We prepare a delicious vinaigrette and find out its calorie content. Vinaigrette, calorie content, benefits and dietary properties With potatoes and butter

The vitamin and mineral composition of the dish is represented by vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E, H, PP, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, cobalt, manganese, copper, molybdenum, fluorine, chromium , zinc.

To understand why the calorie content of the vinaigrette with butter and potatoes is so low (as already mentioned, 100 g of the product contains only 130 kcal), you should take a closer look at the composition of the dish. V standard recipe vinaigrette (for 4 servings) are used:

  • boiled potatoes(100g);
  • boiled carrots (150 grams);
  • onions (50 grams);
  • boiled beets (300 grams);
  • parsley (20 grams);
  • sunflower oil(4 tablespoons).

Apart from oil, all ingredients are low in calories.

To make a vinaigrette, you must:

  • boil carrots, beets and potatoes;
  • slice boiled vegetables cubes;
  • add finely chopped onions to vegetables;
  • fill the mixture with sunflower oil;
  • garnish with parsley before serving.

Calorie vinaigrette without oil

The calorie content of vinaigrette without oil per 100 grams is 70 kcal. Thus, only due to one sunflower oil, the calorie content of the dish increases by about 50 kcal.

Calorie vinaigrette without potatoes

The calorie content of vinaigrette without potatoes per 100 grams is 118 kcal. Thus, it is impractical to exclude potatoes from the dish, since it practically does not increase the amount of calories contained in the salad.

Calorie vinaigrette with beans

The calorie content of vinaigrette with beans per 100 grams is 68 kcal. 100 g of lettuce contains 2.5 g of protein, 2.7 g of fat, 8.9 g of carbohydrates.

To prepare 4 servings of vinaigrette, the following components are required:

  • 330 g of boiled beets;
  • 290 g pickles;
  • 310 g sauerkraut;
  • 150 g onions;
  • 250 g of boiled beans;
  • 6 g salt;
  • 35 g of sunflower oil.

The beets are boiled, peeled and diced. Sauerkraut and beans are added to it. Finely chop the onion, cut pickles into small cubes, pour the slices into the salad. The dish is salted, seasoned with sunflower oil, mixed well.

Low calorie vinaigrette - is it possible to eat a dish while losing weight

Doctors and nutritionists fully support the idea of ​​losing weight on a vinaigrette. The dish is full of useful vitamins and minerals, has a low calorie content, so not only helps to lose weight, but also saturates the body with energy.

If you decide to choose a vinaigrette diet, then be sure to study the following recommendations:

  • only used for power fresh salad... Yesterday's vinaigrette will not suit you, as the dish is saturated with sunflower oil and becomes heavier and more nutritious;
  • when losing weight on a vinaigrette, eat more apples, kiwi and oranges. These fruits will saturate the body with sugars and vitamin C, which will help speed up metabolism, strengthen the immune system;
  • since salt and pickles are present in the vinaigrette recipe, you should drink more liquid when consuming it. The recommended rate is up to 1.5 liters of clean water per day if you lead an average active lifestyle. With active sports and hard physical labor, the amount of water drunk daily should be at least 2 - 2.5 liters. Drinking more than 3 liters is not recommended, since such an amount of liquid provokes edema.

The benefits of vinaigrette

The known benefits of vinaigrette are as follows:

  • beetroot lettuce is saturated minerals that regulate metabolism and reduce the rate of formation of body fat;
  • there is a lot of vitamin C in the potatoes of the dish, which is useful for activating the immune functions of the body;
  • the carrots used in the salad are saturated with calcium and iodine, which are necessary for the health of the thyroid gland, bones, nails, hair;
  • pickles have a stimulating effect on the digestion process;
  • due to the saturation of sauerkraut vinaigrette with vitamins B and C, the dish has a bactericidal effect, normalizes the brain and nervous system.

The harm of vinaigrette

The harm of vinaigrette is extremely rare and usually consists of the following:

  • the use of sauerkraut salad is contraindicated for ulcers, colitis, gastritis;
  • when eating stale vinaigrette, serious upset stomach and intestines are not excluded, for example, you can face diarrhea, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, constipation;
  • the amount of vinaigrette consumed is limited in diabetes mellitus. This is due to the fact that the components in the composition of the dish are quickly absorbed, increasing the concentration of insulin in the blood.

Alexander Gushchin

I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Vinaigrette is a popular salad made from vegetables with dressings. For many years he has been a favorite everyday dish of many people. The calorie content of the vinaigrette (100 g) ranges from 35 to 220 Kcal. The name of the dish comes from the word for french sauce based on vinegar - vinaigrette. In Russian cuisine, this cold appetizer appeared in the middle of the 19th century, presumably borrowed from the Scandinavians and Germans.

Useful properties and composition of vinaigrette salad

This cold appetizer refers to dietary meals, since for its preparation mainly seasonal vegetables, light dressings are used. A vinaigrette-based diet has proven itself well. The products included in this salad have a positive effect on the human body:

  • the level of cholesterol decreases;
  • metabolism improves;
  • vitamin deficiency does not develop;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • the gastrointestinal tract functions better.

The classic vinaigrette includes:

  • boiled beets, carrots, potatoes;
  • fresh onions;
  • salted cucumbers;
  • oil and vinegar dressing.

V different recipes salad, it is suggested to use eggs, beans, sauerkraut, green pea, herring. For festive option- red fish, quail eggs, capers, avocado. Beets for a snack can be red, pink, yellow and white. The shade of the finished dish depends on the color of the root vegetable. Fresh herbs are used for decoration - dill, parsley, basil, arugula, oregano.

How many calories are in a vegetable vinaigrette

Calorie content vegetable vinaigrette depends on the selected recipe, the set of products used, the cooking method. On average, 100 g of a ready-made snack contains 130 Kcal, thanks to which the dish can be safely included in the diet menu. Fiber-rich vegetables quickly saturate the body, satisfying hunger for a long time and not allowing extra pounds to be stored.

To preserve the beneficial properties of the ingredients, nutritionists advise:

  • do not boil vegetables, but steam them;
  • use fresh or frozen beans, peas instead of canned ones.

With potatoes and butter

Vinaigrette with potatoes and butter is traditionally seasoned with vinegar-sunflower sauce. The calorie content of such a snack is 150 Kcal per 100g. However, the dish can be varied with various oils, each of which has its own benefits:

  • corn - participates in the breakdown of fats;
  • olive - has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties;
  • mustard - helps to preserve the freshness of the prepared dish;
  • linseed - a low-calorie substance, saturates the body with fatty amino acids;
  • sesame - rich in calcium;
  • pumpkin seed - an excellent source of zinc;
  • soy - practically has no taste and smell;
  • nutty - helps the liver to cope with toxins.

Thanks to the variety of vegetable oils, the usual cold appetizer with potatoes will acquire new flavoring nuances. A dish prepared taking into account the recommendations of nutritionists will not only become less high-calorie, but also allow you to get the maximum benefit. The products will retain vitamins, microelements, natural color, shape, fresh aroma. Vegetable oils will make the vinaigrette nutritious.

No potatoes

In some diet recipes vinaigrettes suggest excluding potatoes from the composition. Green peas or beans are used as an alternative. To increase the benefits of the snack, the recipe is supplemented with frozen or fresh legumes, and flaxseed oil is used as a dressing. The calorie content of such a salad is only 49 Kcal per 100 g, which allows it to be included in the diet of a healthy diet.

With peas

Green peas are delicious useful product containing easily digestible protein, vitamins and minerals. It has a mild diuretic effect, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Pea vinaigrette is made from fresh, frozen, or canned legumes, which add a special freshness to the dish. 100 g of this salad contains 128 Kcal.

With sauerkraut

In some recipes cold appetizer instead of pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut is used, which gives the dish an exquisite and spicy taste... If this product is prepared according to all the fermentation rules without the use of vinegar, it is useful and can be included in the diet, as it is rich in vitamins and microelements. In 100 g of vinaigrette with sauerkraut contains about 104 Kcal.

With the addition of beans

Beans rich in protein are often used as an ingredient in vinaigrette. The variety of legumes gives every gourmet the opportunity to choose a product to their liking. Regardless of the type of beans, they are equally good for the body. Legumes can be added to salad as an addition to the main ingredients, and as an alternative to potatoes. The calorie content of a cold snack with legumes is about 53 Kcal per 100 g.

With herring

In Scandinavian cuisine, where the vinaigrette comes from, the salad is prepared with Norwegian herring. Cold-salted spicy fish, combined with vegetables, gives the dish a delicious and sophisticated flavor. Experienced chefs it is recommended to soak herring in milk, which will rid it of excess salt and give it special tenderness. Salted fish vinaigrette contains 119 Kcal per 100 g of ready-made salad.

What is the calorie content in 100 grams of vinaigrette

A dish made from steamed vegetables, without potatoes and herring, with a dressing of linseed oil, lemon or vinegar, less calories, no more than 122 Kcal. Glycemic index 100 g of vinaigrette - 35, carbohydrates in this amount of salad 6.6 g, fat - 10 g, protein - 1.4 g. The low calorie content does not affect the taste and nutritional qualities of the snack, and the variety of products expands the boundaries of experimenting with the recipe for an appetizing dish.

With olive oil

Fashion to use olive oil as an alternative to sunflower, the vinaigrette was not spared. For salads, you should choose extra-class cold-pressed olive dressings with low acidity. This oil has characteristic taste and a scent that is not to everyone's liking. In this case, you should opt for a refined olive dressing, the organoleptic characteristics of which will be practically imperceptible in the dish. 100g of vinaigrette with olive-vinegar sauce contains 91 kcal.

Without oil

Nutritionists disagreed over the idea of ​​making a vinaigrette without using vegetable oil. Some argue that it is better to use it without oil dressing, because then it has reduced calorie content- 36 kcal per 100g. Others, on the other hand, insist on adding fragrant dressing... As a gastronomic delight, the vinaigrette is seasoned with sauce:


Calorie content of vinaigrette per 100 grams. Calorie vinaigrette recipes

The finished vinaigrette contains many nutrients: vitamins C, B, K, iodine, calcium, fiber, lactic acid. Vegetables in the salad, especially beets, have a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, help to get rid of excess weight. The low calorie content of the dish (only 125 kilocalories per 100 g) allows it to be included in the diet without harming the figure and with the benefit of the body.


Irina Pegova shocked everyone with a weight loss recipe:"I threw off 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew it for the night ..." Read more >>

Calorie content and BZHU

For people who adhere to principles proper nutrition(PP), it is important to know the nutritional and energy value of the food consumed. This is necessary in order to compose a balanced diet, excluding harmful foods from it.

The table below details the calorie content of each ingredient per 100 grams.

KBZHU classic recipe vinaigrette.

The most nutritious ingredient in the salad is sunflower oil. His energy value should not scare people who are losing weight, since an average of about 10 grams of oil is added to 100 grams of vinaigrette.

The benefits of salad

Vinaigrette is useful not only for losing weight. It contains products that have a beneficial effect on the work of human internal organs and are the prevention of various diseases. Beneficial features:

  1. 1. Moderate consumption of sunflower oil saturates the body of a losing weight with vitamin E, polyunsaturated fatty acids and is a good prevention of heart and vascular diseases.
  2. 2. Vegetables contain fiber. It reduces hunger and cleanses the intestines of toxins and toxins.
  3. 3. V boiled beets contains betaine, which helps burn fat. And the curcumin in the vegetable prevents fat storage. During pregnancy, an indispensable substance for the expectant mother is folic acid. She takes part in the formation of the child's nervous system. Therefore, salad is very useful for pregnant girls.
  4. 4. Pickled cucumbers contain lactic acid, which protects the body from viral infections.


The benefits and harms of the vinaigrette are due to its composition. Some ingredients in the presence of a number of diseases can negatively affect the human condition:

  • Pickled cucumbers retain fluid in the body, therefore, people with urinary tract pathology should be from their use.
  • Sauerkraut is contraindicated for peptic ulcer disease, gastritis and colitis.
  • Green peas cause gas formation in the intestines, it is recommended to use it in moderation for people prone to bloating.

There are salad recipes that use mayonnaise as a dressing. Nutritionists categorically prohibit the inclusion of high-calorie sauce in their menu, as this quick way get better and cause digestive upset.

Diet salad recipe

To prepare diet salad, it is not necessary to remove potatoes and vegetable oil from its composition. The main rule is moderate consumption of vinaigrette. They get fat not from high-calorie foods, but from their increased amount in the diet.

Olive oil is better absorbed by the body than sunflower, which is why these are two interchangeable ingredients in recipes. It also enhances fat burning.

To prepare two portions vegetable salad would need:

  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • beets - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • canned green peas or boiled beans - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • fresh herbs (dill, green onions);
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. 1. Boil the vegetables in their skins and cool in the refrigerator so that they do not stick together during the cutting process.
  2. 2. Peel potatoes, carrots and beets and cut into cubes.
  3. 3. Season the beets with 1 tbsp. l. oil so that the vegetable retains its rich color.
  4. 4. Finely chop the onion and herbs.
  5. 5. Combine all ingredients, salt. Season with oil and mix well. Salad ready!

Fasting day

Due to its low calorie content, vinaigrette can be eaten by people who are on a strict diet. There are also quick option for weight loss - fasting day. It is relevant before an important event, when there is an urgent need to lose weight in one or two days.

Efficient and useful unloading rules:

  1. 1. The daily intake is 800 calories. Divide the vinaigrette into 4-6 servings and eat them throughout the day.
  2. 2. Food must not be salted.
  3. 3. Drink at least 2 liters of clean water. You will have to give up coffee, sweet tea and shop juices.
  4. 4. It is best to arrange a fasting day on a weekend, so that the body does not experience strong mental and physical stress.
  5. 5. To keep the result, you need to eat only light meals... Fit oatmeal in milk, boiled chicken, rice with vegetables in a slow cooker, etc.

And a little about secrets ...

The story of one of our readers Alina R .:

My weight was especially depressing for me. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with an increase of 165. I thought my stomach would come off after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person younger as his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that overweight girls are called "WOMAN", and that "they don't sew that size." Then at 29, divorce from her husband and depression ...

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Recognized - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? Slightly more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

And when to find all this time? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. Therefore, I chose a different way for myself ...

Calorie vinaigrette with potatoes, beans, green peas, sauerkraut, mayonnaise, vegetable oil.

During the cold season, weekdays and holidays almost always pass with vinaigrette on the table. This salad is so versatile and easy to prepare that it has long won the hearts of gourmets of all ages.

It has another name - a salad made from everything that was in the refrigerator. Budget combined with health benefits are factors that housewives take into account when diversifying the family's daily menu.

It is interesting that people who want to lose their extra pounds are happy to eat vinaigrette. They only change the composition of the ingredients and count the calories.

Let's talk in more detail about the energy value of 100 g of vinaigrette, depending on its composition.

Calorie vinaigrette per 100 grams with vegetable oil and potatoes: value for losing weight

delicious vinaigrette with butter and potatoes in a bowl

When your goal is to cut everything down and get leaner, then you have to count the calories of the meals you eat.

Vinaigrette is an interesting combination of vegetables that can be adjusted according to the energy value of the finished dish.

Its classic version consists of boiled potatoes and vegetable oil. They are the most nutritious ingredients.

Therefore, 100 g of vinaigrette with their participation contains approximately 103 kcal.

Calorie vinaigrette per 100 grams without oil and without potatoes

If you prepare a vinaigrette without potatoes and vegetable oil, replacing them with pickles, sauerkraut and a bunch of green onions, then the energy value of the dish is significantly reduced. It is 30.3 kcal.

Calorie vinaigrette per 100 grams with green peas

girl holding vinaigrette with green peas in a bowl

Vegetable salad, consisting of potatoes, carrots, beets, sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers and canned peas in terms of calorie content of 100 g of the product, has an indicator of 71-75 kcal.

Video: How to make a vinaigrette and count calories?

Calorie vinaigrette per 100 grams with sauerkraut

There are many variations of vinaigrette with sauerkraut. Therefore, the calorie content of 100 g of the product varies slightly between 46-53 kcal.

The first indicator is achieved in the absence of potatoes, and replacing them with frozen peas. The second is inherent classic version with the addition of onions.

Calorie vinaigrette per 100 grams with mushrooms

a bowl and a plate with a vinaigrette with mushrooms on the table

Adding salted mushrooms to the usual recipe increases the calorie content of the finished dish to 95 kcal.

Calorie vinaigrette per 100 grams with beans

If you like vinaigrette with canned beans, then its energy value is 52 kcal.

Moreover, the rest of the ingredients of the salad are:

  • beets and carrots
  • potatoes and pickles

Calorie vinaigrette per 100 grams with mayonnaise

portion of aromatic vinaigrette with mayonnaise with a few pieces of herring

Dressed not with vegetable oil, but with mayonnaise, the vinaigrette significantly adds energy value. So 100 g of salad will "get heavier" to 177 kcal.

Is it possible to eat vinaigrette while losing weight?

Definitely you can. Just regulate its calorie content by eliminating and replacing foods that contribute to the accumulation of excess weight. These are, for example, potatoes, mayonnaise. Worthy and tasty substitutes for them will be:

  • Salted mushrooms are a source of protein. It, in turn, is useful in burning excess fat.
  • Sauerkraut and pickles.
  • Canned peas, beans.
  • Vegetable oils - olive, sunflower, linseed.

Get examined by a gastroenterologist to see if you have gastritis or an acidity imbalance in your stomach. Then sauerkraut is allowed in a fragrant salad.

So, we looked at the energy values ​​of vinaigrette with different ingredients, both vegetable and liquid seasonings. We have determined the conditions for the use of the dish for those who seek to reduce their weight.

Be healthy!

Video: preparing a vinaigrette - calorie content of 1 kg of product

Vinaigrette is familiar to many as a fairly budgetary vegetable dish with amazing taste. The product can be an excellent vitamin supplement to the daily diet and can be equated with independent food intake for a lean menu.

There are many salad recipes. The calorie content of the final dish will depend on the ingredients and the chosen dressing. Let's take a closer look at the salad vinaigrette: calories are contained in a large or small amount, where the balance of BJU tends, what are beneficial features meals for the body?

Useful properties of the dish

Vegetable ingredients of the salad give the body a rich vitamin and mineral complex. The vinaigrette contains 19 out of 20 types of macro- and microelements necessary for a person (boron, iron, vanadium, manganese, chromium, copper, phosphorus, potassium, iron) and vitamins E, C, PP, H, B. The product includes a large amount of dietary fiber and vegetable fiber that cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and has a beneficial effect on the intestines.

By ingredients, the positive properties of vinaigrette salad can be described as follows:

  • potatoes help to strengthen the body's defense systems;
  • carrots are rich in vitamin A (100 grams fill the daily requirement of the element), includes iodine, calcium;
  • beets normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, lowers blood pressure;
  • pickles heal the flora of the stomach, improve the metabolic process;
  • beans help to improve the circulatory system thanks to the gland included in the composition;
  • sauerkraut forms the correct microflora in the intestines due to the natural properties of the prebiotic, is a supplier of vitamin C;
  • seaweed enriches the body with iodine;
  • green peas are rich in protein, vitamins, fiber, phosphorus, potassium;
  • onions burn extra calories.

The energetic value of the vinaigrette with sunflower oil increases by 2-2.5 times, however, the use of a "dry" dish will deprive it of a number of taste and useful properties.

Plus, plant-based dressings can vary, giving fewer calories:

  • sesame has a high calcium content,
  • mustard contributes to more long-term preservation freshness of salad,
  • flaxseed is characterized by a lower energy value and saturation with fatty amino acids,
  • corn helps in the process of burning excess fat reserves,
  • pumpkin seed is an excellent supplier of zinc,
  • olive has a strong anti-inflammatory effect,
  • walnut removes toxins from the liver.

Thus, the benefits of vinaigrette salad are reduced to saturation of life support systems with vegetable proteins, the establishment of metabolism, blocking the development of vitamin deficiency and strengthening immunity. The dish reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood and promptly gives a feeling of fullness due to the high content of fast carbohydrates (potatoes, carrots, beets).

Nutritional value of vinaigrette salad

The balance of a dish can tilt towards a certain element when the recipe changes, so it is rather difficult to establish the exact ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in a vinaigrette. Let's take as average examples the indicators with vegetable oil and without dressing. The composition of the ingredients is classic (beets, carrots, potatoes, pickles).

Balance BZHU per 100 grams with a plant component:

  • fat - 10.53 g (49.1%),
  • carbohydrates - 8.21 g (38.3%)
  • proteins - 2.72 g (12.7%).

From the above indicators, it can be seen that the product has a higher fat content: the element replenishes 14% daily value organism with a diet of 2000 kcal / day.

Data on BZHU per 100 grams of vinaigrette without vegetable component:

  • carbohydrates - 8.73 g (79.6%),
  • proteins - 2.04 g (18.6%),
  • fat - 0.20 g (1.8%).

The low energy value of an empty vinaigrette is complemented by the almost complete absence of a fatty component, which makes the dish a real dietary find and removes restrictions on the number of servings consumed.

However, it is worth remembering about the fat-solubility of vitamin A (it is not absorbed without oil) and the numerous alternatives for reducing the calorie content of the dressing (reducing the proportion, replacing with kefir).

Energy value of the product

The calorie content of the vinaigrette can be calculated independently, based on the data on the ingredients included in the recipe. You just need to take into account the weight of the added vegetables and other components. Vinaigrette (kcal are indicated for 100 grams) consists of the following products:

  • boiled carrots - 25;
  • boiled beets - 49;
  • boiled potatoes - 82;
  • pickles - 11;
  • sauerkraut - 19;
  • green canned peas - 55;
  • boiled beans - 123;
  • pickled mushrooms - 24;
  • salted herring - 160-217;
  • sunflower oil - 899;
  • mayonnaise - 630.

Some of the ingredients have dietary properties, some are high in calories. So lettuce (kcal per 100 grams) gives out calorie data depending on the selected recipe.

For a classic vinaigrette, take a composition with potatoes, beets, carrots, pickles in the proportions: cucumbers - 1, potatoes and beets - 2/3, carrots - 1/3. Then the calorie content of the salad without vegetable dressing will be 40 units (100 grams) out of the total weight of the dish of 800 grams.

Now we add the sunflower component: one tablespoon (10 g) contains 89.9 units. Season with three tablespoons, the total calorie content of the vinaigrette with sunflower ingredient (100 grams) is 71 units.

Consider some cooking options (kcal - 100 g for a dish weighing about 800 grams):

  • with sauerkraut without a sunflower component (instead of cucumbers) - 41;
  • with sauerkraut, vegetable oil and potatoes - 72;
  • without potatoes, oil - 28;
  • without potatoes with a sunflower component - 59;
  • vegetable with beans without vegetable ingredient - 72;
  • vegetable with beans and sunflower component - 83;
  • with butter, potatoes, peas - 77;
  • with peas without herbal ingredient - 46;
  • with herring - 119;
  • with mayonnaise - 66.2 (1 tbsp. l. - 126 units);
  • with sour cream - 42 (1 tbsp. l. 10% - 23 units).

Adding 200 grams of onions for flavor provides 82 calories.

Features of the composition of vinaigrette for weight loss

There are many ways to prepare a meal that you can choose from to include in your weight loss diet. Diet vinaigrette- Vegetable recipe without potatoes with minimal oil dressing.

Ingredients include beets, carrots, pickles, canned peas, red beans (all 100 grams), sunflower component (half a teaspoon), salt.

Boil carrots and beets in a peel, peel and cut into cubes. Cut the cucumbers into cubes. Mix with beans and peas. Add salt and oil.

The calorie content of such a vinaigrette (per 100 grams) will be 52.4 calories.

There are a few tricks to making a salad look aesthetically pleasing:

  1. Bake vegetables or boil them in the skins for a richer taste. A slightly undercooked version will make the ingredients of the salad healthier.
  2. Season the vegetables separately in separate bowls to keep the colors of the ingredients from mixing.
  3. It is not recommended to combine vegetables in a metal bowl.
  4. Before the rest of the ingredients, cut, season and salt the beets.
  5. Try to keep the lettuce cubes as small as possible.
  6. Salt is added first, then the sunflower component.

To reduce the amount of oil and keep the food juicy this component can be diluted with cabbage brine. You can also use low-fat yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese as a dressing. Do not skimp on greens (helps to cleanse the body) and do not glamor on salt.