Cook the tiger prawns. How to cook fresh frozen tiger prawns

If you've never cooked tiger prawns before, catch up urgently. First, they are incredibly tasty; secondly, they are very useful; thirdly, the cooking process is so simple that it is impossible to spoil the dish. The only, but extremely important condition is: do not digest. Otherwise, you risk getting rubber-like shrimp. Remember, for fresh, 3-4 minutes of heat treatment is enough, for boiled-frozen - 1-2 minutes.

If you purchased raw tiger prawns in shells, first remove the intestines from the abdomen. If using ready-made frozen food, remove the ice by immersing it in boiling water for 30 seconds. This will keep elasticity and excellent taste shrimp, which can then be fried or grilled.

Exist great amount but perhaps the most interesting of them are found in the countries in whose coastal waters they inhabit. The restaurants of these countries offer dishes with an unexpected combination of products, but they also do not forget about the classic way of tiger cooking. olive oil with garlic.

Ingredients: shrimp - 800-1000 grams, soy sauce - 50 grams, garlic - 3 wedges, olive oil - 30 grams, 1/2 lemon.

Immerse raw shrimps in boiling water for a short time, this will make it easier to peel them off. Heat oil in a skillet, add soy sauce, crushed garlic. As soon as the garlic-soy flavor is drawn, add the shrimp to the skillet. Fry for 3 minutes over high heat. Place them on a plate before serving, drizzle with the remaining sauce and drizzle with lemon juice. If you wish, you can place the shrimp on the arugula leaf "pillow". We are sure that you will be delighted with this dish and join the ranks of its fans.

Japanese tiger prawns

Ingredients: shrimp, honey, sesame seeds, oil. For batter: 250 grams of flour, 1 glass of water, half a lemon, salt, 1 teaspoon of olive oil.

Prepare the batter by mixing all the ingredients. Heat oil in a skillet. Dip each shrimp in batter and fry for about 2-3 minutes. Place on a plate, pour over with honey and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Singapore style tiger prawns

Ingredients: shrimp - 15 pieces, vodka - 1/4 cup, onion- half a head, fish broth - 1/4 cup, classic soy sauce - 30 grams, vegetable oil - 10 grams, salt, pepper.

Marinate the shrimps in a mixture of vodka, oil, salt and pepper for 15 minutes. Fry in oil, add finely chopped onions, soy sauce and let the dish thicken and serve.

African Shrimp Recipe

Ingredients: 500 grams of peeled shrimp, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of tomato paste or a can of tomatoes in own juice, 3 tbsp. spoons of classic soy sauce, 1 lemon, 1 teaspoon of sugar, vegetable oil, sesame seeds.

Heat oil in a skillet and fry finely chopped onions with sugar in it so that it caramelizes. Add tomato paste or tomatoes, shrimp, ½ cup water. Cover, reduce heat strongly and simmer for 3 minutes. Then add soy sauce, chili pepper, drizzle with lemon juice and simmer for about 5-10 minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with sesame seeds.

Now you know and surprise your loved ones with culinary skills. Bon Appetit!

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Shrimps are marine and sometimes river arthropods of the infraorder crustaceans. As a food, shrimp is very common all over the world and is a kind of delicacy. Are extremely valuable food product, rich in protein and calcium, and also containing very few calories. Depending on the species, shrimp are 2 to 30 cm long. It is no exaggeration to say that shrimp is a product that is unlikely to leave indifferent even the most sophisticated gourmet. The main thing is to properly prepare a dish with these arthropods, but in our case, the rule is even simpler - not to digest, since the shrimp meat becomes very tight after too long cooking, almost rubbery.

How much to cook boiled frozen shrimp

Frozen shrimp need to be boiled for no more than a minute, and it is best to use this method: first pour boiling water over the frozen shrimp, then, when they thaw and the water becomes cool, drain the water. And again pour boiling water for a couple of minutes. Next - pour the finished shrimp into a colander and let the water drain. Everything, our simple dish can be served on the table.

How much to cook peeled shrimp

Peeled shrimps, as well as boiled-frozen ones, do not need to be cooked for a long time. It is enough just to pour boiling water over them and let it brew for 4-7 minutes. For taste, you can add bay leaf, allspice, lemon to the broth.

King prawns are widespread on the Russian market. But, to be honest, this species does not exist in general, and they mean only large subspecies of ordinary shrimp. And the name "royal" is a cunning, but quite a successful advertising move.

How much to cook king prawns

King prawns are boiled like this: they are dipped in boiling water, which is pre-salted and spices are added there (bay leaf, lemon, garlic, peppercorns, dill, etc.). After that, wait 2-3 minutes and take them out of the water. If you cook them longer, then the meat of the king prawns will turn out to be very tough.

Tiger prawns are a type of serrated shrimp found mainly in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. They have an original color - a brown body with transverse stripes, which is why they got their name.

How much to cook tiger prawns

Boil the tiger prawns for about 4-5 minutes after the water boils. It is recommended to defrost them before cooking. The main thing to look out for when cooking is the color of the shrimp. They should turn from gray to bright orange. As with all shrimp, they do not need to be overcooked.

Tiger prawns are delicious delicacy, real gift for gourmets from the depths of the seas. This is exquisite delicacy with gentle and delicious meat... Tiger prawns are large in size and reach 15-36 cm in length.

Tiger prawns are an excellent dietary product

Tiger prawns got their name due to their color - black stripes on the shell. They have extraordinary juicy, soft and tender meat, rich in beneficial nutrients. In the seafood market, they are prized for their dietary qualities. There is practically no fat in their meat, but it is rich in proteins, proteins and contains only 95 calories.

It is lovely dietary product, which will help you lose weight. In addition, tiger prawns contain potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, iodine, sulfur, vitamin PP and B12, omega-3 fatty acid. Regular consumption of shrimp will help strengthen the immune system, bone and cardiovascular systems, and improve the condition of hair and skin.

Tiger prawns can act as independent dish or used in recipes for salads, soups, appetizers and hot dishes. When choosing frozen shrimp, it is better to give preference to those that are I'm in the package and are not sold by weight. The shell of the tiger shrimp should be shiny, not dried out. A black head, bumps and yellowish meat are a sign of a spoiled product.

How to cook tiger prawns

How to cook tiger prawns

The classic way of cooking tiger prawns Is cooking. To do this, take a large pot of water, put it on fire and bring to a boil, salt. To make the tiger prawns more delicious, add peppercorns, bay leaves, the juice of half a lemon, a few cloves of garlic and a spoon to the water tomato paste.

Place frozen shrimp in a colander and rinse cold water to wash away debris and ice. Dip the shrimp into boiling water, reduce heat and cook for 3-5 minutes. You do not need to cook them for too long, otherwise the meat will be rubbery. Properly cooked tiger prawns simply melt in your mouth.

How to fry tiger prawns

Also, tiger prawns can be fried. Preheat a skillet, pour in the olive oil and fry the finely chopped garlic in it.

Add shrimp and cook until tender, 4-7 minutes. Garnish with herbs before serving.

Before frying, the shrimp can be marinated in soy sauce or mayonnaise with mustard, salt and garlic.

Tiger shrimp sauce

It is better to serve tiger prawns with special sauces. For example, you can mix lemon juice with olive oil, garlic and spices. Or mix mayonnaise, ketchup, a pinch of red pepper, and a clove of garlic.

Their meat is rich in protein, which is well absorbed by our body and contains a minimum of calories ...

Tiger prawns get this name because of the transverse stripes on the shell. They are very large, they can reach 20-30 centimeters. Tiger prawns are three types: common, black and green tiger prawns. The “neck-tail” part is suitable for eating. You can cook broth from the shell of the shrimp.

Their meat, which is well absorbed by our body and contains a minimum of calories. Shrimp contains phosphorus, calcium, copper, omega-3, selenium, B vitamins, iodine, as well as the antioxidant astaxanthin, which stains the shrimp shell and meat red during cooking. At the same time, it should be remembered that shrimp contains enough cholesterol.

How to choose shrimp

Since shrimp spoil rather quickly, their choice and purchase should be taken quite seriously.

The fresh shrimp is dense and smells like the sea. With great care it is necessary to buy peeled and thawed (chilled) shrimp. After all, it is impossible to say with great accuracy whether they lie on the ice for one day or more. Moreover, when in contact with air, they begin to deteriorate faster.

It is best to buy frozen fresh in shell or ready-made shrimp in ice glaze, as ice is an excellent preservative. A properly finished shrimp has a curved tail. If there are dark spots on the head and shell of the shrimp, then it is better not to buy such shrimp.

How to cook tiger prawns

When choosing frozen shrimps, it is better to give preference to shrimps in their original packaging, rather than sold by weight.

How to cook shrimp

Cooking shrimp is not at all difficult, the main thing is to remember that they cannot be overcooked and overcooked.

They are delicious on their own and unnecessary culinary manipulations do not benefit them. Here the principle applies: the less the better. Fresh shrimps are boiled for only 3-4 minutes. Ready frozen ones are cooked for only 1-2 minutes.

If you are using frozen fresh food, place them in a pot of boiling water without thawing.

The intestines should be removed from the tiger shrimp, for this it is necessary to open the abdomen with a knife.

Raw shrimp is good, this will keep everything beneficial features... It should be borne in mind that the cooking time for steaming is slightly longer and for fresh shrimp is from 5 to 8 minutes. Focus on color: when the product turns red, it is ready. Can be used vegetable broth instead of water, then the shrimp will be even tastier.

Tiger prawns can be safely called a real gourmet gift. This is an exquisite seafood delicacy with melting and delicious meat, which is almost free of fat. However, it is rich in proteins and omega-3 fatty acids.

Such delicious and healthy tiger prawns

Tiger prawns owe their name to the black transverse stripes on the shell. However, they are distinguished from their counterparts not only by the "war" coloring, but also by their dimensions. Tiger prawns are quite impressive in size: 15–35 centimeters in length.

100 grams of tiger prawns contain only 95 calories

In the seafood market, they are appreciated for their excellent dietary properties and exceptional utility. They contain calcium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, selenium, iodine, B vitamins and astaxanthin. The latter has antioxidant properties. Regular consumption of tiger prawns will help improve the condition of your skin and hair.

How to cook tiger prawns properly

Tiger prawns are easy to cook, the main thing is to remember that they cannot be overcooked or overcooked. This seafood is delicious on its own and will not benefit from excess heat treatment. With long boiling or frying, the shrimp meat will become rubbery, and only a competent approach to this matter will make it simply melt in your mouth.

Cooking - classic way cooking tiger prawns. To do this, you need to take a saucepan, fill it with water, put it on fire and bring to a boil. After that, the water should be salted. To make the shrimp more piquant, you need to add bay leaves, peppercorns, a couple of garlic cloves, a spoonful of tomato paste and the juice of half a lemon.

It is best to fry tiger prawns in olive oil with herbs, garlic and your favorite spices.

Fresh shrimp should be boiled in boiling water for at least 3-4 minutes. If you are lucky enough to find tiger prawns in fresh, after removing the shell, do not forget to remove the intestines. This organ will not spoil the taste of the dish, but it is still better to get rid of it.

The frozen product must first be placed in a colander and rinsed with cold water to remove ice and debris from the shrimp. Only then should they be boiled in boiling water for 2-3 minutes.

Tiger prawns are also very tasty when fried. To do this, heat the pan, pour in vegetable oil and let it warm up. Then you can add fresh shrimp and fry them until tender for 4-6 minutes. When using already boiled shrimp, the frying time is reduced to 1–2 minutes. Before that, they can be marinated in soy sauce for two hours.

Tiger prawns can be used as an independent dish or added to soups, salads, snacks

On the table, tiger prawns are best served with sauce. Specifically, you can mix ketchup, mayonnaise, chopped garlic, and a pinch of red pepper.

Shrimp is gaining more and more popularity in restaurants... They are originally laid out on plates and in glasses.

What kind of products are not added to them: olives, cheese, lemon, and a lot of other ingredients. Just real masterpieces!

Coming from the restaurant, we also want to repeat these culinary masterpieces at home.

Unfortunately, the desired result is not always obtained, the taste is different and the presentation is not the same. It's all about the secrets and cooking technology.

How to cook this seafood so that the meat is soft, tasty and with a delicate aroma? First you need to learn how to choose them correctly.

On store shelves, you can find Atlantic, royal, tiger, Argentine individuals.

By the method of freezing and cleaning: frozen, boiled-frozen; peeled and unpeeled (or shell). And in France they are called langoustines.

Please note how to choose quality shrimp:

  • Caliber... The packages are marked with numbers indicating the caliber. The higher the number, the more crustaceans.

    But the caliber should not exceed 120. If there are no numbers, then this indicates poor-quality filling.

  • Ice... Fresh frozen seafood has a thin layer of ice. A thick layer of ice or snow indicates that the food has been frozen several times.
  • Colour... If the shrimp are yellow or whitish, then they are stale.
  • Tail... If the tails are hanging, then the crustaceans were dead before freezing.
  • Black spots... The presence of black spots indicates diseases of marine life.

Having made your choice, you need to cook the shrimp correctly. Before that, they should be defrosted.

The cooking time is shown in the table:

How long does it take to cook frozen peeled shrimp?

How much to cook frozen peeled seafood? The cleaned sea inhabitants do not need to be boiled; they can be poured with boiling water for 3-4 minutes and allowed to brew.

If you want to play it safe, then you need to cook them for no more than 1 minute. Readiness is determined by color. Finished crustaceans will turn juicy orange.

The most uncomplicated recipe for cooking seafood:

  1. We wash the shrimp under cold filtered water.
  2. Boil 1.5–2 liters of water (depending on the amount of product).
  3. Add salt to taste, 3-4 bay leaves, black peppercorns (optional). Mix everything well.
  4. After boiling water, add shrimp, mix. Cover with a lid and wait for it to boil.
  5. As soon as they boil, wait 1 minute, turn off and immediately drain the water.
  6. The dish is ready!

Important! Make sure these crustaceans are not overcooked. Otherwise, they will become stiff like rubber. Unpeeled shrimp boil for no more than 3 minutes, and peeled for 1 minute.

How to cook king prawns properly?

King prawns get their name for their large size.

Consider how many minutes they cook in the table below:

Try this easy recipe for grilled seafood:

  • Pour some oil into a frying pan, put frozen king prawns.
  • We make the fire smaller.
  • Cover with a lid.
  • As soon as they are browned, turn over.
  • Add salt, spices to taste (cumin, turmeric, garlic, dill).
  • Cover and turn off for about 1 minute.

Important! Do not overexpose the shrimp in a skillet, otherwise they will be tough.

How to cook tiger prawns for beer?

Shrimp is not only a healthy, low-calorie seafood... It is an excellent beer snack. Doubt - try to cook amazing tiger prawns for beer.

What you need:

  1. Raw shrimp.
  2. A little olive oil.
  3. Parsley.
  4. Soy sauce.
  5. Leek.
  6. Lemon.
  7. Garlic.

Cooking method:

  • The first step is to peel the shrimp. We make an incision in the back and take out the nerve.
  • We rinse under running water.
  • Cut the leeks into rings.
  • Preheat the frying pan, pour in some vegetable oil.
  • Fold the onions, fry over low heat.
  • Chop the garlic and add to the onion, fry for literally 1 minute.
  • Place the shrimp in a skillet. Fry over high heat.
  • Add lemon juice to taste.
  • Then add 100 grams of soy sauce, a little parsley.
  • Mix thoroughly, cover and leave to rise for 2 minutes. We turn down the fire.
  • Turn off after 2 minutes. The beer snack is ready.

How to cook fresh shrimp deliciously at home?

At home, these marine life can be prepared in several ways. A set of products will be needed for cooking in two ways.

Products composition:

  1. Shrimp package.
  2. 100 grams of butter.
  3. 1 liter of vegetable oil.
  4. Several sprigs of thyme.
  5. A pinch of salt.
  6. 0.5 cups of brandy.
  7. 1 teaspoon cane sugar
  8. 0.5 cups flour.
  9. 0.5 cups starch.

1st option: flambé

  • Peel the shrimp.
  • Heat a frying pan, put a few pieces of butter on it.
  • Toss a few cloves of garlic over the butter.
  • Next, send prepared seafood to a frying pan with boiling oil; put in thyme.
  • When one side of the shrimp is browned, gently turn it over to the other side.
  • Add a pinch of salt.
  • Pour in brandy and carefully bring up a lighted match. The cognac will flash.
  • When the fire is gone, the shrimp should be turned over again.
  • If you do everything right, the dish will be amazing.

2nd option: in batter

  • Pour a small part of flour, starch in equal proportions into the container.
  • Don't forget to sprinkle with salt.
  • Add 1 teaspoon cane sugar.
  • Pour in cold water gently.
  • Stir until you get homogeneous mass... The consistency of the batter should resemble thick sour cream.
  • Pour vegetable oil (1 liter) into a deep container.
  • Prepare the shrimp: holding by the tail, dip them in a bowl of batter one by one.
  • On a frying pan preheated to 180 ° C, carefully and slowly put the future masterpieces.
  • As soon as they appeared golden crust- remove immediately with tongs and place on a paper towel (so that the oil is absorbed properly).

Useful video

Tiger prawns differ from the usual in size and color of the shell. Such molluscs, of course, are more expensive. They have a truly amazing taste. But in order to enjoy the taste of tiger prawns, you need to learn how to cook them properly. Therefore, we invite you to discuss today how much to cook tiger prawns.

If you do not observe the duration of cooking seafood such as shrimp, then you can hopelessly ruin the dish. As a result, the shrimp will turn out to be either raw, or tough and rubbery, devoid of any taste. How much to cook frozen tiger prawns in shells? NS The duration of their heat treatment can vary from one to five minutes.

Now let's see what it depends on. Surely each of you saw shrimp in pink and gray shades in the store. This can help you determine if the shellfish have been cooked before freezing. If the shrimp have been boiled, they will have a pink tint. In this case, they should be boiled for one minute.

On a note! Some cooks simply pour boiling water over the seafood and leave it for a few minutes. You do not even need to resort to cooking, they will reach readiness anyway.

How much to cook frozen unpeeled tiger prawns? Again, it all depends on additional heat treatment. If the shrimp has not been boiled, then it will take 3 to 5 minutes to cook them. Large clams can be simmered a little longer, especially when it comes to unpeeled and raw tiger prawns.

How much to cook raw tiger prawns? No more than five minutes. Focus on the color of the seafood. When the shrimp is ready to eat, it will turn pink and float to the surface of the liquid.

What else should you pay attention to? It is advisable to defrost the tiger prawns before cooking. So you can get rid of excess ice and possible debris. After thawing, the mollusks are washed.

Immerse the shrimp in well-boiling water. It must first be salted. As for the amount of salt, as a rule, one teaspoon of salt is added to 1 liter of water. If the shrimp is not peeled, add twice as much salt. As for the amount of liquid, it should also be twice as much seafood. For cooking, choose bulky dishes.

On a note! We measure the cooking time from the moment the liquid re-boils.

It is also worth noting that it is not necessary to peel the tiger prawns before cooking. Of course, you can remove the head, tail and shell and boil the shellfish fillets already. Or you can immerse them in water entirely. After boiling, you can easily butcher them.

There is one caveat. Inside each shrimp, in particular tiger shrimp, there is a so-called intestinal ribbon. It passes in the direction from the tail. It must be removed before heat treatment.

During the heat treatment, in addition to salt, other components can be added to the water, for example, freshly squeezed lemon juice, allspice peas, laurel leaves, and clove inflorescences.

Perfectly combined with shrimp various sauces, Exotic fruits such as avocados, herbs, and vegetables. You can serve seafood as a stand-alone meal, as a snack, or use it to make salads, delicious pasta, pizza, etc.

Amazing gourmet snack

As soon as the chefs prepare tiger prawns! You can steam them or deep-fry them in batter. It is advisable to boil the shrimp before this until tender. Although not everyone does this. But if you're just learning how to cook seafood treats, it's best to play it safe.


  • frozen tiger prawns - 0.8 kg;
  • salt;
  • wheat flour top grade- 100 g;
  • select chicken egg - two pieces;
  • breading flakes - 100 g;
  • refined vegetable oil - 250 ml;
  • sesame seed oil - three tablespoons. spoons;
  • grain mustard - one table. a spoon;
  • cane sugar - one table. a spoon;
  • any ketchup - five tables. spoons;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - one table. a spoon;
  • chili pepper.


  1. First of all, we take the tiger prawns out of the freezer and leave them to thaw naturally. It is best to leave the seafood in the main section of the refrigerator.
  2. Then we wash each mollusk well. Remove the shell and remove the head.
  3. You can leave the ponytails. We try to cut the shrimp carefully so as not to damage the loin.
  4. As mentioned, shrimp has intestinal ribbons. We pick it up from the side of the tail of the mollusk and remove it.
  5. At this stage, it is better to boil the shrimp for 1-2 minutes in boiling salted water. Alternatively, you can skip this step and immediately proceed with further cooking.
  6. Sift into a bowl wheat flour... We bread each shrimp in flour.
  7. Break into a separate plate chicken eggs... Beat these ingredients so that the mass acquires a uniform consistency.
  8. After flour breading, each tiger shrimp is immersed in an egg mixture.
  9. The final stage is flakes. Of course, you can use rusks, but the flakes are much better and give the shrimp an appetizing look. As a rule, Japanese cooks use cereal for breading. Here's a hint on where to find such a product.
  10. In a deep fryer or in a dish with a thickened bottom, we heat and even literally bring refined vegetable oil to a boil. Immerse one shrimp in butter and simmer for exactly 30 seconds.
  11. Then we transfer the shrimp to a paper towel to remove excess oily.
  12. Now let's prepare the sauce. Combine ketchup, cane sugar, granular mustard, some ground chili, freshly squeezed lemon juice and sesame seed oil in a separate bowl.
  13. We actively mix all the ingredients of the sauce so that the mass acquires a homogeneous consistency.
  14. Serve tiger prawns with sauce. The dish can be served with lemon slices and salad leaves.

Tiger prawns have a larger size and unusual color, in contrast to the classic small shrimps, as well as their own cooking characteristics, so we will consider how much and how to cook tiger prawns (boiled-frozen and fresh, peeled and unpeeled).

One of the key factors affecting taste qualities cooked shrimp (both tiger prawns and their other species) is the cooking time, so let's immediately consider how long to cook tiger prawns:

  • How much to cook frozen tiger prawns (peeled and unshelled)? If the purchased tiger prawns are boiled-frozen (they were pre-cooked before freezing and have a pink tint), then it is enough to cook them for 1 minute, after boiling the water, if you bought freshly frozen tiger prawns, then they must be gradually thawed before cooking and after placing in boiling water cook for an average of 3-5 minutes until tender (if pink and float, then they are ready).
  • How many minutes to cook fresh tiger prawns? Fresh tiger prawns are boiled for an average of 3-5 minutes (depending on their size), while before cooking they can not be peeled from the shell and head, but it is advisable to get the stomach (intestinal tape).

Having learned how much to cook tiger prawns, we will consider further how to cook them correctly in a saucepan so that they turn out delicious, soft and juicy.

How to cook frozen boiled tiger prawns?

Boiled-frozen tiger in most cases is a ready-to-eat product, as it was cooked at the factory and frozen after that. Nevertheless, many advise to conduct a small heat treatment, so we will consider step by step how to cook frozen tiger prawns (pink in color, pre-cooked):

  • Defrost the shrimps by pouring them into a colander and holding them under cold or warm water so that the ice comes off the shrimp and they are cleared of small debris.
  • We put a pot of water on the stove and bring the water to a boil over high heat (on average, pour water 2 times more by volume than shrimp).
  • After the water boils, add salt (1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water, if the shrimp is peeled, or 2 teaspoons of salt if the tiger prawns are unpeeled from the shell and head), and if desired, you can add a few black peppercorns, bay leaf, juice from half a lemon, and other spices or herbs.
  • Next, add the defrosted shrimp and after the water boils again, reduce the heat so that the water does not boil too much and cook the shrimp for 1-2 minutes.
  • We immediately take the boiled shrimps out of the pan and serve.

Note: after the tiger prawns have thawed them, it is advisable to get the intestinal tape that runs inside the tail. This can be done in several ways, while the shrimp can be peeled raw or left in the shell and with the head (see the video below for more details).

How to cook fresh frozen and raw tiger prawns?

  • Ingredients: fresh tiger prawns - 0.5 kg, water - 1 liter, salt - 0.5-1 tbsp, spices - to taste.
  • Total cooking time: 10 minutes, preparation time: 5 minutes, cooking time: 5 minutes.
  • Calories: 87 calories (per 100 grams of product).
  • Cuisine: European. Type of dish: seafood. Servings: 2.

Raw and frozen tiger prawns need to be boiled longer than cooked frozen ones. These shrimps are grayish in color (with a dark brindle color on the back). Let's consider further how to cook raw tiger prawns (if the shrimps are freshly frozen, they must first be defrosted by placing them in a plate and in the refrigerator overnight before the day of cooking):

  • First of all, we take out the intestinal tape in the tail from the tiger shrimp (before that, clean the whole shrimp from the shell and head or not, at your discretion).
  • Put the water in a saucepan over high heat and bring to a boil, then add salt and spices to your taste (pepper, bay leaf, lemon juice, herbs) to it.
  • We put the tiger prawns in boiling water, wait for the water to boil again, reduce the heat so that the water boils slightly and cook the shrimps for 3-5 minutes (depending on whether they are large in size or not, and peeled from the shell and head or No).
  • At the end of cooking, take the shrimp out of the pan and serve.

Note: Tiger prawns unpeeled from their shells are salted 2 times more than peeled ones.

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