Gazpacho soup is a classic recipe. Cold Spanish gazpacho soup - cook according to the classic recipe

Gazpacho is surprisingly fresh, light and aromatic cold soup, which sunny Spain gave us. There are many options for gazpacho, as befits any simple, but very tasty dish. But the most popular is by far the tomato gazpacho. The classic recipe includes fresh vegetables, a little crumb white bread, wine vinegar and olive oil... The consistency of gazpacho can be compared to a thick, saturated tomato sauce diluted with small cubes of green vegetables and herbs, which give the soup a special fresh flavor. The basis of gazpacho is ripe, fleshy, juicy tomatoes... In addition, the gazpacho go bell pepper, onions, garlic and fresh cucumber... Gazpacho is brought to readiness by banal grinding of all the ingredients with a blender, which makes the soup so simple that everyone can handle it.


  • ripe tomatoes - 500 g,
  • cucumber - 2 small
  • bell pepper - 1 red and 1/2 green,
  • a small hot pepper - to taste and desire,
  • onion - 1 small head,
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves,
  • white bread, yesterday's - 100 g,
  • wine vinegar - 2-4 tsp,
  • olive oil - 3-5 tbsp. l.,
  • sugar - 1/3 tsp.
  • salt - 1/2 tsp,
  • parsley and croutons (or croutons) - for serving.

How to make a classic gazpacho

First, wash the tomatoes and, in order to easily peel them off, make a shallow cruciform incision on each.

Then we put the tomatoes in boiling water for 1-1.5 minutes, after which we take them out and send them under cold water. After such a simple procedure, you will notice that the skin itself will begin to move away from the tomatoes, you just have to pick it up and pull it a little. Cut out the stalk of peeled tomatoes.

Then we peel the onion and garlic from the husk, plus for pungency, you can add hot pepper to it, freeing it from seeds. We take out the stalk from the red pepper, wash it from the seeds, cut off all the whitish veins. We peel the cucumber, the seeds can be removed if in the future you do not wipe the finished gazpacho through a sieve. We pass the garlic through a press, cut the rest of the peeled vegetables into medium-sized pieces of arbitrary shape - this is done solely to make it easier and faster for the blender to grind them.

Now it's the turn of the bread. We cut off the crust from the slices, and send the crumb into a fragrant vegetable mix... We leave the crumb in it for 5-10 minutes, and then we interrupt everything again with a blender.

So far, our soup is thick, aromatic, but insipid. We give it a brighter taste: we season wine vinegar, add salt and sugar, season the soup with butter (best of all, aromatic, of course). We interrupt the soup with a blender.

In principle, already at this stage, we can say that the gazpacho is already ready. But if you want to give it a silky, tender and uniform texture, without small vegetable grains that the blender still leaves, it is better to rub it through a sieve. This is done quite simply and quickly. We take a sieve with fine meshes and pour gazpacho into it in portions and help it to seep with a spoon.

Ready! We send the gazpacho to the refrigerator to cool, and immediately before serving, add finely-finely chopped cucumber (peeled and seeds), parsley and green pepper to it. In addition to gazpacho, croutons or croutons are served (the same croutons, but fried in vegetable oil).

A dish called gazpacho comes from Spanish cuisine. The so-called cold soup is mostly found in central and also in northern Spain. Traditionally, in the homeland, this dish is served after the main one, but here it has become a full-fledged first course. This is definitely a summer meal, it requires fresh ingredients and is served cold.

It is argued that cooked gazpacho can be refrigerated and, if desired, satisfyingly quench your thirst like juice, diluted with a small amount of water.

The cooking method has spawned a ton of recipes with various ingredients. Some of them are given below, starting with the classic, traditional.

Gazpacho: a classic recipe with a photo

An old simple recipe for cooking, on the basis of which many others were later created. It is easy to make at home.


  • 450 grams of tomato;
  • one pepper (canned can be used);
  • one onion;
  • one cucumber. Size is dictated by preference;
  • three glasses of tomato juice;
  • half a glass of cilantro;
  • a third (maybe a little less) of a glass of red wine vinegar;
  • a quarter cup of olive oil;
  • Tabasco sauce. The amount depends on personal preference - the more, the sharper.
  1. The soup is mainly made from tomatoes. Finely chop half (about 225 grams) and half of the onion and cucumber and transfer to a blender bowl or food processor.
  2. Add red pepper there. Bring to a homogeneous state of puree, then pour the mass into a separate bowl.
  3. Pour tomato juice into the same bowl.
  4. Chop the cilantro very finely. After that, we send it to the common dish.
  5. Add vinegar and oil, Tabasco to taste. Mix everything thoroughly.
  6. Remove the seeds from the remaining tomatoes and chop them into small pieces.
  7. Also finely chop the remaining halves of the onion and cucumber.
  8. All the chopped ingredients are transferred to the soup.
  9. Salt. You can also pepper it.

After the soup is cooked, refrigerate it to cool. However, you shouldn't leave it for long. Given its recipe, texture and ingredients, gazpacho is a perishable dish.

Gazpacho: St. Petersburg recipe

After this recipe got to our latitudes, culinary experts have repeatedly experimented with its composition. Here is one of these cooking methods.


  • four tomatoes;
  • one bell pepper;
  • ciabatta crackers;
  • one cucumber. The amount is dictated by preference;
  • one chino clove;
  • one onion. The amount is dictated by preference;
  • a bunch of cilantro. The amount is dictated by personal preference;
  • four tablespoons of olive oil;
  • one lemon;
  • salt and seven peppers mix. The amount is dictated by preference.

Step by step cooking method

  1. We put a pot of water on the stove.
  2. We clean the pepper from seeds, rinse and also chop coarsely.
  3. Cut the onion, like the tomatoes, into four parts.
  4. Peel the cucumber and cut it coarsely.
  5. Crackers should be soaked in boiling water.
  6. Tomatoes are transferred to boiling water for 10 minutes.
  7. Place the cucumber, onion and pepper in a blender. We also crush a garlic clove there.
  8. Rinse the cilantro thoroughly. Chop finely and finely and add to a blender.
  9. Drain the excess liquid from the breadcrumbs and also transfer them to a blender.
  10. We take out the tomatoes from the pan. We clean from the skin. After boiling water, this shouldn't be a problem. We cut in half or into four parts each. After that, we also put them in a blender.
  11. We turn on the first speed and bring it to a homogeneous mass.
  12. Then we stop and add oil, salt and add three spoons lemon juice and a mixture of four peppers. Lemon juice can be substituted for apple cider vinegar.
  13. Run the blender again and wait for everything to mix well.
  14. After that, we pour it into the dishes and send it to the refrigerator to cool.

Gazpacho: recipe with breadcrumbs and garlic


  • half a fresh red pepper;
  • half green pepper;
  • small cucumber;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • two shallots;
  • three to four tomatoes;
  • 10 grams of fresh mint;
  • half a chili pepper;
  • 55 milliliters of red wine vinegar
  • 25 grams of bread crumbs;
  • 20 grams of white bread;
  • a teaspoon of ketchup;
  • grams of 10 butter;
  • olive oil.

Step by step cooking method

  1. Rinse vegetables and pat dry with a towel.
  2. Clean pepper from seeds and stalks.
  3. Peel the skin off the cucumber and chop finely.
  4. Chop the tomatoes finely. IN this recipe it is desirable to use the variety " Lady fingers”, However this is optional.
  5. Peel the garlic and onions. Chop finely with mint and chili.
  6. Put a few tablespoons of finely chopped cucumber and sweet pepper in a separate bowl. They will be needed to add to the ready-made soup.
  7. Transfer the remaining chopped vegetables with mint and chili to a bowl, add salt and black pepper and pour 450 milliliters of water (ice cold) over everything.
  8. Grind the contents of the bowl in portions with a blender until smooth and pour into a saucepan.
  9. When everything is chopped, put the saucepan with mashed potatoes for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.
  10. Then we cook the croutons.
  11. Finely dice the bread.
  12. Prepared butter heated in a pan and mixed with 10 grams of olive.
  13. Pour the bread cubes into the pan. Shaking and stirring, fry them until golden brown.

Serving chilled soup, finely chopped cucumber and pepper, as well as crackers, should be placed next to it in a separate shallow bowl. Soup poured into bowls should be drizzled with olive oil.

Gazpacho: shrimp recipe

With gazpacho, as in the case of most Mediterranean dishes, a recipe using seafood could not but appear. Perhaps this best recipe, which even managed to flash in the video of Yulia Vysotskaya.

The classic gazpacho is a Spanish cuisine dish that used to be the main food of poor peasants in the field in the incredible heat, as it quenched their thirst and satiated them well. With a low calorie content, the soup did not tire and encouraged further work.

In the modern world, it is prepared by many people as an alternative to other cold soups.

Secrets of cooking gazpacho

The composition of the products used in its preparation involves obtaining a mass of vitamins and simultaneous "cooling" of the body in the heat. The latter, by the way, has a beneficial effect on the process of weight loss, since eating almost any food cold leads to weight loss.

Cold soup is not the most common culinary dish. Therefore, gazpacho has become so popular because of its simplicity and rich taste.

Gazpacho is served in chilled glass bowls or bowls, always with ice. You need to store it in the refrigerator in a special clay pot, so it enhances its unique taste. And the real taste of the soup appears the next day after cooking. Gazpacho is eaten only in summer, in the heat, when ripe natural vegetables are abundant in the markets.

How to make gazpacho at home? We will tell you the recipe!

The cold soup contains mashed tomatoes, olive oil, cucumbers, Bell pepper, stale white bread, garlic, lemon juice, wine vinegar, hot peppers. The dish is of Andalusian origin, and is a typical example of Mediterranean soups.

In principle, there is no single recipe for gazpacho - how many housewives prepare it, so many different interpretations it has. Each chef has his own secret to making a delicious cold soup and adds his own family favorite ingredient. Gazpacho can be cooked with fish, meat, strawberries and melon, shrimp and capers, grapes and sour cream.

The classic gazpacho recipe

Cook by classic recipe gazpacho is easy - the main thing is that the products are at hand, and certainly fresh. If there are no tomatoes in the house, they can be easily replaced. tomato juice... You can also fantasize and experiment with the rest of the components. When serving, be sure to serve croutons with or without garlic, you can use small cubes, or pieces.

The soup must be cold, for this ice may be present on the table. The base of the soup should be chopped and rubbed, and a small portion of the constituents should be diced or sliced. All types of gazpacho should contain olive oil (even if you cook it in reserve for the winter), it softens the taste and gives the dish a satiety. The presence of vinegar keeps the soup from fermenting and also gives a distinctive flavor accent.


  • Tomatoes (slightly overripe) - kilogram;
  • Sweet yellow pepper - 2 pieces;
  • Long cucumber - 1 piece;
  • Spanish red onion - 1 piece;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • White, stale slice of bread (preferably white);
  • Wine vinegar - a tablespoon;
  • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt, sugar to taste.


Wash the tomatoes, then peel the skin with boiling water (lower for 2 minutes, after making cross-shaped cuts on the side of the leg; after boiling water, cool it sharply with cold water). This makes the tomatoes easy to peel. Next, you need to cut and remove the stalk and seeds. Pepper, peel of the stem and seeds, cut into cubes. Crush the garlic with a knife or pestle. Peel and chop the onion.

Peel the cucumber and cut into large cubes. Break the bread into several pieces. Grind everything in a blender until smooth, bring to taste with salt, vinegar, sugar, lemon and Tabasco sauce. You can rub through a sieve, but not necessary. Season the soup with olive oil, stir, pour into a clay jug. Refrigerate until next day, or at least 3 hours to cool.

This first course is usually accompanied by freshly prepared white bread croutons. To make them, the bread must be cut into large squares and fried in olive oil. When serving, garnish the dish with chopped sweet green pepper, pour over with olive oil and add a couple of ice cubes.

Tomato soup for “spicy” lovers

For lovers of spicy food, you can cook cold tomato soup with hot pepper. For four servings of soup, you need to take a liter of fresh tomato juice, two cucumbers, two hot peppers, two onions, 50 grams white vinegar, Tabasco sauce to taste, salt, ice.

We peel all vegetables, chop, grind in a blender, then rub through a sieve and bring to the required taste with the help of seasonings and spices. If you are a fan of very "hot" dishes, add more Tabasco sauce. It is necessary to cool the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for at least three hours. Put ice in glasses (it is advisable to take crushed ice), and pour portions of soup on top, decorate with chopped cucumber and herbs.

Of course, those people who have gastritis or gastric ulcer are strongly discouraged from eating such dishes. But for those who have low acidity of gastric juice, they will come in handy.

Gazpacho is not an exotic dish, but it will definitely not be a regular guest on your table. Perhaps, before today's close acquaintance with this delicious and healthy dish, you didn't even know about it.

The main remarkable quality of this dish is the preservation of all its main components in their original form, which is why they continue to carry all their main valuable properties. Bon Appetit!

In the summer heat, I suggest preparing a refreshing, cold gazpacho soup, a recipe for Spanish cuisine. From ripe tomatoes, juicy cucumbers, aromatic basil and sweet peppers. The best substitute for beetroot or!

Cold soup gazpacho

The homeland of cold soup is Spain, Andalusia (autonomous community). Like many popular dishes modern cooking, gazpacho soup was originally a food for the poor. Just like in Italy pizza, which was prepared from the remains of the cheapest and most affordable products: cheese, tomatoes, basil. Or as Japanese sushi or rolls - a delicacy for us, and an ordinary dish for the Japanese.

In a word, as we have already noticed, the usual food of working people, over time, becomes a culinary masterpiece, which today can be seen on the menu. best restaurants the world.

Originally there was a different gazpacho soup, the recipe of which has undergone significant changes over time. Nowadays it is difficult to find gazpacho without tomatoes, these berries are considered the basis of cold soup. But until the 19th century, they cooked from stale bread, olive oil, garlic and a mixture of balsamic vinegar and water.

The modern cold gazpacho soup includes tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic, olive oil, and vinegar or lemon juice. Often among the ingredients are sweet peppers, onions, herbs, spicy sauce Tabasco. Less commonly - beets, celery, avocados, carrots. Recently, fruit soups made from melon, watermelon, raspberry, strawberry, gooseberry, etc. have become popular.


To prepare a classic gazpacho, we need:

  • 1 kg of ripe tomatoes
  • 2-3 medium cucumbers or 1 large (long Chinese cucumber)
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic, or to taste
  • 1 small onion or half medium
  • 2 sweet peppers
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice (or balsamic bite to taste)
  • 3 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • salt, pepper - optional

How to make gazpacho soup, recipe with photo

Peel and core the bell peppers.

Peel the garlic and onion. Cut into small pieces.

Prepare the tomatoes. There are two ways to peel the tomatoes: pour boiling water over the tomatoes (or immerse them in hot water for 5-7 seconds) or remove the skin with your hands (for example, using a grater: grate the pulp on a coarse grater). If you want the recipe for cold gazpacho to be raw and retain the maximum vitamins, it is better to peel the tomatoes without resorting to hot water.

Cut off the skin of a cucumber.

Now you can put all the vegetables in the blender.

Add vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper. And beat until smooth.

The puree should be smooth, slightly foamy.

It remains only to cool the gazpacho. You can put the tomato soup in the refrigerator or serve it with ice cubes.

Don't forget to garnish the cold gazpacho with a sprig of fresh basil.

Bon Appetit!

This dish belongs to Spanish cuisine... According to the classic recipe, gazpacho can be prepared in various variations. A variety of vegetables are used depending on the season, but ripe tomatoes must be present.

Making gazpacho at home is easy. The main thing is to follow the sequence - first grind vegetables and herbs, and then mix them. The soup is consumed cold. Before serving, it is cooled and insisted for at least three hours, and served with pieces of ice.


  • tomatoes - 460 g;
  • black pepper;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • Tabasco sauce - 5 drops;
  • pepper - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 40 ml;
  • tomato juice - 750 ml;
  • wine red vinegar - 80 ml;
  • cilantro - 0.5 cups.


  1. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes. Remove the skin. Cut half into small pieces. Cut the cucumber. The first part will be needed in small pieces. Cut the onion. Chop one part.
  2. Place prepared food in a bowl. Turn on the blender. Grind. Add pepper. Mix.
  3. Chop the cilantro. Throw in mashed potatoes. Pour in tomato juice. Pour in vinegar, followed by oil. Add tabasco. Mix.
  4. Chop the remaining vegetables. The pieces should be as small as possible. Throw in mashed potatoes. Salt. Mix.
  5. Put in the refrigerator.

Cooking option with crab

If you decide to treat guests to gazpacho with crab, then they will be surprised not only exquisite look but also the taste of the dish. They will appreciate your culinary masterpiece.


  • bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • crab - 210 g;
  • cilantro - 25 g;
  • ground black pepper;
  • tomato - 1100 g;
  • salt;
  • cucumber - 550 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • lemon juice - 40 ml;
  • olive oil - 35 ml;
  • onion - 1 pc. Violet;
  • tomato juice - 600 ml;
  • chili - 1 pc.;
  • parsley - 25 g.


  1. To boil water. Pour over tomatoes. This procedure will allow you to easily peel off the skin. Slice. Large pieces will be needed.
  2. Grind the bell pepper into small pieces. Chop the chili pepper.
  3. Chop the onion finely.
  4. Chop the garlic chives and parsley.
  5. Send to the bowl. Use a blender to puree.
  6. Put to cool.
  7. Disassemble the crab meat into fibers. Fill with oil. Sprinkle with chopped cilantro. Drizzle with two types of juice. Sprinkle with sugar. Salt. Add pepper. Beat. Use a blender.
  8. Pour the cooled puree into bowls, adding a few spoons of crab mass.

With shrimps

Delicious tomato soup that will appeal to seafood lovers. Gazpacho with shrimps turns out to be tender and aromatic.


  • cumin - 3 g;
  • salt;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. wine spoon;
  • black pepper;
  • a mixture of vegetable juices - 750 g;
  • cucumber - 0.5 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • shrimp - 120 g small;
  • cilantro - 4 branches;
  • tomatoes in own juice- 470 g;
  • onions - 8 green feathers;
  • parsley - 4 branches;
  • bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.


  1. Chop the cilantro.
  2. Chop the chives.
  3. Slice in large pieces feathers of green onions.
  4. Chop the Bulgarian pepper.
  5. Chop the cucumber.
  6. Turn on the blender. Beat the tomatoes with juice.
  7. Boil the shrimps.
  8. Mix all ingredients. Add pepper, cumin. Pour in vinegar. Salt. Mix.
  9. Put in the refrigerator.
  10. Withstand three hours.

Healthy first course with celery

Another option that will help diversify your diet.


  • bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs. green;
  • pepper;
  • salt;
  • tomato - 4 pcs.;
  • bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs. Red;
  • ice cubes;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • fresh basil;
  • fresh mint;
  • celery - 1 pc.;
  • tomato juice - 1100 ml;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.


  1. The pepper will be required in the form of cubes.
  2. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes. Remove the top layer. To cut in cubes.
  3. Chop the cucumber. Small pieces are needed.
  4. Chop the onion.
  5. Celery is required in small pieces.
  6. Place in a bowl. Use a blender, beat.
  7. Grind the mint with basil. Pour the vegetable puree with tomato juice. Sprinkle with herbs. Salt. Sprinkle with pepper. Mix.
  8. Serve with ice.

Hot gazpacho

Traditionally, this soup is served cold, but in the winter season you can please your household with a warm version of your favorite dish.


  • meat - 1000 g;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • bread cakes;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • thyme;
  • meat broth - 550 ml;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • rosemary;
  • white wine;
  • salt;
  • laurel - 1 sheet.


  1. Remove the skin from the tomato. To do this, pour boiling water over the fruit.
  2. Chop the garlic cloves. Place in frying pan, use with high sides. Pour in oil. Fry.
  3. Chop the meat. Send to fry. Pour in wine. Fry. The moisture should completely evaporate.
  4. Pour in the meat broth. Place laurel. Grind the saffron. Add to the pan. Boil for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Break the cake. Send to soup. The mass should be thick and satisfying. Serve hot.

In a multicooker

A wonderful cooling chowder can be prepared in a slow cooker.


  • tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • salt;
  • bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • spices;
  • loaf - 300 g;
  • cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • Tabasco sauce - 2 tsp;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • milk - 30 ml;
  • sunflower oil - 110 ml;
  • vinegar - 3 tsp.


  1. Cut the tomatoes into quarters. Remove seeds.
  2. Trim the skin off the cucumbers. Remove seeds.
  3. Coarsely chop all vegetables. Place in a bowl. Fill with oil. Add milk. Pour in vinegar and tabasco sauce. Mix.
  4. Put in the refrigerator. Withstand for an hour and a half.
  5. Send to blender. Beat. Pour into the bowl of the oven.
  6. If the puree is very thick, then you can pour in water. Salt. Add pepper. Mix.
  7. Turn on the "Soup" mode. Time to choose a quarter of an hour.
  8. Pour into a container. Put in the refrigerator.
  9. Cut the loaf into cubes. Send to the oven. Select the "Crust" or "Baking" mode. Time is a quarter of an hour.
  10. Pour the cooled mass into bowls. Sprinkle with croutons.

Spanish soup gazpacho with salsa

To cool off on hot summer days, cook delicious soup... Use only fresh and ripe tomatoes.

Soup must be kept in the refrigerator before serving, but if you have patience and serve in a day, then the chowder will turn out to be incredibly tasty and saturated with aromas.


  • wheat bread - 120 g cubes;
  • ice - 8 cubes;
  • water - 500 ml cold;
  • black pepper;
  • tomatoes - 950 g;
  • salt;
  • cucumber;
  • chopped red bulgarian pepper;
  • Tabasco sauce - 5 drops;
  • chopped chili pepper;
  • lime juice - 30 ml;
  • garlic - 2 cloves, chopped;
  • lemon juice - 30 ml;
  • oil - 35 ml olive;
  • basil - 15 leaves.


  • wheat bread - 120 g without crusts;
  • olive oil - 150 ml;
  • garlic - 1 clove, chopped.


  • cucumber - 2.5 cm, cubed;
  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • chili pepper - 0.5 pcs. shredded;
  • lemon juice - 5 ml.


  1. Soak the bread. Stand for five minutes.
  2. Pour over tomatoes with boiling liquid. Clean. Remove seeds. Grind.
  3. Cut off the top layer from the cucumber. Cut. Select seeds. Chop.
  4. Put cucumber, tomatoes, bell pepper, garlic, chili, juice, oil, tabasco into a bowl. To fill with water. Beat. A completely liquid mass is not needed, small pieces should be felt. Salt. Season. Refrigerate. It will take three hours.
  5. Now it was the turn of the croutons. Rub the bread with garlic. Slice. Place the resulting cubes in a container in which oil was poured in advance. Shake. The pieces should be evenly soaked in oil. Place in a frying pan. Fry. The workpiece should become a beautiful golden color.
  6. For salsa, slice the avocado. Pour the resulting cubes with juice. This will help the avocado retain its color.
  7. Stir chili with cucumber. Combine with avocado.
  8. Pour the cooled mass into bowls. Place ice in portions. Upload salsa. Sprinkle with basil. Sprinkle with croutons.

With added avocado

The food turns out to be spicy and slightly sweet. Honey helps to give the dish a velvety and enveloping flavor.


  • basil - 35 g;
  • olive oil - 55 ml;
  • black pepper;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • tomatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • parsley - 20 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • purple onion - 1 pc.;
  • honey - 15 ml;
  • celery - 1 stalk;
  • juice - 50 liters of lemon;
  • sweet red pepper - 1 pc.;
  • avocado - 1 pc.


  1. Pour over tomatoes with boiling water. Remove the top layer. Add juice. Pour in water. Slice.
  2. Grind the garlic cloves. Chop the basil. Fill with oil. Pour in water. Salt.
  3. Turn on the blender. Beat.
  4. Peel the avocado. Slice. Chop the onion. Grind the celery stalk. Chop the pepper. All products should come out in the form of small cubes.
  5. Mix the chopped ingredients with the puree. Mix.
  6. Tear the parsley. Add to the mass.
  7. Sprinkle with pepper.
  8. Put to cool.

Gazpacho in Andalusian

This is famous dish, which today can be found in all restaurants in Spain, was originally prepared by the poor. After all, the stew is cheap, nourishing and cooks very quickly.


  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • parsley;
  • bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • pepper;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt;
  • garlic - 1 pc.;
  • oil - 75 ml;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.


  1. All products must be chopped. For this, it is better to use a blender. Place chopped vegetables and herbs in a bowl. Beat.
  2. Pour in oil. Salt. Sprinkle with pepper. Beat.
  3. Refrigerate. It will take at least three hours.