same oil.
5. Pieces of cheese and chopped greens are sent to the garlic, which are poured with boiling water and a dairy product.
6. Mushroom plates and peeled shrimps are placed in the filling, after which the mass is salted, peppered and combined with boiled pasta.

Pasta in a creamy sauce with canned mushrooms

If there is a jar in the refrigerator canned mushrooms, then you can cook pasta with spicy taste, additionally taking:
250 g spaghetti;
500 ml cream;
2 cloves of garlic;
30 ml sour cream;
a small amount of basil and cheese;
salt and spices.

To bring the recipe to life:

1. Boil spaghetti.
2. Chopped onion and garlic are fried with mushrooms until the liquid evaporates.
3. Ready-made spaghetti and sour cream are placed in a frying pan, after which its contents are poured with cream.
4. The dish is seasoned, salted and crushed with cheese.

Thus, to enjoy a dish of Italian cuisine, you can simply cook it at home from an unpretentious food set that you can easily find in the kitchen. Made with love and quality products, it will definitely give a head start to restaurant performance!

Spaghetti in a creamy sauce with mushrooms is another very successful example of the fact that even a budget homemade lunch can be prepared not only quickly and easily, but also very tasty. The grocery set is more than affordable. The cooking process does not require any special culinary skills. But as a result, you get a dish of almost a restaurant level. Perfectly cooked spaghetti just go well with a delicate creamy mushroom sauce. The recipe uses a minimum of seasonings and spices, but believe me, the aroma of the dish is simply incomparable! Impossible to resist!

How to make spaghetti with mushrooms in a creamy sauce

The first step is to prepare the spaghetti. To do this, put water in a saucepan on the stove at the rate of 1 liter of water per 100 g of dry spaghetti. Then, bringing the water to a boil, dip the spaghetti into it. Salt them, then crush them a little so that they soften and completely submerge in the water.

Boil the spaghetti until tender, follow the instructions on the package. As a rule, they are boiled for 7-9 minutes. The timing should be started after boiling. Do not cover the spaghetti with a lid; during cooking, stir periodically so that the pasta does not stick together. Put the finished spaghetti in a colander and you're done!

Creamy spaghetti sauce can be cooked in parallel. Pre-defrost the mushrooms, rinse with cool running water and discard them in a colander, squeezing slightly. There should be a minimum of water in the mushrooms.

We warm up butter or vegetable oil, put mushrooms in it and fry them, stirring occasionally, for about 5-7 minutes. If, during the frying process, the mushrooms give liquid, we increase the frying time until the moisture has completely evaporated.

While the mushrooms are fried, chop the garlic. You can chop it finely, pass it through a press, or use a grater - of your choice. When the mushrooms are fried, we send garlic to them.

Fry the mushrooms with garlic for just a couple of minutes, add seasonings, pepper and salt to the sauce (all to taste), then pour the cream into the pan.

We give the cream to a boil in a frying pan, wait 2-3 minutes after boiling, then add grated cheese and chopped fresh herbs into the sauce.

Turn off the stove. Stir the sauce, allowing the cheese to melt and thicken the sauce. Once the cheese is completely melted, the sauce is ready!

Then you can either mix all the boiled spaghetti with the sauce at once and stir, or put the finished spaghetti on plates, pouring the sauce over them on top. Choose the option that suits you best and enjoy a simple but delicious dish.

Spaghetti in a creamy sauce can be prepared with any kind of mushroom. Pasta with porcini or other forest mushrooms will turn out to be very tasty.

Bon Appetit!

Spaghetti is a versatile side dish that uses various additives able to turn into completely amazing dishes. It is enough to season the pasta with sauce homemade, and a simple hearty meal will immediately become original, acquire a rich unforgettable taste. Try making a creamy sauce for your favorite pasta, to which you can add mushrooms - porcini, champignons or oyster mushrooms.

Spaghetti with mushrooms in a creamy sauce

Pasta with creamy sauce and mushrooms

Before you start making spaghetti with a creamy sauce, make a pasta with mushrooms. For cooking mushroom paste you will need the following set of products: - mushrooms (250 g); - heavy cream (1 cup); - onions (1 head); - soft butter (2 tablespoons); - table salt and black pepper to taste.

Selected fresh mushrooms Rinse well in running water, place in a colander and drain. Cut the champignons into thin slices, place in a cast iron saucepan and fry in butter.

After the mushroom juice has completely evaporated, add onion cut into half rings. When it becomes golden brown, salt and pepper the mushroom paste to your taste and pour in the cream. The cream sauce should be simmered for another 10 minutes.

Boil the spaghetti, drain in a colander and lightly season with butter. Place the garnish on a flat dish and pour over the sauce. Mushroom pasta can be sprinkled with any finely grated hard cheese.

You can make a wide variety of other pasta gravies based on creamy mushroom sauce by adding seafood, vegetables or meat to them, as well as a mixture of your favorite seasonings to taste

Spaghetti with mushrooms and chicken

Pasta flavored with chicken, mushrooms and cream paste - very nutritious dish, which will serve as a complete dinner. For this recipe you need:

Chicken breast (1 fillet); - a few small mushrooms; - onion; - wheat flour top grade(1 tablespoon); - refined sunflower or olive oil to taste; - table salt and pepper to taste; - cream (1 glass); - butter (1 tablespoon); - on a sprig of parsley and dill.

Washed chicken breast cut into small cubes, cut the pure mushrooms into halves, and finely chop the onions. Heat a cast iron skillet with vegetable oil. In it, you need to sauté the onion until golden brown, and then remove it with a slotted spoon. In the same oil, fry the meat on all sides for 3 minutes, then combine it with mushrooms and onions. Add sifted flour, previously calcined in a dry frying pan until light brown.

Italian cuisine is loved all over the world for its mouth-watering, tasty, but simple and quick dishes. Pasta is one such dish. In cooking, there are more than a dozen types of this pasta, and there are even more sauces that go with it.

Pasta with mushrooms and chicken in a creamy sauce is a wonderful solution for an everyday dinner, when you want something special, while not spending a lot of time and effort standing at the stove.


  • Spaghetti from hard varieties wheat - 200 g;
  • Chicken fillet - 200 g;
  • Fresh oyster mushrooms - 150 g;
  • Cream - 200 ml;
  • Onions - ½ pcs;
  • Hard cheese - 50 g;
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l;
  • Salt and pepper to taste;
  • Fresh herbs for decoration.

How to make chicken and mushroom pasta in a creamy sauce

Let's start by making a creamy chicken and mushroom sauce. In warmed butter or vegetable oil (refined sunflower oil is ideal, since it has a little less calories than butter), fry the mushrooms cut into small pieces.

As soon as the mushrooms evaporate moisture and brown, add finely chopped onions to them.

When the onions are soft and begin to become translucent, add to the skillet. chicken fillet, cut into small cubes. It is better to take chicken fillet fresh, chilled, not thawed, so the meat will retain more juice, and the chicken in the sauce will not be dry. Cook the ingredients together for about 8 minutes until the chicken is done, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula.

It's time to boil the spaghetti. Add the amount of water to the pot as indicated on the instructions on the package. Usually it is 1 liter. for 80 g of dry pasta and 1 tbsp. salt. It is recommended to add 2 tablespoons to boiling water. olive or sunflower oil to prevent the spaghetti from sticking together.

Cook the spaghetti until "al dente" - slightly undercooked. It is not only tastier, but also healthy, and the hot sauce will bring them to readiness already on the plate.

Meanwhile, add the cream to the skillet. Take the cream out of the fridge one hour before you start cooking so they can get room temperature and did not curl up in a frying pan. Bring to a boil and cook until the sauce thickens slightly, about 5 minutes.

Once the sauce is ready, add the finely grated hard cheese and stir in thoroughly.

Remove the finished spaghetti from heat and drain.

At this time, the sauce was finally cooked and became more viscous in its consistency, since the cheese was completely melted in hot cream.

Start serving cream paste with chicken and mushrooms: place a serving of spaghetti on a preheated plate, making a small indentation in the center.

Fill this well with a few tablespoons of butter sauce.

Sprinkle grated cheese and finely chopped fresh herbs over the dish.

Cooking tips:

  • This dish should be served immediately after cooking, as the pasta can cool and even stick together while the sauce is being prepared. Therefore, it is better to put all the ingredients on the table in advance so as not to waste time searching the desired product in fridge.
  • It is best to cook pasta in a creamy mushroom and chicken sauce using oyster mushrooms. But you can replace them with mushrooms, the cooking process will be the same. If you decide to use Forest mushrooms, then they must first be boiled.
  • Ready-made spaghetti can be added directly to the pan with the sauce, stir and put on plates as it is. This will make the pasta juicier, but the dish will be served more homely.