Soup with dumplings and meatballs step by step recipe. Soup with meatballs and potato dumplings

For the soup you will need:

  • Water - 3 l
  • Potatoes - 4 pieces
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • Onions - 1 piece
  • Bell pepper- 1 - 2 pieces
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt, bay leaf, black pepper - to taste

Ingredients for minced meat:

  • Chopped meat- 200 g
  • Onions - ½ head
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Greens (parsley, dill) - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Breadcrumbs- 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt and pepper to taste

For the test, take:

  • Flour - 100 g
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Salt to taste

Meatball soup is a real treat

The history of the emergence of soup with meatballs and dumplings, like the vast majority of dishes invented by the Slavs, in this case by Westerners, originates in ancient times. So many ingredients, it would seem, in a simple dish, is explained by the fact that our ancestors believed - the more labor invested in the preparation of this or that recipe, the more appetizing and richer it will look. Well, the statement is controversial, but the soup that has come down to us is really tasty, and most importantly satisfying, and even the most obvious opponent of the first courses cannot refuse it!

Interestingly, the soup with meatballs and dumplings is popular all over the world or, according to at least, in its European part! For example, the same dumplings are lush flour "pads", perhaps balls, which are called differently by this or that people, but in essence they are the same. Famous Ukrainian dumplings, jackdaws from Belarus, Bavarian dumplings, gnocchi from Italy or Czech dumplings - these are all dumplings!

Undoubtedly, each nationality has its own secrets and subtleties in the preparation of this dish. Here, given classic way preparation of a fragrant, delicious, high-calorie soup with meatballs and dumplings.

Step by step cooking

So, we proceed directly to the preparation of this divine dish, and let it not scare anyone, at first glance, great amount ingredients. In fact, it is prepared simply, and most importantly quickly, especially if you have an idea of ​​the actions that should be taken:

  1. First things first, let's start cooking the meatballs. In a bowl prepared for this process, put all the necessary ingredients. Wherein onion rub on a fine grater, and chop the greens with a knife. Then, thoroughly mix the whole mixture until smooth. Next, ready-made, lightly beaten minced meat, set aside for 20 minutes in the refrigerator.
  2. Now let's move on to making the dumpling dough. Beat an egg with salt and pour the prepared flour there, after which we knead a rather steep dough.
  3. The preparatory stages can be considered complete. Now we proceed directly to cooking the soup. Throw peeled and medium-cut potatoes into boiling water. We cook it for 5 minutes.
  4. Taking out a bowl of minced meat for meatballs from the refrigerator, we form balls the size of large cherries with our hands and throw them into a saucepan with soup. This manipulation must be done quickly enough so that the meatballs can cook almost simultaneously. Bring to a boil and cook for another 5 minutes.
  5. Further, answering the question of how to cook this dish, you should tackle the legendary dumplings. To do this, after wetting a teaspoon in water, separate small pieces from the main dough and quickly immerse them in boiling water. After dipping the last dumpling, cook the soup for another 5 minutes.
  6. After a short period of time, add finely chopped vegetables to the soup, pre-fried and brought to a delicate golden color in vegetable oil. Bell pepper is added to soup without pre-roast but also finely chopped.
  7. Then salt and pepper to taste, not forgetting to toss the lavrushka. Then we bring our wonderful culinary art to a boil and pour it into plates. That's it, the soup is ready!

As you can see, the soup is prepared simply and quickly, although it contains the meat, beloved by many. By the way, the soup poured into bowls can be decorated with sprigs of parsley and basil, which will add extra piquancy to the dish.

Due to the fact that the soup contains dough products and meat products in the form of dumplings and meatballs, it can be considered a high-calorie dish, which is relevant in winter, when a piercing cold wind with large flakes of snow cools the bodies of people rushing home, where a plate of fragrant hot and insanely delicious soup awaits them!

Bon Appetit!

Soup with meatballs and dumplings is one of my favorite soups, after borscht and sorrel borscht. It is not difficult to prepare, a set of ingredients is always available.

To make soup with meatballs and dumplings, we need:

  • 2 medium potatoes (about 300-350 grams),
  • 1 carrot (about 50-70 grams),
  • 1 onion (about 100 grams)
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • salt to taste
  • Bay leaf,
  • for making meatballs

  • 200 grams of minced meat
  • onions and potatoes (take from the total),
  • salt to taste
  • for making dumplings

  • 2 yolks (I usually take 1 egg, just today in the refrigerator there were yolks left over from the preparation of cookies, so I decided to use them),
  • 50 grams of flour
  • 1-2 tablespoons of water (if necessary)
  • salt to taste.
  • Recipe for making soup with meatballs and dumplings.

    Wash and peel onions, potatoes and carrots.

    Let's make a dumpling dough.

    Break the egg into a cup (in my case, the yolks), salt and beat well with a fork. Add the sifted flour and knead the dough. The consistency of the dough should be thicker than that of the pancakes. If the dough is too thick, add a little water.

    Let's make the meatballs.

    Cut a quarter from one potato and rub it into minced meat on a fine grater. Cut off about a third of the onion and finely chop it, add to the minced meat. Salt the minced meat, pepper and mix everything well. You can immediately shape the meatballs, a little larger than the olives, and lay them out on the board. But I usually make meatballs in the process of making soup. By the way, so that the minced meat does not stick to your hands, you need to moisten them with water.

    Let's start preparing the soup itself with meatballs and dumplings.

    Pour water into a saucepan and set to boil. While the water is boiling, cut the remaining onion and potatoes into small pieces, and the carrots into thin rings.

    When the water boils, put the formed meatballs into it, put the carrots, potatoes and onions.

    Now we need to throw the dumplings into boiling water. To do this, take a teaspoon, separate a small piece from the main mass of the dough with a spoon and put it in a boiling broth. The dough will slide from the spoon into the broth. We do this until the dough runs out.

    Reduce heat to moderate, cover the pan with a lid and cook the soup for about 15-20 minutes. Then open the lid, salt the soup to taste, throw in the bay leaf, close the lid and continue simmering for 10 minutes.

    Now we take out the bay leaf, pour the soup into plates, add greens, sour cream as desired and sit down to eat.

    Bon Appetit.

    It is customary to serve first courses for lunch in almost every home. They are believed to be incredibly beneficial to our body. After reading today's article, you will learn how to cook light and flavorful and dumplings.

    Classic version

    Despite the fact that the named dish was invented by the Slavs, today it is very popular all over the world. Moreover, every nation has own version cooking. Someone cooks it on chicken broth, and someone on the water. Therefore, now we will tell you how to make a classic one and will be presented with a photo later). In order not to interrupt the process and in a hurry to look for missing products, make sure in advance that you have at hand:

    • Four large potatoes.
    • One medium carrot and one onion.
    • A pair of sweet bell peppers.
    • Three tablespoons of any vegetable oil.

    For the meatballs you will need:

    • 225 grams of minced meat;
    • half a onion;
    • one fresh egg;
    • two tablespoons of herbs and bread crumbs.

    To prepare dumplings, you need to stock up in advance:

    • one fresh chicken egg;
    • 110 grams of wheat flour.

    So that your family can fully appreciate the soup with meatballs and dumplings, step by step recipe which will be presented a little later, the above list of products should be replenished with a small amount of butter, three liters of water, salt, ground pepper, bay leaves and other spices.

    Process description

    The first step is to tackle the meatballs. To prepare them, combine minced meat and chopped onions in one bowl. All mix well until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The container with the resulting mass is covered with cling film and sent to the refrigerator.

    After that, you can do the dumplings. To prepare them, add flour to a pre-beaten and slightly salted egg and mix thoroughly until a tough dough is formed.

    Then you can proceed to the main stage. Place the prewashed, peeled and chopped potatoes in a saucepan filled with three liters of boiling water. Five minutes later, pre-formed meatballs are dipped in there and the same amount is boiled. Then balls from the dough are carefully added to the broth, and after five minutes the previously fried on butter onions, carrots and bell peppers. At the same time, salt, pepper and bay leaves are sent to the pan.

    Ten minutes later, the ready-made soup with meatballs and dumplings is removed from the heat and served.

    Option for children

    Unfortunately, not all babies love first courses. therefore this option will certainly interest young mothers who care about the health of their children. Before you start cooking a delicious and healthy soup with meatballs and dumplings in a slow cooker (the recipe with the photo will be presented in today's article), you should check in advance if you have all the required ingredients in your arsenal. This time, you should have at your fingertips:

    • 110 grams of homemade beef or minced chicken;
    • large onion;
    • a couple of fresh chicken eggs;
    • three tablespoons of semolina;
    • two medium potatoes;
    • small carrots.

    To cook a truly light and mouth-watering soup with meatballs and dumplings (you can see the step-by-step recipe with the photo below), you need to slightly expand the above list of products. It is supplemented with salt, dill and 720 ml of filtered water.

    Cooking technology

    Pre-washed, peeled and chopped vegetables are placed in the multicooker bowl. Clean drinking water is poured there and the “Soup” or “Stew” mode is activated.

    While the vegetables are boiling, you can do the meatballs. For their preparation, homemade beef or minced chicken is combined in one dish, a raw egg and a pinch of salt. All mix well and form small meat balls.

    After that, it was time for the dumplings. They are made from a mixture of eggs and semolina. To do this, separate the yolk from the protein and beat it well with a fork, gradually adding the cereal. At the end, a little salt and the remaining protein are sent to the resulting dough.

    Thirty minutes before the vegetables are ready, add meat balls and dumplings to them. To do this, take semolina dough with a teaspoon and dipped in boiling water. At the final stage, finely chopped greens are sent to the soup with meatballs and dumplings in a slow cooker.

    Option with tomato

    This dish is very similar to a simplified one. asian dish manpar. Soup cooked by this recipe, it turns out to be light, tasty and rich. In order not to interrupt the process in search of missing components, you need to check the contents of your refrigerator in advance. Your kitchen should include:

    • 200 grams of minced chicken;
    • a couple of large onions;
    • one medium carrot;
    • 200 grams unleavened dough;
    • two large potatoes;
    • a tablespoon of tomato paste.

    In order for your family to appreciate the soup with meatballs and dumplings (the recipe with a photo, step by step, you can see in our publication), it is advisable to supplement the above list with a small amount sunflower oil, a pinch of sugar, salt, red and black pepper.

    Algorithm of actions

    First, you should do the gas station. For its preparation, pre-chopped onions and carrots are sent to a frying pan greased with vegetable oil and lightly fried. At the end, add to the vegetables tomato paste and thoroughly warm up the resulting mixture. When the dressing begins to fry, add a little warm water and simmer over minimal heat for a quarter of an hour.

    Unsalted meatballs are formed from ready-made minced chicken, and dumplings are formed from unleavened dough. In the latter case, it is important not to add flour so as not to muddy the broth.

    Meat balls are carefully dipped into a saucepan filled with boiling water and boiled for five minutes. Then the dumplings are carefully sent to them, and after they float, pre-washed, peeled and chopped potatoes and salt are added there. Shortly before the vegetables are fully cooked, tomato dressing, a pinch of sugar and pepper are placed in the broth. It is important to make sure that the potatoes are softened, but not boiled. After that, the soup with meatballs and dumplings is removed from the stove, poured into plates and garnished with herbs.

    Cheese option

    As in all previous cases, before starting cooking, you should go to the store and stock up on all essential ingredients... Your list should contain:

    • 250 grams of minced meat;
    • one fresh egg;
    • 40 grams of cheese;
    • one small onion;
    • 120 grams of flour;
    • bouillon cube;
    • a teaspoon of butter;
    • salt, pepper and herbs.

    In one bowl, combine pre-grated cheese, flour and an egg. Add a couple of tablespoons of water there and mix well. As a result, you should get a fairly dense dough.

    In a separate bowl, mix the minced meat, salt, pepper and finely chopped onion. From the resulting mass, small balls are rolled and lowered into a saucepan filled with one and a half liters of boiling water with a bouillon cube dissolved in it. Then dumplings are placed there. When they float, greens are sent into the water and allowed to boil a little. After a couple of minutes, butter is added to the prepared soup with meatballs and dumplings.

    If you don't know what to cook again for lunch as a first course, try this recipe. Rich, tasty and very hearty soup with dumplings and meatballs will certainly delight your whole family. The cooking technology is not very simple, but if you prepare minced meatballs in advance and freeze them, the process will speed up and simplify.

    You can cook the soup on the basis of water or broth (meat, chicken). The meatballs can be beef, pork, or poultry. You can combine two or three types of meat. This view The soup will undoubtedly be appreciated not only by adults, but also by children. Soft meatballs, delicious dumplings make the soup delicious and very appetizing.

    Ingredients for 3.5 liters:

    • Minced meat - 300 g;
    • Broth or water - 2.5 l;
    • Potatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
    • Carrots - 1 pc.;
    • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
    • Onions - 1/2 or 1 pc.;
    • Vegetable oil;
    • Bay leaf;
    • Allspice;
    • Salt - 1 tsp;
    • A mixture of peppers;
    • Garlic - 1 tooth;
    • Greens.
    • For dumplings
    • Flour - 1-1.5 tbsp.;
    • Water - 30-50 ml;
    • Salt - chips.;
    • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon


    Put a saucepan with water or broth on the fire and bring the liquid to a boil. Toss in the diced potatoes and peppercorns. Simmer over medium heat, covered.

    While the potatoes are cooking, cook the meatballs. Mix minced meat with chopped onions... Add salt and pepper. Mix the whole mass thoroughly and beat against the sides of the bowl. Then, with wet hands, form small balls from the whole amount of minced meat. When the potatoes are half cooked, add the meatballs to the pot. Simmer, covered over medium heat.

    Meatballs cook quickly, and if you made them from minced chicken, they will cook even faster.

    Cook sautéed in vegetable oil from onions, bell peppers and carrots. To do this, peel the onions and carrots. Grate the carrots on a medium grater, finely chop the onion. Use bell pepper as desired, if you do not have it, you can cook soup without it. Cut the pepper into small cubes. Heat the oil, fry the vegetables over low heat, they should become soft.

    Finally, make a dumpling dough. Drive two eggs into a deep bowl. Pour 50 ml of water and 1 tbsp there. vegetable oil. Add a pinch of salt and gradually add flour, kneading the thick mass. The most convenient way to knead the dough is with a fork.

    The dough should be thick. Thicker than a pancake, but not so thick that you can sculpt it with your hands. We will shape the dumplings with a teaspoon.

    Add a sauté pan to the pan.

    And you can immediately throw dumplings into the boiling soup. Dip a teaspoon in the cold water... Then take half a teaspoon of the dough and dip it into the water. They will drown, but then they will rise. Finished dumplings increase in size by about one and a half to two times.

    At this point, add bay leaves and salt. Cook for about 5 minutes, until the dumplings are cooked through.

    At the end of cooking, season the dumpling and meatball soup with the pepper mixture. Add chopped garlic and parsley or dill.

    Remove immediately from heat and cover. Let the dish sit for a while.

    The soup should be served hot. When serving, you can sprinkle chopped fresh herbs, including green onions, into a plate.

    The soup with meatballs and dumplings turned out to be very rich, tasty and satisfying. Everyone will like it, you'll see.

    On a note

    Homemade dumplings are difficult to digest. Therefore, do not worry about this if the soup was removed from the fire a little later. Even when stored in the refrigerator and reheated, the dough in the soup remains the same as before. The same cannot be said about factory-made pasta.

    If you decide to prepare meatballs for future use, after cooking minced meat with onions and spices, form balls and put them to be served with parchment. Place in the freezer. After a few hours, transfer the frozen food to a container or bag. Close or tie tightly. Store in the freezer as long as needed. For soup, toss the meatballs into the boiling liquid without first defrosting.

    Step 1: Prepare the vegetables.

    Preparing vegetables is very, very simple. Peel the onions and carrots. Cut the pepper in half, remove the stalk and seeds. All the vegetables are washed and cut into small cubes, except for the garlic. Remove the husk from it and chop finely.
    I think you noticed that potatoes are not listed on the ingredients list. If you're cooking with broth, you can do fine without it. The soup will be tasty, light and nutritious anyway. If the broth is tight, then you can cook with potatoes. Take 3-4 medium tubers, peel them, wash well and cut into medium cubes.

    Step 2: making the meatballs.

    It is better to prepare minced meat for meatballs at home. Shop most often very fatty. Anyone will do: chicken, beef or pork. Pass the meat through a meat grinder at least twice to make the meatballs smooth and tender.
    Add the egg, half a teaspoon of salt, 1/4 teaspoon of ground black pepper to the minced meat and mix well. You should get a plastic homogeneous mass.

    Now we will sculpt small meat balls - future meatballs. The easiest way to do this is with wet hands so that the minced meat does not stick, so place a glass or some other container with water next to you. Take small lumps of minced meat and roll into balls the size of cherries or small apricots. Meatballs that are too large can break apart during the cooking process. Place them on a clean, dry cutting board.

    Step 3: Making the dumpling dough.

    There is no universal recipe for making dumplings dough. Each housewife does it differently. It can be on water or only on eggs. I like the last option better. Dumplings cooked with home-made eggs have a beautiful yellow color.
    So, we prepare the dumpling dough. Sift the flour before cooking, beat the eggs a little with 1/4 teaspoon in homogeneous mass... Knead a thin plastic dough. The amount of flour in the recipe is approximate. Eggs come in different sizes, and flour has different moisture content, so we add it, how many eggs will take to get the required consistency. Cover the dishes with the dough with cling film and leave to wait for their turn.

    Step 4: Prepare the soup with dumplings and meatballs.

    For the two soup options, with and without potatoes, the cooking sequence will be slightly different.
    If cooking with potatoes, place a pot of water on the stove, bring to a boil, and cook. Season with a little salt and cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes. During this time, heat a small amount of butter or oil in a skillet. Lay out all prepared vegetables, sauté for 5-7 minutes and send them to the potatoes.
    If we cook without potatoes, heat all vegetables in melted butter in a saucepan over low heat for about 5-7 minutes. Then pour everything in hot broth. This is where the differences ended, then the cooking process is the same: salt to taste and add spices.

    Add the meatballs to the soup first; after all, the meat takes longer than the dough to cook. As soon as they come up, then it's the turn of the dumplings.

    We make dumplings very simply: we take a little dough with a wet teaspoon and send it to the pan. In principle, it should slide off easily, if it is not, we will help it with another spoon. It should be noted that this process is lengthy and requires patience. Resist the temptation to use larger chunks of dough to speed it up. In the soup, the dumplings increase in size by at least one and a half times. Once they come up, cook over low heat for about 5 minutes. Then turn off, pour chopped parsley into the pan, cover and leave to infuse. The soup with dumplings and meatballs is ready.

    Step 5: Serve the soup with dumplings and meatballs.

    Pour soup into bowls and serve. Lovers creamy taste can try adding a spoonful of sour cream to it. Crunchy croutons or garlic croutons are a good addition to the soup.
    Bon Appetit!

    You can add finely chopped dill, grated onions and even grated cheese to the minced meatballs. Experimenting is always fun;

    Will improve significantly taste qualities soup, if you use white aromatic roots for its preparation: parsley, celery or parsnips. They can be taken all together or individually, peeled, cut into small cubes and cooked with other vegetables.